Zombie Resistance Militia 2nd Edition

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1 J ULY 2010

Charles Heiskell Kope

University of California, Irvine

Z.R.M. 2

Table of Contents
Click on the heading you wish to visit.

Zombie Resistance Militia

Page Layout

Mission Statement

Blogs and Forums

ZRM Online

Zombie Sites

Contact the ZRM

Member Ranks

Enlisting in the Zombie Resistance Militia

List of Officer Ranks

Officer Permissions and Rank Descriptions



Privates of the Zombie Resistance Militia

Contact Information


Z.R.M. 3

Zombie Resistance Militia

The Zombie Resistance Militia is a website that is dedicated to the sharing of information regarding

zombie culture in a public manner. Information will be submitted to the Zombie Resistance Militia by
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contributing members holding particular ranks. The ranking structure of the Zombie Resistance Militia will be

based off the US ARMY ranking structure, and specific ranks will be awarded with certain responsibility.

Our goal is to make available a wide range of media and information regarding zombie and horror culture,

including history, popular culture, films, books and novels, images, art, music, activities and events, clothing,

memorabilia, and anything else zombie-related.

Page Layout

Mission Statement

The mission statement is a means to provide the users of the Zombie Resistance Militia with an

understanding of the operations and workings of the website. This document provides the ranking structure,

permissions, and describes the uses of ZRMilitia.com. This link contains the most current and all previous copies

of the mission statement in Adobe PDF format.

[Back to Top]

Blogs and Forums

The Blogs and Forums link provides members with all of the blogs and forums associated with the Zombie

Resistance Militia. The forum included in this site is the most important section of the website; this is provided

in order to create a general location for all members of the Zombie Resistance Militia to communicate on all

aspects of zombie culture.

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ZRM Online

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The ZRM Online link connects members of the Zombie Resistance Militia to the General of the Militia

outside of ZRM.com.

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Zombie Sites

Zombie Sites are included in the primary links in order to provide members with zombie resources, fans

of the Zombie Resistance Militia, and all things horror.

[Back to Top]

Contact the ZRM

You may receive contact information for the administrators of the Zombie Resistance Militia by clicking

the Contact the ZRM link.

[Back to Top]

Member Ranks

Enlisting in the Zombie Resistance Militia

In order to enlist in the Zombie Resistance Militia, you must visit ZRMilitia.com and sign up by

choosing a username, submitting your email address, and giving some basic information. After submitting this

information, you will receive a temporary password in your email. Enter your username and password in the login

field on the Zombie Resistance Militia homepage in order to create a password. After you signed up, the General

of the Militia will approve your request by initially assigning your profile the rank of Sergeant. If you are

interested in fulfilling a different position, please contact the General of the Militia. After completing all of
Z.R.M. 6

these steps, you are officially a member of the Zombie Resistance Militia, and you are ready to make the

Undead, Redead. Chat in the forums, comment on blogs, and submit ideas for events!

[Back to Top]

List of Officer Ranks

Rankings are based off of the structure of the Chain of Command of the United States Army. Ranks are

as follows, from lowest to highest:

Insignia Abbreviation Title

NONE PVT Private

PV2 Private 2

PFC Private First Class

SPC Specialist

CPL Corporal

SGT Sergeant

SSG Staff Sergeant

SFC Sergeant First Class

MSG Master Sergeant

1SG First Sergeant

Z.R.M. 7

SGM Sergeant Major

CSM Command Sergeant Major

SMM Sergeant Major of the Militia

WO1 Warrant Officer

CW2 Chief Warrant Officer 2

CW3 Chief Warrant Officer 3

CW4 Chief Warrant Officer 4

CW5 Chief Warrant Officer 5

2LT Second Lieutenant

1LT First Lieutenant

CPT Captain

MAJ Major

LTC Lieutenant Colonel

COL Colonel
Z.R.M. 8

BG Brigadier General

MG Major General

LTG Lieutenant General

GEN General

GM General of the Militia

[Back to Top]

Officer Permissions and Rank Descriptions

PVT As a Private, you will be able to access and post comments, create and reply to forum topics, view
image submissions, access and search horror content, vote in polls, and connect with members of the
zombie community from around the globe.
Privates in the Zombie Resistance Militia have the opportunity to have their own, creative zombie
modeling shot entered in the Quarterly Privates of the Zombie Resistance Militia photo contest.
Participating in the contest will give you the opportunity to advance through the ranks!
[Back to Top]
PV2 As a Private 2, you will be able to access and post comments, create and reply to forum topics, view
image submissions, access and search horror content, vote in polls, and connect with members of the
zombie community from around the globe.
Soldiers ranked Private 2 are the third runners-up from previous Quarterly Privates of the Zombie
Resistance Militia photo contests. Only four soldiers per year are admitted into the Private 2 rank,
and these soldiers have the opportunity to participate in the exclusive annual Zombie Resistance Militia
Private of the Year photo contest.
[Back to Top]
PFC As a Private First Class, you will be able to access and post comments, create and reply to forum
topics, view image submissions, access and search horror content, vote in polls, and connect with
members of the zombie community from around the globe.

