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Valid Contract property) for the benefit of persons 1) it is applied only in the absence of

-An agreement enforceable by law when all the (beneficiaries) local

essential features of a valid contract are present. Historical sources statutes on particular subjects
Voidable Contract factors that have influenced the development of the 2) only part of the EL that is suited to
-A contract becomes voidable when the consent is law although they are not recognized as law.( Eg: local
not free. religious beliefs, local customs circumstances will be applied
-Usually a contract becomes voidable when the and opinion of jurists) Doctrine of judicial precedent
consent of one of the parties to the contract is not Legal sources -meaning: every time the judge is to make a
free. legal rules that make up the law . Can be classified decision in a trial, they are follow the previous
Void Contract into written & unwritten decision made by the previous judge, where the fact
-A void contract is the contract that has no legal Written Sources in the previous case is the same as in the present
effect at all. - is the most important source of law. case.
-A contract which ceases to be enforceable by law - it refers to that portion of Malaysian Law which -If there is no precedent, the judge is bound to
becomes void, when it ceases to be enforceable by includes: make decision as he think just.
law. 1. The Federal and State Constitution Doctrine of Judicial Precedent policies are:
Express Contract 2. Legislation enacted by Parliament 1) decisions made by a court will bind decision
-Contracts formed with the words spoken or written, and State made by courts which rank lower from her in
is an express contract Assemblies hierarchy of courts
Implied Contract 3. Subsidiary legislation 2) decisions of a HC will not bind decisions of other
-When the offer and acceptance is made by acts or HC but are to be respected
conducts of the parties, it is an implied contract 3) decisions of subordinate courts will bind those
Quasi-Contract particular courts only.
-Quasi-contract doesnt arise by virtue of any Advantages of precedents:
agreement, but the law infers or recognises these -promote consistency, coherence and certainty
contracts under special circumstances. Unwritten Sources -promote efficiency and justice, ensuring equality
-For eg- Claims for necessaries supplied to an - doesnt mean that it is not written and fairness
incapable person. - what made it unwritten is that it is not made Disadvantages of precedents:
-Responsibilities of finder of goods. by the formal legislative bodies. -certain precedent may not be relevant in todays
Executed Contract - Sources of unwritten law are: circumstances but the judge may have to
-A contract is said to be executed contract when 1. English law nevertheless follow it
both the parties to a contract have performed their 2. Case law -may also be slow in responding to community
obligations 3. Customs changes and it is cumbersome to change them as
EXECUTORY CONTRACT Federal Constitution they may require an Act of Parliament
-When either both the parties to a contract have still -Federal Constitution is the supreme law of the Judicial System
to perform their share of obligation, then it is country. Any law passes after Independence Day
executory contract. with inconsistent with the Federal Constitution is
-For eg- A buys a car from B for Rs 100,000. Now, A void.
has made the payment but B has not transferred -Parliament exist under Constitution therefore all
the contract, it is an executory contract as the action must consistent with the Constitution. If
parties have to meet the obligation. inconsistent, it is void
-Supreme law of the land
What is law? -comprising 13 states the Federation.
-A body of rule which is enforceable by the State. -Laying down the powers of the Federal and State
Law in relation to justice Governments and also enshrines the basic or
-the aim is to attain justice in society. fundamental rights of the individual.
-justice? It is an abstract idea of right and wrong, -It was drafted by Reid Commission in 1956 with 5
fairness and equality. representatives from India, British, Pakistan and
-therefore, the aim of a given law is to encourage Australia.
the doing of what is right or just in a particular set State Constitution
of circumstances. -Each State possesses its own constitution
Law, the State and Constitution regulating the government of that State, known as Customade of Doctrine of JP policies
-Malaysia, which consists of Peninsular Malaysia, ENACTMENT. -The most common customs that apply are adat
Sabah and Sarawak is one political unit, but it is not -contains provisions which are enumerated in the perpatih and adat temenggung.
governed by the same set of laws. Eight Schedule to the Federal Constitution -There is also customs for Chinese and Indian
-There are attempts to achieve uniformity. -E.g; matter discusse state executive members, FEDERAL COURT
-there are links that unite the two parts of finance, state legislative assembly, roles of the It ranks at the highest in hierarchy of courts in
Malaysia, the Parliament and the Federal Court. Sultan, etc) Malaysia.
-The Parliament can and does legislate for the whole PARLIAMENT Legislation Jurisdiction to hear:
