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Seyran Caferli
Director Cartoon News
Center (CNC) Web Site
& organizator Black cat
International Cartoon Web

The 2. Black Cat International Cartoon Web Contest is over To give a start to the third competition.
The 2. Black Cat International Cartoon Web Contest involved 319 cartoonists, 638 works from 54 countries. Every cartoon cent to our E-mail
address made us extremely proud. 319 people from 54 countries expressed their loves by sending us their cartoons. It was demonstration pf pure,
brotherly and friendly love toward the 2. Black Cat International Cartoon Web Contest and Azerbaijan.
What can be more than love unifying cartoonist from 54 countries? They loved us as mush as we loved them They loved us by their amorous
With belief that 2. Black Cat International Cartoon Web Contest is carrying out the important work and will continue this work in the future, we
express our gratitude and wits successes in their creative work to all cartoonists, members of Jury which have supported us.


Azerbaijan, Argentina, Austria, Australia,

Belgium, Brazil, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Bulgaria,China,
Rica,Cuba, Colombia,Czech Republic,
Estonia, Egypt Finland, France,
Germany,Greece, Hungary, Holland,
Iran, Indonesia, Israel,
India, Iraq, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kosova,
Luxembourg, Latvia, Myanmar,
Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco,
Mexico, Macedonia, Peru,
Poland, Russia, Romania,
Turkey,Thailand, USA, The Jury:

Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Syria, Spain, Erdogan Karayel / Germany

Sweden, Slovak, Republic, Saudi Arabia, Vladimir Kazanewsky / Ukraine
Rumen Dragostinov / Bulgary
Yemen Rahim Baggal Asgari / Iran
Kamil Yavuz / Turkey
Seyran Caferli / Azerbaijan
First Prize:
Arstides Esteban
Hernndez Guerrero (ARES.)

Ares was born in Havana, Cuba on September 2, 1963

His education included the study of medicine (Graduated in
1987) and psychiatry (Graduated in 1993)
His first cartoon was published in 1984
Ares has made oil paintings and animated films.
He currently works in Havana as a freelance artist and
illustrator (mainly childrens books).
His works have been published around the world.
He has won more than 100 awards, 71 of them at international
Ares has published fourteen books:
Entrar por el Aro, Cuba
Cuba com Humor, Brazil
Gente de Meio Tom, Brazil
Humor pelo Ares, Brazil
Psicoterapia, una relacin de ayuda, Guatemala
Hooz, Iran
Mi Psicologo soy yo, Cuba
Alcohol, Mito y Realidad, Cuba
El Norte , El Sur y La Globalizacion, Italia
Ande el sur, CubaHomo Sapiens, CubaOjos de Sur, Cuba
Historia del humor grfico en Cuba, Espaa
Caricatura cubana contempornea 1, Cuba
He has illustrated more than fifty books.
Ares has worked in TV and film with some of his works being
used to make short animated films (Filminutos).
He has given lectures on the subject of cartoon and comic art
in Cuba, Iran, Mexico, Colombia, Turkey, Canada, Spain,
Venezuela and Finland.
He has served as a judge in a number of international cartoon
contests in Mexico, Italy, Brazil, Turkey, Cuba, Iran ...
In 1994, Ares was nominated by Witty World Magazine (USA)
to be included in the list of the best cartoonists of the world.
He was nominated in Cuba for the Quevedos Iberoamerican
2. Black Cat International Cartoon Cartoon Award and was included in the Memory Book project
as one of the most relevant visual artists of Cuba in the 20th
Web Contest 2008
He is included in the survey of the Twenty Most Outstanding
Cuban Cartoonists Of The 20th Century.
In 2002, Ares received the National Culture Medal from the
Cuban Cultural Minister.
Second Prize:
Doddy Iswahyudi

- born in September 25th
in Central

- 2nd prize of caricature
contest in The
7th National Student
Art Week,
Lampung University,

- 1st prize of caricature
contest in
The 18th National
Student Scientific Week, Andalas
University, Indonesia

- 2nd prize in Anti Corruption

Poster Competition, Corruption
Eradication Commission of
Republic Indonesia

- Honorable Mention prize on
DICACO 2006-2007,

- participant on International
"Bali is My Life", Denpasar

- Grand Prize of the
6th LM
Cartoon Cotest,
Nanjing City, China
Third Prize:
Asmarin Stanislav

Born 1937/07/27.
Graduated Azerbaijan Medical Institute in 1962.
I genre of cartoon since 1963. Publication in Russian and foreign periodicals, book
illustrations. A member of international Cartoon Contests since 2002.
Prize (6), Winning Prize (2), Special Prize (9), Honorable mentions, Sertificates of
Merit from China, Polska, Serbia, Italy, Corea, France, Tajvan.
Place of residence: town Lesnoy Sverdlovsk region, Russia.
Honorable Mentions:

Marcin Bondarowicz / Poland

Yuri kosobukin / Ukraine

Grzegors Wach / Poland

Henryk Cebula / Poland

2. Black Cat International Cartoon Web Contest 2008

Valery Kurtu / Germany
Honorable Mentions:

Darko Drljevic / Montenegro

Majid Adibi / Iran

Babij Sava / Serbia

2. Black Cat International Cartoon

Web Contest 2008

Slawomir Luczynski / Poland

Casso / Brazil
Costel Patrizan / Romania

Atmaja Septa Miyosa / Indonesia

Andrey Rijov / Russia

Alexandre da Costa Cabral / Brazil

Mustafa Yildiz / Turkey Alla& Chavdar Georgiev / Bulgaria

Dragan Lukis / Spain
Mahmood Nazari/ Iran

Toso Borcovic / Serbia

Akbar Torabpour / Iran

O. Sekoer / Belgium
Anatoli Radin / Russia
Jean Pires De Oliveria / Brazil Makmudjon Eshonkulov / Uzbekhstan

Pei Cheng / China Mehdi Azizi / Iran

Fan Jun / China

Mihail Ignat / Romania

Raimundo Waldez / Brazil

Mohammad Boostani / Iran

Santosh_kushwaha / India
Mahmood Azadnia / Iran Hule Hanusic / Austria

2. Black Cat International Cartoon

Web Contest 2008

Sukriyadi Suk Art Oen / Indonesia

Az 1000, Post Box 1, Baku-Azerbaijan

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