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Content Marketing

189 Powerful Words That Convert: Write Copy

That Gets Your Customers Attention Every Time

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Written by Kevan Lee

02.07.2014 Last updated 2 years ago 6 minutes

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Join us!

Sign up!

These phrases litter the huge variety of email newsletter boxes youll come across online,
and they generally serve the same purpose: Click here to give us your email address. They
serve the same purpose, but do they say the same thing?

Can one word change the way you feel about a button?

In my experience, yes. I subscribe to the copywriting school of thoughtwhere every single

word is absolutely worth stewing over and A/Btestingbecause one single word can change
everything. The di erence between joining and signing up is the di erence between
fellowship and enlisting. A word changes the meaning, the mood, and themotivation.

The most powerful words, shared to social at exactly the right times. Schedule for free
with Bu er!

To connect the dots then, youre probably wondering: If a single word makes that much
di erence, then what words should I be using? Which words and phrases convert?
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The scienceof copywriting, the psychologyof headlines, and the art of CTAs has revealed
quite a number of go-to moves for marketers looking to gain a linguistic edge in their words
and pitches. Ive enjoyed saving several lists of these so-called power words and pulling
them out to use in a pinch. Im happy to share mylists with you of the phrases and words
that convert . Do you have any power words that work magic for you? Id love to hear about
them in the comments.

Research reveals howa single word makes all the di erence

You likely know inherently that speci c words matter. You click on a headline because a
single word strikes you. You click a signup button because a word creates an emotion.

The research behind this power of words is incredibly deep. Researchers have found that the
word you use to describe a car accident (contacted vs. smashed) paints the way
eyewitnesses view the event. Another study found that simple stock names that are easier to
pronounce lead to quicker gains post-IPO.

Perhaps my favorite study is one shared by Brian Clark of Copyblogger.Social psychologist

Ellen Langer tested the power of asingle word in an experiment where she asked to cut in
line at a copy machine. She tried three di erent ways of asking:

Excuse me, I have ve pages. May I use the Xerox machine? 60% said OK

Excuse me, I have ve pages. May I use the Xerox machinebecause Im in a rush?
94% said OK

Excuse me, I have ve pages. May I use the Xerox machinebecause I have to make
some copies? 93% said OK

I dont know about you, but I thought Langers third request was rather elementary. Yet it
didnt matter. The trigger word because was all she needed. The takeaway: When you want
people to take action, always give a reason.

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Neurologically, we have an instinctual reaction to words and language. Researchers have

found that we are hardwired to associate sounds with images, even in words we do not
comprehend. Heres a test for you, pulled from a study byWolfgang Khler. Which of the two
shapes below is amalumaand which is atakete?

The vast majority of respondents label the smooth, rounded image a malumaand the hard,
jagged image atakete.

To go one step further into the power of words, you can look atPatrick Renvoise and
Christopher Morins book about neuromarketing (see Peep Lajas article at ConversionXLfor
a great analysis of the book). Renvoise and Morin highlightthe three di erent brains we
have: the new brain, the middle brain, and the old brain.

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The old brain is the part that controls decisions, and it also happens to be the most primitive.
In this way, the words you use to market to the old brain will often be the most direct,
simple, arresting, visual words you have.

Youll likely see a lot of these old brain words in the lists below.

The ultimate list of words and phrases that convert

A quick Google search can reveal pages of results for persuasive and powerful words. Theres
no trouble nding them; theres sometimes trouble applying them. The words you see below
are split into a number of categories, along with some ideas on how Ive used them in the
past (and how you can use them, too).

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The 5 most persuasivewords in the English language






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Youve seen these words countless times beforeand for good reason. The research behind
these wordshas shown over and over that they work. Gregory Ciotti wrote about these vein
a post for Copyblogger, showing exactly how each is vital for persuasive speech and copy. For
instance, immediatewords like instantly trigger mid-brain activity and feed our zest for
quick grati cation.

Where to try these words: Calls-to-action, headlines, email subject lines, headings, opening
sentences and paragraphs

The20 most in uential words, via David Ogilvy













O er






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David Ogilvy is to advertising as Jimi Hendrix is to the electric guitar.His list of in uential
words you see above was rst published in 1963, and many remain in vogue today.

