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Sunday Morning Bible Study 2/14/2010

At Last...Entering the Promised Land

Joshua 3:1 – 4:24
I. Observation
A. Context
1. Who are the people in this passage? What do we know about them?
 Joshua: _________________________________________________________________
 Priests who carried the Ark _________________________________________________
 Chosen men from each tribe ________________________________________________
2. When does this passage take place? Is there anything significant about when this passage occurs?
 Chronologically, this passage continues after the spies return from Jericho.
 We’re told in 4:19 that Israel camped on the west side of the Jordan on the 10th day of 1st
month, which is just before Passover.
 Ex. 12:3 tells us this (10th day of the 1st month) was the day to select the Passover lamb.
 We’re also told that the Jordan was at flood stage this time of year (Josh 3:15)
3. Where do the events of this passage take place? What do we know about these places?
 Shittim: city on the east side of the Jordan where Israel was camped prior to entering.
 Jordan River: major N-S river in this part of the world. Runs north from the Dead Sea
to the Sea of Galilee.
 City of Adam: about 18 miles north (Ryrie) of the where the priests stood in the Jordan
riverbed. According to 3:16, this is how far back the waters were held as Israel crossed.
 Gilgal: area to the east of Jericho, the first place Israel camped in the Promised Land.
B. Summary of Events
1. Israel leaves Shittim and camps on the eastern Jordan for 3 days before crossing (3:1-4)
2. Joshua tells the people to consecrate themselves the night before they were to cross over (3:5)
3. After sending the priests and the ark ahead, the Lord reassures Joshua and instructs him to have
the priests step into the Jordan when they arrive. Joshua relays God’s word to the people. (3:6-13)
4. When the priests stepped into the Jordan, it dried up & everyone crossed on dry ground (3:14-17)
5. When everyone had crossed, the Lord told Joshua to have 12 men bring a stone from the Jordan
riverbed and carry it to where they would stay that night, so they did. (4:1-8)
6. Joshua also had them each place a stone where the priest stood as a memorial in the Jordan (4:9)
7. When everyone had crossed, the priests came out of the Jordan & it returned to normal (4:10-18)
8. That night they camped at Gilgal and set up the 12 stones as a memorial to the Lord (4:19-24)
C. Observation Questions
1. Why was the ark sent ahead of the people? ___________________________________________
2. What was God’s purpose in holding back the Jordan? ___________________________________
3. What did Joshua tell the people that this miracle signified? _______________________________
4. How many memorials were erected? What was their purpose? ___________________________
5. According to Joshua in 4:24, why did God do this? _____________________________________
II. Interpretation
1. How is this miracle with the Jordan similar to the parting of the Red Sea? How is it different?
2. What is God revealing about himself and his purpose in this passage, both verbally and non?
3. Based on the time of year, what would have been one of the first acts of worship in the Promised
Land? Is this significant? Why or why not? _________________________________________
4. Does this passage point us to Christ? If so, how? _____________________________________
III. Application
1. Part of the fruit of this miracle was a strengthening of the Israelites’ faith. How has your faith
been strengthened as a result of God’s deliverance in impossible circumstances?
2. The stones were to be erected as a memorial of God’s faithfulness. It’s a good idea for us to also
keep a record of God’s faithfulness to help us remember it during the difficult times.
3. God’s timing is perfect and he always accomplishes his will for his people in his timing.
MYA 2.0 is a ministry of Metropolitan Baptist Church, OKC, OK (

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