Growth and Investigation of New Non-Linear Optical Crystals of LAP Family

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Journal of Crystal Growth 213 (2000) 103}111

Growth and investigation of new non-linear optical crystals of

LAP family
A.M. Petrosyan , R.P. Sukiasyan , H.A. Karapetyan, S.S. Terzyan,
R.S. Feigelson *
Yerevan State University, Alex Manoogian St. 1, Yerevan 375049, Armenia
MSRC, NAS of Armenia, Azatutyan Ave., 26, Yerevan 375014, Armenia
Center for Material Research, Stanford University, 105 McCullough Building, Stanford, CA 94305-4045, USA
Received 18 November 1998; accepted 2 December 1999
Communicated by P.A. Morris Hotsenpiller


The possibility of preparing new analogs of L-arginine phosphate monohydrate, (LAP), has been investigated. Single
crystals of the compound L-Arg ) HCOOH, which had earlier been obtained in powdered form, were successfully grown
during the course of this investigation. In addition, we have found that there is a class of compounds having the Arg ) 2Ax
composition, (where Ax is one of several inorganic or organic acids). Such compounds (Arg ) 2HIO , Arg ) 2HNO ,
Arg ) 2H PO , Arg ) 2HF, Arg ) 2HCl ) H O, and Arg ) 2HBr ) H O) have been synthesized and single crystals grown. The
crystals grown in this investigation were studied by IR and X-ray di!raction methods. The in#uence of the di!erent
amino acid groups on crystal symmetry and the in#uence of this symmetry on non-linear optical properties are
discussed.  2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PACS: 42.70.M; 61.66.H; 78.30

Keywords: Non-linear optical crystals; LAP-analogs

1. Introduction KDP, LAP can easily be grown from water solu-

tion. It is, however, less hygroscopic than KDP
The outstanding non-linear optical (NLO) crystals and has a wide transparency range. Its
properties of L-arginine phosphate monohydrate e!ective NLO coe$cient is three times greater, and
crystals, (LAP), chemical formula L-Arg ) H PO ) it has a much higher threshold power for optical
H O, (where Arg is NH C(NH)NH(CH ) damage [2}4]. In addition, it is comparable to the
CH(NH )COOH), were found by Chinese re- best NLO crystals now in use [5]. These properties

searchers in 1983 [1]. Like the widely used crystal make it a strong candidate to replace KDP. It is,
therefore, very important that research to improve
both LAP's growth technology and properties (e.g.
* Corresponding author. Fax: #1-415-7233044. by deuteration, which improves the transparency
E-mail address: (R.S. Feigelson). range, and by other compositional modi"cations

0022-0248/00/$ - see front matter  2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 2 2 - 0 2 4 8 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 1 1 - 7
104 A.M. Petrosyan et al. / Journal of Crystal Growth 213 (2000) 103}111

which can improve non-linear performance), be molar relationships and subsequently evaporating
undertaken [6}11]. them. IR spectra were recorded on a Specord 75IR
The widest search for new compounds and crys- spectrophotometer using the nujol mull method
tals of LAP analogs was carried out by Monaco (powder mixed with oil). The X-ray data were col-
et al. [6]. They reacted arginine with equimolar lected on an automatic di!ractometer ENRAF-
amounts of various acids and were successful in NONIUS CAD-4 (Mo K radiation, graphite
crystallizing some new crystals. In some cases it was monochromator). The structures were solved by the
not possible to get crystals because of the very high direct method and re"ned by the full-matrix least-
solubility of the compounds or because they pre- squares technique using the SHELXL-93 program
cipitated out as "ne non-crystalline powders (e.g. [14]. The SHG e!ect was measured in both powders
Arg ) HIO and Arg ) HNO ). It was found that the and crystals using a Nd : YAG Q-switched laser.
second-harmonic generation (SHG) signals coming Crystals were grown by both the evaporation
from crystals with a P2 symmetry were much and cooling methods. At this stage there was no

more intense than those from crystals with sym- purpose in growing crystals of large sizes. It was
metry P2 2 2 . Their attempts to make arginine more important to "nd the simplest crystallization
monoarsenate Arg ) H AsO resulted in the un- conditions to produce small crystals suitable for
expected formation of arginine diarsenate preliminary characterization. In the future, atten-
Arg ) 2H AsO . tion will be paid to the growth of larger, higher
In our attempts to prepare the acid iodate of quality crystals of the more promising materials.
arginine, we obtained Arg ) 2HIO which, unlike

Arg ) HIO , crystallizes easily. However, deter-

mination of the crystal and molecular structure of 3. Results and discussion
Arg ) 2HIO has shown that it does not contain an

