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We Need More Plus Size Models

Bailey Holland

The fashion industry it has been more diverse than it has ever been before in the previous years. In more and
more magazine, were starting to see more women of color, older women, and women with disabilities. But there is
one group of women that is still getting excluded. Plus size women. In the issues of seven major fashion editorials in
the month of September (Vogue, Harpers Bazaar, W, Elle, Marie Claire, InStyle and Cosmopolitan), there were no
plus size models in sight. According to, Contrary to what seems to be the popular belief in
the fashion industry, not all attempts at including all different types of women are created equal.
Why is it that whenever we pick up a magazine or fashion editorial, we never see any plus size models, when
the average waist size, for women aged 20 and over, is 37.5 inches? Depending on what retail store you go to, 37.5
inches in the waist simply translates to plus size, approximately a size 16 in pants. Besides, now, depending on what
retail store you go to, it seems that every day we see a new beauty slogan claiming that theyre diverse or
inclusive for plus size women but they all end in defeat. To put all the common misconceptions to rest about
fighting for diversity of size, age and race in todays fashion industry, director Jenny McQuaile is in the works of
putting together a new documentary called Straight/Curve. The documentary looks at modern day trends around
female body image and highlights the groundbreaking women that are fighting to redefine societys unrealistic
standards of beauty.
The fashion industry often receives criticism because they regularly create unrealistic body beliefs for women
by only focusing on one body type, one that is typically very thin. Growing up knowing that you want to be a model,
but also knowing that you are different from all the other pretty models you see in the magazines or on television,
because you are slightly bigger than they are, makes you feel as if you arent good enough to be in magazines or on
television like them. Eventually, if you continue to feel like you arent good enough, you will begin to not be
comfortable with the way you look, so in a young girls life, representation is key. Representation is so important
because when you start to see more women in the magazines and on the runway that are comfortable in their skin,
you start to feel the same way about yourself. Little steps,
like major fashion designers including more diverse sizes
in their clothing lines, is what matters the most.
Whether in the fashion industry or not, there are
plenty of people that believe that plus size women should
not be in the high fashion world solely because curvier
women can sometimes surpass the look of the designers
clothes. According to Kirstie Clements (former editor-in-
chief of Vogue Australia), Designers know that their
clothes look better on skinnier models, so they send
clothes to photo sessions that cannot be worn on women
that are anything other than diminutive. You can't have
a plus-size girl winning it makes it a joke," says Julian
Macdonald (judge of Britains Next Top Model).
Nevertheless, regardless of the peoples negative
thoughts of plus size women in the fashion world, several
high fashion magazines are starting to elect plus size
models and designers, to appear in more and more
catwalk shows.
If youre a size 2 or 22, rich or poor, black or
white, we should all be accepted in the fashion world.
The differences in us as people is what makes us human.
If the fashion world wants to be more all-inclusive of
women, every group of women should be recognized in
the fashion world. Not all minus one.

Recently, there have been many controversies about ISIS being related to the religion of Islam. ISIS is a
Salafi jihadist militant organization. It claims religious, political and military authority over all Muslims
worldwide. They claim that they are doing all their attacks in the name of Allah (God). They recently planned
an attack that killed 130 people and 29 injured. Because of those attacks, many people are asking questions
about whether Muslims are terrorists or not. ISIS has nothing to do with Islam.
Some people might think that ISIS is Islamic because they are using the name of Allah when they are doing
their attacks. For example, on 7 January 2015, ISIS attacked the French magazine, Charlie Hebdo, killing 12
people; in the surveillance cameras tape, you could hear them saying, Allah Akbar. (Arabic for God is the
Muslims feel the pain and hatred from non-Muslims, which is to some extent is justified; whenever you hear
about any terror attack, you find ISIS is responsible, claiming Islam for their terrible intents. Muslims would
feel the same about Christians if they found Christian terror groups doing such deeds. In addition to their
terrorism, ISIS is using our peaceful religion of Islam to justify their deeds; they are destroying the reputation of
Muslims all around the world are being misjudged, insulted, and discredited because of the terrorist
groups, like ISIS, claiming to follow the religion of Islam. In France, people there have had Anti-Islam rallies,
and destroyed mosques, Muslims are being mistreated and there have been many posts on social media sites
encouraging people to treat Muslims as cruelly as possible so that they will feel the bad things they are doing
to people. But the militants are doing bad things to peaceful Muslims, too. Muslims are also victims of those
terrorists attacks. Hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslims have been killed in Iraq by those groups that
claim to follow the religion of Islam and to fight for Muslims. ISIS started their reign of terror by massacring
Muslims in the Middle East, destroying their lives, creating many orphans, and the number is rising every single
day. Why someone would kill the group of people that they are claiming to be and to protect? Its because
they are not really part of that group. Islam is strongly against terrorism. The Quran teaches, "Whosoever kill a
human being for other than manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and
whose save the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind." Quran 5:32.
Muslims are people like everyone around them. Many Muslims are citizens of the countries they live in, just
like everyone else who lives there. We cant say that all Muslims are bad or all Muslims are good. You
shouldnt treat Muslims, or anyone else, differently because they dont have the same belief, race or culture
as you. All people should be treated the same, no matter their differences, because they are humans. No
matter what religion you are or how powerful you feel you are, we are all equal.
ISIS has nothing to do with the religion of Islam. The non-Muslims should know that Muslims really, really
hate ISIS. Every true Human has to hate them. We all should unite against ISIS; it is the only way to win. ISIS will
always win if people still think that all Muslims are terrorists, because it will cause a lot of conflict and thats the
goal of ISIS - to create chaos. There is no strength without unity.
Are We Too Dependent On the Internet?
Nadyea Hall

Do we spend too much time on the internet? Many adults say our generation is stuck on the
internet. Of course, they didnt have internet when they were growing up. Its not our fault that
everything we need to know is on the internet. But there are several ways that we can become
too dependent on the internet.

