The Knowledge Discovery Process

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The Knowledge Discovery Process

In this Chapter, we describe the knowledge discovery process, present some models, and explain
why and how these could be used for a successful data mining project.

1. Introduction

Before one attempts to extract useful knowledge from data, it is important to understand the
overall approach. Simply knowing many algorithms used for data analysis is not sufficient for a
successful data mining (DM) project. Therefore, this Chapter focuses on describing and explaining
the process that leads to finding new knowledge. The process defines a sequence of steps (with
eventual feedback loops) that should be followed to discover knowledge (e.g., patterns) in data.
Each step is usually realized with the help of available commercial or open-source software tools.
To formalize the knowledge discovery processes (KDPs) within a common framework, we
introduce the concept of a process model. The model helps organizations to better understand
the KDP and provides a roadmap to follow while planning and executing the project. This in
turn results in cost and time savings, better understanding, and acceptance of the results of such
projects. We need to understand that such processes are nontrivial and involve multiple steps,
reviews of partial results, possibly several iterations, and interactions with the data owners. There
are several reasons to structure a KDP as a standardized process model:

1. The end product must be useful for the user/owner of the data. A blind, unstructured appli-
cation of DM techniques to input data, called data dredging, frequently produces meaningless
results/knowledge, i.e., knowledge that, while interesting, does not contribute to solving the
users problem. This result ultimately leads to the failure of the project. Only through the
application of well-defined KDP models will the end product be valid, novel, useful, and
2. A well-defined KDP model should have a logical, cohesive, well-thought-out structure and
approach that can be presented to decision-makers who may have difficulty understanding
the need, value, and mechanics behind a KDP. Humans often fail to grasp the potential
knowledge available in large amounts of untapped and possibly valuable data. They often do
not want to devote significant time and resources to the pursuit of formal methods of knowledge
extraction from the data, but rather prefer to rely heavily on the skills and experience of others
(domain experts) as their source of information. However, because they are typically ultimately
responsible for the decision(s) based on that information, they frequently want to understand
(be comfortable with) the technology applied to those solution. A process model that is well
structured and logical will do much to alleviate any misgivings they may have.

10 2. What is the Knowledge Discovery Process?

3. Knowledge discovery projects require a significant project management effort that needs to be
grounded in a solid framework. Most knowledge discovery projects involve teamwork and thus
require careful planning and scheduling. For most project management specialists, KDP and
DM are not familiar terms. Therefore, these specialists need a definition of what such projects
involve and how to carry them out in order to develop a sound project schedule.
4. Knowledge discovery should follow the example of other engineering disciplines that already
have established models. A good example is the software engineering field, which is a
relatively new and dynamic discipline that exhibits many characteristics that are pertinent to
knowledge discovery. Software engineering has adopted several development models, including
the waterfall and spiral models that have become well-known standards in this area.
5. There is a widely recognized need for standardization of the KDP. The challenge for modern
data miners is to come up with widely accepted standards that will stimulate major industry
growth. Standardization of the KDP model would enable the development of standardized
methods and procedures, thereby enabling end users to deploy their projects more easily. It
would lead directly to project performance that is faster, cheaper, more reliable, and more
manageable. The standards would promote the development and delivery of solutions that use
business terminology rather than the traditional language of algorithms, matrices, criterions,
complexities, and the like, resulting in greater exposure and acceptability for the knowledge
discovery field.

Below we define the KDP and its relevant terminology. We also provide a description of several
key KDP models, discuss their applications, and make comparisons. Upon finishing this Chapter,
the reader will know how to structure, plan, and execute a (successful) KD project.

2. What is the Knowledge Discovery Process?

Because there is some confusion about the terms data mining, knowledge discovery, and
knowledge discovery in databases, we first define them. Note, however, that many researchers
and practitioners use DM as a synonym for knowledge discovery; DM is also just one step of
the KDP.
Data mining was defined in Chapter 1. Let us just add here that DM is also known under many
other names, including knowledge extraction, information discovery, information harvesting, data
archeology, and data pattern processing.
The knowledge discovery process (KDP), also called knowledge discovery in databases,
seeks new knowledge in some application domain. It is defined as the nontrivial process of
identifying valid, novel, potentially useful, and ultimately understandable patterns in data. The
process generalizes to nondatabase sources of data, although it emphasizes databases as a
primary source of data. It consists of many steps (one of them is DM), each attempting to
complete a particular discovery task and each accomplished by the application of a discovery
method. Knowledge discovery concerns the entire knowledge extraction process, including how
data are stored and accessed, how to use efficient and scalable algorithms to analyze massive
datasets, how to interpret and visualize the results, and how to model and support the interaction
between human and machine. It also concerns support for learning and analyzing the application
This book defines the term knowledge extraction in a narrow sense. While the authors
acknowledge that extracting knowledge from data can be accomplished through a variety of
methods some not even requiring the use of a computer this book uses the term to refer to
knowledge obtained from a database or from textual data via the knowledge discovery process.
Uses of the term outside this context will be identified as such.
Chapter 2 The Knowledge Discovery Process 11

