Lab Instructions and Lab Answer Key: Installing and Configuring Windows® 7 Client

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Lab Instructions and Lab Answer Key:
Installing and Configuring Windows 7
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Product Number: 6292A

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Released: 10/2009
Lab Instructions: Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating to Windows 7 1

Module 1
Lab Instructions: Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating to
Windows 7
Exercise 1: Migrating Settings by Using Windows Easy Transfer 3
Exercise 2: Configuring a Reference Image 5
Exercise 3: Deploying a Windows 7 Image 7
2 Lab Instructions: Installinng, Upgrading, and Migrating to Window
ws 7

Lab: Insttalling and Con

ng Wind
dows 7

Computers in
n this lab
efore you begin the lab, you
u must start the virtual mach
hines. The virtu
ual machines used at the start of
his lab are:

Sttart the virttual machin

1.. On the host computer, click Start, poin nt to Administtrative Tools, and click Hyp
per-V Manage er.
2.. In the Virtu
ual Machines pane, click the e virtual machine name. In the Actions pa
ane, under the virtual
machine na ame, click Starrt.
3.. To connectt to the virtual machine, clickk the virtual machine name, and in the Actions pane, un
nder the
virtual machine name, click Connect.
Lab Instructions: Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating to Windows 7 3

Exercise 1: Migrating Settings by Using Windows Easy Transfer

You are the team lead on the help desk for Contoso Ltd. Your organization currently uses Windows Vista
on the company desktop computers. You are starting to update to Windows 7 when new computers are

The first set of computers running Windows 7 has been purchased and arrived last week. This first batch
of computers has been allocated to power users in your organization. As part of the deployment process,
you need to migrate user settings from Windows Vista computers to the new Windows 7 computers. In
this exercise, you will migrate user settings for the user named Don from the Windows Vista computer to
the new Windows 7 computer. You will use \\LON-DC1\Data to store Dons profile on a shared network
location during the migration tasks.

The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:

1. Place Windows Easy Transfer on a network share.

2. Create a user profile for Don on LON-VS1.
3. Capture settings from LON-VS1.
4. Import the configuration settings on LON-CL1.
5. Verify the migration of setting on LON-CL1.

Note: 6292A-LON-VS1 is the computer running Windows Vista. 6292A-LON-CL1 is the computer
running Windows 7.

Note: The migration process used in this lab for moving settings from Windows Vista to
Windows 7 also applies to moving settings from Windows XP to Windows 7.

f Task 1: Place Windows Easy Transfer on a network share

Log on to the LON-CL1 virtual machine as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
On LON-CL1, open Windows Easy Transfer and use the following settings:
Transfer items to your new computer by using An external hard disk or USB flash drive.
Configure LON-CL1 as your new computer.
Install Windows Easy Transfer on your old computer by using an external hard disk or shared
network folder.
Select the folder \\LON-DC1\Data to store the Windows Easy Transfer source files.

f Task 2: Create a user profile for Don on LON-VS1

Log on to LON-VS1 as Contoso\Don with a password of Pa$$w0rd and create a new text file on the
desktop named Dons To Do List.
Log off of LON-VS1.

f Task 3: Capture settings from LON-VS1

Log on to LON-VS1 as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd, open the Windows
Easy Transfer shortcut from \\LON-DC1\Data, and use the following settings:
Use An external hard disk or USB flash drive to transfer items to your new computer.
4 Lab Instructions: Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating to Windows 7

Save settings only for CONTOSO\Don.

Use a password of Pa$$w0rd to protect the settings.
Save the settings as DonProfile in \\LON-DC1\Data.

f Task 4: Import the configuration settings on LON-CL1

On 6292-LON-CL1, in Windows Easy Transfer, open the settings in DonProfile.MIG, stored in
Use the password of Pa$$w0rd to access the settings.
Log off of LON-CL1.

Note: In some cases, restart might be necessary.

f Task 5: Verify the migration of settings on LON-CL1

Log on to LON-CL1 as Contoso\Don with a password of Pa$$w0rd and verify that Dons To Do list
is on the desktop.
Shut down LON-CL1.

Results: After this exercise, you will have transferred the settings from Dons profile on LON -VS1 to
Lab Instructions: Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating to Windows 7 5

Exercise 2: Configuring a Reference Image

You are the network administrator for Contoso Ltd. As the network administrator, you oversee the
deployment of new desktop computers for the organization. You have a standardized desktop
configuration for all computers in your organization.

As part of the rollout of Windows 7, you are implementing the use of the imaging tools from Microsoft
that are designed for Windows 7. You have already created a Windows PE boot CD with the necessary
drivers for the latest batch of computers to come in.

You have configured the first desktop computer with Windows 7 and all of the necessary applications. All
that remains is to generalize the image by using sysprep and then copy the image to a server.

Before you generalize the image, you need to configure a dynamic IP address. This ensures that
computers configured with this image do not use the same IP address. When multiple computers use the
same IP address, there is a conflict and they are unable to communicate on the network.

The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:

1. Configure a dynamic IP address to prepare a reference image for imaging.

2. Generalize a reference image with Sysprep.
3. Prepare the virtual machine for imaging.
4. Copy the reference image to a network share.

Note: 6292A-LON-CL2 is the computer configured with the reference image that you will be

Note: The steps in Task 3 of this exercise are required only because the exercise is being
performed with virtual machines. The legacy network adapter is required because Window PE
includes a driver for the legacy network adapter, but does not include a driver for the synthetic
network adapter.

f Task 1: Configure a dynamic IP address to prepare a reference image for imaging

Log on to the LON-CL2 virtual machine as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
On LON-CL2, open Control Panel.
Open Network and Sharing Center by clicking View network status and tasks.
Click Local Area Connection 3 and then click Properties.
Open the properties of Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4):
Obtain an IP address automatically
Obtain DNS server address automatically

f Task 2: Generalize a reference image with sysprep

Browse to C:\Windows\System32\sysprep.
Run Sysprep and select the following options:
System Cleanup Action: Enter System Out-of-Box Experience
6 Lab Instructions: Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating to Windows 7

Shutdown Options: Shutdown

f Task 3: Prepare the virtual machine for imaging

On the host computer, open the Hyper-V Manager administrative tool.
Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and click Hyper-V Manager.
Open the settings for 6292A-LON-CL2 and attach C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Learning\6292\Drives\winpe_x86.iso to the DVD drive.
In Hyper-V Manager, right-click 6292A-LON-CL2 and click Settings.
In the left pane, click DVD Drive.
In the right pane, click Image file and then click Browse.
Browse to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\6292\Drives, click winpe_x86.iso, and then
click Open.
Add a legacy network adapter:
In the left pane, click Add Hardware.
In the right pane, click Legacy Network Adapter and then click Add.
In the Network box, click Private Network.
Click OK.

f Task 4: Copy the reference image to a share

Start LON-CL2 and start from the DVD.
Verify that Windows PE obtained an IP address from the DHCP server by running ipconfig.
Map the drive letter I to \\LON-DC1\Data by using the net use command: net use i: \\LON-
dc1\data /user:contoso\administrator Pa$$w0rd
Change to the D: drive and view the files to be imaged (formerly C: drive on computer)
Change to the E: drive and capture the image:
imagex /capture d: i:\Reference.wim Reference Image for Windows 7 /compress fast
While the image creation is performed, begin working on Exercise 3.

Results: After this exercise, you will have created a generalized image of LON-CL2 and stored it on the
network share \\LON-DC1\Data.
Lab Instructions: Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating to Windows 7 7

Exercise 3: Deploying a Windows 7 Image

After creating the reference image that will be deployed to the new computers, you must test the
deployment process. The deployment process consists of capturing user settings from the old computers
by using the User State Migration Tool, deployment of the image to the new computer, and then
deployment of the user settings to the new computer.

Eventually, you want to automate the image deployment process by using ImageX, scripts, and the User
State Migration Tool. However, you are unsure of some of the syntax. This is your development test run
performing all actions manually to ensure that you have the correct syntax before creating the scripts.
The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:

1. Capture configuration settings from LON-VS1 by using USMT.

2. Start Windows PE on the new computer.
3. Partition the disk on the new computer.
4. Apply the image to the new computer.
5. Perform initial operating system configuration for the new computer.
6. Apply the captured settings to the new computer.
7. Verify the application of user settings on the new computer.

Note: 6292A-LON-VS1 is a computer running Windows Vista that the user state information is
captured from. 6292A-LON-CL3 is the new computer that Windows 7 is being deployed to.

f Task 1: Capture configuration settings from LON-VS1 by using USMT

Log on to the LON-VS1 virtual machine as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
Open a command prompt.
Map the drive letter I to \\LON-DC1\Data by using the net use command.
Create i:\usmtdata.
Run scanstate to capture user configuration settings in the folder i:\usmtdata:
i:\usmt\x86\scanstate.exe i:\usmtdata
Shut down LON-VS1.

f Task 2: Start Windows PE on the new computer

On the host computer, open the Hyper-V Manager administrative tool.
Open the settings for 6292A-LON-CL3 and attach C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Learning\6292\Drives\winpe_x86.iso to the DVD drive.
Start LON-CL3 and start from the DVD.
Verify that Windows PE obtained an IP address from the DHCP server by running ipconfig.
Map the drive letter I to \\LON-DC1\Data by using the net use command.

f Task 3: Partition the disk on the new computer

On LON-CL3, run diskpart.
8 Lab Instructions: Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating to Windows 7

Select the first hard disk in the system:

Select disk 0
Remove any existing partition:
Create a new 30 GB primary partition:
Create partition primary size=30000
Format the new partition:
Select partition 1
Format fs=ntfs label=Windows quick
Assign letter=c
Mark the partition as active to make it bootable:
Exit from diskpart.

f Task 4: Apply the image to the new computer

On LON-CL3, use imagex to apply the image:
Imagex /apply i:\reference.wim Reference Image for Windows 7 c:
Configure the boot files with bcdboot:
Bcdboot c:\windows

f Task 5: Perform initial operating system configuration for the new computer
On LON-CL3, close the command prompt to reboot the computer.
Do not start from the CD or DVD.
Use the following settings:
Country, time and current currency format, keyboard: select the default values
User name: LocalAdmin
Computer name: 6292A-LON-CL3
Password: Pa$$w0rd
Password hint: Local Admin
Do not automatically activate Windows
Accept the license agreement
Ask me later about Windows updates
Time zone, date: select the default values
Network location: Work network
Join the domain in System Properties.
Restart when prompted.
Lab Instructions: Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating to Windows 7 9

f Task 6: Apply the captured settings to the new computer

Log on the LON-CL3 virtual machine as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
Open a command prompt.
Map the drive letter I to \\LON-DC1\Data by using the net use command.
Run loadstate to apply user configuration settings from the folder i:\usmtdata:
i:\usmt\x86\loadstate.exe i:\usmtdata

f Task 7: Verify the application of user settings on the new computer

From the Start menu, open the Properties of Computer.
Open the Advanced system settings.
Open the User Profiles Settings.
Verify that CONTOSO\Don has been created in the list of profiles.

Results: After this exercise, you will have applied the reference image to LON-CL3 and applied the user
settings from LON-VS1.

f Task 8: Revert Virtual Machine

When you finish the lab, revert each virtual machine back to its initial state. To do this, complete the
following steps:
On the host computer, start Hyper-V Manager.
Right-click each virtual machine name in the Virtual Machines list and then click Revert.
In the Revert Virtual Machine dialog box, click Revert.
Lab Instructions: Configuring Disks and Device Drivers 1

Module 2
Lab Instructions: Configuring Disks and Device Drivers
Exercise 1: Configuring Disks 3
Exercise 2: Configuring Disk Quotas (Optional) 6
Exercise 3: Updating a Device Driver 8
2 Lab Instructions: Configuuring Disks and Devicce Drivers

Lab: Con
ng Diskss and Device Drivers

Computers in
n this lab
efore you begin the lab, you
u must start the virtual mach
hines. The virtu
ual machines used at the start of
his lab are:

Sttart the virttual machin

1.. On the host computer, click Start, poin nt to Administtrative Tools, and click Hyp
per-V Manage er.
2.. ual Machines pane, click the
In the Virtu e virtual machine name. In the Actions pa
ane, under the virtual
machine na ame, click Starrt.
3.. To connectt to the virtual machine, clickk the virtual machine name, and in the Actions pane, un
nder the
virtual machine name, click Connect.
Lab Instructions: Configuring Disks and Device Drivers 3

Exercise 1: Configuring Disks

The Contoso Corporation is implementing Windows 7 desktops throughout their organization. You are a
help-desk technician in the Contoso Corporation. Adam Rusko is the Production manager for Contoso in
the UK.

One Production department computer is used for rendering large engineering drawings. It requires
expanded disk space and fast disks. Initially, a simple volume is requested, but then an application
requires a separate drive letter and the simple volume must be shrunk. Then, more disk space is required,
so a spanned volume is created. Finally a striped volume is created to enhance performance.
The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:
1. Create a simple volume by using Disk Management.
2. Create a simple volume by using Diskpart.exe.
3. Resize a simple volume.
4. Resize a simple volume with Diskpart.exe.
5. Create a spanned volume.
6. Create a striped volume.

f Task 1: Create a simple volume by using Disk Management

1. Log on to the LON-CL1 virtual machine as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Open Disk Management.
3. Initialize both newly installed disks.
4. On Disk 2, create a new simple volume with the following properties:
Size : 100 MB
Drive letter: F
File system: NTFS
Volume Label: Simple

f Task 2: Create a simple volume by using Diskpart.exe

1. Open an elevated Command Prompt.
2. Create a simple volume on Disk 3 with the following properties:
Size : 100MB
Drive letter: G
File system: NTFS
Volume Label: simple2
3. To do this, at the command prompt, type diskpart and then press ENTER.
4. Enter the following commands sequentially:
List disk
Select disk 3
4 Lab Instructions: Configuring Disks and Device Drivers

Create partition primary size =100

List partition
Select partition 1
Format fs=ntfs label=simple2 quick

f Task 3: Resize a simple volume

1. Switch to Disk Management.
2. On Disk 2, extend the Simple (F:) volume by 100MB.

f Task 4: Resize a simple volume with Diskpart.exe

1. Switch to the Command Prompt window.
2. Reduce the size of the Simple (F:) volume to 100MB.
3. In diskpart, enter the following commands sequentially:
List disk
Select disk 2
List partition
Select partition 1
Shrink desired = 100

f Task 5: Create a spanned volume

1. Switch to Disk Management.
2. Delete both the newly created simple volumes on Disk 2 and Disk 3.
3. Create a new spanned volume with the following properties:
Space on Disk 2: 100MB
Space on Disk 3: 150MB
Assigned drive letter: F
File system: NTFS
Volume label: Spanned
Convert disks to dynamic disks: Yes

f Task 6: Create a striped volume

1. In Disk Management, create a new striped volume with the following properties:
Space on Disk 2: 1024MB
Space on Disk 3: 1024MB
Assigned drive letter: G
File system: NTFS
Volume Label: Striped
Lab Instructions: Configuring Disks and Device Drivers 5

2. Close Computer Management.

Results: After this exercise, you have two additional volumes: a spanned volume drive F of 250 MB and
a striped volume drive G of 2048 MB.
6 Lab Instructions: Configuring Disks and Device Drivers

Exercise 2: Configuring Disk Quotas (Optional)

Amy has also requested your help in establishing Disk quotas for people who share computers on a shift
basis. These quotas must limit the amount of disk space used and also generate an alert when users
approach the limit.

The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:

1. Create disk quotas on a volume.
2. Create test files.
3. Test the configured quotas by using a standard user account to create files.
4. Review quota alerts and event-log messages.

f Task 1: Create quotas on a volume

1. Click the Quota tab on the Striped (G:) volume Properties.
2. Enable quota management with the following properties:
Deny disk space to users exceeding quota limit check box: selected
Limit disk space to 10 MB
Set warning level to 5 MB
Log an event when a user exceeds their warning level check box: selected

f Task 2: Create test files

1. Open an elevated command prompt.
2. Use the fsutil command-line to create a file with the following properties:
Path: G:\
Name: 1mb-file
Size: 1048576
3. Use the fsutil command-line to create a file with the following properties:
Path: G:\
Name: 1kb-file
Size: 1024
4. Use the following command syntax for guidance:

Fsutil file createnew name size

f Task 3: Test the configured quotas by using a standard user account to create files
1. Log off and then log on to the LON-CL1 virtual machine as Contoso\Adam with a password of
2. Create a new folder called G:\Adams files.
3. Copy G:\1mb-file into G:\Adams files.
4. Change into the G:\Adams files folder.
Lab Instructions: Configuring Disks and Device Drivers 7

5. Copy the 1mb-file an additional four times.

6. Change into the G:\ folder.
7. Copy the 1kb-file into G:\Adams files.
8. Change into the G:\Adams files folder.
9. Copy the 1mb-file a further four times.
10. Copy the 1mb-file one more.
11. Review the error message and click Cancel.

f Task 4: Review quota alerts and event log messages

1. Log off and then log on to the LON-CL1 virtual machine as Contoso\administrator with a password
of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Click the Quota tab on the Striped (G:) volume Properties.
3. Examine the Quota Entries for Contoso\adam.
4. Open Event Viewer.
5. Search the System log for events with an ID of 37.
6. Examine the returned results.
7. Close all open windows.

Results: After this exercise, you have disk quotas enabled for drive G.
8 Lab Instructions: Configuring Disks and Device Drivers

Exercise 3: Updating a Device Driver

On one of Amys departmental computers, one of the devices is not functioning as required and your task
is to perform an update of the drivers for that device.

The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:

1. Update a device driver.

2. Rollback a device driver.
3. Virtual machine shut down.

f Task 1: Update a device driver

1. Open Device Manager.
2. Locate the Microsoft PS/2 Mouse device.
3. Update the driver using the following properties:
Browse my computer for driver software
Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer
Use the PS/2 Compatible Mouse driver
4. Restart your computer when prompted.

f Task 2: Roll back a device driver

1. Log on to the LON-CL1 virtual machine as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Open Device Manager.
3. Locate the PS/2 Compatible Mouse device.
4. From the Driver tab of the PS/2 Compatible Mouse properties, click Roll Back Driver.
5. Restart your computer when prompted.
6. Log on to the LON-CL1 virtual machine as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
7. Open Device Manager and verify that the original device driver is in use.
8. Close all open windows.