We can find out things on the internet much more quickly than having to go to the library to
look something up or having to wait for the next days newspaper to come out. We can just
search for information and find out right then by using the internet. Our parents might want to
stick their newspapers, but soon newspapers will be gone. On the other hand, what would
happen if the internet vanished?

Is the internet making us lazy and less intelligent? We depend on technology to help us with
everything that comes to mind, instead of actually thinking for ourselves or using a book. We
dont get out of our house to move around and talk to other people enough. We dont have
arguments about what we think or what things mean because we are talking to each other.
Would we change back to the old ways if the internet vanished?

Can the internet make us smarter? It makes it easier to find information about anything we
want to know. We can do school projects and homework faster and better. We use the internet
to help us in so many ways, and some people learn stuff from the internet better than they
learn in school. Could the internet replace the need for us to go to school?
Depending on how you use it, the internet can be good or bad. It can make us lazy and less
intelligent or it can make us smarter. Our generation needs to make sure we use the internet
to make ourselves better because it isnt going away.
Privacy and Confidentiality in Sociology
Spechelle Goodiwn

Someone once stated, The question isnt, What do we want to know about
people? Its, What do people want to tell about themselves? Everyone has the right to
some form of privacy, especially from the people they trust, but from complete strangers,
as well. Sociologist deal with human research, and should be required to follow
confidential guidelines. Every person being studied by a researcher should be informed
before the study begins. It is common curtesy, as well as the professional thing to
do. Privacy and confidentiality is vital when it comes to sociological research.
There is a huge debate about whether or not sociologists should first ask for
permission before prying into peoples lives. One would think that it is the ethical thing
to do. Not all sociologists agree. However, the right thing to do is to inform people before
a study is performed on them. Privacy is a basic human right.
According to many sources, sociologists are actually supposed to keep the
information they obtain through human research confidential. Even when they are doing
field work or must make a report, they must maintain confidentiality. They are able to do
this by changing names and/or maintaining anonymity. The guidelines in sociological
research that concern privacy and confidentiality are set in place to help protect the basic
rights of clients. When a researcher decides to perform a study, they must ask for
permission or the observations may be discredited.
Many others argue that sociologists need to perform research without the
subject knowing, sort of like a blind study. This means that the sociologist would not
need to get the subjects consent. For example, if a sociologist is trying to study the effect
of peer pressure on teens and has to get consent, the research would not be accurate
because the teen would then alter their behavior around peer pressure. However, if they
did not have to get their consent, the researcher would be able to observe the subject in its
natural social setting. This would allow the sociologist to get more accurate observations.
The problem for the subjects is, that what is observed may not show them in a positive
That is why privacy and confidentiality in sociological research is vital for
protecting basic human rights. Asking someone for their permission to be studied is both
respectful, as well as the ethical thing to do. When a sociologist decides to involve
someone in a research study, they should follow privacy and confidentiality guidelines to
insure that the rights of people are being considered.
I think we can all agree that, if it came down to it, we would want to have our
privacy protected. If the most private parts of our lives were destroyed, we would be
embarrassed. It could ruin friendships forever.
Are Locker Searches the Right Thing to Do?
Deijha Arnold

Is randomly searching through someones stuff an invasion of privacy? Yes. But is searching through
someones locker? Most certainly not. Student lockers are not private. The school has the right to search them
whenever they want. The lockers are owned by the school and students are given the privilege to use and
store things in them.

Lockers are searched to ensure the safety of other students and to make sure lockers are not being
misused. According to a June study in Injury Prevention, 32% of kids bring guns to school. This is entirely too
high a number. In Delaware County, a 13 year-old Penn Wood Middle School student brought a 40- caliber
semiautomatic gun to school and stored it in his locker. Police found the gun after a search in the school for an
unknown matter outside the school. If the police hadnt done that search, theres no telling what the student
wouldve done with the gun. Someone couldve been shot or killed.

Another reason to check lockers is to make sure theres no alcohol, tobacco, and drugs in the school
building. These things are prohibited in school by Federal and State laws. Six students from Harper Woods
School District in Michigan, Detroit, were arrested after police found a stash of drugs and alcohol in their
lockers. These students could have been drunk and high and could have put other students in danger.

One may say that checking student lockers is going overboard because students know right from
wrong, and if they were going to do something harmful, they would do it anyway. What if a child was sexting
or getting bullied over text messaging; would checking lockers be going overboard then? In Ohio, 18 year
old Jessica Logan hanged herself in her bedroom after she sent naked pictures to her boyfriend and he sent
them to other high school girls. 6,078 deaths in a year happen because of bulling; searching lockers stop many
of these cases and lets authorities know to get help for

As you can see there are many negative outcomes

that can happen if student lockers arent checked. Your child
or your friend could be the next to commit suicide, endanger
someones life, or even be the one in danger. Taking the
initiative to protect students through locker searches can
have a positive effect on a childs life.
According to the Center for Public Education:
The Fourth Amendment is concerned with privacy and making sure that government entities, such as public
schools, do not get overzealous in investigating violations. Investigatory techniques in a school setting often
mirror activities used by police officers, but school probes lack the criminal enforcement power.

