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Mau Ruthyn

Mau Ruthyn, a wealthy heir. Studying Law. FTM.

He attends Bartram-Haugh University. He is inspired by Laura Hollis web vlogs and

goes out to find his own mysteries including one about his Uncle Silas, After having a
good relationship with his Uncle, as Silas used to encourage his transition and his
curiosity even when the rest of his family didnt. He wants to vindicate his Uncles
good name. However after discovering that his roommate Joey is actually a de-aged
Silas he finds much more than he has bargained for. After his father dies he has to
become the new CEO of Ruthyn Revelations.

Later, he marries Lord Ilbury, one of the trustees of his estate.

Silas Ruthyn

Silas Ruthyn, Maus uncle. Bisexual.

A rather Eccentric man, He is an alchemist who wishes to combine the science of

invention with the art of the Occult. He constantly fights along with his mind and
morality. Though he has a great distain for morals and ethics, as they are obstacles in
his path for glory. in a 1964 project which lead to a number of problems. According to
rumor, he has killed a Mr. Charke, to whom he owes a large sum of money. Due to
this he fakes his suicide by using a relic called the Sundial of Methuselah which can
turn back his body clock and make him self younger.

Joey Sheridan (Young Silas)

Uncle Silas Ruthyns Alias when he turns back his body clock. Maus Roomate.
Appearing Younger, Joey as an alter ego is much more shy, quiet and placid than his
eccentric counterpart. Heavily religious and studious. However he still retains his
expertise on the occult and paranormal.

Mme de la Rougierre

Mme de la Rougierre, Maus governess. MTF

From New Orleans, Rougierre is flamboyant but sassy and savage. She likes wearing
bright clothing but she also takes her job very seriously. Rougierre tries to stop Maus
efforts to find the Truth and Joeys real identity. Rougierre too loves Silas for what he
did for her by supporting her when she was suffering from depression. She is also
clairvoyant, who can read peoples mind and sense people from a mile away. She
has a love-hate relationship with Mau, who has dubbed her as the evil queen of
Dr. Martin Hesselius

An Occult Detective from the Occult club.

A Dramatic Man who talks in a Shakespearian tongue. His attire is mostly Victorian
and his mannerisms are old but strange even for the Victorian era its self. He is
known to watch other people and take notes of their personal lives, akin to stalking.
He is revealed to be an alien that has been sent to take note of supernatural
creatures from Earth in fears that they may threaten the rest of the galaxy. He has a
long life span with a slow aging process, this has given him the ability to have many
adventures and encounters on Earth even writing about them. One of them

Austin Ruthyn

Austin Ruthyn, a wealthy recluse and widower. He is a Swedenborgian who devotes

his time to scientific and literary studies. He is a very kind and understanding man, he
cares deeply for Maud. When he dies, his will appoints several men as trustees for
his estate and places his daughter Maud under the guardianship of his brother Silas.

Loony Lumiere Kajima

Cairo Corvae

Jack Charke
Dr. Bryerly

Dr. Bryerly, Austin Ruthyns doctor and friend. He is one of the trustees of Mauds
estate. Dr. Bryerly was a born with a bizarre but severe memory disorder, as a boy
born into a wealthy medical family; his parents were disappointed but anxious with
him. What didnt help was the electroshock therapy, which only made it worse. The
only way he can remember things is by smelling things, he carries around incense
sticks, cologne and anything that gives off a dominating smell, the smell familiarises
with him and helps him to remember. To help with his medical career, Silas gave him
the power of a long sustainable body and the power of injury and disease transfer.

Lady Monica Knollys

Lady Monica Knollys, a cousin of Austin Ruthyn, who tries to warn him and Maud
against Mme de la Rougierre.

Lord Ilbury

Lord Ilbury, also known as Mr. Carysbrook. He is one of the trustees of Mauds estate
and marries Mau. They are the head of the Batram-Haugh Acapella Group and the
heir to a great fortune. Ilbury is secretly an Esper, a psychic that can use their mental
energy and use it for physical effects. Ilbury and Mau slowly gain a strong
relationship, Ilbury wants to protect Mau but they know that they really need Mau for
help aswell.

Milly Ruthyn

Milly Ruthyn, Mauds cousin. She is a loud, good-humored girl who becomes Mauds
friend. She grows up to marry a minister. She considers Mau to be one of her best

Dudley Ruthyn

Dudley Ruthyn, Mauds cousin, a coarse, cruel man. He courts Maud but fails to win
her. When he tries to murder Maud, he kills Mme de la Rougierre by mistake. After
the murder, he disappears. His attempts to court Maud end following his marriage to
a lower-class woman named Sarah Mangles.

Sir William Aylmer

Sir William Aylmer and

Mr. Penrose Cresswell

Mr. Penrose Cresswell, other trustees of Mauds estate.

Mary Quince

Mary Quince, Mauds maid.

Meg Hawkes

Meg Hawkes, a millers daughter who befriends Maud.