Results: After this exercise, you will have reverted your mouse driver to the original driver.

f Task 3: Revert Virtual Machine

When you finish the lab, you should revert each virtual machine back to its initial state. To do this,
complete the following steps:

1. On the host computer, start Hyper-V Manager.

2. Right-click each virtual machine name in the Virtual Machines list and then click Revert.
3. In the Revert Virtual Machine dialog box, click Revert.
Lab Instructions: Configuring File Access and Printers on Windows 7 Clients 1

Module 3
Lab Instructions: Configuring File Access and Printers on
Windows 7 Clients
Exercise 1: Create and Configure a Public Shared Folder for All Users 4
Exercise 2: Configuring Shared Access to Files for Specific Users 5
Exercise 3: Create and Share a Local Printer 6
2 Lab Instructions: Configuuring File Access andd Printers on Window
ws 7 Clients

LLab: Connfigurin
ng File Access
A a Prin
and nters on
n Windo
7 Client Compu uters

Computers in
n this lab
efore you begin the lab, you
u must start the virtual mach
hines. The virtu
ual machines used
u at the start of
his lab are:

Sttart the virttual machin

1.. On the host computer, click Start, poin nt to Administtrative Tools, and click Hyp
per-V Manage er.
2.. In the Virtu
ual Machines pane, click the e virtual machine name. In the Actions pa
ane, under the virtual
machine na ame, click Starrt.
3.. To connectt to the virtual machine, clickk the virtual machine
m name, and in the Actions pane, un
nder the
virtual machine name, click Connect.

Sccenario (sam
me for all ex
Coontosos Engin neering Department needs access
a to files that
t are stored
d on a Window ws 7 computerr and
hat are part of the Contoso.ccom domain. The
th T Windows 7 computer ha as a large nummber of files thaat users
equire access to.
t Most files can be shared among
a all eng gineering depa artment users; however the morem
ensitive files ca
an only be accessed by speciific individualss. The Window ws 7 computer also has an HP P
hotosmart D74 400 Series colo
or printer attacched to it. Sevveral users wannt to access thiis printer from their
wn computerss.

As the IT professsional assigneed to this accou

unt, you have outlined the following
f taskss that must be
erformed to sa atisfy these req
Lab Instructions: Configuring File Access and Printers on Windows 7 Clients 3

Create a public share on the Windows 7 computer that all engineering department users are able to
Create a restricted share for specific files that only specific users can access.
Share a printer on the workstation that can be accessed by authorized users.
4 Lab Instructions: Configuring File Access and Printers on Windows 7 Clients

Exercise 1: Create and Configure a Public Shared Folder for All Users
Your first task is to create a shared folder that all engineering users can access.

The main tasks for this exercise are:

1. Create a folder.
2. Share the folder.
3. Log on to LON-CL2 as a different user.
4. Access the shared folder.

f Task 1: Create a folder

1. Log on to LON-CL1 as Contoso\Administrator with the password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Create folder called C:\Public.

f Task 2: Share the folder

1. Use the Share with menu option to share the C:\Public folder as Public.
2. Grant Read/Write share permissions to Everyone.

f Task 3: Log on to LON-CL2 as Contoso\Ryan

1. Log on to LON-CL2 as Contoso\Ryan with the password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Open Computer.

f Task 4: Access the shared folder

1. Map Z: drive to the \\LON-CL1\public share.
2. Create a test file in the shared folder and then log off.

Results: After this exercise, you will have a folder shared as \\LON-CL1\public. Everyone will have
permissions to connect to this folder. This will also prove that you can access the shared folder and
create files within that folder.
Lab Instructions: Configuring File Access and Printers on Windows 7 Clients 5

Exercise 2: Configuring Shared Access to Files for Specific Users

Your second task is to create a restricted folder that only specific users can access. For this exercise, you
will allow Contoso\Terri to have Read\Write permissions on a restricted folder.

The main tasks for this exercise are:

1. Create a folder.
2. Share the folder with restricted permissions.
3. Configure NTFS permissions to the folder.
4. Log on to LON-CL2 as Contoso\Terri with the password of Pa$$w0rd.
5. Test Terris permissions to the shared folder.

f Task 1: Create a folder

1. Log on to LON-CL1 as Contoso\Administrator with the password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Use Windows Explorer to create a folder C:\Restricted.

f Task 2: Share the folder with restricted permissions

1. Use the Share with menu option to share the C:\Restricted folder as Restricted.
2. Grant Read/Write share permissions for user Contoso\Terri.

f Task 3: Set NTFS permissions on a folder and files

1. Grant NTFS Modify permissions to Contoso\Terri to the C:\Restricted folder.
2. In the Restricted folder, create two new Microsoft Office Excel Worksheet files: one called Personal
Finances and the other called Public Finances.
3. Modify inheritance on the Personal Finances document and configure Contoso\Terri to only have
Read and Execute and Read permissions.
4. Verify that the Public Finances document inherits permissions from the folder and then log off of

f Task 4: Log on to LON-CL2 as Contoso\Terri

1. Log on to LON-CL2 as Contoso\Terri with the password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Open Computer.

f Task 5: Test Terris permissions to the shared folder

1. Map Z: drive to the \\LON-CL1\restricted share.
2. Create a test file in the shared folder. Notice that you have permission to create files.
3. Attempt to modify and save the Public Finances file.
4. Attempt to modify and save the Personal Finances file.
5. Log off of LON-CL2.

Results: After this exercise, you will have created a folder with restrictive NTFS permissions and verified
that the permissions are applied correctly.
6 Lab Instructions: Configuring File Access and Printers on Windows 7 Clients

Exercise 3: Create and Share a Local Printer

In this exercise, you will create and share a printer to allow Contoso\Adam the ability to print to the HP
Photosmart D7400 Series printer.

The main tasks for this exercise are:

1. Add and share a local printer.

2. Configure printer security.
3. Log on to LON-CL2.
4. Connect to a network printer.

f Task 1: Create and share a local printer

1. Log on to LON-CL1 as Contoso\Administrator with the password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Add the new local HP Photosmart D7400 series printer.
3. Share the newly created printer using a default share name.

f Task 2: Configure printer security

1. Grant Manage this printer permission to user Contoso\Adam.
2. Configure the printer to List in the directory.

f Task 3: Log on to LON-CL2 as Contoso\Adam

Log on to LON-CL2 as Contoso\Adam with the password of Pa$$w0rd.

f Task 4: Connect to a network printer

Add a network printer shared as \\LON-CL1\HP Photosmart D7400 series.

f Task 5: Revert Virtual Machine

When you finish the lab, you must revert each virtual machine back to its initial state. To do this, complete
the following steps:
1. On the host computer, start Hyper-V Manager.
2. Right-click each virtual machine name in the Virtual Machines list and then click Revert.
3. In the Revert Virtual Machine dialog box, click Revert.

Results: After this exercise, you will have a created and shared a local printer and configured access to
the printer.
Lab Instructions: Configuring Network Connectivity 1

Module 4
Lab Instructions: Configuring Network Connectivity
Exercise 1: Configuring IPv4 Addressing 3
Exercise 2: Configuring IPv6 Addressing 5
Exercise 3: Troubleshooting Network Connectivity 7
2 Lab Instructions: Configuuring Network Conneectivity

Lab: Con
ng Netw
work Co

Computers in
n this lab
efore you begin the lab, you
u must start the virtual mach
hines. The virtu
ual machines used at the start of
his lab are:

Sttart the Virttual Machin

1.. On the host computer, click Start, poin nt to Administtrative Tools, and click Hyp
per-V Manage er.
2.. ual Machines pane, click the
In the Virtu e virtual machine name. In the Actions pa
ane, under the virtual
machine na ame, click Starrt.
3.. To connectt to the virtual machine, clickk the virtual machine
m name, and in the Actions pane, un
nder the
virtual machine name, click Connect.
Lab Instructions: Configuring Network Connectivity 3

Exercise 1: Configuring IPv4 Addressing

Your organization is introducing laptop computers for some of the managers in your organization. You
need to understand what will happen to the IPv4 addressing in various scenarios, such as when they are
out of the office and a DHCP server is unavailable. In this exercise, you will verify what happens when a
DHCP server is unavailable.

The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:

1. Verify the current IPv4 configuration.

2. Configure the computer to obtain an IPv4 address automatically.
3. Verify the new IPv4 configuration.
4. Deactivate the DHCP scope.
5. Obtain a new IPv4 address.
6. Configure an alternate IPv4 address.
7. Configure a static IPv4 address.

Note: LON-CL1 is the computer running Windows 7 where you will configure IPv4 addressing.
LON-DC1 is the computer running Windows Server 2008 R2 that is running the DHCP service.

f Task 1: Verify the current IPv4 configuration

1. Log on to LON-CL1 virtual machine as Contoso\Administrator with the password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Open a command prompt and run the command ipconfig /all.
What is the current IPv4 address?
What is the subnet mask?
To which IPv4 network does this host belong?
Is DHCP enabled?

f Task 2: Configure the computer to obtain an IPv4 address automatically

1. Use Network and Sharing Center to view the properties of Local Area Connection 3.
2. Modify TCP/IPv4 to:
Obtain an IP address automatically.
Obtain DNS server address automatically.

f Task 3: Verify the new IPv4 configuration

In the Local Area Connection 3 Status window, view the Details.
What is the current IPv4 address?
What is the subnet mask?
To which IPv4 network does this host belong?
Is DHCP enabled?
When does the DHCP lease expire?
4 Lab Instructions: Configuring Network Connectivity

f Task 4: Deactivate the DHCP scope

1. Log on to LON-DC1 virtual machine as Contoso\Administrator with the password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Use the DHCP Administrative Tool to deactivate the IPv4 scope named LondonScope.

f Task 5: Obtain a new IPv4 address

1. On LON-CL1, at the command prompt, run the command ipconfig /release.
2. Run the command ipconfig /renew.
3. Run the command ipconfig /all.
What is the current IPv4 address?
What is the subnet mask?
To which IPv4 network does this host belong?
What kind of address is this?

f Task 6: Configure an alternate IPv4 address

1. In the properties TCP/IPv4 for Local Area Connection 3, use the Alternate configuration tab to
configure the following:
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Preferred DNS server:
2. Do not validate settings.
3. At the command prompt, run the command ipconfig /release.
4. Run the command ipconfig /renew.
5. Run the command ipconfig /all.
What is the current IPv4 address?
What is the subnet mask?
To which IPv4 network does this host belong?
What kind of address is this?

f Task 7: Configure a static IP address

1. In the Local Area Connection 3 Status window, view the Details.
2. In the properties TCP/IPv4 for Local Area Connection 3, configure the following:
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Preferred DNS server:

Results: After this exercise, you will have tested various scenarios for dynamic IP address assignment
and then configured a static IPaddress.
Lab Instructions: Configuring Network Connectivity 5

Exercise 2: Configuring IPv6 Addressing

Your organization is considering implementing IPv6. In this exercise, you will test some configuration
scenarios for IPv6.

The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:

1. Verify the current IPv6 configuration.

2. Configure the computer with a static IPv6 address.
3. Verify the new IPv6 configuration.
4. Enable the DHCPv6 scope.
5. Configure the computer with a dynamic IPv6 address.
6. Verify the new IPv6 configuration.

Note: LON-CL1 is the computer running Windows 7 where you will configure IPv6 addressing. LON-DC1
is the computer running Windows Server 2008 R2 that is running the DHCP service.

f Task 1: Verify the current IPv6 configuration

1. On LON-CL1, open a command prompt.
2. At the command prompt, run the command ipconfig /all.
What is the current IPv6 address?
What type of IPv6 address is this?

f Task 2: Configure the computer with a static IPv6 address

1. Use Network and Sharing Center to view the properties of Local Area Connection 3.
2. Modify TCP/IPv6 to use the following:
IPv6 address: 2001:0DB8:0000:0000:02AA:00FF:FE28:9C5A
Subnet prefix length: 64

f Task 3: Verify the new IPv6 configuration

In the Task 1: Create a Folder window, view the Details. Is the static address you configured listed?

f Task 4: Enable the DHCPv6 scope

On LON-DC1, use the DHCP Administrative Tool to activate the IPv6 scope named

f Task 5: Configure the computer with a dynamic IPv6 address

On LON-CL1, in the properties of Local Area Connection 3, modify TCP/IPv6 to use the following:
Obtain an IP v6 address automatically.
Obtain DNS server addresses automatically.

f Task 6: Verify the new IPv6 configuration

In the Local Area Connection 3 Status window, view the Details. Is an IPv6 address listed?
6 Lab Instructions: Configuring Network Connectivity

Note: It may take several minutes to view results.

Results: After this exercise, you will have configured a static IPv6 address and a dynamic IPv6 address.
Lab Instructions: Configuring Network Connectivity 7

Exercise 3: Troubleshooting Network Connectivity

Your organization takes on students from a local technical college as work experience students. These
students work primarily on the help desk. A particularly inexperienced student has been trying to resolve a
network connectivity problem and has not been documenting his changes. You need to restore
connectivity for this computer.

The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:

1. Verify connectivity to LON-DC1.

2. Simulate the problem.
3. Test connectivity to LON-DC1.
4. Gather information about the problem.
5. Resolve the first problem.
6. Test the first resolution.
7. Resolve the second problem.
8. Test the second resolution.

Note: LON-CL1 is the computer running Windows 7 where you will use to troubleshoot IP connectivity.
LON-DC1 is the computer running Windows Server 2008 R2 that is used to test network connectivity.

f Task 1: Verify connectivity to LON-DC1

On LON-CL1, map the drive letter P to \\LON-DC1\Data.

f Task 2: Simulate the problem

1. In the properties of Local Area Connection 3, disable the IPv6 protocol.
2. Run the file E:\LabFiles\Mod04\ Mod4Script.bat.

f Task 3: Test connectivity to LON-DC1

Access drive letter P by using Windows Explorer. Are you able to access mapped drive P:?

f Task 4: Gather information about the problem

1. Open a command prompt and run the command ping lon-dc1.
2. Run the command ping
3. Run the command ipconfig /all.
What IP address is the computer using?
What subnet mask is the computer using?
What network is the computer on?

f Task 5: Resolve the first problem

In the properties of Local Area Connection 3, modify TCP/IPv4 use the subnet mask

f Task 6: Test the first resolution

1. Access drive letter P by using Windows Explorer. Are you able to access mapped drive P:?
2. At the command prompt, run the command ping lon-dc1.
8 Lab Instructions: Configuring Network Connectivity

3. Run the command ping

4. Run the command ipconfig /all. What DNS server is the computer using?

f Task 7: Resolve the second problem

In the properties of Local Area Connection Local Area Connection 3, modify TCP/IPv4 and use the
preferred DNS server

f Task 8: Test the second resolution

Access drive letter P by using Windows Explorer. Are you able to access mapped drive P:?

f Task 9: Revert virtual machine

When you finish the lab, revert each virtual machine to its initial state. To do this, complete the following

1. On the host computer, start Hyper-V Manager.

2. Right-click each virtual machine name in the Virtual Machines list and then click Revert.
3. In the Revert Virtual Machine dialog box, click Revert.

Results: After this exercise, you will have resolved the connectivity problem between LON-CL1 and
Lab Instructions: Configuring Wireless Network Connections 1

Module 5
Lab Instructions: Configuring Wireless Network Connections
Exercise 1: Determine the Appropriate Configuration for a
Wireless Network 2
Exercise 2: Troubleshooting Wireless Connectivity 4
2 Lab Instructions: Configuuring Wireless Netwoork Connections

Lab: Con
ng Wire
eless Ne
etwork Connections

Exercise 1: Determine
e the Appropriate Configuratiion for a Wireless
he Contoso Coorporation is im
mplementing Windows
W 7 de
esktops throug
ghout their org
ganization. You
u are a
elp desk techn
nician in the Co
ontoso Corporration.

Amy Rusko is th he Production manager for Contoso

C in the acturing plant to
e UK. She visitss every manufa
nsure that the plant is functiioning optimally. Amy has decided that prroviding wireleess access for users
u in
th ncrease productivity.
he plants will in

he has requestted help to dettermine what she needs to buy
b for each plant
p and need
ds your input to
o price
he project.

ach plant has a different offiice area with varying
v numbe orkers. You havve established that
ers of office wo
he largest plan
nt area is 50 me eters by 50 meeters and has around
a 180 plant workers.

Amy Rusko has produced the e Contoso Corp

poration Produ
uction Plant Wireless
W Netwo
ork Requiremennts
ocument. You must consider each requirement and thenn make a correesponding pro
oposal suggestting
ow you will me
eet that requirrement.

he main tasks for this exercisse are as follow
1.. eless Network Requirementss document.
Read the Contoso Corporation Producttion Plant Wire
2.. Update the
e document wiith your propo
osed course of action.

Note: Your insttructor may run this exercise
e as a class disccussion.
Lab Instructions: Configuring Wireless Network Connections 3

Contoso Corporation Production Plant Wireless Network Requirements

Document Reference Number: AR-09-15-01

Document Author Amy Rusko

Date September 15th

Requirement Overview
I want to deploy wireless networks across all of the production plants in the UK, starting with the largest
in Slough.
Security is critical, and we must deploy the strongest security measures available.
Some of our older computer equipment supports earlier wireless standards only.
Cordless telephones are in use at the plants.
Some of the production plants are located in busy trading districts with other commercial organizations
located nearby. Again, it is important that the Contoso network is not compromised.

Additional Information
What technical factors will influence the purchasing decision for the WAPs that Amy needs to consider?
How many WAPs does Amy need to purchase?
Where will you advise Amy to place the WAPs?
Which security measures will you recommend to Amy?


f Task 1: Read the Contoso Corporation Production Plant Wireless Network Requirements
Read the Contoso Corporation Production Plant Wireless Network Requirements document.

f Task 2: Update the document with your proposed course of action

Answer the questions in the additional information section of the document.
Complete the proposals section of the Contoso Corporation Production Plant Wireless Network
Requirements document.