The Fifth Amendment is concerned with fundamental fairness. It means that school officials cannot hold or
punish a student without stating the reason and providing an opportunity to contest the charges. Courts
over the years have said that a hearing does not have to be elaborate. When the offense and potential
penalty are small, the due process requirement can be met with an informal conversation in the principals
office. When the offense is great and penalties such as long-term suspension, expulsion, job loss, or referral
for criminal charges loom, then a formal, full-blown hearing with an adversarial process and potential
legal representation are more in order.

The challenge for school districts and the courts is to balance students constitutional rights with the need
for safety and preventing violence or disregard for schools rules.

The hurdles erected by the U. S. Constitutions Fourth and Fifth Amendments are exclusive to the nations
public schools. Private K-12 institutions have far more leeway to conduct unfettered investigations, withhold
findings if they choose, and unceremoniously ask a student or faculty member to leave. Tuition and
employment contracts rule private school relationships, while Americas social compact and legal contract
(the Constitution) governs how public officials must act.

Situations where the Fourth Amendment (and depending on the results, the Fifth Amendment) might apply:

Drug testing students in extracurricular activities.

Drug-sniffing dogs on campus.
Locker searches and metal detectors.
Backpacks, wallet, and personal computer searches.
Searching a students car in the parking lot.

Given the need for school safety, the authority to conduct searches and reprimand students frequently pre-
empts a students right to privacy or demand for greater process. But its hardly an open invitation. Schools
routinely lose court cases when searches they conduct are not reasonable at the start or become too
sweeping once they begin.

There are many other sites dedicated to exploring this issue, with a wide range of opinions. Be sure to find out
what both sides have to say before you decide whether you think locker searches are beneficial or not.
Should the Government Regulate Our Diet?
By: Dairrean Rose

Imagine if the foods you love were taken away from you. How would you feel? The
government should not be able to control our diet. First, because people could lose
their jobs, and secondly, because its taking away our freedom.
People would lose their jobs if the government banned fast food restaurants. For
example, McDonalds is closing all restaurants in Bolivia as the nation rejects fast
food. This shows that people have already started losing jobs due to the
government. This is bad because people need the jobs to support their families.

Also, it is taking away our freedom. People know that what theyre eating is
fattening, but thats their choice. People see warning labels all the time, but theres
no guarantee the labels work because people are still eating fast food.
Although some people argue that obesity is a big problem in the US, others argue
that its a side effect not a disease. Isnt the one really getting hurt the one who
doesnt care about their weight? Food is not the only cause of obesity; lack of
exercise and laziness contribute a lot to this problem.
When they reach puberty, girls need more calories than before, but they tend to
need fewer calories than boys. As boys enter puberty, they may need as many as
2,500 to 3,000 calories per day, especially if they are very active. After the Healthy
Hunger-Free Kids Act that limited school lunches to 850 calories was passed by
Congress in 2010, students in a Kansas City High School created a video protesting.
They clained that hunger was impeding their ability to perform well in school.
Watch the video. Regulating our diet wont help us, instead, it will make us sick
because where not getting all the necessary nutrients and calories that our bodies
The government should not try to regulate the foods we choose to eat. Besides
taking away our freedom, it is costing people their jobs. Its our choice to eat what
we want, even if those foods are not good for us.
We hear all kinds of advice about how to lose weight, but is it sound advice? There are
many, many sites that debunk myths about food and nutrition. Here is a sampling of just a

1. MYTH: Eggs are Bad for You

two eggs a day wont budge most peoples cholesterol

2. MYTH: Coffee Causes Cancer

17 studies conducted from 1990 to 2003 found a 24 percent reduced risk of colon cancer among
people who regularly sipped coffee

3. MYTH: Fat-Free and Low-Fat Foods are Always Healthier than Full-Fat Varieties
salad dressings made with healthy monounsaturated fats, such as olive or canola oil, may help
prevent heart disease and other conditions

4. MYTH: Raw Fruits and Vegetables are More Nutritious than Cooked Ones
Scientists have discovered in recent years that cooking actually boosts levels of important
compounds in some fruits and vegetables

5. MYTH: Frozen and Canned Fruits and Vegetables are Less Nutritious than Fresh

With some fruits and vegetables, you actually lock in a higher nutrient content by freezing

6. MYTH: Nuts are Too Fattening

women who eat just 1 ounce of nuts most days of the week are 35 percent less likely to have
heart attacks than those who avoid nuts

Abortion: Remaining Legalized

Alanis Harris

Abortion is normal. So why are people so scared to speak about it? Nearly one out of three American
women have an abortion by age 45, yet when people bring up abortion, purses and pearls are immediately
clutched and gasps are heard. For what?
Abortion has been declared a fundamental right since January of 1973, when the US Supreme Court
made its 7-2 concluding decision of the Roe v. Wade case.
Even after the United States Supreme decision, people are still bashing women who decide to have an
abortion. These women have the right to do whatever is best for their bodies and should not be frowned upon
for their choices. No one should be able to tell you what to do with your body, and that is why the nearly
unanimous Roe v. Wade decision still stands strong today.
Some may say that an abortion causes psychological damage to the woman. However, most women
decide to have an abortion because of psychologically damaging situations that they have already experienced.
For example, rape, incest, and financial instability are factors that can influence a woman to have an abortion.
Women who have experienced rape and/or incest do not want their child raised knowing that the he or she is
alive, as a result of violence. A child should come into this world by consent of the woman and mutual
agreement with the partner.
Other women are not financially stable and will not be able to provide for the child. It is selfish to have
the baby when you know that you will not have the proper necessities to care for the child. If a mother puts her
child through her financial struggles, it will become stressful, psychologically damaging, and harmful to both
the mother and child.
Adam and Eve are not our neighbors. We no longer live in the biblical times; therefore, evangelistic,
old, white men do not have the right to tell us what to do with our body. So grab your clutches and your pearls.

