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BSHS 355 Week 1 Individual Assignment Paraphrase Practice

Download the Paraphrase Practice worksheet (listed to the right) and complete.

Submit your file attachment by clicking the Assignment Files tab

BSHS 355 Week 1 Individual Assignment Field Experience Agency Profile Analysis

Background: Imagine you are responsible for connecting people to agencies. In this role, you
must be knowledgeable of what services the agencies offer, who can qualify, how resources
are disseminated, and the availability of the resources. Since your program of study requires a
Field Experience element, it is important to start the task early, and know what the experience
will incorporate. During your program, there will be two Field Experiences. This assignment
will start the critical thinking process related to selecting an agency.

Read the Field Experience Guide.

Research thoroughly several agencies of interest to you. It is suggested that you review 2-4
agencies (more if you live in a remote, rural environment which potentially may require

Complete the Field Experience Agency Profile Analysis Worksheet after completing your

Submit to the Assignments Files Tab.

University of Phoenix MaterialCollege of Social Sciences

Bachelor of Science in Human Services

Field Experience Agency Profile Analysis Worksheet

Thoroughly answer the following questions based upon your primary choice (first
choice) from the research you completed of the agencies of interest. Use
complete sentences following all grammar, punctuation, etc. rules. Use as many
pages as needed.

1. What is the name of the agency?

2. What are the operating hours of the agency (days and times the
agency is open)?

3. What populations are served by the agency?

4. What type of assistance does the agency provide?

5. Please list the resources this agency has available for marginalized
populations such as: homeless, literacy, tribal issues, teen issues,
mental health, veteran's issues, runaways, and domestic violence.

6. What activities will be available to you during your Field Experience

that meet the requirement of activities listed in the Field Experience

7. Please list the steps required to receive approval for the agency
where you are interested in completing your field experience.

BSHS 355 Week 1 Individual Assignment Human Services Needs Assessment

Read the instructions for the Human Services Needs Assessment Worksheet (located to the
left). Complete the worksheet using complete sentences, proper grammar, spelling, etc.
Document all resources used.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

University of Phoenix Material
Human Services Needs Assessment Worksheet

Select three groups from the following list:

People with a mental illness

Homeless individuals
People with a mental disability
People with HIV or AIDS
People with a physical disability
Poor individuals
Older adults
Individuals with substance addictions
Survivors of domestic violence
Unemployed individuals

Using Ch. 2 of Human Services in Contemporary America, complete the table for the chosen groups
by writing a 50- to 75-word response in each column. An example has been completed as a guide.

Description of
Conditions of or
organizations or How the
Group problems facing the Unmet needs
programs meeting the program m
group in need


BSHS 355 Week 2 Individual Assignment Specialization vs. Generalization: Side by

Side Comparison

Complete the chart provided.

Word count is 900-1100 words.

Support your work by using at least 4 resources/references beyond the text book. Two (2) of
them must be peer-reviewed articles from a professional journal.

Format following APA is not required. However, all other standard conventions must be
followed: full, complete sentences and proper paragraphing; correct grammar, spelling, etc.;
use of in-text citations; properly formatted references list following APA guidelines; etc.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignmen

BSHS 355 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Prevention Program Brochure

Select a social agency that provides prevention programs. Examples of categories of

prevention services include the following:

Juvenile justice programs

Youth crime prevention programs

Programs preventing violence against women

Child-abuse-prevention programs

Substance-abuse-prevention programs

Choose and research a specific prevention program offered by the agency. For example, the
town of Springfield has a Community Counseling Center (the agency). Of the many services
which they provide to the community, Stand Up/Sit Down (the specific program) offers
prevention services to parents to stop kids from smoking (category of prevention).

Create a brochure outlining the prevention program. Include the following. Use section
headings to match these topics:

The program's history, including how the program started

The program's purpose

Who the program serves

Does the program serve locally, nationally, or globally

The obstacles the program faces in providing services

Whether the agency is a primary, secondary, or tertiary prevention program

Why the program is primary, secondary, or tertiary

Word count - content of the brochure is 700-900 words in length

Document all resources by submitting a separate WORD document with a full references list.
Format using Microsoft Word or PowerPoint brochure feature. (Do NOT submit a PDF file

landscape page orientation

3 columns each page

2 pages

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.


BSHS 355 Week 3 Individual Assignment Human Services Professional Worksheet

Complete the Human Services Professional Worksheet.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

University of Phoenix Material
Human Services Professional Worksheet

Select three (3) agency types (do not identify a specific organization) from the following list:

A drug and alcohol treatment program A hospital rehabilitation center (A physica

A homeless shelter center)
A day treatment drop-in center for teenagers A crisis intervention center
An outpatient mental health center

Complete the table for the chosen agencies by providing a 60- to 85-word response in each column.
An example has been completed as a guide.