Where to try these: Headlines, bullet points, subject lines

(Sidenote: For a fun blast from the past, courtesy of Ben Locker, here are a couple
advertisements for power words that date back to 1961. A New York Times ad is on the left, a
Washington Post ad is on the right. Ogilvys 20 in uential words came out two years after

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3 words to encouragecommunity

Become a member

Come along

These community phrases provide a sense of togetherness to the user; they feel like theyre

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taking part in something larger than themselves. (Youll notice that we use the word join
in our email newsletter form.)

Where to try these words: Email signups, trial o ers, in-app messaging

10 cause-and-e ect words and phrases


As a result


Caused by


Due to

For this reason




Author Darlene Price, the originator of this cause-and-e ect list, has great insight into what
makes these cause-and-e ect phrases so useful: Cause-and-e ect words make your claims
sound objective and rational rather than biased and subjective.

Where to try these: Closing paragraphs, transitions

12phrases that imply exclusivity

Members only

Login required

Class full

Membership now closed

Ask for an invitation

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Apply to be one of our beta testers

Exclusive o ers

Become an insider

Be one of the few

Get it before everybody else

Be the rst to hear about it

Only available to subscribers

Garrett Moon of CoSchedule explains exclusivity as being like a club with membership
restrictions. You want in because others are in. Theres a bit of social pressure with
exclusivity wording, and it helps drive decisions and actions for the user.

Where to try these: Signup forms, links, calls-to-action, subheads

9phrases that imply scarcity

Limited o er

Supplies running out

Get them while they last

Sale ends soon

Today only

Only 10 available

Only 3 left

Only available here

Double the o er in the next hour only

The fear of missing out (often abbreviated as FOMO)is a common driver of action for
marketers and advertisers. FOMO is essentially scarcity. By showing that an item or product
is in limited supply, you hope to ratchet up demand.

Where to try these: Headings, promo copy

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28words and phrases that make you feel safe





Cancel Anytime

Certi ed






No Obligation

No Questions Asked

No Risk

No Strings Attached

O cial









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Try before You Buy



Boost Blog Tra cs Jon Morrow collected a huge list of power words(his full list of 317 is
well worth the read) andsorted the list by category. The above section is Morrows grouping
of wordsthat engender feelings of safety. Its my favorite group from Morrows list because
these safety words have an amazing e ect on the person reading: They create trust.

Where to try these: Payment forms, signup forms, testimonials

48 ubiquitous power words





Pro t







Hot Special





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How to








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Each employee on the circulation and email marketing teams at Interweave Press has these
words printed and posted on their wall. The list, which was originally compiled Linda Ruth
and Curtis Circulation Company, came from studying best-selling magazine covers, and
Interweaves Bob Kaslik found that the words work equally well on magazines as they do in
promo copy and in email subject lines.

Where to try these: Email subject lines, headlines,calls-to-action

9 word for shareable content


Tell us








Neil Patel put together the infographic you see below, based on research on each of the four
major social networks: Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn. His list represents the
words that can get your content shared on social media. Ive found success grouping some of
these words with other power words as well.

Where to try these: Social media updates

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Create and share your own list

If youre looking for inspiration (and a few unique power words to keep in your toolbox), try
keeping track of the words that get you to convert. Take note of the words and phrases that
grab your attention. Keep in mind why a headline stands out more than another. Notice
which words grab you in a bullet list of bene ts.

As you nd new words, you can build a list in Evernote or another note-taking app; then be
sure to reference them when youre in a pinch and looking for a powerful addition to your
headline, copy, or post.

Do you have any favorite power words that have worked for you? Which ones from the list
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here might you be interested to try? Id love to hear your thoughts.

Image credits: CarbonNYC, Ben Locker, Conversion XL,

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Written by Kevan Lee

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Content crafter at Bu er. You can nd me online, tweeting about my writing

process, or at home, second-guessing football coaches. Live simply, give

generously, beat cancer.

Follow @kevanlee 18.6K followers

116 Comments Updates and tips from Buer 1 Login

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Jason Hull 2 years ago

I also like NLP trigger words such as Imagine. "Imagine getting a website designed by OpenPotion
that effectively sells your business" Or asking questions with an answer embedded. "How great
would it feel to get a website from OpenPotion that actually does it's job?" (great obviously).