In 1973, The US Supreme Court decided that the right to

an abortion was part of a womans right to privacy.

This complex issue continues to be hotly debated to this day.

Here is one of hundreds of websites discussing the issue of abortion:
Its Finally Over!
Tamerrea Macklin
"After 36 years
Whos in charge of your body? Whos in charge
of your actions? Who tells you when or when
of PETA protests, which
not to walk, sit down, or even move at all? have awoken the world to
Nobody but you, correct? Animals in the circus
cant say the same. It should be there right, as a the plight of animals in
living creature, to do as they please, but they
cant. Many people believe that there is captivity, PETA heralds
nothing wrong with what animals through
during their time in the circus. I disagree. Wild
the end of what has been
animals shouldnt be in the circus, and should the saddest show on earth
be left alone in the wild.
for wild animals, and asks
Lets begin with the incessant traveling. Many
circus animals travel for up to 11 months a
all other animal circuses to
year. Not only do they travel 11 months out of
the year, but they travel in box cars without
follow suit, as this is a sign
temperature control. Imagine how of changing times." Ingrid
uncomfortable it is without AC on a hot
summer day, or heat on a cold winter night. Newkirk, president of
Also, think about the conditions of the box cars.
They sleep, eat, and defecate in the same area.
People for the Ethical
Would you like sleeping and eating in the same Treatment of Animals
place that you defecate? These poor animals
dont have a choice. Do you even care? Its hard
to see things from an animals point of view.
Thats why this topic is such a controversial ringling-bros-circus-closing-44788007
one. All because of the ignorance of some

Circus animals are kept in confined spaces. Most of them are quite big, and naturally active, but they are
forced to spend most of their life in cramped, barren cages, where they have only enough room to stand up
and turn around. Most of them are only allowed out of their cages for the short amount of time that they are
performing. When they are let out of their cages, they are chained for hours at a time, with shackles around
there feet that prevent them from taking more than a step in any direction. This can cause neurological and
physical problems. These animals are being forced to live in confined spaces, forced to perform, but they dont
even get the freedom to walk or move when they please. But who one takes the time to stop and think about
this issue?

Performing animals are often abused and beaten during training, when their trainer feels as if theyve done
something wrong, and sometimes when the trainers just want to, because they have that power. Training
methods can include the use beating clubs, electric prods, and deprivation of food. Many believe that animals
were created for human kind to have dominion over, but I say they are wrong. It is abuse to use animals in a
circus. Animals in the circus are misused for money and entertainment. Nobody worried about this for 146 as
long as they entertained the people so the bills could be paid. But the end is finally here. The Ringling Brothers
Circus is closing in May. One of the reasons is thanks to PETA, who put so much pressure on the circus, they
phased out the elephant acts and caused ticket sales to go way down.

Everyone at Ringling Bros. is

very proud of our animal care
and conservation efforts. A
portion of every ticket sold to
a Ringling Bros. performance
goes to conservation and
research programs to save
the endangered Asian
elephant and numerous
endangered species of tigers,
something PETAs fast
fundraising machine cannot

We have more than 145 years

of experience working with
animals and are a strong
proponent of animal welfare,
not the radical animal rights
agenda supported by PETA
and like-minded groups.
Those groups will no doubt
continue to distort our animal
care and disparage the work
we do to save endangered
Stephen Payne
Vice President, Corporate Communications
Feld Entertainment

Should Criminals be Community Activists?
Marcara Jordan

Should someone who was once a criminal be a community activist? Many

people will say no, some will say yes. I feel that you can contribute to the
community, no matter what your past is.
Having an ex criminal as part of the community is a great asset. Theyve
been through trials and tribulations, and they can use the life they once lived to
convince the people they are speaking to in the area not to live their old life. They
can speak on topics, such as things they wish they wouldve done differently, or
even things like how to stay out of trouble. Ex criminals will have the biggest
impact on the youth of a community. There are many kids in this generation who
are heading down the wrong path and they need someone who has already been
there to tell them thats not what they really want to do.
Some believe that an ex criminal will bring a negative influence to the
community, but in all reality they will can have a big positive impact. They are
people who have changed their life around for the better. The whole point of
having community activists is to keep the community moving in a positive
direction and to get rid of all negativity. Thats just what they have done with
their own lives, hence the word EX- CRIMINAL.
Just because someone was once a criminal does not mean they cannot
stand up for something they believe in. Maybe at the time in their life when they
committed their crime they might have thought that crime was the only way to
help them solve their problems.
For all the people who say no, I understand why you may say that. What if
the crimes they speak about make someone else
want to go commit the same crime, or maybe the
crime they did affected someone tremendously. But
a negative outcome doesnt have to be the case.
They can try to help the community, not ruin it.
Anybody can be an activist, whether theyve been to prison or not.
Everyone has the right to standup and speak about anything that they feel isnt
right in the world, ex-criminal or not.