Input data Knowledge

(database, images, (patterns, rules,
video, semi- STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP n1 STEP n clusters, classification,
structured data, etc.) associations, etc.)

Figure 2.1. Sequential structure of the KDP model.

2.1. Overview of the Knowledge Discovery Process

The KDP model consists of a set of processing steps to be followed by practitioners when
executing a knowledge discovery project. The model describes procedures that are performed in
each of its steps. It is primarily used to plan, work through, and reduce the cost of any given
Since the 1990s, several different KDPs have been developed. The initial efforts were led by
academic research but were quickly followed by industry. The first basic structure of the model
was proposed by Fayyad et al. and later improved/modified by others. The process consists of
multiple steps, that are executed in a sequence. Each subsequent step is initiated upon successful
completion of the previous step, and requires the result generated by the previous step as its
input. Another common feature of the proposed models is the range of activities covered, which
stretches from the task of understanding the project domain and data, through data preparation and
analysis, to evaluation, understanding, and application of the generated results. All the proposed
models also emphasize the iterative nature of the model, in terms of many feedback loops that
are triggered by a revision process. A schematic diagram is shown in Figure 2.1.
The main differences between the models described here lie in the number and scope of their
specific steps. A common feature of all models is the definition of inputs and outputs. Typical
inputs include data in various formats, such as numerical and nominal data stored in databases
or flat files; images; video; semi-structured data, such as XML or HTML; etc. The output is the
generated new knowledge usually described in terms of rules, patterns, classification models,
associations, trends, statistical analysis, etc.

3. Knowledge Discovery Process Models

Although the models usually emphasize independence from specific applications and tools, they
can be broadly divided into those that take into account industrial issues and those that do not.
However, the academic models, which usually are not concerned with industrial issues, can be
made applicable relatively easily in the industrial setting and vice versa. We restrict our discussion
to those models that have been popularized in the literature and have been used in real knowledge
discovery projects.

3.1. Academic Research Models

The efforts to establish a KDP model were initiated in academia. In the mid-1990s, when the DM
field was being shaped, researchers started defining multistep procedures to guide users of DM
tools in the complex knowledge discovery world. The main emphasis was to provide a sequence
of activities that would help to execute a KDP in an arbitrary domain. The two process models
developed in 1996 and 1998 are the nine-step model by Fayyad et al. and the eight-step model
by Anand and Buchner. Below we introduce the first of these, which is perceived as the leading
research model. The second model is summarized in Sect. 2.3.4.
12 3. Knowledge Discovery Process Models

The Fayyad et al. KDP model consists of nine steps, which are outlined as follows:

1. Developing and understanding the application domain. This step includes learning the relevant
prior knowledge and the goals of the end user of the discovered knowledge.
2. Creating a target data set. Here the data miner selects a subset of variables (attributes) and
data points (examples) that will be used to perform discovery tasks. This step usually includes
querying the existing data to select the desired subset.
3. Data cleaning and preprocessing. This step consists of removing outliers, dealing with noise
and missing values in the data, and accounting for time sequence information and known
4. Data reduction and projection. This step consists of finding useful attributes by applying
dimension reduction and transformation methods, and finding invariant representation of
the data.
5. Choosing the data mining task. Here the data miner matches the goals defined in Step 1 with
a particular DM method, such as classification, regression, clustering, etc.
6. Choosing the data mining algorithm. The data miner selects methods to search for patterns in
the data and decides which models and parameters of the methods used may be appropriate.
7. Data mining. This step generates patterns in a particular representational form, such as classi-
fication rules, decision trees, regression models, trends, etc.
8. Interpreting mined patterns. Here the analyst performs visualization of the extracted patterns
and models, and visualization of the data based on the extracted models.
9. Consolidating discovered knowledge. The final step consists of incorporating the discovered
knowledge into the performance system, and documenting and reporting it to the interested
parties. This step may also include checking and resolving potential conflicts with previously
believed knowledge.

