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wednesday, september 7, 2016 Regd. DL(ND)-11/6110/2006-07-08 RNI No. TNENG/2012/49940 ISSN 0971 - 751X Vol. 6 No. 213 CITY EDITION 20 Pages Rs. 8.00

Printed at Chennai, Coimbatore, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Madurai, Noida, Visakhapatnam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi, Vijayawada, Mangaluru, Tiruchirapalli, Kolkata, Hubballi, Mohali, Allahabad, Malappuram and Mumbai

Anna Hazare upset Supreme Court refuses Saudi livid after Irans I have worked on my
at the condition of Ravi Ruia permission Khamenei blasts the batting and it has
Aam Aadmi Party to travel abroad Kingdom over Haj produced results: Ashwin
Page 9 Page 13 Page 14 Page 17

Arunachal Governor As protests rage, Karnataka To restore normality, govt.
refuses to resign
to get tough with separatists
GUWAHATI: Arunachal Pradesh
Governor Jyoti Prasad Rajkhowa,
who said the Centre asked him
to step down on health
grounds, has refused to resign.
says will release water to T.N. Raids and crackdowns
to be stepped up in
NEWS | PAGE 12 Kashmir Valley
Security beefed
Apex court rejects plea
against Lodha panel up as farmers SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT

NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court

criticise order by NEW DELHI: The Centre may
toughen its stand against
on Tuesday rejected a petition Supreme Court separatist leaders in Jammu
alleging that the oversight panel
SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT and Kashmir, and security
headed by R.M. Lodha had
forces are expected to be giv-
overshot the Medical Council of
BENGALURU/HOSUR: Amid dis- en a larger role in the Valley,
India's and the Health Ministrys
sent by the Opposition par- a senior government oicial
disapproval and allowed some Rajnath Singh after meeting PM Narendra Modi in New Delhi
ties and serious opposition said on Tuesday.
colleges to admit students. on Tuesday. PHOTO: PTI
from farmers, the Karnata- The government has de-
NATION | PAGE 9 cided to step up raids and Modi and informed him of the people there and it might
ka Government on Tuesday
Rahul targets Modi in decided to release 15,000 crackdowns against ele- the situation. Briefed the have a long-term impact.
cusecs of water a day to Ta- ments stonewalling the re- Prime Minister on all-party Now, the short-term goal is
U.P. poll campaign turn of normality in the Val- delegations visit to J&K and to reopen markets and
mil Nadu as per the Su-
RUDRAPUR: Congress vice- preme Courts directive. ley, which has been under also apprised him of the sit- schools and bring normality
president Rahul Gandhi on The State has also decided curfew almost continuously uation in the State, he said in to the State. For this, security
Tuesday started his partys to file a modification pet- for the past 60 days. a tweet. In the evening, he measures will be heightened
election push in Uttar Pradesh ition before the apex court An all-party delegation led met senior Ministers to dis- and the government will use
with a kisan mahayatra, in addition to approaching by Home Minister Rajnath cuss the future course of ac- its instruments to deal with
accusing the Prime Minister of the supervisory committee Singh returned to Delhi from tion. He is set to address the rabble-rousers in a stern
ignoring the plight of farmers. to convince it about the dis- J&K on Monday. On Tuesday all-party delegation again on manner, the oicial said.
NEWS | PAGE 13 tress situation due to a defi- morning, Mr. Singh met Wednesday. One thing is CURBS LIKELY ON
cient monsoon. A decision Prime Minister Narendra clear, we have engaged with FOREIGN TRAVEL | PAGE 12
SC: Criticism doesnt to this efect was taken by
amount to sedition the government after a
NEW DELHI: Sedition or
defamation cases cannot be
meeting of the floor leaders
of both Houses of the State
legislature and MPs from
SERVICES HIT: Kannada activists stage a protest against the Supreme Courts ruling on Cauvery
No decision yet on Obama cancels
meeting with
water release at the satellite bus station in Bengaluru on Tuesday. PHOTO: K. MURALI KUMAR
filed against anyone for
criticising government, the
Supreme Court has said.
the State.
Despite severe distress the immediate aftermath of checkpost, to avert unto- (KSRTC) bus was stoned PMs Pak. visit: Envoy Duterte over slur
and hardship, we will re- the Supreme Court order. ward incidents. The few by a motorcycle-borne duo
NEWS | PAGE 12 lease water to Tamil Nadu Buses from Tamil Nadu Karnataka-registered bus- in Thanjavur. KALLOL BHATTACHERJEE Clarification follows VIENTIANE: U.S. President Ba-
as directed by the Supreme stayed put in Hosur from es plying between Hosur In Karnataka, the pro- rack Obama cancelled a
10 killed as bus falls Court. With heavy heart, Monday night onwards. and Bengaluru had filled tests led to traic blocks, NEW DELHI: Indian High Com- earlier remarks meeting at a regional summit
into gorge we have to follow the apex The protests wreaked up, forcing commuters to cancellation of bus services missioner to Pakistan Gau- apparently confirming on Tuesday with Philippine
tam Bambawale told The leader Rodrigo Duterte after
DEHRADUN: Ten persons were courts directive though it havoc on the travel plans of walk from Hosur to the Ju- to Tamil Nadu and Kerala
Hindu on Tuesday that a fi-
Modis presence at being branded a son of a
is very diicult in the pre- people returning back to juvadi checkpost to look for and halting of shows of Ta-
killed and 30 injured as a bus fell
vailing distress situation, work from both sides of the town buses across the mil movies. nal decision on Prime Min- SAARC summit whore.
into a gorge at Daragad near ister Narendra Modis visit to The pair had been due to
Dehradun districts Tyuni region, Chief Minister Siddara- State border after a long ho- border. Train services were not
maiah told reporters after liday weekend. Early in the day, Kannada afected, said railway Pakistan for Novembers a final decision is still to be meet in the Lao capital of
on Tuesday. SAARC summit was still made. Vientiane at a gathering or-
the meeting. outfits including Rakshana oicials.
Australia sets T20 Meanwhile, the protests People stranded Vedike and Jai Karnataka A total of 561 KSRTC bus- awaited. Following the comments ganised by the Association of
The comments come after in Karachi, a senior oicial Southeast Asian Nations.
record score of 263 by various groups in Karna- People, particularly marched up to the border es which pass through the
the envoys remarks in Kara- source here told The Hindu, Mr. Obamas aides an-
taka in the wake of the Su- those employed in the elec- and staged demonstrations. Bengaluru-Mysuru high-
PALLEKELE: Glenn Maxwells preme Court order derailed tronic city, were stranded Over 200 persons ailiated way including those bound chi on Monday indicated There has been no decision nounced that his planned
blistering century in Australias inter-State movement of on Tuesday morning, as to the outfits raised slogans for Mysuru, Udhagaman- that India had confirmed Mr. regarding Prime Minister meeting with Mr. Duterte on
world record 263 powered it to people across the Jujuvadi buses halted in the Hosur against Tamil Nadu, even as dalam, Wayanad, Chamaraj Modis visit. Modis visit as of now, indi- Tuesday afternoon had been
an 85-run win over Sri Lanka in checkpost on Tuesday. bus stand pre-empting the border post was strong- Nagar and Madikeri were Clarifying his comments cating that Mr. Bambawale called of following a fresh ti-
the first T20I here on Tuesday. The border was beefed trouble across the border. ly barricaded by the Karna- cancelled. reported in Pakistani media, might have revealed an oi- rade by the Filipino leader
SPORT | PAGE 17 up with Tamil Nadu police Tamil Nadu police did not taka police. Mr. Bambawale said, We cial decision prematurely. the previous day. AFP
as protests started brewing allow T.N.-registered vehi- A Karnataka State Road RETURN OF THE CAUVERY have accepted the date (for
EMPOWER in Karnataka on Monday in cles across the Jujuvadi Transport Corporation CRISIS | EDITORIAL the PMs visit for SAARC NO CHANGE IN STAND DUTERTE EXPRESSES
Page 7 summit) but (I) also said that ON PMS VISIT | PAGE 12 REGRET | PAGE 14

Dwivedis suspension: MHA oicials meet Rajnath For three women, a


NEW DELHI: In a one of its kind

nior IAS oicer G.K Dwivedi
for the online renewal of For-
eign Contributions Regula-
had spearheaded maximum
Digital India projects of the
government, including the
journey of liberation
move, all the 16 joint secre-
taries working in the Home
tion Act (FCRA) licence of
Islamic preacher Zakir
liberalisation of visa regime,
cracking down against un- on Chennai Mail
Ministry, met Home Minis- Naiks NGO. scrupulous NGOs among
ter Rajnath Singh on Tues- The oicers told the Min- others. AABHA ANOOP over a year in Mahila Mandi-
day to express concern ister that Mr. Dwivedi was DETAILS ON PAGE 13 ram before returning to her
against the suspension of se- one of the best oicers who KOZHIKODE: As the whistle blew country last year. As a poet
and the Chennai Mail moved and an artist, she published
out of Kozhikode railway sta- her anthology and exhibited
tion on Tuesday, it was the her paintings on her plight
end of a decade-long night- with help from Arm of Joy, an
mare for the three young NGO. The Bangladesh High
women. They sat gazing at Commission then inter-
the town rolling past, far away vened.
from their villages in Back home, she narrated
Bangladesh. her ordeal. The High Com-
They were in their teens mission contacted the NGO,
when they left home to and learned about 11 oth-
work as domestic er Bangladeshis
help in Mum- trapped in
bai a decade Kozhikode. Of-
ago. But in ficials visited
the big city, in January and is-
touts lured sued travel per-
them with mits to those
promises of stranded. But only
better jobs, seven men could
and sex traf- leave and not the
fickers snared women, since cases
them. They were pending.
were moved The NGO petitioned
from city to the State Human Rights
city, and did ILLUSTRATION: SREEJITH Commission, pointing
not even know R. KUMAR out that the victims were
the names of the being traumatised fur-
places. They were first taken ther, when the accused were
to Bengaluru and trained. free. Also, the police were yet
Refusal to cooperate invited to nab many of the accused.
threats and starvation, The Punarjani Lady Law-
though not physical violence. yers Initiative moved the
In Kozhikode, they were Kerala High Court demand-
caught by police. Once their ing the release of the women,
story unfolded, police real- who in turn wrote an open
ised that they were looking at letter to the Governor. The
a big sex traicking racket. High Commission procured
They were shifted to care aidavits stating that the
homes, but not allowed to women could appear via vid-
leave until the cases were eo conference before a court
prosecuted and traickers for their cases. The High
caught. Court ordered that they be
Nine years rolled by, before sent back home, a few weeks
their story could advance. A ago. In the last few days, it
Bangladeshi woman, Saya was emotional farewells from
(name changed), who had Mahila Mandiram friends
been rescued from sex traf- and a formal send-of by the
fickers in Kozhikode, spent city Corporation.


Girl from Pak. writes to CM for admission in school Sink or die, but return money: SC to Supertech
Madhu, a 16-year-old, has been struggling to get admission The SC told Supertech that it was not concerned whether it
in a Delhi government school for months now Page 5 sinks or dies, but it has to return money to investors Page 5

Drumming up support at JNU

Beating of daflis summed up the mood on campus on Tuesday
JAIDEEP DEO BHANJ of convenience. Defending
the February 9 incident, he
NEW DELHI: At one end of Jawa- said even the Supreme
harlal Nehru Universitys Court, in its judgment, had
Jhelum lawns, the daflis of said that making a strong
the united Left, with the ini- criticism of the government
tials AISA and SFI, beat in was not even defamatory let
newfound unison. At the alone seditious.
other end of the lawns was a
dafli played by supporters of #SaveMe
the Democratic Students Addressing supporters,
Federation (DSF). In the Janhawi Ojha, the ABVPs
centre, adding to the beat, presidential candidate, at-
was a dafli played by sup- tacked the #SaveJnu cam-
porters of Birsa Ambedkar paign carried out by the Left
Phule Students Association parties saying that the cry
(BAPSA) members. A small was not for #SaveJNU but
dafli carried by supporters CAMPUS TALK: Students campaigning during the debate by #SaveMe.
of National Students Union Jawaharlal Nehru University Students' Union aspirants on There was no charge of
of India (NSUI) lay in a cor- Tuesday. PHOTO: JAIDEEP DEO BHANJ sedition on JNU. JNU did not
ner, while the Akhil Bharati- get arrested and receive bail.
ya Vidyarthi Parishad show of strength organised Right have, for a number of It is was a section of students
(ABVP) did not bring any by various parties in the fray, years, had the same manifes- who were charged of sedi-
dafli at all. from Ganga dhaba to Chan- to and been promising mi- tion. The campaign was
drabhaga hostel. nority students that they will started not to save JNU, but
Mashaal juloos fight for them. to save those individual
The beating of drums and Fascist ABVP students.
their positioning summed A cross-section of stu- Marriage of convenience The united Left, in its cam-
up the mood on campus on dents believe that although However, she added, BAP- paign, attacked the ABVP for
Tuesday at the united gener- the Left has united to defeat SA does not need anybodys being hand-in-glove with the
al body meeting (UGBM), in what they refer to as a fas- help to fight for students administration in an attempt
which students standing for cist ABVP, the BAPSA can- rights as they can fight for to shrink democratic space
the post of vice-president, didates are posing a threat to themselves, bringing to light on campus, end the culture
general secretary and joint the Left unity by wooing mi- the struggles this year dur- of JNU and malign its name.
secretary were given seven nority voters and eating into ing the Justice for Rohith The JNUSU elections are
minutes each to make their their votes. campaign. scheduled for September 9.
campaign speech and reply At the UGBM, Aarti Rani Pratim Ghoshal, the lone The much-anticipated
to questions later. The Prajapati, the candidate for candidate on the central night-long presidential de-
UGBM was organised the the post of joint secretary, panel put up by the DSF, bate will begin from Tuesday
day after a mashaal juloos, a said both the Left and the called Left unity a marriage night onwards.

ABVP sends bulk messages to students

STAFF REPORTER Texts being sent on their parents and local not arise. An ABVP
guardians. member, who is also a
NEW DELHI: A number of numbers students While the Election former central panel
students of Jawaharlal listed when they Committee has been candidate, said the
Nehru University have notified about the bulk strategy to build a
taken to social media by
joined JNU, including messages being sent out, database of numbers has
uploading snapshots of parents numbers ABVP members said they been in the works for a
text messages they have used messaging platforms while and that they have
received from the Akhil The students alleged that allow one to send free built it on their own. The
Bharatiya Vidyarthi that the messages are bulk text messages so that member rubbished the
Parishad (ABVP), which is being sent on numbers the question of spending allegations that the
campaigning for the they listed when they in excess of the monetary database was shared with
upcoming JNU Students joined the university, restrictions laid out by the them by the
Union elections on Friday. including the numbers of Lyngdoh Committee does administration.

JNU to seek legal opinion on conducting opinion poll

STAFF REPORTER that the grievance redressal tions. It observed that noth-
panel will seek legal opinion ing had been mentioned re-
NEW DELHI: JNU student Ankit before taking a decision. garding conducting of an
Hans, who was banned from The panel has said that it opinion poll survey and
conducting an opinion poll had studied the Lyngdoh therefore they would be
ahead of the JNUSU elec- Committee recommenda- seeking legal opinion.
tions by the Election Com- tions along with the relaxa- Mr. Hans had said on that
mittee, received a reply from tion applied to JNU while he was conducting the poll
the Dean of Students stating conducting JNUSU elec- for his own research.



Sep 07,Wed Sep 08,Thu Sep 09,Fri
RISE 06 03 SET 18 36 RISE 06 03 SET 18 34 RISE 06 04 SET 18 33
RISE 11 01 SET 22 19 RISE 11 52 SET 23 00 RISE 12 43 SET 23 44

Three cops sacked for Boy kills girl after failed rape bid
STAFF REPORTER The victim resisted the
PWD engineer booked for rape

NEW DELHI: A 59-year-

girl at his home,
where she worked as
a maid.
The girl had walked

extorting Rs. 18 lakh NEW DELHI: Allegedly beaten up

by her brother for falling in
love with a youth, a 14-year-
old girl walked out of her
out of home after
being allegedly
thrashed by
rape bid and managed to
escape from the building.
Once outside, she threatened
to report the crime to the
police if the accused did not
old PWD executive
engineer posted at
Jodhpur House has
been booked for al-
legedly raping a mi-
Mahipal has been
booked under the
Protection of Chil-
dren Against Sexual
Ofences Act, said
The money was sought for solving a case of stolen jewellery home, only to be murdered her brother marry her. nor on Monday. Deputy Commission-
by an auto driver following a Accused Sunder er of Police (New Del-
STAFF REPORTER failed rape attempt, the thrashed her because of Acted in panic Lal Mahipal raped the hi) Jatin Narwal.
police said on Tuesday. which she walked out of her The police said the
NEW DELHI: Three Delhi Po- The accused, a 16-year-old home (on August 30), the juvenile had confessed to the
lice Special Cell oicers boy, has been apprehended oicer said. crime and claimed that he DELHI TODAY
have been dismissed from after investigations revealed The same evening, as she had panicked on being
service for allegedly ex- that his mobile phone was was walking around on the threatened about a police Talk: Maritime Archaeol- gam, at C.D. Deshmukh
torting money from a used by the victim on the day banks of the river Yamuna, case. ogy and Project Mausam: Auditorium, 6:30 p.m.
Reconnecting Across the
businessman for solving of the crime. the accused approached her So, he allegedly picked up Indian Ocean by Profes- Exhibition: Faith & Fan-
the case of his stolen jew- in his autorickshaw. a brick and repeatedly hit the sor Himanshu Prabha Ray, tasy, an exhibition of
ellery last week. Rebuked The girl decided to visit girl on her head until she Hony. Prof. Ludwig Maxi- paintings and sculptures,
milian University, Munich. at Open Palm Court Gal-
The girl lived in north-East some temples in the area, and died. He then dragged her lery, IHC, 11 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Huge loss Chairperson: Prof. Madhu
Delhis Khajuri Khas. She asked the driver if he would body to an empty plot of Bhalla, formerly of Delhi Exhibition: Main
Vijay Gupta, a jewellery was in love with a 20-year- take her in his vehicle. land, and fled. University, at Conference Dhoondh Raha Hoon, a
merchant, was going to- old youth in her locality, Dr. The accused, however, The body was found the Room - I, Main Building, In- photo panel show, at The
wards Vikas Marg on Au- A.K Singla, DCP (North- took her to an under- next day, and a murder case dia International Centre Japan Foundation, 5A Ring
(IIC), 6:30 p.m. Road, Lajpat Nagar IV, 11
gust 31 when he was alleg- East), told The Hindu. construction building in UPs registered at the local police Talk: Soda Politics: Tak- a.m. 7 p.m.
edly robbed of diamonds Recently, someone Loni, where he tried to force station in Ghaziabad. ing on Big Soda (and Win-
worth Rs. 2 crore. informed her brother about himself upon the girl, said Later, the Delhi Police took ning) by Marion Nestle, at Paintings: Our Worlds -
Three Special Cell oi- Amaltas Hall, IHC, 7 p.m. The Inner & The Outer Ex-
her love afair. He then Dr. Singla. over the investigation. hibition of paintings by
cersInspector Rahul Talk: Discussion on State
Amrita Ghosh and Subrata
Shahney, Sub-Inspector of Indias CSR & Business
Mete at Convention Cen-
Responsibility Report at
Nirbhay Rana and Consta- tre Foyer, 11 a.m. 7 p.m.
Lecture Room - I, Main
ble Ravinder Singh Bisht
got to know about the inci-
dent, and informed their
Ten arrested for murder 4 held for cheating Building, IIC, 4:30 p.m.
Music: Carnatic vocal re-
cital by Gayatri Girish from
Chennai, with Delhi R.
Screening: Of Spanish
film The Mushrooms
(2014/103mins) at IHC, 7
The latter, however, told
them that the case was not BIG BUSINESS: Diamonds worth Rs. 2 crore that were allegedly
over parking dispute STAFF REPORTER

NEW DELHI: In search of quick money,

Sridhar on violin and M.V.
Chandrashekar on mridan-
(Mail your listings for this column

a part of their charter and robbed on August 31. PHOTO: SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT STAFF REPORTER motorcyclists had then left the four call centre employees quit their
to share the information spot. jobs and went on to dupe around
with the East district jewels. he has been informed of NEW DELHI: Ten persons, including The men, however, soon re- 500 persons of more than Rs. 3 crore,
police. The detention of the the charges against him three juveniles, have been held turned with a mob that was alleg- the police said on Tuesday.
suspects under their cus- and given a reasonable op- for the murder of a man over a edly armed with knives and lath- The accused would dupe people
Against the rule tody was also illegal, said portunity of being heard parking dispute in central Del- is. They went about beating and on the pretext of ofering too-good-
The oicers, however, Special Commissioner of in respect of those his Paharganj on Friday. stabbing Dass friends before to-be-true returns on investments.
proceeded with the inves- Police (Special Cell) Ar- charges. The murder had happened fleeing the spot, said the police. The fraud came to light when one of
tigation of the case, and vind Deep. Mr. Deep said in the giv- around 10.30 p.m. near Bharat Four injured men, Bablu, Ajay, the men, posing as an insurance
nabbed two suspects a en case the grounds of dis- Juice Corner in Paharganj, close Rahul and Vinod, had to be company oicial, called up a retired
22-year-old man and a ju- Grounds of dismissal missal included gratifica- to the local police station. rushed to hospital, where Bablu government oicer and lured him to
venile. The oicers have been tion other than legal succumbed to injuries. invest money in various insurance
They then allegedly ex- dismissed under Article remuneration and insub- Bone of contention Parmaditya, DCP (Central dis- schemes with assured hefty returns.
torted money from Mr. 311 (2) of the Constitution, ordination. The problem had begun when trict), said, Based on the de- Subsequently, the victim handed
Gupta in exchange for the which deals with the dis- The oicer, however, three persons on a motorcycle scriptions of the accused provid- over five cheques worth about Rs. 2
missal, removal or reduc- said no legal action would had arrived at the juice shop, and ed by the victims, we launched a lakh. He later ended up transferring
No legal action will tion in rank of persons em- be initiated against the trio were looking to park on the road- door-to-door search in the area, more than Rs. 34 lakh in various
ployed in civil capacities as Mr. Gupta was not will- side. However, they were stop- said Mr. Parmaditya. The break- accounts.
be initiated against under the Union or a State ing to submit a written ped from parking by Sunil Dass, through arrived when the police Meanwhile, the Delhi Polices
the trio as the and states that no such complaint against them. the owner of a rickshaw garage. learnt that some of the killers crime branch has arrested two men
person as aforesaid shall When The Hindu spoke to An argument over that had would be assembling at Idgah who would promise loans through
robbery victim has be dismissed or removed Mr. Gupta, he denied pay- snowballed into a scule be- Park in the area on Monday. A private financiers, but would charge
denied paying bribe or reduced in rank except ing the bribe amount of tween the three motorcyclists trap was laid there, and the ac- heavily in the name of processing
after an inquiry in which Rs. 18 lakh. and Dass and his friends. The cused were nabbed. fee.

Published by N. Ram at Kasturi Buildings, 859 & 860, Anna Salai, Chennai-600002 and Printed by S. Ramanujam at HT Media Ltd. Plot No. 8, Udyog Vihar, Greater Noida Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar, U.P. 201306, on behalf of KASTURI & SONS LTD., Chennai-600002. Editor: Mukund Padmanabhan (Responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act).



Rainwater harvesting
NCW summons AAPs spokesperson
The action amounts to infringement of my fundamental right to express views freely, says Ashutosh
at DDA flyovers

NEW DELHI: With more than 70

spread cross the Capital, Del-
Flyovers are a big
catchment area for
rainwater, which will
hi is known as the city of
JATIN ANAND flyovers. Now, the Delhi De-
now be collected by
Sandeep Kumars velopment Authority (DDA) harvesting systems
NEW DELHI: Extremely upset is doing its bit to ensure that
at what it claimed were his ex-aide quizzed the flyovers it builds do not harvesting systems will have
irresponsible, misogynist, just become a feature of road to be developed with them.
disparaging views, the Na- STAFF REPORTER infrastructure but also help All our flyovers will have
tional Commission for in harvesting rainwater. rainwater harvesting sys-
Women (NCW) has sum- NEW DELHI: For the second con- The DDA is providing tems and for the new flyover
moned Aam Aadmi Party secutive day on Tuesday, the rainwater harvesting sys- projects we are undertaking,
spokesperson Ashutosh in Delhi police questioned the tems at all its upcoming rainwater harvesting sys-
relation to a recent blog former personal secretary of flyovers apart from retrofit- tems will be incorporated at
which he wrote in defence of dismissed Delhi Minister ting its existing ones. the construction stage itself,
sacked Delhi Minister Sand- Sandeep Kumar in connection The authority has appoint- said a senior DDA oicial,
eep Kumar. with the alleged leaking of the ed the Project Manager who didnt wish to be named.
According to the notice, sex video purportedly featur- (flyover) as the nodal oicer At present, the DDA is pro-
which was sent to Mr. Ashu- ing Mr. Kumar. for these projects. viding rainwater harvesting
tosh on behalf of NCW Mr. Kumar has blamed Pra- While the flyovers are a systems at two of its flyovers:
chairperson Lalitha Kuma- veen, his childhood friend and big catchment area for rain Delhi-Rewari railway line
ramangalam, he must pre- a key aide, of blackmailing him water, it usually gets drained crossing of Pankha Road, and
sent himself at the Commis- and threatening to leak the out through storm water Dwarka flyover.
sions oice in Jasola here on video to tarnish his image. drains and is not collected. The DDA has already
Thursday at 11:30 a.m. Deputy Commissioner of The move comes after the floated tenders for construc-
Considering the gravity Police (Outer) Vikramjit directions from the National tion of rainwater harvesting
of the matter, you are hereby Singh told The Hindu that the Green Tribunal in August chambers below these flyov-
required to give an explana- custodial interrogation of Mr. last year where it had said ers to collect rain water.
tion for issuing such state- Kumar was done in the pres- that no government projects Apart from flyovers, the
ments that compromise the ence of Mr. Praveen and the will be approved unless it DDA has also installed rain-
status and dignity of wom- two were confronted about was stipulated in its tender water harvesting systems at
en, the notice said. the allegations made by the documents that rainwater many of its oice buildings.
The Commission said the former Minister.
notice was issued in re- He, however, did not di-
sponse to a very objection-
able and obnoxious article
published as blog on the RISING TEMPERS: Youth Congress workers protest on Tuesday against AAP leader Ashutosh for referring to the alleged
vulge further about the ques-
tions or whether any recover-
ies had been made so far.
HC stops Britannia from
website of a popular media
channel based in the Capital.
In the wake of Mr. Kumar
indiscretions by Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru while defending party MLA Sandeep Kumar, who has been embroiled
in a scandal after a sex tape emerged last week. The BJP also carried out a demonstration against the 'misdeeds' of the AAP at
Khajuri Chowk where an effigy of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal was burnt. PHOTO: SUSHIL KUMAR VERMA
Mr. Praveen had earlier
been called for questioning on
Monday but was recalled
using similar packaging
being sacked from the Wom- again as the police had to cor- AKANKSHA JAIN Britannia was using
en and Child Development
and Social Welfare portfo-
lios after a CD containing vi-
and not that of the AAP.
Even as the woman in the
purported sex tape ap-
whelming majority. Period.
They will fail again !! (Sic.)
he said in a tweet.
AAP womens wing files roborate some more facts.
So far he had not been
named in any case while Mr.
NEW DELHI: The Delhi High
Court on Tuesday directed
yellow and blue
packaging for its
suals of him sexually ex-
ploiting a woman surfaced,
proached the local police to
file a criminal case against
In successive tweets dur-
ing the day, the AAP leader complaint in Punjab Kumar faced charges of rape
as the woman allegedly seen
Britannia Industries Limited
to phase out the existing
biscuits, similar to
ITCs product
Mr. Ashutosh had written a the Sultanpur Majra MLA had termed the notice and in the video accused him of stocks of Nutri Choice Zero
blog titled The Sex was and alleged that she was sex- infringement of his funda- CHANDIGARH: The chief of the ter Mr. Sehrawat wrote a let- raping her on the pretext of Digestive biscuits, which
Consensual, Private Act. ually exploited after being mental right to free speech Aam Aadmi Partys (AAP) ter to Delhi Chief Minister getting a ration card for her. come in yellow and blue next to each other, they are
Why AAP sacked its man. drugged, the AAP decided comparing it to a symptom Punjab womens wing Baljin- Arvind Kejriwal, alleging packet, which the court indistinguishable to the un-
The party had, however, to suspend him from the pri- of the country having been der Kaur on Tuesday filed a that women were being ex- Legal opinion found to be deceptively simi- wary customer.
distanced itself from his mary membership of the converted to a fascist state complaint with the State ploited in return for tickets Police sources said they lar to the packaging of ITCs While ITCs biscuit was
views terming them his own party. stating, Who has given Women Commission (SWC) to fight Punjab Assembly were seeking legal opinion 'Sunfeast Farmlite Digestive launched in February, 2016,
right to NCW to muzzle my against the partys Delhi polls due next year. about whether to file a sepa- - All Good' biscuit, both the variant of nutria choice
Attempt to muzzle voice?? Is there emergency MLA Devinder Sehrawat, al- A delegation led by Ms. rate case against Mr. Praveen products being aimed at biscuit under question was
The author and former in the country that I need to leging he was defaming the Kaur, who is also the AAPs based on Mr. Kumars state- health conscious consumers. launched by Britannia in July,
journalist took to Twitter seek permission from govt women in the State. candidate from Talwandi Sa- ment or to name him in the A bench of Justice S. Mura- 2016.
claiming that the NCW no- and NCW ?? bo, met Ms. Landra and filed same case registered under lidhar issued the interim in- Packaging of both the bis-
Why so much attack tice was an attempt to muz- Mr. Ashutosh argued in DGP probe a formal complaint against Sections 376 (rape) of the IPC junction restraining Britan- cuits is a combination of yel-
on AAP? because zle him, amounted to an another tweet that register- Meanwhile, taking suo the Delhi legislator. as well as Sections 66E (viola- nia from using the packaging low and blue with claims of
AAP is winning infringement of his funda- ing police cases against him motu cognisance of media Ms. Kaur said she was hurt tion of privacy) and 67A (pub- in its current form, especial- No Sugar, No Maida'', mak-
mental right to express his was an infringement on his reports about exploitation after reading Mr. Sehrawats lishing sexually explicit con- ly with colour combination ing them deceptively similar,
Punjab with over- views freely and was in re- fundamental right to free- of women as claimed by Mr. letter, which was an attempt tent) of the Information of yellow and blue, till the found the court.
whelming majority. taliation to the AAPs politi- dom of expression mandat- Sehrawat, the SWC on Tues- at defaming the women of Technology Act, 2000. Mr. Ku- pendency of the suit. The bench said Britannia
Period. They will fail cal prospects in Punjab ed by Babasahebs day asked the Director Gen- Punjab. mar purportedly claimed that The court was deciding a could adopt any other colour
where Assembly elections constitution. eral of Police (DGP) to inves- Sehrawat made an at- he had handed over his phone suit initiated by ITC Limited combination or retain yellow
again... Who has are due early next year. The Atmosphere is created tigate the matter. tempt to deliberately under- to Mr. Praveen who leaked the seeking interim injunction but replace blue from its
given right to NCW Hindu made several unsuc- whr critical analysis of his- The allegations are seri- mine the image of women by video. against Britannia from using packaging while holding that
cessful multiple attempts to tory not allowed, freedom of ous and should be properly accusing honest and dedicat- Mr. Singh, however, said the packaging for Nutri a market leader like Britan-
to muzzle my voice? contact Mr. Ashutosh. expression will be crushed, investigated, Punjab SWC ed AAP leaders without any that will depend on whether Choice Zero Digestive Bis- nia can eat into the market
Ashutosh Why so much attack on voice of dissent suppressed Chairperson Paramjit Kaur evidence, Ms. Kaur said and the blackmailing allegations cuit, which it said is an imita- share of a relatively smaller
AAP leader AAP? because AAP is win- (Sic.) he said in another Landran said. demanded strict legal action made by Mr. Kumar are sub- tion of ITC's packaging for player like ITC by adopting a
ning Punjab with over- tweet. The actions come a day af- against Mr. Sehrawat. PTI stantiated. Sunfeast Farmlite Digestive deceptive variant of the
All Good and when placed packaging.