Some of the most common rights lost or severely

curtailed by a felony record include:

Traveling abroad
The right to bear arms or own guns
Jury service
Employment in certain fields (U.S. Armed Forces, law
enforcement agencies, teachers, child care professionals
and many jobs that require a professional license)
The right to hold elected office
Public social benefits and housing
Parental benefits

Convicted felons may regain rights lost as a result of the

conviction by contacting the Department of Justice in the
state or federal jurisdiction where the case was tried.
Who Gets the Meds?
By: Jazmin Mack

In the medical field, youre in the position to distribute medications. Say you have
two patients, and patient one is older in age and their health status is rocky, but patient
two is younger and their health status is severe. Now take into consideration that they
both need the same medication, which happens to be short in supply. As the doctor you
should never abuse the confidence the patient has entrusted you with, and should give a
full range of care. Youre faced with two lives. Morally and ethically, youd choose the
sickest patient because their health status is severe and age shouldnt be a factor.

Emotionally, your heart screams to save the younger patient because there are so
many more life experiences ahead of him. He has only just begun his lifes journey. But
wait a minute the older patient has experienced a long life and is surrounded by a
loving family that isnt ready to let go. Each patients family expects and deserves all that
can possibly be done for their family member. Families can badger the doctor to convince
him that their family member is more deserving. This can make it truly difficult to make
this decision.

Another factor to weigh out is how long it will be until more medication is
available. The older patients health status can hold a little longer since they arent as
sick, so maybe thats a solution. If you then discover that the sickest patient cant afford
the medicine, should you deny the patient care? You must take this all into consideration
when deciding the care each patient should receive?

Every medical professional has ethical standards to which they must abide. The
health care industry presents difficult decisions that make your examine core values. This
helps improve your ability to serve others. The fact that you cannot cure everyone, and
that patients in the same situations should have the same access to care makes decisions
immensely difficult. Your decisions affect the patients life. In the end, you have to
promote whats best for the patient. The severity of the patient
should be the deciding factor not age, economic status, gender,
or race.

When faced with this big decision, taking everything into

consideration, I would choose the younger patient because of
their health status.
Every year, the US has the potential to face shortages of
medicines needed to keep us healthy. Below are the CDCs
guidelines for prioritizing who gets a flu vaccine first (there is no
hierarchy implied by order listed):

Children aged 6 months through 4 years (59 months);

People aged 50 years and older;*

People with chronic pulmonary (including asthma), cardiovascular (except hypertension), renal,
hepatic, neurologic, hematologic, or metabolic disorders (including diabetes mellitus);

People who are immunosuppressed (including immunosuppression caused by medications or

by Human Immunodeficiency Virus);

Women who are or will be pregnant during the influenza season and women up to two weeks
after delivery;

People who are aged 6 months through 18 years and receiving long-term aspirin therapy and
who therefore might be at risk for experiencing Reye syndrome after influenza virus infection;

People who are residents of nursing homes and other chronic-care facilities;
American Indians/Alaska Natives;

People with extreme obesity (body-mass index [BMI] is 40 or greater);

Health care personnel;

Household contacts and caregivers of children younger than 5 years and adults aged 50 years
and older, with particular emphasis on vaccinating contacts of children aged younger than 6
months; and

Household contacts and caregivers of people with medical conditions that put them at higher
risk for severe complications from influenza.

Who Should Pay
Gia Carney

If you had to make a choice between saving someone who overdosed on drugs or a child having a
deadly allergic reaction, which persons life would you save? This question has been brought up a lot due to the
medicine, Naloxone. It is a stimulant that raises your heartrate and is used to reverse the effects of an overdose
of heroin and some types of painkillers. Naloxone is totally free, meanwhile the price of an Epi pen kit
containing auto-injectors of Epinephrine, an adrenaline that keeps someone who is having an allergic reaction to
something from dying, costs up to $600. This is an outrage. People with life threatening allergies have the right
to be angry. Why should a person who purposely make himself sick, get a free second chance at life, when
someone who cant control their illness has to pay $600? According to MNN, Danielle Sotirakos is one of those
outraged parents; she is a mother of three children who all have nut allergies. She was very shocked at the $600
price tag when she had to purchase a two pack Epi pen for her daughter. (A person with allergies needs more
than one Epi pen to make sure it is available wherever she may be in case of an allergic reaction emergency. In
addition, the pharmaceutical company tells you that you should have two for safety, because what if one doesn't
work, or what if one isn't enough?) Sotirakos says Its ridiculous for the price of an Epi pen to go up while the
cost of naloxone is free, while my dependent children have to pay thousands to stay alive while a lowlife drug
user doesnt.
My uncle is an emergency medical technician, who often tells us stories about some of the people he
treats every day. He says that, on a daily basis, he has to treat someone who has overdosed on heroine. In fact,
he had to save the same guy three times in one night. Sometimes he doesnt want to help someone because he
knows that they are going to keep doing it.
Ive been asked, What if your family member was on drugs, would you still feel that way? Yes, I
would. Ive have a family member on drugs, and I dont think they are a lowlife, but they have the choice to not
do drugs, while a person with an allergies doesnt have a choice. Drug abusers should have to pay for Naloxone.
There are those who argue that drug users cant afford to pay for Naloxone. Why should parents have to pay
$600 to keep their child alive when they have an allergic reaction?
Ultimately, I believe that the price of the Epi
Narcan (naloxone) is a
pen should go down, and Naloxone should have a
prescription medicine that blocks
cost. Its not fair to give free drugs to a person who
purposely made himself sick. Its not right that drug
the effects of opioids and reverses
addicts should get a free second chance at life, when
an overdose. It cannot be used to
a poor helpless child, who cant control her illness,
get a person high. If given to a
has to pay $600. Naloxone might be saving lives, but
person who has not taken opioids, it
its not solving the problem of someone who
will not have any effect on him or
chooses to be a drug user. her, since there is no opioid
overdose to reverse.
Manage Your Dental Care
Raven Lasharri Luster