Notes: This process is iterative. The authors of this model declare that a number of loops between
any two steps are usually executed, but they give no specific details. The model provides a detailed
technical description with respect to data analysis but lacks a description of business aspects. This
model has become a cornerstone of later models.
Major Applications: The nine-step model has been incorporated into a commercial
knowledge discovery system called MineSet (for details, see Purple Insight Ltd. at The model has been used in a number of different domains,
including engineering, medicine, production, e-business, and software development.

3.2. Industrial Models

Industrial models quickly followed academic efforts. Several different approaches were under-
taken, ranging from models proposed by individuals with extensive industrial experience to
models proposed by large industrial consortiums. Two representative industrial models are the
five-step model by Cabena et al., with support from IBM (see Sect. 2.3.4) and the industrial
six-step CRISP-DM model, developed by a large consortium of European companies. The latter
has become the leading industrial model, and is described in detail next.
The CRISP-DM (CRoss-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining) was first established in
the late 1990s by four companies: Integral Solutions Ltd. (a provider of commercial data mining
solutions), NCR (a database provider), DaimlerChrysler (an automobile manufacturer), and OHRA
(an insurance company). The last two companies served as data and case study sources.
The development of this process model enjoys strong industrial support. It has also been
supported by the ESPRIT program funded by the European Commission. The CRISP-DM Special
Interest Group was created with the goal of supporting the developed process model. Currently,
it includes over 300 users and tool and service providers.
Chapter 2 The Knowledge Discovery Process 13

The CRISP-DM KDP model (see Figure 2.2) consists of six steps, which are summarized

1. Business understanding. This step focuses on the understanding of objectives and requirements
from a business perspective. It also converts these into a DM problem definition, and designs
a preliminary project plan to achieve the objectives. It is further broken into several substeps,

determination of business objectives,

assessment of the situation,
determination of DM goals, and
generation of a project plan.

2. Data understanding. This step starts with initial data collection and familiarization with the
data. Specific aims include identification of data quality problems, initial insights into the data,
and detection of interesting data subsets. Data understanding is further broken down into

collection of initial data,

description of data,
exploration of data, and
verification of data quality.

3. Data preparation. This step covers all activities needed to construct the final dataset, which
constitutes the data that will be fed into DM tool(s) in the next step. It includes Table, record,
and attribute selection; data cleaning; construction of new attributes; and transformation of
data. It is divided into

selection of data,
cleansing of data,

Business Data
Understanding Understanding




Figure 2.2. The CRISP-DM KD process model (source:

14 3. Knowledge Discovery Process Models

construction of data,
integration of data, and
formatting of data substeps.

4. Modeling. At this point, various modeling techniques are selected and applied. Modeling usually
involves the use of several methods for the same DM problem type and the calibration of their
parameters to optimal values. Since some methods may require a specific format for input data,
often reiteration into the previous step is necessary. This step is subdivided into

selection of modeling technique(s),

generation of test design,
creation of models, and
assessment of generated models.

5. Evaluation. After one or more models have been built that have high quality from a data
analysis perspective, the model is evaluated from a business objective perspective. A review
of the steps executed to construct the model is also performed. A key objective is to determine
whether any important business issues have not been sufficiently considered. At the end of this
phase, a decision about the use of the DM results should be reached. The key substeps in this
step include

evaluation of the results,

process review, and
determination of the next step.

6. Deployment. Now the discovered knowledge must be organized and presented in a way that
the customer can use. Depending on the requirements, this step can be as simple as generating
a report or as complex as implementing a repeatable KDP. This step is further divided into

plan deployment,
plan monitoring and maintenance,
generation of final report, and
review of the process substeps.

Notes: The model is characterized by an easy-to-understand vocabulary and good documen-

tation. It divides all steps into substeps that provide all necessary details. It also acknowledges
the strong iterative nature of the process, with loops between several of the steps. In general,
it is a very successful and extensively applied model, mainly due to its grounding in practical,
industrial, real-world knowledge discovery experience.
Major Applications: The CRISP-DM model has been used in domains such as medicine,
engineering, marketing, and sales. It has also been incorporated into a commercial knowledge
discovery system called Clementine (see SPSS Inc. at

3.3. Hybrid Models

The development of academic and industrial models has led to the development of hybrid models,
i.e., models that combine aspects of both. One such model is a six-step KDP model (see Figure 2.3)
developed by Cios et al. It was developed based on the CRISP-DM model by adopting it to
academic research. The main differences and extensions include

providing more general, research-oriented description of the steps,

introducing a data mining step instead of the modeling step,
Chapter 2 The Knowledge Discovery Process 15

Understanding of
the Problem

Input Data
Understanding of
the Data (database, images, video, semi-
structured data, etc.)

