Macbeth Character Sketch

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Character Sketch

In groups of four, create character sketches (literally)!

Your group will chose one of the following characters: King Duncan, Lady
Macbeth, Macbeth, Malcolm, Macduff, Lady Macduff, the Porter
Your sketch will be made up of both words and pictures. Follow directions

On butcher paper or several pieces of paper taped together, draw the outline
of your groups character by tracing a group members body on the paper in
pencil. (Two and ONLY TWO people from the class may go the library to
get butcher paper for all five of the groups.) (10 pts) _____
Make him/her look physically the way you imagine him/her to look based on
texts description of character. (10 pts) ______
Draw a dialogue bubble coming from his/her mouth that shows types of
things character says. Use quotes that s/he typically says and the type of
language he usually uses. (ex. LM belittling Macbeth) (10 pts) ______
Make his/her eyes big-write in them how character sees the world,
himself, and others (includes pictures/drawings). (10 pts) _______
Above his/her head, draw a thought bubble that reveals the ideas/things
character frequently thinks about (includes pictures/drawings) (10 pts)
On his arms and hands, write characters important actions in the play
(actions that really show the kind of person s/he is) (includes
pictures/drawings). (10 pts) ______
On his/her chest/heart area, write the people and items character holds dear
(close to his heart) (includes pictures/drawing). (10 pts) _____
On his/her legs, write the settings/places character has been (and what s/he
has been through) so far in the play (includes pictures/drawings) (10 pts)
Color character where applicable (in non-writing areas) (5 pts) ______
Neatness/creativity and dedication to task (5 pts) ______
Ability to work together continuously and productively (10 pts) _______
Any group receiving a bad report from Mr. Brown will receive NO POINTS
for this category.
Write the name of every person in your group on the back of the character
sketch paper.

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