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Donald J.


Big day planned on NATIONAL

SECURITY tomorrow. Among
many other things, we will build
the wall!

24 Jan 2017
Methodology About Mainstreet
Mainstreet surveyed a random sample of 500 With 20 years of political experience at all three
Canadians per day from January 18, 2017 to levels of government, President and CEO Quito
January 29, 2017. Modied RDD was implemented Maggi is a respected commentator on Canadian
to oer all Canadians the same opportunity to public aairs.
participate, both landlines and cell lines were
surveyed. Dierentiated by its large sample sizes, Mainstreet
Research has provided accurate snapshots of
Findings are reported with specic date ranges. A public opinion, having predicted a majority NDP
rolling three day sample contains 1,500 government in Alberta, a majority Liberal
respondents (500x3). government in British Columbia and a majority
Liberal government in Ontario. Mainstreet has
The margin of error for survey results is 2.53, 19 been the most accurate polling rm in several by
times out of 20 elections and the most recent Toronto mayoral
election. Most recently, Mainstreet Research was
. the only polling rm to correctly predict a Liberal
majority government in the 2015 federal election.

Contact Information
From Ottawa: Quito Maggi, President

From Montreal: David Valentin, Executive Vice


From Toronto: Dr. Joseph Angolano, Vice President

Find us online at:

February 8, 2016 (Ottawa, ON) A new Mainstreet/Postmedia poll took a close look at how Canadians
reacted to the rst 10 days of Donald Trumps presidency. While Canadians disapprove of Trump (84%),
53% approve of his economic policy - higher than the 43% who approve of Trudeaus economic plan. The
Mainstreet/Postmedia poll has a margin of error of +/- 2.53%, 19 times out of 20.

As Donald Trumps inauguration unfolded we asked Canadians a number of questions about the two
leaders, said Quito Maggi, President of Mainstreet Research. Only 16% of Canadians would call President
Trump honest, only 21% would call him rational, and only 23% would call him inspirational. In comparison,
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau scored well on these same three measures, 58% (Honest), 54% (Rational)
and 63% (Inspirational), respectively.

Some have speculated the Trump presidency could give Justin Trudeau a Trump bump - that the
comparison between the two leaders might help his domestic popularity. But we saw no evidence of a
bump in support for the Prime Minister, and, in fact, his approval rating dropped, as did Trumps over the
tracking period.

Most Canadians (78%) followed the news of the Womens march that took place immediately following
the inauguration with 71% supporting Canadas involvement in the March. But Canadians also prioritize the
US-Canada relationship while sending conicting messages.

58% of Canadians say Justin Trudeau should invite President Trump to Ottawa, and 43% say Trudeau
should work closely with the new President - but at the same time 45% believe Trudeau should speak out
on Trumps immigration policies. 63% say Trudeau should not focus on non-US trade.

While Canadians give low scores to President Trumps performance as President (15%), they give all of his
policies higher grades. The highest scores go to his economic policy (53%), and national security policy
(51%). On the same two measures Trudeau scores 43% (Econ) and 39%, (nat. sec) respectively.

Where Trudeau fares better than Trump is Healthcare (51% approval), Immigration (56%) and Foreign
Aairs (41%).

Interestingly, many Canadians are undecided when it comes to forming an opinion about President
Trumps Immigration policy. Only 17% approve of his immigration policy while 53% disapprove, but a full
30% say they are not sure either way despite the fact, or perhaps because, those poll questions were
polled as the fallout from President Trumps immigration executive order took place, nished Maggi


For additional information or to arrange an interview, contact:

Quito Maggi, President,

David Valentin, Executive Vice-President, (514) 913-5524 -
A Dierence in Leadership

As Canadians were getting ready to watch the US Canadian Perceptions of Justin Trudeau
Inauguration, many of them had already made up Q: Does this describe Justin Trudeau, or not?
their mind up on Donald Trump - and the results
do not paint a attering portrait.

Throughout the US Election we had found most

Canadians would have voted for Hillary Clinton
68%) and that a strong majority (70%)
disapproved of candidate Donald Trump.

Would President-Elect Trump fare any better?

When asked about key leadership traits Canadians

for the most part gave the then President-Elect
low scores despite generally positive coverage
surrounding the inauguration.

Canadian Perceptions of Donald Trump

Q: Does this describe Donald Trump, or not? n=1,500 Field Dates: Jan 18-20, 2017

Unlike Trump, a majority of Canadians would use

terms like honest, intelligent and a leader to
describe Trudeau.

The Prime Minister Scores highest on

compassionate (65%) followed by inspirational and
a leader tied at 63%. Less respondents would use
terms like strong (52%) or rational (54%).