Results: After this exercise, you will have a proposal for the implementation of wireless networks
throughout the production plants in the UK.
4 Lab Instructions: Configuring Wireless Network Connections

Exercise 2: Troubleshooting Wireless Connectivity

Amy has placed a call to the help desk. The production plant wireless networks are a major success.
However, one plant has ongoing problems with intermittent connections. Additionally, at the same plant,
some staff members can connect to the Contoso corporate network from the parking lot.

The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:

1. Read the help desk incident record.
2. Update the plan of action section of incident record 501235 with your recommendations.

Note: Your instructor may run this exercise as a class discussion.

Incident Record

Incident Reference Number: 501235

Date of Call October 21st

Time of Call 10:45
User Amy Rusko (Production Department)
Status OPEN

Incident Details
Intermittent connection problems from computers connecting to the Slough production department.
Some users can connect to the Slough wireless access points from the parking lot.

Additional Information
How will you verify that these problems are occurring?
What do you suspect is causing these problems?
How will you rectify these problems?

Plan of action

f Task 1: Read help desk incident record 501235

Read the incident record 501235.

f Task 2: Update the plan of action section of incident record 501235

Answer the questions in the additional information section of the incident record.
Update the plan of action section of incident record 501235 with your recommendations.
Lab Instructions: Configuring Wireless Network Connections 5

Results: After this exercise, you will have a completed action plan for resolution of the problem at the
Slough plant.
Lab Instructions: Securing Windows 7 Desktops 1

Module 6
Lab Instructions: Securing Windows 7 Desktops
Lab A: Configuring UAC, Local Security Policies, EFS, and AppLocker
Exercise 1: Using Action Center 3
Exercise 2: Configuring Local Security Policies 4
Exercise 3: Encrypting Data 5
Exercise 4: Configuring AppLocker 6
Lab B: Configuring Windows Firewall, Internet Explorer 8 Security
Settings, and Windows Defender
Exercise 1: Configuring and Testing Inbound and Outbound
Rules in Windows Firewall 8
Exercise 2: Configuring and Testing Security Settings in Internet
Explorer 8 10
Exercise 3: Configuring Scan Settings and Default Actions in
Windows Defender 12
2 Lab Instructions: Securinng Windows 7 Desktoops

LLab A: Configu
C ring UA
AC, Loca
al Securrity Policies, EF
a App
and pLockerr

Computers in
n this lab
Be u must start the virtual mach
efore you begin the lab, you hines. The virtu
ual machines used
u at the start of
his lab are:

Sttart the virttual machin

1.. On the host computer, click Start, poin nt to Administtrative Tools, and click Hyp
per-V Manage er.
2.. In the Virtu
ual Machines pane, click the e virtual machine name. In the Actions pa
ane, under the virtual
machine na ame, click Starrt.
3.. To connectt to the virtual machine, clickk the virtual machine
m name, and in the Actions pane, un
nder the
virtual machine name, click Connect.
Lab Instructions: Securing Windows 7 Desktops 3

Exercise 1: Using Action Center

Some users have been complaining about annoying virus protection notifications and as a result you will
need to turn them off on all Windows 7 computers. You also need to evaluate different User Account
Control (UAC) settings and set the UAC to always notify users but not dim their desktop.

The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:

Configure Action Center features.
Configure and test UAC settings.

Note: LON-CL1 is the computer running Windows 7 where you will configure the Action Center and UAC

f Task 1: Configure Action Center features

1. Log on to LON-CL1 as Contoso\Administrator.
2. Start Action Center.
3. Turn off messages about virus protection.

Note: It may take a few minutes for the Virus protection notification to appear.

4. Confirm you are not being notified about virus protection.

f Task 2: Configure and test UAC settings

1. Set User Account Control (UAC) settings to always notify.
2. Set User Account Control (UAC) settings to notify but not dim the desktop.

Results: After this exercise, you will no longer be notified about virus protection. UAC settings will be
set to notify users when programs try to make changes to the computer.
4 Lab Instructions: Securing Windows 7 Desktops

Exercise 2: Configuring Local Security Policies

Your organization wants to remove some of the default program icons, such as Pictures and Music from
computers. Users and administrators will have different icons removed with the help of multiple local
group policies.

The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:

Configure local policies for multiple users.
Test local policies for multiple users.

Note: LON-CL1 is the computer running Windows 7 where you will configure and test the local security

f Task 1: Configure local policies for multiple users

1. If necessary, log on to LON-CL1 as Contoso\Administrator.
2. Create a custom management console for administrators and non-administrative users.
3. Save the management console as Custom Group Policy Editor.msc.
4. Configure the Local Computer Non-Administrators Policy to remove Music and Pictures icons
from the Start menu.
5. Configure the Local Computer Administrators Policy to remove Documents icon from the Start

f Task 2: Test local policies for multiple users

1. Log on to LON-CL1 as Contoso\Adam.
2. Confirm there are no Pictures or Music icons.
3. Log on to LON-CL1 as Contoso\Administrator.
4. Confirm there is no Documents icon.

Results: After this exercise, you will have multiple local group policies defined and configured.
Lab Instructions: Securing Windows 7 Desktops 5

Exercise 3: Encrypting Data

Some of the executives store sensitive data on their Windows 7 computers. You need to protect their data
from unauthorized use by encrypting their confidential files and folders using Encrypted File System (EFS).

The main tasks for this exercise is to secure files by using EFS.

Note: LON-CL1 is the computer running Windows 7 where you will configure and test the EFS.

f Task: Secure files by using EFS

1. Log on to LON-CL1 as Contoso\Administrator.
2. Create the C:\Confidential folder.
3. Create a test file called Personal in the C:\Confidential folder.
4. Encrypt the C:\Confidential folder and files within it.
5. Log on to LON-CL1 as Contoso\Adam.
6. Confirm that the files and folders have been encrypted.

Results: After this exercise, you will have a local folder and files encrypted with EFS.
6 Lab Instructions: Securing Windows 7 Desktops

Exercise 4: Configuring AppLocker

A number of users store their audio and video files on the network and use local Windows Media Player
software to play them during business hours. Some users also install unauthorized applications. You need
to create AppLocker rules to prevent corporate users from running Windows Media Player and installing
unauthorized applications.

The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:

Configure an AppLocker rule.
Test the AppLocker rule.

Note: LON-CL1 is the computer running Windows 7 where you will configure and test the AppLocker.

f Task 1: Configure an AppLocker rule

1. Log on to LON-CL1 as Contoso\Administrator.
2. Start Local Group policy Editor.
3. Create a new executable rule to prevent users in the Contoso\Research department from running
C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe.
4. Enforce the new AppLocker rule.
5. Refresh the local group policy settings with gpupdate.
6. Start the Application Identity service startup to Automatic and start the service.

f Task 2: Test the AppLocker rule

1. Log on to LON-CL1 as Contoso\Alan with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Confirm the executable rule enforcement by launching Windows Media Player.

Note: If the enforcement rule message does not display, wait for a few minutes and then re-try step 2.

Results: After this exercise, you will have an AppLocker rule configured to prevent users of the Research
department from running Windows Media Player.
Lab Insttructions: Securing Windows 7 Desktops 7

LLab B: Configur
C ring Windows Firewalll, Intern
Explorerr 8 Secu
urity Setttings, and
a Win
ndows Defender

Computers in
n this lab
efore you begin the lab, you
u must start the virtual mach
hines. The virtu
ual machines used at the start of
his lab are:

Sttart the virttual machin

1.. On the host computer, click Start, poin nt to Administtrative Tools, and click Hyp
per-V Manage er.
2.. ual Machines pane, click the
In the Virtu e virtual machine name. In the Actions pa
ane, under the virtual
machine na ame, click Starrt.
3.. To connectt to the virtual machine, clickk the virtual machine name, and in the Actions pane, un
nder the
virtual machine name, click Connect.
8 Lab Instructions: Securing Windows 7 Desktops

Exercise 1: Configuring and Testing Inbound and Outbound Rules in

Windows Firewall
Some of users have been employing Remote Desktop to connect to and from other desktops. To comply
with corporate policies, you must prevent them from doing so with the use of Windows Firewall rules.

The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:

1. Configure an inbound rule.
2. Test the inbound rule.
3. Configure an outbound rule.
4. Test the outbound rule.

Note: LON-CL1 is the computer running Windows 7 where you will configure Windows Firewall. LON-
DC1 is the computer running Windows Server 2008 R2 that you will use to test the Windows Firewall

f Lab Setup:
Complete these tasks to set up the prerequisites for the lab:
1. Log on to LON-CL1 as Contoso\Administrator with the password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Click Start, right-click Computer and then click Properties.
3. Click Advanced system settings.
4. Click the Remote tab.
5. Under Remote Desktop, select Allow connections from computer running any version of
Remote Desktop (less secure) and then click OK.
6. Log off of LON-CL1.

f Task 1: Configure an inbound rule

1. Log on to LON-DC1 as Contoso\Administrator with the password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Start Remote Desktop Connection to LON-CL1 and verify that you are prompted for credentials.
Click Cancel.
3. Log on to LON-CL1 as Contoso\Administrator.
4. Start Windows Firewall with Advanced Security.
5. Configure an inbound rule to block Remote Desktop Connection traffic.

f Task 2: Test the inbound rule

On LON-DC1, test the inbound rule by connecting to LON-CL1 using Remote Desktop Connection.

f Task 3: Configure an outbound rule

1. Log on to LON-CL1 as Contoso\Administrator with the password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Start Remote Desktop Connection to LON-DC1 and verify that you are prompted for credentials.
Click Cancel.
3. Start Windows Firewall.
Lab Instructions: Securing Windows 7 Desktops 9

4. Configure an outbound rule to block Remote Desktop Connection traffic TCP port 3389.

f Task 4: Test the outbound rule

On LON-CL1, test the outbound rule by attempting to connect to LON-DC1 using Remote Desktop

Results: After this exercise, you will have inbound and outbound firewall rules blocking Remote
Desktop traffic to and from LON-CL1.
10 Lab Instructions: Securing Windows 7 Desktops

Exercise 2: Configuring and Testing Security Settings in Internet Explorer 8

As an administrator at your organization, you need to configure and test various security settings in
Internet Explorer 8, including InPrivate Browsing and InPrivate Filtering. Many of the sites your corporate
users visit are not displayed properly in Internet Explorer 8. You want to enable compatibility view for all
Web sites to resolve this.

The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:

1. Enable Compatibility View in IE8.
2. Configure Browsing.
3. Test InPrivate Browsing.
4. Configure InPrivate Filtering.
5. Configure InPrivate Filtering.

Note: LON-CL1 is the computer running Windows 7 where you will configure Internet Explorer 8. LON-
DC1 is the computer running Windows Server 2008 R2 and is hosting a Web site.

f Task 1: Enable Compatibility View in IE8

1. Log on to LON-CL1 as Contoso\Administrator with the password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Start Internet Explorer 8.
3. Enable Compatibility View for all Web sites.

f Task 2: Configure InPrivate Browsing

1. Use Internet Explorer to connect to http://LON-DC1.
2. Confirm that the http://LON-DC1 address is stored in the Address bar.
3. Delete Browsing History.
4. Confirm that the addresses are not stored in the Address bar.
5. Turn on InPrivate Browsing.

f Task 3: Test InPrivate Browsing

1. Type http://LON-DC1 into the Address bar.
2. Confirm that addresses typed into the Address bar are not stored.
3. Close Internet Explorer.

f Task 4: Configure InPrivate Filtering to automatically block all sites

1. Start Internet Explorer.
2. Start the InPrivate Filtering option in the Safety menu and configure it to Block for me.

f Task 5: Configure InPrivate Filtering to choose content to block or allow

1. Start Internet Explorer.
2. Start the InPrivate Filtering Settings option in the Safety menu and configure it to Choose content
to block or allow.
Lab Instructions: Securing Windows 7 Desktops 11

Results: After this exercise, you will be able to set various security settings in Internet Explorer 8,
including enabling the compatibility view, configuring InPrivate Browsing and InPrivate Filtering.
12 Lab Instructions: Securing Windows 7 Desktops

Exercise 3: Configuring Scan Settings and Default Actions in Windows

You are concerned about malicious software infecting Windows 7 computers. To prevent malware from
infecting corporate computers you need to configure Windows Defender scan settings, schedule scans to
run on Sundays at 10:00 PM and set severe alert items to quarantine. You also need to review what items
have been allowed on computers.

The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:

1. Perform a quick scan.
2. Schedule a full scan.
3. Set default actions to quarantine severe alert items.
4. View the allowed items.

Note: LON-CL1 is the computer running Windows 7 where you will configure Windows Defender.

f Task 1: Perform a quick scan

1. Log on to LON-CL1 as Contoso\Administrator with the password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Start Windows Defender.
3. Perform a quick scan.

f Task 2: Schedule a full scan

Configure Automatic scanning to set the scan frequency and time to Sundays at 10:00 PM.

f Task 3: Set default actions to quarantine severe alert items

Use Quarantine to set Severe alert items to Quarantine.

f Task 4: View the allowed items

Use the Allowed items settings to view items that are allowed in Windows Defender.

Results: After this exercise, you will be able to set various Windows Defender settings, including the
scan type and frequency, default actions, and the allowed items.

f Task 5: Revert Virtual Machine

When you finish the lab, you should revert each virtual machine back to its initial state. To do this,
complete the following steps:

1. On the host computer, start Hyper-V Manager.

2. Right-click each virtual machine name in the Virtual Machines list, and then click Revert.
3. In the Revert Virtual Machine dialog box, click Revert.
Lab Instructions: Optimizing and Maintaining Windows 7 Client Computers 1

Module 7
Lab Instructions: Optimizing and Maintaining Windows 7
Client Computers
Exercise 1: Monitoring System Performance 3
Exercise 2: Backing Up and Restoring Data 5
Exercise 3: Configuring System Restore Points 7
Exercise 4: Configuring Windows Update 8
2 Lab Instructions: Optimizzing and Maintainingg Windows 7 Client Computers

LLab: Opttimizing
g and Maintain
ning Wiindows 7 Clien
Comput ters

Computers in
n this lab
efore you begin the lab, you
u must start the virtual mach
hines. The virtu
ual machines used
u at the start of
his lab are:

Sttart the virttual machin

1.. On the host computer, click Start, poin nt to Administtrative Tools, and click Hyp
per-V Manage er.
2.. In the Virtu
ual Machines pane, click the e virtual machine name. In the Actions pa
ane, under the virtual
machine na ame, click Starrt.
3.. To connectt to the virtual machine, clickk the virtual machine
m name, and in the Actions pane, un
nder the
virtual machine name, click Connect.
Lab Instructions: Optimizing and Maintaining Windows 7 Client Computers 3

Exercise 1: Monitoring System Performance

One user in your organization has received a new computer that is running Windows 7. Each day at 13:00,
this computer slows down for about twenty minutes. You have to determine whether the performance
bottleneck is related to CPU utilization, disk utilizations, memory utilization, or network utilization. In this
exercise, you will review the information in Resource Monitor and then configure a data collection set in
Performance Monitor.
The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:

1. Review the running processes by using Resource Monitor.

2. Create a data collector set.
3. Configure the data collector set schedule and stop condition.
4. Review the data collector set counters.
5. Test the data collector set.

Note: LON-CL1 is the computer that is running Windows 7 where you will review running
processes by using Resource Monitor and configure data collector sets. LON-DC1 is the computer
that is running Windows Server 2008 R2 that is used for domain authentication.

f Task 1: Review the running processes by using Resource Monitor

1. Log on to the LON-CL1 virtual machine as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Use Resource Monitor to verify that no process is causing a resource bottleneck.
Is any process causing high CPU utilization?
Is any process causing high disk I/O?
Is any process causing high network utilization?
Is any process causing high memory utilization?

f Task 2: Create a data collector set

Use Performance Monitor to create a new data collector set.
Name: Bottleneck
Use the Create from a template option
Template: System Performance

f Task 3: Configure the data collector set schedule and stop condition
1. Open the properties of the Bottleneck data collector set.
2. Review the keywords defined for Bottleneck.
3. Create a schedule for Bottleneck:
Beginning date: today
Expiration date: one week from today
Launch at 13:00 every day of the week
4. Configure the stop conditions for Bottleneck:
Overall duration: 1 minute
4 Lab Instructions: Optimizing and Maintaining Windows 7 Client Computers

Maximum Size: 10 MB

f Task 4: Review the data collector set counters

Open the properties of Performance Counter inside Bottleneck and review the counters that are

f Task 5: Test the data collector set

1. Start the Bottleneck data collector set and wait for it to finish.
2. View the Latest Report for Bottleneck.
3. Review the performance information.
4. Is there any resource that appears to be a bottleneck at this time?
5. Review CPU utilization for processes.

Results: After this exercise, you will have scheduled a data collector set to run at 13:05 each day and
reviewed the performance data that it gathers.
Lab Instructions: Optimizing and Maintaining Windows 7 Client Computers 5

Exercise 2: Backing Up and Restoring Data

Several users in your organization use laptop computers and store some data locally on the hard drive
instead of a network share. To make sure that these users do not lose data, it is necessary that the user
data on the laptops is backed up. You have purchased an external hard drive for each laptop to be used
for backup. This external hard drive is drive F: when it is attached. The backup job will be performed
manually by each user.

You have to create the backup job for the laptop and verify that you can recover data.

The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:

1. Create a data file to be backed up.

2. Create a backup job for all user data.
3. Delete a backed up data file.
4. Restore the deleted data file.
5. Verify that the data file is restored.

Note: LON-CL1 is the computer that is running Windows 7 where you will create, back up, and restore a
data file. LON-DC1 is the computer that is running Windows Server 2008 R2 that is used for domain

f Task 1: Create a data file to be backed up

1. On LON-CL1, open Documents on the Start menu.
2. Create a text file that is named Important Document and add some content to it.

f Task 2: Create a backup job for all user data

1. Use Backup and Restore to configure the backup:
Select Allfiles (E:) as the backup destination.
When you select which files to back up, select the Let me choose option.
Select all Data files.
Do not select any Computer files.
Do not include a system image.
Do not run the backup on a schedule.
2. Perform a backup.

f Task 3: Delete a backed up data file

Delete the Important Document text file from Documents.

f Task 4: Restore the deleted data file

Use Backup and Restore to restore the Important Document text file:
Search for Important Document in the backup to locate it.
Restore to the original location.
6 Lab Instructions: Optimizing and Maintaining Windows 7 Client Computers

f Task 5: Verify that the data file is restored

Verify that Important Document is restored.