Child sex ratio improves Swapan Mukherjee

passes away
Man dies of malaria at Safdarjung Indian Hotels
challenges HC
in Gautam Budh Nagar NEW DELHI: Senior CPI-ML
(Liberation) leader Swapan
Mukherjee, who played a

NEW DELHI: Yet another death

due to malaria has been re-
order on Taj
Mansingh auction
DAMINI NATH major role in organising the ported in the city, a 30-year-
party and its campaigns, died old man identified as Pra- STAFF REPORTER
NOIDA: The next Census may in Chandigarh early on Tues- veen Sharma died of the vec-
bring some good news for day after a heart attack. tor-borne disease at NEW DELHI: The Delhi High
Noida if the improvement in The 63-year old CPI-ML Safdarjung Hospital on Sun- Court on Tuesday directed
the sex ratio at birth seen in (Liberation) Polit bureau day. Tests conducted at the the New Delhi Municipal
the past year continues till member passed away around hospital confirmed malaria. Council (NDMC) not to take
2021, the district administra- 4:15 a.m. at a party col- The deceased underwent any precipitative action
tion here is hoping. leagues residence in Chan- treatment at the Max Super against the Taj Mansingh
According to the Gautam digarh where he had gone for Specialty Hospital in East Hotel, which had appealed
Budh Nagar district adminis- a meeting, the party said. Mr. Delhi and was referred to the against the single judges or-
tration, from September 2015 Mukherjee is survived by his Safdarjung Hospital on Sep- der allowing the civic agency
till July 2016, the sex ratio at wife, a son and a daughter. tember 2 when his condition to auction the property.
birth, which is the number of Lauding Mr. Mukherjee, who deteriorated. A bench of Justices Pra-
female babies born per 1,000 was in charge of CPI-ML Doctors said Mr. Sharma deep Nandrajog and Pratib-
male babies, saw an increase. (Liberation)s units in Delhi, succumbed to the disease on AWARE: A hoarding at a bus stop informs commuters on ways ha Rani also allowed the In-
As per the National Heath Punjab, Chandigarh, Maha- Sunday night. to prevent dengue. PHOTO: SHIV KUMAR PUSHPAKAR dian Hotels Company Ltd
Mission, Uttar Pradesh, the rashtra and Odisha, the party On the very first day it- (IHCL), which runs the ho-
sex ratio at birth from April described him as a brilliant self, the hospital confirmed so far this year. Four deaths deaths with the total number tel, to strengthen its appeal
to September 2015 was 845 party organiser. that my son was sufering have been recorded due to of cases recorded at 15,896. by including crystallised
girls per 1,000 boys. From Mr. Mukherjee had stud- from malaria. Doctors tried dengue this year. Last week, the Cabinet grounds to challenge the sin-
April to July 2016, the ratio ied at Kirorimal College in but could not save him, Mr. The city reported 284 new Secretary had directed Cen- gle judge order while ques-
went up to 884 girls per 1,000 Delhi University in the early Sharmas father Rewati Pra- dengue cases and 184 new tre, State and municipal tioning the urgency IHCL
boys. 1970s, when he was inspired sad Sharma said. cases of chikungunya in the health authorities to increase had shown in challenging
District Magistrate N.P. by the Naxalbari struggle to The city has witnessed 711 past week. Delhi had last public awareness for preven- Mondays order.
Singh said on Tuesday that join the Marxist-Leninist dengue cases and 560 cases year recorded 60 dengue tion of the diseases. India is not a banana re-
awareness programmes and movement. public and the NDMC would
strict action against illegal His body was brought here not have seized a functioning
diagnostic centres that aided from Chandigarh on Tues- hotel, the bench remarked.
sex determination
helped in improving the sex
ratio at birth.
had day and will be cremated
Wednesday afternoon, the
party said. PTI
Dont take action against cab On Monday, a single judge
had dismissed IHCLs suit
seeking renewal of licence.
We cracked down on un-
authorised ultrasound cen-
tres and reached out to com-
firms till panels report: HC The judge had upheld
NDMCs decision to go for
munities to spread
awareness about the need for
NGT fines Jal Board AKANKSHA JAIN Please stay out till the formulating a uniform policy.
We expect your (IHCL)
people to strengthen it. By
improving the sex ratio, said Sector-22 was sealed and a levels of child sex ratio, STAFF REPORTER matter is pending. Trust While directing the gov- Friday you give your crystal-
Mr. Singh. notice was issued to the which is the number of girls NEW DELHI: With Uber com- them. They (cab players) are ernment not to take any coer- lised grounds. They will
owner. At a pathology lab at per 1,000 boys aged between NEW DELHI: Slapping a fine of plaining of its cabs being following your directions, cive action for the time being, have to go to you and give
Ultrasound centres Shyam Nagar in Greater Noi- zero to six years. Rs. 2,000 on the Delhi Jal challaned or confiscated for said the bench. the bench had expressly you notice before any action
In February 2015, the dis- da, a portable machine was As per the 2011 Census, the Board, the National Green not using calibrated meters, The Delhi government stated that action has to be is taken. They are not going
trict had 198 registered ultra- being used for ultrasound. It child sex ratio in Gautam Tribunal pulled up the De- the Delhi High Court on told the court that oral direc- taken if the cab companies to do it overnight. The estate
sound centres. was sealed and an FIR Budh Nagar district was 843, partment for not filing its re- Tuesday told the AAP gov- tions have been given to the dishonour their undertaking oicer and the NDMC peo-
From February 2015 till lodged at the Dankaur police while Uttar Pradesh record- sponse on a plea alleging that ernment not to take any coer- transport department oi- given in the court by indulg- ple are here, nothing will
September 2016, the admin- station. ed a child sex ratio of 902. the Delhi Metro was extract- cive action against the app- cials to not take any coercive ing in surge pricing. happen. They are reasonable
istration conducted a total of Meanwhile, the district au- The sex ratio at birth cou- ing groundwater to wash based aggregators till the ex- action against such cabs for The court had on August 11 people, the court said.
170 inspections at ultrasound thorities said they carried pled with the mortality rate trains, despite having sub- pert panel comes out with a the time being, considering directed the app-based cab The property, owned by
centres, which led to the clo- out sensitisation pro- decides the sex ratio of the mitted to do so in a few days, uniform policy to regulate the matter is before the court. aggregators not to indulge in the NDMC, was given to
sure of many illegal ones. grammes for radiologists entire population. As of 2011, a fortnight ago. such companies. Ola and Uber had told the surge pricing post August 22 IHCL on a lease for 33 years
As of now, the district is and gynaecologists. Regular the districts sex ratio was The NGT was hearing a A bench of Justice Manmo- court that their vehicles were and to abide by the city taxi ending 2011. The company
left with 159 registered ultra- awareness drives were also 851, much lower than the na- plea filed by one Kush Kalra, han asked the government to being challaned only at the scheme. was given nine temporary
sound centres. held for ASHA and anganwa- tional sex ratio of 940. who had alleged that the Del- stay out during the penden- behest of their competitors It had also directed a spe- extensions.
On June 15, there were sur- di workers. Mr. Singh said he hoped hi Metro Rail Corporation cy of the matter before it and while the government had cial committee, set up by the In January, the NDMC said
prise inspections and raids at While the improvement of with the increasing sex ratio was extracting groundwater while the special panel is been contending that such Centre, to examine all issues it was in the process of as-
ultrasound centres and pa- sex ratio at birth is good at birth in the next few years instead of using wastewater working on formulating a companies cannot claim im- relating to existing permits sessing the assets of the hotel
thology labs in Noida. One news, the district still lags the number would go up to to wash its trains, resulting in policy to regulate such cab munity merely because a given to taxis and cab in preparation for its much-
such ultrasound centre in behind the State and national 920. depletion of the water table. companies. special panel was working on aggregators. delayed auction.


Pakistani girl writes to CM

for admission in school
Sink or die, but return money: SC to Supertech
Counsel for Supertech said the apex court cannot act like a banker
NEW DELHI: Madhu, a 16-year- NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court to 17 home buyers, who are be- He said 628 people had ap- were built in green area in vio-
old girl, has been struggling on Tuesday gave a stern fore the court, within four proached the company, of lation of the sanctioned plan.
to get admission in a Delhi message to Supertech saying weeks. It asked Supertech to whom 274 sought alternate ar- On July 27, the court had
government school for the it was not concerned whether furnish a chart of payments rangements, 74 asked for re- asked NBCC to visit the site
past several months now. the real estate major sinks or made to 17 of them on the next investment and 108 sought re- and submit a report on the al-
The school has refused to dies, but it has to return date of hearing. fund. To this, the Bench asked leged violations. It had ob-
enrol her in Class IX as she money to the investors. Senior advocate Rajeev why Supertech was not giving served that the home buyers
does not have the necessary Either you [Supertech] Dhawan, appearing for Super- back the money to all the in- should not be made to sufer
documents required to com- sink or die, we are not con- tech, said the apex court can- vestors. Mr. Dhawan said on account of ongoing litiga-
plete the formalities. Madhu cerned. You will have to pay not act like a banker and has there was a court order saying tion and their money should
says its impossible for her to Madhu back the money to home to follow principle of equality. only those who have applied be refunded if they want them.
arrange for those papers now buyers. We are least bothered Not all home buyers are on time will get the money Earlier, it had directed the
as she left them in Pakistan When we went to the gov- about the financial status, a against us and some of them back and it was paying back company to deposit Rs. 5 crore
from where she and her fam- ernment school in Bhatti Bench of Justices Dipak Mis- have even supported the firm the money to them. Counsels in its Registry as part of refund
ily, a Hindu minority, fled re- mines, they told us she was ra and Adarsh Kumar Goel and filed an appeal against the for home buyers refuted Su- to homebuyers for the project
ligious persecution two overage. Then they asked said when it was pointed out High Court order, he said, pertechs claim and said they in which the Allahabad High
years ago. for a transfer certificate, but that some builders have said adding there is a diference were not getting the money on Court had ordered demolition
She has now appealed to we had left the same in Pakis- they had no funds to pay back between Unitechs case and time. The apex court also of the twin towers Apex and
Chief Minister Arvind Kejri- tan. The school then asked the home buyers. us. They did not have a build- asked the NBCC to submit its Ceyane in Noida and di-
wal for accommodating her for her Aadhaar card. When The court directed Super- ing while we have a building report by October 25, after in- rected Supertech to refund RELIEF FOR BUYERS: The court asked NBCC to submit its report
in the government co-ed se- we got that made, they asked tech to pay 10 per cent per and funds invested with us specting Supertechs Emerald money to homebuyers with 14 after inspecting Supertechs Emerald Towers to ascertain
nior secondary school in for some other documents as month of the invested have been used for construc- Towers to ascertain whether per cent interest in three whether the two 40-storey buildings were built in violation of
Sanjay Colony, a place which she is still a Pakistani refu- amount from January 5, 2015, tion of structure. the two 40-storey buildings months. PTI the sanctioned plan. FILE PHOTO: PTI
she now calls home. gee, said Jevar.
Madhu had arrived in Del- Madhu approached advo-
hi with her mother, siblings, cate and social activist Ash-
maternal uncle and her cou- ok Agarwal with her griev-
sins two years ago from Pun- ance. His All India Parents DEATH
jab in Pakistan. Her father Association has now written ANNIVERSARIES
passed away long ago. to the Chief Minister asking
She was studying in Class him to take a re-look at the
X in Pakistan at the time they norms that come in the way
decided to move to India. of education of such DEATH
Her life as a student in Pakis- children.
tan was no normal afair. In It is submitted that edu-
school, she felt unsafe and cation is an important aspect
humiliated. Being a Hindu, of right to life and she and
she was not allowed to use other such children who had
glass to drink water and to discontinue their educa-
would rather use her hands tion because of circumstanc-
for the purpose. Her teachers es, must be accommodated
maintained distance from in the school education sys-
her, said her uncle Jevar tem by suitably modifying/
who used to run a brick kiln relaxing the rules and Disclaimer: Readers are requested to verify &
in Pakistan. regulations. make appropriate enquiries to satisfy
themselves about the veracity of an adver-
tisement before responding to any published in
this newspaper. Kasturi & Sons Limited, the IN MEMORIAM
Publisher & Owner of this newspaper, does not

Kanhaiya challenges penalty vouch for the authenticity of any advertisement

or advertiser or for any of the advertisers pro-
ducts and/or services. In no event can the
Owner, Publisher, Printer, Editor, Director/s,
Employees of this newspaper/company be
STAFF REPORTER enquiry committee (HLEC) held responsible/liable in any manner
set up to look into issues con- whatsoever for any claims and/or damages for
advertisements in this newspaper.
NEW DELHI: Terming the penal- cerning the February 9 event,
ty imposed on him by JNU during which anti-India slo-
over his alleged anti-national gans were allegedly raised on
speech as incorrect, JNU JNU campus.
Students Union president Besides Mr. Kumar, seven
Kanhaiya Kumar on Tuesday other JNU students have also
told the Delhi High Court challenged the appellate au-
that the university should thoritys order.
not fight with its students. The court fixed for Sep-
He told a Bench of Justice tember 8 the matter of the
Sanjeev Sachdeva that the student whose hostel facility
penalty requiring him to give was ordered to be
an undertaking not to in- withdrawn.
dulge in similar events and
abide by the rules, besides
paying a fine of Rs.10,000,
was completely incorrect.
I [Kanhaiya] am a politi-
cal activist and the penalty
imposed upon me is com-
pletely incorrect. A universi-
ty of this stature is fighting
with its students like this,
his counsel Rebecca John
said. The Bench issued a no-
tice to JNU over the same.
Mr. Kumar told the court
that the appellate authority
had wrongly recorded in its
order that he had not an-
swered the questions,
whereas he had specifically
denied allegations levelled
against him by a high-level





















Ahead of Bakrid,
spotlight on
gau rakshaks
HAL tests light utility chopper Countdown begins
for GSLV-F05 launch
The three-tonne, eight-seater helicopter is expected to replace the ageing Chetaks and Cheetahs SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT ic upper stage as its fourth
STAFF REPORTER stage, would place the satel-
SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT ALH and LCH [Advanced CHENNAI: The 29-hour count- lite, weighing 2,211-kg in the
HYDERABAD: Mustafa Qureshi Light Helicopter and the down for the launch of Indi- Geostationary Transfer Or-
is a troubled man. On July 27, BENGALURU: The Light Utility Light Combat Helicopter]. an Space Research Organisa- bit (GTO).
two trucks carrying 44 bulls Helicopter (LUH), under de- Apart from replacing the tion (ISRO)s GSLV-F05
belonging to him were re- velopment for the armed ageing fleet of Cheetah and rocket, carrying the IN- 10th flight
portedly stopped by gau forces, had its first outing in Chetak, the LUH is expected SAT-3DR advanced weather GSLV-F05 would be the
rakshaks at Patancheru. His the Bengaluru skies on to capture a sizeable share in satellite, is scheduled to tenth GSLV flight.
cattle was seized and sent to Tuesday. domestic and international commence at 11.10 a.m. on On being placed in the in-
the Ziaguda cow shelter. On It was a technical flight to markets." Wednesday at the Satish tended orbit, INSAT-3DR
September 3, another set of test its features. The LUH Dhawan Space Centre in would use its own propul-
28 bulls which were brought flew for 15 minutes just after 350 km range Sriharikota. sion system to reach its final
to the city were seized by the noon, said an oicial of Hin- HALs Chief Test Pilot for According to the national geosynchronous orbital
police at a checkpost near dustan Aeronautics Ltd, helicopters, Wing Com- space agency, the Mission home and will be stationed at
Chotuppal and sent to the which is developing the mander (retd) Unni Pillai, Readiness Review Commit- 74 deg East longitude, ISRO
same cow shelter. light, three-tonne, six-to- and test pilot Anil Bhambha- tee and the Launch Author- said.
As it is, I was running in eight-seater chopper. ni flew the aircraft. isation Board have cleared The advanced weather sat-
circles at the Sangareddy Civil variants of the LUH the countdown. elliteis expected to provide a
court to get the bulls that Large defence demand can also be used for ferrying variety of meteorological
were caught in July released. With the Cheetah and VVIPs, as air ambulance, for Liftof on Thursday services to the country.
And now, just 10 days before Chetak helicopters ageing, A MILESTONE: Hindustan Aeronautics Limited conducted a technical flight of its Light Utility policing and to search, res- As per the schedule, the GSLV-F05 vehicle is con-
Bakrid, I lost more animals the three Forces are said to Helicopter in Bengaluru on Tuesday. cue and evacuate people. GSLV-F05 rocket will lift of figured with all its three
which I was bringing to Hyd- need 200-400 of this class for The LUH can seat six pas- from the Second Launch Pad stages including the CUS
erabad for slaughter, said a surveillance, reconnais- Force have indicated that them at its upcoming heli- ginning for prototype testing sengers and two crew. It has a of the Satish Dhawan Space similar to the ones success-
distraught Mustafa. In both sance, quick response, spe- they would possibly order copter complex in Tumaku- of LUH, HAL said. This is range of 350 km and is pow- Centre at 4.10 p.m. on fully flown during the previ-
cases, he said, he was booked cial operations and 187 of these helicopters from ru in about two years. the third indigenous helicop- ered by the HAL-Safran HE Thursday. ous GSLV-D5 and D6 mis-
for carrying more animals evacuations. HAL. The event marks an im- ter product [to come out of] Ardiden-1U engine, HAL The rocket, with the indig- sions in January 2014 and
than permitted. The Army and the Air HAL expects to produce portant and significant be- the stables of HAL after the said. enously developed cryogen- August 2015, ISRO added.
Once the animals go to
the shelters, there is no tell-
ing how they will be treated.
I have to pay the shelter
Rs.250 a day per animal since
The case of three missing zeros Mexico sets up first consulate in south India
the time of the seizure, Mus- LEGAL CORRESPONDENT Written copy of SC The application had con-
tafa said. Although he has tended that the State had not SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT Situated in Chennai,
faced similar problems earli- NEW DELHI: The Tamil Nadu order on Cauvery said even received the 10 daily/
er, the situation has escalated government on Tuesday 15 cusecs of water monthly releases of Cauvery CHENNAI: Mexico has set up its it is the Latin
to unseen levels now, he made an urgent mention in
instead of 15,000, water for the months from first consulate in south India American countrys
claimed. the Supreme Court, 24 hours June 1 to August 19, 2016, in Chennai that will cater to
which was rectified Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnata-
third consulate
According to cattle trad- after the apex court ordered causing a cumulative short-
ers, gau rakshaks act of stop- neighbouring Karnataka to fall of 50.052 tmcft at ka, Andhra Pradesh and Te- in India
ping trucks carrying cattle is release 15,000 cusecs of live. It had advised Karnata- Billigundulu. langana. This is the Latin
highlighted only around Bak- Cauvery water for a period of ka to take steps to release The application had American countrys third next few months, with Exter-
rid, but the problem persists 10 days to feed its parched Cauvery water to distressed sought the apex courts inter- consulate in India, with the nal Afairs Minister Sushma
throughout the year. agricultural lands in the in- Tamil Nadu to help the latter vention to ensure that Kar- other two being in Mumbai Swaraj likely to visit the La-
The police on the city terest of justice. continue to exist as an nataka adhered to the stipu- and Kolkata, Mexicos Am- tin American nation, and a
outskirts are cooperative. The reason: the written entity. lated release of Cauvery bassador to India, Melba Pria conclave of FICCI and CII in
But we face problems while copy of Mondays order The court noted that Ta- water in accordance with the said. Mexico over the course of
getting cattle into the city showed only 15 cusecs of mil Nadu has sufered water 2007 tribunal order for the The Ambassador said the the next two months.
from other districts or out- water instead of 15,000 cu- deficit for three straight remaining months, starting country was exploring Free While around 50,000 Indi-
skirts. It is highlighted dur- secs. In an urgent mention- months over June, July and from August 20, 2016, in the Trade Agreement with India. ans visited Mexico in 2015,
ing Bakrid, said Hashim Qu- ing before a Bench of Justice August this year. irrigation year of 2016-2017. Ramkumar Varadarajan, Melba Pria, Mexico's Ambassador to India, and Ramkumar about 15,000 Mexicans visit-
reshi, vice-president, Dipak Misra, senior advocate Tamil Nadu had sought the This would at least protect Managing Director, Shri Go- Varadarajan, Honorary Consul of Mexico for Southern India, at ed India, Ms. Pria said.
Jamiatul Quresh. for Tamil Nadu Subramoni- apex courts intervention to the interests of Tamil Nadus vindaraja Textiles, has been a press conference in Chennai. PHOTO: V. GANESAN She added that an increas-
Police oicials said strict um Prasad brought the cleri- release 50.052 tmcft of Cauv- farmers dependent on the appointed Honorary Consul. ing number of Mexicans
orders had been given to en- cal error to the notice of the ery water from Karnatakas Cauvery. Bilateral trade between time, Mexico had overtaken dia programme, adding that were touring India and the e-
sure that gau rakshaks did court, which immediately reservoirs. It had accused The application had also the two countries is about $7 Brazil as the top destination there were possibilities to visa scheme introduced by
not take the law into their agreed to rectify the mistake. Karnataka of diverting pre- sought a direction to Karna- billion. It has grown nearly of Indias exports to Latin produce good quality prod- the Indian government was
hands. The decision to direct cious river water meant to be taka to make good the 25 400 per cent since 2004. Al- America. Indias exports to ucts and network through an advantage.
No vigilante group can Karnataka to part with 15,000 a lifesaver for Tamil Nadus tmcft of water at Billigundu- most half of our export to In- Mexico were $2.8 billion in the local markets. The Consulate in Chennai
function. Checkposts have cusecs of water for the stipu- farmers during distress years lu out of the shortfall of 50 dia is oil, Ms. Pria said at a 2015-16. South Asia and South would serve as a liaison with
been set up in all surround- lated period came shortly af- for undeclared projects in vi- tmcft within the next 10 days, press conference ahead of East Asia are becoming im- the business community in
ing districts of Hyderabad, ter the apex court urged Kar- olation of the final orders of so that samba cultivation can the inauguration of the High-level visits portant markets, she said. south India and cater to the
said Akun Sabharwal, DIG, nataka to embrace the the Cauvery Water Disputes commence in Tamil Nadus Consulate. Ms. Pria said Mexico was A number of high-level increasing number of Mexi-
Hyderabad Range. principle of live and let Tribunal in 2007. Cauvery basin. She said that for the first interested in the Make in In- visits are expected over the cans visiting the region.



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PM to celebrate Women condemn School says wrong

birthday in
Saddened at chaos in Aam AIMPLB stand on
triple talaq constable got credit

AHMEDABAD: With an eye on

the Assembly polls in his
Aadmi Party, says Hazare
Anti-corruption crusader says he had warned Kejriwal to ensure against

NEW DELHI: Bebaak Collective --

a womens movement plat-
for saving students
STAFF REPORTER Head Constable Murari Lal
form -- on Tuesday empha- was standing away from the
home State next year, Prime
Minister Narendra Modi is expedient politics sised on acknowledgement
of womens rights in society
NEW DELHI: The Faridabad
school, seventy of whose stu-
troubled area. The police re-
lease had no mention of Con-
set to celebrate his 66th which are otherwise con- dents were caught in a flood- stable Kishan and had named
birthday in Navsari, Gujarat, SHOUMOJIT BANERJEE eep Kumar scandal trolled on the pretext of one ed road on August 31, has only Assistant Sub Inspector
on September 17 among the shameful. or the other reason for pro- questioned the Delhi Po- Chokhe Lal, another PCR
disabled. PUNE: Veteran anti-corruption tecting women, and con- lice's claims on the heroic ef- staf, as the man who was
According to sources, crusader Anna Hazare on Breaks silence demned the recent stand of forts put in by its Head Con- there.
around 10,000 persons with Tuesday said the hope with In the past, Mr. Hazare, the All India Muslim Person- stable Murari Lal who Murari Lal himself had
disability will assemble at which he had looked at Ar- while expressing hope at Mr. al Law Board (AIMPLB) per- purportedly rescued 16 chil- made a mention of Kishan
the function in Navsari. vind Kejriwals foray into Kejriwals ascension as Delhi taining to abolition of triple dren on his own. while talking to The Hindu
This will be the Prime politics had eroded. Chief Minister in February talaq. Talking to The Hindu, and had said that too had
Ministers third visit to his Following the reports of 2015, has refused to be drawn We, as part of womens Meenakshi Jetley, a teacher joined the rescue eforts. Ms.
home State in less than 35 corruption and scandal buf- into the AAPs subsequent movement and practising of Eicher School who Jetley, however, said that the
days. feting the AAP, Mr. Hazare, internal turmoil. He had feminists working with Mus- claimed to be on the spot schools objection was to the
He came here on Inde- regarded by Mr. Kejriwal as maintained a studied silence lim community and the when the incident happened, number of students saved by
pendence Day to pay hom- his spiritual mentor, had by refusing to comment on women of the community for said that the credit was exag- Mr. Lal, as claimed.
age to Swaminarayan sects sharp words for his former matters political, including years in India, condemn the gerated and misplaced and I was the first respon-
Pramukh Swami who passed protg, contrary to his cus- the ousting in April 2015 of recent aidavit posed by All Murari Lal saved just one dent. Constables Satbir and
away recently. tom of not speaking on poli- AAP leaders Yogendra Yadav India Muslim Personal Law child. Rati Ram and Head Consta-
Subsequently, on August tics within AAP. and Prashant Bhushan, who Board, Ms. Hasina Khan, She said it was another po- ble Murari Lal joined later. I
30, he came to inaugurate a were the founders of the Ms. Roshni Rina, Ms. Geeta liceman, Kishan, who saved saved 31 children alone, said
pipeline-based irrigation Character of members Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal seen with Anna Hazare AAP. Thatra and Ms. Shirin Dalvi most of the children and she Constable Kishan.
scheme in water-starved I am very saddened to see during happier times. - FILE PHOTO: S. SUBRAMANIUM Likewise, Mr. Hazare had of Bebaak Collective said in a herself was witness to it. Asked for a response on
Saurashtra, where he said he that some of Arvinds col- ty MLA and Delhi Minister, called that he had cautioned adamantly refused to com- joint statement. Constable Kishan is posted the schools allegations, Ad-
would be visiting his home leagues have gone to jail, Sandeep Kumar, who has Mr. Kejriwal to ensure that ment on Kiran Bedis defec- We condemn the All India at Pul Prahladpur police ditional Deputy Commis-
State more frequently. while some others are in- been accused by a woman of the people joining his party tion from the AAP to the BJP Muslim Personal Law station. sioner of Police (PCR) R.K.
PM is coming to attend a dulging in fraud...I was hop- having raped her. were of sound character. in January 2015 prior to the Boards stand, which has The police had on Septem- Bansal (who had issued the
function in Navsari and he ing that he [Arvind] would I am very hurt. When he This should have been given Delhi elections. Similarly, come out in an aidavit - that ber 1 sent a press note claim- note) maintained that while
will also hold a rally of tribals set a diferent example for [Mr. Kejriwal) was with me, priority over expedient poli- while lauding Mr. Kejriwals abolition of triple talaq is ing that Murari Lal jumped the police did not deny the
in South Gujarat, a senior politics in India and give a he even wrote a book on tics or garnering of votes, massive mandate as Delhi (un)Quoranic and that Su- into the water and rescued 16 participation of others, in-
BJP leader said. diferent direction to the na- Gram this Gram he said. Chief Minister, Mr. Hazare preme Court has no right to children one by one from the cluding members of the pub-
However, oicials were tion, Mr. Hazare said, speak- Swaraj? The hope with had chosen not to attend his intervene in the religious law bus by carrying them on his lic, it was Murari Lal who set
not clear about his detailed ing from his home in Rale- which I was looking at him Shameful swearing-in ceremony. Mr. of the community. Whether shoulder and safely got the ball in motion and others
itinerary for September 17. gaon Siddhi in Ahmednagar [Mr Kejriwal] is over, the I had said this earlier also Bhushan, Mr. Kejriwal and the practice of unilateral tri- transferred in another bus at joined the eforts as well.
Mr. Modi usually starts his district. septuagenarian activist said, be it any party or leader, it Ms. Bedi were all prominent ple talaq is validated by reli- underpass in Pul Prahlad We stand by our claim of
birthday by visiting his His remarks were specifi- regretting the declining mor- is necessary to check if the members of Mr. Hazares In- gion or not is not our conten- Pur. Murari Lal saving 16 chil-
mother Heeraben in Gandhi- cally targeted at the chaos al credibility that the AAP people who join a party have dia Against Corruption tion, rather it is gender Ms. Jetley, however, dren, said Mr. Bansal. Mura-
nagar and has maintained within the AAP following the once had. a clean character, Mr. Ha- (IAC) movement prior to discriminatory and therefore claimed that most of the time ri Lal, too, said he had saved
this tradition for many years. furore over the arrest of par- Mr Hazare further re- zare said, terming the Sand- their plunge into politics. must be abolished, they said. during the rescue mission, 16 children.

