Master'S Degree Programmes A.Y. 2016/17 Scholarships For Students Holding Foreign Educational Qualifications

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The following English translation is provided as a mere courtesy.

For all legal effects and

purposes, please refer to the official Italian version.


A.Y. 2016/17
Scholarships for students holding foreign educational
The University of Brescia hereby issues this call for the awarding of no. 10 scholarships funded
by the MIUR (Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Universit e della Ricerca - Italian Ministry of
Education, University and Research) through the funds for internationalisation 2011 - 2020 and
destined to students holding foreign educational qualifications.

Academic year 2016/2017

The overall gross amount of each scholarship is 5,500.00 . The scholarships are reserved
for students holding a Bachelor's Degree awarded abroad from a Study Programme of the minimum
duration of three years, and shall be distributed as follows:

Communication Technologies and Multimedia maximum 5 scholarships

Civil and Environmental Engineering maximum 5 scholarships
Management (International Business curriculum) maximum 5 scholarships
Science and Technology for Population Health and Wealth maximum 5 scholarships

The scholarships shall be awarded based on the assessment of the curricula studiorum presented, at
the unquestionable discretion of the competent Board, who shall be appointed by Chancellor's

The Board shall award the 10 scholarships distributing them to the above-mentioned Master's Degree
Programmes according to criteria set in their first meeting.

This without prejudice to the possibility to change the distribution of scholarships among the different
Study Programmes due to exhaustion of suitable candidates in the ranking list.

The total number of scholarships may be increased in case of additional funding.

Students wishing to apply for the scholarships must submit the following documents via e-mail to by 13:00 pm of 10 APRIL 2016, Italian time:

declaration in lieu of certificate pursuant to art. 46 of Presidential Decree no. 445 of
December 2000, certifying academic career, on unstamped paper (such list may be presented
in original language if in English, French or Spanish).
copy of passport;
for university qualifications issued in languages other than English, certification of English
proficiency (i.e. IELTS, TOEFL,...),
curriculum vitae
reference letter or name and e-mail of a professor of the university of origin
other relevant documents for the candidate

The Board reserves the right to require additional documents and/or interview candidates via Skype.

Academic Year 2017- 2018:

Students awarded scholarships for the academic year 2016/2017 that obtain 33 CFU
(University Credits) by 10 August 2017, will have their scholarships renewed under the same
financial conditions for the academic year 2017/2018. Such limit may vary for specific and
exceptional cases upon evaluation by the Chancellor's Delegate for the coordination of
internationalisation activities.

Payment of scholarships:

The scholarships shall be paid to their holders provided that the latter are regularly enrolled
into the first (2016/2017) or second (2017/2018) academic year of the Master's Degree Programme.

The scholarships shall be paid in a single instalment within 30 days after enrolment into the
academic year 2016/2017 or 2017/2018.

The students awarded the scholarships will be required to present their tax documentation
(this request will be detailed later on) in order to determine their "financial situation" through
calculation of their ISEE (Indicatore di Situazione Economica Equivalente - Equivalent Financial
Situation Indicator).

University enrolment fees shall be borne by the student and will be determined based on
their ISEE.

Students requiring accommodation in the University residences will be required a monthly

fee that will be established based on their ISEE and the type of room.

They will also be allowed access to the catering service based on their ISEE.

The scholarships will be subject to withholding tax and social security contributions
provided by law; the relevant expenses borne by the University will also be deducted from the
scholarships. The net amount of the scholarship is established according to the financial and
household situation of the awarded student, e.g. the minimum taxation applied currently is 8.5%,
equivalent to the IRAP (Imposta Regionale sulle Attivit Produttive - regional tax on production
activities) to be deducted from the scholarship in case of request for application of personal tax
The total gross expenditure, including expenses borne by the University's administration, shall
be covered by the MIUR funds for internationalisation 2011 - 2020.
Information note:

Pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003, personal information collected shall be handled,
including with IT tools, for the exclusive purposes of the procedure for which declarations are made
and personal data provided. (See University Regulation on Personal Data Protection)

Procedure Manager:

The Sole Manager of the Administrative Procedure pursuant to art. 4 of Law 241/90 as
subsequently amended by art. 21 of Law 15/05 is Dr. Pietro Toto, Head of U.O.C.C. Servizi
(Services Unit) Services.
Email: .

Brescia, The Chancellor

(Prof. Sergio Pecorelli)

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