The professionals
Description of the The professionals
The agency Who they serve involved with the
agency role

BSHS 355 Week 3 Individual Assignment Helping Skills Case Study

Resource: Mental Health Facilitator module "Helping Skills in Mental Health Facilitation"

Read the University of Phoenix Material: Helping Skills Case Study - Paul.

Explain each of the steps of the Mental Health Faciliation process.

Write a plan outlining how you would help Paul. Include the steps of the Mental Health
Facilitation process in your plan.

Word count is 500- to 700-word. APA formatting is not required but all composition
conventions must be followed (e.g. full sentences, proper grammar and spelling, introduction
and conclusion, full documentation of all resources, etc.)

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

BSHS 355 Week 3 Learning Team Human Services Professional Case Study

Read the "Real Life Human Services Work" section in Ch. 5 of Human Services in
Contemporary America.
Discuss the reading.

Write a 750- to 1,000-word summary of the article and of the Learning Team's discussion.
Include the following

Which specific Characteristics of an effective helper did the social worker display? How?

Which of the Basic helping skills did the social worker demonstrate? How?

Which Factors that influence the use of skills can be observed?

Which of the types of roles of a Worker in the community does she demonstrate in her
community as a human service professional?

How would you (the team) address one of the difficulties faced by social workers? The case
study used the example of the death of a resident. The team must choose a different
challenge/difficulty (i.e. do not discuss the death of a resident).

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

Use section headings to clearly identify each of the discussions in response to each of the
questions above.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.


BSHS 355 Week 4 Individual Assignment Social Policy and Human Services Delivery

Background: You are applying for a position with the local Human Services Multicounty
Planning Commission. In addition to submitting your resume, the hiring committee requires a
formal paper demonstrating your understanding of the interconnected relationship between
social policy and the delivery of human services.

Write a formal paper which addresses the following:

Define the concept social policy.

Choose a social policy and a human services program in your community which provides
services addressing that social policy. Example (from the textbook): MADD provides
prevention and referral services as a result of alcohol/substance abuse and driving social
policies. (NOTE: You may not use the example organization MADD for this assignment.)
Describe the issue underlying the social policy addressed by your selected program and
include a discussion about its history, how it became a social policy, the impact of the issue
upon the community (effects of or consequences experienced) and the role of funding.

Briefly describe the program and explain how the program fulfills (meets) the social policy.

Describe the obstacles the program faces - what things get in the way of the program meeting
its goals? Explain how the program is working to overcome each of the obstacles. Provide
two (2) specific examples.

Key element - Identify at least two factors and describe how current social policies may affect
the future of human services delivery, over all.

Format as a formal paper, following APA formatting requirements,

Use section headings to identify each section noted above.

Word count is 1000-1300 words.

Use at least 4 resources beyond the text book, two of which must be peer-reviewed articles
from professional journals.

A reference list following APA guidelines must be included. Cite every source used within the
text, when used.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.


Social Policy Paper Grading Guide

BSHS 355 Week 4 Learning Team Factors Influencing Social Policy Annotated

Resource: Annotated Bibliography resources and links

Create an annotated bibliography addressing the following important factors regarding social
policy in human services:

Defining Social Policy

History of Social Policy

Current Social Policy Issues

Purpose and Types of Social Policy

Making Social Policy

Identifying Unmet Needs

Who Identifies Social Problems

Who Determines Social policy - Decision Makers

Factors in Establishing Social Policy

The Role of Lobbying in Social Policy

The Role of the Media in Social Policy

Opposition to Social Policies

Implementation of Social Policy

Funding Social Policy

Choose 10 of the 14 factors (topics) listed above. Books, book reviews, editorials, newspaper
human-interest stories, etc. are not acceptable. Only peer-reviewed articles published in
professional journals will be accepted.

Read and briefly summarize (100-150 words) two peer-reviewed articles which were
published in profession journals, related to each factor/topic (a total of 20 articles). The goal
is to capture the content and meaning of the article, not to offer a critique of the article.
Do not copy the abstract.

Label each section with the factor (topic) and then list the 2 respective articles. See the
example provided (right-hand column.)

Format your bibliography consistent with APA documentation guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

BSHS 355 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Key Concepts Study Guide

Create your own study guide for the key concepts for this learning module, using the
worksheet provided.

Responses should be 100-300 words each. Follow usual composition standards for all
responses (i.e. Use full sentences, not phrases or key words. Use proper grammar, spelling,
sentence structure, and paragraph transitions.) NOTE: Some topics include "Key Points".
These are tips to help guide your responses to ensure key elements of the theory, concepts,
etc. are addressed in your response.

Cite the source(s) used for each response using proper in-text citation formatting.

Include a reference list following APA formatting requirements.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. Remember: this assignment can
NOT be submitted late. Work submitted after the last day of class cannot be accepted and the
assignment will earn 0 points, without exception.


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