Statcon Syllabus

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I. Method of Instruction The Socratic method of instruction will be utilized

as mode of instruction (recitation-lecture method). Assignment will be
given every meeting the coverage of which will be the topics for recitation
of the students. The professor will supplement their answers through
further discussion and elaboration.

Cases Assigned All cases assigned shall be read in their original, if


Grading System - Thirty percent (30%) of the final grade will be the
students grade in the recitation, case digest notebook, assignment,
quizzes and long tests. Another 30% will be the midterm grade and the
remaining 40% will be the students rating in the final examination.

II. Prescribed Book The professor will use the book authored by Judge
Noli C. Diaz/ Ruben E. Agpalo entitled Statutory Construction. However,
the students may refer to other books in Statutory Construction written by
other authors.

III. Syllabus

1. Preliminary Considerations

a. Definition of Statutory Construction

b. Distinction between construction and interpretation
c. Situs of construction and interpretation
d. Duty of the Courts to construe and interpret the law; requisites
e. Power to construe
f. Limitations on power to construe
g. Different kinds of construction and interpretation
h. Subjects of construction and interpretation

2. Statutes

a. Definition of a statute
b. Legislative procedures
c. Steps on how a bill becomes a law
d. Authentication of bills
e. Enrolled bill
f. Constitutional test in the passage of a bill
g. Parts of a statute
h. Kinds of statutes
i. Concept of vague statutes
j. Repeals of statute
k. Ordinance

Campuses: Hilltop | MH del Pilar | Pallocan East | Pallocan West | Lipa

Telephone Numbers: +63 43 723 1446 | 980 0041
l. Role of foreign jurisprudence
m. When laws take effect (laws/statute,PD issuances, rules and
regulations, local ordinance )
n. Manner of computing time

3. Basic Guidelines in the Construction and Interpretation of Laws

a. Legislative intent

Verba intentioni, non e contra debent inservire

b. Verba legis or plain meaning rule

Index animi sermo

Verbal egis non est recedendum
Absoluta sentential expositore non indigent
Dura lex sed lex
Hoc quidem perquam durum est, sed ital ex scripta est
Aequitas nunquam contravenit legis

c. Statute as a whole

Ut res magis valen quam pereat

d. Spirit and purpose of the law

e. Doctrine of necessary implications

Ex necessitate legis
in eo quod plus sit, simper inest et minus
ex dolo malo non oritur action
nullus commodum capere potest de injuria sua propria
in pari delicto potior est condition defendentis
Quando aliquid prohibetur ex directo, prohibetur et per obliquum

f. Casus Omissus

Casus omissus pro omisso habendus est

g. Stare Decisis

Interest reipublicae ut sit finis litium

Obiter dictum

Additional Cases:

1. Mendoza vs. Comelec (March 25,21010)

2. Bolos vs. Bolos ( Oct. 10, 2010)
3. Villafuerte vs. Comelec ( Feb. 25, 2014)
4. Sps. Pascual vs. Sps. Ballesteros ( Feb. 15,2012)
5. Corpuz vs. People ( April 29, 2014)
6. CIR vs. Mindanao II Geotermal partnership ( Jan.15, 2014)
7. Atty. Risos-Vidal vs. Comelec ( Jan. 21, 2015)
8. AT&T vs. Commissioner ( Nov. 19,2014)
9. Team Energy vs. CIR ( Jan. 13,2014)
10. Visayas Geothermal vs. CIR( June 4, 2014)

Campuses: Hilltop | MH del Pilar | Pallocan East | Pallocan West | Lipa

Telephone Numbers: +63 43 723 1446 | 980 0041
11. Hacienda Luisita vs. PARC ( July 5,2011)
12. Taguinod vs. Dalupang ( Nov. 23,2005)
13. San Miguel Corp. Employees Union vc. San Miguel Packaging Products
Employees Union ( Sept. 12,2007)
14. Maritime Industry vs. COA ( Jan. 13, 2015 )

