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Read the text attentively:

last durar
end final
beginning incio
firework display exibio de fogo de
give dar
everywhere em todo o lado
think pensam
keeps evil spirits away afasta os
espritos maus
wear - usam

New Year Festival

Chinese New Year is an important festival in China. It lasts* for fifteen days
and starts on a different day every year, usually in January or February.
Chinese people celebrate the end* of the year and the beginning* of the
new one. On New Years Day, there are big parades in every city. In the
evening, there are also firework displays*.
On New Years Day families eat fish and parents give* their children
chocolate. You can see the colour red everywhere* because Chinese people
think* that it keeps evil spirits away*. Many people wear* red clothes and

A - Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false), according to the text. Correct the false ones:
1. Chinese New Year starts on the same day every year.
2. There are no parades in China on New Years Day.
3. Chinese people eat fish on New Years Day. __
4. Parents give their children money on New Years Day.
5. People wear red clothes to keep evil spirits away.

B Answer to these questions about the text:

1. Where is the New Year Festival? _____________________________________________________
2. When is the festival? ______________________________________________________________
3. What do people celebrate? _________________________________________________________
4. Who gives chocolate to children? ____________________________________________________
5. Why can you see the color red everywhere? ____________________________________________

C - Ask questions for the following answers:

1. ___________________________________________________________? Pandas are from China.

2. _______________________________________________________? Pandas eat bamboo leaves.

3. _____________________________________________________? Pandas live up to 35-40 years.

4. ______________________________________________________? Pandas are black and white.

D Complete the sentences with the present simple of the verbs in brackets:
1. Janet ______________ (go) to China every year.
2. She ______________ (like) Chinese food, but she ______________ (not / like) Chinese desserts.
3. Pandas ______________ (sleep) for 12 hours. And you? How long ______ you ________ (sleep)?
4. My friends ______________ (not / visit) the zoo every month. They ______________ (go) there
three times a year to see the Pandas!

E - Circle the correct word:

1. a carton / loaf of milk 2. a glass / piece of water
3. a bag / bottle of sugar 4. a piece / loaf of cheese
5. a bag / bottle of oil 6. a loaf / bowl of rice

F - Circle the correct item and indicate which are C (countable) and which are U (uncountable):
1. a / some biscuits ____ 2. some / an oil ____
3. some / a butter ____ 4. an / any apples ____
5. some / an water ____ 6. some / a egg(s) ____

G. Fill in with: some, any, much, or many.

1 A: Do we need .................. eggs?

B: No, there are ............... eggs in the fridge.

2 A: How .................. onions have we got?

B: Not ................... . Only two.

3 A: Do you need .................. cheese?

B: No, but I need .................. bread.

4 A: Have we got .................. butter?

B: Not .................. .

5 A: Do we need .................. milk?

B: No, there is .................. milk in the fridge.

H - Circle the correct item.

1 We usually eat .......... for breakfast.
A pasta B salad C cereal
2 I always eat .......... like crisps between meals.
A snacks B lunches C desserts
3 Her favourite .......... is chicken.
A fruit B meat C vegetable
4 Would you like to .......... our soup, sir?
A fry B try C look
5 I often eat a .......... of pizza for lunch.
A slice B bowl C carton
6 You usually eat ice cream for ........... .
A dinner B breakfast C dessert
I - Fill in the gaps with meal words: breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snack.
1 - My mum starts preparing ............... as soon as she gets home from work.
2 - ................................................. Every Sunday morning, Dad makes us bacon and eggs for .
3 - I usually have an apple or orange for a .......... after school.
4 - I usually eat ............... in the school cafeteria.
5 - I am making a chocolate cake for ............... .

J What do you usually eat during the day? Write about what you eat for breakfast, lunch and
dinner and say what your favorite dish is.

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