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Celeste Chavez / Nellely Azpeitia

Ms. Gardner

English 10H, Per 4

11 September 2016

Original Contemporary Sonnet

She slipped away in a cold winter night.

Torn down with ignorant clicks filled with hate
Seeing clear snowflakes fall, gave her no light.
They talked behind her back about her weight
And laughed when she wandered down the hallway.
The cotton candy sky did not calm her;
Strength was not in her to wake up today.
The blooming scarlet rose was not her cure,
The droopy petals began to decay.
Everyday there seemed to be no escape
Her mind blocked from divine blessings of life
Cries for help, trapped behind permanent tape,
All she wanted to do was grab the knife.
Until the pain was too much to obtain
Finally she resorted to her veins

Erasure Poem
From you have I been absent in the spring,
When proud-pied April dress'd in all his trim
Hath put a spirit of youth in every thing,
That heavy Saturn laugh'd and leap'd with him.
Yet nor the lays of birds nor the sweet smell
Of different flowers in odour and in hue
Could make me any summer's story tell,
Or from their proud lap pluck them where they grew;
Nor did I wonder at the lily's white,
Nor praise the deep vermilion in the rose;
They were but sweet, but figures of delight,
Drawn after you, you pattern of all those.
Yet seem'd it winter still, and, you away,
As with your shadow I with these did play.

100 Word Short Story

The man felt as if trapped in an eternal winter with an immense vacancy in his heart. It seemed
only since spring when the white brilliant lilys and crimson roses spread their wonderful odor.
There was never a day where he was tempted to hold the flowers in his hands, the great
heartache he felt imprisoned him in a sea of depression. Even the old god Saturn was filled with
joy and youth but not him. This deepened his emptiness and to try filling it, he played with the
flowers, a simple reflection of his own youth.

There is an immense absence of youth in the personas heart, that prisons him in depression
while everything else is filled with happiness.

Sonnet 98 Analysis by Nellely Azpeitia

In Sonnet 98, absence places a depressing state all through the poem reflecting the

emotions of the persona. William Shakespeares use of sentimental epithet and colorful allusions

bring across how dearly the persona misses his youth. The soft consonances in the line with

hath,youth and everything exaggerates the idea that everything is so young. Therefore a

painful line for the persona as he felt that everything but him was touched by youth. In another

line, a colorful epithet, When proud-pied April (dressed in all his trim), creates a bright image

before our eyes. However, this contradicts how miserable the persona is feeling and the great

vacancy between his joy and sadness. Another reflection of the personas great heartache is

expressed in the line, That heavy Saturn laughed and leaped with him, which again gives an

idea of the dismal he has encountered. It is an exaggeration to how he is not young and joyful as

everything around him is. Even an old god is living happily while the absence of his own youth
remains. The colorful imagery used in several lines, sweet smell, summer, lilys white

and more reveal the immense depression he is experiencing. The persona feels no change even

with the thoughts of vibrant images, it does not move him in any way. Eventually, nothing can

take away the gloominess he is captive of, the absence of his youth is too strong. He yearns for

what he has lost and the readers can feel what his desperation feels like. Every vibrant word is

insincere. The persona stays miserable through his heartbreaking loss.

Analysis of Sonnet 98 by Celeste Chavez

In Sonnet 98, the poets words are susceptible to devastating Absence : The poem flows

pleasantly. William Shakespeares use of soft and simple diction portray the feelings the persona

has towards the person he or she is depressed over. A delicate yet melancholy tone is revealed

through the poets words.The repetition of the sound p in the eighth line- proud, lap, and

pluck, mimics a pleasant yet discretely uncomfortable sensation on your tongue. These words

create a sense of vulnerability, which comes from the poet writing about this special person from

the personas point of view. Shakespeares use of paradoxical imagery intensifies the severity of

his depression. In the fourth line, That heavy Saturn laughed and leaped with him., the poet

suggests a sense of contradiction. Since Shakespeare matches heavy Saturn with the actions of

laughing and leaping, it is suggested that even the most dark and downcast spirits are happier

than he is. The poets use of delightful imagery furthermore emphasizes the personas longing

for his beloved. In the fifth line, Yet nor the lays of birds, nor the sweet smell, Shakespeare

describes some beautiful things. The poet is quick to reject all of this beauty, and he reveals that

none of this has filled him with the same joy as his beloved did, conveying the desperation he is

passionately feeling. Ultimately, this unknown persona will keep having a void, without his or
her beloved. Their separation will grow, as so the nature around them. Even though both nature

and the lovers will age, the poets words will continue to thrive. The poets words will stay

youthful, for his desperation connects with all humanity.

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