country. -Refers to law enacted by a body constituted for this 1)original
-The FC acts as a final court of appeal for the whole purpose. 2)appellate on both
country. -Legislation is not only contains law but is law itself. 3)constitution question
-Malaysia is a federation of 13 states and 3 Federal -Legislation made by parliament at the federal level 4)advisory
Territories. And it has a Federal and by state legislative assemblies at state level Islamic Law
Constitution and a 13 State Constitutions. -Law enacted by a body constituted for this -each State has the power to administer Islamic Law
-Federal Constitution is the Supreme Law of the purpose. -the head of the Muslim religion in a state (except
land. State Constitution is law made by State to -Parliament at federal level and by the various State for Penang,Malacca, Sabah, Sarawak and the
govern her own state. Any law made by Legislative Federal Territories) is the Sultan
Parliament or by State Constitution that -Assemblies at state level -in Penang, Malacca, Sabah, Sarawak and the
inconsistent with Federal Constitution is VOID PARLIAMENT Subsidiary legislation Federal Territories, the Yang di-Pertua Negeri is the
CLASSIFICATION OF Law -Interpretation Act 1967: any proclamation, rule, head
regulation, order, notification, by-law or other -the courts enforcing Islamic law the Syariah
instrument made under any Ordinance, Enactment Courts
or other lawful authority and having legislative -Islamic law applies to Muslims only in businesses,
effect esp. areas of banking and finance, Islamic principles
-Power to make law is vested to the legislative are increasingly relevant in lending and investmen
-there are too little laws made by legislative body. -COA has jurisdiction to hear and determine any
-Part of the power is vested to the executive body. appeal against any High Court decision on criminal
-Legislation made by the executive through matters.
delegation is known as subsidiary legislation -Civil appeals which can be hear only where the
Public law -Defined by the Interpretation Act 1967 as any amount of claim is at least RM250,000.
- PL is basically the law which governs the proclamation, rule, regulation, order, notification, HIGH COURT
relationship between individuals and the State. by-law or other instrument made under any -Consist of two chief judges, one in peninsular
- PL further divided into constitutional and criminal Ordinance, Enactment or other lawful authority and Malaysia and one in Sabah and Sarawak.
law having legislative effect. -Jurisdiction to hear:
- Constitutional law lays down the rights of Law Making Process 1)original
individuals in the state. -First reading at Dewan rakyat (Minister formally 2)appellate
- Criminal law codifies the various offences introduce the bill by having its short title read) 3)supervisory
committed by individuals against the State. -2nd reading at dewan rakyat (Debate e-bill & vote -Jurisdiction to hear original jurisdiction is unlimited,
International law Committee stage then examine the bill, consider but in practice HC odes not try a small criminal or
- law which regulates the relationship between one the amendment followed by a report & circulate to civil cases.
state and another. all members) -HC jurisdiction is to try cases under her province
- Eg: Singapore & Malaysia ( Pulau Batu Puteh) -3rd reading at dewan negara: Same process with only
- it may further be subdivided into 2 categories: 2nd reading (just to be clear) -Also has jurisdiction to hear appeal from
A) public international law -Amendment (suggest amendment to dewan rakyat, subordinate courts.
B) private international law Dewan rakyat may accept or reject the suggestion) -the appeals of criminal disallowed if the amounts of
Private law -No amendment penalty is not more than RM25, for civil cases,
- law between one individual and another Art 66(3) FC; sent the bill to YDPA to appeals is not allowed if amount of claims is not
- concerned with matters that affect the rights and get his assent less than RM10,000.
duties of individuals amongst themselves. Art 66 (4); YDPA must absent within SESSION COURT
- Eg; contract, 30 days -Has jurisdiction to hear any types of criminal cases
1) Tort Art 40 (1): YDPA act in accordance to except those deals with death sentence.
Based on an obligation imposed by the advice of cabinet -Under civil jurisdiction, claims is not more than
law ie: negligence, defamation, Art 66 (5): gazette the bill before RM250,000.
assault, trespass officially enforced -For complex matters, such as trust, termination of
2) Trust English Law contract, the cases will be heard in HC even the
An equitable obligation binding a -EL is used as a source of law which was provided in amount in demand is less than RM250,000.
person (trustee) to deal with property Sec 3 and sec 5 of Civil Law Act 1956 MAGISTRATE COURT
over which he has control (trust -Sec 3 is bound on two limitations: Divided into 2:
1)1st class magistrate
2)2nd class magistrate -Specially for minor between 10- 18.
-The 1st class magistrate court is for civil case -For murdered, the juvenile will be tried as an adult.
where amount in claim is less RM25,000
-The 2nd class is to hear claims of less than RM3000

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