Results: After this exercise, you will have backed up and restored a data file.
Lab Instructions: Optimizing and Maintaining Windows 7 Client Computers 7

Exercise 3: Configuring System Restore Points

System restore points are turned on by default in Windows 7. However, as part of troubleshooting a
performance issue, restore points were disabled on a computer that is running Windows 7. You have to
enable restore points on this computer and then verify that they are working.

The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:

1. Enable the restore points for all disks except the backup disk.
2. Create a restore point.
3. Edit the contents of a file.
4. Verify the previous version of a file.
5. Restore a restore point.

Note: LON-CL1 is the computer that is running Windows 7 where you will enable and create restore
points. LON-DC1 is the computer that is running Windows Server 2008 R2 that is used for domain

f Task 1: Enable restore points for all disks except the backup disk
1. On LON-CL1, open the System protection settings from the System window.
2. Select the option to Restore system settings and previous versions of files for all drives.

f Task 2: Create a restore point

In the System Properties window create a new restore point:
Name: Restore Point Test

f Task 3: Edit the contents of a file

1. Open Documents on the Start menu.
2. Open Important Document and delete all the file contents.

f Task 4: Verify the previous version of a file

1. Open the properties of Important Document.
2. Restore the previous version of Important Document that is located in a restore point.
3. Open Important Document and verify that the contents of the file are restored.

f Task 5: Restore a restore point

1. Open System Restore and restore the Restore Point Test.
2. Log on as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.

Results: After this exercise, you will have created a restore point, restored the previous version of a file,
and restored a restore point.
8 Lab Instructions: Optimizing and Maintaining Windows 7 Client Computers

Exercise 4: Configuring Windows Update

When the first shipment of Windows 7 computers was received by your organization, one of the
technicians disabled automatic updates because he was concerned about updates causing problems with
a custom application on your system.

After extensive testing, you have determined that it is extremely unlikely that automatic updates will cause
a problem with this application. You have to confirm that automatic updates are disabled for your
Windows 7 computers and enable automatic updates by implementing a Group Policy.

The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:

1. Verify that automatic updates are disabled.

2. Enable automatic updates in a Group Policy.
3. Verify that the automatic updates setting from the Group Policy is applied.

Note: LON-CL1 is the computer that is running Windows 7 where you will configure Windows Update.
LON-DC1 is the computer that is running Windows Server 2008 R2 that is used for domain authentication
and where you will configure automatic updates that use Group Policy.

f Task 1: Verify that automatic updates are disabled

On LON-CL1, open Windows Update and verify that automatic updates are disabled.

f Task 2: Enable automatic updates in a Group Policy

1. Log on to the LON-DC1 virtual machine as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Open the Group Policy Management administrative tool.
3. Edit the Default Domain Policy.
4. Modify the settings for Computer Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\Windows
Components\Windows Update\Configure Automatic Updates:
4 Auto download and schedule the install

f Task 3: Verify that the automatic updates setting from the group policy is being applied
1. On LON-CL1, run gpupdate /force to update the group policy settings.
2. Open Windows Update and verify that the new settings have been applied.

Note: If the policy setting does not apply, restart LON-CL1 and then repeat Task 3.

Results: After this exercise, you will have enabled automatic updates by using a group policy.

f Task 4: Revert Virtual Machine

When you finish the lab, you should revert each virtual machine back to its initial state. To do this, follow
these steps:

1. On the host computer, start Hyper-V Manager.

2. Right-click each virtual machine name in the Virtual Machines list and then click Revert.
3. In the Revert Virtual Machine dialog box, click Revert.
Lab Instructions: Configuring Mobile Computing and Remote Access in Windows 7 1

Module 8
Lab Instructions: Configuring Mobile Computing and
Remote Access in Windows 7
Exercise 1: Creating a Sync Partnership 4
Exercise 2: Configuring Power Options 6
Exercise 3: Enabling Remote Desktop 7
Exercise 4: Enabling BranchCache 9
2 Lab Instructions: Configuuring Mobile Computting and Remote Acccess in Windows 7

LLab: Con
ng Mob
bile Com
g and Re
Access in Windows 7

Computers in
n this lab
efore you begin the lab, you
u must start the virtual mach
hines. The virtu
ual machines used
u at the start of
his lab are:

Sttart the virttual machin

1.. On the host computer, click Start, poin nt to Administtrative Tools, and click Hyp
per-V Manage er.
2.. In the Virtu
ual Machines pane, click the e virtual machine name. In the Actions pa
ane, under the virtual
machine na ame, click Starrt.
3.. To connectt to the virtual machine, clickk the virtual machine
m name, and in the Actions pane, un
nder the
virtual machine name, click Connect.

ncident Reco

ncident Refere
ence Numberr: 502509

Date of Call November
N 5th
Time of Call 08:45
User Don
D (Productio
on Departmen
Status OPEN

ncident Detaills
Don wants you
y to establish a sync partnership with hiss Windows Moobile device.
Don needs the
t power optiions to be connfigured for op
ptimal battery life when he iss traveling.
Lab Instructions: Configuring Mobile Computing and Remote Access in Windows 7 3

Incident Record

Don wants to enable remote desktop on his desktop computer in the office for his own user account
so he can connect remotely to his desktop from his laptop.
Don wants to be able to access documents from the head-office and enable others at the plant to
access those files without delay.

Additional Information
Dons laptop is running Windows 7 Enterprise.
The Slough plant has no file-server at present.

4 Lab Instructions: Configuring Mobile Computing and Remote Access in Windows 7

Exercise 1: Creating a Sync Partnership

The Contoso Corporation is implementing Windows 7 desktops throughout their organization. You are a
help-desk technician in the Contoso Corporation. Don is the Production manager for Contoso in the UK.
Don has placed a call to the help desk.

Don is about to visit all the manufacturing plants in the UK. Before he leaves, he wants you to enable and
configure a sync partnership with his Windows Mobile device.

The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:

1. Create items in Outlook.
2. Configure Windows Mobile Device Center.
3. Connect the Windows Mobile device
4. Synchronize the Windows Mobile device.

Note: LON-CL1 is the computer running Windows 7 where you will use Windows Mobile Device
Center to synchronize items between Outlook and a Windows Mobile device. LON-DC1 is the
computer running Windows Server 2008 R2, which is used for domain authentication.

f Task 1: Create items in Outlook

1. Log on to the LON-CL1 virtual machine as Contoso\Don with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Open Microsoft Office Outlook 2007. Enable Outlook without e-mail support.
3. Create an calendar appointment with the following properties:
a. Subject: Production department meeting
b. Location: Conference room 1
c. Time and date: all day tomorrow
4. Create a contact with the following properties:
a. Full name: Andrea Dunker
b. Job title: IT department
5. Close Outlook.

f Task 2: Configure Windows Mobile Device Center

1. Open Windows Mobile Device Center. Accept the license agreement.
2. Configure the Connection settings to use DMA.
3. When prompted, use the following credentials to elevate your privileges:
User name: administrator
Password: Pa$$w0rd
4. Close Windows Mobile Device Center.
Lab Instructions: Configuring Mobile Computing and Remote Access in Windows 7 5

f Task 3: Connect the Windows Mobile Device

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Windows Mobile 6 SDK, click Standalone Emulator
Images, click US English, and then click WM 6.1.4 Professional.
2. Wait until the emulator has completed startup.
3. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Windows Mobile 6 SDK, click Tools, and then click Device
Emulator Manager.
4. In the Device Emulator Manager dialog box, click the play symbol.
5. From the menu, click Actions, and then click Cradle.
6. Close Device Emulator manager.

f Task 4: Synchronize the Windows Mobile Device

1. In the Windows Mobile Member Center dialog box, click Dont Register.
2. In Windows Mobile Device Center, click Set up your device. Use the following settings:
Synchronize all item types except files (default).
3. After synchronization is complete, verify that the appointment and contact items have synchronized
4. Close all open Windows. Do not save changes. Log off of LON-CL1.
5. Update the resolution section of incident record 502509 with the information about the successful
creation of a sync partnership.

Results: After this exercise, you have created a sync partnership and successfully synchronized Dons
Windows Mobile device.
6 Lab Instructions: Configuring Mobile Computing and Remote Access in Windows 7

Exercise 2: Configuring Power Options

Don also wants you to configure a power plan on her laptop computer.

The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:

1. Read the incident record.
2. Create the required Power Plan on Dons laptop and update the incident record.
3. Configure a power plan.
4. Update an incident record when the power plan changes.

Note: LON-CL1 is the computer running Windows 7 where you will configure a power plan. LON-DC1 is
the computer running Windows Server 2008 R2, which is used for domain authentication.

f Task 1: Create a power plan for Dons laptop

1. Log on to the LON-CL1 virtual machine as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. From System and Security in the Control Panel, select Power Options.
3. Create a new power plan with the following properties:
a. Based on: Power saver
b. Name: Dons plan
c. Turn off the display: 3 minutes

f Task 2: Configure Dons power plan

1. In Power Options, under Dons plan, click Change plan settings.
2. Modify the new power plan with the following properties:
a. Turn off hard disk after: 5 minutes
b. Wireless Adapter Settings, Power Saving Mode: Maximum Power Saving
c. Power buttons and lid, Power button action: Shut down
3. Save the plan.

f Task 3: Update the incident record with the power plan changes
1. Update the resolution section of incident record 502509 with the information about the successful
configuration of a power plan for Dons laptop.
2. Close any open windows.

Results: After this exercise, you have configured a suitable power plan for Dons laptop computer.
Lab Instructions: Configuring Mobile Computing and Remote Access in Windows 7 7

Exercise 3: Enabling Remote Desktop

In addition, Don wants you to enable Remote Desktop on her office computer so she can connect to it
while shes travelling.

The main tasks for this exercise are as follows:

1. Enable Remote Desktop through the firewall and enable Remote Desktop on Dons office
2. Configure Remote Desktop Connection settings to connect to the remote desktop.
3. Update the incident with the Remote Desktop changes.

Note: LON-CL1 is the computer running Windows 7 to which you will enable Remote Desktop. LON-DC1
is the computer running Windows Server 2008 R2, which is used for domain authentication.

f Task 1: Enable remote desktop through the firewall and enable Remote Desktop on
Dons office computer
1. On LON-CL1, open Windows Firewall.
2. Enable Remote Desktop through the firewall for all profiles (Domain, Home/Work, and Public).
3. From System, select Remote settings.
4. Select the following options:
a. Select Allow connections from computers running any version of Remote Desktop (less
b. Add Contoso\Don as a remote desktop user.
5. Confirm your changes and then close any open windows.

f Task 2: Configure Remote Desktop Connection settings to connect to the remote

1. Log on to LON-DC1 as Administrator with the password of Pa$$w0rd and then open Remote
Desktop Connection from Accessories.
2. Click Options, and then on the Advanced tab, select:
If server authentication fails: Connect and dont warn me.
3. Connect to LON-CL1.
4. When prompted, enter the password of Pa$$w0rd.
5. Determine the computer name within the remote desktop session.
6. Close the remote desktop session.
7. Close all open windows.
8. Switch to the LON-CL1 computer. Notice you are logged out.
9. Log on as Contoso\Administrator with the password of Pa$$w0rd.
8 Lab Instructions: Configuring Mobile Computing and Remote Access in Windows 7

f Task 3: Update the incident record with the remote desktop changes
Update the resolution section of incident record 502509 with the information about the successful
configuration of remote desktop for Dons laptop.

Results: After this exercise, you have successfully enabled Remote Desktop.
Lab Instructions: Configuring Mobile Computing and Remote Access in Windows 7 9

Exercise 4: Enabling BranchCache

Finally, users in the Slough production plant require timely access to corporate HQ files during Dons visit.
Slough does not have a file server at present, and so you must enable BranchCache in Distributed
Cache mode.

The main task for this exercise is as follows:

1. Create a Production plant shared folder.
2. Enable BranchCache on the Production plant shared folder.
3. Configure NTFS permissions on the shared folder.
4. Configure client related BranchCache Group Policy Settings.
5. Configure the client for BranchCache distributed mode.
6. Test BranchCache.
7. Update the record with the Remote Desktop changes.

Note: LON-CL1 is the computer running Windows 7 to which you will enable BranchCache client settings.
LON-DC1 is the computer running Windows Server 2008 R2 that is used for domain authentication and
where you will enable BranchCache and configure Group Policy Settings.

f Task 1: Create a Production plant shared folder

1. If necessary, log on to the LON-DC1 virtual machine as Contoso\Administrator with a password of
2. Create a folder called C:\Slough Plant.
3. Share the folder and assign only the Production group Full Control through the share.

f Task 2: Enable BranchCache on the Production plant shared folder

In the Offline Settings dialog box for Slough Plant, select the Enable BranchCache check box.

f Task 3: Configure NTFS file permissions for the shared folder

In addition to existing permissions, grant the Production group Full Control of the C:\Slough Plant

f Task 4: Configure client-related BranchCache Group Policy settings

1. Open Group Policy Management.
2. Locate and edit the BranchCache GPO.
3. Expand Computer Configuration, expand Policies, expand Administrative Templates, expand
Network, and then click BranchCache.
4. Configure the following policy settings:
a. Turn on BranchCache: Enabled
b. Set BranchCache Distributed Cache mode: Enabled
c. Configure BranchCache for network files: Enabled and configure a delay of 0 seconds
10 Lab Instructions: Configuring Mobile Computing and Remote Access in Windows 7

d. Set percentage of disk space used for client computer cache: Enabled, and configure a value of
10 percent
5. Close Group Policy Management Editor.
6. Close Group Policy Management. Close all open windows.

f Task 5: Configure the client firewall

1. Switch to the LON-CL1 computer.
2. Open Windows Firewall.
3. Click Allow a program or feature through Windows Firewall.
4. Under Allowed programs and features, in the Name list, select the following check boxes and then
click OK.
a. BranchCache Content Retrieval (Uses HTTP)
b. BranchCache Peer Discovery (Uses WSD)
5. Close the firewall.

f Task 6: Configure the client for BranchCache distributed mode

Open a Command Prompt and type the following commands, each followed by ENTER:
a. gpupdate /force
b. netsh branchcache set service mode=DISTRIBUTED

f Task 7: Verify BranchCache Client Configuration

At the Command Prompt, type the following command, followed by ENTER:
netsh branchcache show status

f Task 8: Update the incident record with the remote desktop changes
Update the resolution section of incident record 502509 with the information about the successful
configuration of BranchCache.

Results: After this exercise, you have enabled BranchCache for the Slough Plant shared folder and
configured the necessary Group Policy settings.

f Task 9: Revert Virtual Machine

When you finish the lab, you should revert each virtual machine back to its initial state. To do this,
complete the following steps:

1. On the host computer, start Hyper-V Manager.

2. Right-click each virtual machine name in the Virtual Machines list and then click Revert.
3. In the Revert Virtual Machine dialog box, click Revert.
Lab Answer Key: Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating to Windows 7 1

Module 1
Lab Answer Key: Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating to
Windows 7
Exercise 1: Migrating Settings by Using Windows Easy Transfer 3
Exercise 2: Configuring a Reference Image 5
Exercise 3: Deploying a Windows 7 Image 7
2 Lab Answer Key: Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating to Windows 7

Lab: Installing and Configuring Windows 7

f Computers in this lab
Before you begin the lab, you must start the virtual machines. The virtual machines used at the start of this lab

f Start the virtual machines

1. On the host computer, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and click Hyper-V Manager.
2. In the Virtual Machines pane, click the virtual machine name. In the Actions pane, under the virtual
machine name, click Start.
3. To connect to the virtual machine, click the virtual machine name, and in the Actions pane, under the
virtual machine name, click Connect.
Lab Answer Key: Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating to Windows 7 3

Exercise 1: Migrating Settings by Using Windows Easy Transfer

f Task 1: Place Windows Easy Transfer on a network share
1. Log on to the LON-CL1 virtual machine as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Accessories, click System Tools, and then click Windows
Easy Transfer.
3. In the Windows Easy Transfer window, click Next.
4. Click An external hard disk or USB flash drive.
5. Click This is my new computer.
6. Click No, because the files have not been saved from the source computer yet.
7. Click I need to install it now.
8. Click External hard disk or shared network folder.
9. In the Folder box, type \\LON-DC1\Data and then click OK.

f Task 2: Create a user profile for Don on LON-VS1

1. Log on to the LON-VS1 virtual machine as Contoso\Don with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. On the desktop, right-click an open area, point to New, and click Text Document.
3. Type Dons To Do List and press ENTER. This renames the document.
4. Log off of LON-VS1.

f Task 3: Capture settings from LON-VS1

1. Log on to the LON-VS1 virtual machine as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Click Start, and then in the Start Search box, type \\LON-DC1\Data\, and then press ENTER.
3. Double-click the Windows Easy Transfer shortcut.
4. In the Windows Easy Transfer window, click Next.
5. Click An external hard disk or USB flash drive.
6. Click This is my old computer.
7. Clear all of the checkboxes except for CONTOSO\Don and then click Next.
8. In the Password and Confirm Password boxes, type Pa$$w0rd and then click Save.
9. In the Save your Easy Transfer file window, in the File name box, type
\\LON-DC1\Data\DonProfile and then click Save.
10. Click Next.
11. Click Next and then click Close.
12. Log off of LON-VS1.

f Task 4: Import the configuration settings on LON-CL1

1. On LON-CL1, in Windows Easy Transfer, click Next.
2. Click Yes to indicate that the settings from the old computer have been saved.
3. In the Open an Easy Transfer File window, in the File name box, type \\LON-
DC1\Data\DonProfile.MIG and then click Open.
4 Lab Answer Key: Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating to Windows 7

4. Type the password of Pa$$w0rd and then click Next.

5. Click Transfer to begin importing Dons profile.
6. Wait until the transfer completes.
7. Click Close.
8. Log off of LON-CL1.

f Task 5: Verify the migration

1. On LON-CL1, log on as CONTOSO\Don with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Notice that Dons To Do List is on the desktop because of the migration.
3. Shut down LON-CL1.
Lab Answer Key: Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating to Windows 7 5

Exercise 2: Configuring a Reference Image

f Task 1: Configure a dynamic IP address to prepare a reference image for imaging
1. Start and then log on to the LON-CL2 virtual machine as Contoso\Administrator with a password of
2. Click Start and click Control Panel.
3. Under Network and Internet, click View network status and tasks.
4. Click Local Area Connection 3.
5. In the Local Area Connection 3 Status window, click Properties.
6. In the Local Area Connection 3 Properties window, click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
and then click Properties.
7. Click Obtain an IP address automatically, click Obtain DNS server address automatically, and
then click OK.
8. In the Local Area Connection 3 Properties window, click Close.
9. In the Local Area Connection 3 Status window, click Close.
10. Close Network and Sharing CENTER.

f Task 2: Generalize a reference image with sysprep

1. Click Start and then click Computer.
2. Browse to C:\Windows\System32\sysprep and then double-click sysprep.exe.
3. In the System Cleanup Action box, click ENTER System Out-of-Box Experience (OOBE).
4. Select the Generalize checkbox.
5. In the Shutdown Options box, click Shutdown.
6. Click OK. LON-CL2 shuts down after several minutes.

f Task 3: Prepare the virtual machine for imaging

1. If necessary, on your host computer, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and click Hyper-V
2. Right-click 6292A-LON-CL2 and click Settings.
3. In the left pane, click DVD Drive.
4. In the right pane, click Image file, and click Browse.
5. Browse to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\6292\Drives, click winpe_x86.iso, and then click
6. In the left pane, click Add Hardware.
7. In the right pane, click Legacy Network Adapter and then click Add.
8. In the Network box, click Private Network.
9. Click OK.
10. Close Hyper-V Manager.
6 Lab Answer Key: Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating to Windows 7

f Task 4: Copy the reference image to a share

Note: Steps 1 and 2 must be performed quickly to ensure that you are able to boot from
thevirtual DVD rather than the hard disk. If the operating system starts to boot because you do
not complete the steps quickly enough, then click the Reset button in the virtual machine
window to try again. You may want to take a snapshot of the virtual machine before attempting
to boot from the DVD.