Preparation of the

Data Mining

Evaluation of the Knowledge

Discovered Knowledge (patterns, rules, clusters,
classification, associations, etc.)

Use of the Discovered Extend knowledge to

Knowledge other domains

Figure 2.3. The six-step KDP model. Source: Pal, N.R., Jain, L.C., (Eds.) 2005. Advanced Techniques in
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Springer Verlag.

introducing several new explicit feedback mechanisms, (the CRISP-DM model has only three
major feedback sources, while the hybrid model has more detailed feedback mechanisms) and
modification of the last step, since in the hybrid model, the knowledge discovered for a particular
domain may be applied in other domains.
A description of the six steps follows
1. Understanding of the problem domain. This initial step involves working closely with domain
experts to define the problem and determine the project goals, identifying key people, and
learning about current solutions to the problem. It also involves learning domain-specific
terminology. A description of the problem, including its restrictions, is prepared. Finally, project
goals are translated into DM goals, and the initial selection of DM tools to be used later in the
process is performed.
2. Understanding of the data. This step includes collecting sample data and deciding which data,
including format and size, will be needed. Background knowledge can be used to guide these
efforts. Data are checked for completeness, redundancy, missing values, plausibility of attribute
values, etc. Finally, the step includes verification of the usefulness of the data with respect to
the DM goals.
3. Preparation of the data. This step concerns deciding which data will be used as input for
DM methods in the subsequent step. It involves sampling, running correlation and significance
tests, and data cleaning, which includes checking the completeness of data records, removing
or correcting for noise and missing values, etc. The cleaned data may be further processed by
feature selection and extraction algorithms (to reduce dimensionality), by derivation of new
attributes (say, by discretization), and by summarization of data (data granularization). The end
results are data that meet the specific input requirements for the DM tools selected in Step 1.
16 3. Knowledge Discovery Process Models

4. Data mining. Here the data miner uses various DM methods to derive knowledge from prepro-
cessed data.
5. Evaluation of the discovered knowledge. Evaluation includes understanding the results, checking
whether the discovered knowledge is novel and interesting, interpretation of the results by
domain experts, and checking the impact of the discovered knowledge. Only approved models
are retained, and the entire process is revisited to identify which alternative actions could have
been taken to improve the results. A list of errors made in the process is prepared.
6. Use of the discovered knowledge. This final step consists of planning where and how to use the
discovered knowledge. The application area in the current domain may be extended to other
domains. A plan to monitor the implementation of the discovered knowledge is created and the
entire project documented. Finally, the discovered knowledge is deployed.
Notes: The model emphasizes the iterative aspects of the process, drawing from the experience
of users of previous models. It identifies and describes several explicit feedback loops:

from understanding of the data to understanding of the problem domain. This loop is based on
the need for additional domain knowledge to better understand the data.
from preparation of the data to understanding of the data. This loop is caused by the need for
additional or more specific information about the data in order to guide the choice of specific
data preprocessing algorithms.
from data mining to understanding of the problem domain. The reason for this loop could
be unsatisfactory results generated by the selected DM methods, requiring modification of the
projects goals.
from data mining to understanding of the data. The most common reason for this loop is poor
understanding of the data, which results in incorrect selection of a DM method and its subsequent
failure, e.g., data were misrecognized as continuous and discretized in the understanding of the
data step.
from data mining to the preparation of the data. This loop is caused by the need to improve
data preparation, which often results from the specific requirements of the DM method used,
since these requirements may not have been known during the preparation of the data step.
from evaluation of the discovered knowledge to the understanding of the problem domain. The
most common cause for this loop is invalidity of the discovered knowledge. Several possible
reasons include incorrect understanding or interpretation of the domain and incorrect design
or understanding of problem restrictions, requirements, or goals. In these cases, the entire KD
process must be repeated.
from evaluation of the discovered knowledge to data mining. This loop is executed when the
discovered knowledge is not novel, interesting, or useful. The least expensive solution is to
choose a different DM tool and repeat the DM step.
Awareness of the above common mistakes may help the user to avoid them by deploying some
Major Applications: The hybrid model has been used in medicine and software development
areas. Example applications include development of computerized diagnostic systems for cardiac
SPECT images and a grid data mining framework called GridMiner-Core. It has also been applied
to analysis of data concerning intensive care, cystic fibrosis, and image-based classification of