Z.R.M. 9

Soldiers ranked Private First Class are the second runners-up from previous Quarterly Privates of the
Zombie Resistance Militia photo contests. Only four solders per year are admitted into the Private
First Class rank, and these soldiers have the opportunity to participate in the exclusive annual Zombie
Resistance Militia Private of the Year photo contest.
[Back to Top]
SPC As a Specialist, you will be able to access and post comments, create and reply to forum topics, view
image submissions, access and search horror content, vote in polls, and connect with members of the
zombie community from around the globe.
Soldiers ranked Specialist are the first runners-up from previous Quarterly Privates of the Zombie
Resistance Militia photo contests. Only four soldiers per year are admitted into the Specialist rank,
and these soldiers have the opportunity to participate in the exclusive annual Zombie Resistance Militia
Private of the Year photo contest.
[Back to Top]
CPL As a Corporal, you will be able to access and post comments, create and reply to forum topics, view
image submissions, access and search horror content, vote in polls, and connect with members of the
zombie community from around the globe.
Soldiers ranked Corporal are the winners from previous Quarterly Privates of the Zombie Resistance
Militia photo contests. Only four soldiers per year are admitted into the Corporal rank, and these
solders have the opportunity to participate in the exclusive annual Zombie Resistance Militia Private of
the Year photo contest.
[Back to Top]
SGT New recruits of the Zombie Resistance Militia are accepted as Sergeants. As a Sergeant, you will be
able to access and post comments, create and reply to forum topics, view image submissions, access and
search horror content, vote in polls, and connect with members of the zombie community from around
the globe.
In order to build support in your area for the Zombie Apocalypse, you must build up ranks in your
division. To raise rank to Staff Sergeant you must begin a new forum topic titled with your name,
location, and name of your division. Recruit one new member by having him or her post their mini-
biography in your forum topic. This mini-biography should, but does not have to, include their name,
rank, specialty, and a short sentence about their favorite method of killing zombies. The new recruit
may already belong to another or even several divisions.
[Back to Top]
SSG Staff Sergeants are Zombie Resistance Militia members who have started their own division of Zombie
Resisters by starting a new forum topic with your name, location, and name of your division, and who
have recruited one new member. As a Staff Sergeant, you will be able to access and post comments,
create and reply to forum topics, view image submissions, access and search horror content, vote in
polls, and connect with members of the zombie community from around the globe.
[Back to Top]
SFC Sergeant First Class has started their own division of Zombie Resisters by starting a new forum topic
with your name, location, and name of your division, and who have recruited ten new members. As a
Z.R.M. 10

Sergeant First Class, you will be able to access and post comments, create and reply to forum topics,
view image submissions, access and search horror content, vote in polls, and connect with members of
the zombie community from around the globe.
[Back to Top]
MSG A Master Sergeant has started their own division of Zombie Resisters by starting a new forum topic
with your name, location, and name of your division, and who have recruited fifty new members. As a
Master Sergeant, you will be able to access and post comments, create and reply to forum topics, view
image submissions, access and search horror content, vote in polls, and connect with members of the
zombie community from around the globe.
[Back to Top]
1SG A First Sergeant has started their own division of Zombie Resisters by starting a new forum topic with
your name, location, and name of your division, and who have recruited seventy five new members. As a
First Sergeant, you will be able to access and post comments, create and reply to forum topics, view
image submissions, access and search horror content, vote in polls, and connect with members of the
zombie community from around the globe.
[Back to Top]
SGM A Sergeant Major has started their own division of Zombie Resisters by starting a new forum topic with
your name, location, and name of your division, and who have recruited one hundred new members. As
a Sergeant Major, you will be able to access and post comments, create and reply to forum topics, view
image submissions, access and search horror content, vote in polls, and connect with members of the
zombie community from around the globe.
[Back to Top]
CSM A Command Sergeant Major has started their own division of Zombie Resisters by starting a new forum
topic with your name, location, and name of your division, and who have recruited one hundred and
fifty new members. As a Command Sergeant Major, you will be able to access and post comments,
create and reply to forum topics, view image submissions, access and search horror content, vote in
polls, and connect with members of the zombie community from around the globe.
[Back to Top]
SMM The Sergeant Major of the Militia has started their own division of Zombie Resisters by starting a new
forum topic with your name, location, and name of your division, and who have recruited over two
hundred new members. As a Sergeant Major of the Militia, you will be able to access and post
comments, create and reply to forum topics, view image submissions, access and search horror content,
vote in polls, and connect with members of the zombie community from around the globe.
[Back to Top]
2LT Second Lieutenants of the Zombie Resistance Militia are appointed by the General of the Militia as an