1. In the virtual machine window for 6292A-LON-CL2, click the Start button in the toolbar.
2. Click in the virtual machine window, and press a key when prompted to press a key to boot from CD
or DVD.
3. At the command prompt, type ipconfig and the press ENTER. Verify that an IP address in the range is assigned. This confirms that Windows PE obtained an IP address from the DHCP
4. At the command prompt, type the following command and then press ENTER: net use i: \\lon-
dc1\data /user:contoso\administrator Pa$$w0rd.
5. At the command prompt, type d: and press ENTER. This is the original C: drive on the reference
6. At the command prompt, type dir and then press ENTER.
7. At the command prompt, type e: and press ENTER. This is a drive created in memory by Windows PE.
8. At the command prompt, type dir and then press ENTER.
9. At the command prompt, type imagex /capture d: i:\Reference.wim Reference Image for
Windows 7 /compress fast and then press ENTER.

Note: While the image creation completes, begin working on Exercise 3.

Lab Answer Key: Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating to Windows 7 7

Exercise 3: Deploying a Windows 7 Image

f Task 1: Capture configuration settings with USMT
1. Log on the LON-VS1 virtual machine as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Click Start, type cmd, and press ENTER.
3. At the command prompt, type net use i: \\lon-dc1\data and then press ENTER.
4. At the command prompt, type i: and then press ENTER.
5. At the command prompt, type cd \usmt\x86 and then press ENTER.
6. At the command prompt, type md \usmtdata and then press ENTER.
7. At the command prompt, type scanstate i:\usmtdata and then press ENTER.
8. After the capture is complete, shut down LON-VS1.

f Task 2: Start Windows PE on the new computer

1. On your host computer, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and click Hyper-V Manager.
2. Right-click 6292A-LON-CL3 and click Settings.
3. In the left pane, click DVD Drive.
4. In the right pane, click Image file, and click Browse.
5. Browse to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\6292\Drives, click winpe_x86.iso, and then
click Open.
6. Click OK.
7. Right-click 6292A-LON-CL3 and click Connect.
8. In the virtual machine window, click the Start button in the toolbar.
9. At the command prompt, type ipconfig and the press ENTER. Verify that an IP address in the range is assigned. This confirms that Windows PE obtained an IP address from the DHCP
10. At the command prompt, type the following command and then press ENTER: net use i: \\lon-
dc1\data /user:contoso\administrator Pa$$w0rd.

f Task 3: Partition the disk on the new computer

1. On LON-CL3, at the command prompt type diskpart and press ENTER.
2. Type select disk 0 and then press ENTER.
3. Type clean and then press ENTER.
4. Type create partition primary size=30000 and then press ENTER.
5. Type select partition 1 and then press ENTER.
6. Type format fs=ntfs label=Windows quick and then press ENTER.
7. Type assign letter=c and then press ENTER.
8. Type active and then press ENTER.
9. Type exit and then press ENTER.
8 Lab Answer Key: Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating to Windows 7

f Task 4: Apply the image to the new computer

1. On LON-CL3, at the command prompt, type d: and then press ENTER.
2. At the command prompt, type imagex /apply i:\reference.wim Reference Image for Windows
7 c: and then press ENTER.
3. After applying the image is complete, type bcdboot c:\windows and then press ENTER.

f Task 5: Perform initial operating system configuration for the new computer
1. Restart LON-CL3 by closing the command prompt. Do not start from CD or DVD.
2. If prompted, select Start Windows normally and press ENTER. The computer will restart before
asking for any input.
3. In the Set Up Windows box, click Next to accept the default country, time and currency format,
and keyboard layout.
4. In the Type a user name box, type LocalAdmin.
5. In the Type a computer name box, type LON-CL3 and then click Next.
6. In the Type a password and Retype your password boxes, type Pa$$w0rd.
7. In the Type a password hint box, type Local Admin and then click Next.
8. Clear the Automatically activate Windows when Im online checkbox and then click Next.
9. Select the I accept the license terms checkbox and then click Next.
10. Click Ask me later to delay the implementation of Windows updates.
11. Click Next to accept the default settings for time zone and date.
12. Click Work network to select your computers current location.
13. Click Start, right-click Computer, and click Properties.
14. Under Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings, click Change settings.
15. In the System Properties window, click Change.
16. In the Computer Name/Domain Changes window, click Domain, type, and then click
17. Authenticate as Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
18. Click OK to close the welcome message.
19. Click OK to close the message about restarting.
20. In the System Properties window, click Close.
21. Click Restart Now.

f Task 6: Apply the captured setting to the new computer

1. Log on to the LON-CL3 virtual machine as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Click Start, type cmd, and press ENTER.
3. At the command prompt, type net use i: \\lon-dc1\data and then press ENTER.
4. At the command prompt, type i: and then press ENTER.
5. At the command prompt, type cd \usmt\x86 and then press ENTER.
6. At the command prompt, type loadstate i:\usmtdata and then press ENTER.
Lab Answer Key: Installing, Upgrading, and Migrating to Windows 7 9

7. Close the command prompt.

f Task 7: Verify the application of user settings on LON-CL3

1. Click Start, right-click Computer, and then click Properties.
2. Click Advanced system settings.
3. In the User Profiles area, click Settings.
4. Read the list of user profiles and verify that several have been created, including one for
5. In the User Profiles window, click Cancel.
6. In the System Properties window, click Cancel.
7. Close the System window.

f Task 8: Revert Virtual Machine

When you finish the lab, you should revert each virtual machine back to its initial state. To do this,
complete the following steps:
1. On the host computer, start Hyper-V Manager.
2. Right-click each virtual machine name in the Virtual Machines list, and then click Revert.
3. In the Revert Virtual Machine dialog box, click Revert.
Lab Answer Key: Configuring Disks and Device Drivers 1

Module 2
Lab Answer Key: Configuring Disks and Device Drivers
Exercise 1: Configuring Disks 3
Exercise 2: Configuring Disk Quotas (Optional) 5
Exercise 3: Updating a Device Driver 7
2 Lab Answer Key: Configuring Disks and Device Drivers

Lab: Configuring Disks and Device Drivers

f Computers in this lab
Before you begin the lab, you must start the virtual machines. The virtual machines used at the start of this lab


f Start the virtual machines

1. On the host computer, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and click Hyper-V Manager.
2. In the Virtual Machines pane, click the virtual machine name. In the Actions pane, under the virtual
machine name, click Start.
3. To connect to the virtual machine, click the virtual machine name, and in the Actions pane, under the
virtual machine name, click Connect.
Lab Answer Key: Configuring Disks and Device Drivers 3

Exercise 1: Configuring Disks

f Task 1: Create a simple volume by using disk management
1. Log on to the LON-CL1 virtual machine as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Click Start, right-click Computer, and then click Manage.
3. In the Computer Management (Local) list, click Disk Management.
4. In the Initialize Disk dialog box, click OK.

5. In Disk Management, on Disk 2, right-click Unallocated, and then click New Simple Volume.

6. In the New Simple Volume wizard, click Next.

7. On the Specify Volume Size page, in the Simple volume size in MB box, type 100, and then click

8. On the Assign Drive Letter or Path page, click Next.

9. On the Format Partition page, in the Volume label box, type Simple, click Next, and then click

f Task 2: Create a simple volume by using diskpart.exe

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Accessories, right-click Command Prompt, and then click
Run as administrator.

2. At the command prompt, type diskpart, and then press ENTER.

3. At the DISKPART> prompt, type list disk, and then press ENTER.

4. At the DISKPART> prompt, type select disk 3, and press ENTER.

5. At the DISKPART> prompt, type create partition primary size=100, and press ENTER.

6. At the DISKPART> prompt, type list partition, and press ENTER.

7. At the DISKPART> prompt, type select partition 1, and press ENTER.

8. At the DISKPART> prompt, type format fs=ntfs label=simple2 quick, and press ENTER.

9. At the DISKPART> prompt, type Assign, and press ENTER.

f Task 3: Resize a simple volume

1. Switch to Disk Management.

2. In Disk Management, on Disk 2, right-click Simple (F:), and then click Extend Volume.

3. In the Extend Volume wizard, click Next.

4. On the Select Disks page, in the Select the amount of space in MB box, type 100, click Next, and
then click Finish.

f Task 4: Resize a simple volume with diskpart.exe

1. Switch to the Command Prompt window.
4 Lab Answer Key: Configuring Disks and Device Drivers

2. At the DISKPART> prompt, type list disk, and press ENTER.

3. At the DISKPART> prompt, type select disk 2, and press ENTER.

4. At the DISKPART> prompt, type list partition, and press ENTER.

5. At the DISKPART> prompt, type select partition 1, and press ENTER.

6. At the DISKPART> prompt, type shrink desired = 100, and press ENTER.

7. At the DISKPART> prompt, type exit, and press ENTER.

f Task 5: Create a spanned volume

1. Switch to Disk Management.

2. In Disk Management, on Disk 2, right-click Simple (F:), and then click Delete Volume.

3. In the Delete simple volume dialog box, click Yes.

4. In Disk Management, on Disk 3, right-click simple2 (G:), and then click Delete Volume.

5. In the Delete simple volume dialog box, click Yes.

6. In Disk Management, on Disk 2, right-click Unallocated, and then click New Spanned Volume.

7. In the New Spanned Volume wizard, click Next.

8. On the Select Disks page, in the Select the amount of space in MB box, type 100

9. In the Available list, click Disk 3, and then click Add >.

10. In the Selected list, click Disk 3, and in the Select the amount of space in MB box, type 150, and
then click Next.

11. On the Assign Drive Letter or Path page, click Next.

12. On the Format Partition page, in the Volume label box, type Spanned, click Next, and then click

13. In the Disk Management dialog box, click Yes.

f Task 6: Create a striped Volume

1. In Disk Management, right-click Disk 2, and then click New Striped Volume.

2. In the New Striped Volume wizard, click Next.

3. On the Select Disks page, in the Available list, click Disk 3, and then click Add >.

4. On the Select Disks page, in the Select the amount of space in MB box, type 1024, and then click

5. On the Assign Drive Letter or Path page, click Next.

6. On the Format Partition page, in the Volume label box, type Striped, click Next, and then click

7. Close Computer Management.

Lab Answer Key: Configuring Disks and Device Drivers 5

Exercise 2: Configuring Disk Quotas (Optional)

f Task 1: Create quotas on a volume
1. Click Start, and then click Computer.

2. Right-click Striped (G:), and then click Properties.

3. In the Striped (G:) Properties dialog box, click the Quota tab.

4. On the Quota tab, select the Enable quota management check box.

5. Select the Deny disk space to users exceeding quota limit check box.

6. Click Limit disk space to, in the adjacent box, type 10, and in the KB list, click MB.

7. In the Set warning level to box, type 5, and in the KB list, click MB.

8. Select the Log event when a user exceeds their warning level check box, and then click OK.

9. In the Disk Quota dialog box, review the message, and then click OK.

f Task 2: Create test files

1. Switch to the Command Prompt window.

2. At the command prompt, type G: , and then press ENTER.

3. At the command prompt, type fsutil file createnew 1mb-file 1048576, and then press ENTER.

4. At the command prompt, type fsutil file createnew 1kb-file 1024, and then press ENTER.

Note: These filenames enable you to identify them later as being 1 megabyte (MB) and 1
kilobyte (KB), respectively.

5. Close the Command Prompt window.

f Task 3: Test the configured quotas by using a standard user account to create files
1. Log off, and then log on to the LON-CL1 virtual machine as contoso\Adam with a password of

2. Click Start, click Computer, and then double-click Striped (G:).

3. In the toolbar, click New Folder.

4. Type Adams files, and then press ENTER.

5. In the file list, right-click 1mb-file and drag it to Adams files, and then click Copy here.

6. Double-click Adams files.

7. Right-click 1mb-file, and then click Copy.

8. Press CTRL+V four times.

9. In the Address bar, click Striped (G:).

6 Lab Answer Key: Configuring Disks and Device Drivers

10. In the file list, right-click 1kb-file and drag it to Adams files, and then click Copy here.

11. Double-click Adams files.

12. Right-click 1mb-file, and then click Copy.

13. Press CTRL+V four times.

14. Press CTRL+V again.

15. In the Copy Item dialog box, review the message, and then click Cancel.

f Task 4: Review quota alerts and event-log messages

1. Log off, and then log on to the LON-CL1 virtual machine as contoso\administrator with a password
of Pa$$w0rd.

2. Click Start, and then click Computer.

3. Right-click Striped (G:), and then click Properties.

4. In the Striped (G:) Properties dialog box, click the Quota tab, and then click Quota Entries.

5. In the Quota Entries for Striped (G:), in the Logon Name column, double-click contoso\adam.

6. In the Quota Settings for Adam Carter (CONTOSO\adam) dialog box, click OK.

7. Close Quota Entries for Striped (G:).

8. Close Striped (G:) Properties.

9. Click Start, and in the Search box, type Event.

10. In the Programs list, click Event Viewer.

11. In the Event Viewer (Local) list, expand Windows Logs, and then click System.

12. Right-click System, and then click Filter Current Log.

13. In the <All Events IDs> box, type 37, and then click OK.

14. Examine the listed entry.

15. Close all open windows.

Lab Answer Key: Configuring Disks and Device Drivers 7

Exercise 3: Updating a Device Driver

f Task 1: Update a device driver
1. Click Start, right-click Computer, and then click Manage.

2. In Computer Management, click Device Manager.

3. Expand Mice and other pointing devices, right-click Microsoft PS/2 Mouse, and then click Update
Driver Software.

4. In the Update Driver Software Microsoft PS/2 Mouse dialog box, click Browse my computer
for driver software.

5. On the Browse for driver software on your computer page, click Let me pick from a list of
device drivers on my computer.