Tom Brice

Tom Brice, a servant who loves Meg Hawkes and saves Maud from her uncle and


Father Purcell

Maud Ruthyn spends a lonely childhood in the great old house at

Knowl. Her mother dies when she is very young, and her father,
Austin Ruthyn, becomes a recluse who seldom leaves the grounds of
his estate. Disappointed in Parliament many years earlier, he retires
from public life to devote himself to scientific and literary studies.
These lead him to Swedenborgianism, a doctrine suited to his
eccentric and moral tastes. Maud knows him as a kindly but solitary
and taciturn man.

For this reason, she never questions him about her uncle Silas, her
fathers younger brother, who lives at Bartram-Haugh, a Derbyshire
estate owned by Austin. His portrait as a handsome young man
hangs in the oak room at Knowl, but from vague hints and whispers
of the servants, she knows that there is a mystery surrounding this
relative whom she never met, and that the scandal clouds her fathers
life as well.

One of the few visitors at Knowl is Dr. Bryerly, a tall, ungainly man
who always dresses in black and wears an untidy scratch wig. Like
Mauds father, he is a Swedenborgian. The girl is greatly in awe of
him, but she knows that he has her fathers confidence. One day,
Austin shows her the key to a locked cabinet in his study. He is soon
to go on a journey, he says, and after his departure she is to give the
key to Dr. Bryerly.

Maud is a little past seventeen years old when her father employs a
new governess, Madame de la Rougierre, a tall, masculine-looking
woman with sly, smirking manners. Maud dislikes her from the start.
On every possible occasion, the governess questions her charge
about Austins will and business affairs; sometimes Maud thinks the
woman is deliberately spying on the household. One day, Madame de
la Rougierre and her pupil walk to a ruined abbey near Knowl, where
a strange young man accosts Maud. The girl is frightened by his
coarse appearance and offensive manner, but Madame de la
Rougierre ignores the incident.

Maud forgets the whole affair in her excitement over the arrival of
Lady Monica Knollys, her fathers cousin from Derbyshire and a brisk,
sensible noblewoman. During the visit, Madame de la Rougierre
pretends to be ill, and it turns out that she and Lady Monica knew
each other in the past. When Lady Monica tells Austin that the
governess is not a suitable companion for his daughter, he accuses
her of prejudice, and they have a terrible argument, as a result of
which Lady Monica leaves Knowl abruptly. Before leaving, she warns
Maud against Madame de la Rougierre and cautions her always to be
on guard against her. Lady Monica also tells Maud that at one time
her uncle Silas, whom she clearly does not like, was suspected of
murder, but that nothing was charged. Later, Silas becomes
interested in religion.
A short time later, while Maud is walking with Madame de la
Rougierre in the park, they see on an unfrequented road a carriage
with one woman as its only passenger. They continue on their way
and meet three men, among them the coarse young stranger who
approached Maud near the ruins of the abbey. All are tipsy and
address the governess with rough familiarity. When one of the men
tries to seize Maud, her screams attract two gamekeepers. In a
scuffle with the intruders, one of the gamekeepers is shot. Austin and
the servants try to intercept the strangers at the park gates, but the
men and their woman companion disappear.

Madame de la Rougierre is given notice not long afterward. One

night, Maud falls asleep in her fathers study. She awakens to find the
governess going through his private papers. Informed of the midnight
search, Austin discharges the woman immediately.

When Austin dies suddenly of a heart attack, Maud understands at

last to which journey he was referring. She also learns that Dr. Bryerly
was her fathers physician as well as his friend. With the key she
gives him, the doctor unlocks the cabinet that contains Austins will.
Its provisions disturb Dr. Bryerly and fill Lady Monica with dismay.
After varying bequests to relatives, friends, and servants, the
remainder of Austins great estate is given to Maud, under the
trusteeship of Dr. Bryerly, Lord Ilbury, Sir William Aylmer, and Mr.
Penrose Cresswell. Silas Ruthyn is appointed Mauds guardian, with
the stipulation that the girl is to live with him at Bartram-Haugh until
her twenty-first birthday. Lady Monica immediately recalls the strange
circumstances under which Mr. Charke, a turfman to whom Silas
owed large gambling debts, was found dead at Bartram-Haugh; only
the fact that the body was discovered in a bedroom locked from the
inside kept Silas from being charged with murder. In turn, Dr. Bryerly
is disturbed by the knowledge that Silas would inherit her fortune if
Maud dies before her majority, and he advises that an attempt be
made to have the provisions of the wardship put aside. Silas,
however, refuses to relinquish his guardianship. Maud, who interprets
the will as her fathers wish that she vindicate her uncles name by
becoming his ward, announces that she will go to live with Silas in

With her maid, Mary Quince, Maud travels by carriage to Bartram-

Haugh, where she finds the house to be old and rambling; many of
the rooms are closed and locked, and the grounds are wild and
neglected. Although Silas welcomes his niece courteously and with
many pious sentiments, it seems to Maud that at times he is secretly
laughing at her. His own rooms are furnished in great luxury. The
quarters Maud shares with her cousin Milly, however, are shabby and
bare. Milly is a loud, good-humored girl at whom her father sneers
because of her hoydenish manners. Maud takes an immediate liking
to her young relative. There is also a son, Dudley, but Milly says that
her brother is seldom at home.

