The Ultimate Collection

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The Ultimate Collection fills that need perfectly the need to learn success

secrets in a myriad of areas, in the shortest time possible.

Here are just some of the topics covered in The Ultimate Collection:

Financial freedom
Goal setting
Communication skills
Persuasion skills
And more!

Meet The Ultimate Collections

Panel Of Ten World-Class Experts
And The Secrets They Reveal

Jim Rohn
Living an Exceptional Life

Considered by many to be Americas foremost

business philosopher, Jim Rohn has shared the
secrets of success for over 40+ years with more than
6,000 audiences and 4 million people. Recipient of
the coveted National Speakers Association CPAE
Award, he is the author of over 25 books and
audio/video programs.

Discover these secrets and awaken the unlimited

power of achievement within you

How to be prepared for the opportunities

and competition in the 21st century.
Lay the foundation for future fortune and
security. Find out how you can build your
confidence to thrive during economic
distress yes, even if you lost your job
tomorrow! Learn 3 ways to improve
yourself and take advantage of
opportunities that come your way.
Revealed: The skills you need to multiply
your income. Forget measly increments.
Watch your income soar instead!
The simple economic formula that will
lead you to make your fortune.
Never pursue success. Find out how you
can attract success instead! (Trust me, its
much easier this way)
Develop your personal guidance system
that helps avoid the dangers in life and
maximize the opportunities available to

The crucial thing that needs to happen

before anything else can change for you.

Brian Tracy
Secrets Of Self-Made

Self-made millionaires have been studied extensively

throughout the years. The good news is that success
is not an accident. Success can be learned and it
leaves tracks. The great news is that you can follow
the tracks of successful people to arrive at your
ultimate destination.

Here are some of the secrets youll find in this upbeat


A simple truth that reveals how you can

achieve things youve never achieved
Why you may be closer to doubling your
income that you think.
Discover back from the future thinking.
This is the starting point to great riches
and success in your life.
How to get paid for playing and having
Secrets to getting to the top 10% of your
How to find success tips from your own
Are you working for someone else? Find
out why this is the biggest and most
common mistake that people make and
what you can do to fix it.
Develop a clear sense of direction. Youve
got to know what you want in every area
of your life.
Find out why successful people NEVER
fail. (Imagine what you could do if its not
possible for you to fail.)
The 40 plus formula and how you can
use it to see your future with uncanny
Discover what your reference group is.
99% of your success in life is going to be
determined by this. Heres the best part:
You can achieve automatic success just
by changing your reference group. (This
is success happening to you on a
subconscious level without you having
to work hard for it!)
The simple 20-idea mind storming
method that helped so many people
become millionaires Brian stopped
The biggest obstacle to success and its

How to get yourself into an upward spiral

where every step that you take only
makes you stronger. This is the secret to
becoming an unstoppable high-achiever.

Stephen R. Covey
The 8th Habit

Stephen Covey defined the 7 habits of highly

successful people more than a decade ago. Now the
8th Habit is revealed! In this compelling
presentation, Dr. Covey pushes leaders to be not only
effective but truly great.

Discover the following secrets in this amazing


The 5 hazardous emotional cancers to

avoid if you want to find your voice.
How to find your voice and inspire others
to find theirs.
The four assumptions that help you
develop strong vision, discipline, passion,
and conscience.
How you can be the nucleus for change
that leads an entire organization towards
greatness even though you have no
formal authority whatsoever. (Yes, you
can have more influence in your company
than your boss!)
How to contribute and succeed in the
knowledge economy.
Startling research reveals why strategies
and goals in organizations arent properly
implemented, even though they are
communicated as clearly as humanly
possible. Heres the secret to breaking this
The Indian talking stick technique and
how it radically breaks misunderstandings
in communication. Imagine a conversation
where you (and everyone else) are always
understood. Tip: You can even use an
ordinary pencil!

A simple 2 minute film that gives the basic

underlying principles of a whole person
and the 4 basic needs of every human.

