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The First Canadian Workshop

Centre for Advanced Training in

Inhibitor Management (CATIM)
Friday March 4 Sunday March 5, 2017
Pinnacle Hotel Vancouver Harbourfront, 1133 West Hastings St., Vancouver, BC

Day 1 (Friday) 6PM 8PM 1800-2100h Welcome reception and Dinner

Day 2 (Saturday) 8AM -- 5PM 0700-0800h Breakfast

0800-0815h Welcome and Introduction (Wu)
0815-0845h Hemophilia Inhibitor Overview (Carcao)
0845-0915h Immunology and Genetics of Hemophilia Inhibitors (Lillicrap)
0915-0945h Laboratory Evaluation and Monitoring of Inhibitor (Rivard)
0945-1015h Treatment and Prevention of Bleeds in Inhibitor Patients (Teitel)
1015-1030h Q&A
1030-1045h Break
1045-1115h Immune Tolerance Induction Protocols (Escuriola-Ettingshausen)
1115-1145h ITI in Hemophilia B (Carcao)
1145-1230h Panel discussion on ITI (Carcao, Escuriola-Ettingshausen, Rivard)
1230-1330h Lunch
1330-1400h Case presentations (Price)
1400 -1530h Workshops (choose 1 of 2):
Surgical management of inhibitor patients (St. Louis)
Venous access, supportive care and pearls in pediatric inhibitor
patients (Carcao, Rivard, Wu)
1530-1600h Break
1600-1630h What to do when ITI fails (Escuriola-Ettingshausen)
1630-1700h QoL and economic burden of patients with inhibitors (Teitel)
Day 3 (Sunday) 8AM 12PM 0700-0800h Breakfast
0800-0815h Summary of previous day (Wu)
0815-0915h New Developments in the Managements of Inhibitors (Lillicrap)
0915-0945h Inhibitor in Non-severe Patients (Escuriola-Ettingshausen)
0945-1015h How can we minimize the risk of inhibitor development? (Carcao)
1015-1045h Q&A
1045-1115h Break and checkout
1115-1145h Acquired Hemophilia (St. Louis)
1145-1215h Radiation snyovectomy (Joughin)
1215-1230h Summary and Evaluation (Wu)
(Boxed lunch to go)

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