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Student Name: Sara Fernandes Course Code: ECS 3030

Age Group: 3-5 years old Date: Thursday September

29, 2016
Learning Experience: Oosblech: Slime

Programming Purpose: The children have shown an interest in sensory

experiences. The children will have the opportunity to measure and mix the
materials into the mixture. As well as to see to experience the oosblech as when
the child sticks their fingers in the mixture the mixture is hard but when the lift up
the mixture it melts into a liquid.

Children will enhance their social skills as they work as a team to mix the different materials
together to make the oosblech (Curriculum 2.3)
Materials: Modifications:
750 g of cornstarch Stabilize: Using a non-slid mat to ensure
2 cups of water the bowl does not move during the
Food Colouring transition from child to child
2 large bowls
Scooping Spoon
Plastic table cloth

Enhance: The measuring cups and the

spoons have grips so the objects can be
held easily


Opening (Introduction) Hello everyone, today we will be making a really cool slime.
I will need your help to make the slime, Will you help me? We need to work as a
team and everyone will need to have a turn, Okay.
Awesome, let us get started.

Body (Content) The materials that we have are cornstarch, water and food
Step 1: I will pass around the container of corn starch, each child will scoop
Step 2: I will fill the water, and I will get two children to put pour the water into the
Step 3: Pass the bowl around and each child can mix the mixture 3 times
Step 4: Get two children to choose the colours of the slime
Step 5: The children can now play with the slime
Closing (Ending)

Transition: Lets all pretend to be like our goop and walk like jelly to the next

Overall Group Learning Experience Evaluation

What worked during this learning experience? Why?

What did not work during this learning experience? Why?

What might you do differently in the future?

What theory might you use to support these changes? (Optional)

Site Supervisors Feedback

Provide the student with constructive feedback on his/her Group Learning

Indicate aspects the student did well
Comment on aspect the student could keep in mind when planning and
implementing future experiences

Site Supervisors Signature: ____________________________

Date: ____________________________

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