When Maud and her cousin go for a walk the next morning, they find
the gate leading into Bartram Close locked and guarded by Meg
Hawkes, the millers rough-tongued daughter, who refuses to let them
pass. The girls enter the park by a seldom-traveled path that Milly
knows, and there they meet a pleasant young gentleman who
introduces himself as Mr. Carysbrook, a tenant at the nearby Grange.

Mauds only companion is Milly, and she sees very little of her uncle,
who is addicted to laudanum and passes many of his days in a coma.
Sometimes, the girls are summoned to sit in his room while he lies
quietly in bed. One day, Dr. Bryerly appears unexpectedly to transact
some business with Silas. When the doctor questions her, Maud
replies that she is happy at Bartram-Haugh. Dr. Bryerly gives her his
address in London and tells her to communicate with him if the need
should ever arise.

Early in December, Lady Monica opens her house at nearby

Elverston and invites Maud and Milly to visit her. Among the guests at
dinner is Mr. Carysbrook. Lady Monica tells Maud that he is really
Lord Ilbury, one of her trustees.
When Maud returns to Bartram-Haugh, she meets Dudley Ruthyn,
who is the same vulgar young man she encountered twice before at
Knowl. When she mentions those meetings, Silas brushes the matter
aside. He declares that the spirits of youth run high at times, but that
Dudley is a gentleman. Maud is relieved to learn that Milly dislikes
and fears her brother, and the girls avoid him as much as possible.
When Meg Hawkes becomes ill, Maud brings her medicines and
delicacies and wins the strange girls devotion.

Lord Ilbury calls at Bartram-Haugh and expresses the hope that

Maud will be allowed to visit his sister at the Grange, but Silas
refuses his consent. Dr. Bryerly also comes and accuses Silas of
misusing his wards property. Infuriated, Silas orders him out of the
house. A short time later, Milly is sent to study in a French convent.
Maud misses her company, but her situation becomes even more
unbearable when Dudley begins to persecute her with proposals of
marriage. Silas tells her she should consider the matter seriously for
a fortnight. Before that time passes, however, Dudleys unwelcome
attentions abruptly end when his secret marriage to Sarah Mangles, a
barmaid, is revealed. Sarah is the woman Maud saw in the carriage
at Knowl. Silas is furious and sends Dudley and his bride away.
Before his departure, Dudley offers to conduct Maud safely to Lady
Monica for twenty thousand pounds. Convinced that this is another of
his schemes, she refuses. A few days later, she sees in the paper an
announcement stating that Dudley and his wife sailed for Melbourne.

Silas confesses to his ward that he faces final and complete ruin. To
elude his creditors, he will be forced to send Maud to join Milly in
France; he himself will travel by another route to join them there.
Maud grows apprehensive, however, when she learns that her
companion on the journey is to be Madame de la Rougierre, her
former governess. Confined like a prisoner, she tries to communicate
her plight to Lady Monica, but the servant she bribes to carry her
letter returns the message to his master. With reproaches for her
ingratitude and accusations against him, Silas tells her that she is to
leave for France immediately with Madame de la Rougierre; Mary
Quince, the maid, will follow with him in a few days.

Guarded by her grim companion, Maud is taken to London and

spends the night in an obscure hotel. The next night, they take a train
to Dover, so Madame de la Rougierre informs her, but when she
awakens the next morning, she finds herself in one of the upper
chambers at Bartram-Haugh. Madame de la Rougierre says only that
there was a change in plans. Maud realizes that her only hope lies in
Meg, who unexpectedly appears.

That night, Madame de la Rougierre drinks some drugged wine

intended for Maud and falls asleep on the girls bed. Crouched in the
shadows of an old press, Maud is surprised to see the window of the
room swing inward and a man suspended by a rope clamber over the
sill. The intruder is Dudley; the announcement of his departure for
Australia was another of Silass fabrications. Dazed, she sees him
raise a spiked hammer and strike at the figure on the bed. When old
Silas enters by the doorway and the two begin to open a trunk
containing the girls jewelry, she takes advantage of the noise and
runs from the room. As she leaves the house, she encounters Tom
Brice, a servant who is in love with Meg. The man curses his
masters villainy and drives Maud to safety at Elverston.

She is so shaken by her experience that Lady Monica hurries her off
to France at once, and two years pass before she learns what
happened after her flight. Silas killed himself with an overdose of
opium; Dudley disappeared; and Madame de la Rougierres body
was found buried in the courtyard, its whereabouts disclosed by
Megs old father. Subsequent investigation revealed that Mauds room
was the chamber in which Charke was found dead; the peculiar
construction of the window frame explained how his murderer was
able to enter a room locked from the inside.

Eventually, Milly becomes the wife of a worthy clergyman. Meg

marries Brice and the two emigrate with money given them by Maud.
Dr. Bryerly gives up his practice and undertakes the management of
the Ruthyn estates. Maud marries Lord Ilbury and finds new
happiness as a wife and mother.

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