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Significance of effects of pressure on electrode reactions. Part 111.

Equilibrium processes at
reference electrodes and the volume of H in Pd

C h e r ~ r i sDepcrrtnler~t,
t~~ University ~ r O t t o \ r wOttn~vn,
, Or~t.,Cc~rroclo
Received June 30, 1977

BRIANE. CONWAY and J. C. CURRIE.Can. J. Chem. 56,915 (1978).

For studies on effects of pressure on kinetics of electrode processes (Parts I, II), reversible
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reference electrodes suitable for use in a conipletely enclosed high-pressure bomb are re-
quired. The electrodes must exhibit reversible behaviour over the pressure range employed i n
the experiments, i.e., their changes of emf with increasing and decreasing changes of pressure
must be reproducible and correspond to the respective volume changes in the reactions.
A series of reversible reference electrodes is examined over a range of pressures LIPto ca.
2500 bars. The Pd-H/H+ and Ag,AgCI/CI- reference electrodes are found to behave very
satisfactorily at elevated pressures; the Pt,H2/H+ electrode is, however, less satisfactory, d u e
to problems associated with dissolved H z .
The results enable the volume of Pd-H and of H sorbed into Pd to be evaluated, together
with estimates of the partial molar volume of H2 in aqueous HCI. These data enable the
pressure-coefficients of metal-solution potential differences at individual reference electrodes
to be evaluated. Such information is rcquired for interpretation of effects of pressure o n
kinetics of electrode processes.
I BRIANE. CONWAY et J. C. CURRIE. Can. J. Chem. 56,915 (1978).
Dans le cadre de nos etudes sur I'effet de la pression sur la cinetique des processus aux
For personal use only.

electrodes (partie I, 11), on devait disposer d'electrodes de reference rkversibles pouvant Etre
utilises dans une bombe a haute pression completement isolee. Les electrodes doivent posseder
tin comportement reversible a toutes les pressions utilisees au cours des experiences; entre
autre on doit &trecapable de reproduire des changements de force electromotrice avec des
augmentations et des diminutions de pression et ces changements doivent correspondre aux
changements de volume respectif des reactions.
On a etudie une serie d'electrodes de reference reversibles i diverses pressions allant jusqu'k
environ 2500 bars. On a trouve que les electrodes de reference Pd-H/H et Ag,AgCI/CI- s e

conlportent d'une fagon satisfaisante a des pressions elevees; toi~tefoisI'electrode Pt,H2/Hf

est moins satisfaisante a cause des problemes associts avec I'hydrogene dissous.
Les resultats permettent d'evaluer le volume de Pd-H et de H absorbe dans du Pd e t
d'tvaluer les volumes molaires partiels de Hz dans HCI aqueux. Ces donnees permettent
d'evaluer les coefficients de pression des differences de potentiel metal-solution a des electrodes
dc reference individuelles. De telles informations sont necessaires pour interpreter les effets d e
pression sur les cinetiques des processus ailx electrodes.
[Traduit par le journal]

evaluation by satisfactory nonthermodynamic means

In Parts I and 112 we considered the effect of in order that interpretation (3, 6) of pressure effects
pressure on the kinetics of cathodic hydrogen evolu- on the kinetics of electrode processes can be made.
tion and of the F e ( c ~ ) , ~ - / F e ( c N ) , ~redox
- re- Reference electrodes reliable at high pressure (2) are
action in order to evaluate volumes of activation and also required for evaluation of battery electrode
examine electrostriction effects in the hydration shell behaviour at high hydrostatic pressures, e.g. in deep
reorganization process. Such studies (1-5) require marine environments. There has been little previous
reference electrodes (1, 2, 4, 5 ) which (a) can be used work on this kind of problem but the papers of Hills
reliably in an enclosed vessel at high pressure up to and Kinnibrugh (I) and of Valeriote and Gallop (2)
say 3000 bars and (b) have well-defined and nleasur- provide an important background f o r the present
able pressure-coefficients of emf when used in appro- work, especially with regard to experimental
priate combination with suitable electrolytes. Also, techniques.
the individual half-cell pressure coefficients of metal/ In this paper, we report investigations on the
1I solution potential-difference should be susceptible to behaviour of three well-known reference electrode
systems, Pt,H2/H.&, Pd-H/H&, and Ag,AgCl/CI,,