2013 acid attack: Womens SC refuses to intervene in ED files charge sheet against LIC
plea against Lodha panel agent linked to Virbhadra Singh
court holds attacker guilty LEGAL CORRESPONDENT based on which the MCI
had recommended disap- SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT of an apple orchard and that
A man threw acid on Preeti Rathi, a nurse, at Bandra station NEW DELHI: The Supreme proval of their applications. the apples were sold to
Court on Tuesday declined The Committee was NEW DELHI: The Enforcement Chunni Lal Chauhan, owner
SONAM SAIGAL to intervene on allegations formed in May 2016 by a Directorate on Tuesday filed of Universal Apple Associ-
She had secured a raised by Vyapam whistle- Constitution Bench led by a charge sheet against an ac- ates.
MUMBAI: Three years after nursing job and just blower Dr. Anand Rai Justice Dave, which had in- cused arrested in connection According to the purport-
Preeti Rathi, a nurse, died of reached Mumbai from against the apex court-ap- voked the apex courts rare with the money laundering ed agreement, Mr. Chauhan
medical complications after pointed Oversight Commit- and extraordinary powers case against Himachal Pra- had to invest the proceeds
a man threw acid on her at New Delhi when she tee led by former Chief Jus- under Article 142 of the desh Chief Minister Virbha- from the sale of applies in
Bandra station, a special was attacked tice of India R.M. Lodha, Constitution to set up a dra Singh, his wife and LIC policies, mutual funds,
womens court on Tuesday accusing it of over-stepping three-member committee, others. government securities and
held Ankur Panwar, 24, contended that Panwar was its assigned job of monitor- headed by Justice Lodha, to The agency had arrested products ofered by sched-
guilty saying he threw acid guilty as Preeti had declined ing the work of Medical oversee the functioning of LIC agent Anand Chauhan in uled banks, and in return he
with the intention of causing his proposal for marriage. Council of India (MCI). the MCI for at least a year. Chandigarh on July 9 for al- would get two per cent com-
burns and committing Preeti Rathi The trial lasted for one- A Bench led by Justice The 165-page verdict had leged complicity in the case. Virbhadra Singh mission after deducting all
murder. and-a-half years during Anil R. Dave instead asked endorsed a Parliamentary It is alleged that he helped expenses on management of
The defence however ar- ous hurt by use of acid) of the which time the prosecution Rai to knock on the panels Standing Committee report Mr. Singh purchase life in- Following an Income-Tax the orchard.
gued that Preeti died due to Indian Penal Code. examined 37 witnesses, in- door with his grievances. of March 2016 that the med- surance policies in his name Department probe, which
medical negligence and Pan- Panwar, currently lodged cluding five eyewitnesses ical education and profes- and that of his family mem- found the declaration unten- False entry
war had not thrown acid at at the Arthur Road Jail, lived and 11 doctors. No fresh inspection sion in the country is at its bers, using unaccounted able, the CBI registered a However, according to the
her. near Preetis neighbourhood After the charges were The petition alleged that lowest ebb and sufering wealth of over Rs. 5 crore. case against him, his wife agencies, the original docu-
Preeti had secured a nurs- in Narela, Delhi. He has been read out on Tuesday, Panwar, the Committee overshot the from total system failure Mr. Chauhan is currently in and others in September last ment was never produced by
ing job at the INHS Asvini convicted for throwing acid who will soon be shifted to MCI and Health Ministrys due to corruption and judicial custody. year. Based on the CBI case, the accused persons. The
Hospital and had just reac- on Preeti and her family Kolhapur Central Prison, disapproval of hundreds of decay. the Directorate launched stamp paper shown to have
hed Mumbai from New Del- members as she apparently said, I do not plead guilty to applications made by medi- The Bench even called Farm income money laundering investiga- been used for the agreement
hi when acid was thrown at refused his proposal to mar- the charges. cal colleges without con- the petitioner, Mr. Anand Mr. Singh has been ac- tions and provisionally at- had allegedly been pur-
her. She died due to burns ry him. Preetis family has sought ducting any fresh inspec- Rai, to the front of the cour- cused of amassing about tached assets currently chased by someone else, a
and injuries a month later. Defence lawyer Apeksha death penalty for the ac- tion or assessment. troom to ask him about his Rs.10 crore of wealth dispro- worth Rs. 8 crore. false entry made in the re-
Special Judge Anju Shende Vora said Preeti died due to cused even as Panwars fam- It claimed that the panel, interest in the matter. portionate to his known Copy of a purported mem- cords and fake sale-purchase
at the City Civil and Sessions medical negligence. She said ily said they want the case to in August, granted recogni- When the latter broke sources of income when he orandum of understanding and transportation bills al-
Court convicted Panwar, a her client had been falsely be shifted to Central Bureau tion, allowed colleges to in- down in court, the Bench was Union Minister of Steel between him and Mr. Chau- legedly created.
chef with a premium hotel, implicated because he was of Investigation. The court crease student intake, and told him to not get emotion- between May 2009 and June han was furnished to the The Directorate has re-
under Section 302 (puni- arrested seven months after will hear arguments on the also extended the time al and said it just wanted to 2012. He later allegedly de- agencies to back the claim corded the statement of Mr.
shment for murder) and 326 the incident took place. quantum of his sentence on schedule, enabling colleges verify certain details from clared the amount as agricul- that the LIC agent had been Singhs wife Pratibha Singh
B (voluntarily causing griev- However, the prosecution Wednesday. to remove the deficiencies him. tural income. given the maintenance rights in connection with the case.

Former Hooda Anticipatory bail for IAF

aide ofers vital oicer in rape case
info on land scam
NEW DELHI: A Flying Oicer of There is no
CHANDIGARH: A senior Haryana the Indian Air Force has been
police oicial, who was de- granted anticipatory bail in a apprehension that
puted as security in-charge rape case lodged by his ex- he will hamper probe
at former Chief Minister lover, with a Delhi court say-
Bhupinder Singh Hoodas as he is not posted
ing there was no apprehen-
house, on Tuesday said he sion that he would hamper in Delhi, says court
can provide vital informa- the investigation as he was
tion on the alleged irregu- not posted in the national cal relations with the woman
larities in the acquisition of capital. from September 2013 to Ja-
land in Manesar and wrote to Additional Sessions Judge nuary 2016 by giving a false
the CBI in this regard. Shail Jain gave the relief to impression that she was mar-
I have written a letter to the defence oicer after not- ried to him.
the CBI director stating that I ing that there was no allega- Advocate Pradeep Rana,
was in the security at the tion that he had ever threat- who appeared for the oicer,
house of the then Chief Min- ened or forced the woman to sought anticipatory bail on
ister [Bhupinder Singh Hoo- establish physical relations the ground that the relation-
da] for several years and I with him. ship between the parties
was privy to many things Even during the argu- continued for nearly three
there, Haryana Deputy Su- ments before the court, pros- years during which they
perintendent of Police Desh- ecutrix had admitted that she stayed in diferent hotels.
bandhu said here. considered the accused to be He argued that it was no-
I wrote, if CBI wants, I am her husband and only there- where mentioned in the FIR,
ready to share information after the relationship was es- registered at the Tilak Nagar
and can help the agency in tablished between them. police station in West Delhi,
the probe. I will be the first Considering the fact that that the oicer established
person who can provide in- the applicant-accused is a physical relations with the
formation and even give wit- Flying Oicer [Indian Air woman by forcing or pres-
ness in this case [Manesar Force] working at Air Force suring her.
land scam], he said. Pune, there are no chances of The prosecution said the
The DSP, currently posted his evading the process of oicer and the woman met
at Haryana Vidyut Prasaran law or interfering in the ad- through social networking
Nigam Limited at Panchkula, ministration of justice or website and fell in love, but
said he had written the letter threatening the witnesses as when their families got to
last Saturday when the CBI he is not posted in Delhi, the know that they belonged to
conducted raids at the sever- court said. same village and community,
al locations. they refused to accept their
On September 3, the CBI Personal bond marriage.
carried out searches at sever- The judge said it was a fit The oicer claimed that
al locations, including the case for admitting the man to they had mutually decided to
residences of Mr. Hooda in anticipatory bail and granted end their relationship but
Rohtak, in the case of alleged the relief on his furnishing a when the woman came to
irregularities in acquisition personal bond for Rs. 50,000 know that the mans parents
of land in Manesar in Gur- and two sureties of like were looking for a matrimo-
gaon, in which farmers were amount. The prosecution nial match for him, she could
cheated to the tune of Rs. opposed the bail plea saying not accept it and lodged an
1,500 crore. - PTI the oicer established physi- FIR with the police. PTI


Obamas last sally for a safer world

The U.S. President is trying to upend his mixed nuclear record before he ends his term. A no-first-use policy
pronouncement by the U.S. could just be what it takes to leave a lasting nuclear legacy
Congress where it would have faced Repub- U.S. policy that countenances a first-use of
W E D N E S D AY , S E P T E M B E R 7 , 2 0 1 6 lican opposition. nuclear weapons (though under extreme
One of Mr. Obamas boldest decisions was circumstances) in response to even a con-
to visit Hiroshima earlier this year, becom- ventional attack, to a no-first-use (NFU) of
ing the first serving U.S. President to do so, nuclear weapons, implying nuclear retalia-
Return of the This year, the 71st session of the UN General
71 years after the city was destroyed by the
first nuclear bomb. Bypassing the debate
tion only in response to a nuclear attack. Of
the nine countries known to possess nuclear

Cauvery crisis Assembly will formally open in New York

on September 13 and over a fortnight, presi-
dents, prime ministers and foreign minis-
about whether his speech would be seen as
an apology, he called upon countries that
possess nuclear weapons to have the cour-
weapons, only China and India maintain an
NFU, though in 2003, India qualified its
NFU by expanding its right of nuclear retal-

ith the Southwest monsoon falling short ters will take the podium. There is wide- age to escape the logic of fear and pursue a iation to cover not just nuclear but also a
this season, the story of any other mon- spread speculation that this being U.S. world without them. chemical or biological weapon attack. All
soon-deficient year is being repeated: President Barack Obamas last plenary, he is others maintain a first-use policy. In recent
Tamil Nadu rushing to the Supreme Court citing considering an address that could have sig- Running into resistance years, there have been suggestions that Chi-
the crisis faced by its farmers, the court ordering re- nificant implications for U.S. nuclear policy Yet these achievements fall far short of nas growing concerns about U.S. conven-
lease of some water, and protests erupting in Kar- and for the global nuclear disarmament the promises of the Prague speech. The tional superiority might push it to review its
nataka. The reason for this endless cycle of sporad- agenda which has now remained frozen for CTBT (Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban NFU policy.
decades. Treaty) ratification, which Mr. Obama had Considering that the U.S. accounts for
ic litigation and ad hoc adjudication is that the two
Since Ben Rhodes, U.S. Deputy National promised to push through vigorously, con- more than 45 per cent of the worlds nuclear
States continue to avoid any mutual engagement to Security Adviser for Strategic Communica- tinues to languish. The Nuclear Security arsenal, enjoys overwhelming superiority in
share the shortfall during distress years. And there tions, announced on June 6, I can promise Summits created the buzz normally associ- conventional capabilities and a significant
is no permanent, independent mechanism to en- you today that President Obama is contin- ated with summitry but remained content technological advantage in cyber and space
sure this. The Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal, uing to review a number of ways he can ad- with shared best practices and voluntarily capabilities, less dependence on nuclear
which gave its award in 2007, has asked the parties vance the Prague agenda over the course of Only China and India maintain announced measures. weapons is not going to diminish its securi-
to share the deficiency on a pro rata basis. However, the next seven months. Put simply, our work Meaningful negotiations on nuclear is- ty. Further, a U.S. lead in this regard will cre-
a major problem in implementing this aspect is the is not finished on these issues, the White a no-first-use policy... A U.S. lead sues remain deadlocked. But most impor- ate a push for other nuclear weapon states to
absence of a Cauvery Management Board and a House has maintained a studied silence on for less dependence on nuclear tant, notwithstanding the careful wording in follow, generating momentum for a global
Regulatory Authority, which the Tribunal had the subject despite the debate under way in weapons will create a push for the 2010 NPR and 2013 Employment Strate- nuclear restraint regime.
the arms control community and among gy, there has been no significant shift in U.S. There are two groups of naysayers argu-
wanted created to oversee implementation. In- U.S. allies, especially those that enjoy the se- other weapon states to follow nuclear weapons policy. Further, to push ing against a shift. The first is the realist-
stead, after notifying the final award in 2013, the curity of its nuclear umbrella. through the ratification of the New START sceptic who maintains that declarations are
Union government set up a Supervisory Commit- Mr. Obamas speech in April 2009 at the consider the use of nuclear of nuclear weap- treaty, Mr. Obama also authorised a $1-tril- mere words and will not be trusted by po-
tee comprising oicials from the Union govern- Hradcany Square in Prague electrified the ons in extreme circumstances to defend lion budget over the next three decades for tential adversaries. In doing so, they over-
ment and the Central Water Commission and rep- world when he announced that as the only the vital interests of the United States or its maintaining and improving the U.S. nuclear look the fact that first-use policies are inher-
resentatives of both States. The court has now nuclear power to have used a nuclear weap- allies and partners. The Defence Depart- arsenal under the Stockpile Stewardship ently destabilising because of high alert
asked Tamil Nadu to approach the committee, on, the United States has a moral responsib- ment was directed to strengthen non-nu- Program. postures and tactical deployments, tempt-
which will decide on further releases. ility to act and pledged Americas commit- clear capabilities and reduce the role of nu- Realising his failure with the CTBT ratifi- ing the adversary into a pre-emptive strike.
The Supreme Courts direction, when imple- ment to seek the peace and security of a clear weapons in deterring non-nuclear cation, Mr. Obama is planning to submit a The second group of naysayers consists of
world without nuclear weapons. He prom- attacks. resolution on this issue to the UN Security U.S. allies and partners. North Atlantic
mented, will ensure about 13 thousand million cu-
ised that to put an end to Cold War think- Negotiations with Russia led to the New Council, 20 years after the CTBT was Treaty Organisation allies such as the U.K.
bic (tmc) feet of water to Tamil Nadu over 10 days. ing, we (U.S.) will reduce the role of nuclear START Treaty coming into force in Febru- opened for signature. The U.S., under Presi- and France are unenthusiastic because it
This will not be adequate to save the entire samba weapons in our national security strategy ary 2011 which limits U.S. and Russian nucle- dent Bill Clinton, had pushed the CTBT ne- would generate questions in their own so-
crop, Tamil Nadu leaders argue, while their Karna- and urge others to do the same. The citation ar arsenals to 700 deployed ICBMs (inter- gotiations but in 1999, the treaty was reject- cieties about the wisdom of their first-use
taka counterparts contend that this itself is a huge for his Nobel Peace Prize later in 2009 continental ballistic missiles), SLBMs ed by the Senate on account of concerns policies. Others like Japan and South Korea
burden, given the States own storage deficit. It is praised his vision of and work for a world (submarine-launched ballistic missiles) and about its impact on the U.S. nuclear arsenal. feel that an NFU implies a weakening of U.S.
understandable that the political leadership of any without nuclear weapons. heavy bombers and 1,550 deployed nuclear Given the current mood in the Senate, it is commitment to their security. It is instruc-
State would not want to be seen as betraying the in- warheads. Follow-on negotiations stalled unlikely to budge. tive to recall that a similar debate had raged
Obamas nuclear record thereafter and the New START will lapse in Even though a resolution by the UN Secu- in Europe during the 1970s and 1980s. Ques-
terests of its farmers. Yet, the desire to protect ones
own interests should not shut out empathy for ones Seven years later, President Obamas nu- 2021, unless extended by a five-year period. rity Council calling on states to uphold the tioning U.S. commitment to use nuclear
clear record is a mixed one. The Nuclear Mr. Obama also launched the cycle of Nu- CTBT would be non-binding, such a move weapons from its homeland against a Soviet
neighbour. Ideally, any distress-sharing formula Posture Review (NPR) issued the following clear Security Summits in 2010 to highlight has already been criticised by Senate For- advance into west Europe thereby risking
should come from a technical body. It would have year (the U.S. undertakes an NPR roughly the threats posed by terrorists seeking nu- eign Relations Committee Chairman Bob retaliation, European allies demanded for-
helped if the Centre, which dilly-dallied for six once a decade) referred to the objectives of clear materials. This concluded earlier this Corker as an afront to the Congress and ward-basing, leading to the deployment of
years before notifying the final award under a judi- reducing the role of U.S. nuclear weapons year with the Washington summit. The nu- the American people. And it is unlikely to intermediate-range Pershing and Cruise
cial direction, had set up the Cauvery Management in national security strategy while maintain- clear deal with Iran has been praised gener- persuade China, Iran or Israel to ratify, or for missiles in west Europe. A decade later, the
Board and Regulatory Authority. In the longer ing strategic deterrence and stability at re- ally though it has faced criticism from the that matter, India, Pakistan and North Korea same argument was turned on its head to
term, experts will have to devise a sustainable agri- duced nuclear force levels. The Nuclear U.S.s regional allies, Israel and Saudi Ara- to sign up! claim that forward-basing diminished U.S.
cultural solution for the Cauvery basin, as the river Weapons Employment Strategy that fol- bia. Described as an executive agreement, The idea arousing the maximum interest commitment and the Europeans became
does not seem to have the potential to meet the lowed in 2013 stated that the U.S. would only it has not been submitted for approval to the is therefore a shift away from the current strong supporters of the INF (Intermediate-
Range Nuclear Forces) Treaty (1987) which
farming requirements of both sides. In a world of
depleting water resources, fewer crop seasons and CARTOONSCAPE eliminated intermediate-range nuclear
weapons from Europe!
lower acreages, a resort to less water-intensive
crops and better water management hold the key. A moral revolution
Non-political initiatives, such as the Cauvery Fam- The nuclear taboo has held since 1945 and
ily, a body formed a few years ago covering farmers no country wants to see it violated. Since it
of both States, could help disperse the clouds of is not possible to wish away the existing nu-
hostility that gather over the border whenever the clear arsenals, the only way forward is grea-
Cauvery crisis erupts. Politics and passion should ter nuclear restraint, which is what the NFU
not be allowed to hold sway. does. In a vibrant democracy like the U.S., a
public articulation of an NFU will provide a
changed backdrop to its nuclear strategy,
posture, deployment and employment guid-
The ance. Further, it can permit the U.S. to ques-
tion the need for tactical nuclear weapons

Grumbling 20 or even vulnerable ICBMs that are main-

tained on high alert.
Moreover, other nuclear weapon states
will find it impossible not to respond. Vol-

noble mission of far-sighted global cooper-
untary declarations, followed by a collective
ation to avoid a looming economic crisis NFU, would become a realisable objective.
brought together a doughty group of na- In 1945, the U.S. shaped the first nuclear age
tions, representing 85 per cent of the worlds GDP with Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Today, Presi-
and two-thirds of its population, under the banner dent Obama has the opportunity to shape
of the G20. However, after the dark days of the 2008 the 21st century second nuclear age by
crisis inspired then-freshly-elected U.S. President launching the moral revolution that he
Barack Obama to take over the reins of financial promised in Hiroshima. It could become his
regulatory reform, the annual gathering of the defining legacy.
group has, it would appear, degenerated into a pub-
Rakesh Sood, the Prime Ministers Special Envoy for
licity opportunity for divergent national concerns. Disarmament and Non-Proliferation till May 2014, is
As Hangzhou played host to the G20 meeting, there currently a Distinguished Fellow at the Observer Research
Foundation, Delhi.
were reports that the Chinese government had
emptied the city of its original inhabitants for the
duration of the summit an act that seemed sym- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
bolic of the final communiqu of the G20 itself, Letters emailed to must carry the full postal address and the full name or the name with initials.
pretty on the outside but lacking in substance.
Among the major issues that found mention in the
summit was the question of excess steel capacity in More than just logistics? always do the right thing, after they arriving at a decision to recognise had many autocratic traits which party in question, the Aam Aadmi
China resulting in a flood of cheap imports into In- have eliminated all the possibilities. her work? I wonder how many of us included scrutinising the letters Party, has not been able to utilise this
The historic agreement between Kangayam R. Narasimhan, in such circumstances would even nuns wrote and received and making golden opportunity. Chief Minister
dia, the U.K. and other economies. Despite reports India and the U.S., in the form of care to touch a leprosy patient or them work long hours. Accepting Arvind Kejriwal has always held the
of resistance from China to any mention of steel LEMOA, will no doubt have care for a deeply wounded, dying money from tyrants was also high moral ground right from the
policy coordination in the 7,000-word communi- implications for the balance of person. Her policy against abortion something that did not conform to beginning but appears to be losing
qu, the document had a call for increased infor- power in Asia (Merely a logistics Path to sainthood was not her own but in tune with her the Christian spirit. the plot. There is no harm in his
mation sharing and cooperation through the for- pact? Sept.5). The U.S. is a slippery Pope Franciss denouncement of adherence to the philosophy of the K.P. Prabhakaran Nair, pitching himself as a national figure
mation of a Global Forum on steel excess capacity. customer and will always want to modern-day indiference to hunger, Catholic Church. Finally, if Saint Kozhikode but he has a long way to go. For this
Climate change was the other major agenda have the upper hand. In Indias exploitation and other suferings is a Mother Teresas original objective he has to establish his credibility
point. Notwithstanding Mr. Obamas disappearing neighbourhood, warmer ties among commentary on the deterioration of was to convert people, then half of outside Delhi. He may have been
China-Pakistan-Russia should make values across the world (Pope hails Calcuttas population would have Economic divergence forgiven for having resigned in a
dream of securing full global support for the Paris
New Delhi wake up. It should not volunteers on eve of canonisation, turned Christian. The result of better development very short time during his first term,
Agreement before his second term ends, a symbol-
distance itself from long-term ally Sept.4). The day of Mother Teresas A. Clement, parameters in South Indian States but he cannot continue to take
ic show of solidarity towards this goal in the form of Russia. With the South China Sea canonisation should be celebrated as Chennai and Maharashtra is largely a result of voters for granted.
the U.S. and China ratifying the Agreement last becoming a hotspot, India has to one to ensure the betterment of the the shift in population
week failed to produce any dramatic commitments Bal Govind,
play its cards wisely. lives of the poor and the sick. The allegations against Mother demographics and the emphasis on Noida
in Hangzhou. Contrarily in India, media reports Raunak Agarwal, M.V. Nagavender Rao, Teresa cannot be ignored. Her policies and leadership in delivering
struck a note of relief that Prime Minister Narendra Kanpur Hyderabad moves to promote conversion come social justice (The gap between
Modis negotiators had fobbed of any attempts to first. Her shelters were also said to rich and poor States, Sept.5). Lower A liability
insist that the deal be done before a December 2016 A good relationship with the U.S. has I dont believe that Saint Teresa have a shortage of medical care, fertility rates in the South have We had yet another hartal being
deadline. Numerous low-key objectives shared by always been an essential ingredient served people only with the hardly any stock of necessary resulted in better financial benefits observed in Kerala recently during
multiple G20 members, such as strengthening en- of Narendra Modis foreign policy intention of converting them. It nutrition, as well as the scarcity of and less social disparities. In which life came to a halt. I wonder
outlook, but does he realise that this was a part of her personality to help analgesics for those in pain. She contrast, large States such as whether its organisers have ever
forcement against international tax avoidance and needs to be tempered with prudence people. Religions are only diferent seemed keen to glorify illness Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Rajasthan, considered the loss, hardship and
advancing cooperation on Base Erosion and Profit as Washington is an avid ways of reaching god and Saint instead of treating it. One also Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and negative impact it has caused to the
Shifting, certainly got a shot in the arm from this practitioner of the art of realpolitik? Teresa gave the downtrodden and needs to investigate the so-called Bihar have higher rates of citizens of Kerala. It is this culture of
G20 gathering. Yet, there is no comparison to the For instance, when U.S. Secretary of the sick great hope. miracles. The funding of such population growth along with strikes which has discouraged
patchy and vague nature of progress in these small- State John F. Kerry was in India, he Canin Peter, missionaries needs to be probed. growing social disparities. Though industrialists from investing in the
er goals to the collaboratively evolved financial reg- did warn Pakistan about the need to Ernakulam Jai Prakash Gupta, the South contributes a greater State. Kerala is a State with a large
ulation architecture that emerged from the ashes of eliminate terror hubs but deftly Ambala Cantt., Haryana proportion of revenue to the Central percentage of the well educated and
the 2008 meltdown and put the brakes on excessive balanced it by saying that Pakistan The arguments against her pool it will have fewer claims on where parents from even the lowest
risk-taking by banks. This only begs the question: itself has been a victim of terrorism! suitability to attain sainthood are not Though there is no need to be funds allocation. strata of society avail of loans to give
LEMOA may be in place, but there commensurate with the noble work needlessly enamoured by the H.N. Ramakrishna, their children an education. The
has the G20 lost its way, outlived its usefulness?
are doubts whether the U.S. will be that she did. Her ardent critics must bestowal of sainthood on the Bengaluru State should have been the most
Would it be more institutionally eicient to revert ready to supply high-end military ponder over how she was awarded Mother, she did show the world sought place in India in terms of job
to other regional groupings that have overlapping hardware unless India signs the the Peace Nobel, the Magsaysay what it is like to die in dignity. creation as it is the most literate, but
conversations on these very subjects? It may well foundational agreements. It is worth Award and the Bharat Ratna. Mahatma Gandhi taught Indians the AAPs slide hartals are what make people
be time to re-examine the G20s purpose and, if recalling Winston Churchills quote: Wouldnt the three awarding bodies value of non-violence but one It is not often that a political party hesitant to invest here.
necessary, recast its vision and mission entirely. You can always trust the have taken cognisance of the struggles to find the Mother Teresa wins almost all the seats in an K. George Jacob,
Americans. In the end they will allegations against her before in him. However, she is said to have Assembly (Editorial, Sept. 5). The Kochi



The public face of
Being human towards animals
Animal abuse continues unabated as laws against cruelty remain obsolete
a private company
Whats in a name, asked Shakespeare. Plenty, it appears.
The use of the Prime Ministers name and image in adver-
tisements by a private telecom company, as part of the roll-
out of their (arguably) industry-altering telecommunica-
tion services, has caused much controversy. Social media
JAY MANOJ was abuzz on that day, with many questioning the proprie- BHUSHAN K. GARG
SANKLECHA ty of a constitutional authority endorsing a private com- Mahatma Gandhi famously said, The
mercial venture. However, for the moment, keeping aside greatness of a nation and its moral pro-
this question of propriety, the telecom companys use of the Prime Minis- gress can be judged by the way its ani-
ters name and image, to advertise the launch of its flagship service, raises mals are treated. Looking at the de-
an interesting legal question. funct laws against animal cruelty in the
country, it seems like we have failed
Legislative measures him, and the nation, miserably. There is
The Emblems and Names (Prevention of Improper Use) Act, 1950, was a disturbing and never-ending list of
enacted to prevent the improper use of certain emblems and names for animal abuse cases that have come up
professional and commercial purposes. The motivations behind the enact- just in the recent past: a stray dog was
ment were twofold. First, pursuant to the resolutions of the United Nations burnt alive in Nizamuddin Basti in Del-
General Assembly and the World Health Assembly, member states were re- hi; another was tied up and beaten with
quired to take necessary legislative measures to prevent the use, without lathis in Sector 48 in Chandigarh; pup-
authorisation, and in particular for commercial purposes, of the emblem, pies were stabbed in the Green Park
oicial seal and name of the United Nations and/or the World Health Orga- metro station in Delhi; puppies were
nisation, within their country. Second, instances had come to light of the burnt alive in Hyderabad. In Chennai, a
use of the Indian national flag and emblem, and of the names and pictorial video that showed a man throwing of a
representations of Mahatma Gandhi and other national leaders, for com- hapless dog from the terrace of his
mercial and trade purposes, building went viral and caused a lot of
and in a manner likely to of- The PMs endorsement of a outrage. He and his companion were
fend the sentiments of the peo- private company distorts free caught, but shockingly got bail within
ple. The Act accordingly minutes. The dog, Bhadra, is safe and in
sought to proscribe the use, and fair competition in an good hands. But the larger malaise, that
for the purpose of any trade, otherwise regulated and laws against animal cruelty are obso-
business, calling or profes- lete, remains.
sion... any name or emblem
competitive telecom market
specified in the Schedule or any colorable imitation thereof, without the Valuing other lives
previous permission of the Central Government or of such oicer of gov- The main law pertaining to cruelty to
ernment authorized in this behalf. The Central government was empo- animals is the Prevention of Cruelty to
wered under the Act to alter or amend this Schedule, by notification in the Animals Act, 1960 (PCA Act), which has DISTURBING TREND: There is a never-ending list of animal abuse cases that have come up just in the recent past. Bhadra, the dog
oicial gazette. In keeping with the motivations behind the enactment, not been amended even once since its who was thrown off a terrace in Chennai, being treated at the Madras Veterinary College in Chennai. PHOTO: K.V.S. GIRI
originally the Schedule to the Act specified only three items, namely, the inception to keep up with the times.
name, emblem and oicial seal of the UN and of the WHO; and the Indian The most glaring anomaly is that puni- water. Dead animals are sometimes Inhuman practices are in eryday in the pet shop industry cannot
flag. However, in the course of several years, the Central government shment for killing any stray animal is a thrown in garbage bins. Such practices just be brushed aside by the MoEF. Even
through notifications added other items to the Schedule, including, signif- paltry fine of Rs.50 and no jail term. If all can lead to the spread of deadly diseases violation of Article 21 the the Supreme Court in its famous Jalli-
icantly, the name and pictorial representation of the Prime Minister of In- an ofender has to do if he kills a stray like bird flu. All this is in gross violation right to a clean and disease- kattu judgment, Animal Welfare Board
dia, whilst specifically carving out an exception for the pictorial use thereof dog is pay Rs.50 and go scot-free, this of Article 21 the right to a clean and free environment without of India vs. A. Nagaraja (2014), exhort-
on calendars, provided the calendar was not used for advertising goods. begs the question, how much do we val- disease-free environment without ed Parliament to amend the PCA Act.
The question which therefore arises is whether the advertisements by ue lives that are not human? which no society can ever sustain itself which no society can develop The court said: Parliament is expected
using the name and image of the Prime Minister, fall foul of the provisions Other forms of cruelty include what let alone develop. to make proper amendment of the PCA
of the Act. At the very outset, to attract the proscription, the use of the name takes place in the pet shop industry, for 261st report (2015), under the chairper- Act to provide an efective deterrent to
and image of the Prime Minister has to be for the purpose of trade or busi- instance. This is a burgeoning industry, Three rules sonship of Justice A.P. Shah, stated: It achieve the object and purpose of the
ness. The advertisements in question are very craftily worded to suggest worth thousands of crores of rupees, To regulate these practices, the Ani- appears that the provisions of the law Act and for violation of Section 11, ade-
that the launch of the telecom services is dedicated to the Prime Ministers and is especially rampant in smaller mal Welfare Board of India (a statutory are violated with impunity by pet shops quate penalties and punishments
stated vision of a digital India, and therefore the use of his name and image towns. Abuse, including clipping the body constituted under the PCA Act to and breeders. In these circumstances, should be imposed.
have to be understood in connection therewith. However, as would be obvi- wings of birds, ripping of with plyers protect animal rights) made a set of the Commission recommends that the It does not behove a civilised society
ous to a neutral observer, the company through the advertisement cleverly the claws of cats, or cutting of the beaks three rules: Pet Shop Rules, 2010; Dog Central Government must seriously and the worlds largest democracy to
appropriates the Prime Ministers name and image to further its own busi- of birds with hot knives, is unchecked. Breeding, Marketing and Sale Rules, take cognisance of the issue and regu- not have legal protection for the voice-
ness interest, and therefore is likely to fall within the mischief the enact- There is forcible incestuous mating of 2010; and the Aquarium Fish Breeding late the trade in pet shops... and the less, especially given the extent of cru-
ment seeks to prevent. Ultimately, therefore, the question of legality would pedigree dogs so that their looks are and Marketing Rules, 2010. These were MoEF has authority to make these elty perpetrated against them. It flies in
turn on whether the company secured prior approval of the Central govern- kept intact. The result of this mating are then placed before the Ministry of Envi- rules. It added: The Commission rec- the face of our constitutional duty un-
ment before using the Prime Ministers name and image in the advertise- dogs that have severe genetic deformi- ronment, Forest and Climate Change ommends that the rules be notified and der Article 51A(g), which enjoins us to
ment. However, there appears to be no formal clarification in this respect ties and that die with congenital compli- (MoEF) in 2010. However, no action has implemented at the earliest. have compassion for all living beings
from either party. cations. Moreover, it is not just animals been taken by the MoEF yet. The AWBI and not just humans, to act immediately.
but even human beings who are at risk even requested the Law Commission of Amending the PCA Act
Individual interest and national interest when, say, the solid waste from these India to look into whether the MoEF is The Law Commission is not a binding
Prashant Bhushan is a PIL activist and co-founder of
Assuming that prior permission was granted, although it would absolve pet shops is allowed to mix with regular authorised under the PCA Act to notify body, but the recommendations and the Swaraj Abhiyan. Siddhartha K. Garg is a lawyer who
the company of any wrongdoing, would raise serious questions of proprie- municipal waste, thus polluting ground- such rules. The Law Commission in its gravity of these horrors that play out ev- runs Angel Trust NGO for stray dogs in Delhi.
ty on the part of the Central government in granting such permission. Not
least of all because it would be against the spirit of the Act itself. The Su-
preme Court while discussing the object of the Act had observed that cer-
tain names and institutions are considered to be sacred in civil society and
as such belong to the nation; the Act, being a reflection of this national con-
sciousness, accordingly forbade the ordinary commercial use of such sa-
cred names and institutions by individuals for their own interest, as op-
The need for a totaliser revolution
posed to the national interest. The Prime Minister, as the head of the Union
government, is one such sacred institution, enjoying the trust of the people.
Introducing totalisers for mixing votes before counting would eliminate the biases that creep in
If true, by allowing the Prime Ministers name and image to be appropriated on account of disclosure of booth-level trends
by a private company for its own commercial interest, the Central govern-
ment has belied the trust held by the people in the institution.
In addition, by singling out and granting permission to a private company ests of their caste and community. All
to carry the name and image of the Prime Minister in its advertisements SANJAY KUMAR this information is suicient to help
launching a commercial service, howsoever revolutionary, the Central gov- parties and candidates devise booth-
ernment has given the impression that the service in question enjoys the level political management strategies
patronage of the Government of India. Not only is this factually incorrect as even without booth-level results. Of
the service in question enjoys no formal patronage by the Indian govern- course, the eiciency of the booth-level
ment, but, more significantly, the endorsement of the Prime Minister dis- One doesnt get a clear sense from the strategy is a function of the financial
torts free and fair competition in an otherwise highly regulated and com- oicial statements of various political and human resources at a partys dis-
petitive telecom market. parties if they unequivocally welcome posal but in theory, the information
the recent Supreme Court directive to available is equal.
Jay Manoj Sanklecha works with a law firm in Mumbai. the government to take a final decision
on introducing totaliser machines for The EVM precedent
mixing votes from various booths be- When votes are counted booth-wise
fore counting. The machine, which is using EVMs, it is not as if candidates
connected to the control unit of elec- know which way each voter voted, but
FROM THE ARCHIVES tronic voting machines (EVM) after
polling, gives out an overall, not booth-
they can get an overall sense of which
caste or community largely voted for or
wise result. While the Bahujan Samaj against them. The totaliser may not
Party, the Congress and the Nationalist completely eliminate the possibility of
Congress Party have welcomed the di- victimisation of voters, but it will none-
(dated September 7, 1966) rective, the Left has supported the move theless go a long way towards maintain-
in principle but cautioned for a limited ing the basic principle of secrecy of
Verwoerd he took his seat in the House of and staggered use before full roll-out. votes.
Assembly. A man dressed in the
Assassinated in uniform of a Parliamentary
The ruling Bharatiya Janata Party
Parliament (BJP), on the contrary, has expressed The totaliser will go a
messenger walked up to him and reservations citing the fact that booth-
Dr. Verwoerd looked up as if he long way towards
wise performance is important for par-
South African Prime Minister expected the man to talk to him. ties to devise booth-management strat- maintaining the basic
Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd died to-day The man then suddenly plunged egies. The partys stand is understanda- principle of secrecy
[September 6] after being stabbed the knife into the Prime Ministers ble as besides other factors, one factor
in Parliament by a White neck. which contributed to its massive victo-
of votes
assailant. He was killed at the The assailant struck as the ry during the 2014 Lok Sabha elections In elections, the workers of a political
peak of his controversial career. Prime Minister was about to make was its efective strategy of booth man- party play an important role in booth
The white-haired Prime his first parliamentary speech agement, identity being a very strong management, which includes devising a
Minister iron-willed leader of since his ruling National Party variable in devising the booth-level strategy of mobilising voters, motiva-
the South African Republic, and was returned to power with an strategy. A big team of BJP workers, ting them, and facilitating their arrival
architect of its race-separation increased majority in last Marchs along with workers from the Rashtriya at the polling station to cast their ballot.
policy was stabbed soon after election. Swayamsevak Sangh, worked hard at Most parties use caste as an important
the booth level to mobilise voters variable for booth-level management,
what is popularly termed as booth i.e. having workers as far as possible
management. What is surprising to from the same castes managing the
CORRECTIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS note is the opposition to this move by
parties such as the Trinamool Congress
booth as the dominant castes of voters
in that particular booth. It is a strategic
>>An editing error: The strapline of a report, Probe against ex-Kerala Minis- and Pattali Makkal Katchi, whose work- exercise all political parties engage in
ter may lead to excise oicials (September 5, 2016), said, Bar association- ers have been victims of intimidation in but few acknowledge.
members and political appointees also on list of suspects. It should have been the past at the hands of workers of other Given the social diversity of Indian
Kerala Bar Hotels Association (KBHA), as mentioned in the text. political parties. voters and the frequency of elections at
STRATEGIC EXERCISE: Most parties use specific communities as an important variable various levels, there is no harm in revis-
>>Another editing error: The last sentence of a report, Goa to open chapel Battle of the booths for booth-level management. File photo of a polling official near Sirikhola Basic ing the rules of conduct of elections if
(Life Page, September 4, 2016), wrongly said, Schools in the State will cele- When votes are counted at the booth School, the highest polling booth, in Darjeeling. PHOTO: ARUNANGSU ROY CHOWDHURY the need arises. The introduction of the
brate the occasion over the next three days, with recitations and speeches. It level, the parties and candidates get a totaliser would be a move forward.
should have been Schools and Colleges belonging to Church-ailiated Arch fair sense of who voted for them or not, totaliser. Booth-level results have been political parties from devising booth- Some parties may have reservations
Diocese. which helps them in planning strategy often used by losing candidates to ha- level mobilisation strategies. Parties about its use initially, but in due course
at the booth level for the next electoral rass voters of specific villages or castes/ and candidates contesting elections of time they would realise the impor-
>>The penultimate paragraph of a report, 28-member all-party team to visit J battle. If booth-level results are used for communities which voted against the anyway have a fair sense of the social tance of this new, simple but immensely
& K (September 3, 2016), incorrectly mentioned Dilip Tirkey to be a football this limited but useful political purpose, candidate. As such, the Supreme composition of voters of specific useful technology. After all when EVMs
legend. He is a hockey player. there is no harm in continuing with the Courts decision in this direction is a booths because of information collect- were introduced, there were many
present practice of booth-wise count- welcome step. But the question is, will ed by local party workers. Poll surveys sceptics; their utility for such a vast
ing of votes. But the numerous instanc- totalisers really adversely afect politi- also give a good sense of which party a country as India is now beyond dispute.
The Readers Editors oice can be contacted by es of prepoll intimidation and post-poll cal parties in devising a booth-level particular community is leaning to-
Telephone: +91-44-28418297/28576300 (11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to reprisal by candidates and political par- strategy before and during elections? wards ahead of an election. Empirical
Sanjay Kumar is a Professor and currently the
Friday); E-mail: ties of voters at the booth level in recent The mixing of votes of diferent poll- evidence suggests that voters have a fair Director of Centre for the Study of Developing
The Terms of Reference for the Readers Editor are on years have necessitated the need for a ing booths, per se, should not hamper sense of which party cares for the inter- Societies, New Delhi. Views are personal.