Z.R.M. 11

unofficial representative of another major horror website or a horror fan site. If seeking to be a Second
Lieutenant, please send an email to the General of the Militia including your name and credentials.
As a Second Lieutenant, you will be able to access and post comments, create and reply to forum
topics, view image submissions, access and search horror content, vote in polls, and connect with
members of the zombie community from around the globe. As an official spokesperson for a horror site,
you will be able to create pages for your site and post them to the Zombie Resistance Militia.
Permissions will be set to allow page creation and publishing. This will be done through inputting HTML
or JAVA code, and sending a link to the published page to the General of the Militia for approval. The
General of the Militia will then add your page to your website’s section of the Zombie Resistance
Militia, and include notices in the General’s Blog. For more information, please email the General of
the Militia.
[Back to Top]
1LT First Lieutenants of the Zombie Resistance Militia are appointed by the General of the Militia as an
official representative of another major horror website. If seeking to be a First Lieutenant, please send
an email to the General of the Militia including your name and credentials.
As a First Lieutenant, you will be able to access and post comments, create and reply to forum topics,
view image submissions, access and search horror content, vote in polls, and connect with members of
the zombie community from around the globe. As an official spokesperson for a horror site, you will be
able to create pages for your site and post them to the Zombie Resistance Militia. Permissions will be
set to allow page creation and publishing. This will be done through inputting HTML or JAVA code,
and sending a link to the published page to the General of the Militia for approval. The General of the
Militia will then add your page to your website’s section of the Zombie Resistance Militia, and include
notices in the General’s Blog. For more information, please email the General of the Militia.
[Back to Top]
CPT As a Captain, you will be able to access and post comments, create and reply to forum topics, view
image submissions, access and search horror content, vote in polls, and connect with members of the
zombie community from around the globe.
Soldiers within the Captain rank are those who are recognized for being the third runners-up in the
annual Zombie Resistance Militia Private of the Year photo contest.
[Back to Top]
MAJ As a Major, you will be able to access and post comments, create and reply to forum topics, view
image submissions, access and search horror content, vote in polls, and connect with members of the
zombie community from around the globe.
Soldiers within the Major rank are those who are recognized for being the second runners-up in the
annual Zombie Resistance Militia Private of the Year photo contest.
[Back to Top]
LTC As a Lieutenant Colonel, you will be able to access and post comments, create and reply to forum
topics, view image submissions, access and search horror content, vote in polls, and connect with
members of the zombie community from around the globe.
Soldiers within the Lieutenant Colonel rank are those who are recognized for being the first runners-
Z.R.M. 12

up in the annual Zombie Resistance Militia Private of the Year photo contest.
[Back to Top]
COL As a Colonel, you will be able to access and post comments, create and reply to forum topics, view
image submissions, access and search horror content, vote in polls, and connect with members of the
zombie community from around the globe.
Soldiers within the Colonel Rank are those who are recognized for having won First Place in the annual
Zombie Resistance Militia Private of the Year photo contest.
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BG Brigadier General is a rank that is reserved to be appointed by the General of the Zombie Resistance
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MG Major General is a rank that is reserved to be appointed by the General of the Zombie Resistance
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LTG Lieutenant General is a rank that is reserved to be appointed by the General of the Zombie Resistance
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GEN Reserved for the significant other of the General of the Militia of the Zombie Resistance Militia.
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GM Reserved for the founder and primary administrator of the Zombie Resistance Militia, Charles Heiskell
Kope. The General of the Militia is responsible for providing and maintaining the platform necessary for
the operation of the Zombie Resistance Militia. The General of the Militia is the primary administrator,
and is responsible for all website design, structure, and operations. The General of the Militia retains
the right to grant or withdraw any or all permissions from any individual or any rank, at any time.
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Privates of the Zombie Resistance Militia

In order to be recruited as a Private of the Zombie Resistance Militia, a new member must submit an

original photo of themselves in costume as either a zombie or a zombie slayer. Participants may be either male or

female. Costumes based on other horror genres are equally acceptable. Photo submissions must be sent to the

General of the Militia as a photo attachment in an email to generalofthemilitia@zrmilitia.com. The photos will be

presented on the Zombie Resistance Militia Facebook page for rating by users. The winner will be promoted to

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Corporal, first runner up will be promoted to Specialist, second runner up will be promoted to Private First Class,

and the third runner up will be promoted to Private 2. Photo contests will be held quarterly beginning in the

months of January, April, July, and October and will end in the months of March, June, September, and

December. Guidelines for the contests may vary throughout the year. Photos may not be submitted more than

once or to more than one contest.

Contact Information


The General of the Zombie Resistance Militia may be contacted via email at


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