6. In the Show compatible hardware list, click PS/2 Compatible Mouse, and then click Next.

7. Click Close.

8. In the System Settings Change dialog box, click Yes to restart the computer.

f Task 2: Rollback a device driver

1. Log on to the LON-CL1 virtual machine as contoso\administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.

2. Click Start, right-click Computer, and then click Manage.

3. In Computer Management, click Device Manager.

4. Expand Mice and other pointing devices, right-click PS/2 Compatible Mouse, and then click

5. In the PS/2 Compatible Mouse Properties dialog box, click the Driver tab.

6. Click Roll Back Driver.

7. In the Driver Package rollback dialog box, click Yes.

8. Click Close, and then in the System Settings Change dialog box, click Yes to restart the computer.

9. Log on to the LON-CL1 virtual machine as contoso\administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.

10. Click Start, right-click Computer, and then click Manage.

11. In Computer Management, click Device Manager.

12. Expand Mice and other pointing devices, and then click Microsoft PS/2 Mouse.

13. Verify that you have successfully rolled back the driver.

14. Close Computer Management.

8 Lab Answer Key: Configuring Disks and Device Drivers

f Task 3: Revert Virtual Machine

When you finish the lab, you should revert each virtual machine back to its initial state. To do this,
complete the following steps:

1. On the host computer, start Hyper-V Manager.

2. Right-click each virtual machine name in the Virtual Machines list, and then click Revert.

3. In the Revert Virtual Machine dialog box, click Revert.

Lab Answer Key: Configuring File Access and Printers on Windows 7 Clients 1

Module 3
Lab Answer Key: Configuring File Access and Printers on
Windows 7 Clients
Exercise 1: Create and Configure a Public Shared Folder for All Users 3
Exercise 2: Configuring Shared Access to Files for Specific Users 4
Exercise 3: Creating and Sharing a Printer 6
2 Lab Answer Key: Configuring File Access and Printers on Windows 7 Clients

Lab: Configuring File Access and Printers on

Windows 7 Client Computers
f Computers in this lab
Before you begin the lab, you must start the virtual machines. The virtual machines used at the start of this lab

f Start the virtual machines

1. On the host computer, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and click Hyper-V Manager.
2. In the Virtual Machines pane, click the virtual machine name. In the Actions pane, under the virtual
machine name, click Start.
3. To connect to the virtual machine, click the virtual machine name, and in the Actions pane, under the
virtual machine name, click Connect.
Lab Answer Key: Configuring File Access and Printers on Windows 7 Clients 3

Exercise 1: Create and Configure a Public Shared Folder for All Users
f Task 1: Create a folder
1. Log on to LON-CL1 as Contoso\Administrator with the password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Click Start, click Computer, double-click Local Disk (C:).
3. Right-click in the empty space below the Name column, point to New, then click Folder.
4. Type Public in the folder name and then press ENTER.

f Task 2: Share the folder

1. Right-click the Public folder and point to Share with and then click Specific people.
2. In the File Sharing box, click the arrow beside the text box, and click Everyone and then click Add.
3. Select Everyone, then under Permission Level select Read/Write. Click Share.
4. Click Done to close the File Sharing dialog box.
5. Log off of LON-CL1.

f Task 3: Log on to LON-CL2 as Contoso\Ryan

1. Log on to LON-CL2 as Contoso\Ryan with a password Pa$$w0rd.
2. Click Start, click Computer.

f Task 4: Access shared folder

1. Click Map Network Drive on the top menu.
2. Ensure Drive is set to Z, then type \\LON-CL1\public in the Folder field, and click Finish.
3. Right click in an empty space below the Name column, point to New, click Text Document, and
then type Test File and press ENTER.
4. Log off of LON-CL2.
4 Lab Answer Key: Configuring File Access and Printers on Windows 7 Clients

Exercise 2: Configuring Shared Access to Files for Specific Users

f Task 1: Create a folder
1. Log on to LON-CL1 as Contoso\Administrator.
2. Click Start, click Computer, double-click Local Disk (C:).
3. Right-click in the empty space below the Name column, point to New, then click Folder.
4. Type Restricted in the folder name, and then press ENTER.

f Task 2: Share the folder with restricted permissions

1. Right click the Restricted folder and point to Share with and then click Specific people.
2. In the File Sharing box, click the arrow beside the text box, and then click Find people.
3. In the Select Users or Groups dialog box, type Contoso\Terri, click Check Names, and then click
4. Under Permission Level, click the down arrow and select Read/Write. Click Share.
5. Click Done to close the File Sharing dialog box.

f Task 3: Configure NTFS permissions on a folder

1. On LON-CL1, right-click C:\Restricted, and click Properties.
2. Click the Security tab.
3. Click Edit.
4. In the Permissions for Restricted dialog box, click Terri Chudzik.
5. Review all permissions.
6. Next to Full Control, remove the check mark under Allow. Click OK.
7. Click Advanced, and then review all permissions. Notice that none are inherited. Click OK.
8. Click OK again to close the Restricted Permissions dialog box.
9. Double click the Restricted folder.
10. Right click in an empty space below the Name column, point to New, and then click Microsoft
Office Excel Worksheet.
11. Type Personal Finances in the file name, and then press ENTER.
12. Right click in an empty space below the Name column, point to New, and then click Microsoft
Office Excel Worksheet.
13. Type Public Finances in the file name, and then press ENTER.
14. Right-click Personal Finances, click Properties.
15. Click the Security tab.
16. Click Advanced and review all inherited permissions.
17. Click Change Permissions.
18. Remove the check mark next to Include inheritable permissions from this objects parent, and
then click Add when prompted.
19. Once again review all permissions. Notice that they are no longer inherited.
Lab Answer Key: Configuring File Access and Printers on Windows 7 Clients 5

20. In Permission entries, click Terri Chudzik, then click Edit.

21. Uncheck all permissions under Allow, except the following: Traverse folder/execute file, List
folder/read data, Read attributes, Read extended attributes, Read permissions. Click OK.
22. Click OK, and then click OK again. Click OK to close the Personal Finances Properties dialog box.
23. Right-click Public Finances, and click Properties.
24. Click the Security tab.
25. Click Advanced and review all inherited permissions.
26. Click OK, close all windows, and log off of LON-CL1.

f Task 4: Log on to LON-CL2 as Contoso\Terri

1. Log on to LON-CL2 as Contoso\Terri with a password Pa$$w0rd.
2. Click Start, click Computer.

f Task 5: Test Terris permissions to the shared folder

1. Click Map Network Drive on the top menu.
2. Ensure Drive is set to Z, then type \\LON-CL1\Restricted in the Folder field, and click Finish.
3. In the Restricted folder, right-click in the details pane and then point to New, and then click Text
4. Notice that you have permission to create files.
5. Double-click Public Finances. Click OK at the User Name prompt.
6. Type I can modify this document, then save and close the document.
7. Double click Personal Finances.
8. Type I cannot modify this document, and then try to save the document.
9. Click OK when prompted with a warning, then click Cancel.
10. Close the document without saving changes.
11. Log off of LON-CL2.
6 Lab Answer Key: Configuring File Access and Printers on Windows 7 Clients

Exercise 3: Creating and Sharing a Printer

f Task 1: Add and share local printer
1. Log on to LON-CL1 as Contoso\Administrator with the password Pa$$w0rd.
2. Click Start, and then click Devices and Printers.
3. Click Add a Printer.
4. In the Add Printer wizard, click Add a local printer.
5. On the Choose a printer port page, make sure the Use an existing port is selected then click Next
6. On the Install the printer driver page, select HP from the Manufacturer list, then select HP
Photosmart D7400 series from the Printers list.
7. Click Next.
8. Accept the default printer name and click Next.
9. Leave the share name as HP Photosmart D7400 series, then click Next.
10. Click Finish.
11. Right click on the new printer, and then click Printer properties.

f Task 2: Configure printer security

1. Click the Security tab.
2. Click Add and then in the Select Users, Computers, Service Accounts, or Groups dialog box, in the
ENTER the object names to select (examples) box, type Contoso\Adam, click Check Names, and
then click OK.
3. In the Group or user names box, click Adam Carter (Contoso\Adam).
4. In the Permissions for Adam Carter dialog box, next to Manage this printer, select the Allow
check box.
5. Click the Sharing tab.
6. Click the check box next to List in the directory.
7. Click OK.

f Task 3: Log on to LON-CL2 as Contoso\Adam

Log on to LON-CL2 as Contoso\Adam with the password of Pa$$w0rd.

f Task 4: Add network printer

1. Click Start, and then click Devices and Printers.
2. Click Add a Printer.
3. In the Add Printer wizard, click Add a network, wireless or Bluetooth printer.
4. On the Add Printer page, click The printer that I want isnt listed.
5. On the Find a printer by name or TCP/IP address page, click Find a printer in the directory,
based on location or feature. Click Next.
6. In the Find Printers box, click HP Photosmart D7400 series, then click OK.
7. Click Next, and then click Finish to complete.
Lab Answer Key: Configuring File Access and Printers on Windows 7 Clients 7

f Task 5: Revert Virtual Machine

When you finish the lab, you should revert each virtual machine back to its initial state. To do this,
complete the following steps:
1. On the host computer, start Hyper-V Manager.
2. Right-click each virtual machine name in the Virtual Machines list, and then click Revert.
3. In the Revert Virtual Machine dialog box, click Revert.
Lab Answer Key: Configuring Network Connectivity 1

Module 4
Lab Answer Key: Configuring Network Connectivity
Exercise 1: Configuring IPv4 Addressing 3
Exercise 2: Configuring IPv6 Addressing 6
Exercise 3: Troubleshooting Network Connectivity 8
2 Lab Answer Key: Configuring Network Connectivity

Lab: Configuring Network Connectivity

f Computers in this lab
Before you begin the lab, you must start the virtual machines. The virtual machines used at the start of this lab

f Start the virtual machines

1. On the host computer, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and click Hyper-V Manager.
2. In the Virtual Machines pane, click the virtual machine name. In the Actions pane, under the virtual
machine name, click Start.
3. To connect to the virtual machine, click the virtual machine name, and in the Actions pane, under the
virtual machine name, click Connect.
Lab Answer Key: Configuring Network Connectivity 3

Exercise 1: Configuring IPv4 Addressing

f Task 1: Verify the current IPv4 configuration
1. Log on to the LON-CL1 virtual machine as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Accessories, and then click Command Prompt.
3. At the command prompt, type ipconfig /all and then press ENTER.
4. What is the current IPv4 address?
5. What is the subnet mask?
6. To which IPv4 network does this host belong?
7. Is DHCP enabled?

f Task 2: Configure the computer to obtain an IPv4 address automatically

1. Click Start and then click Control Panel.
2. Under Network and Internet, click View network status and tasks.
3. In Network and Sharing CENTER, click Local Area Connection 3.
4. In the Local Area Connection 3 Status window, click Properties.
5. Click Internet Protocol Version (TCP/IPv4) and then click Properties.
6. Click Obtain an IP address automatically, click Obtain DNS server address automatically, and
then click OK.
7. Click Close.

f Task 3: Verify the new IPv4 configuration

1. In the Local Area Connection 3 Status window, click Details.
2. What is the current IPv.4 address?
Answer will vary, but will be in the range of 10.10.10.x
3. What is the subnet mask?
4. To Which IPv4 network does this host belong?
5. Is DHCP enabled?
6. When does the DHCP lease expire?
Eight days from now.
7. Click the Close button.
4 Lab Answer Key: Configuring Network Connectivity

f Task 4: Deactivate the DHCP scope

1. On the LON-DC1 virtual machine, log on as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click DHCP.
3. Expand, expand IPv4, and then click Scope [] LondonScope.
4. Right-click Scope [] LondonScope and then click Deactivate.
5. Click Yes to confirm deactivation of the scope.
6. Close the DHCP window.

f Task 5: Obtain a new IPv4 address

1. On LON-CL1, at the command prompt, type ipconfig /release and then press ENTER.
2. At the command prompt, type ipconfig /renew, and then press ENTER.
3. At the command prompt, type ipconfig /all, and then press ENTER.
4. What is the current IPv4 address?
Answers will vary, but the address will be 169.254.x.x
5. What is the subnet mask?
6. To which IPv4 network does this host belong?
7. What kind of address is this?
An APIPA address

f Task 6: Configure an alternate IPv4 address

1. In the Local Area Connection 3 Status window, click Properties.
2. Click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and then click Properties.
3. Click the Alternate Configuration tab, click User configured, and then ENTER the following:
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Preferred DNS server:
4. Clear the Validate settings, if changed, upon exit checkbox and then click OK to save the settings.
5. In the Local Area Connection 3 Properties window, click Close.
6. At the command prompt, type ipconfig /release and then press ENTER.
7. At the command prompt, type ipconfig /renew, and then press ENTER.

8. At the command prompt, type ipconfig /all, and then press ENTER
9. What is the current IPv4 address?
10. What is the subnet mask?
Lab Answer Key: Configuring Network Connectivity 5

11. To which IPv4 network does this host belong?
12. What kind of address is this?
An alternate configuration address
13. Close the command prompt.

f Task 7: Configure a static IPv4 address

1. In the Local Area Connection 3 Status window, click Properties.
2. Click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and then click Properties.
3. Click Use the following IP address and type the following:
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Preferred DNS server:
4. Click OK.
5. In the Local Area Connection 3 Properties window, click Close.
6. Close all open windows.
6 Lab Answer Key: Configuring Network Connectivity

Exercise 2: Configuring IPv6 Addressing

f Task 1: Verify the current IPv6 configuration
1. On LON-CL1, click Start, point to All Programs, click Accessories, and then click Command
2. At the command prompt, type ipconfig /all and then press ENTER.
3. What is the current IPv6 address?
Answers will vary, but will begin with fe80::
4. What type of IPv6 address is this?

f Task 2: Configure the computer with a static IPv6 address

1. Click Start and then click Control Panel.
2. Under Network and Internet, click View network status and tasks.
3. In Network and Sharing CENTER, click Local Area Connection 3.
4. In the Local Area Connection 3 Status window, click Properties.
5. Click Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) and then click Properties.
6. Click Use the following IPv6 address and ENTER the following:
IPv6 address: 2001:0DB8:0000:0000:02AA:00FF:FE28:9C5A
Subnet prefix length: 64
7. In the Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) Properties window, click OK.
8. In the Local Area Connection 3 Properties window, click Close.

f Task 3: Verify the new IPv6 configuration

1. In the Local Area Connection 3 Status window, click Details.
2. Is the static address you configured listed?
3. Close the Network Connection Details window.

f Task 4: Enable the DHCPv6 scope

1. On LON-DC1, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click DHCP.
2. Expand, expand IPv6, and then click Scope [fc00:1234:1234:1234::]
3. Right-click Scope [fc00:1234:1234:1234::] LondonIPv6Scope and then click Activate.
4. Close the DHCP window.

f Task 5: Configure the computer with a dynamic IPv6 address

1. On LON-CL1, in the Local Area Connection 3 Status window, click Properties.
2. Click Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) and then click Properties.
3. Click Obtain an IPv6 address automatically, click Obtain DNS server address automatically, and
then click OK.
Lab Answer Key: Configuring Network Connectivity 7

4. In the Local Area Connection 3 Properties window, click Close.

f Task 6: Verify the dynamic IPv6 address

1. In the Local Area Connection 3 Status window, click Details.
2. Is an IPv6 address listed?
Yes, starting with FC00:1234:1234:1234 from the scope activated on the DHCP server. Note that it
may take a few minutes to be visible.
3. Close the Network Connection Details window.
4. Close all open windows.
8 Lab Answer Key: Configuring Network Connectivity

Exercise 3: Troubleshooting Network Connectivity

f Task 1: Verify connectivity to LON-DC1
1. On LON-CL1, click Start, right-click Computer, and then click Map network drive.
2. In the Drive box, select P:.
3. In the Folder box, type \\LON-DC1\Data and then click Finish.
4. Close the Data window.

f Task 2: Prepare for troubleshooting.

1. On LON-CL1, click Start and then click Control Panel.
2. Under Network and Internet, click View network status and tasks.
3. In Network and Sharing CENTER, click Local Area Connection 3.
4. In the Local Area Connection 3 Status window, click Properties.
5. Clear the Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) checkbox and then click OK.
6. In the Local Area Connection 3 Status window, click Close and then close Network and Sharing
7. Run Mod4Script.bat located in the E:\LabFiles\Mod04 folder.
8. Close the Mod04 window.

f Task 3: Test Connectivity to LON-DC1

1. Click Start and click Computer.
2. Double-click Data(\\lon-dc1)(P:).
3. Click OK to clear the error message.
4. Are you able to access mapped drive P:?

f Task 4: Gather information about the problem

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Accessories, and then click Command Prompt.
2. At the command prompt, type ping lon-dc1 and then press ENTER.
3. At the command prompt, type ping and then press ENTER.
4. At the command prompt, type ipconfig /all and then press ENTER.
5. What IP address is the computer using?
6. What subnet mask is the computer using?
7. What network is the computer on?
Lab Answer Key: Configuring Network Connectivity 9

f Task 5: Resolve the first problem

1. Click Start and then click Control Panel.
2. Under Network and Internet, click View network status and tasks.
3. In Network and Sharing CENTER, click Local Area Connection 3.
4. In the Local Area Connection 3 Status window, click Properties.
5. In the Local Area Connection 3 Properties window, click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
and the click Properties.
6. In the Subnet mask box, type and then click OK.
7. In the Local Area Connection 3 Properties window, click Close.

f Task 6: Test the first resolution

1. In the Computer window, double-click Data(\\lon-dc1)(P:).
2. Are you able to access mapped drive P:?
Yes, however name resolution is slow.
3. At the command prompt, type ping lon-dc1 and then press ENTER.
4. At the command prompt, type ping and then press ENTER.
5. At the command prompt, type ipconfig /all and then press ENTER.
6. What DNS server is the computer using?

f Task 7: Resolve the second problem

1. In the Local Area Connection 3 Status window, click Properties.
2. In the Local Area Connection 3 Properties window, click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
and the click Properties.
3. In the Preferred DNS server box, type and then click OK.
4. In the Local Area Connection 3 Properties window, click Close.

f Task 8: Test the second resolution

1. In the Computer window, double-click data(\\lon-dc1)(P:).
2. Are you able to access mapped drive P:?
3. Close all open windows.

f Task 9: Revert Virtual Machine

When you finish the lab, you should revert each virtual machine back to its initial state. To do this,
complete the following steps:
1. On the host computer, start Hyper-V Manager.
2. Right-click each virtual machine name in the Virtual Machines list, and then click Revert.
3. In the Revert Virtual Machine dialog box, click Revert.
Lab Answer Key: Configuring Wireless Network Connections 1

Module 5
Lab Answer Key: Configuring Wireless Network Connections
Exercise 1: Determine the Appropriate Configuration for a Wireless Network 2
Exercise 2: Troubleshooting Wireless Connectivity 4
2 Lab Answer Key: Configuring Wireless Network Connections

Lab: Configuring Wireless Network Connections

Exercise 1: Determine the Appropriate Configuration for a Wireless Network
Contoso Corporation Production Plant Wireless Network Requirements

Document Reference Number: AR-09-15-01

Document Author Amy Rusko
Date September 15th

Requirement Overview
I would like to deploy wireless networks across all of the production plants in the UK, starting with the largest in
Security is critical, and we must deploy the strongest security measures available.
Some of our older computer equipment supports earlier wireless standards only.
Cordless telephones are in use at the plants.
Some of the production plants are located in busy trading districts with other commercial organizations located
nearby again, it is important that the Contoso network is not compromised.
Additional Information
What technical factors will influence the purchasing decision for the WAPs that Amy should consider?
Answers will vary, but should include at least the following points:
Coverage of a WAP
Use of overlapping coverage and the same Service Set Identifier (SSID)
Security options:
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA)/Wi-Fi Protect Access version 2 (WPA2)
Wireless technology 802.11b or 802.11g
How many WAPs does Amy need to purchase?
Answers will vary, but how much area each WAP must cover is a consideration

Where would you advise Amy to place the WAPs?

In the ceiling, to increase coverage area, and away from sources of interference, like generators or lift

Which security measures will you recommend to Amy?

