White Blood Cell

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White blood cell (neutrophil)

The white blood cells

The white blood cells are consist of 3 major types

Granulocytes, Monocytes and Lymphocytes.

o t e s :
There are also more subtype of white blood cell which each work on
different functions, but the type that we are focusing on is
Neutrophil which is the sub-type of Granulocytes.
The M
ore Yo
The white blood cells: Types u Kno
Granulocytes: 3 forms Monocytes: Develop into 2 types
of cell
- Neutrophil
- Eosinophil - Dendritic
- Basophil - Macrophages

Lymphocytes: 2 main types

- B Lymphocytes
According to this websites:
- T Lymphocytes
Neutrophil is the part of our immune system which made up of 60% in immune cells in
the blood.

That means, Neutrophil has a very important job of keeping away those invaders
that came inside the body.

Polices VS Bad guys

Possible Location of Neutrophil
- Located in the membrane bound in blood vessel throughout our body

- Because its job which is traveling throughout the body to eliminate bacteria, virus and
other intruders that leaked inside the blood system.
Shape of Neutrophil
This type of white blood cell has the size ranging between 9 to 12 micrometer.
Neutrophil also has a complex and Lobulated shape.
List of organelles in neutrophil vs general animal cell
Neutrophil General
Animal Cell
Nucleus lobes
Golgi body
Golgi Body
Cell membrane
Specialized organelles and features in Neutrophil
Nucleus lobes
Granule (Primary, Secondary)

These organelles are called

differently from the original ones

Nucleus lobes = Nucleus

Granule = Lysosome
Glycogen = Polysaccharides
Phagosomal = Vacuole
Neutrophil shape and its function
The lobulated shape of Neutrophil increase the flexibility of the cell so that it
can do phagocytosis process (A process of engulfing intruders).

This helps in the immune system for

getting rid of the invaders such as virus
bacteria and prevents the body from
getting disease.

M o re You
In the time of its living, it can destroy up to
250 of invaders.
Explanation of the Phagocytosis
Phagocytosis is a process which neutrophils binds bacteria into the cell. This process
will occur when neutrophils want to destroy the bacteria.
How phagocytosis happen? e M ore You
T h
Neutrophils phagocytosis
contains the basic process
1. Neutrophil makes a contact with the invader.
of white blood cells.
2. Neutrophil binds the invader inside it.
3. Neutrophil takes it to the Phagosome that locates inside Neutrophil.
4. Granule (Lysosome) merge into the Phagosome to digest the invaders. This
organelle becomes Phagolysosome.
5. Phagolysosome releases the waste from digesting out into the Neutrophil.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_mXDvZQ6dU for some idea what is happening (1 minute long)

Brief Life cycle of the Neutrophil
- Firstly, Neutrophils are, like other white blood cells, produced in Bone Marrow
and are related to Bone Marrow in the first place.
- They are able to flow in the blood for around 8 - 10 hours long.
- After produced from the Bone Marrow, they will be transported into the tissue
space (the space between cell).
- After transported, Neutrophil cant go back into the Bone Marrow again.
- Its life will end within 1 - 4 days.
- After Neutrophil ate something, it will die.
Neutrophil Related Disease
- Neutropenia is a Neutrophil related disease. It makes the affected person has less
Neutrophil, which would lower the efficiency of immune system

- Examples of the Neutropenia related disease

- Cyclical Neutropenia
- Antibody Mediated Neutropenias
- Severe Congenital Neutropenia (SCN)
- Antibody Mediated Neutropenias
Causes & Symptoms
- There are many causes that can cause you Neutropenia such as Chemotherapy,
Leukemia, Radiation therapy etc. (people who are over 70 years old also have a
chance to have Neutropenia)
- The symptoms / noticeable sign of affection of Neutropenia can be such symptoms
as low fever, rashes etc.
Cure & Treatment
- There are many ways that we can cure Neutropenia. In the case that its not a
serious case it may not need to have a treatment.
- Granulocyte colony stimulating factor or what we call GCS-F is a treatment which
will produce more neutrophil from bone marrow by stimulates.
- Stem cell transplant are also used to treat Neutropenia.
Our Models description

Please handle with care! Just in case anyone

cant see the model.
The Editors of Encyclopdia Britannica (2016, October 17). Neutrophil. In Encyclopdia Britannica. Retrieved January 25,

2017, from https://global.britannica.com/science/neutrophil

White Blood Cells. (n.d.). Retrieved January 25, 2017, from http://www.diabetes.co.uk/body/white-blood-cells.html

Organelles. (n.d.). Retrieved January 25, 2017, from http://biology.tutorvista.com/animal-and-plant-cells/organelles.html

Metzler, K. (2003). Neutrophils: Definition & Function. Retrieved January 24, 2017, from

Higuera, V. (2016, April 20). WBC (White Blood Cell) Count. Retrieved January 25, 2017, from


Chromatography YouTube Channel (Producer). (2012, January 23). How White Blood Cells Work [Video file]. Retrieved

January 25, 2017, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TvTyj5FAaQ

Neutrophil Disorders. (n.d.). Retrieved February 5, 2017, from


Neutropenia: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment. (n.d.). Retrieved February 01, 2017, from

Neutrophil. (2014, June 14). Retrieved February 4, 2017, from http://www.wellness.com/reference/allergies/neutrophil

Neutrophil kinetics in health and disease. (n.d.). Retrieved February 4, 2017, from


Neutrophil disorders and their management. (n.d.). Retrieved February 01, 2017, from http://jcp.bmj.com/content/54/1/7.full

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Neuman29. (n.d.). Neutrophil Life Cycle. Retrieved February 5, 2017, from

Thank You Everyone!
By: Prop Min Time PK Pat

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