3.4. Comparison of the Models

To understand and interpret the KDP models described above, a direct, side-by-side comparison
is shown in Table 2.1. It includes information about the domain of origin (academic or industry),
the number of steps, a comparison of steps between the models, notes, and application domains.
Table 2.1. Comparison of the five KDP models. The double-lines group the corresponding steps.
Model Fayyad et al. Anand & Buchner Cios et al. Cabena et al. CRISP-DM
Domain Academic Academic Hybrid Industry Industry
of origin academic/industry
# steps 9 8 6 5 6
Steps 1. Developing and 1. Human Resource 1. Understanding of 1. Business 1. Business
Understanding Identification the Problem Objectives Understanding
the Application Domain Determination
Domain 2. Problem
2. Creating a 3. Data Prospecting 2. Understanding 2. Data 2. Data
Target Data Set 4. Domain of the Data Preparation Understanding
3. Data Cleaning and 6. Data 3. Preparation of the 3. Data Preparation
Preprocessing Preprocessing Data
4. Data Reduction
and Projection
5. Choosing the Data
Mining Task
6. Choosing the Data 5. Methodology
Mining Algorithm Identification
7. Data Mining 7. Pattern Discovery 4. Data Mining 3. Data Mining 4. Modeling
8. Interpreting 8. Knowledge 5. Evaluation of 4. Analysis of 5. Evaluation
Mined Patterns Post-Processing the Discovered Results

Table 2.1. (Continued)
Model Fayyad et al. Anand & Buchner Cios et al. Cabena et al. CRISP-DM
9. Consolidating 6. Use of the 5. Assimilation of 6. Deployment
Discovered Discovered Knowledge
Knowledge Knowledge
Notes The most popular Provides detailed Draws from both Business oriented Uses
and most cited breakdown of the academic and and easy to easy-to-understand
model; provides initial steps of the industrial models comprehend by vocabulary;
detailed technical process; missing and emphasizes non-data-mining has good
description with step concerned iterative aspects; specialists; the documentation;
respect to data with application identifies and model definition divides all steps
analysis, but lacks of the discovered describes several uses non-DM into substeps that
business aspects knowledge explicit feedback jargon provide all
and project loops necessary details
Supporting Commercial system N/A N/A N/A Commercial system
software MineSet Clementine
Reported Medicine, Marketing, sales Medicine, software Marketing, sales Medicine,
appli- engineering, engineering,
cation production, marketing, sales
domains e-business,
Chapter 2 The Knowledge Discovery Process 19

relative effort [%] Cabena et al. estimates

70 Shearer estimates
60 Cios and Kurgan estimates
Understanding Understanding Preparation of Data Mining Evaluation of Deployment of
of Domain of Data Data Results Results
KDDM steps

Figure 2.4. Relative effort spent on specific steps of the KD process. Source: Pal. N.R., Jain, L.C., (Eds.)
2005. Advanced Techniques in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Springer Verlag.

Most models follow a similar sequence of steps, while the common steps between the five are
domain understanding, data mining, and evaluation of the discovered knowledge. The nine-step
model carries out the steps concerning the choice of DM tasks and algorithms late in the process.
The other models do so before preprocessing of the data in order to obtain data that are correctly
prepared for the DM step without having to repeat some of the earlier steps. In the case of
Fayyads model, the prepared data may not be suitable for the tool of choice, and thus a loop
back to the second, third, or fourth step may be required. The five-step model is very similar to
the six-step models, except that it omits the data understanding step. The eight-step model gives a
very detailed breakdown of steps in the early phases of the KDP, but it does not allow for a step
concerned with applying the discovered knowledge. At the same time, it recognizes the important
issue of human resource identification. This consideration is very important for any KDP, and we
suggest that this step should be performed in all models.
We emphasize that there is no universally best KDP model. Each of the models has its strong
and weak points based on the application domain and particular objectives. Further reading can
be found in the Summary and Bibliographical Notes (Sect. 5).
A very important aspect of the KDP is the relative time spent in completing each of the steps.
Evaluation of this effort enables precise scheduling. Several estimates have been proposed by
researchers and practitioners alike. Figure 2.4 shows a comparison of these different estimates.
We note that the numbers given are only estimates, which are used to quantify relative effort, and
their sum may not equal 100%. The specific estimated values depend on many factors, such as
existing knowledge about the considered project domain, the skill level of human resources, and
the complexity of the problem at hand, to name just a few.
The common theme of all estimates is an acknowledgment that the data preparation step is by
far the most time-consuming part of the KDP.

4. Research Issues
The ultimate goal of the KDP model is to achieve overall integration of the entire process through
the use of industrial standards. Another important objective is to provide interoperability and
compatibility between the different software systems and platforms used throughout the process.
Integrated and interoperable models would serve the end user in automating, or more realistically
semiautomating, work with knowledge discovery systems.

