Exercises On Graphs

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Look at the table below and write the letter A-F next to the

headings 1-6


Accelerate Decline Become Develop Dramatically
Climb Decrease Stable Improve Gently
Enlarge Diminish Static Pick up Quickly
Expand Drop Flatten out Recover Rapidly
Go up Dwindle Level of Sharply
Grow (grew, Fall (fell, Level out Steadily
grown) fallen)
Increase Go down Remain Suddenly
Peak Lower Steady Gradually
Rise (rose, Reduce Stable
Shoot (shot) Slump Static

Look at the graph and complete the sentences below using the
words and words combinations from the box above in their
appropriate forms.
This graph shows the sales results for the last year. We had a quiet start
of the year. Sales (1)r..................................... at 6,000 units in January
and February. In March the spring sales campaing started, you can see
that the sales (2)c to 7,000 then and they
(3)w.. u by another 1,000 units in April to
(4)s. at 8,000 units. Our competitors launched a rival
product in May and our sales (5)f. to 5,000 units. They
(6)d.. by another thousand units in June. But we (7)
i. our discounts to the wholesalers and the sales
(8)r.. s back to 5,000 units in July and then
to 6,000 units in August. The (9)d r came in
the next two months. The sales (10)g.. from 10,000
units in September to 13,000 units in October because of the Christmas
orders. And The sales (11)w.. d.. by 6,000
units in November when the Christmas orders stopped. They
(12)s.. at 7,000 units until the end of the year.

Remained Stand/stabilize Increased Grew

Climbed Fell Rose Went
steadily down
Went up Decreased/ Dramatic Stayed/
dropped/declined rise stabilized

Fill in the missing prepositions in the sentences below. Choose

from the following:

At Between By From Of To

A Labour cost have fallen (1) 22% of total production 1,2

cost (2). 14% in the last ten years. Thats 8%!
B There was a dramatic fall in sales to the US (3) 3
1982 and 1985.
C The company is currently selling 20,000 units (4) 4
23 each.
D The growth in sales has led to a rise (5) 30% in 5
E A 10% drop in sales has reduced the profit (6) 40% 6
F During 1995/96 we increased retail floor space (7) 7,8,
5% (8) a total (9) 48,000 m. 9
G The expect to create 1,450 jobs world-wide (10) the 10
end of next year, at latest.
H Capital investment for the year stands (11) 6,000. 11
I Pre-tax profits reached a peak (12) $5m two years 12
ago but have been lower since.
J Weekly sales have leveled of (13) 34,000. 13
K Increased efficiency has resulted in a lowering of the 14
break-even point from 2,770 (14) 2,500 units.
L The rise in raw material prices is expected to be (15) 15
3.5% and 4.5% this year.

Match the graphs with their descriptions.

1 A Production grew more and more rapidly over

the first three quarters but then reached a
peak. Since then, it has quickly dropped.

2 B Production fell considerably over the first

three quarters, reaching a low of 20. Since
then it has staged a partial recovery.

3 C Production grew rapidly in the first quarter,

but reached a plateau of about 70. Since then
it has remained more or less stable.
4 D Production has fluctuated all year.

5 E Production showed a marginal rise in the first

three quarters, but then sufered a sharp

6 F Production started the year in a stable

position, but then plunged in the third
quarter. It has now flattened out at a level of

7 G After a considerable drop in the first two

quarters, production bottomed out at 20.
Since then it has started to rise.

8 H There was a rapid drop in production in the

first quarter, but it bottomed out at about 20.

9 I There has been a slight increase in production

over the year.

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