'Present address: Department of Chemistry, Queen's Univer- under conditions of elevated pressure up to ca.
sity, Kingston, Ont. 3000 bars. Special attention was given to the
'For Parts I and 11, see ref. 3. Pd-H/H+ electrode, which has a potential of 0.050 V
916 C A N . J. C H E M . VOL. 56. 1978

vs. H 2 / H f at 1 bar with standard H z pressure, as this T h e bottom of the cell is a glass cup with a threaded opening
electrode is particularly suitable for studies of for introducing the electrolyte. A screw c a p with a Teflon plug
insert and Teflon-covered O-ring was used to make a high-
electrode processes at elevated pressures since no pressure seal. Both the top and bottom of the cell had ridges
added gas is required in the high-pressure cell. Also, which allowed a positive Teflon-to-glass seal to be made when
the pressure-dependence of the ~ d - H / H f electrode the two pieces are joined with theshrinkable Teflon tubing. T h i s
potential enables the molar volume of H sorbed in type of cell can easily tolerate a 3 0 x volunle change without
undue strain being generated.
Pd, as the P-PdH phase, to be derived. The cell for high-pressure emf measurements consists of 3
The pressure dependence of the potential of a reversible electrodes, two of which are o f the same type. T h i s
reversible electrode reaction is related t o the volume provides a reliable check o n the behaviour of each electrode
change occurring in the half-cell reaction. Thus, the while inside the high-pressure bomb. F o r example, if the cell
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pressure coefficient of emf, E, can be written in terms is Pt,H21HCI/Pd-H,Pd, the potential of the palladium-
hydrogen electrode c a n be measured, in turn, against the t w o
of the appropriate partial molar volumes Vp of Pt,H2 electrodes. T h e potential between the two Pt,H2 refer-
products and VR of reactants as ence electrodes was also measured periodically. Thus, three
emf measurements a r e obtained at each pressure. This type o f
cell is illustrated in Fig. 1.
3. Cell Preporotio~l
Since single electrode potentials cannot be experi- a n All electrochemical cells, including those used at ambient
d high pressures, were washed in concentrated sulfuric acid
mentally evaluated, the electrochen~icalcell is com- for several hours, followed by thorough rinsing in doubly-
prised of two reversible electrodes, whose emf is distilled H 2 0 . The cells were then filled with pyro-distilled
nleasured as a function of pressure. The evaluation H 2 0 and allowed t o soak overnight. T h e electrochemical cells
of the behaviour of certain reversible electrodes for for high-pressure measurements were placed in a glove b a g
which was under a positive pressure of nitrogen. The solutions
possible use as reference electrodes in high-pressure y e r e degassed (to remove 0 2 ) with pre-purified N 2 in the glove
For personal use only.

electrode kinetic studies was performed by measure- bag. The cells were then filled with the appropriate solution
ments on a combination of two different reversible and allowed to soak for 30 min. The cell was then emptied,
electrodes (e.g. Ag,AgCl and Pt,H,) in a single high- rinsed a second time, and filled with the solution required f o r
the experiment. The cell was then sealed with the lower screw
pressure cell. If the measured cell emf is reproducible cap.
in the modes of compression and deco~npressionof In the case of equilibriuni emf measi~rementsinvolving a
the solution, then the pressure coefficient of emf Pt,H2 reference electrode, the electrolyte was presaturated
should be correctly given by ( - l/:F)(C Vp - C VR). with the H z gas at ambient pressure. T h e cell was then filled
Alternatively, the partial 111olar volume of one of the with electrolyte and HZ gas was again passed through it f o r
15 min. Several small bubbles of H 2 gas were allowed t o
components of the reaction can be evaluated if we remain in the cell after the cell had been sealed, in order t o
have precise knowledge of (BEIaP), and the partial ensure that the Pt, H 2 electrode remained in a well-defined
molar volumes of the remaining constituents of the state at elevated pressures.
cell reaction. If the determination of such a partial 4. Reference Elec~rodes
molar volume is consistent with the v o l ~ ~ ~reported
nes T h e Pt,H2 (1 b a r ) / H f , Ag,AgCI, a n d Pd,Pd-H reversible
in the literature, then it can be assumed that the two electrodes were chosen as being the most convenient f o r
reversible electrodes forming the cell are functioning electrochemical studies at high pressures in the present work.
(0) Tlle PI,H2 Electrode
in a ther~~iodynamicallywell-defined manner and
T h e hydrogen electrode was prepared by first cleaning t w o
therefore can be used as reference electrodes at high Pt wires (in the high-pressure cell cap) in warm aqua-regia
pressures. solution, followed by thorough washing in pyro-distilled
water. The wires were then platinized together by the standard
Experimental procedure with n o addition of P b 2 + ions. The electrodes were
then repeatedly washed with water, followed by several
I. High-pressifre Syste111 washings in pyro-distilled water.
Details of the high-pressure system, including the thermo-
statted bomb for containing the electrolytic cells, were given (b) Tlre Pd,Pd-H Electrode
in Part I1 (3). All measurements in this system were made at A palladium electrode was built into the high-pressure cell
298.06 k 0.02 K. by welding a piece of palladium wire t o a platinum wire. T h e
platinum was then sealed into the high-pressure cell c a p with
2. Electrocl~e~i~icnl
Cells for Use nt HigI7 Pressll~.e care being taken to expose only the Pd wire. The electrode w a s
Cells consisted of two Pyrex end-pieces joined by 2 x heat cleaned thoroughly with concentrated sulfuric acid a n d
shrinkable Teflon tubing. The top of the cell contains the washed with pyro-distilled water. T h e Pd-H electrode w a s
electrodes varying in number from 2 t o 4, depending o n the prepared by constant current cathodic electrolysis i n 0.5 M
type of system under examination. All the electrode leads are H 2 S 0 4 for a controlled time. The electrode was oxidized f o r
made of platinum wire of initial diameter 0.025 cm, which is 1 min, followed by a 90-s reduction, b o t h at a current density
hammered flat and sealed into the Pyrex glass tops of the cells. of 200 mA ~ m - T~h .i s cycling procedure was continued f o r
This type of metal-glass seal was found to withstand repeated approximately 10 nlin with termination of the electrolysis i n
elevation of pressure up to 2500 bars without development of the cathodic direction. The electrode w a s then washed with
a n y leaks o r cracks. pyro-distilled water. This electrode w a s activated i n this