4.1. Metadata and the Knowledge Discovery Process

Our goal is to enable users to perform a KDP without possessing extensive background
knowledge, without manual data manipulation, and without manual procedures to exchange data
20 5. Summary and Bibliographical Notes

and knowledge between different DM methods. This outcome requires the ability to store and
exchange not only the data but also, most importantly, knowledge that is expressed in terms of
data models, and meta-data that describes data and domain knowledge used in the process.
One of the technologies that can be used in achieving these goals is XML (eXtensible Markup
Language), a standard proposed by the World Wide Web Consortium. XML allows the user
to describe and store structured or semistructured data and to exchange data in a platform-
and tool-independent way. From the KD perspective, XML helps to implement and standardize
communication between diverse KD and database systems, to build standard data repositories
for sharing data between different KD systems that work on different software platforms, and to
provide a framework to integrate the entire KD process.
While XML by itself helps to solve some problems, metadata standards based on XML may
provide a complete solution. Several such standards, such as PMML (Predictive Model Markup
Language), have been identified that allow interoperability among different mining tools and that
achieve integration with other applications, including database systems, spreadsheets, and decision
support systems.
Both XML and PMML can be easily stored in most current database management systems.
PMML, which is an XML-based language designed by the Data Mining Group, is used to
describe data models (generated knowledge) and to share them between compliant applications.
The Data Mining Group is an independent, vendor-led group that develops data mining standards.
Its members include IBM, KXEN, Magnify Inc., Microsoft, MicroStrategy Inc., National Center
for DM, Oracle, Prudential Systems Software GmbH, Salford Systems, SAS Inc., SPSS Inc.,
StatSoft Inc., and other companies (see By using such a language, users
can generate data models with one application, use another application to analyze these models,
still another to evaluate them, and finally yet another to visualize the model. A PMML excerpt is
shown in Figure 2.5.
XML and PMML standards can be used to integrate the KDP model in the following way.
Information collected during the domain and data understanding steps can be stored as XML
documents. These documents can be then used in the steps of data understanding, data preparation,
and knowledge evaluation as a source of information that can be accessed automatically, across
platforms, and across tools. In addition, knowledge extracted in the DM step and verified in the
evaluation step, along with domain knowledge gathered in the domain understanding step, can
be stored using PMML documents, which can then be stored and exchanged between different
software tools. A sample architecture is shown in Figure 2.6.

5. Summary and Bibliographical Notes

In this Chapter we introduced the knowledge discovery process. The most important topics
discussed are the following:

Knowledge discovery is a process that seeks new knowledge about an application domain. It
consists of many steps, one of which is data mining (DM), each aiming to complete a particular
discovery task, and accomplished by the application of a discovery method.
The KDP consists of multiple steps that are executed in a sequence. The subsequent step is
initiated upon successful completion of the previous step and requires results generated by the
previous step as its inputs.
The KDP ranges from the task of understanding the project domain and data, through data prepa-
ration and analysis, to evaluation, understanding and application of the generated knowledge. It
is highly iterative, and includes many feedback loops and repetitions, which are triggered by
revision processes.
Chapter 2 The Knowledge Discovery Process 21

The main reason for introducing process models is to formalize knowledge discovery projects
within a common framework, a goal that will result in cost and time savings, and will improve
understanding, success rates, and acceptance of such projects. The models emphasize indepen-
dence from specific applications, tools, and vendors.
Five KDP models, including the nine-step model by Fayyad et al., the eight-step model by
Anand and Buchner, the six-step model by Cios et al., the five-step model by Cabena et al.,
and the CRISP-DM model were introduced. Each model has its strong and weak points, based
on its application domain and particular business objectives.
A very important consideration in the KDP is the relative time spent to complete each step. In
general, we acknowledge that the data preparation step is by far the most time-consuming
part of the KDP.
The future of KDP models lies in achieving overall integration of the entire process through
the use of popular industrial standards, such as XML and PMML.