HIO group [12]. Its formation is a consequence of The arginine molecule (Arg) NH C(NH)NH
a peculiarity of the arginine structure (namely, due (CH ) CH(NH )COOH has two groups (guanidyl
to the existence of both amino and guanidyl and a-amino) which are able to be protonated. The
groups) and not the property of HIO to form guanidyl group has more basicity and in an ar-

acid compounds. This realization and also the re- ginine dihydrate crystal [15], it is protonated
sults of an analysis of the crystal structure of owing to its own carboxyl COOH group. In
Arg ) 2H AsO [13], has brought us to the con- Arg ) Ax-type salts, where Ax is HCl, HBr, H PO ,
clusion that the formation of Arg ) 2H AsO and the a-amino group is also protonated owing to the
Arg ) 2HIO is the rule rather than the exception hydrogen of the Ax acid. The carboxyl group re-

[12]. mains in an ionized state [16}20]. The C}O bond
The successful crystallization of Arg ) 2HNO , lengths in the COO\ ionized groups are approxim-

Arg ) 2H PO , Arg ) 2HF, Arg ) 2HCl ) H O, and ately equal to 2.5 As . The absorption band of the
Arg ) 2HBr ) H O means that we have found an COO\ ionized group in the IR spectrum is near

entirely new class of arginine compounds with 1600 cm\ (1575}1630 cm\). The deformation vi-
composition Arg ) 2Ax, where Ax represents vari- brations of the NH> and NH> groups [21] also
ous inorganic or organic acids. fall in this range.
In case of the Arg ) 2Ax-type salts, the COO\
group is also protonated to the carboxyl COOH
2. Experimental procedure group. The C"O and C}OH bond length in
COOH group are 1.20}1.22 and 1.30}1.3 As , respec-
The L-arginine amino acid used in the present tively [22]. The COOH group is characterized by
work was purchased from the Institute of Biotech- the appearance of an absorption band near
nology (former Institute of Amino Acids, Yerevan). 1700 cm\ (1660}1750 cm\).
Compounds were synthesized by interacting water As pointed out above, Arg ) 2HIO can be cry-

solutions of arginine and other acids in the desired stallized from aqueous solutions containing
A.M. Petrosyan et al. / Journal of Crystal Growth 213 (2000) 103}111 105

arginine and iodic acid, in a ratio almost equal to Another system, from which "ne powders were
two. At Arg : HIO ratios of three or more, viscous obtained with a 1.1 composition, was Arg#

solutions formed. Based on preliminary estimates, HNO #H O [6]. As we have stated previously,
the solubility of Arg ) 2HIO increased from the compound Arg ) 2HNO can be crystallized
14 g/100 g H O at 203C to 33 g/100 g H O at 503C. from solutions containing Arg : HNO in ratios
Single crystals as large as 45;18;15 mm could from 2 to 10. The Arg ) 2HNO crystals belong to

be grown using the temperature decreasing method the monoclinic system (Table 1). There is a narrow
in the range of 40}153C. The habit of Arg ) 2HIO absorption band near 815 cm\ (see Fig. 2) related

crystals and their orientation axes were obtained by to the deformation vibration of the NO groups,

means of optical goniometry (based on X-ray data), which is also found in the Arg ) HNO IR spectrum.

and are shown in Fig. 1. It is interesting to note that There is a strong absorption band near 1737 cm\
unlike LAP solutions, the appearance of microbes in the region of the COOH group absorption. This
during the growth of Arg ) 2HIO was not ob- band was absent from the spectrum of Arg ) HNO .
served. Probably, the iodine compounds act de- There was also an absorption band at 3450 cm\
structively on the growth of microbes. Some crystal (which is in the region of the O}H bond vibration).
data for Arg ) 2HIO is presented in Table 1. The Since Arg ) 2HNO crystals do not contain water
IR and crystal structure data for Arg ) 2HIO were molecules, this band must be related to the stretch-

presented in Ref. [12]. ing vibration of the O}H bond of the COOH
A detailed description of the crystal structure of
Arg ) 2HNO and other crystals will be given else-

where because of the limited size of this paper. We
want to note that they con"rm the conclusions
deduced from the IR spectrum. The C"O and
C}OH bond lengths in the COOH group are
1.201(3) and 1.325(4) As , respectively. There is a net-
work of hydrogen bonds between the nitrate ions
and the hydrogen ions in the NH>, NH> and OH
groups. The stronger hydrogen bonds are in
NH>2ONO and OH2ONO with N2O
and O2O distances equal to 2.83 and 2.65 As ,
respectively. We have grown plate-shaped crystals
of Arg ) 2HNO in sizes up to 26;5;1 mm. The