As the Prime Minister continues to navigate the

n=1,500 Trump administration he will have to be mindful of
Field Dates: Jan 18-20 conduct that could undermine his standing with
Canadians while at the same time making sure not
to oend a President that has been quick to take
oense and is generally unrestrained at taking on
his critics.
The scores become more striking when we
compare Trumps scores to Prime Minister Justin
Perhaps unsurprisingly,
Trump does not outscore the Prime Minister on a
single metric - though he comes closest on strong,
its on compassionate we
within 4 percentage points. see the biggest dierence
On all other metrics he trails Trudeau whether it is between Trump (13%) and
intelligent (-30), rational (-33) or inspirational
(-40). Trudeau (65) a staggering
Perhaps unsurprisingly, its on compassionate we
52 percentage point
see the biggest dierence between Trump (13%)
and Trudeau (65) a staggering 52 percentage
dierence. - Quito Maggi
point dierence.
Q: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump is handling his job as president?

n=500/day, 1,500 per 3 days. Field Dates: Jan 18-29, 2017

No Trump Bump
Canadians never warmed up to Trump, shortly before his inauguration he reached a high of 28% approval
from January 18-20. Even then, Trump scored a 65% disapproval rating. Things would only get worse.

But if the Prime Minister was expecting to earn points from the contrast he would be disappointed. While
Trumps disapproval climbed over a 12 day period, Trudeaus approval uctuated up and down from an
initial 57% approval rating to a nal approval of just 52%.

If anything Trudeaus disapproval rating has consistently climbed through the rst week of Trump

Final dates (27-29); Trump: 15% Approval, 84% Disapproval, 2% Not Sure
Trudeau: 52% Approval, 44% Disapproval, 5% Not Sure

Q: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Justin Trudeau is handling his job as Prime Minister?

n=500/day, 1,500 per 3 days. Field Dates: Jan 18-29, 2017

78% of Canadians were following the
news of the Womens March either
somewhat or very closely

71% Supported Canadas involvement in

the Womens March n=1,500; Field Dates: Jan 21-23
What Should Trudeau Do?

Justin Trudeau has now shued his cabinet and How Trudeau Should Handle Trump
created a rapid response war room in the Prime There are many dierent ideas on how Justin Trudeau
Ministers Oce to handle the Canada-US trade le should handle Donald Trumps Presidency. In your
- but will it be enough? opinion should Justin Trudeau...

We wanted to know what Canadians thought

Trudeau should - and shouldnt, do and there are
striking results alongside some close calls.

58% of Canadians say Trudeau should invite

President Trump to Ottawa - something that seems
unlikely in light of protests held not just across
Canada but also in the nations capital.

Canadians are split on whether Trudeau should

oer to renegotiate NAFTA - something the
Trudeau government did fairly early on after Trump
was elected. 35% are in favour, 31% are opposed
while a further 34% just arent sure either way.

Speaking out against Trump might endanger

US-Canada trade talks but almost 1 in every 2
Canadians believe Trudeau should speak out on
Trumps immigration policy.

Results are split down the middle on whether

Trudeau should seek a new US Ambassador, with
41% in favour and 44% opposed it is a statistical tie.

Canadians overwhelmingly however do not want

the government to focus on Non-US trade -
suggesting that Canadian eorts to diversify with
trade deals such as the TPP or potentially, a
Canada-China free trade agreement, will only go so
far politically if Canadians believe these deals
come at the expense of Canada-US trade.

While Canadians have a low opinion of President

Donald Trump, 43% of them still want close
co-operation between Trudeau and the President.
Almost 1 in 5 dont know. n=1,500 Field Dates: Jan 24-26, 2017

With this polling conducted from January 24-26,

2017, its important to remember these numbers
were collected before the fallout of President
Trumps executive order suspending Syrian
Refugees and immigration from seven Muslim
majority countries which included Airport protests
and activism across Canada.
Approval of Policies
n=1,500 Field Dates: Jan 27-29, 2017

Despite low approval ratings for the way Donald On Economic and National Security policy
Trump is handling the presidency, Canadians give Trudeaus approvals are narrowly edging out his
Trump higher scores when it comes to ranking his disapprovals in what are statistical ties.
Meanwhile a slim majority of Canadians approve of
Trump scores highest when it comes to Economic Trudeaus current approach to Healthcare, though
policy (53%) while Trudeau scores only 43% on the only 29% disapprove - a full 1 in 5 are undecided.
same measure.
As Canadians look on south of the border they will
Trump similarly does well when Canadians are be making comparisons between their Prime
asked about his National Security policy with a Minister and the current American President - its
majority of Canadians (51%) approving. natural and to be expected.

On all other categories, however, Trumps policies What kind of eect this will have in the long term
are underwater. still remains to be seen, but there is certainly a risk
to the Trudeau government if Trump appears to be
69% disapprove of his approach to Healthcare, successful even if only in limited areas such as job
53% are opposed to his Immigration policy (a full retention.
30% are not sure) and 49% give a thumbs down to
his Foreign Aairs policy. For now, we could say Trumps weaknesses are
accentuating Trudeaus strengths - but the tables
On these same indicators Trudeau is faring could turn and its possible success for Trump in
markedly better though he is not scoring any economic policy could create a negative contrast
super-majorities with the highest marks awarded for Trudeau in Canada. One thing weve learned
to his immigration policy (56%). with President Trump is to expect the unexpected.

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