The evolution of knowledge discovery systems has already undergone three distinct phases [16]:

The first-generation systems provided only one data mining technique, such as a decision tree
algorithm or a clustering algorithm, with very weak support for the overall process framework
[11, 15, 18, 20, 21]. They were intended for expert users who already had an understanding of
data mining techniques, the underlying data, and the knowledge being sought. Little attention
was paid to providing support for the data analyst, and thus the first knowledge discovery
systems had very limited commercial success [3]. The general research trend focused on the

<?xml version1.0 encoding=windows-1252?>

<PMML version=2.0>
<DataDictionary numberOfFields=4>
<DataField name=PETALLEN optype=continuous x-significance=0.89/>
<DataField name=PETALWID optype=continuous x-significance=0.39/>
<DataField name=SEPALWID optype=continuous x-significance=0.92/>
<DataField name=SPECIES optype=categorical x-significance=0.94/>
<DataField name=SEPALLEN optype=continuous/>
<RegressionModel modelName=  functionName=regression
algorithmName=polynomialRegression modelType=stepwisePolynomialRegression
<MiningField name=PETALLEN usageType=active/>
<MiningField name=PETALWID usageType=active/>

<RegressionTable intercept=455345912666858>
<NumericPredictor name=PETALLEN exponent=1 coefficient=8.87 mean=37.58/>
<NumericPredictor name=PETALLEN exponent=2 coefficient=042 mean=1722/>

<X-modelQuality x-rSquared=0.8878700000000001/>


Figure 2.5. A PMML excerpt that expresses the polynomial regression model for the popular iris dataset
generated by the DB2 Intelligent Miner for Data V8.1. Source:
22 5. Summary and Bibliographical Notes

Knowledge Understanding of the

Database Problem Domain
knowledge to
other domains Understanding of
the Data

Preparation of the

Data Mining

Evaluation of the
Discovered Knowledge

Use of the Discovered

Figure 2.6. Application of PMML and XML standards in the framework of the KDP model.

development of new and improved data mining algorithms rather than on research to support
other knowledge discovery activities.
The second-generation systems, called suites, were developed in the mid-1990s. They provided
multiple types of integrated data analysis methods, as well as support for data cleaning,
preprocessing, and visualization. Examples include systems like SPSSs Clementine , Silicon
Graphicss MineSet, IBMs Intelligent Miner, and SAS Institutes Enterprise Miner.
The third-generation systems were developed in the late 1990s and introduced a vertical
approach. These systems addressed specific business problems, such as fraud detection, and
provided an interface designed to hide the internal complexity of data mining methods. Some
of the suites also introduced knowledge discovery process models to guide the users work.
Examples include MineSet, which uses the nine-step process model by Fayyad et al., and
Clementine , which uses the CRISP-DM process model.
The KDP model was first discussed during the inaugural workshop on Knowledge Discovery in
Databases in 1989 [14]. The main driving factor in defining the model was acknowledgment of
the fact that knowledge is the end product of a data-driven discovery process.
In 1996, the foundation for the process model was laid in a book entitled Advances in Knowledge
Discovery and Data Mining [7]. The book presented a process model that had resulted from
interactions between researchers and industrial data analysts. The model solved problems that
were not connected with the details and use of particular data mining techniques but rather with
providing support for the highly iterative and complex problem of overall knowledge generation
process. The book also emphasized the close involvement of a human analyst in many, if not all,
steps of the process [3].
The first KDP model was developed by Fayyad et al. [8 10]. Other KDP models discussed in
this Chapter include those by Cabena et al. [4], Anand and Buchner [1, 2], Cios et al. [5, 6, 12],
and the CRISP-DM model [17, 19]. A recent survey that includes a comprehensive comparison
of several KDPs can be found in [13].
Chapter 2 The Knowledge Discovery Process 23