12 | NEWS


Two killed, 100 injured in fresh wave of violence Separatists

are inciting
violence: CM
Tension continues on 60th day in Jammu and Kashmir;
SRINAGAR: Taking separatist
separatists call for shutdown and protests on Bakrid leaders head-on, Jammu
and Kashmir Chief Minis-
PEERZADA ASHIQ Inspector General of Police, injuries to the head during a ter Mehbooba Mufti on
Kashmir, S.J.M. Jeelani. Pel- protest in Sopore on Sunday. Tuesday accused them of
SRINAGAR: The Kashmir valley lets are being used only The death toll in the ongo- instigating children in the
witnessed unabated vio- when the need arises, he ing unrest valley has risen to Valley to engage in vio-
lence for the 60th day on added. 74. Clashes were also report- lence while making sure
Tuesday, leaving two more Dars funeral prayers ed in Bandipora, Sopore, their own kids studied
protesters dead and over 100 turned into a massive pro- Kulgam, Srinagar and Kup- abroad or outside the State.
injured as separatists called freedom rally as hundreds wara. She said: My colleagues
for a shutdown and protests arrived to witness the burial. Fresh clashes come just a have this [fear] that I may
on the upcoming Id-ul-Azha Over 100 people, including a day after an all-party delega- say something. But, I have
or Bakrid festival. woman, were injured in the tion, headed by Union always spoken truth. The
A major confrontation be- clashes. Home Minister Rajnath way a mother slaps her
tween security forces and Singh, failed to break the ice child when he tries to
locals took place in Anant- End night raids with separatists. touch a hot kangri [fire-
nag districts Seer Hamdan The Opposition National The Srinagar-based Coa- pot], I will do the same to
village around 3 a.m. when Conference (NC) has called lition of Civil Society claims save my people.
security forces allegedly for an end to night raids. that over 1,215 protesters I will be angry, I will
tried to barge into houses. Is Chief Minister Mehboo- were injured in one week. speak truth and warn them
One youth, Naseer Ah- ba Mufti enjoying this dance Use of force against not to use children as a
mad Dar, 20, died of multiple of death with her coalition peaceful demonstrators acts shield [during street pro-
injuries inflicted by pellets partner? Even women have as a provocation to people tests], Ms. Mufti told a
fired by security forces. Its not been spared, alleged and youth in particular, who gathering at an oicial
the seventh such death NC legislator Altaf Ahmad then retaliate with stone event, invoking mother-
caused by the pellet Kaloo. throwing, alleged the rights hood that is devoted to the
shotgun. On Monday night, Asif bodys spokesman. welfare of the child.
The police came under Majeed Nagoo, 17, a resident Kashmir is staring at more
heavy stone pelting when of Kupwara district, suc- tense days ahead as separa- Honourable solution
they went to the area to ar- cumbed to his injuries at a tists have decided to extend She exuded confidence
rest those who disturb Srinagar hospital. the shutdown and protests that the Valley would come
peace. One youth died, said He had sustained critical up to September 16. RAGING FURY: Demonstrators pose as pellet victims and stage a protest in Srinagar on Tuesday. PHOTO: NISSAR AHMAD out of the misery as her
intentions were noble.
Majority of the people

BJP to brainstorm on Kashmir unrest Govt. plans to There was no oicial want an honourable solu-
tion to the issue. Nobody
wants violence except for
curb separatists
NISTULA HEBBAR The party is mulling ments to visit the State. The
party is likely to hew to the
is speaking so boldly and
bluntly against Pakistan for foreign travel
invite, says Hurriyat those who dont have to
face the impact of this vio-
lence as their own children
NEW DELHI: The BJPs National over a resolution on line taken by the NDA gov- fomenting trouble in the SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT that the separatists beha- are studying outside the
Council meeting to be held Kashmir at its ernment at the Centre Valley by exploiting gullible SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT viour defied Kashmiriyat, in- Valley.
in Kozhikode from Septem- that it is open to talks with teenagers of Kashmir, said SRINAGAR: Reacting sharply to saaniyat [humanity] and They ask the children
ber 23-25 is expected to be
National Council anyone who wants to ad- the article. NEW DELHI: The government is Union Home Minister Raj- jamhooriyat [democracy], to fight bullets, pellets and
dominated by the contin- meeting in Kozhikode dress it within Indias Con- Ms. Mufti had defended considering plans to curb nath Singhs remarks made Mr. Geelani said: Visiting teargas, but themselves
uing unrest in Jammu and stitutional norms, and that herself against accusations foreign travel by separatists in the Valley, separatists have delegations should have fear a policeman, she said.
Kashmir. In preliminary Kashmir will be an impor- Jammu and Kashmir, includ- that security forces had facilitated by the state ma- alleged that there was no oi- gone around the length and Time will not remain
meetings to firm up the tant part of it. The senior ing portions of Pakistan-oc- come down with a heavy chinery, an oicial said. cial invitation for talks. breadth of Jammu and Kash- like this always, but
agenda for the National leadership of the party is cupied Kashmir (PoK), is an hand on protesters, who Separatist leaders like Mr. Singhs press confer- mir to witness for them- wounds will be there on
Council meet, senior party mulling over either a sepa- inalienable part of India. were mostly youngsters. S.A.S. Geelani and Mirwaiz ence [in Srinagar] was full of selves the gifts of Indian de- the hearts of the children
leaders have been mulling rate resolution on Kashmir, 95 per cent of those Umar Farooq are under lies, deceit, denial and con- mocracy. which these people have
over a separate resolution or at least give it a promi- RSS view killed mostly youth house arrest in the Kashmir tradictions. They [the Cen- inflicted. Today, people
on the events in the State nent part in the political res- Incidentally, Organiser, have died in retaliatory ac- Valley but they are given tre] never oicially invited State repression will find my words bitter,
that have led to one of the olution to be passed at the the magazine that conforms tion while they were attack- temporary documents us and at the same time Chairman of the Awami but they will later under-
longest periods for which meeting, said a senior gen- to the views of the Rashtriya ing security establish- whenever they travel blame us for rejecting it [the Action Committee Mirwaiz stand what I said because I
J&K has been under curfew. eral secretary of the party. Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) ments, she had said. abroad. The government al- invitation], said Tehreek-e- Umar Farooq, who remains saw many people roaming
A resolution endorsing The BJP is part of a coali- has, in its cover story on the People have come onto so plans to scrutinise their Hurriyat founder Syed Ali in a Srinagar sub-jail, also the streets at night provok-
Integral Humanism, the pro- tion government led by Peo- events in Jammu and Kash- the roads. We imposed cur- bank accounts and com- Shah Geelani. questioned if holding Kash- ing children to join the
poor philosophy put for- ples Democratic Party mir, spoken in laudatory few. Did the children go to plete the investigation in the miris hostage for two protests. God is witness,
ward by Deendayal Upad- (PDP) leader Mehbooba terms about J&K Chief Min- Army camps to buy tofees cases pending against them. Centre playing a game months and unleashing State that their [the separatists]
hyaya whose birth centen- Mufti, and abolition of Arti- ister Mehbooba Mufti and [candy]? Was the 15-year- The government is upset He accused the Centre of repression is insaaniyat. own children study in Ma-
ary the Council will mark on cle 370 that accords special her blunt outburst at a press old boy who attacked the at the separatist leaders hav- playing a game to win only. The Mirwaiz, in a statement laysia, Dubai, Bengaluru
September 25, is also part of status to the State is a core conference last month dur- police station at Damhal ing refused to meet some It was aimed at discrediting issued from jail, said the and Rajasthan. If a single
the agenda. issue for the party. ing Home Minister Rajnath Hanjipora (in south Kash- members of the all-party us. India is scared of any member of the all-party del- child of these people has
Jan Sangh founder Shy- Singhs visit to Srinagar. mir) going there to get delegation. Union Home meaningful dialogue with egation that visited him in been injured in the pro-
Political resolution ama Prasad Mukherjee died Mehbooba Mufti is per- milk? Ms. Mufti had asked Minister Rajnath Singh said the Hurriyat and Pakistan, the jail did not have the tests in these days, I am
Meetings on finalising while protesting the need haps the first Chief Minister before abruptly ending the such behaviour was neither said Mr. Geelani. mandate to talk outside the ready to quit politics, she
the agenda are still on and for separate travel docu- of Jammu and Kashmir who press meet. Kashmiriyat nor insaniyat. On Mr. Singhs remarks Indian Constitution. said. PTI

CBI seeks lifting Arunachal Governor may be out after GST nod Letting marines remain will boost
of stay on gang
rape probe

NEW DELHI: The Centre may re-

I am surprised and
stunned. I was on medical
ing him to step down.
I have not heard anything
from the government as yet.
verse inputs against the
When the SC judgment
ties, Italy tells Swaraj
move Arunachal Pradesh leave for 47 days, which was Right now I am in Raj Bha- was delivered, the court did KALLOL BHATTACHERJEE the marines, accused of kill- ing this, Salvatore Girone, the
NEW DELHI: The CBI on Tues- Governor J.P. Rajkhowa duly approved by the Presi- van, Itanagar. I have made it not pass any strictures ing two fishermen in 2012, of other accused marine, also
day moved the Supreme once the State Assembly rat- dent. I joined work on Au- clear that the Governor can- against the Governor, he NEW DELHI: At the first ministe- the coast of Kerala. The Ital- returned in May this year
Court seeking modification ifies the Goods and Services gust 13 after one of the best not be asked to resign. There said. If the Governor is re- rial meeting, held after four ian side conveyed that the even as the case was taken up
of an order staying its ongo- Tax (GST) Bill, which will be doctors in Asia, who operat- is no such provision in the moved at this juncture, it and half years, on September presence of the two marines by the Permanent Court of
ing probe in the sensational introduced there on ed on me, advised me to do Constitution. Only the Presi- may hamper the prospects 4 in Rome, Italy urged India to in Italy was conducive to res- Arbitration in The Hague.
Bulandshahr gang-rape case, Wednesday. so. After returning to work I dent can express displeasure of the GST Bill, which is yet allow the two marines, ac- tarting high level exchanges The Italian government
saying it may cause disap- A top Home Ministry oi- disposed of all the files. Any- which can come with the to be ratified by the Assemb- cused in the Enrica Lexie in all fields, the diplomat has faced considerable pres-
pearance of material evi- cial said that it didnt want to body can fall sick. After re- recommendation of the ly. We dont want it to hap- oil tanker case to remain at said. sure previously from the op-
dence besides enabling the invite a crisis ahead of the covery, he or she can join Prime Minister and the pen, said the senior Home home, a diplomat present at The Italian request reduces position Right Wing parties
six accused to seek statutory passage of the GST Bill in the work and that is why the pro- Council of Ministers. I am Ministry oicial in Delhi. the discussion told The Hin- the possibility of the return of who have highlighted the ma-
bail. State. vision of medical leave is waiting for the orders from The oicial confirmed du. Massimiliano Latorre, one of rines issue for the autumn ref-
The apex court had on Au- Speaking to The Hindu, there. I am jogging, talking, the Centre, either from the that a decision has been tak- During the meeting be- the marines, to meet a Su- erendum for the future of the
gust 29 taken note of the con- Mr. Rajkhowa said that jumping, sitting around, MHA or Presidents House, en to remove Mr. Rajkhowa tween External Afairs Minis- preme Court deadline of Sep- Italian Senate.
troversial remarks of U.P. though he was on 47-day then where is the problem of said Mr. Rajkhowa. owing to his ill-health. ter Sushma Swaraj and her tember 30. Mr Latorre was al- However, the diplomat said
Minister Azam Khan that the medical leave, he was fit health? said Mr. Rajkhowa. He said the recent Su- Mr. Rajkhowa said that a Italian counterpart Paolo lowed to return to Italy on that the Italian government is
gang rape case was a politi- enough to attend oice and Mr. Rajkhowa said that he preme Court order, which special Assembly session Gentiloni, both sides appre- medical grounds after he suf- seeking a political solution so
cal conspiracy, while stay- the view of some that he got a call on September 2 reinstated the Congress gov- has been called for two days ciated the mature beha- fered a stroke in 2014. He was that the issue is prevented
ing the CBI probe in the case. would have to step down on from a private person, who ernment in Arunachal Pra- for the passage of the GST viour displayed during the given an extension in April by from erupting before the
It had also asked whether the health grounds was happens to be a friend, ask- desh did not pass any ad- Bill. negotiation for the return of the Supreme Court. Follow- referendum.
State should stop people
holding high oices from
making such comments on
heinous crimes.
In a plea filed by CBI SP
No change in oicial stand on PMs SAARC visit: Oicial NSG warns of attacks
Abhishek Dular, the probe NEW DELHI: Terrorists and in- Analysis of the data by the
agency sought its implead- KALLOL BHATTACHERJEE forward to the visit. Prime Ministers visit to Pa- speech in the city just an rial of SAARC. surgents are getting public National Bomb Data Centre
ment as a party to the pet- I cant say about the fu- kistan for the SAARC Sum- hour prior to the event. The war of words spread support in some parts of the (NBDC) shows public was
ition filed by the husband NEW DELHI: In a clarification, a ture but as of today, Prime mit is concerned, you would Adviser on Foreign Afairs to the G20 summit when Mr. country and unless this is the prime target of the ter-
and father of the rape survi- senior MEA source told The Minister [Narendra] Modi is appreciate that decisions for the Prime Minister of Pa- Modi obliquely referred to stopped, India will continue rorists/militants/insurgents.
vors, a mother- daughter Hindu that India has not looking forward to visiting and announcements of such kistan Sartaj Aziz had deliv- Pakistan and said terrorism to get hit by acts of terrorism, Public support to terrorists/
duo. That it is respectfully changed its position on the Islamabad for the SAARC nature are not made much ered the invitation for Mr. in South Asia is supported by a report prepared by the elite insurgents continues in
reiterated that the running participation of Prime Min- summit in November this far in advance. Modi to attend the summit. one single nation. counter-terror force NSG some parts of the nation. Un-
period of 90 days permitted ister Narendra Modi at the year, Mr. Bambawale was Mr. Modis participation at Pakistan said it was India has said. til and unless the public sup-
under 167 of Cr.PC for com- SAARC summit scheduled quoted as saying in Pakistan the SAARC summit had been Growing chill which was spreading cross- The analytical report on port to anti-national ele-
pletion of investigation, to be held in Islamabad in daily Dawn. He was speak- in doubt following the cold But subsequent high-level border instability in South recent bombing incidents in ments stops, the acts of
would not get stopped and November this year in the ing at an event organised by reception to Home Minister interactions between the Asia. Spokesperson of the the country, compiled with terrorism will continue.
would also cause prejudice last one month. the Karachi Council on For- Rajnath Singh on August 6 in two sides indicated a lack of Ministry of Foreign Afairs of data from all States for the Sincere eforts are re-
to the investigation and after The comments came in re- eign Relations (KCFR). Islamabad, during a meeting warmth. Pakistan told The Hindu, period between April and quired to mitigate the IED
the expiry of 90 days would sponse to remarks made by On August 18, the Ministry of SAARC Home Ministers. Following Mr. Singhs visit Indian intelligence agency June this year, also raised menace. A Whole of Nation
extend to these suspects, a Indian High Commissioner of External Afairs (MEA) Adding to the tensions, the to Islamabad, India can- RAWs oicer Kulbhushan concern over the possible efort is the way ahead to
right to claim release. to Pakistan Gautam Bamba- spokesperson had spoken on Karachi Chamber of Com- celled Finance Minister Yadavs public confession leakage and use of ordnance keep the citizens of the coun-
That on behalf of the CBI, wale on Monday that the the possibility of Mr. Modis merce cancelled the High Arun Jaitleys visit to the city makes a clear reference to factory-made explosives by try safe, the report said.
it is most humbly and re- Prime Minister was looking visit and said, As far as the Commissioners second to participate in the ministe- that country in South Asia. terror outfits. PTI
spectfully submitted that
continuation of stay of inves-
tigation by the CBI may re-
sult in disappearance of ma-
terial evidence and may
cause prejudice to the con-
Supreme Court quotes 1962 ruling to say criticism is not sedition
duct of this case, it said. KRISHNADAS RAJAGOPAL they should strike and turn Civil rights lawyer free speech and criticism in- not treason, it had held. dankulam anti-nuclear activ- the Supreme Court to step in
While seeking modifica- out the Congress goondas. voking the draconian coloni- Justice Misra said every ist Dr. S.P. Udayakumar, folk again, this time to revive the
tion of the order passed by a NEW DELHI: A Supreme Court These Congress goondas Prashant Bhushan al law of Section 124 A (sedi- word of the Constitution singer S. Kovan, Dr. Binayak spirit of the 1962 judgment. It
Bench comprising Justices Bench of Justice Dipak Misra are banking upon the Ameri- said sedition is the tion) of the Indian Penal Bench still holds true. Noth- Sen, JNU student leader wanted the apex court to re-
Dipak Misra and C. Nagap- on Monday quoted a judg- can dollars and imposing Code of 1870. ing has changed, nothing Kanhaiya Kumar and even iterate that sedition actually
pan, the CBI sought permis- ment delivered 54 years ago various kinds of taxes on the
govt.s weapon to The Supreme Court held should, he said. two Karnataka policemen, means incitement to vio-
sion to continue its probe. to say, Someone's statement people today. The blood of choke dissent that only a violent revolu- The court was hearing a who asked for better wages. lence or tendency or the in-
The FIR initially was criticising the government our brothers mazdoors tion against the government petition filed by NGO Com- Arguing for Common tention to create public dis-
lodged by the U.P. police un- does not invoke an ofence of and kishans is being sucked, The Bench dismissed the attracts the charge of sedi- mon Cause which had listed Cause and Dr. Udayakumar, order and not strong
der various provisions on Ju- sedition or defamation. a Constitution Bench led by sedition case against Nath. tion. A free expression of a number of people booked civil rights lawyer Prashant criticism.
ly 30. CBI had re-registered On May 26, 1953, Kedar Chief Justice of India B.P. The 1962 verdict became a disapprobation against the for sedition, just as Nath was. Bhushan said sedition has It also asked the court to
the ofence on August 18 in Nath Singh told villagers at Sinha reproduced Nath's defining point for free ruling government's action The list is long and varied become the government's direct police to list out rea-
pursuance of the Allahabad Barauni in Bihar that if they words in their historic judg- speech and a blow to the gov- with an intention to better from Booker Prize winning choice weapon to choke dis- sons before arresting a per-
High Court order. PTI can drive out the Britishers, ment of 1962. ernments power to muzzle the condition of the people is author Arundhati Roy to Ku- sent. The petition wanted son for a seditious act.
NEWS | 13


What next, wonder farmers in Singur Rahul at U.P. roadshow:

As the euphoria over the SC verdict settles, they have to figure out if the land is still cultivable Modi has ignored farmers
SHIV SAHAY SINGH land back as well, as per the RUDRAPUR (DEORIA): Congress
apex court orders. In 10 vice-president Rahul Gandhi
SINGUR (WEST BENGAL): Bhaskar years the money would have on Tuesday began his partys
Kanrar and Bubai Kanrar doubled. They are the ones election push in Uttar Pra-
were no more than children who benefited, complains desh with a 2,500-km kisan
when their parents and un- an unwilling farmer. mahayatra, where he ac-
cles began the movement Bitter recriminations can cused Prime Minister Na-
against forcible land acquisi- also be heard over loud- rendra Modi of ignoring
tion for the setting up of Tata speakers in the narrow lanes the problems of farmers and
Motors Nano factory in Sin- of Singur: Some people promising them a loan waiv-
gur in West Bengals Hoogh- make sacrifices during the er, higher support price and a
ly district. movement, while others cut in power tarif.
Ten years later, with the simply reap the benefits. The road show is aimed at
Supreme Court verdict that bringing the Congress back
went in favour of the protest- Mamatas rally to power in the elections due
ing farmers, the two of them, Meanwhile, despite the in- early next year. Mr. Gandhi
now young men, are not sure clement weather, work is go- said the campaign would
any more whether the out- ing on at a rapid pace at the pressure Mr. Modi and his MAIN TAKEAWAY: A woman lifts a cot during Congress leader
come will benefit them. Jo- Tata Motors project site government to address the Rahul Gandhis visit to Deoria, U.P. on Tuesday. PHOTO: PTI
mi te ki chaas kora jaabe ki where modern equipment, problems of farmers.
jaabe na (will it be possible including harvesters and These governments [the
to cultivate the land), they bulldozers, are being used. Centre and the State] have
The Singur project, which
We will have to give a re-
port to the Chief Minister
forgotten farmers and la-
bourers. They have not done
Crowds walk away with
lead to the end of 34 years of
CPI(M)-led Left Front rule
when she arrives [Ms. Baner-
jee is abroad], Becharam
anything to address your
problems, but we will. We
charpoys after Rahul rally
in 2011, was considered, as Manna, MLA, who has been share the sorrow of farmers
RUDRAPUR (UP): The Congress Moments after he left
heralding the revival of in- ON CLOUD NINE: Trinamool Congress workers decorate the Tata Motors factory gate with flags one of the leaders of land and labourers, he said. I bid to make a splash with having made a raft of promises
dustry in the State. after the Supreme Court judgment. PHOTO: ASHOKE CHAKRABARTY movement, said. Mr. Manna told Mr. Modi to protect Rahul Gandhis khat sabhas like farm loan waivers, and
However, the agitation said that the target is to en- farmers because they give (charpoy meetings) as part of reduction in power tariff , the
carried out by 2,200 farmers over the verdict settles tive in the movement, how- that industry is what they sure plotting of about 100 food to the country. To pro- a major outreach to farmers venue plunged into chaos with
led by Mamata Banerjee, for down, practical and proce- ever, see the judgment as a need. acres (demarcating and tect them, there are three ahead of Uttar Pradesh men, women and children
the return of 400 acres of dural questions emerge for major victory and are not Dwarik Ghosh runs a fast identifying) of land every ways. The first is to waive Assembly polls turned into an lifting the charpoys and
land (out of the project area farmers in the region the bothered by such concerns. food stall in the local market. day. Other than the slicing their loans. Our government embarrassment on Tuesday hurrying home.
of 1000 acres) forced Tata most important being If we could wait for 10 The eight bighas of land and dicing of the land, the ad- had waived Rs. 70,000 crore when people attending the When asked, a villager
Motors to relocate to Sanand whether it will be possible to years, why get impatient owned by his family was ac- ministration is leaving no in farm loans. But the Modi inaugural event made away quipped, Kya hai ki Rahulji ne
in Gujarat. cultivate the land that is now now, asks Prosenjit Das, quired for the project, and he stone unturned to make the government waived Rs. with thousands of the string hi diya hai (It is given by
While Bhaskar and Bubai covered with concrete and whose family owns four himself had to spend three Chief Minister's September 50,000 crore owed by big in- cots amid chaotic scenes. Rahulji), even as he gingerly
are saying that industry is es- construction material. bighas. Farmers like Prosen- months in prison after pro- 14 rally a huge success. dustrialists last year. The Congress vice balanced the rally takeaway on
sential for youth but land jit and Mahadeb Das, who testing against the Left The stage being set on the The second step, accord- president held the first khat his shoulder. The khat sabha is
from farmers should not be Historic victory led the movement, say they Front's land-acquisition highway, where Ms. Banerjee ing to Mr. Gandhi was to sabha here where he believed to be the brainchild of
taken forcibly, an elderly per- At Baraberi market in Sin- spent 10 years of their life drive. The loss of industry is is likely to hand over land re- halve the power tarif. Deoria interacted with the local election strategist Prashant
son passing by interjects, gur, Ashok Kumar Manna, fighting land acquisition and a big setback for us, even a cords and cheques to un- was once known as the sugar people. Kishor. PTI
Ask them whether they will whose family owns eight keeping farmers united bigger setback for Bengal, willing farmers, will be like bowl of Uttar Pradesh with 17
cultivate the land or rather bighas of land in the project- against the oppression. Mr. Ghosh says. the July 21 Martyrs Day sugar mills. PTI
go to the city to work in a afected area, is convinced More important than the re- One of the issues which event when about 300 people diculous, likening it to half of agrarian societies
factory? the land will not be cultiva- turn of land is the historic the Trinamool Congress and could be accommodated on BJP mocks yatra someone waking up from a from Vinoba Bhavejis Bhoo-
His remark reveals the ble again. Concrete roads significance of our victory, its supporters are trying to the dais itself. The dais will Special Correspondent re- long slumber. Party spokes- dan movement to bhooha-
conflicting views among the have been laid out, fly ash has both of them say. grapple with is the resent- be set up at the same spot ports from New Delhi: person Sudhanshu Trivedi dap [encroaching on land].
people of Singur over the been dumped on acres; how But there are people who, ment among unwilling where Ms. Banerjee had The BJP on Tuesday attacked the Congress track In every State that they have
project. will it be possible to cultivate in the past 10 years, have farmers that the willing started her protest against termed Mr. Gandhis kisan record on agrarian distress. ruled, we have seen scams
Nearly a week after the this land? he asks. completely changed their farmers, who took compen- the Tata Motors plant in yatra from Deoria in eastern The Congress has re- related to acquisition of land
judgment, as the euphoria Those who have been ac- stand and are now convinced sation in 2006, will get their 2006. Uttar Pradesh to Delhi as ri- duced intercessions on be- from the farmer, he said.

