Hingol National Park Pakistan

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Prepared By

Mohammad Yahya Musakhel

Aliya Kausar


S.No. TOPIC Page#

1 List of Annexure 03

2 Acknowledgments 04

3 Executive Summary 05

4 Hingol National Park at a Glance 6

5 Statistic of Surveyed Areas 09

6 House hold Size, \ 09

7 Ethnic Composition 10

8 Geophysical Environment 10

9 Education 10

10 Health Facilities 11

11 Shrines and Historical 11

12 Employment and Occupation 11

13 Communication 11

14 Source of Energy 12

15 Occupation 13

16 Irrigation 14

17 Pictures of Park areas 19

2 PAMP Hingol National Park Management Project

S. No. List of Annex Page

Annex1 Detail figure of Climate of Park area 15

Annex 2 Ethnic composition of Park area 15

Annex 3 Livestock population of the Park area 16

Annex 4 Occupation of the people of Park area 16

Annex 5 List of Participants of Social Survey 17

Annex 6 Name of Surveyed Villages 18

3 PAMP Hingol National Park Management Project


We owe personal gratitude and thanks to Park Management of Hingol National Park in particular and Forest &
Wildlife Department in general for providing us a chance and engaged for Social Survey of Hingol National Park.

We are thankful to all Community Members, Field Staff and especially to Mr. Manzoor Ahmed Project
Director Hingol National Park Management Project/Conservator of Forest and Wildlife Quetta for his guidance and Mr.
Abdul Rehman Deputy Ranger Hingol for his help during the Survey. The efforts of all made this Survey report successfully
completed and presentable form.

4 PAMP Hingol National Park Management Project


In an interim setup and as first initiative a Social Survey by the Park Management Office has been carried out. It
embodies not only details of various resources but reveal some base line data of parts of the Park, covering 70 villages of 9
Mozas. The Surveyed area covers 65 % of total area. It reveals that majority of the population is involved directly and
indirectly in Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries. The average household size is about 6.11 Persons. 90% populations Live
in Rural area. Although there is rural urban migration creating employment but still rural population is predominant. The
population of the surveyed 70 villages consists of two major ethnic groups namely Baloch and Lasi while only two percent
comprises of other groups. Rain water is main source of irrigation and drinking water. However in several villages beside
rainwater they dig open well to meet the requirements. Lack of resources (Capital) and water are the main constraint in uplift
of Socio-Economic Conditiosn. Land holding in most cases is communal. Individual holdings are small and used for various
purposes mainly for grazing. The compositions of livestock vary in the Park area, which is second major source of income.
While goat is turned into the major animal. The average climate of the Park’s studied area ranges from extreme hot in
summer to severe cold in winter. The temperature vary from area to area, some places of Park are very hot while some areas
having harsh winter. There is dire need of design of activities to address the identified issues and cover the whole National Park
in follow-up Social Survey with scientific tools of need Assessment through PRA or PLA.

5 PAMP Hingol National Park Management Project

Hingol National Park at a Glance

Headquarter Uthal
Establishment of Park 1997
Area of the Park 619,043 ha
Location Lasbela, Awaran and Gwadar Districts

Population (part of Social Surveyed Area)

2005 Total
Male Female Children
781 500 1698

Sex Ratio 1.02

Major Ethic Groups Baloch
Major Language Balochi


• Liarai Tehsil (Dist: Lasbela),

Spat, Sarpal, Jabal Ghurab, Dak, Singal, Beharo, Deakoh, Aghore, Kund Maleer, Jabal
Hinglach, Kundrach, Ghat Katari, Sher Kumb, Malan, Buzi Pass, Chandra Gup
• Jhal Jhao Tehsil (Dist: Awaran)
Dhurun, Tranch, Kullit, Jogin Koh, Ghari Koh, Jabal Haro, Kahuri
Ormarah Tehsil (Dist: Gwadar)
• Gazab, Jhakain Shoor, Sarbhat, Sri Chakul, Goran Gatti, Daud, Sumanan, Rudia,

Economy. Majority of the population is involved directly and

indirectly in Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries.

Employment. 52% Agriculture and livestock 30% production and

related work, fisheries, 18% with services and
Important Industry. Fisheries

6 PAMP Hingol National Park Management Project

Major Crops. Wheat, Pulses and Fodder.

Communication. Metal Road ------------Yes-----------

Shingle -------------No--------------
Airport -------------No--------------

Climatic Conditions:

The coastal area of the of the park, has a more moderate and moist climate than the interior. The
weather is generally fine. The winter extends from October to January, but in February and March
the climate is moderate. April to September constitute summer. During the hottest months of May
and June, the area often records the highest temperature (43.3 0C in the month of May 1995) . The
north-western wind (Gorich) prevails from October to February and becomes particularly strong
towards the end of the cold weather season. The Gorich becomes a burning hot wind during April
and May, when it is known as Liwar.

