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Student Name: Sara Fernandes Date: Friday February 3, 2017

Placement: One to One Support: Full Day Kindergarten

Purpose: This activity can be done independently or in groups.

Reason for completing The purpose of this activity enables the people
the task. This could be playing the game to work on chunking letters
based on an observation together to make words by linking parts of a train
you made, a together. This activity is based on a childs interest in
conversation between trains and based on this child is working on chunking
you and your site letters together.
supervisor, etc
Task: The activity that I am planning is a child directed
What are you planning in activity that does not require one to one direction
response to your unless the child demonstrates otherwise.
purpose? The activity is called Letter Train
-Label your task (e.g. Objective:
Bulletin board focused - Learn to creating chunking words such as
on the importance of C (AT), H(AT)
play-based learning). - Learn new words through as they create
-What are your 3 chunking words
objectives for this - Increase social interactions as this child can tell
experience? (i.e. Why
other students about the parts of the train or
are creating a bulletin
board on the they can collaborate to create words
importance of play- Materials
based learning? What - 26 Linking train parts
message are you - 26 Magnetic letters
sending?) - Various magnetic chunking parts
Step by Step:
Describe the experience: 1. I will have the different parts of activity on a
-List the materials and table and introduce the activity and how to play
resources you will use to the children who are interested
-Describe the completion
of the task, with a step 2. I will be in the area but not necessarily
by step description interacting with the game in order that the
game can be interpreted differently
3. This activity I can made more difficult by
using more difficult endings or by using
multiple languages.

-What went well? Provide
examples for how you
know it went well.
-What didnt go well?
Provide examples for
how you know it
didnt go well.
-What did you learn?
-What might you do
differently next time
you implement this
same task and why?
-Did you have to make
any adaptations or
modifications? If so,
what were they?
-What type of experience
might you plan to
extend on this one?
Field Supervisor Feedback:


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