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Logan Kushner

Mrs. Stevens and Mrs. Radcliffe

Life Science

13 January 2017

How Does Opening Packages Affect Blood Pressure?

Practically everything you do affects your blood pressure, in both positive and negative

ways. Blood pressure and stress are directly connected. One of the causes of stress is opening

packages. Have you ever tried to open a package and it was just so frustrating? This can raise

your blood pressure and cause stress. If I Measure People's Blood Pressure While They Open

Packages, Then Their Blood Pressure Will Raise.

What are the Main Causes of Stress?

There are many causes to stress but a very common one is financial obligations. Being

in a bad environment can also cause stress and depression (Thomsan). A lack of sleep, bad

physical appearances not feeling good about oneself, can cause stress for younger people. And

even allergies can cause stress (Better).

What Kind of Packaging Takes the Longest to Open?

Clamshell packages tend to take the longest amount of time to open. And opening them

can come with the risk of cutting oneself on the sharp plastic edges, therefore it is best to open

one with a special tool. Customers can even experience something called wrap rage and just quit.

Companies are turning away from these since they are bad for the environment, are bad for the

planet, and are harder to open (Yam). Clamshell is made of plastic, and the shape of the

packages cause it to take longer to open than other common packages.


What is Blood Pressure?

When a heart beats, it pumps blood around the body to give it the energy and oxygen it

needs. Blood pressure itself is the amount of blood pressing against the side of the veins

(Blood). If blood pressure is too high it causes stress on the arteries. If blood pressure is too low,

it is bad for veins and arteries. The number on top is the systolic blood pressure, which is where

the highest heart rate is, the lower number is the diastolic which is when you are relaxed


What Factors Affect Blood Pressure?

Being overweight, too much salt, alcohol, and being old can affect your blood pressure.

Things like high or low cholesterol can be inherited from your parents. Disease can leave you

sick in bed with a lack of physical activity. Lack of sleep can lead to stress. And indirectly,

stress can lead to high or low blood pressure (Klodeth).

What is the Most Effective Way to Measure Blood Pressure?

A study showed that people who have at least 2 doctor appointments per year were 3

times more likely to keep their blood pressure stable than people who have less appointments

(MensHealthMag). That is because doctors can re-adjust the patients medicine and begin

treatment earlier. Do not use older machines without training because studies show mistakes

occur often when using outdated technology. Using a modern BP reader is the best option.

Modern BP monitors are the easiest and most effective ways to measure blood pressure


How is Blood Pressure Related to Stress?

These hormones temporarily increase your blood pressure by making your heart beat

faster and your veins more narrow (Hyper). When stressed, your body produces a surge of

hormones.There is no direct correlation with stress and long term high blood pressure. Stress

reducing activities can indirectly lower blood pressure. Stress can lead to bad habits which can

then lead to higher blood pressure.

If I Measure People's Blood Pressure While They Open Packages, Then Their Blood

Pressure Will Raise. In conclusion, I will be testing peoples blood pressure before and after they

open multiple types of packages. Blood pressure is affected by most everything you do. The

purpose of my experiment is to find out how easily blood pressure is affected.


Works Cited

"Blood Pressure." Blood Pressure : What Is Blood Pressure? Blood Pressure UK, 2008. Web. 27

Oct. 2016.


Dunbar, Christie, Dr. "Does Opening Packages Affect Blood Pressure?" Telephone interview. 12

Nov. 2016.

"High Blood Pressure (hypertension)." Stress and High Blood Pressure: What's the Connection?

Mayo Clinic Staff, 3 Oct. 2015. Web. 28 Oct. 2016.



Klodeth, Elizabeth. "Causes of High Blood Pressure: Weight, Diet, Age, and More." WebMD.

WebMD, 1 June 2015. Web. 27 Oct. 2016.



"Main Causes of Stress." Main Causes of Stress. Better Day Counseling, 2009. Web. 26 Oct.

2016. <>.

@MensHealthMag. "The Best Way to Take Your Own Blood Pressure." Men's Health. Men's

Health Magazine, 10 Nov. 2014. Web. 27 Oct. 2016.


Thomsan, Dennis. "The Biggest Cause of Stress in America Today." CBSNews. CBS

Interactive, 5 Feb. 2015. Web. 26 Oct. 2016.



Yam, Marcus. "Everyone Hates Clamshell Packaging." Tom's Guide. Tom's Guide, 17 Nov.

2008. Web. 27 Oct. 2016.



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