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Alejandra Torres


English Hon 10/ 4

18 October 2016

Annotated Bibliography

Eyring, Teresa. "The Marquez factor." American Theatre Sept. 2007: 8. Literature

Resource Center. Web. 19 Oct. 2016.

The article by Teresa Eyring, interprets Marquezs ability to both delve into a deep

process of thought when writing, but was also able to stand his ground when it came to

conflicts in his community. She highlights key aspects of Marquezs life as a writer and how

it helped to mold his writing structure and clarifies why he writes with a confident tone.

The article looks into his ways of writing and shows how it has influenced modern theatre

acts to reach out to the community as Marquez did for his. By outlining his complex

methods of writing, she proves that not only was he a critically acclaimed storyteller and

writer, but also that he was a leader who inspired the hearts of not only his town but of the


Eyring tries to emphasize Marquez's life in the beginning of the article to clarify

why he writes with such honesty and devotion, as he interprets his own life through the

characters actions and story. By helping the reader understand Marquezs background
and writing style, we have an understanding of how difficult it was for him to get into

character whilst also trying to stand by his people and fight for his right; Ultimately

teaching us how to learn to appreciate his devotion to his writing in the process. When

reading One Hundred Years Of Solitude, the readers have a vivid depiction of how

marquezs life has influenced his writing technique boldly and molded his character

portrayal of life through his own eyes.

Pearl, Nancy. "Magical realism: beyond fiction's pale. (The Reader's Shelf)." Library

Journal 15 Mar. 2003: 140. Literature Resource Center. Web. 24 Oct. 2016.

The article by executive director, Nancy Pearl, describes the natural majestic realism that

flows from Marquezs writing tone. Along with Marquez, she describes multiple authors

and their connection with the genre of Magical Realism. Pearl works her way through the

general plot of the story to weave in ideas of how it all combines into the general premise of

magical realism. She explains that with the colorful characters and impactful changes in

plot development, there is poetic justice to be found in his writing, causing the reader to

take away both realistic life lessons and expectations but also maintaining a sense of

wonder and childlike thoughts.

Throughout the article, Pearl delves into a wondrous tone that helps set the

standard for these various books, including One Hundred Years Of Solitude. By doing so,

she is creating a great first impression to theses books and for those who seek the
uncexpected story lines that come from magicl realism. By briefly summarizing the plot of

the story, she is creating a sense of comfort for the readers as she wants them to feel like

they can understand what Marquezs writing is about without actually having to read the

book. By also including in the main plot points of the story, she is not spoiling the literature

but is helping the reader understand how Marquez writes and helps them chose if that

book is really the one for them. By having multiple authors in the article, Pearl is evoking

the reader's consciousness to take in all of these wondrous writers and to have Marquez in

the mix makes him an author people will remember as having a wide variety of genres

instead of one. Essentially, Pearl gives the reader a sense of wonder and curiosity towards

the author and the book without having to give away crucial information about it and helps

Marquez be in the general public's eye and minds with his magical realism.

Antoni, Robert. "Parody or Piracy: The Relationship of The House of Spirits to One

Hundred Years of Solitude." Latin American Literary Review 16.32 (July-Dec. 1988):

16-28. Rpt. in World Literature Criticism, Supplement 1-2: A Selection of Major Authors

from Gale's Literary Criticism Series. Ed. Polly Vedder. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale, 1997.

Literature Resource Center. Web. 24 Oct. 2016.

The critical essay by Robert Antoni criticises Marquez for having various

similarities between his two books, One Hundred Years Of Solitude and The House Of

Spirits and calls him out to expose him for having copied his own book and having no

creative reasoning whatsoever. He uses several excerpts from both books and compares
them to one another to show just how similar the two book could be. Apart from similar

dialogue, Antoni also references the main plot points of both stories and tries to show the

reader how incredibly similar the books actually are. Antoni goes as far as to state that not

only does Marquez copy himself, but is copying other authors such as Isabel Allende. He

tries to state that his writing could've been a parody of Allendes books but is most likely to

have been copying off her writing pattern and structure. With much proof to back himself

up, Antoni confidently strides away with his personal criticism standing strong in the view

of the readers, now questioning if Marquez is really as creative as everyone perceives him

to be.

Robert Antoni is boldly claiming that Marquezs writing is just how the genre is

perceived to be, fake. By stating that Gabriel Garcia Marquez is ripping off not only

himself but other authors, Antoni is devaluing the author's writing and his work by trying

to contradict multiple sources who claim Marquez to be an outstanding and original writer.