Annual Mean Rainfall

Rainfall is capricious and uncertain. Normally, most rain falls in summer during June, July and
August. There is little rain in January and February. The three years data 1993-95 of rainfall (see
Temperature Graph 3) show great variation in precipitation in the district. The maximum
precipitation noted was 192.6 mm in the month of July 1995, which was near to the total annual
rainfall of 205.6 mm. In some months during the past years precipitation was zero. However
during 2005 winter season received ample rain even caused flood in various parts of the Park.

Annual Mean Temperature

The climate of the interior is subject to considerable variations. The winter extends over the
months of October to January. The period from April to September constitutes the summer.
While May and June are hot.

Maximum and Minimum temperature

7 PAMP Hingol National Park Management Project

The three years data of maximum temperature is given at Temperature Graph 3. The temperature
variation indicated in the data shows a maximum temperature of 43.3 0C in the month of May,
1995. The annual maximum average temperature was 35.8 0C. The three years data for minimum
temperature is given in Temperature Graph 3, which shows that the minimum temperature
recorded was 8.3 0C in the month of January 1994. The average annual minimum temperature was
18.6 0C detail figure presented in the Annex 1

Map of Park Area

Statistic of Surveyed Areas

Population Project: \
In the present survey nine Mozas and eighty villages surveyed. As per latest survey total population
of Hingol National Park surveyed villages is 2979 male, out of which 781 male and 500 are female
with 1698 children (details presented in the Annex 6) In first of history of Hingol national Park
women have been included in survey to take their view.

8 PAMP Hingol National Park Management Project

House hold Size:
The average household size is about 6.11 during the latest survey of nine villages Roduni Kachu,
Dhrun, Kund-Maleer, Deudri, Sungal, Kund raj, Chinty, Tranch, Dandale were included for test
According to the latest survey around 90% populations lived in rural area.
Although there is rural urban migration creating employment and lots of other social problems but
still rural population is predominant.
Around 57% population is below 15years of age while Adult population is (above
18 years of age) is slightly above 43% of which 17% is female population, which is employed on
non-wage agriculture and live stock, beside working as housewives.

Ethnic Composition:

The population of the surveyed villages consists of two major ethnic groups namely Balochi and
Lasi. Baloch are 75%, Lasi 23% and others 2% details figure presented in the Annex 2
Geophysical Environment

The spectrum of terrestrial habitat under Pakistan’s jurisdiction extends from sea level to 8,611m
(27,985), range in altitude that is unprecedented in any other sovereign state. Situated on the
northwestern limit of what is regarded to be the South-Asian Sub-region, Pakistan’s 803,940 km2
(310,402 mi.2) land mass obliquely straddles an essentially arid zone consisting of a mosaic of

9 PAMP Hingol National Park Management Project

semi-deserts and deserts. These include the Chagai, Sibi, Thal, Cholistan and Thar. The survey area
falls under stretch of Sibi desert.

The broken and, often, precipitations nature of these mountain ranges presets a spectrum of
physical environmental conditions related to slope, aspect and elevation that is further complex by
the diverse origins of the bedrock from witch the mountains themselves have been formed. Rock
strata exposed include: ancient granites and sedimentary rock: Permian/Eocene marine sediments:
Eocene/Oligocene continental sediments and a range of recent volcanic and associated
metamorphic rocks. These strata have given the rise to a wide range of soil types.

Literacy according to the 1998 census is said to be as 22 percent in the Lasbela district, out of it 32
percent for males and 10 percent for females respectively. The figures show that 20 percent
children (5-24 of age) are enrolled in school. However, in the rural areas, the enrollment has been
only 10.50 percent. Only 4 percent of the girls of age 4 to 24 are enrolled at schools.
During the whole survey session, no school observe. The present survey indicated
that provision of education facilities in the district is one of major demands of general public. The
literacy rate of education is compared to be nil There is no vocational institution in the entire area.
Health Facilities
There are two hospitals, 24 dispensaries, 38 BHUs, 4 Mother and Child Health Care centers, 4
Rural Health Centers, and Leprosy unit exist in the whole of the district. The government has been
providing health faculties to the inhabitants of the district, however most remote and isolated
villages have limited access to these faculties.

