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Student Name: Matthew Micone Course Code: ECS 4070

Age Group: 4-6 Date: Feb 3, 2015

Learning Experience: Marshmallow Math

Programming Purpose:
To encourage math inquiry with addition and subtraction in a play-based way.

Children will gain advanced math skills when playing this game and learn how to create
number groups
(3) Dice
(3) construction paper hot chocolate
(1) bag of marshmallows

Opening (Introduction)

I will introduce this at morning circle to the class and explain the students what we are
creating at my center. I will show them an example of what it would look like and encourage
all to come make one.

Body (Content)
Roll the dice and what number you get that how many marshmallows you put in your
Start with one die than 2 then 3 to make it more challenging.
On the hot chocolate mug there is a dotted line so the child can see hoe many
marshmallow can make up a number
This will teach them addition skills seeing the number represented with a fun object

Closing (Ending)

I will thank students for participating in my all the activity and encourage them to go to play
at another center.


We will sing the cleanup song to clean up the center with chalk on the table and tell the
children to wash their hands

Overall Group Learning Experience Evaluation

What worked during this learning experience? Why?

All the children grasped the concept and found one dice to simple so I added more 2 dice
then 3 dice. They had a lot of fun counting to the higher numbers. What worked well was the
sensory aspect of it the children enjoyed the smell and feel of the marshmallows when they
were adding.

What did not work during this learning experience? Why?

The main thing didnt works was that children would throw the dice around the room and try
to eat the marshmallows.
What might you do differently in the future?
In the future I would use clear mugs for a more authentic experience to practice the addition.
And bring hot chocolate after to drink and to celebrate a job well done.

Site Supervisors Feedback

Provide the student with constructive feedback on his/her Group Learning

Indicate aspects the student did well
Comment on aspect the student could keep in mind when planning and
implementing future experiences

Site Supervisors Signature: ____________________________

Date: ____________________________

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