decompressed in steps of 276 bars, and the emf values were

again measured after the normal equilibration period at each
The pressure coefficient of emf, (BAEIaP),., at 1 bar for each
pair of reference electrodes was determined graphically from
plots of the measured emf values vs. pressure.

Results and Discussion

1. The Pt,H210.5 M aq. H2S0,1Pd-H,Pcl Cell
The emf data, AE, for this cell as a function of
pressure are listed in Table I. The cell reaction is
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[21 Pd + +Hz $ PdH

As mentioned earlier, 'PdH' is used t o represent the
2-phase a + P PdH system at equilibrium which
gives (17) the 50 mV potential wrt the Pt,H2(l
bar)JH+ electrode. The variation of A E as a function
of pressure is illustrated in Fig. 2. The reversibility of
the pressure effects is good with some small degree
of hysteresis occurring only with regard to the final
readings at low pressure. The slope at 1 bar is (8.6 f
0.5) x V bar-'. At pressures above 800 bars,
the AE vs. P plot is linear with a slope of (6.8 +
0.2) x V bar-'. The hysteresis is probably due
For personal use only.

to the loss of n~olecularhydrogen during the course

of the run by diffusion through the Teflon walls of
Frc;. I. High-pressure cell for emf measurements. The cell is the high pressure cell (see below).
fabricated from heat-shrinkable Teflon tubing and glass. The The pressure coefficient of emf, (aAE/aP), for the
cell contains three reversible electrodes of which two are of cell reaction 2 is related to the accompanying volume
the same kind. change by
manner at the beginning of each experiment and gave a
reproducible +50 mV potential (17) vs. a Pt,H, electrode in
the same solution at P = 1 bar. This potential corresponds to
an equilibrium of H in co-existing a and B phases of PdH with
H + in solution, and H content ica. 57 at.%. For convenience, where V H Zis the partial molar volulne of Hz, and
in most of the material which follows, the a + B PdH system V,, and VpdPH are the molar volulnes of Pd and
will be referred to simply as 'Pd-H'. Pd-H, respectively. Therefore, at 1 bar, the volu~ne
( c ) Tile Ag,AgCl Electrorle change for reaction 2 is -8.3 f 0.5 c m 3 mol-I and
The silver, silver chloride reference electrode was prepared
at pressures above 800 bars, the volulne change tends
from a piece of silver wire welded to a platinum wire which
was then sealed into the high-pressure cell exposing only the towards a value of -6.6 +
0.2 cm3 mol-'. The in-
Ag wire. The electrode was cleaned with concentrated sulfuric crease of the reaction volume as the pressure is en-
acid, followed by repeated washings with pyro-distilled water. hanced is due to the pressure dependence of the par-
Anodic deposition of AgCl on the silver wire was carried out
(17) by electrolysis from a 1 M aqueous HCI solution at a
current density of 1.0 mA cm-2 for 30 min. TABLEI . The emf data for the cell Pt,H2(0.5M aq. HzSOII
Pd-H,Pd at 298 K
5. E q l ~ i l i b r i ~
t ~ ~ ~Mcnsrtre~llerlfsnl High Presslnes
After the cell had been assembled and connected electrically
to the leads in the head of the bomb, i t was placed in the high P (bars)
pressure bomb. The cell was then allowed to come to thermal
equilibrium before any emf measurements were made. The
emf measurements were monitored with a calibrated digital
voltmeter (Dana Laboratory, Inc. Model 4300). Elevated
pressures were then applied only if the cell emf at ambient
pressure had varied less than 100 pV during the last I h of the
3 h equilibration period. If this condition was met, the pressure
was slowly increased in increments of 276 bars, up to a
maximum of 2500 bars. The appreciable heat of compression
which is generated was allowed to dissipate for a period of 3 h
at each pressure before the emf values were measured. After
the maximum pressure had been reached, the system was
918 CAN. J . C H E M . VOL. 56, 1978

2. The emf data for the cell: P t , H 2 1 M

HCIPd-H,Pd at 298 K obtained in two runs

AE (V)
P (bars) Run 1 Run 2
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FIG. 2. The variation of emf as a function of pressure at

298.06 K for the cell: Pt,H20.5M H2S04/Pd-H,Pd.
tial inolar volume of H, in water. [t was found that
the Pd-H/H+ electrode, with Ag,AgCI (see below),
provides a stable reference electrode in acid solutions
at pressures up to 2500 bars. The Pt,H, electrode is
stable to within 1 mV during the course of the
For personal use only.