SC grounds Ruia, says he cant fly abroad No Hindi reprint of Bipan Chandras book: NBT
LEGAL CORRESPONDENT twice shy, the Bench observed, to a magistrate court. The judg- VIKAS PATHAK from the 1970s, till it was replaced view of it.
rejecting Mr. Ruias plea to travel ment, authored by Justice Rohin- by the Vajpayee government. Sources in the NBT, however,
NEW DELHI: In what may be an obvi- for business. ton Nariman, had also shot down NEW DELHI: Months after the Delhi A statement by eminent schol- refused to see the step as ideolog-
ous reference to industrialist Vi- attempts to derail the ongoing University stopped sale and dis- ars all over India against the ically motivated.
jay Mallyas exit from the country, Trial nearing its end scam trial before the 2G court by tribution of late historian Bipan NBTs move is being planned . A
the Supreme Court on Tuesday It noted that the criminal trial seeking a fresh trial jointly along Chandras book on Indias free- large number of intellectuals are A routine process
said it did not want to take chanc- was nearing its end, and this was with the other accused persons in dom struggle, the National Book about to speak out against such This is a routine process. We
es by letting Essar promoter Ravi not the appropriate time for travel the scam. Trust (NBT) has stirred up a intolerance to diference of opin- routinely analyse the present sta-
Ruia, an accused in a 2G scam- outside. The three accused had come in hornets nest by deciding not to ion. This comes after Prof. Chan- tus of books to take a call as to
linked case, go abroad. In September 2015, the apex challenge of a judgment given by reprint the Hindi edition of the dra's book Indias Struggle for In- whether they be reprinted. Prof.
A Bench led by Justice J.S. Khe- court had given 2G Special Judge the 2G court on September 2, 2013 eminent historians book Com- dependence was targeted. Chandras book is just one in rela-
har told Mr. Ruias counsel A.M. the green signal to proceed with refusing to hold a joint trial. In the munalism A Primer. He consistently spoke against tion to which we have decided
Singhvi that his client is as mone- the trial against Essar Telehold- hearing before Justice Khehars Bipan Chandra communalism and his books are not to order reprinting, the
tarily big as the person the ings Ltd, promoters Anshuman Bench, Mr. Singhvi asked why his Previous controversy being targeted for this reason, source said.
court did not name this personali- Ruia and Ravi Ruia in a case of client should sufer because some The previous book had run in- Significantly, Prof. Chandra historian Mridula Mukherjee, co- The move is independent of
ty who had earlier slipped out cheating and criminal conspiracy Mr. X cheated the court. Mr. to rough weather over objections was chairman of NBT some years author of Indias Struggle for In- ideology. It is also not as if any
of the country. linked to the 2G spectrum scam. Singhvi argued that Mr. Ruia had to the use of the term 'revolution- back and had also authored the dependence, said. Prof. Chan- such book is taken of forever.
We do not want to take chanc- The court had denied the ac- gone abroad 43 times during trial ary terrorist' for freedom fighter NCERT's Class 12 textbook Mod- dras view of nationalism was ve- This is our present assessment
es now. We are now once bitten cused their plea to send their case but never failed to return. Bhagat Singh. ern India that was in circulation ry diferent from the communal and holds true for now.

MHA oicials
meet Rajnath on
G.K. Dwivedis

NEW DELHI: In a one of its kind

move, all the 16 joint secre-
taries working in the Home
Ministry, met Home Minis-
ter Rajnath Singh on Tues-
day to express concern
against the suspension of se-
nior IAS oicer G.K Dwivedi
for the online renewal of For-
The lake, located some 24 km from the India-China border, was formed at the eign Contributions Regula-
confluence of a local stream with the river Sonam. PHOTO: VIRENDER SINGH NEGI tion Act (FCRA) licence of
Islamic preacher Zakir
Naiks NGO.

Lake formed by rain The oicers told the Min-

ister that Mr. Dwivedi was
one of the best oicers who
had spearheaded maximum

threatens BRO bridges Digital India projects of the

government, including the
liberalisation of visa regime,
KAVITA UPADHYAY agement Department and the Bhat- cracking down against un-
wari Sub-Divisional Magistrate scrupulous NGOs among
DEHRADUN: Twenty-four kilometres inspected the area on Monday. others.
from the India-China border, at The lake formation started in the
14,500 feet, a lake formed by inces- year 2009, SDM of Uttarkashis Sent wrong signals
sant rain and landslips this monsoon Bhatwari region Vijay Nath Shukla The oicers conveyed to
season is posing a fresh challenge for said on his return from Tripani. This Mr. Singh that Mr. Dwivedis
the authorities and the Border Roads year excessive rainfall brought in suspension was extreme and
Organisation (BRO), which has boulders and rubble that obstructed it sent wrong signal to others
bridges downstream of the lake, in- the outlet of the water resulting in a who wanted to perform.
cluding some under construction. lake which currently is 90 metres The Home Minister as-
In the picturesque Nelong Valleys long, 80 metres wide and has water sured the joint secretaries
Tripani area, 145 km from Uttarkashi up to a depth of 1.5 metres, Mr. Shuk- that he will look into the mat-
town, the lake has been formed at the la said. ter, the sources said. Mr.
confluence of a local stream Angar Dwivedi also met the Home
nallah with river Sonam (which A short-term measure Minister to plead his case.
later becomes Jadh Ganga). Water With the rain receding, the author- We dont remember the last
level in the lake increased this year ities have declared the lake to be time when the bureaucracy
after incessant rains was witnessed harmless and have ordered a short- stood united like this over
in the region and boulders and rub- term measure of widening the water the suspension of an IAS oi-
ble were brought in with the Angar outlet area. However, in the long- cer. If a wrong has been done
nallah. term the lake could pose great dan- to a colleague today, then it
The boulders and rubble blocked ger to the downstream regions. might happen to any of us to-
the downstream flow, clogging the According to the current situation morrow, said one of the oi-
water outlet, Additional Secretary [when no more heavy rain is expect- cers who met Mr. Singh.
(Disaster Management) C. Ravish- ed in the region this year] the lake Mr. Dwivedi, a 1993 batch
ankar told The Hindu. poses no threat to the lives of the IAS oicer from Andhra Pra-
After reports of the dangerous people living downstream of the lake desh cadre was suspended
lake formation started flowing in, a formation. along with two undersecre-
team comprising Uttarkashi forest However, if the lake breaches this taries and a section oicer on
oicials, representatives from the Ir- season the constructions by BRO September 2 for alleged der-
rigation Department, Disaster Man- would be damaged, Mr. Shukla said. eliction of duty.
14 | WORLD


Duterte expresses regret

Presidential race tightens
CNN poll gives Trump a marginal lead over Hillary among likely voters
over comments on Obama
Japan to provide
ships, aircraft
to Philippines
VIENTIANE (LAOS): Philippine cism from the UN over an
leader Rodrigo Duterte has apparent spate of extrajudi-
VARGHESE K. GEORGE expressed regret over his cial killings in his crime war, VIENTIANE (LAOS): Japanese
controversial comments on he responded with what has Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
WASHINGTON: The U.S. presi- his American counterpart become familiar abuse. on Tuesday agreed to pro-
dential race appears set to go Barack Obama. Maybe well just have to vide two large-sized patrol
down to the wire as Republi- The Filipino leader court- decide to separate from the ships and lend up to five used
can candidate Donald ed controversy after calling United Nations. If you are surveillance aircraft to the
Trump has managed to close Mr. Obama a son of a that disrespectful, son of a Philippines, a Japanese gov-
in on his Democratic oppo- whore before a scheduled whore, then I will just leave ernment spokesman said,
nent Hillary Clinton over the regional security summit at you, he said last month. with both countries locked
last month, two polls re- the Lao capital of Vientiane. Following the Obama in territorial disputes with
leased on Tuesday show. While the immediate backlash on Tuesday, he China.
In a CNN poll, Mr. Trump cause was my strong com- struck a rare moment of Mr. Abe and Philippine
is leading Ms. Clinton by two ments to certain press ques- contrition in his regret re- President Rodrigo Duterte
percentage points among tions that elicited concern mark. The U.S. also sought agreed in Vientiane to
likely voters, while she still and distress, we also regret Philippine President Rodrigo to ensure there was no en- strengthen cooperation to
has an edge among all regis- that it came across as a per- Duterte. during fallout with one of its ensure a peaceful resolution
tered voters. Both are within sonal attack on the U.S. most important allies in of the South China Sea dis-
the margin of error. In a President, Mr. Duterte said if you do that to me, he said. Asia and former colony. Top pute, Japanese Deputy Chief
State-wise poll released by in a statement. Mr. Duterte had previous- Obama aide Ben Rhodes Cabinet Secretary Koichi
the Washington Post, 20 ly also branded the U.S. Am- told reporters in Laos on Hagiuda said.
States are solidly behind or Acid tongue bassador to Manila a gay Tuesday evening that the China claims most of the
leaning towards each side. Mr. Duterte, who has son of a whore, and sought broader relationship with South China Sea, through
Ten States are too close to quickly earned a global rep- to taint the reputation of the Philippines has been which more than $5 trillion
call, but Ms. Clinton has a utation for his acid tongue, Pope Franciss mother in and remains rock-solid. of trade moves annually. Bru-
clear edge in terms of Electo- used typically colourful lan- similar fashion. He also said Mr. Obama nei, Malaysia, the Philip-
ral College votes the key guage to describe their Mr. Duterte was elected would likely hold an infor- pines, Taiwan and Vietnam
determining factor of the planned meeting if the issue to oice in a landslide this mal discussion with Mr. Du- have rival claims.
outcome. Ms. Clinton is esti- about alleged rights viola- year after pledging to kill terte in Laos on Wednesday An arbitration court in
mated to capture 244 Electo- tions in the Philippines 1,00,000 people in an un- or Thursday, though formal The Hague in July invali-
ral College votes, against the came up. We will be wal- precedented war on crime. talks remain of the table for dated Chinas claims to the
halfway mark of 270. Mr. lowing in the mud like pigs When faced with criti- now. AFP waterway after a case was
Trump could expect 126, MILES TO GO: Hillary Clinton holds a model of her new campaign plane at Westchester County brought by the Philippines, a
while 168 were counted as Airport before travelling to Ohio and Iowa on Monday. PHOTO: AFP ruling that Beijing refuses to
tossup. recognise.
Japans ties with China has
Exercises that aggregate
multiple opinion polls also
show the race tightening.
peal is not limited to that seg-
ment. Independent voters
are overwhelmingly in sup-
ness, according to the polls.
Admitting that Ms. Clinton
will have to deal with the
Trump recalibrates Sri Lanka malaria-free, says WHO been marred by a long-run-
ning territorial spat over a
The RealClear national poll- port of Mr. Trump, unlike in perception of being dishon- position on MEERA SRINIVASAN policies. For instance, Rajapaksas Cabinet group of small islets in the
ing average earlier this week the case of Mitt Romney in est, Vice-President Joe Biden after cases of malaria and the Ministry of Public East China Sea.
indicated Ms. Clinton lead- 2012. Women are largely said on Monday: The truth immigration COLOMBO: The World soared in Sri Lanka in the Health of the Democratic Japan has already agreed
to provide 10 smaller-sized
ing by 4.1 points, about half with Ms. Clinton overall, but is Hillary knows its a prob- Health Organisation 1970s and 80s, the country Peoples Republic of
as much as her lead in early Mr. Trump has a lead among lem and shes trying to figure YOUNGSTOWN (OHIO): In a new (WHO) on Monday revised its strategy, Korea were on Tuesday patrol ships to the Philip-
August. married women, according out how to remedy it. My ad- twist to his immigration declared Sri Lanka to be intensively targeting the conferred the Excellence pines. Reuters
to the CNN poll. vice to her: The best way to proposals, U.S. Republican malaria-free, after parasite in addition to in Public Health awards
Common finding Mr. Trump leads Ms. Clin- remedy it is to talk about presidential nominee Donald certifying that the life- targeting the mosquito. by the WHO South-East
One finding common ton on two key issues that what you care about and talk Trump held out the possibility of threatening disease had The change in strategy Asia Region for their
across all surveys is that a dominate the ongoing cam- about it with some passion legal status for millions of illegal been completely was unorthodox, but remarkable and sustained
majority of voters dislike paign terrorism and econ- and people will see through immigrants, but only after many eliminated here. highly efective, a role in the public health
both candidates, in an un- omy. it. other border enforcement steps Sri Lankas statement from the WHO gains of their countries.
precedented scenario. In the Voters prefer Ms. Clinton The first presidential de- are taken. He said that before achievement is truly said. Sri Lanka has, despite
fluid public opinion, several on immigration policy, 49-47, bate on September 26 could considering how to deal with remarkable. In the the protracted civil war
conventional Republican and her solid lead is on for- be the inflection point in the millions of illegal immigrants who mid-20th century, it was Sirisena gets award that ravaged the country,
States such as Arizona, Geor- eign policy. Voters are less campaign. While Ms. Clin- are obeying U.S. laws, he first among the most malaria- The announcement set high standards in
gia and Texas appear willing enthusiastic than they were tons grasp of policy and pa- wants to evict criminal elements. afected countries, but came at the 69th Session public health and
to swing to the Democrats in 2008 and 2012, but Trump tience for detail are far supe- Any illegal immigrants who now it is malaria-free, of the WHO Regional sanitation in South Asia.
this time, while their support supporters are more enthu- rior to Mr. Trump, it is want to gain citizenship will have said Dr. Poonam Committee for South-East India is in the control
may be eroding in strong- siastic than Clinton unclear as to how their face- to first return to their home Khetrapal Singh, WHO Asia Region. phase with regard to
holds of Wisconsin, Pennsyl- supporters. of will play out. Mr. Trump countries first and get in line regional director. Sri Lankan President malaria, but is working to
vania and Michigan. has come this far, avoiding behind legal applicants, he said. Sri Lankas road to Maithripala Sirisena reach pre-elimination by
While the assumption that Challenges ahead any threadbare debate on Asked about a potential legal elimination had not been who served as Health 2017 and to complete
the less educated white vot- Temperament is Mr. policy issues and resorting status for people who would easy. It demanded well- Minister in former elimination thereafter,
ers sustain Mr. Trump is Trumps Achilles heel; for to hyperboles and generali- choose to stay back, Mr. Trump calibrated, responsive President Mahinda says a 2015 WHO report.
borne out by the polls, his ap- Ms. Clinton, it is trustworthi- sations. did not rule it out. Reuters

Kabuls global U.K. cleric, who sought Baloch leaders to point at interference Iranians not
charity attacked Muslims, says
support for IS, jailed B. MURALIDHAR REDDY still talking about freedom
in order to mint money.
Saudi cleric
in war crime LONDON: Radical cleric Anjem
NEW DELHI: Days after Pakistan
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif
No one, he said, would be
allowed to enforce his stance
Choudary was jailed on announced that he is sending and philosophy at gunpoint. RIYADH: Saudi Arabias top
KABUL: Militants attacked an Tuesday for five-and-a-half parliamentarians to capitals The security situation in Ba- cleric said Iranians are
international charity in Ka- years after being convicted across the world to highlight lochistan had already im- not Muslims, after Irans
bul on Tuesday during an of encouraging support for the Kashmir issue, Balochis- proved to satisfactory levels. Supreme Leader launched
hours-long assault labelled a Islamic State (IS) jihadists. tan Chief Minister Nawab He also said that Mr. Modis a fresh tirade over the
war crime by Amnesty, as Supporters of the 49-year- Sanaullah Khan Zehri made comments had made it clear kingdoms handling of the
the capital reeled from a old and his co-defendant it known in Quetta that law- as to who was behind the un- hajj pilgrimage, a newspa-
wave of violence that killed Mohammed Mizanur Rah- makers from the Province rest in Balochistan. We are per reported on Tuesday.
at least 41 and wounded man who received the would visit friendly coun- not afraid of India. All the ne- We must understand
dozens. same sentence shouted tries to inform them and the farious designs of enemies these are not Muslims,
The assault on CARE In- Allahu Akbar (God is great- international community will be foiled at any cost, he they are children of Magi
ternational began late on est) from the public gallery about the interference of said. and their hostility towards
Baloch Chief Minister Nawab
Monday with a massive car as the judge announced his neighbouring countries in He also said that the com- Muslims is an old one,
Sanaullah Khan Zehri
bombing, just hours after the decision, according to an Balochistan. pletion of work on China-Pa- Grand Mufti Abdulaziz al-
Taliban carried out a brazen AFP journalist. A report carried by the Pa- ence Day speech issues relat- kistan Economic Corridor Sheikh told Makkah daily.
double bombing near the de- Judge Timothy Holroyde kistan state-run news agency ing to Pakistan-occupied and Gwadar Port will boost The grand muftis com-
fence ministry. said Choudary was calculat- Asociated Press of Pakistan Kashmir and Balochistan local and national ments came a day after
A plume of smoke rose ing and dangerous and had British Muslim cleric Anjem (APP) on Monday quoted Province. economies. Irans Ayatollah Ali Kha-
over the upscale neighbour- shown no remorse in a ruling Choudary. the Baloch Chief Minister as In its petition to the UN menei said the Muslim
hood of Shar-e Naw after the handed down at Londons saying that an open letter Not afraid of India Secretary General, Islama- world should challenge
raid on the charity, located Old Bailey court. A jury had Among those radicalised would also be sent to the The APP quoted Mr. Zehri bad had called Mr. Modis re- Saudi management of
next to the oice of Afghan- convicted both men in July. by Muhajiroun were the sui- United Nations Secretary- as saying that some insur- marks on Balochistan and Makkah and Medina.
istans former intelligence Choudary is the former cide bombers who killed 52 General on the subject. gents had been using the Ba- PoK as unwarranted and in For the first time in al-
chief Rahmatullah Nabil. head in Britain of Islam4UK people on Londons public Islamabad has been vigor- loch youth as the fuel for complete contravention of most three decades, Ira-
It remains unclear which or al-Muhajiroun, a now transport system in July ously protesting against New their so-called freedom the UN charter. It had rea- nians will not participate
compound was the intended banned group co-founded by 2005, and the men who mur- Delhi on the issue of Balo- fight. He said though sever- soned that they were aimed in this years pilgrimage to
target of the attack, which Omar Bakri Muhammad that dered soldier Lee Rigby in chistan ever since Prime al misguided youth had at diverting attention from Makkah after talks on lo-
left piles of rubble and called for Islamic law in the capital in 2013, according Minister Narendra Modi joined the national main- the atrocities in the Kashmir gistics and security fell
shards of glass strewn across Britain. to the police. AFP weaved into his Independ- stream, some elements were valley. apart. AFP
the area.
The interior ministry said

Chasing the IIT dream, across the Palk Bay

42 people including 10 for-
eigners were rescued. It add-
ed that six people had been
wounded in the attack,
which ended on Tuesday
morning when Afghan
With foreign nationals becoming eligible to compete for the IITs, Sri Lankas high school students are aiming high
forces gunned down all three MEERA SRINIVASAN students will put the IITs at students, particularly those said they would hold a simi-
attackers. an even higher level global- from Colombo, are increas- lar session in Jafna.
No militant group has so COLOMBO: After completing ly, said Santosh J. Gharpure, ingly considering higher
far claimed responsibility for her AS levels equivalent associate professor, IIT- education abroad even at IISc to conduct exams
the raid on the charity, but it of class 11 at a Colombo Bombay, at a discussion or- the undergraduate level Speaking on this, Bhaskar
comes as the Taliban ramp school, Sasmithaa Manick- ganised by the Indian High targeting colleges in the U.S., Ramamurthi, director at IIT-
up their nationwide ofen- am is exploring her options Commission in Colombo. the U.K. and Australia. Madras, said that it had not
sive against the U.S.-backed in higher education. Foreign nationals will be Soon, students who aspire yet been decided if the for-
government. The attack on If her dream materialises, admitted to undergraduate to pursue an engineering de- eign students would only ap-
CARE International is the she may be, in a couple of and postgraduate pro- gree can consider colleges pear for the JEE (Advanced)
deliberate targeting of civil- years, studying at a premier grammes of the IITs from right across the Palk Bay or the JEE (Main) too.
ians and constitutes a war institution in India, learning the year 2017-18. They could now that the IITs have He said the exams would
crime, Amnesty Interna- the fundamentals of com- appear for the Joint Entrance opened their gates to them. be conducted by the Indian
tional said, calling for an in- puter science engineering. Examination (JEE) and To start with, it is so close Institute of Science (IISc),
dependent probe to bring the She has set her sights on the Graduate Aptitude Test in by. The courses also tend to Bangalore and the foreign
perpetrators to justice. Indian Institutes of Engineering (GATE) in Sri be more afordable than in aspirants would take the ex-
The assault had been pre- Technology. Lanka, on the same day and the West, said Kavishna Se- am on the same date, same
ceded by twin Taliban blasts time, like aspirants in India. kar, who wants to study time as students in India.
that killed at least 41 people Visit by IIT professors REACH OF THE IITS: Students take part in an outreach event The IITs will add seats to chemical engineering. Each institute can decide
during rush hour on Monday, I got to know about the organised by the Indian High Commission in Colombo earlier their existing pool, opening The IITs have so far had on the number of students it
including high-level oicials, IITs while reading about top in the week. PHOTO: MEERA SRINIVASAN up new space where foreign international students most- wants to admit, he added.
and left 110 wounded. techies in places like Goo- nationals compete with each ly as part of exchange pro- The number of seats for
The rise in casualties was gle. I also have heard a lot Earlier this year, the IITs The initiative enables, for other, without any change to grammes. This sort of di- Indian students would not
announced on Tuesday by about the institutes from my had announced plans to hold the first time, foreign na- the admission process. versity will be great for be reduced in any of the
the health ministry, which friends and relatives living entrance examinations tionals to compete for IIT Sri Lanka has, for long, Indian students. So its an branches even if foreign stu-
had earlier put the death toll in India, she said, after an abroad in Singapore, the seats. Up to now, the en- been setting an example in advantage not just to the for- dents are admitted, he ex-
at 24 with 91 wounded. interactive session with vis- UAE, Ethiopia and SAARC trance exams were conduct- the region with its highly-re- eign students, but a great plained, adding, A student
The second of the two ex- iting academics from the nations. Following that, the ed only to admit Indians liv- garded public school and value addition to the experi- will get admitted to a pro-
plosions struck just as sol- IITs on Monday. A team of Ministry of Human Re- ing abroad. university system. However, ence of our students in India gramme by virtue of having
diers, policemen and civil- six IIT professors is in Sri source Development, along The IITs have made it to the last few years have wit- as well. Its a win-win situa- qualified in the entrance
ians hurried to help the Lanka to orient students to with the Ministry of Exter- top slots in some interna- nessed a stronger push for tion, said U.K. Anandavard- exam.
victims of the first blast earli- the admissions system at the nal Afairs, has begun its tional ranking lists. Howev- private education here. hanan, associate professor at (With inputs from R. Su-
er. AFP IITs. outreach. er, admitting more foreign Moreover, many high school IIT-Bombay. The professors jatha in Chennai.)


There is tightening in the (start-up SENSEX GOLD RUPEE BRENT OIL

funding) pipeline and there is pain 06-09-2016 28,979 06-09-2016 31,100 06-09-2016 66.52 06-09-2016 46.79
T.V. Mohandas Pai, Ex-CFO, Infosys 446 100 0.30 0.03
02-09-2016 28,533 points 03-09-2016 31,000 /10 gms 02-09-2016 66.82 /$ 02-09-2016 46.82 $/bbl

BRIEFLY Summer-sown Change of guard

RBI DG Gandhi allotted
Monetary Policy Dept. China may allow imports pulses may hit
record output

of Indian non-basmati rice

MUMBAI: The Reserve Bank of
India has reallocated the JALGAON: India's production of
portfolios of deputy governors summer-sown pulses is like-
following the elevation of Urjit ly to surge to a record high
Patel as Governor. Deputy this year, dragging down
Governor R. Gandhi was prices of the protein-rich
assigned the crucial Monetary China was the largest importer of the grain in 2015-16 food grains after last year's
Policy Department, which was sharp rally that prompted
earlier under Dr. Patel. The ARUN S farmers to increase area un-
government is yet to appoint a der cultivation, industry oi-
deputy governor as replacement NEW DELHI: China may soon cials said. SIGNING IN: RBI Governor Urjit Patel takes over from
for Dr. Patel. With the next grant market access to In- Higher output by the Raghuram Rajan on Tuesday. PHOTO: SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT
monetary policy review due on dia's non-basmati rice ex- world's top consumer and
October 4 and the Centre in the ports, acceding to a long- importer of pulses could
process of constituting a pending request from New help Asia's No.3 economy re-
Monetary Policy Committee, if
the new deputy governor in
charge of monetary policy is not
The Centre had repeatedly
taken up the issue of the
in in its headline inflation
that hit a near two-year high
in July on double-digit an-
DIAL may issue masala
appointed by that time then Mr.
Gandhi will in all likelihood be a
part of the committee.
countrys ballooning goods
trade deficit with China bi-
laterally. India had demand-
nual increases in prices of
sugar, vegetables and pulses.
Prices have been moder-
bonds to refinance debt
Special Correspondent ed market access for prod- ating and in some pulses they SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT
ucts including non-basmati could halve from the peak DIAL is a joint
India, Chile expand rice, pharmaceuticals and due to bumper production, NEW DELHI: Delhi International venture formed
several fruits & vegetables said Pravin Dongre, chair- Airport Pvt Ltd (DIAL) is as a consortium
scope of PTA among others. man of the India Pulses and planning to raise funds by is-
Indias goods trade deficit Grains Association. suing masala bonds in the between GMR Group,
NEW DELHI: India and Chile
agreed to expand the scope of
with China has surged from He estimated India's out- next two-three months in a AAI and Fraport AG
$1.1 billion in 2003-04 to $52.7 put of summer-sown pulses bid to refinance its debt, a
their Preferential Trade billion in 2015-16. Beijing has QUALITY CHECK: Chinese officials have finally agreed to visit India during September 19-28 to at a record 7.8 million tonnes company oicial said sue bonds to raise money
Agreement (PTA) by covering been denying market ac- inspect rice mills. FILE PHOTO: K. MUSTAFAH this year, up 40 percent from Tuesday. from investors and a number
more goods for tariff cess to India's non-basmati a year ago. The government We can refinance debt of of Indian firms are looking to
concessions. An agreement to rice claiming that the item ry for Indian rice exporters ess, A. K. Gupta, Director ities will shortly give green has not yet issued an oicial up to Rs.3,000 crore for raise funds through masala
this effect was signed by had failed to meet Chinese to be registered with the (Basmati Export Develop- signal for non-basmati rice forecast. DIAL at present, said Sidha- bonds. Earlier this year,
commerce secretary Rita norms on quality, health and NPPO the Indian govern- ment Foundation, foreign exports from India to China. Last year, higher pulses rath Kapur, President Fi- HDFC had raised Rs.3,000
Teaotia and Andrs safety. Its concerns included ment body in charge for in- trade, World Trade Organisa- He said a recent joint survey prices were hitting consum- nance and Business Devel- crore through issuance of its
BarbGonzlez, Ambassador, the likelihood of a pest called specting these mills and tion-related matters & agri- done by AIREA and the lead- ers. Now farmers could suf- opment, GMR Airport three-year masala bonds and
Embassy of Chile. The PTA was Khapra beetle (or cabinet granting certificates on plant export zones), APEDA, said. ing agro-chemical (includ- fer due to steep fall in prices, Limited. The company plans NTPC raised Rs.2,000 crore
earlier signed on March 8, 2006 beetle) getting transported health for export purposes. He expressed hope that fol- ing pesticides) firm UPL Mr. Dongre said. to issue bonds primarily to by selling five-year green
and had come into force with along with Indian non-bas- The NPPO will assist its lowing the inspection, China found that the allegations re- The price of pulses - such refinance DIALs debts, Mr. bonds to support renewable
effect from August, 2007. mati rice consignments to Chinese counterpart AQSIQ will soon issue a formal noti- garding the presence of Kha- as green, black and red gram Kapur said. power projects.
Indias export basket with Chile China. during the inspection from fication regarding permis- pra beetle in processed Indi- - hit record highs earlier this We will either go for ma- In January last year, DIAL
is diversified and keeping in view China was the worlds September 19-28 for pest risk sion for non-basmati rice ex- an rice were wrong and year after back-to-back sala bonds or U.S. dollars de- had raised $288.75 million
the wide variety of tariff lines largest rice importer in 2015- analysis and plant quaran- ports from India. vastly exaggerated. droughts curbed output in pending upon the market through seven-year dollar-
offered by Chile, the expanded 16 followed by Saudi Arabia tine purposes to ensure that The Chinese authorities 2015. But in the past few conditions. If masala bonds denominated bonds. This
PTA would immensely benefit and Iraq. the non-basmati consign- had carried out a similar in- Pakistani imports weeks, prices have softened ofer lower cost options we was the first time that DIAL
India, an official statement said. ments from India will be spection in 2009, following Pointing out that China with ample rains prompting will take it up, he said on the had tapped the ofshore bond
Special Correspondent Mill inspection pest-free, safe and of good which in 2011-12, they gave imports non-basmati rice farmers to cultivate more. sidelines of a press confer- market to raise funds. DIAL
Oicial sources said after quality. their nod to basmati exports from Pakistan, Mr. Sundare- I have reduced area under ence here. The funds would had used the proceeds to re-
Niti Aayog plans second several requests from the In- Agricultural & Processed from India to China, Mr. san said Beijings objection cotton to cultivate pulses on be raised in the next two- finance its existing external
dian side, Chinese oicials Food Products Export Devel- Gupta added. to Indian non-basmati ex- more area, said Sukhdev three months. commercial borrowings.
list for PSU divestment have finally agreed to visit opment Authority (APEDA) Pointing out that the 19 port seems more political in Nathu Mali, a farmer from DIAL is a joint venture According to the Interna-
NEW DELHI: After submission of India during September 19- under the Indian commerce mills are involved in process- nature than anything else. Jalgaon district of western formed as a consortium be- tional Air Transport Associ-
the first list of PSUs for closure 28 to inspect 19 rice mills reg- ministry is also involved in ing non-basmati and basmati Trade sources said there state of Maharashtra. tween GMR Group (64 per ation, air travel in India grew
or sell off to the government, istered with the National the process. India had earlier rice, he said, therefore, the are reports of rice (basmati & As of Sept. 2, India's area cent), AAI (26 per cent) and 20 per cent last year in com-
Niti Aayog is now working on Plant Protection Organiza- sent the information sought inspection will cover both non-basmati) exports from under summer-sown pulses Fraport AG (10 per cent). parison with Chinas 10 per
another list for disinvestment. tion (NPPO). These mills are by AQSIQ regarding the varieties. India to China happening reached a record 14.2 million GMR is the lead member of cent and the U.S.s 5 per cent.
We have submitted the first situated in states including quality protocol and stan- Rajen Sundaresan, Execu- through Hong Kong and hectares, up 33 per cent from the consortium. Domestic air traic in India
report on closure and strategic Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pra- dard operating procedures, tive Director, All India Rice Thailand. In 2015-16, India a year ago, with the market Masala bonds are rupee- grew faster at 23 per cent in
sale or disinvestment to the desh and Madhya Pradesh. the sources said. Exporters Association (AI- exported 6.2 million tonnes already reflecting the ex- denominated bonds issued the first four months of 2016,
government. We have To export to countries in- The inspection is a very REA), said he was also hope- of non-basmati rice worth pected bumper supplies. by Indian companies to over- according to the Civil Avia-
recommended a lot of names cluding China, it is mandato- significant stage in the proc- ful that the Chinese author- Rs.15,000 crore, he said. Reuters seas buyers. Corporates is- tion Ministry.
but difficult to give a number,
Niti Aayog Vice Chairman Arvind
Panagariya said at an event
here. We are continuously
working on it. We are preparing
Tata Motors bags bus BHEL, Swiss firm evince
a second list on disinvestment.
In June, it had submitted to the orders worth Rs.900 cr. interest in Maglev train
roadmap for closure and
strategic sale of government SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT support these STUs to make SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT than a decade. This is the fas-
stake in some PSUs. PTI certain the technology bene- test commercial train at pre-
MUMBAI: Tata Motors has re- fits are rapidly realised. NEW DELHI: Six firms including sent running at a top speed of
ceived orders for more than More than 1,500 of the or- Bharat Heavy Electricals 430 km per hour. Georgia-
L&T Technology IPO to 5,000 buses worth Rs.900 dered buses will be fully Limited (BHEL), Switzer- based American Maglev
open on September 12 crore from 25 state or city built and integrated with land-based Swissrapide AG Technology Inc, which has
transport undertakings these features, at Tata Mo- and an American rail firm, also shown interest in the
MUMBAI: The initial public offer across India, according to a tors manufacturing facility at have shown interest in devel- project, has built test tracks
(IPO) of L&T Technology company statement. Tata Marcopolo and ACGL oping Indias proposed Ma- for Maglev trains in the U.S.,
Services Ltd will open on This represents a growth Goa. Tata Motors plans to ex- glev trains that would oper- a senior Railway Ministry of-
September 12 in which 1.04 of more than 80 per cent ecute the orders in the finan- ate on the principle of ficial said.
crore equity shares will be compared with its order cial year 2016-17. magnetic levitation and can
offered in the price band of book position last year, ac- It is an opportunity to in- run at a top speed of 500 km Indian firms
Rs.850 to Rs.860 per share. At cording to the statement. crease sales, as most state an hour. Among Indian firms, apart
the upper end of the band, the After a gap of nearly four transport undertakings with The Indian Railways had from BHEL, Hyderabad-
issue will raise about Rs.895 years, State Transport Un- an ageing fleet, are replacing floated an expression of in- based Medha Servo Drives,
crore. The issue will close for dertakings (STU) have their buses with technologi- terest in July this year for de- Surat-based Agilu Setu Pvt
subscription on September 15. placed large orders for buses cally superior ones, said Ab- veloping Maglev trains and Ltd and a Gurgaon-based pri-
Merchant bankers managing the indicating renewed focus on dul Majeed, Partner, Nation- will now frame a request for vate person Sharad M. Ma-
offering are Kotak Mahindra public transport. The or- al Automotive leader, PwC proposal document after ex- rathe have shown interest in
Capital Company, DSP Merrill ders from various STU / City India. Going forward there amining the responses from the levitation-based system.
Lynch, JM Financial Institutional Transport providers repre- will be a need for eco-friend- these six firms in the next The developer will design,
Securities and SBI Capital sents a noticeable shift to- ly hybrid buses and Indian four months, a senior Rail- test, build, run trials and op-
Markets. The company earns wards adopting new technol- firms must invest to develop ways oicial said. erate the levitation-based
80.2 per cent of its revenues ogy, safety, comfort features appropriate technology to Swissrapide AG has been system between two key ci-
from North America and Europe. and connected IT enabled face competition from Volvo, operating Shanghais Trans- ties separated by a distance
Special Correspondent buses. Tata Motors will also Mercedes-Benz and Scania. rapid Maglev train for more of 200-500 km.