When Elizabeth went to the dentist, Dr. Sanders didnt tell her all of her options. Dr. Sanders thought he was
doing Elizabeth a favor by suggesting what he thought was best for her, but it is Elizabeths right to fully
understand not only every option, but every treatment plans possible.
Elizabeth had a toothache and the dentist recommended an endodontic extraction and a replacement, but
there are other options. Suppose you needed the same procedure, and your dentist suggested only one
treatment option and made it seem as if it was the best choice for you. He should have discussed the other
options and treatments that may be easier, pain free, and cheaper. You wouldnt know that better, less painful
treatments existed unless your dentist told you about them. You would feel hoodwinked for enduring
unnecessary pain.
The issue is, not only did Dr. Sanders take upon himself to make a treatment decision for Elizabeth without
suggesting other options, but he didnt consider whether she could afford it either. If her insurance didnt cover
the more costly procedure, then Elizabeth would have to pay out of pocket to cover the rest. Her dental work
could cost Elizabeth hundreds of dollars, because Dr. Sanders discuss all of her treatment options so she could
choose a cheaper treatment plan.
Dr. Sanders claimed he chose the treatment plan that he felt was best for Elizabeth. The thing is, that is not his
job. Dr. Sanders job is to provide the best health care by carefully discussing every possible option available,
not what he feels Elizabeth should do. It is also his job to discuss insurance, co- payments, and any other health
care issues. Theres no doubt that he did not give Elizabeth the information she should have known about other
treatments or procedures that were available. In fact, there is a procedure that would have been better for
Elizabeth; a root canal would have dealt with the pain, while saving the tooth.
Its isnt that Elizabeth didnt trust Dr. Sanders judgement, but he should absolutely, without a doubt, should
have given her the chance to choose for herself, instead of trying to convince her that his choice was the best
treatment plan for her to follow. Instead of doing those
things, Dr. Sanders could have easily let her know of all the
other plans available and affordable for Elizabeth. That is
what Dr. Sanders should have done; in fact, THAT is his job,
not telling her what he feels is right. Dr. Sanders took a
Hippocratic Oath to do no harm, and it is his job to live and
abide by that oath
Elizabeth wondered if Dr. Sanders treats other patients this
way as well, Are all other dentists like this? Elizabeth could
have avoided this scenario by choosing a dentist that
actually does their job correctly. Letting a patient know all of
their options is very important. Making sure you ask
questions and insisting that you know what your choices are
and how much they will cost is a right that every patient
should have.
Nursing home checklist
Name of nursing home: ____________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________

Phone number: __________________________________________________________

Date of visit: _____________________________________________________________

Basic information Yes No Notes

Is the nursing home Medicare certified?
Is the nursing home Medicaid certified?
Does the nursing home have the level of care I
Does the nursing home have a bed available?
Does the nursing home offer specialized
services, like a special care unit for a resident
with dementia, ventilator care, or rehabilitation
Is the nursing home located close enough for
friends and family to visit?

Visit Nursing Home Compare at for more information.

Nursing home checklist
Resident appearance Yes No Notes
Are the residents clean, well groomed, and
appropriately dressed for the season or time of

Nursing home living spaces Yes No Notes

Is the nursing home free from overwhelming
unpleasant odors?
Does the nursing home appear clean and well
Is the temperature in the nursing home
comfortable for residents?
Does the nursing home have good lighting?
Are the noise levels in the dining room and
other common areas comfortable?
Is smoking allowed? If so, is it restricted to
certain areas of the nursing home?
Is the furniture sturdy, yet comfortable and

Visit Nursing Home Compare at for more information.

Nursing home checklist
Staff Yes No Notes
Does the relationship between the staff and
residents appear to be warm, polite, and
Does the staff wear name tags?
Does the staff knock on the door before
entering a residents room? Do they refer to
residents by name?
Does the nursing home offer a training and
continuing education program for all staff?
Does the nursing home check to make sure
they dont hire staff members who have been
found guilty of abuse, neglect or mistreatment
of residents; or have a finding of abuse, neglect,
or mistreatment of residents in the state nurse
aid registry?

Is there a licensed nursing staff 24 hours a day,

including a Registered Nurse (RN) present at
least 8 hours per day, 7 days a week?

Will a team of nurses and Certified Nursing

Assistants (CNAs) work with me to meet my
Do CNAs help plan the care of residents?
Is there a person on staff that will be assigned
to meet my social service needs?
Will the staff call my doctor for me if I have a
medical need?
Has there been a turnover in administration
staff, like the administrator or director of
nurses, in the past year?

Visit Nursing Home Compare at for more information.

Nursing home checklist
Residents rooms Yes No Notes
Can residents have personal belongings and
furniture in their rooms?
Does each resident have storage space (closet
and drawers) in his or her room?
Does each resident have a window in his or her
Do residents have access to a personal phone
and television?
Do residents have a choice of roommates?
Are there policies and procedures to protect
residents possessions, including lockable
cabinets and closets?

Hallway, stairs, lounges, & bathrooms Yes No Notes

Are exits clearly marked?
Are there quiet areas where residents can visit
with friends and family?
Does the nursing home have smoke detectors
and sprinklers?
Are all common areas, resident rooms, and
doorways designed for wheelchair use?
Are handrails and grab bars appropriately
placed in the hallways and bathrooms?

Visit Nursing Home Compare at for more information.