wide range of crystallization conditions observed,
however, suggest that we should be able to "nd
more optimal processing parameters which will
allow the preparation of isometric crystals.
The Arg#H PO #H O system di!ers from
the two preceding ones because crystals with a
1 : 1 composition (i.e. LAP) also form. We were,
however, able to grow single crystals of the
Arg ) 2H PO composition by using solutions con-
taining an Arg : H PO ratio of more than two.
Fig. 4 shows some crystals grown using the cooling
method over a 26 day period at growth rates of
1}1.4 mm/day. We had to add H O as in the case
Fig. 1. The habit of L-Arg ) 2HIO crystals and their orientation of LAP [4] to inhibit microbe formation. The

axes. Arg ) 2H PO crystals were more thermally stable
106 A.M. Petrosyan et al. / Journal of Crystal Growth 213 (2000) 103}111

Table 1
Crystal data of some crystals

Arg ) 2HIO Arg ) 2HNO Arg ) 2H PO Arg ) 2HBr ) H O Arg ) 2HCl ) H O Arg ) 2HF Arg ) HCOOH
a, As 6.9554 (14) 7.754(2) 7.000(1) 6.7998(14) 7.5280(15) 7.145(1) 7.702(2)
b, As 7.998(2) 7.286(1) 9.681(2) 7.2709(15) 7.5760(15) 8.258(2) 7.805(2)
c, As 25.038(5) 11.673(2) 21.756(4) 7.6650(15) 21.750(4) 17.782(4) 18.581(4)
a,3 90 90 90 68.77(3) 90 90 90
b,3 90 92.60(3) 90 82.87(3) 90 90 90
c,3 90 90 90 67.88(3) 90 90 90
V, As  1392.8 658.8 1473.3 327.21 1240.15 1049.2 1117.0
Z 4 2 4 1 4 4 4
D , g/cm 2.509 1.514 1.668 1.797 1.323 1.356 1.310

Space group P2 2 2 P2 P2 2 2 P1 P2 2 2 P2 2 2 P2 2 2

Fig. 2. Infrared spectrum of L-Arg ) 2HNO .

as they do not contain crystalline water. These COOH group. From the X-ray di!raction data,
crystals, some of which were up to 3;7;31 mm Arg ) 2H PO was found not to contain water mol-
in size, had an LAP-like shape in spite of their ecules. Therefore, the high-frequency peak at
rhombic symmetry (Table 1). Similar crystals were 3433 cm\ may relate to the stretching vibration of
also grown by the evaporation method. In addition the O}H bond of the carboxyl group COOH. Our
to the absorption bands characteristic of the attempts to obtain hydrated crystals by crystalliza-
H PO ion, which were also present in the tion at temperatures up to 03C failed. Bond leng-
LAP spectrum [23,24], the IR spectrum of ths in the dihydrogen phosphate ions in the
Arg ) 2H PO (Fig. 3) consists of a band at Arg ) 2H PO structure (Fig. 4) were close to the
1715 cm\. This con"rms the existence of the appropriate bond lengths for LAP. Bond lengths of
A.M. Petrosyan et al. / Journal of Crystal Growth 213 (2000) 103}111 107

Fig. 3. Infrared spectrum of L-Arg ) 2H PO .


guanidyl and a-amino groups of arginine are proto-

nated owing to the two hydrogens in the HCl and
HBr molecules with the carboxyl group remaining
protonated. Since the stretching vibrations of the
O}H bonds in the COOH group fall into the same
region as the stretching vibrations of the OH bonds
in water molecules, and the deformation vibrations
of the water molecules fall into the region of the
deformation vibrations of NH> and NH> groups,
it is di$cult to determine with certainty the pres-
Fig. 4. Photograph of typical Arg ) 2H PO crystals.
  ence or absence of water molecules on the basis of
the IR spectra alone. A determination of the crystal
the C"O and C}OH bonds in the carboxyl group structure has shown that they contain molecular
(1.20(4) and 1.316(4) As , respectively), were close to water. We have grown single crystals of
that of Arg ) 2HNO and Arg ) 2H AsO [11]. Arg ) 2HCl ) H O in sizes up to 4;5;10 mm by
There is a hydrogen bond O}H2O with the oxy- evaporation.
gen atom of one of the dihydrogen phosphate ions, In the system Arg#HF#H O, in addition to

which is equal to 2.55 As . the compound Arg ) HF, crystals of which were the
The two other systems, Arg#HCl#H O and most promising among the crystals obtained by

Arg#HBr#H O form the hydrated crystals Ref. [6], we discovered a new compound from

Arg ) Ax ) H O and Arg ) 2Ax compounds. As in the solutions with a ratio of Arg : HF of more than 1 : 2.

previous two cases there were absorption bands at The IR spectra of these crystals di!ered from that of
1733 and 1713 cm\, respectively, in the region of Arg ) HF. However, the IR spectrum (Fig. 7) did not
the COOH group (Figs. 5 and 6). It shows that the contain a band with a frequency of more than
108 A.M. Petrosyan et al. / Journal of Crystal Growth 213 (2000) 103}111

Fig. 5. Infrared spectrum of L-Arg ) 2HCl ) H O.

