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Fiji Hub Achievement Report

September 2016
Objective: Strengthening Local Partnerships

Strengthening Local Ties at the Annual Provincial Council

Meeting of Lomaiviti
Collaboration: Encourage good governance, inter-organisational collaboration and inter-
village cooperation. Raise awareness of GVI Fijis objectives and achievements among

Global Vision International (GVI) prides itself on working closely with local communities to ensure our projects
meet and respond to their needs. Attending meetings of local government and non-government organisations
helps us to keep in touch with other projects in communities surrounding Caqalai and Moturiki and to share
information on our projects and achievements.

Caqalai Island is part of the Lomaiviti group of islands in Fiji, which lies to the east of the
main island of Vanua Levu.

GVI Caqalai were invited to present at the annual meeting of the Provincial Council of
Lomaiviti on 29th September 2016. The meeting provides an opportunity for representatives
from GVI Caqalai to discuss our work and achievements, to hear of other community and
conservation projects in the region and to connect with other organisations.

Community Outreach Coordinator, Tai and Program Manager, Jax.

Community Outreach Coordinator Tai and Program Manager Jax headed to the old colonial
capital of Fiji, Levuka, on Ovalau Island, along with representatives from each of the districts
within Lomaiviti. The Wildlife Conservation Society, who also conduct coral reef surveys,
and Think Pacific, who occasionally work in the schools and villages of Moturiki, were also in
attendance and it was great to see how the various projects from the different organisations
could complement each other.

The Lomaiviti Provincial Council Meeting.

Tai presented on behalf of GVI, in particular highlighting the recent surveys on the Crown of
Thorns Starfish, to assess if there is currently an outbreak requiring intervention, as well as
the ongoing repairs to Rain Water Harvesting infrastructure in Moturiki following Cyclone
Winston. Tai also informed the Council on the results of the latest coral reef surveys around
Moturiki and our environmental education classes in Moturiki schools.

Council members from other areas of Lomaiviti expressed a strong interest in the work of
GVI, the member from Koro Island even approaching GVI to start work on restoring the
reefs around Koro, which were badly damaged in Cyclone Winston. Although we do not
currently have any plans to expand our marine conservation operations within Fiji, the
representative was keen to hear more about GVIs work and extended an open invitiation to
visit Koro.
On the return journey to Caqalai, Tai and Jax were also lucky enough to be treated to a
display of breaching and bow-riding from some bottlenose dolphins; a perfect end to the

Bow-riding Bottlenose dolphins

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