Science Form 2 Chapter 1 Notes Part 2

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2 Science
Chapter 1: The World through Our Senses

PT3 Science

Name______________ Date_______

Prepared by JG Yen
Form 2 Science
Chapter 1: The World through Our Senses

The Sense of Smell

Figure 1: Structure of nose

The sensory cells or smell receptors are located at the upper part of the nasal cavity to detect smell.
How we detect smell?

When a person has a cold, he/she cannot detect smell well because

Sense of Taste

The upper surface of the tongue is rough because it is covered with .

Taste receptors can be found in taste buds.
Food must first dissolved in before it can stimulate the taste receptors.
Prepared by JG Yen
Form 2 Science
Chapter 1: The World through Our Senses

A persons sense of taste is also affected by his/her sense of .
a. The nasal cavity and the mouth are actually connected.
b. Chemicals from food also move into our nasal passages which will stimulate the sensory cells
in the nose.
c. When a person has a cold/closes his nose, the air passage in the nose are closed.
This reduces the sensitivity of the smell receptors. Thus, the food become less tasty.

Sense of Hearing

Outer ear and middle ear are filled with air but the inner ear is filled with liquid.

Ear parts Functions

Collects and direct sound waves into ear canal.

Directs sound waves to the eardrum.

Changes sound waves into vibration.

Amplify the vibrations and transfer vibrations from ear drum to oval


Transfers the vibrations from ossicles to the inner ear.

Detect vibrations and convert them into nerve impulses.

Send nerve impulses to the brain for interpretation.

Helps to maintain the body balance.

Helps to balances the air pressure on both sides of the ear drum.

Prepared by JG Yen
Form 2 Science
Chapter 1: The World through Our Senses

Mechanism of hearing:


Prepared by JG Yen

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