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Report Card Phrases

Statements Concerning a Students Strengths

Has an expansive knowledge of ...

Enthusiastically participates in ...
Demonstrates superior work in ...
Comprehends quickly
Takes pride in his/her work
Demonstrates initiative
Listens and follows directions well
Asks for responsibilities and follows through
Expresses ideas clearly Writes fascinating stories
Exhibits organisational skills
Does neat, thorough work
Seeks information independently
Enjoys dramatisation
Uses English correctly
Has a delightful sense of humor
Is well-liked by peers
Demonstrates leadership skills

Encouraging Comments (to use when a student is making progress)

Has developed a positive attitude toward ...

Has advanced in ...
Has demonstrated a desire to ...
Has shown steady progress in ...
Has shown noticeable improvement in ...
Has demonstrated increased social skills, such as ...
Is showing enthusiasm for ...
Is gaining academic skills, such as ...
Is developing consistent work habits, such as ... Is learning to ...
Is becoming self-reliant.
Is developing concentration skills
Is gaining self-confidence
Is becoming a good listener
Is occupying his/her time constructively
Is learning English speaking and/or writing skills
Is developing more positive ways to interact with others
Is learning to be cooperative when working in groups

A Student Is in Need of Assistance

* Needs help to increase academic skills, such as ...

* Demonstrates a need for consistent effort and motivation, especially in ...
* Requires help with organizational skills, such as ...
* Could benefit from ...
* Needs to be encouraged to comply with school rules, such as ...
* Demonstrates a need for improved social interaction skills, such as ...
* Could benefit from improving his/her work habits, such as ...
* Needs to be encouraged to listen and pay attention in class
* Needs help to understand instructions
* Requires repetition to retain information
* Needs encouragement to do work on his/her own
* Demonstrates a need for direct supervision to complete work
* Needs to be encouraged to work more slowly and accurately
* Would benefit from supervision of homework
* Requires support to interact with classmates in a positive way
* Would benefit from learning self-control skills
* Needs to be encouraged to accept responsibility for his/her errors and/or misbehavior
* Needs to demonstrate improvement in academic work if he/she is to gain the
fundamentals needed for this grade

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