experiments, but the problems associated with a

gaseous reference electrode in a plastic or Teflon cell
are always present.
2. Tlie Pf,H211 M HCIIPd-H,Pd Cell
The behaviour of this cell, with HCI as the electro-
lyte, was studied in order to provide a basis for use
of the Pd-H/Ht electrode in conjunction with the
Ag,AgCI/CI- electrode which will be discussed in
the following subsection. FIG.3. The variation of emf as a function of pressure a t
The emf data for this Pt,H,/Pd-H cell as a function 298.06 K for the cell: Pt,H, 1.0 M HCIPd-H,Pd.
of pressure are listed in Table 2 for two separate manner, viz. through effects associated with loss of
experiments. The results are also shown graphically Hz through the Teflon.
in Fig. 3. The behaviour is, as expected, similar to
that of the cell described in subsection 1 above. The 3. Tlze Pd, Pd-H 1 M HCI I AgC1,Ag Cell
slope at 1 bar, (BAEIBP),., is (8.4 $. 0.5) x V The pressure coefficient of emf for this cell was
bar-'; at pressures above SO0 bars the pressure co- measured at a series of HCI concentrations at the
efficient is constant at a value of (6.9 f 0.2) x following molarities 0.01,0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1.0 (at
V bar-'. The volume change for the reaction 2 is P = 1 bar) in order to evaluate the behaviour of the
found to be - 8.1 i 0.4 cin3 mol-' and - 6.7 0.2 + Pd--H,H+and Ag,AgCI reference electrodes as a func-
cm3 mol-' at 1 bar and above 800 bars, respectively, tion of electrolyte concentration over a range of pres-
using the above cell with aq. HC1 as electrolyte. The sures. This cell enables the apparent value of the
volume data are in quite good agreement with those molar volume of Pd-H to be evaluated at each HCl
derived above for the same cell with aq. H2S0, as concentration from the appropriate pressure coeffi-
electrolyte. cient of emf and known values of the partial molar
The measured cell emf at 1 bar of 0.0502 V is in volume of aq. HC1, and the molar volumes of AgC1,
excellent agreement with the value of 0.0495 V Ag, and Pd. A true value for V,+, can then be ob-
reported by Schuldiner and co-workers (7). The value tained for infinite dilution of electrolyte by appro-
of AE measured after the high-pressure readings, priate extrapolation.
0.0490 V, is 1 mV less than the initial value at 1 bar. The experimental emf data are listed in Table 3
This behaviour is quite similar to that for 0.5 M for each HC1 concentration, C, and pressure. T h e
H2S04 and therefore can be rationalized in the same emf data as a function of pressure are also illustrated

3. The emf data in volts for the cell Pd,Pd-Hlaq. HCI, niolarity MIAgCI,Ag at 298 K

Emf at concentration of HCI (M), C =

Pressure -

P (bars) 0.01 0.25 0.50 0.75 1 .O

- - -

I 0.40084* 0.24846 0.21301 0.19210 0.17432

276 0.40064 0.24800 0.21238 0.19142 0.17368
552 0.40025 0.24750 0.21 180 0.19069 0.17296
828 0.39978 0.24696 0.21118 0.19004 0.17228
1105 0.39937 0.24641 0.21061 0.18935 0.17162
1376 0.39891 0.24583 0.20994 0.18868 0.17089
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1656 0.39842 0.24524 0.20931 0.18800 0.17023

1930 0.39796 0.24468 0.20868 0.18731 0.16952
2210 0.39746 0.2441 2 0.20806 0.18667 0.16884
I 0.40080 0.24865 0.21314 0.19208 0.17449
*Due to the high stability o f the e m f o f this cell n '5.k' digit digital voltmeter was used for these niensurements.

i n - ~ i4,~ where
. the differences of emf, AEp - AE,, reaction
at pressures P and 1 bar are plotted against pressure. Pd-H + AgCl* Pd + Ag + HCI
The slopes are constant with increasing pressure for
the three highest concentrations over the complete are also included in Table 4.
pressure range. At 0.01 and 0.25 M, the pressure The pressure coefficient is related to the appro-
coefficient decreases (becomes Inore negative) with priate volume quantities for the cell reaction 4 by
increasing pressure up to 500 bars; at pressures above the equation
For personal use only.

