Multiple Choice Business Questions

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Complete this letter by choosing THE MOST APPROPRIATE Word A, B,

C, or D- for each gap.

Dear Sirs,
Please _1 a double room for me for the nights _2 18 and 19 March.
_3 possible, I would like the room to be in a quiet part of the hotel.
I shall _4 to meet a _5 of clients on the morning of 20 March, _6 could you
make a meeting room _7 for me on that day from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m?
I do not _8 to arrive until about 11 p.m. on 18 March, so please _ 9 my room for
me. _10 I will be hungry after my _11 from Mannheim, could you _12 me if the
restaurant will still be _13 at that time?
Also, please email me as soon as possible to _14 that these bookings have been
made. If you _15 me to send a deposit in _16, let me know and I shall be _17 to do
Yours faithfully,
Pedro Pramo
1 A hold B reserve C get D give
2 A on B of C for D in
3 A when B as C if D too
4 A like B prefer C need D think
5 A quantity B number C selection D range
6 A then B and C so D therefore
7 A suitable B free C empty D available
8 A expect B hope C think D anticipate
9 A have B reserve C maintain D keep
10 A although B therefore C as D when
11 A trip B travel C journey D arrival
12 A say B tell C let D make
13 A served B open C opened D providing
14 A ensure B promise C confirm D agree
15 A demand B require C hope D oblige
16 A ahead B advance C preparation D priority
17 A wanting B ready C prepared D glad

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