4. Construction and Interpretation of Words and Phrases

a. When the law does not distinguish, courts should not distinguish ( Ubi
lex non distinguit, nec nos distinguere debemus )

Bartolome vs. SSS (Nov.12,2014)

b. Exceptions in the statute

c. General and special terms

Generalia verba sunt generaliter intelligenda

Generale dictum generaliter est interpretandum

d. General terms following special terms (Ejusdem Generis)

d.1 Requisites/limitations

e. Express mention and implied exclusion (Expressio Unius Est Exclusio


expressum facit cessare tacitum

exception firmat regulam in casibus non exceptis

f. Associated words (Noscitur a sociis)

g. Doctrine of last antecedent

Reddendo singular singulis

h. Use of negative /affirmative words

Angel Naval vs. Comelec ( July 8, 2014)

i. The use of the term and and the word or

Mandatory and Directory Statutes

j. The use of May and Shall in the statute

Cocofed vs. Comelec ( Aug. 6, 2013)

Office of the ombudsman vs. de Sehagun ( Aug.13, 2008)

k. Use of the word must

Hacienda Luisita vs. PARC ( July 5,2011)

l. Function of the proviso/exceptions and saving clauses

5. Presumptions in Aid of Construction

Campuses: Hilltop | MH del Pilar | Pallocan East | Pallocan West | Lipa

Telephone Numbers: +63 43 723 1446 | 980 0041
a. Presumptions
b. Presumption against constitutionality
c. Presumption against injustice
d. Presumption against implied repeals
e. Presumption against ineffectiveness
f. Presumption against absurdity
g. Presumption against violation of international law

6. Intrinsic Aids in Interpretation

a. Title of the law

b. Text of the statute
d. preamble as intrinsic aid
Atty. Risos-Vidal vs. Comelec ( Jan. 21, 2015)

7. Extrinsic Aids in Construction

a. Legislative history/Presidents message to the legislature/Explanatory
Legislative debates, views and deliberation/reports of
b. Contemporary construction
c. Stare decisis

8. Strict and Liberal Construction and Interpretation of Statutes

a. General principles
Visayas Geothermal vs. CIR( June 4, 2014)

Statutes strictly construed

b. Penal statute
c. Tax laws-granting tax exemptions
d. Insurance law-against the insurer
e. Expropriation laws
f. Statutes granting privileges
g. Legislative grants to LGU
h. Statutory grounds for removal of officials
i. Statutes concerning sovereign
j. Statutes authorizing suits against government
k. Statutes prescribing formalities of will
l. Exceptions and provisos

Statutes liberally construed

m. Naturalization law
n. Labor and social legislations
o. Retirement laws
p. Election laws
q. Tax laws-taxing power
r. Amnesty proclamations
s. Adoption laws
t. Veteran and pension laws
u. Rules of Court

Campuses: Hilltop | MH del Pilar | Pallocan East | Pallocan West | Lipa

Telephone Numbers: +63 43 723 1446 | 980 0041
v. Redemption laws

9. Prospective and Retrospective( Retroactive) Statutes

a. General principles

Statutes given prospective effect

b. Penal statutes
c. Statute substantive in nature
d. Statute affecting vested rights
e. Repealing and amendatory acts

Statutes given retroactive effect

f. Procedural laws
g. Curative statutes
h. Police power legislation
i. Statutes relating to prescription
j. Statutes relating to appeal

10. Conflicting Statutes

a. Effect should be given to the entire statutes

b. Statutes in pari material
c. Reasons why law on the same subject are reconciled
d. General and special statutes
e. Statute and ordinance

11. Amendment, Revision, Codification and Appeal

12. Construction and Interpretation of the Constitution

13. Cases
All cases cited and discussed in the textbook shall be read in the original if
possible. Prepare a case digest for all cases assigned and discussed in class.
Additional cases may be assigned aside from those above-cited.

Campuses: Hilltop | MH del Pilar | Pallocan East | Pallocan West | Lipa

Telephone Numbers: +63 43 723 1446 | 980 0041

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