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Justify Tertullians statement the blood of the martyrs

became the seed for the church

According to Tertullians statement, it is correct in that through the persecution of
the martyrs, we were able to strongly believe in one God and worship him. Since the
martyrs were persecuted because of their faith and what they believed in. In Rome
for instance there was division of churches which lead to conflict over Christianity
since the Roman Empire argued that the Christians were practicing immoral
behaviors hence war was declared among them. Them by strongly believing in God
and being controlled by the power of the Holy Spirit they spoke in tongues and
proclaimed the message of God. Their faith has made the churches today to be firm
on their principles and the belief in one God making Christians to strongly be
For example people like Paul of Neo-Caesareas hands dangled uselessly since he
had forced to grip red hot iron, others theirs eyes were removed and even their legs
cut off just because they believed in their religion and God all these persecution and
torture did not stop them from proclaiming the word of God and their faith as well.
There persistence in having Christianity as one of religion has led to development of
churches today.

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