Shrines and Historical

District Lasbela is known for hosting shrines and historical sits. These include Shrine of Shah
Bilawal, Lahut-I-Lamakan, Kumb Shrine, Shireen and Farhad, Sassi and Punnu and the tomb of
General Haroon and Col. Robert Sandeman, Pir Fida Hussain and Mai Gondrani. Very famous
and mostly visited Shrine is Nani Mander inside Hingol National Park

Employment and Occupation

10 PAMP Hingol National Park Management Project

The majority (over 43 percent) of the people are engaged in agriculture and fishery. Other sources
of incomes are service government and private, enterprises and factories. Most of the youth
migrates to Karachi, Quetta and other parts of the country for their livelihood.

The national highway that runs from Karachi to Quetta (689Km) covers 215 km of Lasbela
district. A very recently constructed costal highway has linked Ormera town to Uthal and to
Karachi, which has connected the most remote villages on the way. The district however is not yet
linked with the country either by railway tracks or by air.

Source of Energy
Cooking Fuel
Around 16%of the households in the urban areas use natural gas for cooking and heating
purposes, while only 0.33% of the rural households have access to this facility. Almost 99.7% of
the households use wood as a source of fuel for cooking/heating.


The major towns of the district have access to electricity that is supplied by Karachi Electricity
Supply Corporation (KESC) through the only grid at Uthal. 29 percent of the total households
have access to this basic need in Dist Lasbela. While in surveyed villages the majority use kerosene
oil for lighting.


11 PAMP Hingol National Park Management Project

Source of water mostly dependent over rain. However I several village beside rain water they dig
open well for human and livestock drinking purposes. The average water table in the all villages
was founded 46.5 feet above the sea level. The water in all the surveyed area found to be potable
and the quality is good.

Major Diseases:
Major diseases reported are diarrhea, typhoid, Malaria, tuberculosis and urinary tract infection. The
present survey indicated that provision of health facilities in the district is one of major demands of
general public.

As given in the survey report Summary 52% Agriculture and livestock 30%
production and related work, fisheries, 14% with services and 4% with others profession details
presented in the Annex 4
Before we go to Secondary source details, primary data collected shows that house
wives, although not identified separately, 100% work either in the field or tend the livestock. The
survey shows 50 – 60% male population as laborers, which seems to be misnomer for Agriculture
labour. As in villages there is no major employment-generating sector. Major landlords employ
people as ‘Bazgar’ and share the produce with them. 10 to 20% population as per above survey is
attached with livestock and due to drought, they had a setback and their employment has shrunk.

Indifferent attitude of government can be judged from the fact that no technical
institute exists in whole of Area. People cannot be utilized the fishing industry which has ample
scope in future. Even private sector is not planning for future skilled labour supply. Outside local
population because of high rate of unemployment is resisting labour both skilled and unskilled.
Why there is no industry, because there is no electricity and skilled man-power and why electricity
can not be provided because there is no industry and hence no demand for skilled man-power.
This is paradox.

Smuggling is one such source of employment, which does not get any mention in
any government document. Even NGOs may not have worked in this particular area. Generally on
national level it is taken as social and economic evil. Social, because directly or indirectly it breeds

12 PAMP Hingol National Park Management Project

corruption and other social illness in the society. Economic, because it deprives government of
possible revenues in-duties and importers lose profits/ markets because of smuggling.
Locally it is considered as yet another business. Any region which has no
agriculture, no industry, no trade and no other economic activities essential for sustaining life, then
only way out seems smuggling. Those who shrug their shoulders on mentioning smuggling as an
evil in the area should realize that living souls need something to live on. Passing value judgment
does not require any effort. As mentioned earlier majority of population survives on Agriculture
and livestock.

Figures are not forthcoming, how many people are directly involved in this illegal business.
However, it is an open fact that in the absence of proper sources of employment, Hundreds able bodied
people look towards this only source.

The people mainly trapping migratory birds e.g. Houbara Bustard, Falcons etc and smuggle
to the nearest countries.

In terms of labour involvement agriculture is the main activity in the district economy.
Wheat, Melons, Onions, Potato and dates are normally sown. In Rabi season mostly wheat, vegetables and
fodder is cultivated and in Kharif onion, Potato and fodder are major crops. In agriculture female
population is involved with male counterparts in planting, harvesting and thrashing activities.

Livestock is second major source of income for the people of Hingol National Park.
Present survey of the area shows that every village has multiple flocks of small ruminates, as livestock
provides for food as well as it is source of income. It is also a symbol of social status. People take pride in
having large flocks. The break-up of livestock as per survey of all Mozas , given in the Annex 3
The major source of irrigation in the District is Barani whereas traditionally used to be
major source of irrigation. However in some villages well observed for agriculture purposes.