500 bars, the pressure coefficient of the emf becomes

independent of P. The values of (aE/aP), at P = 1
bar and P 2 500 bars are listed in Table 4. The
volume changes at each concentration for the cell

where V,,, Vpd-,, VA,, and VAgCIare the molar

volumes of Pd, Pd-H, Ag, and AgC1, respectively.
The molar volumes of Pd, Ag, and AgCl are deter-
mined from the appropriate molecular weights and
densities of the solid phases in their standard states.
VHcl is the partial molar volume of HC1 but, for the
purpose of this calculation, the partial lnolal volulne
of HC1 at infinite dilution, V,",,, is utilized. From
the experimentally determined values of (CJAEIBP),
apparent values of the voluine VPd-, can be evaluated
from [5] for each concentration of HCl employed.
The values of Vpd_,, are 'apparent' because VHc, in
[5] is concentration-dependent according to the
Debye-Hiickel law. Inserting the appropriate nu-
merical data (8) in [5] gives

P (bars)
The apparent values of Vpd-, calculated from the
FIG.4. The variation of emf as a function of pressure at data for each HCl concentration and [6] are listed in
298.06 K relative to the value at 1 bar for the cell: Pd,Pd-
HIHCIIAgC1,Ag at HCI concentrations: (1)0.01 M, (2) 0.25 M, 5. V ~ d - are
~ then plotted
(3) 0.50 M , (4) 0.75 M, (5) 1.00 M. vs. C ' I 2 and extrapolated to zero ionic strength of
920 C A N . J. CHEM. VOL. 56. 1978

4. Pressure coefficients of emf for the cell: Pd,Pd-HM HCIIAgCI,Ag at 298 K and the corresponding
volume changes A V, or A V , at pressure = I or P bars

P = l bar P 2 500 bars

C(HCI) -
-- -
molarity (BAE/BP), ( p V bar-') AV, (cm3 niol-') (BAE/BP)T ( p V bar-') AV, (cm3 niol-')
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*Estimated errors are evaluated from standard deviations, duplicate ernfmeasuremenls in the compression and decompression modes
and the intrinsic error in the pressure measurement.

TABLE5. Apparent values of the molar

volume of Pd-H* at 298 K

C (M) HCI VPd-!, (cm3 nlol- ')

0.01 11.2
0.25 10.2
0.50 9.55 -
0.75 9.15
1 .OO 9.19
0 (extrapolated) 11.3+0.1
For personal use only.

'The significance o f this volume deduced from the

emf measurements is examined in section 5.

HCI giving a true value of V,,-,, as shown in Fig. 5. 90 I

0.50 1.0
The best-fit straight line by the method of the least c~.l / ~( ~ O Idm-'I4
squares gives an intercept at C = 0 of Vpd-,., =
FIG.5. The variation of the molar volume of Pd-H, Vpd-,,
f O.l cm3 mO1-'. The with C,,a'lZ. The best-fit straight line obtained by the method
effect considered in kinetic experiments (3) need not of least squares is shown.
be taken into account here since ~nolalitiesare em-
ployed in the Nernst equation for emf's so that (cf. and the Pt,H, electrodes was therefore introduced in
ref. 2) co~npressioneffects are included in the activity the cell, but the cell emf again proved to be unstable.
coefficients giving a nonideal volume contribution Significant diffusion of H, through the Teflon walls
which is eliminated on extrapolation to infinite of the high-pressure cell appears to be a more
dilution. realistic explanation for the time-dependent emf of
The emf data in Table 4 are satisfactorily repro- this cell. Earlier experiments with the Pt,H, vs.
ducible over the pressure range 1 to 2210 bars. The Pd-H,Pd system referred to in subsection 1 gave,
~naximu~n variation of AE at I bar recorded before however, much more stable potentials in the
and after the high-pressure measurements was ascending and descending direction of pressure
1.7 x V ( C = 1.0 M HCI). The minimum change. In the later experiments, the cells used were
variation was 2 x V ( C = 0.75 M HCI). There- made of Teflon from a source different from that
fore the electrodes Pd-H/H+ and Ag,AgCl/CI- can e~nployedin the earlier measurements. Therefore,
be used as reliable reference electrodes at elevated it seems that the two Teflon samples have a different
pressures, with an uncertainty in the measured emf structure, the more recently obtained being perme-
not greater than 1.7 x V. able to molecular hydrogen.
Heusler and Gaiser (4)also observed instabilitv
4. The Pt, H, 11 M HCI I AgC1,Ag Cell and systematic errors of ;bout 2 mV for the equilc
The emf of this cell was found to be relatively brium emf of the cell Pt,H,IHCI, NaClIAgC1,Ag a t
unstable in comparison with that of the other cells atmospheric pressure. The errors were attributed to
referred to above. It was initially thought that a irreversible reduction of AgCl and to the fact that
time-dependent mixed-potential was set up at the the H, partial pressure became less than 1 bar. The
Ag,AgCI electrode in the presence of H,. Another loss of hydrogen was attributed t o diffusion through
possible explanation is that reduction of traces of their Teflon cell into the hydraulic oil i n the high-
dissolved Ag+ by molecular hydrogen occurs at the pressure vessel. Valeriote and Gallop (2) also
Pt,H, electrode. A separator between the Ag,AgCl observed similar drifts of cell potentials when a

6. Pressure coefficients of emf for cells 1, 2, and 3 at 298 K


(bar) C(rno1 HCI) (aAE,/aP)T(pV bar-I) (aAE,/aP), (aAE3/aP), AV, (cm3 mol-') V,,2 (cm3 mol-')
1 1 .O 5.85 8.40 -2.55 -5.65 17.6
> 800 1.O 4.35 6.90 -2.55 -4.20 14.1

hydrogen electrode is used in a Teflon, Lexan, or achieve a potential of about +0.050 V with respect
nylon high-pressure cell. The effects were again to a standard Pt,H, reference electrode. Hydrogen
attributed to diffusion of H z through the walls of is absorbed initially by palladium in t h e a-phase up
the cell.
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to a limiting composition of H/Pd = 0.03 at 298 K.

