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. 2.

The conciliation -pr_t?cedure is not a jurisdictional re

quirement in the aense that. failure to have prior recourse

it does not deprive a court of it3 jurisdiction. either over the

subject matter or oyer. the pers.or"" of the defendant. Non..,com-

pliance Wita conditin prE-ced nt under said law does not

prevent a court .of competent juri diction from exercising its
power of adjudication

over a case wh re defendants fail to ob-
ject to such exercise of jurisdi.Jtion. But such objection should
be .seasonably ntade b.efore the comt first taking cognizance
of the compl&int (Junson v. Iartinez., 405 SORA890, 395).

. -


Subject matter$ for. settlement (ear 2009)

. ..
1. Section .408 of . the Local Goverr1ment Code of
1991 establihes the general rule that cThe Lupon of
barangay shalllta-ve authority to bring together the parties
Rctua.lly residing in the same city or municipality for
amicable settleqent of all di putesx x x, (fJnderscoring
readings see Tor.beia 1;. Rosa.ri0n, 661 SCRA 638} December 7,

. dministrat.ive
Cireulal' No. ltf .. 3of tp.e
Supreme c:ourt dated July
e p1:ovisio s Of
15, 1998, tl
. are prima rily based
on Sea. 40B of the Local
of l991
Goveinment Code
is parti ly quoted h
reun4et, thus: -

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