Nursing home checklist
Menus & food Yes No Notes
Do residents have a choice of food items at
each meal? (Ask if your favorite foods are
Can the nursing home provide for special
dietary needs (like low-salt or no-sugar-added
Are nutritious snacks available upon request?
Does the staff help residents eat and drink at
mealtimes if help is needed?

Activities Yes No Notes

Can residents, including those who are unable
to leave their rooms, choose to take part in a
variety of activities?
Do residents help plan or choose activities that
are available?
Does the nursing home have outdoor areas
for resident use? Is the staff available to help
residents go outside?
Does the nursing home have an active
volunteer program?

Safety & care Yes No Notes

Does the nursing home have an emergency
evacuation plan and hold regular fire drills
(bed-bound residents included)?
Do residents get preventive care, like a yearly
flu shot, to help keep them healthy? Does the
facility help arrange hearing screenings or
vision tests?

Visit Nursing Home Compare at for more information.

Nursing home checklist
Safety & care Yes No Notes
Can residents still see their personal doctors?
Does the facility help arrange transportation for
this purpose?
How often are charts reviewed by a doctor?
Does the nursing home have an arrangement
with a nearby hospital for emergencies?
Are care plan meetings held with residents and
family members at times that are convenient
and flexible whenever possible?
Has the nursing home corrected all deficiencies
(failure to meet one or more state or federal
requirements) on its last state inspection report?
Does the nursing home have specific policies
and procedures related to the care of individuals
with dementia? If so, does the policy include
the use of non-medication based approaches
to care as a first attempt to respond to
behavioral symptoms, which are often a means
of communication, for patients living with
What percentage of residents who have a
diagnosis of dementia are currently being
prescribed an antipsychotic medication?
Whats the nursing homes current rate of
antipsychotic medication use?
Does the nursing home participate in any efforts
related to reducing the use of antipsychotic
medication in nursing homes? (These include
National Partnership to Improve Dementia
Care, National Nursing Home Quality Care
Collaborative, and Advancing Excellence in
Americas Nursing Homes Campaign.)

Visit Nursing Home Compare at for more information.

Home Care vs Nursing Home Facilities
Caletta Richards

Have you ever visited a nursing home or any assisted living facilities, and felt like you were watching
them suffer? Did the experience make you think youd never put your own parents in these brutal
living conditions? When I visited a nursing home, it was the saddest experience Ive ever gone
through. When I walked in the door, the first thing that came to my mind was how cold it was. It felt
like 50 degrees. I began to feel like I was in a prison because of how sad the elderly looked. When I
went into one of the rooms and spoke to a lady, she got so happy because she doesnt receive
guests that often. She told me a story about how she was forced to be placed in a nursing home and
how she hates it. This story convinced me to believe nursing homes are a bad place to stay because
of the expense, lack of freedom and mistreatment.

One reason why I am against nursing homes is because it is too expensive, especially if you are
living on government retirement checks. According to the Law Office of D. Hardison Wood, One of
the biggest downfalls of a nursing home is the high cost of living. It can cost families thousands of
dollars a year to put a senior family member into a nursing home, and its often not an expense that
the family is ready to handle just yet. If parents have set aside part of their retirement savings to
cover the costs of living in a nursing home, then it shouldnt be too much of an issue. But if that
money isnt available, nursing homes might not be a feasible option for many families.

The second reason why I am against nursing homes is because of the lack of freedom they give to
their patients. After living a long independent life, its often hard to get a senior citizen to transition
from a free life to a closed life right away. While a strict schedule can be a benefit to their overall
health, the patient may miss being able to do what they want when they want to do it. Nursing
homes schedule activities once in a while, but they dont always provide a broad variety of events
for the elderly.

I am also against nursing homes because of the neglect and abuse. I argue about this all the time
because of my Aunt Marcela's mistreatment; she just passed away in a nursing home facility that
she suffered in for 27 years. Without visitations from her family, she would have struggled even
more because the only thing that was keeping her together was the support from her family. She
didn't receive the proper medical, physical or emotional attention she deserved to have, and this
should never happen to anyone. Just because someone is old, doesn't mean they deserve less care
than a younger human being.

There is another perspective; some people say that being in a nursing home is best because of the
full time care. This point of view makes sense because busy schedules and a lack of medical training
can lead to declining health in senior family members when they are not properly cared for.
However, most nursing home facilities may have "full time" care, but
many surely don't provide it. They often neglect the patients by
skipping body exercises which prevent body sores and feeding only on
a set schedule.

If you have the option to choose between taking care of your elderly
family member at home or putting them in a care facility, nursing
homes are the worse choice of care for the elderly.
Please Dont Tell My Parents

Nazariah Wright

Youre not going to tell my mom are you? says another helpless minor that just told
you about the time she almost committed suicide. She trusted you enough to tell you all of her
darkest secrets, hoping you wouldnt tell anyone. She already doesnt think shes good enough
now youre about to tell her parent who will now look at her differently forever. You promised
her that anything said wouldnt leave the room.

What if that was you? Your deepest darkest secret is now out and everyone is judging
you. How would you feel? There are too many children that suffer from this problem. Social
workers are trusted every day and they break this promise every time they tell the parent of
that child.

The children do not intend to create a bond with the social worker, it just happens. After
being around someone for a long time and allowing him or her to understand everything you
tell them, you will begin to for a bond/relationship. That bond will be broken once they find
out that everything they say in that session will be told to their parents.