Answers will vary, but might include the strongest possible security measures.
Answers will vary, but here is a suggested proposal:
Deploy only WAPs that support WPA2-Enterprise authentication, and use additional infrastructure to
provide this authentication. This will involve deploying additional server roles in the Windows Server 2008
enterprise. Specifically, the Network Policy and Access Services role.
WAPs must support 802.11b because of the legacy hardware deployed at some of the production plants.
It is possible that interference from cordless telephones might be an issue, so the choice of WAP should
consider the ability to support a range of channels and, depending on 802.11 modes, the frequencies.
The proximity of other businesses does pose a risk, and we must ensure accurate placement of hubs, and
directionality of antennae to mitigate this. So long as appropriate security is in-place, the risk should be
Lab Answer Key: Configuring Wireless Network Connections 3

Contoso Corporation Production Plant Wireless Network Requirements

low. Again, support of enterprise (802.1X) authentication is critical here.
4 Lab Answer Key: Configuring Wireless Network Connections

Exercise 2: Troubleshooting Wireless Connectivity

Incident Record

Incident Reference Number: 501235

Date of Call October 21st
Time of Call 10:45
User Amy Rusko (Production Department)
Status OPEN
Incident Details
Intermittent connection problems from computers connecting to the Slough production department.
Some users can connect to the Slough wireless access points from the parking lot.
Additional Information
How will you verify that these problems are occurring?
Attend the location with a laptop running Windows 7.

What do you suspect is causing these problems?

Answers will vary, but might include a WAP that has been misplaced or moved.

How will you rectify these problems?

Identify the current locations of the WAPs, and situate them accordingly.
Plan of action
Answers will vary, but here is a suggested proposal:
Check the placement of all WAPs to ensure that they are not adjacent to any forms of interference.
Lab Answer Key: Securing Windows 7 Desktops 1

Module 6
Lab Answer Key: Securing Windows 7 Desktops
Lab A: Configuring UAC, Local Security Policies, EFS, and AppLocker
Exercise 1: Using Action Center 3
Exercise 2: Configuring Local Security Policies 4
Exercise 3: Encrypting Data 6
Exercise 4: Configuring AppLocker 7
Lab B: Configuring Windows Firewall, Internet Explorer 8 Security
Settings, and Windows Defender
Exercise 1: Configuring and Testing Inbound and Outbound
Rules in Windows Firewall 9
Exercise 2: Configuring and Testing Security Settings in Internet
Explorer 8 12
Exercise 3: Configuring Scan Settings and Default Actions in
Windows Defender 13
2 Lab Answer Key: Securing Windows 7 Desktops

Lab A: Configuring UAC, Local Security Policies,

EFS, and AppLocker
f Computers in this lab
Before you begin the lab, you must start the virtual machines. The virtual machines used at the start of this lab

f Start the virtual machines

1. On the host computer, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and click Hyper-V Manager.
2. In the Virtual Machines pane, click the virtual machine name. In the Actions pane, under the virtual
machine name, click Start.
3. To connect to the virtual machine, click the virtual machine name, and in the Actions pane, under the
virtual machine name, click Connect.
Lab Answer Key: Securing Windows 7 Desktops 3

Exercise 1: Using Action CENTER

f Task 1: Configure Action CENTER features
1. Log on to the LON-CL1 as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Click Start, and then click Control Panel
3. In Control Panel, click System and Security, and then click Action CENTER.
4. Under Virus protection (Important), click the Turn off messages about virus protection link.

Note: It may take a few minutes for the Virus protection notification to appear.

5. Click the Action CENTER icon in the system tray. Notice that there is no message related to virus

f Task 2: Configure and test UAC settings

1. Click Change User Account Control settings in the left window pane.
2. Set the slide bar to the top setting.
3. Click OK.
4. Click Change User Account Control Settings in the left window pane.
5. Set the slide bar two settings down from the top to Notify me only when programs try to make
changes to my computer (do not dim my desktop).
6. Click OK.
7. Close the Action CENTER.
4 Lab Answer Key: Securing Windows 7 Desktops

Exercise 2: Configuring Local Security Policies

f Task 1: Configure local policies for multiple users
1. On LON-CL1, click Start and then in the Search programs and files box, type mmc and press
ENTER. In Console1 [Console Root], on the menu, click File, and then click Add/Remove Snap-in.
2. In the Add or Remove Snap-ins dialog box, in the Available snap-ins list, click Group Policy
Object Editor, and then click Add.
3. In the Select Group Policy Object dialog box, click Browse.
4. In the Browse for a Group Policy Object dialog box, click the Users tab.
5. In the Local Users and Groups compatible with Local Group Policy list, click Administrators, and
then click OK.
6. In the Select Group Policy Object dialog box, click Finish.
7. In the Add or Remove Snap-ins dialog box, in the Available snap-ins list, click Group Policy
Object Editor, and then click Add.
8. In the Select Group Policy Object dialog box, click Browse.
9. In the Browse for a Group Policy Object dialog box, click the Users tab.
10. In the Local Users and Groups compatible with Local Group Policy list, click Non-Administrators,
and then click OK.
11. In the Select Group Policy Object dialog box, click Finish.
12. In the Add or Remove Snap-ins dialog box, click OK.
13. In Console1 [Console Root], on the menu, click File, and then click Save.
14. In the Save As dialog box, click Desktop.
15. In the File name box, type Custom Group Policy Editor, and then click Save.
16. In Custom Group Policy Editor [Console Root], in the tree, expand Local Computer\Non-
Administrators Policy.
17. Expand User Configuration, expand Administrative Templates, and then click Start Menu and
18. In the results pane, double-click Remove Music icon from Start Menu.
19. In the Remove Music icon from Start Menu dialog box, click Enabled, and then click OK
20. In the results pane, double-click Remove Pictures icon from Start Menu.
21. In the Remove Pictures icon from Start Menu dialog box, click Enabled, and then click OK
22. In Custom Group Policy Editor [Console Root], in the tree, expand Local
Computer\Administrators Policy.
23. Expand User Configuration, expand Administrative Templates, and then click Start Menu and
24. In the results pane, double-click Remove Documents icon from Start Menu.
25. In the Remove Documents icon from Start Menu dialog box, click Enabled, and then click OK.
26. Log off of LON-CL1.
Lab Answer Key: Securing Windows 7 Desktops 5

f Task 2: Test multiple local group policies

1. Log on to LON-CL1 as Contoso\Adam with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Click Start and confirm there is no Pictures or Music icons.
3. Log off of LON-CL1.
4. Log on to LON-CL1 as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
5. Click Start and confirm there is no Documents icon.
6. Log off of LON-CL1.
6 Lab Answer Key: Securing Windows 7 Desktops

Exercise 3: Encrypting Data

f Task 1: Secure files by using EFS
1. Log on to the LON-CL1 as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Click Start, click Computer.
3. Double-click Local Disk (C:).
4. Right-click an empty space in the Name column, point to New, and then select Folder.
5. Type Confidential in the folder name and press ENTER.
6. Double-click Confidential, then right-click an empty space in the Name column, point to New, and
then click Microsoft Office Word Document.
7. Type Personal, and then press ENTER.
8. Click the left arrow in the menu bar to return to Local Disk (C:).
9. Right-click on the Confidential folder, and then click Properties.
10. On the General tab, click Advanced.
11. Select the Encrypt contents to secure data check box, and then click OK.
12. In the Properties dialog box, click OK, and then in the Confirm Attribute Changes dialog box, click
Apply changes to this folder, subfolders and files. Click OK.
13. Log off.
14. Log on to the LON-CL1 as Contoso\Adam with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
15. Click Start, and then click Computer.
16. Double-click Local Disk (C:).
17. Double-click the Confidential folder.
18. Double-click Personal.
19. Click OK at all prompts and close the file.
20. Log off.
Lab Answer Key: Securing Windows 7 Desktops 7

Exercise 4: Configuring AppLocker

f Task 1: Configure an AppLocker rule
1. Log on to the LON-CL1 as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Click Start, in the Search programs and files box, type gpedit.msc, and then press ENTER.
3. In the Local Group Policy Editor, expand Computer Configuration, expand Windows Settings,
and then expand Security Settings.
4. Expand Application Control Policies, and then double-click AppLocker.
5. Select Executable Rules, then right-click and select Create New Rule.
6. Click Next.
7. On the Permissions screen, select Deny, then click Select.
8. In the Select User or Group dialog box, in the ENTER the object names to select (examples) box,
type Contoso\Research, click Check Names, and then click OK.
9. Click Next.
10. On the Conditions screen, select Path, and then click Next.
11. Click Browse Files, and then click Computer.
12. Double click Local Disk (C:).
13. Double-click Program Files, then double-click Windows Media Player, and then select wmplayer
and click Open.
14. Click Next.
15. Click Next again, then click Create.
16. Click Yes if prompted to create default rules.
17. In the Local Group Policy Editor, expand Computer Configuration, expand Windows Settings,
and then expand Security Settings.
18. Expand Application Control Policies.
19. Click AppLocker, and then right-click and select Properties.
20. On the Enforcement tab, under Executable rules, click the Configured checkbox and select Enforce
21. Click OK.
22. Click Start, in the Search programs and files box, type cmd, and then press ENTER.
23. In the Command Prompt window, type gpupdate /force and press ENTER. Wait for the policy to be
24. Click Start, right-click Computer and click Manage.
25. Expand Services and Applications, and then click Services.
26. Right-click Application Identity service in the main window pane, then click Properties.
27. Set the Startup type to Automatic, and then click Start.
28. Click OK once the service starts.
29. Log off.
8 Lab Answer Key: Securing Windows 7 Desktops

f Task 2: Test the AppLocker rule

1. Log on to the LON-CL1 as Contoso\Alan with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Click Start, click All programs, then click Windows Media Player.
3. Click OK when prompted with a message.

Note: If the enforcement rule message does not display, wait for a few minutes and then re-try step 2.

4. Log off.
Lab Answer Key: Securing Windows 7 Desktops 9

Lab B: Configuring Windows Firewall, Internet

Explorer 8 Security Settings, and Windows
Exercise 1: Configuring and Testing Inbound and Outbound Rules in Windows
f Lab Setup
Complete these tasks to set up the prerequisites for the lab:
1. Log on to LON-CL1 as Contoso\Administrator with the password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Click Start, right-click Computer and then click Properties.
3. Click Advanced system settings.
4. Click the Remote tab.
5. Under Remote Desktop, select Allow connections from computer running any version of
Remote Desktop (less secure) and then click OK.
6. Log off of LON-CL1.

f Task 1: Configure an inbound rule

1. Log on to the LON-DC1 as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Click Start, click All Programs.
3. Click Accessories, then click Remote Desktop Connection.
4. Type LON-CL1 into the Computer field, then click Connect.
5. Were you prompted for credentials?
6. In Windows Security, click Cancel.
7. Close the Remote Desktop Connection dialog box.
8. Log on to the LON-CL1 as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
9. Click Start, click Control Panel.
10. Click System and Security.
11. Click Windows Firewall.
12. In the left window pane, click Advanced settings.
13. In Windows Firewall with Advanced Security, select Inbound Rules.
14. Review the existing inbound rules, and then right-click Inbound Rules and click New Rule.
15. On the Rule Type page of the New Inbound Rule wizard, select Predefined, then select Remote
Desktop from the dropdown menu.
16. Click Next.
17. Select the Remote Desktop (TCP-In) rule, and then click Next.
18. Select Block the connection, then click Finish.
10 Lab Answer Key: Securing Windows 7 Desktops

19. Log off of LON-CL1.

f Task 2: Test the inbound rule

1. On LON-DC1, click Start, click All Programs.
2. Click Accessories, then click Remote Desktop Connection.
3. Type LON-CL1 into the Computer field, then click Connect.
4. Were you prompted for credentials?
5. Click OK.

6. Log off.

7. Log on to the LON-CL1 as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.

f Task 3 Configure an outbound rule

1. On LON-CL1, click Start, click All Programs.
2. Click Accessories, then click Remote Desktop Connection.
3. Type LON-DC1 into the Computer field, then click Connect.
4. Were you prompted for credentials?
5. In Windows Security, click Cancel.
6. Close the Remote Desktop Connection dialog box.
7. Click Start, click Control Panel.
8. Click System and Security.
9. Click Windows Firewall.
10. In the left window pane, click Advanced settings.
11. In Windows Firewall with Advanced Security, select Outbound Rules.
12. Review the existing outbound rules, then right-click Outbound Rules and click New Rule.
13. On the Rule Type page of the New Outbound Rule wizard, select Port, and then click Next.
14. Select TCP, and then select Specific remote ports and type 3389.
15. Click Next.
16. Select Block the connection, and then click Next.
17. Click Next.
18. Type Remote Desktop TCP 3389 in the Name field, and then click Finish.

f Task 4: Test the outbound rule

1. On LON-CL1, click Start, click All Programs.
2. Click Accessories, and then click Remote Desktop Connection.
3. Type LON-DC1 into the Computer field, and then click Connect.
4. Were you prompted for credentials?
Lab Answer Key: Securing Windows 7 Desktops 11

5. Click OK.
6. Close the Remote Desktop Connection dialog box.
7. Log off of LON-CL1.
12 Lab Answer Key: Securing Windows 7 Desktops

Exercise 2: Configuring and Testing Security Settings in Internet Explorer 8.0

f Task 1: Enable Compatibility View in IE8
1. Log on to the LON-CL1 as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Click the Internet Explorer icon on the taskbar.
3. If prompted by the Set Up Windows Internet Explorer 8 dialog box, click Ask me later.
4. On the Tools menu, click Compatibility View Settings.
5. Click to select the Display all websites in Compatibility View check box, and then click Close.

f Task 2: Configure inPrivate Browsing

1. Type http://LON-DC1 into the Address bar and press ENTER.
2. Click on the down arrow next to the Address bar to confirm that the address you typed into the
Address bar is stored.
3. In Internet Explorer, click the Tools button, and then click Internet Options.
4. Click the General tab. Under Browsing History, click Delete.
5. In the Delete Browsing History dialog box, deselect Preserve Favorites website data, select
Temporary Internet Files, Cookies, History, and then click Delete.
6. Click OK to close the Internet Options box.
7. Confirm there are no addresses stored in the Address bar by clicking on the down arrow next to the
Address bar.

f Task 3: Test inPrivate Browsing

1. On the Safety menu, click inPrivate Browsing.
2. Type http://LON-DC1 into the Address bar and press ENTER.
3. Confirm the address you typed in is not stored by clicking on the down arrow next to the Address
4. Close Internet Explorer.

f Task 4: Configure inPrivate Filtering to automatically block all sites

1. Click the Internet Explorer icon on the taskbar.
2. On the Safety menu, click inPrivate Filtering.
3. Click Block for me to block websites automatically.

f Task 5: Configure inPrivate Filtering to choose content to block or allow

1. On the Safety menu, click inPrivate Filtering Settings.
2. In the InPrivate Filtering settings window, click Choose content to block or allow, then click OK.
3. Close Internet Explorer.
4. Log off of LON-CL1.
Lab Answer Key: Securing Windows 7 Desktops 13

Exercise 3: Configuring Scan Settings and Default Actions in Windows Defender

f Task 1 Perform a quick scan
1. Log on to the LON-CL1 as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Click Start, click Search programs and files, then type Windows Defender and press ENTER.
3. In Windows Defender, on the menu, click Scan.

f Task 2: Schedule a full scan

1. In Windows Defender, on the menu, click Tools.
2. In Tools and Settings, click Options.
3. In Options, select Automatic scanning.
4. In the main window, ensure that the Automatically scan my computer (recommended) checkbox
is selected.
5. Set Frequency to Sunday.
6. Set Approximate time to 10:00 PM.
7. Set type to Full scan.
8. Ensure that the Check for updates definitions before scanning checkbox is selected.
9. Click Save.

f Task 3: Set default actions to quarantine severe alert items

1. In Windows Defender, on the menu, click Tools.
2. In Tools and Settings, click Options.
3. In Options, select Default actions.
4. Set Severe alert items to Quarantine.
5. Ensure that the Apply recommended actions checkbox is selected.

f Task 4: View the allowed items

1. In Windows Defender, on the menu, click Tools.
2. In Tools and Settings, view Allowed items.
3. Close Windows Defender.
4. Log off.

f Task 5: Revert Virtual Machine

When you finish the lab, you should revert each virtual machine back to its initial state. To do this,
complete the following steps:
1. On the host computer, start Hyper-V Manager.
2. Right-click each virtual machine name in the Virtual Machines list, and then click Revert.
3. In the Revert Virtual Machine dialog box, click Revert.
Lab Answer Key: Optimizing and Maintaining Windows 7 Client Computers 1

Module 7
Lab Answer Key: Optimizing and Maintaining Windows 7
Client Computers
Exercise 1: Monitoring System Performance 2
Exercise 2: Backing Up and Restoring Data 4
Exercise 3: Configuring System Restore Points 6
Exercise 4: Configuring Windows Update 8
2 Lab Answer Key: Optimizing and Maintaining Windows 7 Client Computers

Lab: Optimizing and Maintaining Windows 7

Client Computers
f Computers in this lab
Before you begin the lab, you must start the virtual machines. The virtual machines used at the start of this lab

f Start the virtual machines

1. On the host computer, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and click Hyper-V Manager.
2. In the Virtual Machines pane, click the virtual machine name. In the Actions pane, under the virtual
machine name, click Start.
3. To connect to the virtual machine, click the virtual machine name, and in the Actions pane, under the
virtual machine name, click Connect.

