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The Frog Prince

Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess who delighted in playing alone in the
woods. One day, as she puttered with her golden ball, it rolled into a lake. She ran after the
ball but it rolled faster than she could run. The water was very deep and she could hardly see
the ball. The princess was very distressed and almost tearful, as she tried many times to
reach for the ball in the water. Exasperated, she sat by the edge of the lake and cried out, I
would give anything to have my golden ball back.

Suddenly, a large ugly frog popped out of the water. Anything? he croaked. What did you

The princess looked at him with distaste. Didnt you hear me?

Yes, she continued, I want my ball back and I will do and give anything to whoever can
retrieve my ball.

By all means, my Princess, said the frog. I will do as you wish. I will get your golden ball
and in return, you must take me back with you to the castle. You must let me live with you
and eat from golden plate, added the frog.

The princess was hesitant at first, but she desperately wanted her ball back. Without looking
the ugly frog, she said, Whatever you want.

Upon hearing this, the frog quickly dove down and brought the ball to the princess. At first
she hesitated to touch the frog but she had to keep her promise. She put the frog in her
pocket and took him home. She was very uncomfortable and uneasy as she walked towards
the palace. She could feel the frog on her skin. He is so ugly, the princess murmured, but
a promise is a promise. I have to keep my word.

When the princess got into her room, she quickly changed her clothes and forgot all about
the frog. Feeling exhausted and sleepy, she fell into deep slumber.

Next morning, she was awakened by a soft sound inside her room. She glanced at her
windows, but the windows were closed. She took a quick look at her door, but no one had
come in to wake her up nor had someone left the door open.

She almost jumped from her bed, when she saw the ugly frog at the edge of her bed, smiling
at her. She had forgotten about the frog she kept inside her pocket the night before.

You have to keep your promise, the frog reminded her. Let me live with you here in the
castle. We will eat together in your golden plate.
Please, let off my promise. We cant do this. Sooner or later, the King will find out about
you, she pleaded.

The frog took pity on the princess. Alright then, he said, hide me in your pocket when
someone comes. Let me eat in your golden plate only when you are alone. I will keep away
from people in the castle, the frog assured her.

And that was what happened to the frog and princesses. As days passed, the princess no
longer found the frog ugly but charming. He would make her laugh with his stories. They
began to play hide and seek in the garden when no one is looking. They made sure they
were by themselves so the frog could be out with her.

After several days, the frog bid the princess good-bye. The princess was saddened. She
would surely miss the frog and his antics. But he assured her he would be back.

That night, the princess was suddenly awakened by a soft tapping at her door. She sat on her
bed and heard soft whispers coming from the door. She tiptoed towards the door and opened
it. And lo! A tall handsome prince stepped in.

Who are you? asked the princess, rubbing her eyes, still in disbelief. She couldnt believe
who he was before her. Here was the prince charming she had always seen in her dreams
the prince who would rescue her from trouble!

I am the frog you met in the lake and have been allowed to live her with you in the castle,
said the handsome prince. I was turned into a frog one hundred years ago by a wicked lady.
She said that only a beautiful princess could break the spell. He continued, You have a kind
of heart, my princess.

They were married and they lived happily ever after.

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