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Tammy Tran
Per. 4
23 June 2016
What is the European Union referendum?
On June 23, a referendum took place in order to decide whether Britain should leave or remain in the
European Union. The voting included everyone of the voting age and a yes-or-no question: "Should
the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?"

During the 2015 general election, Prime Minister David Cameron promised to hold a
referendum as a result of his victory. The UK Independence party argues that the British
government is slowly taking over their lives. This referendum allowed the citizens to express
their thoughts and feelings about British political involvements.
What is the European Union?
It is a political and economic partnership between 28 European countries that
believes countries that trade with each other are more likely to avoid war. The union
was founded in November 1993. The goal of the union is to ensure free movement
people and services, maintain trade policies, and enforce justice legislation.
How does this affect the United States?
- The United States wants Britain to stay in EU for an easier trade.
- The partnership makes selling and trading items with other European countries
- Argument from the U.S. and those who agrees with the U.S. : more immigrants
equals economic growth and helps to pay for public services. British reputation
would be ruined if they decides to leave the union.
Why does the UK independence Party want
Britain to leave?
- They believe the EU is holding Britain back with multiple policies
- Wants to limit the amount of immigrants
- Take full control of Britains border
- Free movements allowed people to live in a EU nation without a visa
- Believes in democratic ideas
28 Member
- /news/uk-politics-32810887

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