Of course parents think they have the right to know. They are the ones who get to make
legal decisions when it comes to things such as school and hospital incidents, but in all reality
they should just be happy their child is receiving help and is opening up to someone. Lets be
real with ourselves, parents do not tell their children everything that happens in their life,
why? Well because maybe they dont want to be judged, or maybe they do not want the
children to be effected by what happened. So why do parents have to be informed on
everything that happens when parents dont inform their children on everything that happens.

Many of these minors may have been

abused, raped, bullied, and even thought about
committing suicide, all while remaining brave
enough to let someone they dont know into their
life, why break the trust now?
Physician Assisted Suicide

Imani Cunningham

When euthanizing your pet, what are your intentions? Of course your intentions are to put your beloved
pet out of their misery. But what about your mother, or your father, or even your child? Would you do the same
to them as you would your pet? After all, they are considered a loved one, too.
Imagine you or your loved one is terminally ill, and in unbearable pain that cant be suppressed by even
the best medicine. Assuming that you are completely physically and mentally competent, what would you do to
end the suffering? Only one procedure could end the agonizing pain, and that is Physician-assisted suicide. This
option would only come into play after all treatment options are exhausted and the best care has failed to relieve
overpowering anguish.
Human euthanization should be a lawful medical procedure for competent, terminally ill adults, because
it is a compassionate response to relieve unbearable suffering. In 1997, the Death With Dignity Act was passed
in Oregon, giving
terminally ill patients the Those who disagree suggest that Physician-assisted suicide
option to take lethal would:
doses of drugs prescribed
Endanger the weak and vulnerable.
by their physicians to end
Corrupt the practice of medicine and the doctor
their lives. For someone
patient relationship.
to keep their loved one
Compromise the family and intergenerational
comfortable in a commitments.
hospital bed for months Betray human dignity and equality before the law.
on end is completely
Ryan T. Anderson, Ph.D.,
selfish; keeping the Senior Research Fellow in American Principles and Public Policy

patient in agony because

you dont know how to
let them go only considers you, not the patient. Some people may think that physician assisted suicide and
euthanasia require us to accept that it is morally permissible to act with the specific intention of making a
somebody into a nobody, youre actually letting the person who is terminal make the decision to be free from
their pain. I would consider the thought of physician assisted suicide if I was in severe pain and they had
declared me terminal and there was nothing they could do but keep me comfortable for the last few months of
my life.
The right to die as one chooses and decide when life is no longer worth living is integral to human freedom,
liberty, and personal autonomy. Neither the government, nor religious institutions, should impost their own
conceptions of morality upon individuals who are not harming others. If we continue to deny a persons right to
die on their own terms, then we will likely see an increase in self suicides; these are horrific and will cause more
grief for the family. Physician assisted suicide should be legal in all 50 states, for this is the only way a
terminally ill patient should die, painless and safe.

Kentucky law regarding assisted suicide:

(216.302) Causing a suicide -- Assisting in a suicide.

(1) A person commits a Class C felony when the person

knowingly by force or duress causes another person to commit
or to attempt to commit suicide.

(2) A person commits a Class D felony when the person, with the
purpose of assisting another person to commit or to attempt to
commit suicide, knowingly and intentionally either:

(a) Provides the physical means by which another person

commits or attempts to commit suicide;
(b) Or Participates in a physical act by which another person
commits or attempts to commit suicide. Effective: July 15,

Equal Opportunity Policies

Equal Employment Opportunity Discrimination Grievance Procedure
Employees/Applicants The Jefferson County Public Schools Discrimination Grievance Procedure is avail-
The Jefferson County Public School District shall not discriminate in recruitment able at local schools, on the Jefferson County Public Schools Web site at www.jcpsky
or employment on the basis of age, color, creed, disability, marital or parental status, .net, or in the Compliance and Investigations Office, C. B. Young Jr. Service Center,
national origin, race, sex, sexual orientation, veteran status, religion, or political opin- 3001 Crittenden Drive, Louisville, KY 40209. Contact Cheryl Walker, Compliance and
ion or affiliation. The District shall promote equal opportunities through a vigorous Investigations director, at 485-3341, or call or write one of the following enforcement
affirmative action program as an integral part of personnel policy and practice in the agencies:
employment, development, advancement, and treatment of employees of the Jefferson Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
County Public Schools. 600 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Place, Suite 268
In the Event of Questions Louisville, KY 40202
Employees or applicants, report to immediate superior, appropriate personnel (502) 582-6082
administrator, the Compliance and Investigations Office, or the appropriate enforce-
ment agency if you believe you have experienced harassment/discrimination.
U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
Wanamaker Building, Suite 515
Equal Educational Opportunity 100 Penn Square East
Students/Parents or Guardians Philadelphia, PA 19107
No student shall be denied equal educational opportunity for any reason by the (215) 656-8541
Jefferson County Board of Education because of his or her age, color, disability, paren-
tal status, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, or veteran status.
Harassment/Discrimination of any type is not permitted. A student has the right Kentucky Commission on Human Rights
to attend school free from harassment and should not be subjected to discrimination The Heyburn Building, Suite 700
for any reason. Schools will strive to ensure that these rights are protected and that 332 West Broadway
appropriate consequences are provided to offenders. Louisville, KY 40202
(502) 595-4024
In the Event of Questions
Students and parents/guardians, report to principal, the Compliance and Investiga-
tions Office, or the appropriate government agency if you believe you have experi- Louisville Metro
enced harassment/discrimination. Human Relations Commission
Noncompliance with the above policy and procedures may result in disciplinary 410 West Chestnut Street, Suite 300A
action. Louisville, KY 40202
(502) 574-3631 Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Offering Equal Educational Opportunities

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