Elementary School Lesson Plan: (Adapted From Madeline Hunter's Research)

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(Adapted from Madeline Hunters Research)

Student Name: Vanessa Lisi Date: Tuesday, January 24th, 2017 Age
Group: Age 7

Grade: 2
Unit/Subject: Science Experiment
Materials: Station 1: Black coffee, 10 creamer cups,
(List the materials needed for clear cup
this lesson) Station 2: Blue and yellow paint, 5 plates,
10 Q-tips
Station 3: Small rocks, clear cup of water
Station 4: clear cup of water, olive oil
Station 5: Flour, 5 plates, 10 popsicle sticks,

Objectives: The students will build upon their

(What the students should social skills as they learn to work
learn/accomplish/master/und together as a cohesive group.
erstand as a result of the The students will enhance their
lesson) observation and comprehension skills
as they reflect on the outcome of
each experiment.
The students will learn to take
initiative in their own experiments by
gathering the materials at the back
and cleaning up after each rotation.
Anticipatory Set: The students already know what a
(In what way will you activate solid, liquid, and gas is.
their prior knowledge and The students already know how these
experience to help them three states of matter change from
relate to todays lesson?) one to the other.
The students now will learn how each
state of matter mixes differently with
the other.
Teaching: Instructional Input
(Step by step discussion for
how the lesson will be Station 1: The students have to mix 2
taught) coffee creamers into the cup of
coffee. The students will then observe
Instructional Input: what happens when the cream is
What knowledge will you mixed in with the coffee.
communicate to the students Station 2: The students will pour
so that they understand the yellow and blue paint into a paper
objective of the lesson (film, plate. The students will them mix the
tape, video, pictures, etc) two colors together using a Q-tip.
They will then observe what happens
when you mix the two liquids
Station 3: The students will drop rocks
into a clear container of water. The
students will then question why the
rocks suck and what other types of
solids might sink in water.
Station 4: The students will be mixing
water and oil. The students will
observe what happens and question
why the oil does not mix with the
Guided Practice:
What activities will the
Station 5: The students will mix flour
students perform under
and water together to make dough.
your supervision to ensure
The students will examine what
that they are able to practice
happens to the water liquid when
the material/concepts taught
mixed with the flour solid.
in the lesson?
Guided practice
How will you support
Before the experiment begins I will
students when errors are
talk to the class about working as a
group and what the expectations are.
I will remind the students that when
you always get a turn doing
something, you are taking away
another childs chance to learn.
I will assign a group leader for each
rotation so that every student will
have a chance to do something.
How will you demonstrate
If students have trouble taking turns
the skill or competence so
or working well as a group I will
the student will also be able
remind them that we are all here for
to do it? (Use of materials to
the same reason and the same goals
show students examples of
and we cant reach our goals if we do
what is expected as a final
not work together
product of their work)
While the students are at the carpet, I
will go through each of the stations
and model how each needs to be
I will also explain/ model how the
Checking for students should clean up before they
Understanding: go to the next rotation. As well as
How will you check that the what to do when gathering the
students have materials set up at the back for the
understood/learned the new rotation.
objectives? Checking for Understanding
Before starting any of the
Questioning Strategies: experiments I will confirm with the
What types of questions students if they have any questions.
might you ask to probe for Between rotations, I will clarify
higher level thinking? anything that I see the children are
confused on.
Throughout the rotations, I will go
around to each station and ask
questions to promote conversation
and critical thinking.
What did it look like when the
creamer mixed together with the
Why did the rocks wink to the
Why did the two paint colors mix
together and not stay their original
Why wont the oil mix in with the
Why did the liquid disappear when
mixed in with flour?
Closure: At the end of all the stations, I will
Develop a statement that have the students help clean
brings the lesson to an everything up.
appropriate conclusion. A We will them meet at the carpet to
statement of closure is the discuss everything we observed.
act of reviewing and We will answer all the prompting
clarifying the key points of a questions I asked earlier and write it
lesson. It is used to: down on chart paper.
Through doing this, the students will
1. Cue students to the have a cleared understanding of how
fact that they are at
solids and liquids mix together.
the end of the lesson
2. Help organize student
3. Help students form a
clearer picture of what
the lesson is all about

Independent Practice: There will be no homework or

List homework or seatwork worksheets for the students to do.
assignments the students will
be expected to complete in
order to practice the
material/skill without
teacher supervision

Reflection: This was probably my greatest lesson

yet! Although it was very stressful to
- What went well? Provide
get all the materials ready and have
examples for how you
know it went well. everything organized.
- What didnt go well? Provide Everything went smoothly, the
examples for how you students were engaged and active in
know it didnt go well. their learning.
- What did you learn? They truly worked well together in
- What might you do their groups I have never been more
differently next time you proud of them.
implement this same I am very proud in myself. I gave the
experience and why? students structure while still allowing
- Did you have to make any
them to have fun in their learning. I
adaptations or
modifications? If so, what was organized and clear in my
were they? instructions.
- What type of experience
might you plan to extend
on this one?

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