Exchange Rates
Indicative direct rates in rupees a unit
RIL plant under CSCs may assemble LED lamps
except yen at 4 p.m on September 06
lens over possible
U.S. Dollar
Buying Selling
66.32 66.64 duty evasion to boost rural economy: Prasad
Euro 74.03 74.39
NEW DELHI: Reliance Industries YUTHIKA BHARGAVA ances. There should be com-
Pound Sterling 88.58 89.01
Jap Yen (100 Units) 64.14 64.45
Ltds (RIL) Hazira manufac- petition among CSCs, Mr.
Chinese Yuan 9.93 9.98 turing unit in Gujarat has VARANASI: The Centre plans to Prasad said at an event here
Swiss Franc 67.78 68.11 come under the scanner of use the common service cen- which was attended by about
Singapore Dollar 48.91 49.16 central revenue authorities tres (CSC) for assembly and 3000 CSC owners or village
Australian Dollar 50.62 50.87 for alleged excise duty eva- manufacture of LED lamps level entrepreneurs.
Canadian Dollar 51.39 51.65 sion of at least Rs. 5 crore. in a bid to boost rural econo- The minister also unveiled
Swedish Kroner 7.76 7.80 The Directorate General my, according to Ravi Shan- a scheme under which IIT
Danish Kroner 9.95 10.00 of Central Excise Intelli- kar Prasad, Electronics and courses will be taught to stu-
New Zealand Dollar 48.68 48.93 gence here has started a IT Minister. dents in village using CSCs.
Hongkong Dollar 8.55 8.59 probe in the case and sought CSCs can be a great sys- These centres had also tied
Malaysian Ringgit 16.24 16.34 certain clarification from tem for generating revenues up with TCS and Siemens for
Kuwaiti Dinar 218.81 221.32 RIL, oicial sources said. and employment in rural In- skill development courses.
UAE Dirham 18.05 18.14 The case relates to alleged dia. Ravi Shankar Prasad
Bahraini Dinar 175.79 176.88 wrong classification of "Making LEDs is not More CSCs
Qatari Riyal 18.26 18.28 mixed xylene a chemical tough...all these will be ments announcement to dis- We ramped up the num-
Saudi Riyal 17.73 17.74 obtained through cracking of bought by Energy Eiciency tribute smartphones to help ber of CSCs to 2.29 lakh from
Omani Riyal 172.18 173.18
Naphtha produced by it Services Ltd (EESL), said a two-way communication 80,000 in 2014. We soon plan
Source: Indian Bank
and sold to paint factories, Mr. Prasad here on Tuesday. between the government to take it up to 2.50 lakh.
they said. and people and also take di- "If one CSC employs 10
The company was alleged- Tele-consultation services rect feedback on the various people, these centres can
Bullion Rates ly paying 12.5 per cent duty The Centre will also pro- schemes of the government. generate employment for 2.5
September 06 rates in rupees with on it by declaring the prod- vide tele-consultation ser- Assembly elections are crore people, Mr.Prasad
previous rates in brackets uct as organic chemical in- vices for animal healthcare scheduled to take place in said.
Chennai stead it should have been de- as well as legal issues the state early next year. Pointing to the impor-
Bar Silver (1 kg) 46,770 (46,760) clared as mineral oil which through these centres where tance of CSCs, the Minister
Retail (1 g) 50.00 (50.00) attracts 14 per cent levy, the kits for testing diseases such CSC enabler said the centres provide digi-
24 ct gold (10 g) 31,520 (31,500) sources said. A RIL spokes- as malaria and dengue will Ofering government ser- tal access and services in ar-
22 ct gold (1 g) 2,947 (2,945) person said they have com- also be available. vices should be an enabler eas without digital
Delhi plied with all the rules and Mr.Prasad also inaugu- for CSCs. But they should al- connectivity.
Silver 46,200 (45,900) their operations were regu- rated Wi-Fi facilities in six so find their own business (The journalist was
Standard gold 31,100 (31,000)
larly audited by government villages of Uttar Pradesh. model, for example educa- in Varanasi at the
Sovereign 24,300 (24,300)
agencies. PTI This follows state govern- tion and selling of insur- Ministrys invitation)


Equitas eyes Rs.550-cr. deposits via piggy banks
CHENNAI: City-based Equitas Small Finance Bank is hopeful of garnering
BMW, West Bengal Mitsubishi
Tanabe to
distribute Sun
ITC gets interim
relief against Britannia
saving deposits of Rs.550 crore from its customers through piggy
banks (hundis) collection by March 2017. Briefing reporters, P.N.
Vasudevan, Equitas Small Finance Bank Managing Director and CEO,
said: Till recently, as microfinance non-banking financial company, we
were not allowed to collect deposits. There have been fervent requests
discuss 6 proposals Pharmas brands

KOLKATA: ITC has won an in-

terim injunction against Bri-
tannia in its case involving
ITC had filed a suit
against Britannia
Industries Ltd. for
copying biscuit
from several women self help groups asking us to accept deposit. We
told them that we are in the process of starting a bank and gave those
All options open for German automobile major MUMBAI: Sun Pharma has en-
tered into an agreement with
the packaging of Britannias
Nutri Choice Digestive Zero packaging
hundis to save some money till then. On September 5, Equitas SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma biscuits in its present form,
announced the commencement of Small Finance Bank operations with Corporation for distribution during the pendency of a suit biscuit packages.
the opening of three branches in Chennai City. Another 409 branches in KOLKATA: Representatives of of 14 prescription brands it involving the two big FMCG In its response, Britannia
11 districts will be added in the next seven to eight months. N. Anand automobile major BMW and had acquired from Novartis companies. Britannia said said NutriChoice was its
West Bengal government Pharma KK, in Japan. These that it was exploring all legal flagship brand in the health
held talks in Germany on brands and manufacturing options. category of biscuits. It was
Karur Vysya Bank may ally with small finance firm about six proposals includ- facilities, which were ac- The Delhi High Court, introduced in 1998 and had a
CHENNAI: Karur Vysya Bank may tie up with a small finance bank to ing component manufacture, quired by the company earli- which is examining the case, market share of about 70 per
strengthen its lending to smaller enterprises. Stating that while small shared services and vehicle er this year, will be trans- granted Britannia four weeks cent in the premium health
finance banks operated in the niche segment and were not a threat to manufacture. ferred from Novartis to Sun time to phase out the existing category.
private banks, K. Venkataraman, MD and CEO, KVB said, We might join Briefing the media after Pharmas subsidiary in Japan stocks of the digestive bis- The packaging architec-
hands with them to strengthen the lending to micro, medium and small the meeting, West Bengal Fi- in a phased manner, begin- cuits with the impugned ture for NutriChoice has
enterprises. As only a few such banks had started operations, KVB nance and Industry Minister ning October 2016 till 2017. packaging, the order said. been built on the brands
would adopt a wait and watch approach, he said. KVB also plans to Amit Mitra said a numbers of BENGAL CALLING: Green mobility is seen as an important tenet of Under this alliance, fol- It said that Britannia could own strategy and has not
increase its exposure to the sector from 32 per cent to 45 per cent. presentations were made by their technology now, says Amit Mitra. FILE PHOTO: AFP lowing the transfer of manu- adopt any packaging which been influenced by any other
President Pranab Mukherjee will preside over the banks centenary year the company and the state facturing and marketing is distinctively diferent from brand, the Wadia Group
celebrations in Chennai on September 10. Special Correspondent government. for taking todays talks for- Rhine Westphalia Region. rights to Sun Pharmas sub- the packaging currently used company claimed.
ward. We are working to- Although the countrys sidiary in Japan, Mitsubishi by ITC for its Sunfeast Farm-
Green mobility wards a sustained relation- first automobile manufactur- Tanabe Pharma Corporation lite Digestive All Good bis- Legal options
Hyundai Motor to achieve 100% capacity in 2 years Green mobility is an im- ship, Mr. Mitra said. ing unit was located in West will market and distribute all cuits. ITC had filed a suit As far as the injunction
CHENNAI: Hyundai Motor India Ltd., (HMIL) has achieved a capacity portant tenet of their tech- BMW, during the meeting, Bengal in which the iconic the 14 brands as well as pro- against Britannia Industries passed by the Delhi High
utilisation of 93 per cent in its manufacturing facilities and it may take nology now and small elec- made presentations on its In- Ambassador cars were made vide information on their Ltd. (BIL) on August 20 for Court is concerned, we are
another two years to achieve full capacity, said its MD and CEO, Y.K. tric cars and hybrid vehicles dia strategy and activities by the Birlas, the land in Ut- proper use to healthcare pro- copying biscuit packaging. exploring all our legal op-
Koo. Briefing reporters after inaugurating the companys renovated were discussed, Mr. Mitra and green mobility tarapara in the states Hoogh- fessionals, according to a Both the companies had tions in the matter, accord-
Global Designer Space Identity showroom in Chennai, he said that said. We have told them that initiatives. ly District now lies in waste statement from Sun Pharma. made regulatory filings in ing to a company statement.
currently the company produces 6.6 lakh cars per annum and this could all options are open com- The West Bengal Govern- after the unit shut down in Isao Muramatsu, President this regard in response to We would like to assure
be stretched to the maximum capacity of 7 lakh in about two years ponent manufacture, shared ment showcased the states May 2014. and Representative Director, stock exchange queries. our consumers that their fa-
time. For the current year, HMIL plans to produce five lakh cars for services and vehicle manu- developments. It was essen- West Bengals eforts to Sun Pharma Japan Ltd. said, In its response on Tuesday, vourite NutriChoice Diges-
domestic consumption and export about 1.6 lakh cars. Till August,the facture. tially a confidence-building host another automobile unit Through this alliance we ITC said that the order fol- tive Hi- fibre biscuit is unaf-
company had sold 3.28 lakh cars. Special Correspondent He said electric cars, mo- meeting, said Mr.Mitra. through the Tata Motors have the opportunity to lev- lowed a suit filed by ITC fected by the court order and
torcycles and hybrid vehi- He felt the collective pres- small car project in Singur is erage Mitsubishi Tanabe against Britannia for injunc- will continue to be available
cles featured during the ence of the state did leave a of course history although Pharma Corporations spe- tion, restraining Britannia in the market.
Lupin receives USFDA nod for anti-bacterial tablets talks. He declined to answer mark on them. On Monday, Ms. Banerjee, as the opposi- cialised expertise to create a from using a label deceptive- The product in question
MUMBAI: Lupins U.S. subsidiary, Gavis Pharmaceuticals LLC, USA, has a question on whether any the delegation was in Dussel- tion leader who spearheaded strong business foundation ly similar to the trade dress which is the zero variant of
received tentative approval for its Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets, special incentive package dorf where meetings were the Singur land agitation for us in Japan. and colour combination of NutriChoice Digestive will
400 mg from the United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) has been ofered to BMW, held with Chambers of Com- leading to the projects flight, Sun Pharma will focus on ITCs Sunfeast Farmlite Di- also continue to be available
to market a generic version of Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals Inc.s which has a unit in Tamil Na- merce and Industry of the re- has often remarked that it is expanding its sales channels gestive ALL GOOD biscuit across the country whilst
Avelox Tablets, 400 mg in the US, Lupin said in a statement. Avelox had du. The two sides also decid- gions as also government possible to turn the state into in Japans pharmaceutical packages for its Britannia keeping in line with the court
U.S. sales of $ 30.1 million. Meanwhile, Lupin has received tentative ed to appoint pointspersons representatives of the North an auto hub. market, it said. Nutrichoice Digestive Zero order, Britannia said.
approval for its Silodosin Capsules, 4 mg and 8 mg from the USFDA to
market a generic version of Allergan Sales, LLC's RapafloCapsules, 4 mg
and 8 mg. Rapaflo had US sales of $228.7 million.
Special Correspondent G20 to combat populist Aditya Birla Fashion enters innerwear market
Lenskart raises funding from Premji Invest
BENGALURU:, the online eyewear retailer has raised an

MUMBAI: Aditya Birla Fashion

three southern cities of Ben-
galuru, Chennai and Hydera-
bad. After two months, the
Aditya Birla Fashion and Re-
tail. We see big business op-
portunity in these segments
wear that goes from gym to
street to couch.
Once retailers under-
undisclosed amount of funding from Premji Invest, a fund set up by HANGZHOU: G20 leaders resolv- and hauling them out of pov- and Retail Ltd. has forayed company plans to introduce which are growing at a stand their customer seg-
Wipro chairman and billionaire Azim Premji. Lenskart said the funding ed to combat a populist erty were being drowned out into the Rs.7,000 crore mens the range in key markets healthy double-digit and this ment, they look out for new-
will help it to expand access to high-quality and affordable eye-care backlash against global by the chorus of opposition. premium innerwear and ath- across India. will significantly contribute er opportunities to increase
products across India. Peyush Bansal, chief executive and founder of trade, and highlight the ben- There was a determina- leisure (casual clothing such to the leadership position of the size of the wardrobe of
Lenskart said that with this collaboration, the company will be able to efits it has brought including tion around the room to bet- as yoga pants, sweat pants Double-digit growth the company, he said. their customers, said Kumar
draw on Premji Invests extensive experience, particularly in retail. He lifting millions out of pover- ter identify the benefits of etc) market by introducing a The expansion into the Innerwear sales in India Rajagopalan, CEO, Retailers
said the funding will also help the firm realise its potential and develop ty, IMFs Christine Lagarde trade in order to respond to new range under the Van two new categories is a stra- are growing 13-14 per cent a Association of India. The
best practices. The transaction comes three months after Lenskart got said. Ms. Lagarde said that the easy populist backlash Heusen brand name. tegic progression of the year for the industry. The introduction of a new prod-
Rs.400 crore in a funding round led by International Finance Corp, the the benefits of free trade in against globalisation. To begin with, the garment brand, said Ashish Dikshit, fast-growing athleisure cate- uct line is a great way to cre-
private sector investment arm of World Bank. Special Correspondent terms of lifting productivity AFP range will be available in Business Head, Madura F&L, gory includes multi-purpose ate value, he said.

SPORT | 17


Telecast schedule Not a fan Not revealing much Its the rapport!
Duleep Trophy: STAR Sports 4 & HD 4, Seems like doubles players today would be Shes ambitious. She gives everything to win all the We have a good connection, the New York City
1.30 p.m.; TNPL: STAR Sports 1 & HD 1, 6.30 getting calluses from shaking hands after every matches. She is focused and she doesnt give up. people, the Argentine people, the American people,

p.m.; England vs Pakistan T20, STAR point, whether won or lost. Coaching guru Three things. And Im not telling anymore. and me. Juan Martin del Potro on his beloved
Sports 2 & HD 2, 11 p.m. US Open: TEN 1 & Nick Bollettieri on between-the-points huddles Simona Halep not prepared to discuss her tactics stature in NY afterentering the last eight following
TEN 1 HD, 9.30 p.m. & 4.30 a.m. (Thursday). that are common in every doubles match. ahead of playing Serena Williams. a three-year absence from the US Open.

Aussies pile up
World record
PALLEKELE: Opener Glenn Max-
Kerber sweeps past Vinci into last four Nadal boost for
Spain vs India
MADRID: Rafael Nadal has been
wells blistering century in
Australias World record 263
The German now poised to make a serious bid for No. 1; del Potro sets up quarterfinal clash with Wawrinka named in Spains Davis Cup
team to play India in its World
powered it to an 85-run win
over Sri Lanka in the first T20I
here on Tuesday.
NEW YORK: Second seed Ange-
lique Kerber was first through
to the semifinals of the US
Sania-Strycova in last eight Group play-of tie in New Del-
hi from September 16 to 18.
Fifth-ranked Nadal will be
Australia, which broke Sri
Lankas nine-year record of
260 for six against Kenya in
Open on Tuesday, bringing
Roberta Vincis Flushing
Meadows dream run to an end
S ania Mirza and Barbara Strycova
produced a solid performance to
beat Nicole Gibbs and Nao Hibino and
and Gabriela Dabrowski fought hard
before losing their quarterfinals 6-1,
2-6, [8-10] against Canadas Robert
joined by 13th-ranked David
Ferrer for singles with Felicia-
no Lopez and Marc Lopez slat-
2007, then restricted the host with a clinical 7-5, 6-0 win. reach the womens doubles Farah and Anna-Lena Groenefeld of ed for doubles. AFP
to 178 for nine. Maxwells un- The match had looked an in- quarterfinals at the US Open here on Germany.
beaten 145 of 65 balls included triguing one between Kerber,
14 fours and nine sixes. AFP who has Serena Williamss
The Indo-Czech combine, which
In junior girls singles, Y. Pranjala
bounced back to defeat Polands Prajnesh
World No.1 ranking in her
SCOREBOARD sights, and the 33-year-old
posted a 6-4, 7-5 win over American-
Japanese duo, earned a clash against
Wiktoria Kulik 2-6, 6-3, 6-2 in her first
round match. However, Pranjala and advances
Vinci, who discovered a foun- the top-seeded French duo of Caroline Chinas Zhima Du lost their doubles
Australia: G. Maxwell (not out) CHENNAI: Top seed Prajnesh
tain of youth at Flushing Garcia and Kristina Mladenovic for a opener to Chinese Taipeis I-Hsuan Cho
145, D. Warner b Senanayake 28, U. Gunneswaran beat qualifier
Meadows last year where she place in the last four. and Japans Yuki Naito 6-4, 3-6, [10-5].
Khawaja c T. Perera b Pathirana 36, Irfan Husain 6-0, 6-2 in the
reached the finals. In mixed doubles, Rohan Bopanna Agencies
T. Head c de Silva b T. Perera 45; Ex- first round of the MCC-S.R.
But a foot-fault on set-point
tras (b-4, lb-2, w-2, nb-1) 9; Total (for Subramaniam ITF Futures
in the opening set appeared to minutes to clinch her semifi- Even when the public ad-
three wickets in 20 overs) 263. tournament at the Madras
trip up Vinci and sent her tum- nal spot. dress system blared out acci-
Fall of wickets: 1-57, 2-154, Cricket Club here on Tuesday.
bling out of the years final On Monday, Serena Wil- dentally as she prepared to
3-263. The results: First round: Praj-
Grand Slam. liams broke through another serve early in the final game
Sri Lanka bowling: Senanayake nesh Gunneswaran bt Irfan Husain
barrier, her 308th Grand Slam she was not rattled.
4-0-49-1, Lakmal 4-0-51-0, Rajitha 3- 6-0, 6-2; N. Vijay Sundar Prashanth
match win taking her past I just said to myself stay in
0-46-0, T. Perera 4-0-58-1, de Silva 1- bt Niki Poonacha 6-3, 6-2; Dalwinder
Roger Federer for the most in the game dont rush, Konjuh
0-8-0, Pathirana 4-0-45-1. Singh bt Aryan Goveas 6-4, 6-3; Gar-
major tournaments and into said. I remember, at Wimble-
Sri Lanka: K. Perera c Starc b Bo- vit Batra bt Tyler Hochwalt (USA)
the quarterfinals. don I had match points, and I
land 4, T. Dilshan b Starc 4, D. de Sil- 6-4, 6-2; Sasi Kumar Mukund bt Go-
As Serena, never seriously thought Im not going to do
va b Faulkner 12, D. Chandimal c Hen- kul Suresh 6-0, 6-0; Ansu Bhuyan bt
challenged in a 6-2, 6-3 victory that here. Im not going to let
riques b Boland 58, K. Mendis c Suraj Prabodh 6-7(4), 6-4, 6-4; Sa-
over 52nd-ranked Yaroslava that opportunity go.
Maxwell b Henriques 22, T. Perera c nam Singh bt Vitalii Shcherba (Ukr)
Shvedova, sailed on, the other Simona Halep, the fifth
Boland b Zampa 7, C. Kapugedara c 6-2, 6-3; Mohit Mayur bt Siddharth
player with a chance to topple seed, advanced with a 6-2, 7-5
Bailey b Starc 43, S. Pathirana c Head Vishwakarma 6-3, 3-6, 5-3 retd.; Te-
her from the World No.1 spot, victory over Carla Suarez
b Boland 2, S. Senanayake (not out) jas Chaukulkar bt Dakshineswar
Three times Vinci would bowed out. Fourth-seeded Ag- Navarro.
6, S. Lakmal c&b Starc 1, K. Rajitha Suresh 6-3, 6-1; Sidharth Rawat bt
break Kerber in the opening nieszka Radwanska was The tantalising prospect of
(not out) 0; Extras (b-8, lb-8, w-) 19; Fran Zvonimir Zgombic (Cro) 4-6,
set and three times she would shocked by 18-year-old Croa- a semifinal clash between Se-
Total (for nine wickets in 20 overs) 6-3, 6-3.
allow the German to immedi- tian Ana Konjuh. rena and Venus evaporated as
178. ately break back, including The 6-4, 6-4 win made the elder Williams fell to hard-
Fall of wickets: 1-9, 2-15, 3-45, 4-
76, 5-94, 6-138, 7-142, 8-174, 9-177.
once while serving at 5-4 for
the set.
amends for a bitter disap-
pointment at Wimbledon for
hitting Karolina Pliskova 4-6,
6-4, 7-6(3).
Maiden GP title
Australia bowling: Starc 4-0-
26-3, Boland 4-0-26-3, Faulkner 4-0-
Kerber claimed the decisive
break to win the set when Vin-
Konjuh, who held three match
points against Radwanska be- Murray sails on
for Sikki and
38-1, Henriques 2-0-24-1, Zampa 4-
0-27-1, Maxwell 2-0-21-0.
ci was called for a foot-fault on
her second serve before sar-
fore falling 9-7 in the second
round after stepping on a ball
On the mens side, second
seed and 2012 champion Andy
Toss: Sri Lanka castically applauding the line and turning her ankle. Murray crushed Grigor Dimi- FOZ DO IGUACU (BRAZIL): The Indi-
Man of the Match: G. Maxwell judge as she walked of the The teenager showed re- trov 6-1, 6-2, 6-2 to reach his an mixed doubles pair of Sikki
Result: Australia beat Sri Lanka court. markable poise throughout sixth quarterfinal here, clock- Reddy and Pranaav Jerry Cho-
by 85 runs. The Italian never reco- the match that closed out the ing up a personal fast serve re- pra clinched their maiden
vered, and Kerber blasted night session on the cavernous cord in the process. Grand Prix title, bagging the
Brazil Open with a 21-15, 21-16
Guptill in team through the second set in 24 Arthur Ashe stadium. From the moment Murray
broke for a 3-1 lead in the first victory over the Canadian
combo of Toby Ng and Rachel
for India tour THE RESULTS set on the back of a lung-bust-
ing 32-shot rally, the outcome RELENTLESS: After a seesawing first set, Angelique Kerber shut Roberta Vinci out in the second Honderich in the final, here on
Men: Fourth round: Juan Martin lique Kerber (Ger) bt 7-Roberta Vinci of the clash was never in set in their quarterfinal match on Tuesday. PHOTO: AP Sunday. PTI
WELLINGTON: New Zealand se- del Potro (Arg) bt 8-Dominic Thiem (Ita) 7-5, 6-0. doubt.
lectors kept faith with out-of (Aut) 6-3, 3-2 retd.; 3-Stan Wawrinka Fourth round: 1-Serena Williams For good measure, Murray forced errors as Murray set up tro was leading eighth-seeded to lead a trio of French men in-
form opener Martin Guptill on
Tuesday, naming him in a 15-
(Sui) bt Illya Marchenko (Ukr) 6-4,
6-1, 6-7(5), 6-3; 6-Kei Nishikori (Jpn)
(USA) bt Yaroslava Shvedova (Kaz)
6-2, 6-3; 5-Simona Halep (Rom) bt 11-
sent down his fastest ever
serve of 141mph (226.9 kmph)
a last-eight clash with sixth
seed Kei Nishikori who
Dominic Thiem 6-3, 3-2 when
the Austrian retired with a
to the quarterfinals.
Pouille next tackles 10th-
Advani rallies to
man squad for a three-Test
tour of India. New Zealand
bt 21-Ivo Karlovic (Cro) 6-3, 6-4, 7-6
(4). 2-Andy Murray (GBR) bt 22-Gri-
Carla Suarez Navarro (Esp) 6-2, 7-5.
Ana Konjuh (Cro) bt 4-Agnieszka
at the end of a set where he al-
lowed Dimitrov just five
downed Ivo Karlovic 6-3, 6-4,
right knee injury.
del Potro next faces Stan
seeded compatriot Gael Mon-
fils, a 6-3, 6-2, 6-3 winner over
down Junhui
will play Tests in Kanpur, Kol- gor Dimitrov (Bul) 6-1, 6-2, 6-2; 1-No- Radwanska (Pol) 6-4, 6-4; 10-Karoli- points against serve. Karlovic fired 21 aces in the Wawrinka, who reached a Marcos Baghdatis. BANGKOK: Pankaj Advani rallied
kata and Indore, followed by a vak Djokovic (Srb) bt Kyle Edmund na Pliskova (Cze) bt 6-Venus Wil- I once hit a 145mph in San contest but Nishikori's 44 fourth successive quarterfinal Ninth-seeded Jo-Wilfried to get past Ding Junhui of Chi-
five-match ODI series. (GBR) 6-2, 6-1, 6-4; 9-Jo-Wilfried liams (USA) 4-6, 6-4, 7-6(3); Caroline Jose but they recalibrated the winners and a miserly seven in New York with a 6-4, 6-1, 6-7 Tsonga also advanced, down- na 5-4 in his opening group
The squad: Kane Williamson Tsonga (Fra) bt 26-Jack Sock (USA) Wozniacki (Den) bt 8-Madison Keys machine the next day so it unforced errors proved the (5), 6-3 win over Illya ing Jack Sock, the last Ameri- match of the World 6-Red
(capt.), Trent Boult, Doug Bracewell, 6-3, 6-3, 6-7(7), 6-2. 24-Lucas Pouille (USA) 6-3, 6-4. 2-Angelique Kerber didnt count. Tonight was the key. Marchenko. can man left in the draw, 6-3, snooker championship here
Mark Craig, Martin Guptill, Tom Lath- (Fra) bt 4-Rafael Nadal (Esp) 6-1, 2-6, (Ger) bt 14-Petra Kvitova (Cze) 6-3, first time I have gone above Juan Martin del Potro, the 6-3, 6-7(7), 6-2. on Monday.
am, Jimmy Neesham, Henry Nicholls, 6-4, 3-6, 7-6(6); 10-Gael Monfils (Fra) 7-5; Anastasija Sevastova (Lat) bt 13- 140, said the 29-year-old. 2009 champion, became the Pouille upsets Nadal Top seed Novak Djokovic Other results: Mark Davis (Eng)
Luke Ronchi, Mitchell Santner, Ish bt Marcos Baghdatis (Cyp) 6-3, 6-2, Johanna Konta (GBR) 6-4, 7-5; 7-Ro- It was lucky and I doubt Ill lowest ranked player in 25 On Sunday, World No.25 steamed into the quarterfinals bt Ishpreet Singh Chadha 5-0, Mi-
Sodhi, Tim Southee, Ross Taylor, Neil 6-3. berta Vinci (Ita) bt Lesia Tsurenko ever do it again. years to reach the quarterfi- Lucas Pouille outlasted Rafael with a 6-2, 6-1, 6-4 victory Kyle chael White (Eng) bt Sourav Kothari
Wagner and B-J Watling. AFP Women: Quarterfinals: 2-Ange- (Ukr) 7-6(5), 6-2. Dimitrov committed 43 un- nals. The 142nd-ranked del Po- Nadal 6-1, 2-6, 6-4, 3-6, 7-6(6) Edmund. Agencies 5-3. PTI