In order to obtain a more reliable estimate of the Further H absorption produces a second phase, P,
pressure-dependence of emf of the cell Pt,HzIHC1l with an H/Pd ratio of 0.60. The stable, well defined
AgC1,Ag (cell l), an indirect approach must there- electrode potential is due to the siinultaneous pres-
fore be taken. The two cell systems treated in sub- ence at the electrode surface of the two phases in
sections 2 and 3 are considered: thermodynamic equilibrium, with the H also in
Ag,AgCI/1 M HCl Pd-H,Pd (cell 2) equilibrium with HTq and electrons. Electroche~nical
and equilibrium thus exists between the a + P Pd-H
Pt,H,11 M HCIPd-H,Pd (cell 3)
electrode and the electrolyte as represented formally
by the equation
The (aAE,/aP), for the Pt,H,(l M HCl(AgC1,Ag [lofl] Pd + H + + e*Pd-H
system, i.e., for the cell reaction
More specifically, when the electrode exhibits the
171 +HZ + AgCl s Ag + HCI '50 mV' potential (7, 9, lo), a and P-PdH phases
For personal use only.

for which co-exist with the a-PdH phase saturated (3 at.% H).
Reaction Ion should hence be written
[lob] a-PdH (satd.) + H + + e =2( a + P)-PdH
is obtained from the pressure dependence of the The absorption of H into Pd to form, initially, the
emf's of cells designated 2 and 3. a-phase is known (10) to occur with very little
The (aAE/aP), values for cells 1, 2, and 3, and the expansion of the Pd lattice. Hence, in [ 5 ]for reaction
volume change, AV,, for the cell reaction 7 are listed 4, Vpd strictly refers t o V,-pdH(,,,,j, a n d is almost
in Table 6. The partial molar volume of Hz in 1 M equal to this quantity while Vp,,, refers t o the volume
HCI at P = 1 bar, as calculated from [8], is also of a-PdH + P-PdH formed froin t h e saturated
given in Table 6. a-phase by reaction 106. On the other hand, the
formation of the P-phase occurs with considerable
5. T l ~ eVolurne of H Sorbed into P d rrnd the increase of the lattice parameters, a. Values of the
SigniJicance of tlze Quantity V,,I,I latter, obtained by Aben and Burgers (lo), using
From the data given above, it is seen that evalua- X-ray diffraction, are listed in Table 7.
tion of the pressure coefficient of emf for the cell The value of the measured molar volume of 'PdH'
in an a + P-PdH system is therefore associated with
the production of H in the P-phase, since it is only
can provide a convenient method for the determina- this phase that forms with a relatively large expan-
tion of the molar volume, Vpd-,,, of Pd-H. The sion of the Pd lattice and a corresponding positive
significance of Vpd-, can best be visualized if the volume change. Hence the value Vpd-,, = I I .3 cm3
processes involved in the Pd-H,H+ reference elec- mol-' given in Table 5 is the molar volume of for-
trode reaction are considered. mation of H in the P-phase. The apparent voluine of
The behaviour of the Pd-H,H+ reference electrode H itself, V,, can then be evaluated by taking the
has been studied by Schuldiner et al. (7), Flanagan difference of 'Vpd-,' and the inolar volume of a-PdH
and Lewis (9), and by Aben and Burgers (10) with
varying opinions on the actual mechanisms involved TABLE
7. Lattice parameters for the Pd,Pd-H system (10)
in the functioning of such an electrode. However, the
mechanism described below appears to be the most a-Phase a-Phase +H (a + P) Phase +H
consistent with the experimental facts. It is known N = 0.3882 nm tr = 0.3886 nm cr, = 0.3886 nm
that a palladium wire charged with hydrogen cr, = 0.4017nnl
electrolytically or under hydrogen atmosphere will
922 C A N . J . CHEM. VOL. 56. 1978

assuming V,-,,,, (,,, = V,,. This approach gives a apparently discrepant and differ from a value
value for V,, = 2.0 cm3 mol-' which is the net obtained by Tiepel and Gubbins (13) using a dilato-
volun~echange of a-PdH (satd) upon absorption of metric technique. The differences appear to be d u e
1 ~ n o of
l H atoms to produce P-PdH. to ionic strength effects on the apparent molar
Direct evaluation3 of the quantities V,,-,, and V,, volume of H,.
for H in palladium does not seem to have been For the cell Pt,H,IO.I M HCIIAgCI,Ag, Valeriote
previously reported in the literature, although V,, in and Gallop's (2) results give a partial molar v o l u ~ n e
pure iron and in Pd-Ag alloys has been evaluated of H, in 0.1 M HCI as 17.9 cm3 mol-'. Hills a n d
by measuring the uptake of H, under uni-axial stress. Kinnibrugh (I), using the cell Pt,H,IO.I N HCll
This type of measurement is based on the fact that Hg2CI2,Hg, quote V,,2 = 15 cm3 mol-' for 0.1 M
when a tensile stress is applied to a metal it causes HCI. Heusler and Gaiser (4), using cell I (eq. 8),
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from by on 01/05/17