1. Anand, S., and Buchner, A. 1998. Decision Support Using Data Mining. Financial Times Pitman
Publishers, London
2. Anand, S., Hughes, P., and Bell, D. 1998. A data mining methodology for cross-sales. Knowledge Based
Systems Journal, 10:449461
3. Brachman, R., and Anand, T. 1996. The process of knowledge discovery in databases: a human-centered
approach. In Fayyad, U., Piatetsky-Shapiro, G., Smyth, P., and Uthurusamy, R. (Eds.), Advances in
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 3758, AAAI Press
4. Cabena, P., Hadjinian, P., Stadler, R., Verhees, J., and Zanasi, A. 1998. Discovering Data Mining:
From Concepts to Implementation, Prentice Hall Saddle River, New Jersey
5. Cios, K., Teresinska, A., Konieczna, S., Potocka, J., and Sharma, S. 2000. Diagnosing myocardial per-
fusion from SPECT bulls-eye maps a knowledge discovery approach. IEEE Engineering in Medicine
and Biology Magazine, special issue on Medical Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 19(4):1725
6. Cios, K., and Kurgan, L. 2005. Trends in data mining and knowledge discovery. In Pal, N.R., and Jain
L.C. (Eds.), Advanced Techniques in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 126, Springer Verlag,
7. Fayyad, U., Piatesky-Shapiro, G., Smyth, P., and Uthurusamy, R. (Eds.), 1996. Advances in Knowledge
Discovery and Data Mining, AAAI Press, Cambridge
8. Fayyad, U., Piatetsky-Shapiro, G., and Smyth, P. 1996. From data mining to knowledge discovery: an
overview. In Fayyad, U., Piatetsky-Shapiro, G., Smyth, P., and Uthurusamy, R. (Eds.), Advances in
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 134, AAAI Press, Cambridge
9. Fayyad, U., Piatetsky-Shapiro, G., and Smyth, P. 1996. The KDD process for extracting useful
knowledge from volumes of data. Communications of the ACM, 39(11):2734
10. Fayyad, U., Piatetsky-Shapiro, G., and Smyth, P. 1996. Knowledge discovery and data mining: towards
a unifying framework. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and
Data Mining, 8288, Portland, Oregon
11. Klosgen, W. 1992. Problems for knowledge discovery in databases and their treatment in the statistics
interpreter explora. Journal of Intelligent Systems, 7(7):649673
12. Kurgan, L., Cios, K., Sontag, M., and Accurso, F. 2005. Mining the Cystic Fibrosis Data. In Zurada,
J. and Kantardzic, M. (Eds.), Next Generation of Data-Mining Applications, 415444, IEEE Press
Piscataway, NJ
13. Kurgan, L., and Musilek, P. 2006. A survey of knowledge discovery and data mining process models.
Knowledge Engineering Review, 21(1):124
14. Piatetsky-Shapiro, G. 1991. Knowledge discovery in real databases: a report on the IJCAI-89 workshop.
AI Magazine, 11(5):6870
15. Piatesky-Shapiro, G., and Matheus, C. 1992. Knowledge discovery workbench for exploring business
databases. International Journal of Intelligent Agents, 7(7):675686
16. Piatesky-Shapiro, G. 1999. The data mining industry coming to age. IEEE Intelligent Systems,
14(6): 3233
17. Shearer, C. 2000. The CRISP-DM model: the new blueprint for data mining. Journal of Data
Warehousing, 5(4):1319
18. Simoudis, E., Livezey, B., and Kerber, R. 1994. Integrating inductive and deductive reasoning for data
mining. Proceedings of 1994 AAAI Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Databases, 3748, Seattle,
Washington, USA
19. Wirth, R., and Hipp, J. 2000. CRISP-DM: towards a standard process model for data mining. Proceedings
of the 4th International Conference on the Practical Applications of Knowledge Discovery and Data
Mining, 2939, Manchester, UK
20. Ziarko, R., Golan, R., and Edwards, D. 1993. An application of datalogic/R knowledge discovery tool to
identify strong predictive rules in stock market data. Working notes from the Workshop on Knowledge
Discovery in Databases, 89101, Seattle, Washington
21. Zytow, J., and Baker, J. 1991. Interactive mining of regularities in databases. In Piatesky-Shapiro, G.,
and Frowley, W. (Eds.), Knowledge Discovery in Databases, 3153, AAAI Press Cambridge
24 6. Exercises

6. Exercises
1. Discuss why we need to standardize knowledge discovery process models.
2. Discuss the difference between terms data mining and knowledge discovery process. Which of
these terms is broader?
3. Imagine that you are a chief data analyst responsible for deploying a knowledge discovery
project related to mining data gathered by a major insurance company. The goal is to discover
fraud patterns. The customers data are stored in well-maintained data warehouse, and a team of
data analysts who are familiar with the data are at your disposal. The management stresses the
importance of analysis, documentation, and deployment of the developed solution(s). Which
of the models presented in this Chapter would you choose to carry out the project and why?
Also, provide a rationale as to why other models are less suitable in this case.
4. Provide a detailed description of the Evaluation and Deployment steps in the CRISP-DM
process model. Your description should explain the details of the substeps in these two steps.
5. Compare side by side the six-step CRISP-DM and the eight-step model by Anand and Buchner.
Discuss the main differences between the two models, and provide an example knowledge
discovery application that is best suited for each of the models.
6. Find an industrial application for one of the models discussed in this Chapter. Provide details
about the project that used the model, and discuss what benefits were achieved by deploying
the model. (hint: see Hirji, K. 2001. Exploring data mining implementation. Communications
of the ACM, 44(7), 8793)
7. Provide a one-page summary of the PMML language standard. Your summary must include
information about the newest release of the standard and which data mining models are
supported by the standard.

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