Antoni doesnt continue to repeat himself but he compels the reader by bringing up new

evidence and new plot points to help emphasize his idea of Marquez and by doing so, the

reader is convinced to believe that Marquez truly isnt a critically acclaimed author, that

they shouldnt continue to read his book and or continue to care for what he says. The

essay is filled with strong contextual evidence that leaves the reader stunned at just how

much Marquez really does copy off himself. The whole written criticism contradicts

multiple viewpoints on Marquez that devalues him as a whole and his writing, negatively

impacting his career.

Reich, Jeff. "A place to remember." The Writer, Nov. 2009, p. 6. Literature Resource


209105120&it=r&asid=873f0f3f8e38154736f91c7081e01c04. Accessed 7 Nov. 2016.

The article by Jeff Reich, a editor for The Writer, describes some of the best authors who

have captured audiences around the world with its perplexing characters and ground

breaking plot lines. One of the authors that Reich includes into his article is none other

than Gabriel Garcia Marquez himself. Reich describes the setting of the book as magical

and he resumes to talk about the various other authors, all of which have collectively

changed the audience's view on the world. By the end of the article, the audience is left with

a sense of greatness as they have discovered intellectually moving books that they now

know are critically acclaimed.

The critique that Reich leaves on the book helps to encourage readers to go out and

buy and or discover the world of Marquez and various other authors such as Charles

Dickens and William Faulkner. He creates this standard for Marquez and these fellow

authors as to having marvelous character and inspiring stories. A complete opposite to

Antonis article, Reich is trying to get people hooked on the idea of greatness and how it

comes out of these books. The article balances out the tone between the harsh critics and

the realistic critics such as Reich and Antoni. Overall the structure presents a well thought

out claim towards all authors mentioned and clearly shows how marvelous the books are.
Barcena, Alicia. "The economic crisis: a major challenge for Latin America and the

Caribbean."Americas, July-Aug. 2009, p. 6+. Literature Resource Center,

657&it=r&asid=3c6c6bde6906627c838b24ae6681ce32. Accessed 7 Nov. 2016.

In the article by Alicia Barcena, an executive secretary for the Economic

Commissions For Latin American and Caribbean, states that there is an economical crisis

happening in Latin America and in the Caribbean all of which can relate to some of

Marquezs plot line in the book One Hundred Years Of Solitude. It relates to the main plot

line of Marquez's book because the main protagonists of the book live in a small town

called Macondo, where there isnt much money and much supplies to keep supporting the

many towns people. All of which are currently happening right now in Latin America and

the Caribbean where the economical situation of many families are deteriorating and gets

much harder to feed their families.

By having mixed the real outside world problems with the fictional town of

Macondo, it emphasizes not only how real these situations are but also helps to shed light

on the crisis and spread awareness through places that one might not have thought of

before. This article helps the reader understand the current problems we are facing

economically and sheds light to Marquezs form of writing as it is still very realistic even if

most call it magical. It brings more awareness the author's writing style and also how this
relates to the author himself. Marquez grew up in this types of conditions as well. The

whole piece sets a firm foundation between Marquezs realism and magical aspects of his

writing as he knows where the lines cannot be crossed and shows us how real his writing

can be.

Crowe-Evers, Nedra. "Stavans, Ilan. Gabriel Garcia Marquez: The Early Years."

Library Journal, 1 Feb. 2010, p. 65. Literature Resource Center,

584&it=r&asid=a5a903c2b59b890e89630e09829ed293. Accessed 7 Nov. 2016.

The article by Nedra Crowe-Evers, a librarian at the Sonoma County Library,

writes about how a young author by the name of Ilan Stavans got so hooked onto

Marquezs One Hundred Years Of Solitude and inspired him each and every day to try

harder and to keep trying no matter what. Not only was Stavans inspired but he was also

touched by the authors way of writing realism into a fantasy type novel without having it

all over the place. Crowe states that Marquez wrote about true historical aspects about life

such as wars between countries and the harsh reality of how its like to live in such poverty

and solitude. Crowe appraises Marquez as an realistic and thought provoking author that

should be highly respected and remembered as.

By holding Marquez in such a high pedestal, Crowe is showing the reader just how

talented and accurate the author really is. This helps the author gain attention and better

critical acclaim whilst also showing the readers how Marquez is relatable to a point where

we are being forced to open our eyes to the unknown. Intertwining the ideas of not only his

home life but the historical facts of the war, Crowe uses a significant amount of proof and

evidence as to how much Marquez really means as a author and member of the literary

community, helping out the author with publicity and good stature. The article sums up

what Marquez stood for and how his books, mainly One Hundred Years Of Solitude, can

help readers inspire themselves and the people around them, to captivate the majestic and

harsh world we live in.

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