Psychology Review, Vol 10, No 3, pp.186-213

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WHY: Mind Mapping gives diverse range of ideas

HOW: Mind mapping is exponential branching from central
ideas to produce new structured themes and idea (Lloyd, Boyd
and Den Exter, 2010).It aims at utilizing our cortical skills fully
by analyzing and abstracting using a single medium. Ideas
can be generated through collaborating with different words,
elaborating through images linking all the words or images
through logical reasoning (Nijstad and Stroebe, 2006).It also
put forward that the mind mapping is the best for visualization
the thoughts and inter relating as it is similar to the structure
of the brain.
Key component of Mind Mapping are there is single key idea or
concept around with the branching is formed, key word is
denoted every branched word or image associated with a line
forming twigs for creating nodal structure(Shih et al., 2009).
Building a strong and clear mind mapping
Central theme or idea should be in the central of the
page, providing freedom to branch in different direction
Detailing the structure for organizing the ideas, branches
with thick lines and twig with thinner lines and using
different color
Key idea in the branch with image will give more
feasibility to going and looking for different ideas
Give your mind to relax and then go back review and
reorder if additional ideas needed to be incorporated.
This diagrammatic tool helped in classifying, generalizing and
visualizing the ideas. The key ideas built around the central
concept can be adopted in various other applications. It aids
into breaking down the larger projects into manageable chucks
for effective planning and execution.
Lloyd, D., Boyd, B. and Den Exter, K. 2010, Mind mapping as an interactive
tool for engaging complex geographical issues, New Zealand Geographer,
vol 66, no 3
Nijstad, B. and Stroebe, W. 2006, How the Group Affects the Mind: A
Cognitive Model of Idea Generation in Groups, Personality and Social
Psychology Review, vol 10, no 3, pp.186-213,.
Shih, P., Nguyen, D., Hirano, S., Redmiles, D. and Hayes, G. 2009,
GroupMind: Supporting Idea Generation through a Collaborative Mind-

Utilize the full mind to

produce to generate


SCAMPER WHY: Robust for problem solving in design processes .
HOW: SCAMPER promotes creative thinking by widening the
flow of mind to break barriers for translating ideas to
innovation. It provides answers to the targeted question to
Innovations is achieved generate ideas by igniting creativity to solve the
problem(Girotra, Terwiesch and Ulrich, n.d.).SCAMPER
through breaking the stands for S-Substitute, C-Combine, A-Adapt, M-Modify, P-
barriers of mind Putting for different use, E-Eliminate, R- Reverse(Jang,
2014). These are used to prompt questions for the product
under study to trigger new ideas to improve the design
Explanation of working of SCAMPER(Chulvi, Gonzlez-Cruz,
Mulet and Aguilar-Zambrano, 2012)
S-Focus is laid on the parts of product by replacing
with better option. What part to be substituted and
effects on the process are under study.
C-Aims at merging two or more stages of the process
of product development. Which stages to combine is
key question.
A-Brainstorming session for adjusting the product for
better design. It asks for what can be should be done
to improve design
M-Change in process for to unleash more innovative
design capabilities. Focusing of how to modify.
P- Aligning the current process of a product with the
other process of the organization
E-Eliminating the unnecessary parts of the product.
What will be consequences of eliminating particular
part is important to answer
R-It aims reverse order in the production line . What
to rearrange and consequences are under study.
It is holistic approach at reaching an innovative product
with all the possible combination weighed and answered.
PHASE: IDEA GENERATION Chulvi, V., Gonzlez-Cruz, M., Mulet, E. and Aguilar-Zambrano, J. 2012,
Influence of the type of idea-generation method on the creativity of
solutions, Res Eng Design, vol 24, no 1, pp.33-41,.
Girotra, K., Terwiesch, C. and Ulrich, K. n.d., Idea Generation and the
Quality of the Best Idea, SSRN Electronic Journal,.
Jang, S. 2014, The Effect of Image Stimulus on Conceptual Combination
EVALUATION MATRIX WHY: Prioritize and evaluate various option

HOW: Evaluation matrix is used when there are number

options with many criteria under consideration(Schwarz
To evaluate many and Bodendorf, 2012). This method is simple and aids tin
rapid decision making as it it quickly identifies the strength
options to find out the and the weakness of the various options(Shah, Kulkarni and
best possible idea Vargas-Hernandez, 2000)

Guidelines for the Evaluation Matrix(Herman and Reiter-

Palmon, 2011)

Design team produce problem to investigate and not

to suggest any other option for the solution
Mandatory and desirable criterias should be explored
for between the options initially during evaluation
First level of evaluation is carried out to evaluate the
available options against criteria set as mandatory,
those options which doesnt fit the criteria are
discarded. This fairly simple method
Second level of evaluation requires evaluation of
mandatory criteria obtained from first level of
evaluation against the desired criteria. Scoring
system is formulated and each option is given a score
based on the evaluation. The highest score option
will be form the answer to the problem

This method is generally employed for providing design


Herman, A. and Reiter-Palmon, R. 2011, The effect of regulatory focus

on idea generation and idea evaluation., Psychology of Aesthetics,
Creativity, and the Arts, vol 5, no 1, pp.13-20,.

PHASE: IDEA EVALUATION and Schwarz, S. and Bodendorf, F. 2012, Attributive Idea Evaluation,
International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations, vol 2, no 1,
SELECTION pp.77-91,.

Shah, J., Kulkarni, S. and Vargas-Hernandez, N. 2000, Evaluation of Idea

KEPNER TREGOE MATRIX WHY: Targets the end goal of problem solving
HOW: It is also known as root-cause method aiming to step
by step proceed the decision making process(Parker and
Moseley, 2008). It aims to identify the potential risk
Step by step with root associated with the process. This process helps in
identifying the objective, evaluating alternatives and
cause analysis evaluate explore strength and weakness of the process. The matrix
ideas is comprised of the following steps(Usmani, 1981) :
-Situational Appraisal - For identifying the concerns and
prioritizing to draw the outline
Problem Analysis- Identifying the cause of the
Decision Analysis- Performing risk analysis to the
available options and making a final decision
Potential problem Analysis-Evaluating the final
decision for potential failure and formulating the preventive
After listing the defined the objective and strategic
requirement following steps are executed
- Ranking and weighing the objective and listing the
alternative for each objective
- Scoring each of the objective and classified into
Musts and Wants
- Listing failure risk for each alternative with High,
Medium and Low
- Making a final choice between all the alternatives
There are two kinds of matrix is formed in this case of idea
evaluation total weight scored and adversity matrix. The
combination of proper analysis of these two matrix gives a
high valued results.(Schwarz and Bodendorf, 2012)
This process is time consuming determination, patience
and attention to ideal is required to master this technique
of decision making.
Parker, J. and Moseley, J. 2008, Kepner-Tregoe Decision Analysis as a
Tool to Aid Route Selection. Part 1, Organic Process Research &
PHASE: IDEA EVALUATION and Development, vol 12, no 6, pp.1041-1043,.
Schwarz, S. and Bodendorf, F. 2012, Attributive Idea Evaluation,
SELECTION International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations, vol 2, no 1,

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