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Rachel Lundquist

Mrs. Stevens & Mrs. Radcliffe

Physical Science

13 January 2017


Dogs can hear almost four times the distance of a human with normal hearing. Dogs ears

are so much more complex than the average human ear. Dogs react to many different sounds

differently. But, what sound will dogs react to the most. If I play a high frequency sound, then

the dogs will react the most.

Which Sound Causes the Greatest Response in Dogs?

How are Dogs Ears Different Than Human Ears? Humans and dogs ears are very

different. The dog's ear canal in in an L shape and much larger than humans. Dogs have a very

different hearing range than humans.("PetMD,). A dog's eardrums separates the eardrum from

the middle ear, and that is the part where vibrations are sent from the ear. The dog's ear has two

main parts, the cochlea and the vestibule.that's how dogs ears are different from humans


How Do Dog's Develop Fear or Attachment?

Dogs develop fear and attachments in many different ways. Fear and attachments often

start with a certain stimulus. Stimulus is something that triggers a dog's brain in a certain way.

Anxiety is often triggered by future danger that the dog senses. Anxiety triggers symptoms and

reactions. Separation is one of the most common types of anxiety in dogs. Anxiety is often

caused by past events that affected the dog.("PetMD).


Do Dogs understand Spoken words or Human Gestures?

According to Jessica Beymer volume and the tone you use matter when speaking to a

dog.( "Can).For example, you could say softly to your dog something mean and they would not

be affected because it matters on the tone of voice. All dogs learn and react to sounds differently,

learning the words are also important on how it's introduced. Dogs cannot understand english or

any languages but understand things if taught and repeated. The dogs reaction can rely on what

tone you use when speaking. Body language also important. ("Can).

What Part Of a Dog's Brain Causes Them to Get Excited?

What factors are known to trigger this excitement? Often when dogs get excited blood

pressure rises.They get excited in stressful situations too.Dogs sometimes urinate when excited.

It matters on your relationship with your dog. They are often triggered to get excited when they

hear noises.(Watts).

Are Some Dog Breeds More Prone to Fears or Anxieties?

Yes some Breeds are more prone to anxiety than others. Depends on their experience

with it before and their environment. If you keep a dog busy during their fears it may help.

Things such as thunder, separation, people, other dogs, and more can cause anxiety and

fear.Socialization as puppy is important.(Feature).

What Previous Research Has Been Done on Dog's Responses to Stimulus?

And what is the most accurate way to test a dog's response to a stimulus? Food is a major

stimulus to dogs it distracts them and triggers something in their brain. One way to test this is the

pavlovs method. In this method you show a dog food then ring a bell and record data again. The

dog now has a sense on the bell. This also called classical conditioning or pavlov's conditioning.

When the bell is rung it means food to the dog because of the conditioning it went



If I play a high frequency sound, then the dog will react most. I think dogs have a much

less tolerance level for thing with a high frequency or high pitch. Things such as, whistles,bird

chirping, and car alarms. Things with a lower pitch will not attract or focus the dog.

Works Cited

Abrantes, Roger. "Do Dogs Understand What We Say?" Ethology Institute Cambridge. Ethology

Institue, 25 Mar. 2016. Web. 08 Nov. 2016.


Bromme, Maria. "What Sounds Do Dogs React to the Most." Personal interview. 22 Nov. 2016.

"Can Dogs Understand What We Say?" Animal Planet Can Dogs Understand What We Say

Comments. Disqus, 27 Feb. 2015. Web. 03 Nov. 2016.

Feature, Sandy EcksteinWebMD Pet Health. "Dog Separation Anxiety Symptoms and

Solutions." WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 08 Nov. 2016

Jurnal, Whole Dog. "Structure of the Canine Ear." Whole Dog Journal. Belvoir Media Group,

LLC., Oct. 2004. Web. 28 Oct. 2016.


McLeod, Saul. "Saul McLeod." Simply Psychology. Creative Commons Attribution, 01 Jan.

1970. Web. 05 Jan. 2017

"PetMD, LLC." Dog Fear and Anxiety - How to Calm an Anxious Dog | PetMD. Paw Culture,

n.d. Web. 30 Nov. 2016.

Watts, James. "Ever Wondered Why Your Dog Gets so Excited When You Come Home?"

PetSci. N.p., 20 July 2014. Web. 30 Nov. 2016.


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