Also, you can use words like But to cancel objections. "It may seem expensive, BUT the real issue is
how much money you are losing by pushing the work onto people, rather than leveraging

Vote up this comment if you found it useful. ;-)

59 Reply Share

Pearl Klein > Jason Hull 2 years ago

I like to follow "imagine" with a result: "Imagine yourself getting more done in less time than
ever. Now, open your eyes, and you'll find yourself BUYING MY STUFF." Very roughly.
7 Reply Share

Dylan Sarrasin > Pearl Klein 10 months ago

i have to try that last part
Reply Share

sylviadstrong > Pearl Klein 2 years ago

My Uncle
Joshua just got an almost new white Kia Rio Hatchback only from working
part-time off a home computer. try this Cashfig.COM
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part-time off a home computer. try this Cashfig.COM
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Martin Kovachki > Jason Hull a year ago

Your first paragraph is actually very prone to backfire on you.

Why? You use the company name, so now it's specific to this instance and not so much
rhetorical. "Imagine that THIS COMPANY will actually deliver. Like THIS TIME, we swear -
how awesome would THAT be?" You catch my point ;)

I think the examples are great, but they will work much better without the company name.
Otherwise the possibilities for negative connotation are pretty big.
4 Reply Share

Kevan Mod > Jason Hull 2 years ago

I'll vote up this comment. :) Nicely put, Jason! Great tips!

1 Reply Share

Tudor Constantin > Jason Hull 2 years ago

Imagine is the single most powerful word used in political speeches. And it works not only in
english, but in all languages
1 Reply Share

KenjiSummers > Jason Hull 2 years ago

This is an Ericksonian Hypnosis word but not really. NLP is about modeling so at some point
"Imagine" became an NLP trigger word.
Reply Share

TakeActionWAHM 2 years ago

I don't know how you guys come up with so much amazing, valuable content day in and day out!
But I'm glad you do!
21 Reply Share

Geo 2 years ago

While I don't doubt that these words are effective as reinforced by the fact that we've been
inundated by them pretty much since birth what I would really like to see is a post with a title
something like...

The Fantastic Big List of One Gazillion Amazing Free Secret Words That Convert Yet Don't Make
You Feel Like a Total Douchebag Every Time You Use Them: Write Copy That Doesn't Make You
Want To Take a Shower When You're Done Because Conversions!

We can follow it with a page that scrolls forever, has two or three embedded videos, and uses lots of
Bold Red Words and even more yellow highlighter.

Because conversions. Sigh.

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Anders Borg > Geoff 2 years ago

You'll probably find such an article at some of the "sensational news for the sake of ad
placement" sites soon :).
4 Reply Share

Kevan Mod > Geoff 2 years ago

Wow, that'd be quite the post, Geoff! Haha, I'd better start researching. :)

Definitely these power words can be taken too far. I noticed another comment here mention
that there comes a saturation point with these words, and they'd switch from power to
powerless pretty quick. :)
1 Reply Share

Rhapsodie McClintick > Geoff 2 years ago

It seems you're seeking the feeling of reality and not social superiority.
Reply Share

Laura - Hip Pressure Cooking 2 years ago

Well, I used to have a pop-up that said "Want our almost-weekly totally amazing newsletter?!?
[sign-up]". A week ago I switched "amazing" with "fantastic" and my sign-ups are waaay down!
After reading this I'm going back to using "amazing".. it just works!

Oh, and interesting point about the difference between "sign-up" and "join" - somehow... "join"
makes me think that there's going to be money involved. I'm going to try "join free" and see what



9 Reply Share

Rhapsodie McClintick > Laura - Hip Pressure Cooking 2 years ago

What about using JOIN US FREE- making people feel like there are more followers and they
are joining others.
3 Reply Share

Adam > Rhapsodie McClintick a year ago

Join our team at no cost
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Kevan Mod > Laura - Hip Pressure Cooking 2 years ago

I'd love to hear how "join free" works for you, Laura! So great to hear you're testing your
changes and finding what works best. Your approach is inspiring! :)
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D. Kruegel 2 years ago

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D. Kruegel 2 years ago
Very nice list, but I publish in German language in a B2B context. I see some words which would
equally work with a German language audience (especially those words like "because"), other words
would translate badly into German language, or they have a direct translation into German, but you
might instantly lose credibility (like "amazing"...basically any word which expresses excitement). I
would love to see such a study above for other languages than English.
8 Reply Share

capturts > D. Kruegel 2 years ago

That's an interesting point. And I'd like to add to this by mentioning some of these
words/phrases are very "American". I hear some of these and they don't sound foreign to
me, with my UK ears, but they don't sound quite natural either. I wonder how the UK
English list might vary.
5 Reply Share

Garratt Campton > capturts 2 years ago

Yeah, definitely the same with Australian English. I've found a lot of copy just to be
utterly ridiculous and not influence my buying decisions. Well, maybe adversely.