Exercise 1: Monitoring System Performance

f Task 1: Review the running processes by using Resource Monitor
1. Log on to the LON-CL1 virtual machine as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Accessories, click System Tools, and then click Resource
3. If necessary, click the Overview tab.
4. Is any process causing high CPU utilization?
No, overall CPU utilization is low.
5. Is any process causing high disk I/O?
No, overall disk I/O is low.
6. Is any process causing high network utilization?
No, overall network utilization is low.
7. Is any process causing high memory utilization?
No, overall memory utilization is low.
8. Close Resource Monitor.

f Task 2: Create a data collector set

1. Click Start, type per, and then click Performance Monitor.
2. In the left pane, expand Data Collector Sets and then click User Defined.
3. Right click User Defined, point to New, and then click Data Collector Set.
4. In the Name box, type Bottleneck and then click Next.
5. In the Which template would you like to use? box, click System Performance and then click
Lab Answer Key: Optimizing and Maintaining Windows 7 Client Computers 3

f Task 3: Configure the data collector set schedule and stop condition
1. In the Performance Monitor window, right-click Bottleneck and click Properties.
2. Review the keywords listed on the General tab.
3. Click the Schedule tab and then click Add.
4. In the Beginning date box, verify that todays date is listed.
5. Select the Expiration date checkbox and then select a date one week from today.
6. In the Launch area, in the Start time box, select 1:05 pm.
7. Verify that all days of the week are selected and then click OK.
8. Click the Stop Condition tab.
9. In the Overall duration box, verify that 1 minute is selected.
10. In the Limits area, select the Maximum size checkbox, type 10 and then click OK.

f Task 4: Review the data collector set counters

1. In the Performance Monitor window, right-click Performance Counter and then click Properties.
2. Review the counters listed in the Performance counters box.
3. Click Cancel.

f Task 5: Test the data collector set

1. In the Performance Monitor window, right-click Bottleneck and click Start.
2. Wait for Bottleneck to finish running.
3. Right-click Bottleneck and then click Latest Report.
4. Review the information listed under Performance.
5. Is there any resource that appears to be a bottleneck at this time?
No, utilization of all resources is low.
6. Expand the CPU bar and then expand the Process bar and review the CPU utilization information.
7. Close Performance Monitor.
4 Lab Answer Key: Optimizing and Maintaining Windows 7 Client Computers

Exercise 2: Backing Up and Restoring Data

f Task 1: Create a data file to be backed up
1. On LON-CL1, click Start and then click Documents.
2. In the Documents library area, right-click an open area, point to New, and then click Text
3. To rename the document, type Important Document and then press ENTER.
4. Double-click Important Document to open it.
5. Type This is my important document and then close Notepad.
6. Click Save.
7. Close the Documents window.

f Task 2: Create a backup job for all user data

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Maintenance, and then click Backup and Restore.
2. Click Set up backup.
3. Click Allfiles (E:) and then click Next.
4. Click Let me choose and then click Next.
5. Under Data Files, select all checkboxes.
6. Under Computer, clear all checkboxes.
7. Clear the Include a system image of drives: System Reserved, (C:) checkbox and then click Next.
8. On the Review your backup settings page, click Change schedule.
9. Clear the Run backup on a schedule box and then click OK.
10. Click Save settings and run backup.
11. When the backup is complete, close Backup and Restore.

f Task 3: Delete a backed up data file

1. On LON-CL1, click Start and then click Documents.
2. In the Documents library area, right-click Important Document and then click Delete.
3. Click Yes to confirm and then close the Documents window.

f Task 4: Restore the deleted data file

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Maintenance, and then click Backup and Restore.
2. Click Restore my files and then click Search.
3. In the Search for box, type Important and then click Search.
4. Select the Important Document checkbox and then click OK.
5. Click Next.
6. Click Restore to restore the file in the original location.
7. Click Finish and then close Backup and Restore.
Lab Answer Key: Optimizing and Maintaining Windows 7 Client Computers 5

f Task 5: Verify that the data file is restored

1. Click Start and then click Documents.
2. Verify that Important Document is present.
3. Close the Documents window.
6 Lab Answer Key: Optimizing and Maintaining Windows 7 Client Computers

Exercise 3: Configuring System Restore Points

f Task 1: Enable restore points for all disks except the backup disk
1. On LON-CL1, click Start, right-click Computer and then click Properties.
2. In the System window, click System protection.
3. In the Protection settings area, click Local Disk (C:) (System) and then click Configure.
4. In the Restore Settings area, click Restore system settings and previous versions of files and then
click OK.
5. In the Protection settings area, click Allfiles (E:) and then click Configure.
6. In the Restore Settings area, click Restore system settings and previous versions of files and then
click OK.

f Task 2: Create a restore point

1. In the System Properties window, click Create.
2. In the System Protection window, type Restore Point Test and then click Create.
3. When restore point creation is complete, click Close.
4. In the System Properties window, click OK and then close the System window.

f Task 3: Edit the contents of a file

1. Click Start and click Documents.
2. Double-click Important Document.
3. In Notepad, delete the contents of the file and then close Notepad.
4. Click Save to save the modified file.

f Task 4: Verify the previous version of a file

1. Right-click Important Document and then click Restore previous versions.
2. Review the versions available to be restored. Notice that both the backup and restore point are listed.
3. Click the previous version in the Restore point and then click Restore.
4. Click Restore to confirm.
5. In the Previous Versions window, click OK and then click Cancel.
6. Double-click Important Document. and then read the contents. Notice that the contents have been
7. Close Notepad and then close the Documents window.

f Task 5: Restore a restore point

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Accessories, click System Tools, and then click System
2. Click Next to begin.
3. Click Restore Point Test and then click Next.
4. Click Finish and then click Yes.
Lab Answer Key: Optimizing and Maintaining Windows 7 Client Computers 7

5. Wait for the computer to restart and then log on as Contoso\Administrator with a password of
6. In the System Restore window, click Close.
8 Lab Answer Key: Optimizing and Maintaining Windows 7 Client Computers

Exercise 4: Configuring Windows Update

f Task 1: Verify that automatic updates are disabled
1. Click Start and click Control Panel.
2. Click System and Security and then click Windows Update.
3. Click Change settings and review the available settings.
4. Click Cancel and then close the Windows Update window.

f Task 2: Enable automatic updates in a group policy

1. Log on to the LON-DC1 virtual machine as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
2. Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Group Policy Management.
3. If necessary, expand Forest:, expand Domains, and then click
4. Right-click Default Domain Policy and click Edit.
5. Under Computer Configuration, expand Policies, expand Administrative Templates, expand
Windows Components, and then click Windows Update.
6. In the right pane, double-click Configure Automatic Updates.
7. In the Configure Automatic Updates window, click Enabled.
8. In the Configure automatic updating box, click 4 Auto download and schedule the install.
9. Click OK and then close the Group Policy Management Editor window.
10. Close the Group Policy Management window.

f Task 3: Verify that the automatic updates setting from the group policy is being applied
1. On LON-CL1, click Start, type gpupdate /force and then press ENTER.
2. Click Start and click Control Panel.
3. Click System and Security and then click Windows Update.
4. Click Change settings and review the available settings. Notice that you can no longer change the
settings because they are being enforced by the group policy.
5. Click Cancel and then close the Windows Update window.

Note: If the policy setting does not apply, restart LON-CL1 and then repeat Task 3.

f Task 4: Revert Virtual Machine

When you finish the lab, you should revert each virtual machine back to its initial state. To do this,
complete the following steps:
1. On the host computer, start Hyper-V Manager.
2. Right-click each virtual machine name in the Virtual Machines list, and then click Revert.
3. In the Revert Virtual Machine dialog box, click Revert.
Lab Answer Key: Configuring Mobile Computing and Remote Access in Windows 7 1

Module 8
Lab Answer Key: Configuring Mobile Computing and
Remote Access in Windows 7
Exercise 1: Creating a Sync Partnership 3
Exercise 2: Configuring Power Options 5
Exercise 3: Enabling Remote Desktop 6
Exercise 4: Enabling BranchCache 8
2 Lab Answer Key: Configuring Mobile Computing and Remote Access in Windows 7

Lab: Configuring Mobile Computing and

Remote Access in Windows 7
Incident Recordsuggested answer

Incident Record

Incident Reference Number: 502509

Date of Call November 5th
Time of Call 08:45
User Don (Production Department)
Status OPEN
Incident Details
Don would like you to establish a sync partnership with his Windows Mobile device.
Don needs the power options to be configured for optimal battery life when he is traveling.
Don wants to enable remote desktop on his desktop computer in the office for his own user account so he can
connect remotely to his desktop from his laptop.
Don wants to be able to access documents from the head-office and enable others at the plant to access those
files without delay.
Additional Information
Dons laptop is running Windows 7 Enterprise.
The Slough plant has no file-server at present.
1. You have synchronized the Windows Mobile device with Windows 7.
2. Dons laptop has an appropriate power plan.
3. Dons laptop has Remote Desktop enabled for Contoso\Don.
4. BranchCache Distributed Cache mode configured and enabled on the Slough Plant shared folder. Dons
computer tested BranchCache successfully enabled.

f Computers in this lab

Before you begin the lab, you must start the virtual machines. The virtual machines used at the start of this lab

f Start the virtual machines

1. On the host computer, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and click Hyper-V Manager.
2. In the Virtual Machines pane, click the virtual machine name. In the Actions pane, under the virtual
machine name, click Start.
3. To connect to the virtual machine, click the virtual machine name, and in the Actions pane, under the
virtual machine name, click Connect.
Lab Answer Key: Configuring Mobile Computing and Remote Access in Windows 7 3

Exercise 1: Creating a Sync Partnership

f Task 1: Create items in Outlook
1. Log on to the LON-CL1 virtual machine as Contoso\Don with a password of Pa$$w0rd.

2. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Microsoft Office, and then click Microsoft Office Outlook

3. In the Outlook 2007 Startup wizard, click Next.

4. On the E-mail accounts page, click No, and then click Next.

5. On the Create Data File page, select the Continue with no e-mail support check box, and then
click Finish.

6. In the User Name dialog box, click OK.

7. If prompted, in the Welcome to the 2007 Microsoft Office System, click Next, click I dont want to
use Microsoft Update, and then click Finish.

8. If prompted, in the Microsoft Office Outlook dialog box, click No.

9. In Outlook, on the left, click Calendar.

10. In the results pane, click the Month tab, and then double-click tomorrow.

11. In the Untitled Event dialog box, in the Subject field, type Production department meeting.

12. In the Location field, type Conference room 1, and then click Save & Close.

13. If prompted with a reminder for the appointment, click Dismiss.

14. In Outlook, on the left, click Contacts.

15. On the menu, click New.

16. In the Untitled Contact dialog field, in the Full Name field, type Andrea Dunker.

17. In the Job title box, type IT Department, and then click Save & Close.

18. Close Outlook.

f Task 2: Configure Windows Mobile Device CENTER

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, and then click Windows Mobile Device CENTER.
2. In the Windows Mobile Device CENTER dialog box, click Accept.
3. In the Windows Mobile Device CENTER dialog box, click Mobile Device Settings, and then click
Connection settings.
4. In the Connection Settings dialog box, in the Allow connections to one of the following list, click
DMA, and then click OK.
5. In the User Account Control dialog box, in the User name box, type administrator.
6. In the Password box, type Pa$$w0rd, and then click Yes.
7. Close Windows Mobile Device CENTER.
4 Lab Answer Key: Configuring Mobile Computing and Remote Access in Windows 7

f Task 3: Connect the Windows Mobile Device

1. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Windows Mobile 6 SDK, click Standalone Emulator
Images, click US English, and then click WM 6.1.4 Professional.
2. Wait until the emulator has completed startup.
3. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Windows Mobile 6 SDK, click Tools, and then click Device
Emulator Manager.
4. In the Device Emulator Manager dialog box, click the play symbol.
5. From the menu, click Actions, and then click Cradle.
6. Close Device Emulator Manager.

f Task 4: Synchronize the Windows Mobile Device

1. In the Windows Mobile Member CENTER dialog box, click Dont Register.
2. In Windows Mobile Device CENTER, click Set up your device.
3. In the Set up Windows Mobile Partnership wizard, on the What kinds of items do you want to
sync? page, click Next.
4. On the Ready to set up the Windows Mobile partnership page, click Set Up.
5. After synchronization is complete, close Windows Mobile Device CENTER.
6. On the Windows Mobile Device, click Start, and then click Calendar.
7. Click tomorrows date. Is the Production Department meeting displayed?
8. Click Start, and then click Contacts. Are there contacts listed?
9. Close all open Windows. Do not save changes. Log off of LON-CL1.
10. Update the resolution section of incident record 502509 with the information about the successful
creation of a sync partnership.
Lab Answer Key: Configuring Mobile Computing and Remote Access in Windows 7 5

Exercise 2: Configuring Power Options

f Task 1: Create a power plan for Dons laptop
1. Log on to the LON-CL1 virtual machine as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.

2. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.

3. Click System and Security.

4. Click Power Options.

5. On the left, click Create a power plan.

6. On the Create a power plan page, click Power saver.

7. In the Plan name box, type Dons plan, and then click Next.

8. On the Change settings for the plan: Dons plan page, in the Turn off the display box, click 3
minutes, and then click Create.

f Task 2: Configure Dons power plan

1. In Power Options, under Dons plan, click Change plan settings.

2. On the Change settings for the plan: Dons plan page, click Change advanced power settings.

3. Configure the following properties for the plan, and then click OK.

Turn off hard disk after: 5 minutes

Wireless Adapter Settings, Power Saving Mode: Maximum Power Saving

Power buttons and lid, Power button action: Shut down

4. On the Change settings for the plan: Dons plan page, click Cancel.

f Task 3: Update the incident record with the power plan changes
1. Update the resolution section of incident record 502509 with the information about the successful
configuration of a power plan for Dons laptop.

2. Close Power Options.

6 Lab Answer Key: Configuring Mobile Computing and Remote Access in Windows 7

Exercise 3: Enabling Remote Desktop

f Task 1: Enable remote desktop through the firewall
1. On LON-CL1, click Start, and in the Search box, type Firewall.

2. In the Programs list, click Windows Firewall.

3. In the Windows Firewall dialog box, click Allow a program or feature through Windows Firewall.

4. In the Name list, select the Remote Desktop check box, and then select the check boxes for the
Domain, Home/Work, and Public profiles. Click OK.

5. Close Windows Firewall.

6. Click Start, right-click Computer, and then click Properties.

7. Click Remote settings.

8. Under Remote Desktop, click Allow connections from computers running any version of
Remote Desktop (less secure).

9. Click Select Users, click Add.

10. In the Select Users or Groups dialog box, in the Enter the object names to select (examples) box,
type Don, click Check Names, and then click OK.

11. In the Remote Desktop Users dialog box, click OK.

12. In the System Properties dialog box, click OK.

13. Close all open windows.

f Task 2: Use remote desktop

1. Switch to the LON-DC1 virtual machine and then log on as Administrator with the password of

2. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Remote Desktop

3. In the Remote Desktop Connection dialog box, in the Computer box, type lon-cl1, and then click

4. Click the Advanced tab.

5. Under Server authentication, in the If server authentication fails list, click Connect and dont
warn me.

6. Click Connect.

7. In the Windows Security dialog box, in the Password box, type Pa$$w0rd, and then click OK.

8. Click Start, right-click Computer, and then click Properties.

9. Notice the computer name.

10. Close the remote desktop session.

Lab Answer Key: Configuring Mobile Computing and Remote Access in Windows 7 7

11. Close all open windows.

12. Switch to the LON-CL1 virtual machine.

13. Notice you have been logged off.

14. Log on as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.

f Task 3: Update the incident record with the remote desktop changes
Update the resolution section of incident record 502509 with the information about the successful
configuration remote desktop for Dons laptop.
8 Lab Answer Key: Configuring Mobile Computing and Remote Access in Windows 7

Exercise 4: Enabling BranchCache

f Task 1: Create a Production plant shared folder
1. If necessary, log on to the LON-DC1 virtual machine as Contoso\Administrator with a password of

2. Click Start, click Computer, and double-click Local Disk (C:).

3. In the menu, click New folder.

4. Type Slough Plant and press ENTER.

5. Right-click Slough Plant and then click Properties.

6. In the Slough Plant Properties dialog box, on the Sharing tab, click Advanced Sharing.

7. In the Advanced Sharing dialog box, select the Share this folder check box, and then click

8. Click Remove, and then click Add.

9. In the Select Users, Computers, Service Accounts, or Groups dialog box, in the Enter the object
names to select (examples) box, type production, click Check Names, and then click OK.

10. In the Permissions for Production list, select the Allow check box next to Full Control, and then
click OK.

f Task 2: Enable BranchCache on the Production plant shared folder

1. In the Advanced Sharing dialog box, click Caching.
2. Select the Enable BranchCache check box, and then click OK.
3. In the Advanced Sharing dialog box, click OK.

f Task 3: Configure NTFS file permissions for the shared folder

1. In the Slough Plant Properties dialog box, click the Security tab.
2. Click Edit, and then click Add.
3. In the Select Users, Computers, Service Accounts, or Groups dialog box, in the Enter the object
names to select (examples) box, type production, click Check Names, and then click OK.
4. In the Permissions for Production list, select the Allow check box next to Full Control, and then
click OK.
5. In the Slough Plant Properties dialog box, click the Close.

f Task 4: Configure client-related BranchCache Group Policy settings

1. Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and click Group Policy Management.
2. In Group Policy Management, expand Forest:, expand Domains, expand, expand Group Policy Objects, click BranchCache, right-click BranchCache and then
click Edit.
3. Expand Computer Configuration, expand Policies, expand Administrative Templates, expand
Network, and then click BranchCache.
4. Double-click Turn on BranchCache, click Enabled, and then click OK.
Lab Answer Key: Configuring Mobile Computing and Remote Access in Windows 7 9

5. Double-click Set BranchCache Distributed Cache mode, click Enabled, and then click OK.
6. Double-click Configure BranchCache for network files, click Enabled, under Options type 0, and
then click OK.
7. Double-click Set percentage of disk space used for client computer cache, click Enabled, under
Options, type 10, and then click OK.
8. Close Group Policy Management Editor.
9. Close Group Policy Management.
10. Close all open windows.

f Task 5: Configure the client firewall

1. Switch to the LON-CL1 computer.
2. If necessary, log on as Contoso\Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
3. Click Start, click Control Panel, click System and Security, and then click Windows Firewall.
4. In Windows Firewall, click Allow a program or feature through Windows Firewall.
5. Under Allowed programs and features, in the Name list, select the following check boxes and then
click OK.
a. BranchCache Content Retrieval (Uses HTTP)
b. BranchCache Peer Discovery (Uses WSD)
6. Close Windows Firewall.

f Task 6: Configure the client for BranchCache distributed mode

1. Open a Command Prompt.
2. At the Command Prompt, type gpupdate /force and then press ENTER.
3. At the Command Prompt, type netsh branchcache set service mode=DISTRIBUTED and then press

f Task 7: Verify BranchCache Client Configuration

At the Command Prompt, type netsh branchcache show status and then press ENTER.

f Task 8: Update the incident record with the remote desktop changes
Update the resolution section of incident record 502509 with the information about the successful
configuration of BranchCache.

f Task 9: Revert Virtual Machine

When you finish the lab, you should revert each virtual machine back to its initial state. To do this,
complete the following steps:

1. On the host computer, start Hyper-V Manager.

2. Right-click each virtual machine name in the Virtual Machines list, and then click Revert.
3. In the Revert Virtual Machine dialog box, click Revert.

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