Denis Waitley
Raising Confident Kids

You and your children can achieve the goals of self-

confidence and self-esteem. Children desperately
want to become adults, and they learn how from what
they see around them. Parents have enormous power
to influence their childrens lives and directions.
Award-winning speaker, author and consultant Denis
Waitley says that by recognizing and harnessing that
power, they can help kids develop the sense of
belonging, individual identity, self-worth, and
competency they want and need to become strong,
effective adults. Denis helps you understand:

Authoritarian, authoritative, permissive

and uninvolved parenting styles.
How to compete with media and peers to
be your child's role model.
The importance of discovering a childs
natural gifts
Setting goals that are "out of reach" but
not "out of sight" .

Les Brown
Step Into Your Greatness

High-octane speaker Les Brown advises you to stop

playing it safe and start creating whats truly possibly
in life by stretching yourself, taking risks and
surrounding yourself with positive, nourishing

Discover the key to greatness through powerful and

inspiring insights such as

How to raise the bar and commit to higher

Why you shouldnt ask how youre going
to achieve your goals. Heres what you
need to do instead that will cause things
to come together for you almost
How to recognize negative people and
detoxify them from your life.
An important question you should ask
yourself that reveals whos helping you
and whos dragging you down.
How to challenge yourself and put your
fear of failure to rest.
The best vitamin you can take to
immunize you to failure.
The simple secret to getting the great
things in life that others dont have.
How to become the go to guy. Get
others to bring you businesses, jobs, and
wealth instead of you chasing after them.

The state that you need to be in if you

want to achieve greatness in life.

John Gray
Beyond Mars And Venus

Flustered by the frustrating communication style of

the opposite sex? Youre not alone. But with a little
insight and understanding, you can create less
stressful, more fulfilling connections with your mate
based on the ideas of John Gray, Ph.D. the best-
selling relationship author of all time.

John Gray, Ph.D., is the author of 15 best-selling

books, including Men Are from Mars, Women Are
From Venus, which has sold over 30 million copies
in over 40 languages. An expert in the field of
communication, he offers ways to effectively manage
stress and improve relationships at all stages and ages
of life.

Find hope in having a successful

relationship and getting your needs met
even though you and the opposite sex are
totally different.
The key to keeping passion alive in any
Nothing. Same word but it means
different things to men and women. Find
out how men and women think differently,
and how to avoid the miscommunication
How showing the opposite sex you love
and care for him/her can actually result in
the opposite effect! Discover how you can
get the right message across.
How to score points with your mate.
How the genders differ in coping with
stress and their need for support.

A simple 5 minute exercise you can do

everyday (that has been done by every
culture historically in the world) that brings
energy, circulation and a tingling aliveness
to all parts of your body.

Connie Podesta
Life Would Be Easy
If It Weren't For Other People

Connie Podesta has worked with hundreds of

organizations to open more effective lines of
communication. She is the author of Life Would Be
Easy If It Werent for Other People, and she is an
experienced radio and talk show host, a noted
comedian and accomplished lecturer.
With a little humor and lots of insight, you will

4 questions women should never ask

Reasons why women rarely get what they
want - when they want it - and how to fix it.
How men tell women they love them. (No,
its not with the oh so common [and often
faked], I love yous)
Why many people attract those who are
totally incompatible with them and the
simple secret to foster healthy and long
lasting relationships.
How you are allowing abuse to enter your
life and what you need to do to end that
How to raise children that are
hardworking, respectful and
Surprising research results reveal the
biggest mistake parents make when it
comes to raising their children.
What to do so kids never complain they
are bored.
The reason why you should never trust
your kids (contrary to modern parenting
tips). The average parent freaks out when
their kids tell them, You dont trust me.
Discover how you should react to enforce
your childrens love and trust in you.
The 2 most manipulative emotions in the
entire world. Every time you come across
a difficult person, they will fall in one of
these 2 categories 99.9% of the time.
Never give in to their ways, and discover
how to deal with these kinds of people.
(Stop allowing others to take advantage of
2 questions you should ask yourself
everyday. The day youre able to answer
yes to these 2 questions you would be
richer, wealthier, happier and more
successful than anyone you know.
The painfully simple 3 word secret that
can help you survive change in this day
and time.