But I think over the last 5 years as the Internet bridge is making the world a smaller
place it's starting to have a little more power as we get used to this type of language.

When I first saw the Warrior Forum WSO threads. I couldn't believe that marketers
were paying copywriters tens of thousands of dollars for stuff that sounded like a 5
year old wrote it.

In saying that, reading the famous direct mail letter for the "Mcintosh emblem/crest"
I can't remember the guys name it was over 3 years ago when I read the piece. I felt
the same, the language seemed to be incredibly dumbed down. Perhaps because it
was back in the 50s and there was little educated people in their 20's-40's I don't

I'm didn't even graduate and did poorly at school so it doesn't make much sense why
I felt the way I did when I read it.
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Don Gris > Garratt Campton 3 months ago

Never underestimate the simplicity of the human mind. Speak in very simple
language that has stood the test of trial and error.

Unless you are selling to nuclear scientists, or even if you are, use the KISS
principle: Keep it simple, stupid.
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D. Kruegel > Don Grifs 2 months ago

If you speak to a general audience, I agree. But when you speak to specialists,
you need to speak on their level. Otherwise they might not take you serious or
even feel insulted.
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Kevan Mod > capturts 2 years ago

Very interesting thread! Thanks so much for bringing up the distinction between
languages and geography! It's an awesome reminder for me to stay attuned to the
international audience on the blog. :)

Just curious, which words stood out to you as either "very American" or difficult to
translate? I'm probably quite blind to the nature of some of the power words I use on
a daily basis! Excited to learn more ... :)
Reply Share

capturts > Kevan 2 years ago

Some might just be me, but in particular some of the words that just don't "fit"
might be:
"Hot Special"

"Limited Offer"
"Class Full"

Some of the other words in themselves are 'bilingual' but tend to be used in a
very slightly different context or I see them (in American publications) with
other words that I wouldn't use.

I'm having trouble thinking of specifics, but they are just slightly 'off' and
therefore stand out to me as "out of place" rather than "compelling". I read a
phrase that is supposed to inspire me to take action but it just stands out as
"American 'marketing' ".

Obviously I'm not trying to be insulting in anyway :p

1 Reply Share

Daniel Mihai Popescu > capturts 2 years ago

You are right! Cf. Robert Cialdini, they are too "complicated"... Of course
that's an exaggeration, but it's good to "feel safe". Using a simple language, is
safer than complicating it :)
Reply Share

D. Kruegel > Kevan 2 months ago

Now that I read your comment again (after two years), these two words stand
out to me as "very American": awesome and Excited. If I would translate your
comment into German, I would at least remove the word "awesome" (a
reminder is not awesome or bad, it is just a reminder) and replace the word
"Excited" with something toned down such as "Glad" or "Looking forward to".
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"Excited" with something toned down such as "Glad" or "Looking forward to".
Reply Share

D. Kruegel > Kevan 2 years ago

"Free" as in "no cost involved" - would translate in German to "kostenlos" or
in any of its variations due to gender or amount: kostenlose, kostenloser,
kostenloses. There could be also other possible translations which sound
either more like slang or even more formal: "fr lau" "gratis" "zur freien
Verfgung" etc.

"Amazing, sensational, revolutionary, ultimate, miracle" - their direct German

translations might work in a B2C context, but in a B2B context it would
probably cause a loss in credibility. My gut feeling tells me however, that
"remarkable" would be ok in any case.

"Join" - I am not aware that you can express this in German with one word
without sounding like a military staff sergeant. It is one of the few call to
action words I have difficulties to translate as crisp into German. Usually the
German translation doesn't fit onto any call-to-action button, because it
usually turns out to be a whole sentence with min. 3 words.