an increase in the solubility of H while a compressive obtained emf values over a range of HCI concentra-
stress decreases the quantity of absorbed H-atoms. tion and evaluated the infinite dilution volume
The change of solubility of H is related to the V z = 24 cm3 mol-' from the pressure effect on t h e
applied stress by emf of this cell.
It has been mentioned in subsection 4 that t h e
pressure-coefficient of emf of the cell Pt,H,I I M
HCIIAgC1,Ag could not, for various possible
where c is the solubility of hydrogen (moles of H / C I reasons,
~ ~ be measured experimentally in a reliable
of substrate) when the applied uniaxial stress is o and manner (cf. ref. 4) but could be satisfactorily derived
c, is the solubility when the applied stress is zero. from emf measurements on t h e cells Pt,H,(I M
Utilizing this approach, Bockris and co-workers (1 I) HCIIPd-H,Pd and Pd,Pd-H I 1 M HCIIAgC1,Ag.
have determined V,, for H in pure Fe as 2.6 cm3 The pressure-coefficient of emf obtained in this
manner can be used to determine the partial molar
For personal use only.

mol-'. Wriedt and Oriani (12) have determined the

value to be 1.90 cm3 mol-I in a 75% P d - 25% Ag volume of H, in 1 M HCI.
alloy which is in good agreement with the value The partial molar volume of H, obtained by this
obtained in this work: V,, = 2.0 cn13 mol-'. It is of procedure in the present work for 1 M HCI is
interest that this value is appreciably smaller than V,,, = 17.6 cm3 mol-' and agrees quite well with
the volume of adsorbed H at Pt, which we recently the value of Heusler and Gaiser (4): V,,, = 17.7 cm3
determined (22). mol-' for 0.80 M HCI. The V,,, values of Heusler
The behaviour of the Pd,Pd-HIM HCI(AgC1,Ag and Gaiser are plotted as a function of C1I2in Fig. 6.
cell a t pressures up t o 2500 bars appears to be The best-fit straight line has a slope of -6.3 a n d
sufficiently reliable and reversible with respect to gives an intercept V,": of 24 cm3 mol-I. The value
increasing and decreasing changes of pressure, that of V,,, obtained in the-present work IS within 0.2 cm3
F times the pressure-coefficient of the cell emf can mol-' of the corresponding value of Heusler a n d
be equated with certainty to the known molar volume Ciaiser on their V , , ~ - C " ~plot a t C = 1.0 M HC1.
differences of the respective components in the cell This would give V:,= 24 cm3 mol-' (using their
reaction. This being the case, the Pd-H,H+ electrode
can be utilized as a satisfactory reference electrode
in high-pressure electrochemical studies in acid
media, as were described in Part 11. The Ag,AgCl
electrode can be adopted for use in Cl- salt solutions
at elevated pressures.
6. Tlze Partial Molar Volume of H , itz Aqueous
From measurements at various hydrostatic pres-
sures on cells involving the Pt-H2/HTq electrode,
the partial molar volume of H z in aqueous solution
can be derived. Previous data in the literature for
V,, derived from emf measurements (1, 2) are
3The 'partial molar volume' of H in Pd and various Pd
alloys was evaluated by Baranowsky et ol. (23) from changes
of lattice parameters as a function of uptake of H from Hz at FIG.6 . The variation of the partial molar volume o f H Z ,
high pressures. VH2,with CIIz from the data of Heusler and Gaiser (4).

slope). T h ~ svalue is in good agreement with the entropy with increasing temperature for nonpolar
previously reported (13) value V< = 25.2 cm3 gases in water. This variation was attributed to the
mol-', based on dilatometric measuremeiits in pure 'melting' of the so-called 'iceberg' structures sur-
water. rounding the solute molecules.
Apparent discrepancies in the l i t e r a t ~ ~ rfor
e VkI1 The large concentration dependence of apparent
values are evidently due to dependence of the values of VH2observed in this work and that of
apparent values of V,,, on ionic strength (saltingout Heusler and Gaiser (4) (S, = -6.3) can be explained
effect). Table 8 summarizes the values of V,,, in terms of the salting-out effect. In solutions of
obtained from the literature and from the present inoderate electrolyte concentration (0.01 -> I M),
work. increasing mole fractions of the solvent will be
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from by on 01/05/17