1700 cm\, which is characteristic for COOH basis of the absorption band at 1690 cm\ we can
groups in crystals having the Arg ) 2Ax composition. only conjecture about the formation of crystals
A determination of the crystal structure allowed us with a 1.2 composition. A determination of the
to explain the reason for this peculiarity. Guanidyl crystal structure by X-ray di!raction analysis, how-
and a-amino groups of arginine are protonated due ever, showed that the true composition of these
to the ionization of a carboxyl group and a proton crystals was Arg ) HCOOH. Moreover, it was found
from one of the HF groups. The other proton par- that the white non-crystalline precipitate formed
ticipates in the creation of an (F2H2F)\ anion from solution with an Arg : HCOOH ratio equal to
with an almost symmetric hydrogen bond. A strong one, can be recrystallized by using seed crystals of
similarity exists between the crystal data of Arg ) HCOOH obtained from more acidic solu-
Arg ) 2HF and Arg ) HCOOH (see Table 1). tions. There is an ionized COO\ group in the
Another system besides Arg#HIO #H O arginine molecule in Arg ) HCOOH crystals and
and Arg#HNO #H O, which was found to the guanidyl and a-amino groups are protonated.
form "ne non-crystallizing powders of the Arg ) Ax The C}O bond distances in COO\ are 1.244(3) and
composition [6], was Arg#HCOOH#H O. 1.256(3) As . However, the C}O bond lengths in the

Like the two previous cases we also tried to obtain formate ion, HCOO\, are essentially shorter:
crystals with the Arg ) 2Ax composition. From solu- 1.221(3) and 1.231(3) As , which can explain the exist-
tions containing an Arg : HCOOH ratio in the ence of the band near 1690 cm\. Crystal data on
range 2}5, we obtained crystals which gave rather arginine formate are presented in Table 1. These
strong SHG signals. The IR spectrum from these crystals had rhombic symmetry which apparently
crystals (Fig. 8) did not contain an absorption band di!ers from a monoclinic modi"cation reported by
with a frequency higher than 1700 cm\ which is Suresh et al. [25] who used di!erent preparative
characteristic of the COOH group and crystals procedures. Single crystals of Arg ) HCOOH up to
with the Arg ) 2Ax composition. Nevertheless, on 3;5;7 mm have been grown in this study.
A.M. Petrosyan et al. / Journal of Crystal Growth 213 (2000) 103}111 109

Fig. 6. Infrared spectrum of L-Arg ) 2HBr ) H O.

Fig. 7. Infrared spectrum of L-Arg ) 2HF.

110 A.M. Petrosyan et al. / Journal of Crystal Growth 213 (2000) 103}111

Fig. 8. Infrared spectrum of L-Arg ) HCOOH.

We were not able to obtain crystals of the composi- covery of Arg ) 2H AsO , Arg ) 2H PO , Arg )
tion Arg ) 2Ax for HClO . The known 1.1 compound 2HIO , Arg ) 2HNO , Arg ) 2HF, Arg ) 2HCl ) H O
is the only one which formed from Arg#2HClO and Arg ) 2HBr ) H O indicate that a class of ma-
solutions. At Arg#3HClO and higher ratios a vis- terials of this type does exist, and some may be

cous non-crystallizing solution is formed. promising for non-linear optic applications.
To guarantee the creation of enantiomorphic
and hence acentric crystals, it is necessary to use
optically active amino acids. Crystals of com- Acknowledgements
pounds with arginine, lysine, citrulline, etc. seem to
be promising. Among the ten most popular space We thank Dr. E.S. Abovyan for his assistance.
groups just P2 2 2 (11.6%), P2 (6.7%) and P1
    The research described in this publication was
(1.0%) are enantiomorphic [26]. The P2 and P1
 made possible in part by Award No. ACH-009-98
space groups have some advantages in that they of the National Foundation of Science and Ad-
allow the maximal contribution of the molecular vanced Technology and No. AB2-958 of the US
non-linearity to the macroscopic crystal non-lin- Civilian R&D Foundation for the Independent
earity (38%) compared with 19% for the P2 2 2
   States of the Former Soviet Union (CRDF).
structure [26]. In addition, the P2 and P1 space

groups allow non-critical phase-matching, while in
case of P2 2 2 this is impossible [26,27].

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