"Hot Special" - that doesn't translate at all into German...well you can
translate it literally, but it would sound totally weird: "Heies Spezial" or
"Heies spezielles..." Makes me think of a hot vienna sausage with some
special sauce or worse/better, of something naughty and not safe for work. ;)
Reply Share

Pavlos Elenis > D. Kruegel 2 months ago

You dont have marketing in Germany as nothing excites you. Its better to
describe the product and just use the word efficient or will do the job
Reply Share

D. Kruegel > Pavlos Elenis 2 months ago

You do know that marketing is much more than just creating "awesome"
slogans and CTAs? And marketing communication is not just about being
exciting. Even when just describing the product you need this discipline
(which also includes copywriting), because the product subject matter experts
usually don't know how to describe the product in a way that the average
person can understand it (and their grammar might even suck as well).
Reply Share

Pavlos Elenis > D. Kruegel 2 months ago

As you said discpline. Germany perceives things in its own way its all about
discipline and efficiency and thats what makes people sad. I have to admit
that German companies are great great products, but always lack the little
extra, the marketing thing. So what can you change just with words when the
product is not itself a marketing product. YOu need to change the whole
philosphy behind them. Germany as country has the brand name of efficiency,
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strict, reliable and so on. But no marketing is not needed. Just give them
actual and plain inforomation 5 real advantages over the others and end off.
Like the adverts for BMW . one word Efficiency. Of course young generation is
slighly chaging especially those lived abroad but still a long way.
Reply Share

D. Kruegel > Pavlos Elenis 2 months ago

It seems you limit "marketing" only on the advertising aspect, but marketing
is much more than just advertising and trying to push sell stuff to people.
Even in marketing communication which doesn't use "exciting" words, you
still need to find the right words and presentation to get the attention and
trust of the target audience.
You have also misunderstood the word "discipline" in this context. I was
speaking of Marketing as a professional discipline, not of discipline as a
behavioural trait.
Reply Share

lampenmaken > D. Kruegel 2 years ago

With a little fantasy and feeling for context it should work. When your German list is ready, I
would love to have it. Since I am from your neighbouring country, I have a Dutch list to
share with you.
1 Reply Share

cata 2 years ago

Awesome list! Used a lot of these words before, but having so many of them in the same place
makes this a great reference! - it's something I've already begun coming back to for every new post
I'm writing; great stuff.
3 Reply Share

Kevan Mod > cata 2 years ago

So glad to hear it!

Reply Share

Osifeso Demola 2 years ago

love this will definitely follow it up
3 Reply Share

Lorin Yeater 2 years ago

shouldn't we make an infographic out of this blog post? hint, hint
3 Reply Share

Matt LaClear 5 months ago

After reading that study conducted by Ellen Langer years ago I jumped up several income brackets
in a very short period of time. All because I started using the word "because" when ever I ask my
readers to do anything.
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Jason Morrell 5 months ago

This is a fantastic example of a well researched and well collated post, combining old wisdom with
modern application. Thank you Kevan.

Other power words that have worked for me are DRAMATIC (which I picked up from Dr Glenn
Livingstone), BOOST (boost your confidence, boost your results, boost your bottom line etc.) and
PERSONALISE (which moves away from standard/ordinary/off-the-shelf/commodity, places the
attention squarely on the customer and beats the pants off BESPOKE and CUSTOMISE).
2 Reply Share

Guest 2 years ago

Sure, the competition's marketing language is clever, but ours is cleverer.
2 Reply Share

Garratt Campton > Guest 2 years ago

aaaahahaha +1
Reply Share

Web Liquids 5 months ago

Your List is Super Awesome.
1 Reply Share

Tim 5 months ago

This is the reason I would never name my company Miracle Media.."If we get you to page one of
Google, it would be a miracle" ..lol..Great article about the use of words and the triggers and the
1 Reply Share

chandra 5 months ago

Thank you for sharing. A refreshing take to a widely discussed subject. We use these ideas in bits
and pieces. It is really helpful to have such an wonderful collection..Cheers !
1 Reply Share

FanGrow.com 5 months ago

Good and amazing article, thanks for sharing your knowledge!
1 Reply Share

James Pogson 5 months ago

Must admit I'm a sucker for Top 5 <thing> you must read. My inbox's full of 'em :-)
1 Reply Share

Danielle_Oscilloskope 5 months ago

I found out this article on Growthhackers last night. Very cool this list, Kevan!
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videos as key elements for driving engagement. Graphics and visuals on blog posts are one of

the best ways to get the most value []

By Kevan Lee Read more

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7/14/2016 189 Powerful Words That Convert - Buffer Blog

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