The one thing you need to build on if

youre honestly interested in success.

Terri Sjodin
New Sales Speak

Banish stage fright, stop relying on visual aids and

start persuading your audience because you can
deliver a great presentation. Top speaking pro Terri
Sjodin will show you how with practical ideas and
proven techniques

3 major factors that separate the top

producers or performers from the average
or status quo.
The absolute best time to give a
presentation. This is the precious time of
the day when your prospects usually give
their undivided attention.
Why visual aids could be destroying your
presentations (especially those that are
cutting-edge) and what to do with them to
give your presentations that oomph it
How to make your presentations
persuasive rather than simply informative.
This makes the difference between
presentations that leave you penniless,
and those that make your prospects BUY!
How to sell yourself through building and
delivering a strong case for your
How to create a unique and memorable
presentation style.
The very best color to dress for business
The 9 most common presentation
mistakes and how to avoid them.

The best way to spot your presentation


Harvey Mackay
Outsell, Outmanage,
& Outnegotiate Your
Harvey Mackay is considered to be one of the top
five speakers in the world today by Toastmasters
International. His ability to teach profound business
and life lessons in a compelling yet entertaining way
has made him one of Americas most popular

Watch and learn while he presents these practical


The one activity that probably does more

good for your company than anything
else. Its one of the most valuable tasks
anyone can perform. Hint: It involves
looking out the window sometimes.
What 81% of 500 CEOs reported was the
most important element companies need
to survive the next 5-10 years. (Conducted
by the Journal of the American Marketing
How to increase your success ratio.
How 3% of a group of people (involved in
a 25 year research) got 97% of the
groups total wealth using this one skill
that anyone can learn and do.
How to arm yourself with prospect, client
and competitor information the CIA would
Why you may be harboring people who
are making you miserable on a daily
basis, and what you need to do about it.
It doesnt matter how well you take care of
your customers, if you neglect this area of
your life. This is the key that allows you to
serve your customers for the long term.

How to develop and maintain relationships

in creative ways.

Tom Peters

Tom Peters, a self-described "professional

loudmouth" who has been compared to Emerson,
Whitman, Thoreau and H.L.Mencken, declares war
on the worthless rules and absurd organizational
barriers that stand in the way of creativity and
In a totally outrageous, in-your-face presentation,
Tom reveals:

Reasons why you should reward failure

and punish success.
How to bring about big transformations in
your business.
Innovation is easy! Heres a cure for dull,
unproductive ideas and a simple way to
come up with more weird and innovative
The one thing that successful companies
have in common. This simple truth will
open your eyes to the key to building
remarkable enterprises.
The three most important words in a
leaders language.
Why you should never promote your best
Reasons why Tom Peters would never
hire someone with a 4.0 GPA (and why
you shouldn't consider them as well.)
What you need to start selling from now
on if you want your business to outshine
the rest. Actually, its imperative you do
this if you want your business to survive.
Hint: Its NOT products and services.
Discover the 2 giant underserved
markets worth trillions!

12 truths that successful businesses

should follow.

With all these amazing secrets from the world renowned panel of experts,
revealed in The Complete Ultimate Collection, youre probably
wondering how much this is all going to cost
Actually not much. Consider these thoughts:

1. If you hired any of these speakers to give you a live presentation

on the exact same topics, their fees are $10,000 to $50,000 and
up. (Just to give you an idea of what I mean: Stephen Covey
charges up to $60,000 when he speaks to Fortune 100

2. If you wanted to attend any ONE of the speakers live seminar, itll
probably set you back about $500 - $1,000.

3. Traveling and lodging costs alone can add up to $1,000.

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