It is seen that introduction of a small molecule involved in solvation of the respective ions as their
such as H, into an aqueous solution results in a concentration increases. Therefore, a solute molecule
surprisingly large volume increase (-24 cm3 11101- I ) . such as H, when introduced into an ionic solution
This observation is consistent with the earlier work sees a smaller voluliie o f 'free' solvent ~noleculesthan
of Frank and Evans (14) on the effect of dissolved would be the case in pure water. T h e activity co-
nonelectrolytes on the structure of water. The intro- efficient of the H, gas is therefore i n ~ ~ - e a s ecorre-
duction of nonpolar gases such as H,, Ar, He, and sponding to reduction of its solubility (salting-out
Rn into aqueous solutions was found by these effect) (I 5, 16). Therefore the volume change accom-
authors in a large decrease in entropy of the system panying the dissolution of H z will be less than the
( - 105-170 J K - ' mol-I). This behaviour was re- V,", value due to the effect of pressure on the
lated to the ability of these solutes to promote so- activity coefficient associated with the influence of
called structure building of water around nonpolar the ions present.
For personal use only.

solute molecules. .The larger solute molecules, such

as Rn, promote a greater degree of structure making. 7. Pressure Coeficient.~of Indivih~alEkectrode -
The formation of aggregates of structured water will Solution Potential Dlfereizces
result in expansionof the solvent as reflected in the In studies of kinetics of electrode processes as a
relatively large values of the observed apparent or function of pressure, a n apparent volume of activa-
partial molar volume of nonpolar solutes. tion A V;,* is obtained (3) which differs (6, 18) from the
The partial molar volume of H, in 1 M aqueous true, kinetically significant value AV,' by /3 times
HCI at I bar is 17.6 cm3 mol-'; however, as the the volume change, AVO, for the same overall
pressure is increased, Vkl1decreases steadily until electrode process at equilibrium: AV,* = AV;,' +
about 800 bars. Above this pressure, the value of V,,, PAVo o r AV* = AVi,* - (1 - P)AVo, where P is
becomes constant at 14.1 cm3 ~ n o l - ' (Table 6). The the symmetry coefficient for the electron-transfer
decrease of Vl,, with pressure is due to the pressure- process. The term PA Vo enters (6) into the expression
induced destruction of part of the expanded water for AV,* due to the pressure-dependence of the
structure around the H, solute. Above 800 bars, local potential difference a t the reversible reference
structure promoted by the introduction of H, into electrode used to make the kinetic measurements at
the aqueous electrolyte has evidently been 'regelated'. well-defined electrode potentials.
This behaviour is analogous to the observations The present results enable the individual pressure
made by Frank and Evans (14) on the increase of coefficients of the metal-solutioli potential differences
for the Pd-H/Ht and Pt-H2/Ht reference electrodes
8. Part~nlmolar
TABLL vol~~mes
of H Z in aq. HCI to be estimated, taking a value for V,;". = -5.4
cm3 mol-' based on ([I) ultrasonic vibration poten-
tials (19) and (b) extrapolation of volurnes of R,Nt
L halide salt ions (20), methods which give values for
(mol This
v,;"+in very good agreement (21). T h e individual
HCI) Ref. 4
' Ref. 2 l Ref. I!: Ref. 138 work
pressure-coefficients and corresponding volume
changes AVO are given in Table 9. T h e AVO values
depend on the assignment of a value V, for the
volume of electrons in a metal. The figure of 3 c1n3
Faraday-' from ref. 4 has been used for the data
given in Table 9.
* P t , H 2 M HCIIAgCI.Ag.
The individual pressure coefficients of potential
t P t , H 2 0.1 M HCIIAgC1,As. differences in Table 9 d o not take account of the
tPt.H20.1 h4 HCIIHg?Cl2,Hg.
IDilatometer method 111 aqucous KOH. (unknown) pressure dependence of surface-potential
924 C A N . J. CHEM. VOL. 56, 1978

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Hf + e + : H z 14.4 - 14.9 Chem. Phys. 28, 16 (1958): 28,22 (1958).
Hf e+ + PdePdH 4.4 -4.6 F. J . MILLERO. 111 Water and aqueous solutions. Editeci by
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not appreciable. Hence it is reasonable to assume W. BECK,J . O'M. BOCKRIS. J . MCBREEN, and L. NANIS.
Proc. R. Soc. London, A, 290,220 ( 1966).
that any pressure dependence of x up to ca. 3000 bars H. A. WRIEDTand R. A. O R I A N IActa . Metall. 18, 753
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16. B. E. C O N W A Yand D. M. NOVAK.III Chemistry and
Grateful acknowledge~nentis made to the Defence physics of aqueous gas solulions. The Electrochemical
Research Board for support of this work in its early Society, Princeton. 1975. p. 115.
17. D. J . G. IVES and G. J . JANZ. Reference electrodes.
stages and t o the National Research Council of Academic Press, New York, NY. 1961. pp. 112-1 15,
Canada for its support over the past two years. We 203-218.
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also acknowledge useful discussions with Drs. W. 18. B. E. C O N W A YJ .. Electrochem. S o c . 113, 1118(1966).
A d a m and J. Valeriote. 19. R. Z A N Aand E. YEAGER. J . Phys. Chem. 70,954 (1966); 71,
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