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Primary Sources
Black Panthers. N.d. Oakland, California, United States. AP IMAGES. Web. 17 Jan. 2017.
The image is of Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale who were seen as the leaders of the black
panther party. The picture is important because it shows who the original creators of the organization
were. It's important to my project because it shows/portrays the start of the Black Panther Party.

"Black Panther Party Part 10 of 34." FBI. FBI, 06 Dec. 2010. Web. 07 Feb. 2017.
The document is from the FBI and acts as an interview towards Bobby Seale who was one of
the founders of the Black Panther Party. In the document many of Bobbys ideas were discussed as
well as his take on socialism.

"Black Panther Party Part 14 of 34." FBI. FBI, 06 Dec. 2010. Web. 07 Feb. 2017.
The document is also from the FBI and is full of newspapers from the time period. Most of
the newspapers that were included portray the black panthers in a negative way.

"The Black Panther: Newspaper of the Black Panther Party." N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Feb.
The website links to all if not most of the newspapers that were created by the Black Panther
Party. It gives insight as to what was happening in the time period.

Secondary Sources

Black Power Movement. Issues &Amp; Controversies in American History,

Infobase Learning, 2015, African-American History, Power movement.
The article reveals and discusses many of the problems and issues with American history
which has caused all of the movements.

"Chicago Freedom Movement Rally Speech." Infobase Learning - Login. N.p., n.d. Web.
16 Dec. 2016.
The document is a transcript of one of the speeches that was given in the Chicago
Freedom Rally. Its inspirational and helped us to understand what things people would say to
explain their side and hopefully get people to join their cause.

Joseph, P. E. (2001). Black liberation without apology: Reconceptualizing the black

power movement. The Black Scholar, 31(3), 2-19. Retrieved from
The article reveals and also describes why black power movements are needed.
New Black Panther Party Says to Carry Arms in Cleveland If Legal. REUTERS,
African-American History, Power
The article explains and begins the start of the Black Panthers violence.

"The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense." Socialist Alternative. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Feb. 2017.
The article describes pretty much the entire timeline and entirety of the Black Panther Party.
It also gives insight to others such as Malcom X. The site also describes the effects of the party.
"Black Panther Party Pieces of History: 1966 - 1969." Black Panther Party Pieces of History: 1966 -
1969. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Feb. 2017.
The following link/citation is timeline and described and provided a date for most of the
events that happened during the era where the BPP was around.

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