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Case study

Mrs. R is a 45-year-old African-American woman with no previous history of hypertension.

At a screening clinic, his BP was found to be 180/120 mm Hg. His father died of stroke at age
60 and his mother is alive but has hypertension. He feels fine and is not a "hyper" person,
Smokes one pack of cigarrettes daily, Drinks a six-pack of beer on Friday and Saturday
nights, Believes that BP medication will interferes with his love life.

Dialogue about colaboration with other health profession.

One day in a hospital,there are a pastient with cardiovascular disease. Se has get
caring in that hospital since two days ago. She have hipertention. When nurse do
phisical check,they get the blood pressure was hight. The nurse tell it to the doctor. The
doctor intruction to do collaborate with a nutritionist and fharmacologist.
Nurse 1 : Good morning Mrs. Chicha, Im Nurse ....... and my partner Nurse ..... we
will check your condition now, are you Mrs. Chicha?
Patient : Good morning nurse, Yes nurse..
Nurse 2 : Before, what do you feel now?
Patient : I dont know nurse, I feel headhache,week and dizzy.
Nurse 1 : Ok Mrs, We will check your vital sign. Do you agree?
Patient : Ok Nurse.
Nurse 1&2 : (Checking the patient)
: (Writing the result)
Patient : What about my condition nurse?
Nurse 1 : T = 37 0C
RR = 28 x/Minute
But, your blood presure is high, its 180/120 mmHg.
Patient : Is it dangerous nurse?
Nurse 2 : For this time, it can make your condition not well
Patient : So, what must I do nurse?
Nurse 1 : I will discuss your condition with doctor, nutritionist, and pharmacist.
Nurse 2 : So, dont too feel concerned about your condition Mrs.
Patient : Ok, Thank you nurse.
Nurse 1&2 : youre welcome, we will go to doctors room..
Nurse 1 & 2 go to doctor room to discuss about Mrs. Renie
Nurse 1 : Good morning doc, are you busy? We will discuss about Mrs Chicha
Doctor : Morning, No nurse.. what about Mrs Chicha condition?
Nurse 2 : Her blood preasure is high, its 180/120 mmHg. She feel headhache,week
and dizzy.
Doctor : Ok nurse, I will check the patient now before we discuss with others medical
Nurse 1& : Ok doctor..
(Doctor and the nurse go to patient room)
Nurse 1 : Good morning Mrs Chicha, now doctor will check your condition.
Doctor : Good Morning Mrs, How are you today?
Patient : Morning, Im not well doc, I feel dizzy and headache.
Doctor : Ok, I will check your condition (Check Mrs ChichaCondition)
Ok Mrs Chicha, I have done check your condition and I will recipe medical
you.. So We will back to the room..
Patient : Ok, thank you doctor and nurse.
(At the meeting room)
Doctor : Ok, Now we will discuss about Mrs Chicha condition.
First, can you report about Mrs Chicha nurse?
Nurse 2 : Mrs Chicha feel headhache,week and dizzy and her blood presure is high, its
180/120 mmHg.
Nutritionist : I think Mrs Chicha need to eat more fruits, vegetables, and low fat dairy
Cut back on foods that are high in saturated fat, cholesterol and trans fats.
Eat more whole grain foods, fish, poultry and nut.
Limit sodium, sweets, surgary drinks and red meats.
Pharmacist : Thats good, I take the medicine based on recipe of doctor. But I look at data
the patient get allergic of penicillin. And I will give Diuretic rid the body of
extra water and salt. Thiazide diuretics are ussually the first line treatment for
high blood pressure.

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