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Syllabus: Political Science II

2nd Semester

1. Meaning of International Relations

2. Diplomacy:
- Types of Diplomacy
- Diplomats, Immunities, Duties and Rights
3. Extradition and Asylum-
- Right of Asylum
- Types of Asylum
- Distinction between territorial and extra territorial asylum
4. UNO and its organs, specialized agencies- WHO, ILO, UNICEF, UNESCO
5. International Terrorism
6. Foreign policy determinants with special reference to India
8. India and its relations with SAARC countries and also its relation with USA,
Russia and China
9. Human Rights including of women and child- International perspectives
with reference to UNHRC

John Baylis, Steve Smith et al The Globalisation of World Politics, OUP, 5th edition/2011

Tim Dunne, Milja Kurki, et al, International Relations Theories, Discipline and Diversity, OUP, United
Kingdom, 3rd edition 2013

Robert Jackson and Georg Sorenson Introduction to International Relations, Theories and approaches,
OUP, 4th edition/2010

S. R Myneni International Relations and Organisation, New Era Law Publications,

Kanti Bajpai and Siddharth Mallavarapu International Relations in India, bringing theory back home
Orient Longman 1st edition/ 2005

V N Khanna International Relations Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Limited, 4th revised edition/2004
Andreas Wenger and Doron Zimmermann International Relations from the cold war to the globalized
world Viva Books Pvt. Limited, 1st edition/2004

V N Khanna Foreign Policy of India Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Limited, 6th edition/ 2007

Sumit Ganguly Indias Foreign Policy: Retrospect and Prospect, OUP, 1st edition/2010

V P Dutt Indias Foreign Policy since Independence National Book Trust, 1st edition/2007

Kanti Bajpai and Siddharth Mallavarapu International Relations in India, theorizing the region and the
nation Orient Longman 1st edition/ 2005

Rumki Basu UN: Structure and functions of an International Organisation, New Era Sterling Publishers

Michael Polland United Nation Orient Longman, 1996

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