13 PAMP Hingol National Park Management Project


Annex 1 Detail figure of Climate of Park area

Mean Minimum/Maximum Temperature Graph 1993 – 1995

Source: Pakistan Meteorological Department, Karachi.

Annex 2 Ethnic composition of Park area.



14 PAMP Hingol National Park Management Project

Annex 3 Livestock population of the Park area.

Livestock Ppulation

Moza Goat Sheep Cow Camel Donkey Hens

Roduni-Kachu 815 300 48 50 Nil 131
Dhrun 1346 269 45 57 0 310
Kund-Maleer 193 4 0 4 36 175
Deudri 61 34 13 21 19 129
Sungal 632 38 14 45 43 175
KundRaj 248 24 29 16 14 12
Chinty 195 29 13 11 11 19
Tranch 3302 1614 194 176 28 287
Dandale 85 4 6 5 2 0
Total 6877 2316 362 385 153 1238
%age 61 20 3 4 1 11

Annex 4 Occupation of the people of Park area

14% 4%
Agriculture &LS
52% Fisheries
30% sevices

15 PAMP Hingol National Park Management Project

Annex 5 List of Participants of Social Survey

1. Abdul Jabbar
Park Manager
Hingol National Park (HNP) Uthal
2. Mr. Samander Khan
Divisional Forest Officer HNP
3. Mr. Muhammad Yahya
Social Mobilizer (male)
(Data Analysis)
4. Miss Aliya Kauser
Social Mobilizer (Female)
(Data Analysis and Field Visits)
5. Mr. Abdul Rehman
Deputy Ranger Hingol
6. Mr. Goher Khan
Deputy Ranger HNP
7. Mr. Sher Jan
Deputy Ranger HNP
8. Mr. Abdul Aziz
Deputy Ranger HNP
9. Mr. Pir Muhammad
Deputy Ranger HNP
10. Mr. Aman ullah
Deputy Ranger HNP
11. Mr. Dosto
Game Watchers HNP
12. Mr. Mr.Shado
Game Watchers HNP
13. Mr. Daro
Game Watchers HNP
14. Mr. Juma Khan S/O Jaro
Community Member of Yar Muhammad Goth Sangal
15. Mr. Allah Buksh
Community Member of Goth Essa Phore
16. Mr. Ahmad
Community Member, Umer Goth Kund Malir

Period of Survey

April 2005 to June 2005

16 PAMP Hingol National Park Management Project

Annex 6 Name of Surveyed Villages

House No. of Name of Villages

Name of Moza
Holds Village
Tehsil Jhao District Awaran
Jafferi Dun, Shehli Dun, Madoi and Daoot
42 4
Dali Hinj, Dadain dock, Kohr Dab, Kangri Bhaint
Dhrun 28 4

Mazneen Bhent,Seeri Jarreen,Cheery

Jareen,Undreen,,Mungo,Chagardi,Sehtakoo kur,Raig
kour,Giddan Mil,Darri, Dodar,Bhet Sir,Hudu
Bhent,Nimmi,Muchi Bhent,Pugtti,Jukai Zup,Goreen
Bhent,Kirpaas,Pid-e-Kore,Vad Jad,Daak Dun,Jhul
Tranch 101 38
Jakki,Sardar-e-chib,Jamdaan Bhent,
Hudar Kore,Burzeen koh,Koh Kulli,Nulli
Khcha,Gustain,Sipah Garri,Koondi,Lumb Late
Sirti Koh,Darah Bhent,Khali Hinj,Kohe-e-Dodher,Koh-e-
Dap,Kangari BhentKukrri,Bhent,Lori Gor,Duri Dap,Mela
Dap,Soko Gar
Tehsil Liari District Lasbela

Dandale 6 2 Kussu Goth and Mama Goth

Haji Shair Muhammad Goth, Noko Goth, Washi Goth,Ramzan Goth,

Eisa Goth,Abdullah Goth, Suleman Goth, Haji Washi Goth,Allah
Kund Malir 99 10 Buksh Goth, Badin Goth,
Deudri Goth, Kashi Goth and
Deudri 47 3

Sungal 106 3

Kund Raj 22 2
Noko Goth, Ali Ghot, Nodain Goth and Allah Bukhsh Goth
Chinty 19 4
Total 470 70

17 PAMP Hingol National Park Management Project

Pictures of Park Areas.

Community meeting at Sangal Community meeting at Jhao

Community meeting at Malan Community meeting at Kund Malir

Secretary forest visiting fisheries community Livestock grazing

18 PAMP Hingol National Park Management Project

View of Sea at Park

View of Hingol River

19 PAMP Hingol National Park Management Project

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