Isolating batting and bowling Sporting Clube keeps Azerbaijan No further upgrade
has worked, says Ashwin semifinal hopes alive NEW DELHI: Riding on the stu-
pendous victories, that too,
with black pieces for P. Hari
for Yogeshwar: UWW
S. DIPAK RAGAV will keep me going. SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT Sporting was content pulling Krishna and Vidit Gujarati, In- NEW DELHI: The United World Olympics in 2012 defeating Ri
In the past, my bowling has down the shutters and defend- dia humbled fourth seed and Wrestling (UWW) on Tuesday Jong-Myong of North Korea in the
CHENNAI: R. Ashwins exploits in helped me in my batting. But NEW DELHI: Sporting Clube de ing its lead. For almost half host Azerbaijan 1 3-1 to stay in quashed all speculation about star play-off.
the West Indies highlighted his this time it was a clear case of Goa kept its hopes of making hour, the match was largely re- the joint lead after five rounds wrestler Yogeshwar Dutts bronze The 34-year-old had been
ability to win matches with trying to isolate both. What the semifinals of the Durand stricted to the Sporting half of the Chess Olympiad at Baku at the 2012 Olympics turning into defeated by Russian Besik
both bat and ball. The Hindu tends to happen is when you Cup alive after completing its but some desperate saves and on Tuesday. gold by announcing that gold Kudukhov in the pre-quarterfinals
caught up with him here on get a five wicket haul, you feel Pool A campaign with a com- wayward kicking by the oppo- India remained in the com- medallist Togrul Asgarov of at the 2012 Games. Kudukov went
Tuesday to understand the like you can get a hundred but manding 5-0 win against strug- sition ensured there was no pany of China and the Nether- Azerbaijan has not tested positive on to bag the silver after losing to
work that has gone into it. play one too many shots. It was gling Minerva FC at the Am- danger to the scoreline. lands as the teams with all-win for banned substances. Asgarov in the final.
Excerpts: clear in my mind I wanted to bedkar Stadium here on It didnt help Minervas records in the Open section. Contrary to news reports, However, Kudukov, who died in
You won your sixth Man of the keep both skills isolated so that Tuesday. Its further journey in cause that its players, specially 2012 Olympic gold medallist a car crash in southern Russia in
Series award, setting an Indian I can really focus and stick to a the competition, however, playmaker Amandeep Singh, Hari leads the way Togrul Asgarov has never been in 2013, was recently found to have
record. Your thoughts on it R. Ashwin. FILE PHOTO game plan. would depend on the other re- kept losing their cool and in- In a match where Indians violation of UWWs anti-doping used a banned substance during a
Im very happy to beat some Any coaches you worked with sults in the group going in its dulged in some rough tackling were lesser-rated on every policy, UWW, the governing body retest of samples from the 2008
Indian greats to that milestone. ficult. It was boring cricket. during the off-season? favour. and heated exchange of words, board, Hari led the way. Rated of world wrestling, confirmed on and 2012 Olympics conducted by
I did not set out to do it. I want- The balls were not great and I worked little bit with Jayku- With both teams tied on inviting repeated caution from 2752, Hari outplayed Shakhri- Twitter. the World Anti Doping Agency,
ed to play one game for India, were going softer. The wicket mar at Chemplast on things four points from as many the referee. yar Mamedyarov (2761) in 34 Yogeshwar had originally taken which means the Indians bronze
be it any format. For a while I was spongy. It was old fash- like my batting grip. games, it was an elimination Breaking free finally in the moves in the top-board battle. bronze in the mens 60kg medal is expected to be upgraded
had been living a youngsters ioned cricket waiting for the Was he the one who contest and the Chandigarh 73rd minute, George DSouza Vidit, on the third board, freestyle category at the London to silver. IANS
dream. But ever since I have loose balls. I thought I should suggested that you change the based Minerva faltered under converted a 40-yard long- played above his rating of 2669
had this hunger to be excellent praise myself for the way I stance? pressure. ranger free kick from the right to stop Arkadij Naiditsch
as cricketer, my only goal has batted. It was actually suggested by On Tuesday, the Goan side to increase the lead. George (2696) in 37 moves.
been to be the best I can be. Were there any specific Sanjay Bangar and Jay second- went ahead in the 20th minute was again in action when his The results (fifth round): Open:
You batted at six. Was it modifications you made to ed. I have to give a lot of credit when Glan Martins struck a free kick at the stroke of time Azerbaijan 1 lost to India 1-3 (Shak-
something you wanted or the your technique? to Sanjay because he has been powerful shot from the edge of was headed in by Alber Gon- hriyar Mamedyarov lost to P. Hari
team managements decision? For starters, my stance was the one who has been working the box past Minervas rookie salves and Marcus Mascaren- Krishna; Teimour Radjabov drew
I havent really set myself a side-on and I had to open up. I on my game for the past eight goalkeeper Shamsher Singh. hass solo run past a scattered with B. Adhiban; Arkadij Naiditsch
number. [But] I definitely be- quite enjoyed being side-on be- to ten months. I worked with Five minutes later, Cajetan defence in the injury time lost to Vidit Gujarati; Eltaj Safarli
lieved I was capable of batting cause you could play late and Jay for eight to ten days before I Fernandes struck home a 30- wrapped up the game. drew with S. P. Sethuraman).
higher. I was batting really well play towards square. But I had left. Both of them deserve a lot yard free kick that curled into The results: Women: Vietnam drew with India
in NZ in the ODIs but after that to change because I was play- of credit. the net. Pool A: SCG 5 (Glan Martins, Ca- 2-2 (Pham Le Thao Nguyen drew
I lost my way due to tennis el- ing one too many shots outside Your first series with the new The organisation and disci- jetan Fernandes, George D'Souza, Al- with D. Harika; Hong thi Bao Tram
bow. I had to doubly work hard the of-stump. I had to open it coach, a spinner at that. How plined attack that was visible ber Gonsalves, Marcus Mascaren- lost to Padmini Rout; Nguyen Thi Mai
to get going again. This time I up to play straighter. Before was it? in Minervas past games were has) bt Minerva FC 0; Pool B: RKFC 1 Hung bt Tania Sachdev; Nguyen Thi
worked hard without expect- leaving, I spoke to V.V.S. Lax- Anil [Kumble] clearly told absent. The Punjab side fought (Prem Kumar) drew with IAF 1 Thanh An drew with Soumya Swam-
ing results, not showing disap- man who made runs in the last me about the challenges in back in the second half but (Mohd. Shahbaz). inathan). Sports Bureau
pointment. It has now yielded tour in 2011. terms of conditions. He asked
results. I think he is bit of a hands me to be patient. In the first
Ravi Shastri has maintained player like me. He was telling Test after I got a hundred, I did
I tend to be a bit loose batting me drives werent fetching him not get a decent spell of bowl-
at eight but what people dont runs and he had to rely on late ing. But he knew it could really
realise is at eight, I have to play cuts and flicks. We had a long irk me. He kept on assuring me
loose shots to score runs. I chat and I played a lot of per- and told me how it was diicult
wanted to bat sessions and it centage cricket. to get my body going because I
has not been easy because I A year back, before the Sri was tired.
have not batted up the order Lanka series, you said you The thing with Anil is he is
since my under-19 days. I have were on top of your game as a very intense and I am also bit of
worked on it earnestly and put bowler. Has that confidence an intense character. So we re-
my mind over matter. helped you focus more on ally hit it of. We had a lot of in-
Did the coach or the captain batting? teresting conversations and
make the call? It is interesting I havent re- shared notes. There were
I dont know. Virat [Kohli] ally worked that much on both times when we did not agree
called me on the morning after skills at the same time. I tend to but there was always an open
the toss saying I will bat ahead take time of bowling on a conversation. I could say I did
of [Wriddhiman] Saha. It was break and work on my batting. not agree and Anil is such a per-
good in a way as I did not have When I go to the camp with the son who will listen and come
a lot of time to think about. Indian team, I bowl a lot and re- back with a diferent suggesti-
Was the hundred in the third duce my batting loads. It is dif- on. I have always believed that
Test your best knock, ficult to manage both simulta- if your questions get answered
considering the team was 87 neously. you become a cricketer. Some-
for four? I have been working ex- body who is willing to answer
The St. Lucia hundred was tremely hard on my fitness be- and even learn in the process
special because it was very dif- cause thats the only thing that like Anil will definitely help.
18 | SPORT


Blue bats Green out of the game

CRICKET / Medium-pacers Mithun and Pankaj come good after batsmen dominate the first two days
That old crossroads
RAKESH RAO ter both batsmen had looked 688, 9-707.
feeling, garnished
GREATER NOIDA: After having en-
sured its ticket to the final fol-
well set while Mithun ac-
counted for Jalaj Saxena,
Shreyas Gopal and Ashoke
India Green bowling: Jasprit
Bumrah 27-4-108-1, Ashoke Dinda
25-1-114-2, Ankit Rajpoot 20-4-52-0,
by personality diferences
lowing a 470-run first-innings Dinda. Shreyas Gopal 37.3-1-173-5, Jalaj
lead, India Blue chose to bat Unlike the Blue batsmen Saxena 34-4-11-1, Pragyan Ojha 31-3-
again against India Green, and
turned the remainder of the
who had shown immense ap-
plication, the Green line-up
119-0, M. Vijay 2-0-14-0.
India Green 1st innings: M. T ime was when the International Cricket
Council and the Board of Control for Crick-
et in India spoke in one voice. Chiefly because
Duleep Trophy league match failed to deal with some in- Vijay b Karn 6 (16b, 1x4), Robin Uth-
into a farcical exercise on spired bowling. The pressure appa c Karthik b Pankaj 41 (45b, only the BCCI had a voice. The ICC was merely
Tuesday. of facing Blues huge first-in- 8x4), Jalaj Saxena c Karthik b Mithun an echo.
Having dominated every nings tally also seemed to play 13 (20b, 3x4), Saurabh Tiwary run Now, interestingly, the organisation led by
session so far of the match, its part, and the result was di- out 26 (30b, 6x4), Parthiv Patel lbw b Shashank Manohar (ICC) and the one led by Anurag Thakur
Blue ended the third and pen- saster for Green. Pankaj 55 (80b, 7x4, 1x6), Shreyas (BCCI), former friends who brought the Srinivasan era in ad-
ultimate day on 85 without On Monday, Cheteshwar Gopal c Karthik b Mithun 26 (56b, ministration to an end, seem to be speaking in diferent voices.
loss, for an overall lead of 555 Pujara and Sheldon Jackson 4x4), Suresh Raina lbw b Rasool 52 Perhaps Thakur has not forgiven Manohar for quitting the
runs. helped themselves to tons and (43b, 8x4, 1x6), Ashoke Dinda c national body and move over to the international one at a time
If the first two days were Karn scored a half century to Agarwal b Mithun 1 (6b), Jasprit when the BCCI was dealing with the Lodha Commission and its
dominated by the Blue bat- help Blue post the ninth-high- Bumrah c Gambhir b Karn 7 (35b, fallout.
smen as the team reached a est total in the history of the 1x4), Pragyan Ojha lbw b Karn 5 (30b, Perhaps it is not merely about ego clashes but fundamental
monumental 707, day-3 be- competition. 1x4), Ankit Rajpoot (not out) 0 (5b), philosophical diferences. Perhaps it has to do with the temper-
longed to medium-pacers Ab- The scores: India Blue 1st in- Extras (b-4, lb-1) 5; Total (in 61 overs) ament of the two men, one whose interests are intensely India-
himanyu Mithun and Pankaj nings: Mayank Agarwal c Rajpoot b 237. centric, and the other who now has to think for 105 countries,
Singh whose disciplined efort Dinda 161 (218b, 21x4, 1x6), Gautam Fall of wickets: 1-11, 2-37, 3-81, the entire cricket family.
restricted Green to 237. Gambhir run out 90 (193b, 10x4), 4-90, 5-168, 6-168, 7-177, 8-210, 9- Whatever the reason, the
on-going ICC chief execu-
There arent too
Blues decision to give Karn Cheteshwar Pujara b Shreyas 166 233.
Sharma the second over (280b, 24x4), Siddhesh Lad c Saxena India Blue bowling: Pankaj tives meeting in Dubai many grand ideas
seems charged. It was ex-
clicked as the leg-spinner cas-
tled opener M. Vijay in the
b Bumrah 1 (5b), A. Mithun c Uthappa
b Gopal 32 (44b, 4x4), Dinesh Karthik
Singh 12-1-54-2, Karn Sharma 16-1-
74-3, Mohit Sharma 10-3-32-0, A. pected to change the face of right now on
fourth over. c Parthiv b Dinda 48 (94b, 5x4, 1x6), Mithun 7-2-16-3, Parveez Rasool 16- cricket, with the introduc-
tion of the two-tier system.
saving Test cricket
He returned to pack of two Sheldon Jackson c Rajpoot b Shreyas 3-56-1.
tail-enders after the medium 105 (114b, 7x4, 5x6), Parveez Rasool India Blue 2nd innings: May- Thakur has thrown his lot behind Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe, Bangla-
pacers had done most of the b Shreyas 25 (43b, 3x4, 1x6), Karn ank Agarwal (batting) 49 (94b, 6x4), desh, West Indies and Pakistan all of whom object to the two-
damage. PRIZE WICKETS: India Blue seamer Pankaj Singh accounted for two well-set batsmen he first Sharma lbw b Shreyas 57 (66b, 6x4, Gautam Gambhir (batting) 36 (62b, tier system on grounds of lesser teams being rendered irrele-
Only Parthiv Patel and skip- sent back Robin Uthappa, and returned later to get rid of Parthiv Patel. PHOTO: SANDEEP SAXENA 2x6), Mohit Sharma b Saxena 3 (8b), 3x4); Total (for no loss in 26 overs) vant, and perhaps even encouraged to disappear from the Test
per Suresh Raina could score Pankaj Singh (not out) 0 (1b), Extras 85. fraternity.
half centuries, and lack of part- Blues tally. trapped him leg-before. the field on Monday owing to a (b-7, lb-5, nb-7) 19; Total (in 176.3 India Green bowling: Ashoke
nerships ensured that Green Rainas brisk knock ended Raina could come in to bat troubled heel. overs) 707. Dinda 4-0-20-0, Jasprit Bumrah 6-2- An old problem
never really threatened to when of-spinner Parveez Ra- only after the fall of the fifth It was Pankaj who sent back Fall of wickets: 1-212, 2-315, 3- 12-0, Ankit Rajpoot 4-1-12-0, Pragyan This may be a coincidence, but it is an old ICC problem
come even remotely close to sool beat his defensive bat and wicket since he had not taken Robin Uthappa and Parthiv af- 320, 4-388, 5-496, 6-542, 7-580, 8- Ojha 7-0-29-0, Jalaj Saxena 5-0-12-0. Whites versus the rest dressed up in new colours. England,
Australia, South Africa and New Zealand are for the two-tier
system. FICA, the players body, has said that 72 per cent of

ICC refuses to accede

players they polled were for the two-tier system. It would be
HOCKEY interesting to see the break-up of the voters. It sounds dubious
because there are more players in the nay-saying countries than
Indian Railways trounces ONGC there are in the yea-saying ones; the explanation may lie in

to BCCI request
unexpected altruism, though.
The argument in favour of two divisions involves context,
K. KEERTHIVASAN and how individual matches and series have lost it. This sounds
like television talking, and although thanks to its millions, tele-
G. VISWANATH rence in operational matters, CHENNAI: Indian Railways pro- vision will have a say, that approach is motivated by profit while
Board wanted to cite the selection and manage- duced a masterful display in its the ICC has necessarily to focus on whats good for the game.
MUMBAI: At its wits end fol- potential ICC action ment of teams, the appoint- 7-2 win over ONGC in a The proposal for boards which generate greater television
lowing the Supreme Court ment of coaches or support Pool-B contest of the all-India revenue to share that revenue with the poorer ones is sound in
against government principle.
order that validated virtually personnel, the Executive MCC-Murugappa Gold Cup
all of the Justice Lodha Com- interference in Board shall have the power to hockey tournament here on The fear that a Bangladesh versus Zimbabwe series might
lack television support can be overcome by working out a
mittee recommendations for review petition suspend or refuse to recog- Tuesday.
system where for every marquee series - The Ashes, or India v.
reform, the Board of Control nise that Member. With six points in the kitty
for Cricket in India (BCCI) it filed in the Supreme Court Once suspended from and a match to go against Kar- Pakistan - television must also be obliged to cover the lesser
approached the International in August. membership, a country does nataka, Railways is in a strong series. You cant have the icing without the cake.
Cricket Council (ICC). Five months ago, the ICC not receive any funding from position to qualify for the last Test cricket is at a crossroads. Even if this is the cry in every
It wanted world crickets suspended the Cricket Asso- the ICC. four. generation, we cannot aford to ignore it for this time it may be
governing body to serve it a ciation of Nepal (CAN) for Oicials close to this devel- Tushar Khandekars last- SIMPLY SUPERB: Indian Railwayss goalkeeper Jagraj Singh was for real.
caveat, warning of action breach of Article 2.9 of the opment in the ICC said that minute strike enabled BPCL in great form against ONGC in the all-India MCC-Murugappa Already public interest in Zimbabwe and the West Indies is
against government ICCs Articles of Association the BCCI was told in no un- drew with defending cham- Gold Cup tournament in Chennai on Tuesday. PHOTO: M. VEDHAN dangerously low. In New Zealand it is not the most popular
interference. that prohibits government in- certain terms that it would pion Indian Oil Corporation sport, rugby is. You cant have endless series among four or five
The BCCI believes that the terference and requires free not do anything of its volition (IOC) 1-1 in a Pool-A match sions, the Railways keeper Ja- more of a midfield tussle in the teams. The law of diminishing returns will apply.
nomination of a Comptroller and fair elections. and that the ICC would re- later. graj Singh proved equal to the first half. In the second half, And anyway, the lesser beating the greater provides a major
and Auditor General of India Last year the ICC warned spond only if it receives a Though both BPCL and IOC task. Prabhjot Singh gave the lead thrill in every sport. Sri Lanka, who may be relegated to the
councillor in the Apex Coun- Sri Lanka Cricket when the complaint from any of its 105 have a match remaining ONGCs good work was re- for IOC before Tushar second division, thrashed Australia, the then No. 1 team, 3-0
cil and a representative of the government there appointed full, associate or ailiate against Tamil Nadu and Mum- warded when Diwaker Ram equalised. recently. With inter-divisional rivalry ruled out, that would not
State Accountant Generals an interim committee to run members or a member unit of bai respectively, for all practi- converted one of a penalty The results: happen.
oice in the Apex Council of a cricket. the BCCI. cal purposes, they have quali- corner. With the scores tied at Pool-A: IOC 1 (Prabhjot Singh 42)
member is tantamount to ICCs article 2.9 says that The BCCI felt that a letter fied for the semifinals. 2-2, both teams played hard. drew with BPCL 1 (Tushar Khandekar Exodus and wage issues
government interference. where a government inter- from the ICC citing article 2.9 The day clearly belonged to The match was evenly 69). If players in the second division (it is conceivable that some
It wanted to incorporate feres in the administration of would have helped it, but the Railways. Talwinder Singh hit poised even after Railways Pool-B: Indian Railways 7 (Tal- of the giants might find themselves there over a period) migrate
and highlight potential ICC cricket by a Member, includ- ICC did not accede to the one into the top of the roof. Amit Rohidas converted a winder Singh 14, J.P. Kush 21, Amit to being full-time T20 players, the rot will be complete. Thakur
action in the review petition ing but not limited to interfe- request. Then, J.P. Kush dribbled his penalty corner for a 3-2 lead in Rohidas 58, Affan Yousuf 64, 67, Ma- himself had suggested a solution for this problem: reduce the
way into the circle to make it the 58th minute. What hap- lak Singh 66, Raju Paul 69) bt ONGC 2 wage gap between Test cricket and T20. FICA might have to say
2-0 for Railways. pened in the remaining 11 min- (Gurjinder Singh 26, Diwaker Ram something about salary caps, though.
The fact, remains, however, that there arent too many grand
Gayle hopeful of playing Tests again ONGC immediately pulled
one back after Gurjinder Singh
scored of a cross by Jagwanth
utes was unbelievable as the
National champion converted
four more goals that made
Mondays results: Pool A: BPCL
3 (S.V. Sunil 29 & 24, Sher Singh 66)
ideas right now on saving Test cricket, and there might be an
argument for at least trying out the few that are available.
S. DINAKAR switch of mentally after play- Asked about the young K.L. Singh from the right. ONGC look so pedestrian. bt Air India 0; HUT 3 (Veera Thamiz- The four-day Test match would be an attempt to bring the
ing for a while. That concen- Rahuls batting style and suc- In the second half, a resur- han 17, Hassan Basha 61, Judson Ga- longest format closer to the shorter ones. But Test crickets
CHENNAI: Chris Gayles methods tration is lacking. Its a cess across formats, Gayle re- gent ONGC made some eye- Mid-field tussle briel George 65) bt Mumbai HA 2 (Ju- salvation lies in remaining as distinct from the shorter formats
encapsulate the essence of problem. plied, Rahul is a superb play- catching raids. On both occa- The BPCL-IOC match was graj Singh 26 & 41). as possible, an island of irrationality and illogicality in a sea of
West Indian cricket. Its a Despite his phenomenal er. He has been fantastic in all obviousness and charted courses.
blend of freedom, fun and fear- achievements in the shorter forms of the game. He has a When in doubt, postpone, is a well honed tactic at all such
lessness that celebrates explo- variety, the 36-year-old has a way paved for him already. meetings, and not just of the ICC. Chances are, no immediate
BASKETBALL decisions will be taken, and the problem carried over to Octo-
sive batsmanship. A mix of very respectable record in Gayle said good Test crick-
ber. Meanwhile, attempts will be made to get the nay-sayers on
sunshine and calypso, it is both
brutal and beautiful.
In the city as a guest of the
Tests with 7214 runs in 103
matches at 42.18 with 15 centu-
ries and 37 fifties.
eters could make runs with
proper cricketing shots in
Twenty20 game.
Satnam not part of Indian team board.
The BCCI, meanwhile, has problems at home as the deadlines
India Cements-Tamil Nadu Gayle, however, prefers to Look at Mahela Jayawar- BENGALURU: Satnam Singh will The 12 participating nations der Singh, Rikin Pethani, Ravi Bhard- for putting into efect the Lodha Commissions rulings will
Premier League, Gayle dwelt play in the various Twenty20 dene, a fine Test player who not wear the national jersey in are divided into four prelimi- waj, Hariram Ragupathy, Amjyot exercise them even as a crowded home season gets underway.
on the vast gulf in West Indies leagues across the world did well in Twenty20 cricket the FIBA Asia Challenge, nary groups, with India drawn Singh, Prasanna Venkatesh, Akilan There is something about cricket perhaps because it often
performances between Twen- ahead of Tests. also without changing his which commences on Friday in Group-B alongside Philip- Pari, and Talwinderjit Singh. Coach- stands for something beyond itself that invites a kind of
ty20 and Test cricket. He has been involved in game. Your mindset has to be at Tehran (Iran). pines and Chinese Taipei. es: Sat Prakash Yadav, C.V. Sunny, generational hopelessness. Walter Hammond thought that
He said, When I first spats with the West Indian diferent, not your game. Satnam, the first and only In the previous edition (in Physiotherapist: N.P. Nikhil, Manag- cricket was doomed to self-destruct because there was too
played, Brian Lara was there to Cricket Board as well. A friend of fellow Jamaican Indian to be picked in an NBA 2014), India had pulled of a fa- er: Shaktikumar Mahipatsinh Gohil. much of it.
guide us. The batsmen in that Under the circumstances, is superstar Usain Bolt, Gayle draft, has opted to skip the mous upset over Asian pow- Indias schedule (IST): Group That was over 60 years ago. The essayist E.V. Lucas thought
team would concentrate for it still possible for Gayle to said, Bolt is more than a leg- tournament in order to fur- erhouse China. stage: vs Philippines 9 September that commercialisation and a hard utilitarianism would de-
long periods, bat through ses- play Test cricket again? It is a end. He has set the standards ther his fledgling professional The squad: Arshpreet Singh, (09:45 p.m.); vs Chinese Taipei 10 stroy the game. He wrote that in 1907.
sions. Now that is not happen- possibility. Hopefully, we will too high. Made the country as basketball career in the Unit- Vishesh Bhriguvanshi, Amritpal September (5:15 p.m.). Principal Pessimists of the past thus give rise to the optimists of the
ing. Our cricketers tend to see this happen, he said. well as the world proud. ed States of America. Singh (captain), Philip Basil, Yadwin- Correspondent present.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 26 Conceals old boy's remedies 16 Dark lawyer's brief
8 9 10
28 Fly sets in hollow thistle (6)
acknowledgement (5)
18 Clark Kent revises surname
Purpose of rituals
30 Chat, at first, to a student with some panache (8) The Vedic conception of sacrifice as a link between the
11 12 leader of Kampucheans (4) 20 Spectators' dance i.e. celestial beings and men is explained in the Karma Kanda
31 Entertain Indian university's University dance (8) section. Performance of any ritual is an excellent training for
chief of examinations (5) the wandering mind and in truth is a sadana for spiritual
13 14 15 16 21 Person behind conspiracy to
32 A type of earth containing progress. The rites are also known as sacrifice since one is
kill Caesar and an old Pope taught to dedicate oneself and all of ones possessions,
chlorine and in the held by secret police? Quite
beginning, yellow to some including the fruits of the ritual.
17 18 19 20 the contrary (7) Many subtle truths embedded in the performance of ritual
extent (4)
21 23 Remove carbon from French worship are brought out in the Katopanishad through
Down drug (6) Nachiketas, a son well-versed in the sastras, who loves and
22 23 24 25
25 Fast boat's trimming device respects his father, pointed out Sri Goda Venkateswara
1 Telephone for a piece of Sastrigal in a discourse. Vajisravas performs a sacrifice
jewellery (4) (6)
according to the sacred injunctions mentioned in the Vedas.
26 27 28 29
2 Place fruit on head? That 27 Attend and trounce (4) Towards the end, when it is mandatory to give away valuable
leads to monstrosity (8) 29 To start with, some car gifts, Nachiketas notices that his father gives away emaciated
3 Goods packers' trunks for accidents result in mark on cows. The boy is upset. Is this not a gross mistake? Does it
30 31 32
pugilists? (6) the skin (4) not undermine the very purpose of the whole sacrifice? His
father has failed to imbibe the spirit of the sacrifice that
4 Dance around and mix cards Solution to puzzle 11795
inculcates the idea of giving up not merely material
(7) F D U T G A possessions but also the sense of I and Mine. Sharp and A mind game and a
Across 13 Earl revs badly resulting in 5 Graduate Record L A I R N EWG U I N E A
shrewd by nature, he wonders about the consequences his puzzle that you solve
8 Family girl becomes head of failure or setback (8) Examination: an assessment S T O G I E L A S V E G A S father is likely to face. Being honest about the principles he with reasoning and
state (4) 15 Formally dress English royal to become All time best F I F T H values, he comes to his father and asks him: Father, I too logic. Fill in the grid with
9 Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em with honour (6) (8) P O L Y G L O T O B O I S T belong to you. To whom will you ofer me? His father does digits in such a manner
not this one (5) 17 Have some policemen 6 Winner of first Valentine, on I D C A R D S S K I P P E R not answer and the boy repeats this question. In a moment of that every row, every
10 The Simpsons release the heading secret service (7) radio (6) R E D I Y impatience and anger the father says: I give you to Death. column and every 3x3
sons to demons (4) 19 Spoilt tea (3,4) 7 Fight disparity to some A G E N D A U NMA N N E D The father is bewildered as much as Nachiketas by such a box accommodates the
O D R A T reply. But the son reflects for a while and is determined to
11 Fire a mad gent having one ... 22 Close down to tighten extent (4) T O R T I L L A R A C O O N digits 1 to 9, without
clockwork spring (4,2) keep his fathers word. He consoles his father and decides to
(6) 14 Collie wandered around S I I B T O O repeating any. The
E T E R N A L L Y B U T T go to the kingdom of death.
12 ... fur crate restoration 24 Royal heir has rhea and duck without leash, initially, and S E E R S H
solution to yesterdays
break (8) preparation (8) got some bacteria (1,4) puzzle is at left.

SPORT | 19


Accolade clinches feature event

Dharma takes
one-stroke lead
Spain drubs Liechtenstein HYDERABAD: Accolade (P. Trevor
up) won the Deccan Colts Cham-
pionship Stakes, the main event of
the races held here on Sept. 5. The
Wind Zoom (K. Sai Kiran) 2, Aston
Doulton (P. Sai Kumar) 3, Romantic
Fire (G. Naresh) 4. 3-1/2, 3/4, Hd. 1m
14.60s. Rs. 10 (w), 6, 7 and 7 (p), SHP:
han) 2, City Of Dreams (K. Sai
Kiran) 3, Sketch Of Beauty (Zulquar
Nain) 4. 1-1/2, 1-1/4, 4. 1m 13.86s. Rs.
16 (w), 9, 7 and 8 (p), SHP: Rs. 24, FP:
FOOTBALL / Bale inspires Wales; Kosovo earns a historic point winner is the property of Mr. & Mrs. Rs. 20, FP: Rs. 34, Q: Rs. 21, Tanala: Rs. 49, Q: Rs. 22, Tanala: Rs. 108.
BENGALURU: M. Dharma spent Vijay Mallya rep. United Racing and Rs. 56. Favourite: Net Champ. Own- Favourite: Morning Miracle. Own-
Bloodstock Breeders Ltd. and ers: Mr. P. Prabhakar Reddy & Dr. ers: M/s. Pratap Rment Pvt. Ltd.
the last three weeks training PARIS: Spain began life under
trained by Shrof. Peddi Reddy. Trainer: D. Netto. rep. by the estate of late D. Pratap
seven hours a day at the Eagle- new coach Julien Lopetegui in 1. RED RUFUS PLATE (Div. I) 4. STAR HAVEN CUP Chander Reddy & Mr. Ashish Bajaj
ton Golf Resort. perfect style while Gareth Bale (1,800m) 3-y-o & over, rated upto 25, (1,400m), 5-y-o & over, rated upto & M/s. Vijay Racing & Farm Pvt.
All that work appeared to inspired Euro 2016 sensation Cat. III: Canberra (Akshay Kumar) 50, Cat. III: Kohinoor Karishma Ltd. rep. by M/s. V.K. Gupta & S.K.
1, Hard Fought (Ajit Singh) 2, Kohi- (Kunal Bunde) 1, Western Express Gupta. Trainer: Deshmukh.
have paid of on Tuesday as Wales and Kosovo earned a noor Flare (Kiran Naidu) 3, Brioni (Ajit Singh) 2, Trustful (N.S. Rath- 7. DECCAN COLTS CHAM-
the 30-year-old claimed a one- historic point in World Cup (G. Naresh) 4. 1-1/2, 2-1/4, 2-1/2. 1m ore) 3, Exclusive Beauty (K. Sai Ki- PIONSHIP STAKES (1,600m), 3-
stroke lead in the opening qualifying on Monday. 58.88s. Rs. 16 (w), 6, 6 and 11 (p), SHP: ran) 4. 3-1/2, 1-1/2, 1/2. 1m 28.18s. Rs. y-o: Accolade (P. Trevor) 1,
round of the PGTI Eagleburg Lopetegui enjoyed a perfect Rs. 18, FP: Rs. 38, Q: Rs. 15, Tanala: 11 (w), 6, 13 and 9 (p), SHP: Rs. 33, FP: Whomakestherules (Suraj Narre-
Rs. 166. Favourite: Hard Fought. Rs. 70, Q: Rs. 46. Tanala: Rs. 405. du) 2, Leading Legend (Dashrath) 3,
Masters here. competitive debut as Diego Owners: M/s. Arshad Ali Khan Favourite: Kohinoor Karishma. Royal Sceptre (Srinath) 4. 1-1/2, 2-
Dharmas seven-under Costa, David Silva and Alvaro Mohd., Mohammed Rashed Ali Owner: Mr. Rathan Nalla. Trainer: 1/2, shd. 1m 39.30s. Rs. 6 (w), 5 and 6
par-65, the highlight of which Morata all hit doubles in an 8-0 Khan, Aziz Ahmed Khan and Ven- K.R.K. Raju. (p), SHP: Rs. 10, FP: Rs. 10, Q: Rs. 7,
kata Krishna Reddy Challuri. Train- 5. RED SATIN PLATE (Div. I) Tanala: Rs. 24. Favourite: Accolade.
was a string of five straight drubbing of Liechtenstein in er: Faisal Hassan. Owners: Mr. & Mrs. Vijay Mallya
(1,200m) 5-y-o & over, rated upto 75,
birdies on the back nine, put Leon. 2. PRINCE OF BERAR TRO- Cat. II: Gayle Force (P. Sai Kumar) rep. United Racing and Bloodstock
him ahead of Shankar Das Over in Cardif, Real Madrid PHY (1,600m), 3-y-o & over, rated 1, Kohinoor Grace (Kunal Bunde) 2, Breeders. Ltd. Trainer: Shrof.
(66), with Honey Baisoya, S. forward Bale teed up Sam upto 75, Cat II: Breeze Of The Vijays Grandeour (P.S. Chouhan) 3, 8. SWEEPING SUCCESS CUP
South (Srinath) 1, Western Wind Kimono (B. Dileep) 4. 3/4, 3/4, 3/4. (1,400m), 3-y-o, Cat. II: Handy
Chikkarangappa and Khalin Vokes for a 38th-minute open- (K. Mukesh) 2, Top Contender (P.S. 1m 15s. Rs. 19 (w), 9, 63 and 7 (p), Man (Dileep) 1, Ashwa Ashoka
Joshi (67) tied for third. er and then scored his 23rd and Chouhan) 3, Green Image (A. Vik- SHP: Rs. 245, FP: Rs. 1218, Q: Rs. 671, (Lakshmikant) 2, Olympic Hero
Dharma chipped well 24th international goals either rant) 4. Nk, Hd, 2-3/4. 1m 41.84s. Rs. Tanala: Rs. 2570. Favourite: Vijays (P.S. Chouhan) 3, Avantika (Dee-
around the greens on Tuesday, side of an efort by Joe Allen, 9 (w), 5, 7 and 8 (p), SHP: Rs. 16, FP: Grandeour. Owners: Dr. Teegala Vi- pak) 4. 1-1/2, nk, 1/2. 1m 28.04s. Rs. 17
Rs. 27, Q: Rs. 18, Tanala: Rs. 73. Fa- jender Reddy, M/s. Teegala Upen- (w), 6, 6 and 8 (p), SHP: Rs. 23, FP:
although his putting, he felt, who registered his first in a 4-0 vourite: Breeze Of The South. Own- der Reddy & B.S. Reddy. Trainer: Rs. 51, Q: Rs. 19, Tanala: Rs. 91. Own-
ought to have been better.One crushing of Moldova. er: Mr. Dwarakanath Reddy Prasad R. er: Mr. M. Narayanan. Trainer:
shot behind the bunch in third Elsewhere Daryl Murphys Vemireddy. Trainer: M. Srinivas 6. ORIGINAL VEL MRS. Satheesh.
Reddy. RADHA BALASUBRAMANI Treble: (i): Rs. 55 (1040 tkts.), (ii):
was the trio of Rahil Gangjee, first ever international goal se- 3. RED SATIN PLATE (Div. II) GOLD CUP (1,200m), 3-y-o & Rs. 152 (318 tkts.), (iii): Rs. 64 (1825
Udayan Mane, and Vipin cured the Republic of Ireland a (1,200m) 5-y-o & over, rated upto 75, over, Cat. I: Vijays Joy (A.S. Pa- tkts.). Consolation: Rs. 123 (4254
Raghuvanshi. 2-2 draw against Serbia in Bel- Cat. II: Net Champ (Dashrath) 1, war) 1, Morning Miracle (P.S. Chou- tkts.), Jackpot: Rs. 970 (1268 tkts.).
Shubhankar Sharma, who grade, and 10-man Italy beat
had won the PGTI Players Israel 3-1 in Haifa.
Championship here in Febru-
ary, endured a diicult day,
But arguably the perform-
ance of the night was in Turku Starlet wins main event Sindhu gets Rs. 75
shooting three-over.
Meanwhile, the defending
where Valon Berisha made
history, scoring Kosovos first ON TARGET: Gareth Bale scores the third goal for Wales in the World Cup qualifying match MYSURU: Starlet (T.S. Jodha up) won
the H.H. Sri Krishnaraja Wadiyar
rated 60 & above: Grand Success
(Waseemuddin) 1, New Crown (Su-
lakh from
champion, Rashid Khan,
pulled out of the event, having
goal on its competitive debut
as it came from behind to draw
against Moldova on Monday. PHOTO: REUTERS
Bayern Munich teammates claiming a 1-0 victory against drew with Iceland 1 (Finnbogason 5);
Memorial Trophy, the main event of
the races here on Tuesday (Septem-
raj Narredu) 2, Emperor Cruise (Ja-
gadeesh) 3, Light of Magic (A. Imran Maharashtra govt.
been unable to make it here in 1-1 away to Finland. ber 6). The winner is owned by M/s. Khan) 4. All ran. 1, 2-1/4 and Shnk. 1m
Thomas Muller and Joshua San Marino and Northern Ire- Finland 1 (Arajuuri 18) drew with Ko- Hans Federick and Sanjay Rai and 11.37s. Rs. 1,577 (w), 215, 13 and 33 (p), MUMBAI: P.V. Sindhu and her
time from the European Mas- The goal gave Kosovo a pre- FP: Rs. 5,385, Q: Rs. 1,270, SHP: Rs. 42, coach P. Gopi Chand have
Kimmich fired title-holder land holding Czech Republic sovo 1 (Valon Berisha 60-pen). trained by Dominic.
ters in Switzerland. cious point in qualifying Races postponed: The Stew- Trinalla: Rs. 25,172 and Rs. 43,153. Fa- been busy after returning
Group I after Paulus Arajuuri Germany to a commanding 3-0 to a 0-0 draw. On Sunday : Group C : San Marino vourite: New Crown. Owner: V. Pra-
The scores (top eight after 18 ards of Mysore Race Club have de-
from Brazil, attending felici-
holes): 65: M. Dharma; 66: Shankar had put Finland in front from win away to Norway in its The results : 0 lost to Azerbaijan 1 (Gurbanov 45); cided to postpone the races sad Babu. Trainer: Tejaswi.
Das; 67: Honey Baisoya, S. Chikka- opening 2018 World Cup qual- Group D : Georgia 1 (Ananidze 78) Czech Republic 0 drew with North- scheduled to be held on Friday 5. H.H. SRI KRISHNARAJA tation functions.
close range in the 18th minute. (Sept. 9) to Tuesday (Sept. 13). WADIYAR MEMORIAL TRO-
rangappa, Khalin Joshi; 68: Rahil ifier on Sunday. lost to Austria 2 (Hinteregger 16, Jan- ern Ireland 0; Norway 0 lost to Ger- On Tuesday, they came to
1. JAN-E-JAN PLATE (1100m), PHY (1400m), 4-y-o & over
Gangjee, Udayan Mane, Vipin Italy beats Israel Muller struck in the 16th ko 42); Serbia 2 (Kostic 62, Tadic 69- many 3 (Muller 16, 60, Kimmich 45). rated 00 to 25: Oro Plata (Srinath) 1, (Terms): Starlet (T.S. Jodha) 1, Bold the city to attend a function
Raghuvanshi. In Israel, new Italian manag- minute at the Ullevaal Stadion pen) drew with Republic of Ireland 2 Group E : Kazakhstan 2 (Khizhni- Friends Forever (Ajeet Kumar) 2, Command (A. Imran Khan) 2, Sofast organised by the Maharash-
in Oslo before Kimmich net- (Hendrick 3, Murphy 80); Wales 4 Time To Time (S. Paswan) 3, Ophira (Suraj Narredu) 3, Acclaimed (Sri-
er Giampiero Ventura reflect- chenko 51, 58) drew with Poland 2 (Prasad) 4. All ran. 3/4, 3-3/4 and nath) 4. Not run: Coldstream. 3/4, tra Badminton Association
ed on his debut win with goals ted Germanys second goal on (Vokes 38, Allen 44, Bale 50, 90+5) (Kapustka 9, Lewandowski 35-pen); 1-1/2. 1m 07.04s. Rs. 27 (w), 12, 12 and 3-1/4 and 1-3/4. 1m 22.29s. Rs. 55 (w), (MBA).
Tuckett dead from Graziano Pelle, Antonio
Candreva from the penalty
the stroke of half-time.
Muller then scored again on
bt Moldova 0.
Group G : Spain 8 (Costa 10, 66,
Denmark 1 (Eriksen 17) bt Armenia 0;
Romania 1 (Popa 85) drew with Mon-
63 (p), FP: Rs. 51, Q: Rs. 22, SHP: Rs.
36, Trinalla: Rs. 439 and Rs. 288. Fa-
14, 12 and 26 (p), FP: Rs. 135, Q: Rs. 51,
SHP: Rs. 44, Trinalla: Rs. 541 and Rs. I have memories of com-
vourite: Oro Plata. Owner: Mr. T.A. 293. Favourite: Bold Command. ing here after my All England
spot, and Ciro Immobile, after the hour to ensure a winning Sergi Roberto 55, Silva 59, 90+1, Vi- tenegro 1 (Jovetic 87). Harashanandana. Trainer: Ranjeet Owners: M/s. Hans Federick and
JOHANNESBURG: South African victory.
veteran defender Girgio start for Joachim Lows team tolo 60, Morata 82, 83) bt Liechten- Group F : Slovakia 0 lost to En- Shinde. Sanjay Rai. Trainer: Dominic.
Lindsay Tuckett, who was the 2. LT. COL. D.K. MISTRY 6. R.R. KOMANDUR ME- Felicitation functions
Chiellini was sent of in the in Group C as the world stein 0; Israel 1 (Ben-Haim 35) lost to gland 1 (Lallana 90+5); Lithuania 2
oldest surviving former Test MEMORIAL PLATE (1600m), MORIAL TROPHY (Div.II) have meaning. It inspires
55th minute for his second yel- champion set of on the road to Italy 3 (Pelle 14, Candreva 31-pen, Im- (Cernych 32, Slivka 34) drew with (1200m), rated 40 to 65: Top
cricketer, died on Monday in rated 00 to 25: Elegant Star (T. S. people. Sindhus feat is fan-
low card. the finals in Russia. mobile 83). Slovenia 2 (Krhin 77, Cesar 90+3); Jodha) 1, Ocean Park (Suraj Narre- Striker (A. Imran Khan) 1, Shining
Bloemfontein aged 97, his fam- Magic (John) 2, All Thats Nice 53 tastic, said Gopi Chand who
Albanias match with Mace- Germany tops the group af- Group I : Croatia 1 (Rakitic 44-pen) Malta 1 (Effiong 14) lost to Scotland 5 du) 2, Active Grey (Kiran Rai) 3,
ily said. Kings Kid (Jagadeesh) 4. All ran. (Chetan Kalay) 3, Saigar (Abhilash) was awarded Rs. 25 lakh.
A tall fast bowler, he won donia was suspended in the ter the opening round of drew with Turkey 1 (Calhanoglu (Snodgrass 10, 61-pen, 84, Martin 53, Shnk, 4-1/4 and 2. 1m 38.92s. Rs 263 4. Not run: Millrose and Savannah
nine caps in home and away 76th because of heavy rain. matches, with Azerbaijan also 45+3); Ukraine 1 (Yarmolenko 41) Fletcher 78). AFP (w), 47, 14 and 33 (p), FP: Rs. 803, Q: Sound. 2-1/2, 1-1/4 and 1/2. 1m 12.05s. The Maharashtra govern-
Rs. 33, SHP: Rs. 42, Trinalla: Rs. Rs. 43 (w), 14, 11 and 17 (p), FP: Rs. 57, ment presented a trophy and
series against England be- 16,446 and Rs. 3,916. Favourite: Q: Rs. 24, SHP: Rs. 41, Trinalla: Rs. 113
tween 1947 and 1949. He took Ocean Park. Owner & Trainer: In- and Rs. 80. Favourite: Shining Mag- Rs. 75 lakh to Sindhu; Rs. 75
15 Test wickets at 44.26 in En-
gland, but only four in South
Africa at an average of 79.
Mumbai City retains Sunil Chhetri ayathulla.
(1200m), rated 40 to 65: Sea La-
ic. Owner: Mr. A.K. Jaiswal. Trainer:
Mahmood Khan.
(1400m), rated 20 to 45: Tachyon
lakh to 3,000m steeplechaser
Lalita Babar and Rs. 50 lakh
each to Sakshi (wrestling
Tuckett captured 225 wick- goon (John) 1, Madame Bovary (Sri- (Gautam Raj) 1, Drops of Jupiter bronze medallist) and to the
ets in 61 first-class matches at MUMBAI: Indias star striker Su- Chhetri is Indias highest goal- the entire team have been er of his quality provides a nath) 2, Hidden Soldier (Rajesh (Srinath) 2, Haloweens Way (Ajay Rio Olympians from Maha-
23.07. nil Chhetri, who mastermind- scorer and was also Bengaluru great to work with and I cant huge lift to the team. His work Kumar) 3, Calico Jack (Chetan Ka- Kumar) 3, Al Dorado (Agarwal) 4.
lay) 4. Not run: Bestow. 1-1/2, 1/2 and All ran. Nk, 4 and 2-3/4. 1m 25.63s. Rs. rashtra, Ayonika Paul, De-
His death makes another ed the 4-1 rout of higher- FCs top-scorer for the 2015-16 wait to again don the blue of ethic is incredible and he sets
ranked Puerto Rico last week I-League season. Mumbai and hopefully give the bar high for everyone and 1-3/4. 1m 11.39s. Rs. 44 (w), 14, 11 and 186 (w), 27, 27 and 18 (p), FP: Rs. vender Walmiki, Kavita
South African, 93-year-old 21 (p), FP: Rs. 66, Q: Rs. 33, SHP: Rs. 2,907, Q: Rs. 1,619, SHP: Rs. 76, Tri- Raut. Dattu Baban Bhokanal
John Watkins, the oldest sur- in an international football I am elated at returning to the fans a better result! thats amazing to have in the 40, Trinalla: Rs. 296 and Rs. 185. Fa- nalla: Rs. 12,812 and Rs. 2,562. Favou-
friendly here, will again turn Mumbai City FC for season Team owner and Bollywood dressing room. Im sure hell vourite: Madame Bovary. Owners: rite: Ice Brown. Owner: Mr. P.G. and Prarthana Thombare.
viving former Test cricketer. Mrs. Namratha Rakesh. Trainer: Ra- Karumbaa. Trainer: Srinivas Babu.
out for Mumbai City FC in the three of the ISL. It is a great actor Ranbir Kapoor said: We give the fans plenty of reasons Sakshi and Lalitas coaches
An all-rounder, he repre- kesh. Jackpot: Rs. 2,33,682, Runner-up:
sented his country 15 times be- upcoming ISL. club with amazing fans. Ran- are extremely excited at hav- to keep cheering for him this 4. SAFI DARASHAH ME- Rs. 18,209, Treble (i): Rs. 15,922 (c/ will also get Rs. 25 lakh each.
tween 1949 and 1957. AFP With 51 international goals, bir, Mr. Parekh, Indranil and ing Sunil back with us. A play- season too! PTI MORIAL TROPHY (1200m), o); (ii): Rs. 5,895. Special Correspondent


JOHANNESBURG: Three new caps

were named by Cricket South
Anjum, Indias first woman to get MCC membership Poor media
Africa (CSA) on Tuesday in
squads to play ODIs against
Ireland and Australia.
VIJAY LOKAPALLY ODIs and 18 T20s. A left-hand-
er, Anjum aggregated 548 runs
boost to our image, said An-
and has conducted training
programmes for many global-
coverage draws flak
Following CSAs adoption NEW DELHI: Anjum Chopra be- in Tests, 2,856 runs in ODIs, In recognition of her crick- ly recognised brands. SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT bought by either any private
of new race targets for the na- comes the first woman crick- which included a century eting merits, Cricket South For Anjum, the lessons sports channel or public
tional team, it seems likely that eter from India to be awarded against England at Northamp- Africa had appointed her the learnt at the Sonnet Club, un- KOLKATA: Leading a campaign broadcaster Doordarshan.
four black Africans will turn an honorary life membership ton in 1999. Technical Consultant of its der coach Tarak Sinhas guid- on the significant drop in The cost of the rights did not
out against Ireland. Fast bow- of the Marylebone Cricket The MCC, while announc- national womens team for the ance, have been the biggest media coverage in the build- rise much from London to Rio
ler Morne Morkel and bat- Club (MCC). Virender Seh- ing her membership, said, 2012-13 season. factor in her cricket journey. up to the Rio Paralympic (Games) as it did from Beijing
sman Rilee Rossouw, both re- wag and Zaheer Khan were re- Since her retirement as a It was an education for me I learnt to be disciplined, Games starting on Wednes- to London, said a statement,
covering from injury, were not cently awarded the MCC player in 2012, her voice has to work away from home. It competitive and grounded in day, Rev. Zenji Nio, the first adding even smaller countries
considered but captain A.B. de memberships too. become familiar to millions gave me a new perspective, behaviour at the Sonnet Club. person of Indian origin who from Africa have bought Para-
Villiers is expected to be fit A former India captain and across the world in her cur- too, and I enjoyed my experi- On such moments I remember serves as the oicial chaplain lympics broadcast rights.
The squads : recipient of the Padma Shri in rent role as a commentator on ence of working with the my cricket guru and all my of the Olympics and the Para- Altogether 19 Indians, in-
Ireland match : A.B. de Villiers 2014, Anjum was thrilled to the Indian Premier League South Africans. coaches, said Anjum. lympics, wondered why the cluding three women para-
(capt.), Temba Bavuma, Farhaan Be- share the communication (IPL). country was so apathetic to- athletes (for the first time),
hardien, Quinton de Kock, J-P. Dumi- from the MCC. It is actually Anjum, who was honoured Cricket analyst wards its own para-athletes. have qualified for the Rio Pa-
ny, Faf du Plessis, David Miller, Chris an honour for womens crick- alongside Sehwag, was the Anjum Chopra. Assignments as a cricket Rev. Nio, who decided to ralympics in comparison to 10
Morris, Wayne Parnell, Aaron Phangi- et in India. My journey had be- first Indian woman to hit an PHOTO: R.V. MOORTHY analyst on television keep the skip Wednesdays Paralym- for the London Games.
so, Andile Phehlukwayo, Dwaine Pre- gun with a trip to the National international century. 39-year-old Anjum busy dur- I am really humbled pics opening ceremony to Prime Minister Narendra
was like a dream come true. I
torius, Kagiso Rabada.
Australia series : de Villiers
Stadium as a schoolgirl and I
am delighted to be the first
I am really humbled to be
among an august gathering of learn from every commentary
ing the season.
I played for 17 years and
to be among an raise the issue in India, said the
country did not understand
Modi has said that India will
cheer the para-athletes in Rio
(capt.), Kyle Abbott, Hashim Amla, woman player from India to some of the finest players the stint. It helps me stay in touch the experience helps me huge- august gathering of the importance of covering the but without any telecast how
Behardien, de Kock, Duminy, du Ples- receive the prestigious MCC game has seen, said Anjum. with the game in some way. ly when I am asked to analyse some of the finest Paralympics well. we are going to cheer them?
sis, Imran Tahir, Miller, Morris, Par- membership, said Anjum on She has found a place An Arjuna awardee in 2007, the game. People do not understand asked Suchandra Ganguly of
nell, Phangiso, Phehlukwayo, Raba- Tuesday. Having made her in- among the commentators of Anjum led India to a rare Test I consider myself a student players the game how important India is in the CWF.
da, Tabraiz Shamsi, Dale Steyn. ternational debut at 17, Anjum the game. To share the stage series win against South Afri- of the game, said Anjum, who has seen Olympic Village. Seven cul- The CWF along with Rev.
AFP went on to play 12 Tests, 127 with the great Sunil Gavaskar ca in 2002. It was a huge is also a motivational speaker tural events organised at the Nio will hold another aware-
Games Village had an imprint ness programme in Delhi on
of the Indian culture and all big Wednesday.
countries came to the Indian
NEW DELHI ROUND-UP FOOTBALL tent (during the Olympics).
Indians at Rio Paralympics:
T. Mariyappan, Varun Singh, Sha-
The world wants India to be rad Kumar (T-42) and Ram Pal (T-47)
Prince Mehras ton The scores:
RRA 177 for nine in 35 overs (Ajay
East Bengal-Bagan match unlikely to be played today the moral leader and the media
coverage of the Paralympics
[high jump, Sept. 10-17]; Devendra
Jhanjariya, Rinku, Sundar Singh Gur-
helps Gyanti does sit well with its image, jar (F-46) (F-57), Narender Ranbir
Solanki 35, Arvind Verma 32; Rahul SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT ganising the derby. later reset at 24 hours, for its match is likely to fall through
Academy win Sudan three for 12) bt RKB Academy said Rev. Nio at an event orga- and Sandeep Chaudhary (F-44) [ja-
Bagan sent a letter signed team to get prepared and with one team present and
Prince Mehra scored a fluent 120 in 32.3 overs (Rahul Jain 62 not nised by Civil Welfare Foun- velin, Sept. 10-14]; Amit Saroha (F-51,
KOLKATA: The seasons first by its secretary Anjan Mitra travel to the venue, which is the other staying away.
118 as Gyanti Academy beat out; Arvind Verma four for 11). dation (CWF) on Tuesday. F-52) and Dharambir Singh (F-51)
Vijay Dahiya Academy by 120 meeting between East Ben- to IFA on the eve of the around 50km from here. Hoping that Bagan would Why are not we focusing [discus/club throw, Sept. 12-16];
DCA 142 in 33.4 overs (Sunny gal and Mohun Bagan is un- match saying that its team
runs to enter the quarterfinals Chaudhary 56; Manan Bhardwaj six change its decision, Ganguly on the Paralympics and what Deepa Malik (F-53) and Virender
likely to happen on the could not reach the venue IFA stand can be done so that by the 2020 Singh (F-57) [shot put/javelin, Sept.
of the 10th Hari Chand Smriti for 36) lost to Agrasen Academy 143 said that the CFL sub-com-
under-17 cricket tournament. scheduled day on Wednes- Kalyani Stadium as it re- After Bagan started setting mittee would be taking a de- Tokyo Games we have a better 12]; Karamjyoti Dalal (F-55) [discus,
for two in 27.3 overs (Vishal Abua day as the latter expressed its ceived verbal assurance conditions about playing the
48, Kunal Srivastav 46 not out). cision on the fate of the scenario? asked Rev. Nio, Sept. 17]; Naresh Sharma (SH-1)
Adhiraj scalps seven inability to field its side in from the latter about the local derby, IFA put its foot match once it falls through. who would fly back to Rio for [shooting, Sept. 12]; Farman Basha
On Monday, Adhiraj Jains Dynamos to the premier division (group match being postponed to a down saying the match the Paralympics. (mens 49kg) [powerlifting, Sept. 8];
seven for 17 had helped Gyanti A) match of the Calcutta further date. would be played as per The other team, East Ben- According to information Suyash Jadhav (S-7, SM-7) [swim-
defeated Mount Abu
play friendlies schedule. gal, reached the venue on
Football League. Bagan said that there was a shared by CWF, the broad- ming, Sept. 12], Ankur Dhama (T-11)
Academy by 87 runs. in Sweden Bagan, which had been in lot of confusion regarding The IFA secretary Utpal time and had the usual prac- casting rights of the Rio Para- [1500m, Sept. 12]; Pooja Rani (ST)
The scores: the eye of controversies this the possibility of the match Ganguly made the State tice session on Tuesday. lympic Games has not been [archery, Sept. 15].
Delhi Dynamos FC would be
Gyanti Academy 259 for seven in 40 playing three friendly season, created another row happening on the specified bodys stand clear saying that A senior East Bengal oi-
overs (Prince Mehra 118; Rishabh matches against Swedish on Tuesday saying that the date and hence did not send there was no scope for any cial said that his team had
Nain two for 34, Shanker Singh two clubs BK Hacken, governing body of the Indian the team to the venue. postponement as Bagans de- followed the fixture and FORMULA ONE
for 52) bt VDA 139 all out in 28.5 Assyriska BK and Skene IF. mands were untenable.
Football Association (IFA) Bagan said it would re- would not play if the match
overs (Rishabh Nain 58; Ishan Arora
two for 11, Adhiraj Jain two for 27,
Abhishek Kumar two for 27).
While BK Hacken competes
in the top-tier of the Swedish
created uncertainties in or- quire 48 hours, which was In such a situation the was postponed.
Malone set to take over?
league, Ikene IF is in the
Arvind Verma PARIS: A new chapter dawns for zine Auto Motor und Sport at
fifth-tier and Assyriska BK in BOXING Formula One with American last weekends Italian Grand
stars in RRAs the second.
media mogul John Malone Prix that a deal was imminent,
A four-wicket haul and crucial
32 runs by Arvind Verma
Three matches
We will be playing three
Vikas Krishan delays pro move till 2020 poised to become the glitter-
ing but flawed sporting jewels
new custodian.
possibly as early as Tuesday.
Mondays British newspa-
per Financial Times suggest-
matches in quick succession MUMBAI: Vikas Krishan Yadav bekistan on points. The 24- ple to feel that after getting bek. The Indian stood his The Malone-backed Liberty ed talks between Liberty
helped Rajeev Rathore
which be a real test for the has decised to postpone his year-old fights in the same all the benefits to get into the ground against Bektemirs Media has emerged in pole po- Media and current 35 per cent
Academy beat RKB Academy
players. foray into pro boxing till he category as Vijender Singh. Olympics, I was turning my power-packed punches, but sition to buy F1 after interest majority stake owner CVC
by 57 runs in the Swastik Cup
cricket tournament. It will not only help us in wins an Olympics medal for I had earlier decided to turn back on the nation in quest of lost on points. I weighed in from broadcaster Sky, Paris Partners, were at an advanced
trying out diferent strategies the nation. The 24-year-old pro after the Rio Olympics, a pro career, he added. at 71 kilos in a competition Saint-Germain owner Qatar stage. The 75-year-old Malo-
Manan claims six wkts. but also will help in analyzing competed in the AIBA Pro but I did not win a medal. I Vikas, one of three fighters between 75kg boxers. Sports Investments and Ste- nes media empire is expected
Earlier, left-arm spinner the fitness level of the Boxing this year before qual- will wait till the next Olym- to qualify for Rio, defeated The four kilos made a dif- phen Ross, owner of MLS side to take an initial 10-15 per cent
Manan Bhardwajs six for 36 players, coach Zambrotta Miami Dolphins, waned. stake valued at $1.3 billion-$2.7
ifying for the Rio Games in pics (2020 Tokyo), come USAs Charles Corwell and ference. I could feel the
helped Maharaja Agrasen said. The high octane sports oc- billion, en route to becoming
the 75 kg category, before los- back with a medal and only Turkeys Onder Sipal to en- weight in his blows, said the
Academy beat DC Academy The team would return on ing in the quarterfinals to then become a professional, ter the quarterfinals against boxer. Special togenarian ringmaster Bernie majority owners in a deal valu-
by eight wickets. September 15. Bektemir Melikuzeiv of Uz- said Vikas. I dont want peo- the world number three Uz- Correspondent Ecclestone told German maga- ing F1 at $8-$9 billion. AFP

20 | LIFE


Tutu to undergo minor surgery, says family Half-Indian crowned Miss Japan Tagores poem to be turned into film
South Africas retired archbishop Desmond Tutu (84) will A half-Indian beauty queen with an elephant Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagores immortal
this week undergo minor surgery to fix an undisclosed trainers licence was crowned Miss Japan on poem Hatath Dekha will soon be made into a film
infection, his family has said. Monday, striking a fresh blow for racial equality. under an Indo-Bangladesh joint production.

STAR TREK Missing Philae spacecraft found on comet

DANIEL VICTOR ters away on Friday revealed
Muslims are treated well in India: Hashmi the main body of the missing

ctor Emraan Hashmi, who believes in speaking his heart out, ith its legs poking out lander, which is about the
says he is happy that Muslims are being treated well in India. of a dark crevice on a size of a washing machine,
Given our situation in India where there are people of speeding comet many mil- and two of its three legs.
different castes, different religions staying in our lions of kilometres away, the
country, we are doing pretty well. No major Philae spacecraft, missing Bounced on impact
problems have erupted, Emraan said. since 2014 after a 10-year trip, The lander bounced upon
He was one of actors who raised his voice when has finally been found. impact when a thruster failed
he wanted to buy a house in the posh Pali Hill, but Scientists at the European to fire, and two harpoons
the housing society refused to give him the NOC Space Agency announced on meant to anchor it to the sur-
because of his religion. Monday that they had locat- LOST AND FOUND: A photo released by European Space Agency face did not deploy. Scien-
I cannot comment on the flat status... I cannot ed the lander, which touched shows the lander Philae on a comet. PHOTO: AP VIA ESA tists had narrowed its loca-
say that it does not exist or exist [but] its a down on Comet 67P/Chury- tion down to an area
great accomplishment for all the government umov-Gerasimenko on No- battery died and it went into On September 30, the Ro- spanning a few tens of me-
bodies and also for everyone here that we are vember 12, 2014. The landing hibernation. The lander setta orbiter is scheduled to ters, but the images availa-
living in harmony to a certain extent. I believe did not go as planned; the briefly awoke in June 2015 make its final descent to the ble before Friday were in low
that we are doing well. I would say that spacecraft bounced and flew and again in July 2015, but comets surface, which is resolution, and they showed
Muslims are being treated very well in for two hours, then lost hadnt been heard from about the length of Central several objects that might
India, he said. IANS touch with the agency three since. Its location had been Park. Just in time, photos tak- have been the lander. New
days later when its primary unknown. en by the orbiter 2.7 kilome- York Times News Service

Asteroid named after Freddie Mercury Birth pill cutting ovary cancer deaths
L Echoes of history reverberate
egendary singer Freddie Mercury now has an asteroid named
after him. To mark the Queens singers 70th birthday the PARIS: Deaths from ovarian tinue declining largely
International Astronomical Union has named an asteroid 17473 cancer fell significantly in thanks to widespread con-
Freddiemercury. In a video uploaded to Western countries from traceptive pill use, research-
the bands YouTube page, Queen 2002 to 2012 and should con- ers said Tuesday. AFP
guitarist Brian May revealed the name
honouring the frontman. Wheres
Freddies asteroid? Well, its out in the
main asteroid belt, beyond the orbit of
Mars and inside the orbit of Jupiter. Its
about three and a half kilometers across.
at Pune Ganesh pandals
It has an albido of point three, which The festival holds special significance in the annals of pre-Independence India
means it only reflects about a third of
the light shone onto it, so its a very dark SHOUMOJIT BANERJEE People seem to have for-
object. From the Earth it shines at the 14th magnitude which means gotten that it was Bhausaheb
you have to have a pretty decent telescope to see it. Its just a dot of PUNE: While Ganesha darshan Javale who first began this
light but its a very special dot of light, May said. PTI at Mumbais Lalbaugcha Ra- concept, which was trans-
ja is a massive spectacle with formed into a socio-political
celebrity visitors, the Gana- movement by Bal Gangadhar
Beyonce puts off tour to rest her voice pati pandals of Pune rever- Lokmanya Tilak two years

inger Beyonce has postponed her Formation World Tour show berate with the echoes of his- later, said Sanjeev Javale,
in New Jersey after being put on vocal rest by her doctors. The tory, where the semantics of one of Bhausahebs descend-
star has been advised to take proper rest. The tour which was festivities have a deeper ants. He now bemoans the
earlier scheduled for September 7 has now been postponed until meaning. lack of recognition that the
October 7, announced MetLife stadium on its website. As a result of One of Punes hallowed trust has received.
strict doctors orders for vocal rest, Beyonces highly pandals, the Bhaurangari Ga-
anticipated New York city area Formation World napati, occupies a special Showcasing arms
Tour date in E Rutherford previously scheduled for place. It was here, in 1892, With this in mind, the or-
this Wednesday September 7th at MetLife that the genesis of public Ga- ganisers will showcase arms
Stadium has been postponed until Friday, nesha festivities or Sarvaja- FESTIVE SPIRIT: Women participate in a mass prayer at a pandal used by the revolutionaries
October 7th, reads an announcement. nik Ganeshotsav took root. during Ganeshotsav in Pune on Tuesday. PHOTO: DEEPAK SALVI in the last decade of the
The post also assures fans that their tickets will On its 125th anniversary, the 19thcentury. The arms move-
be honoured at the rescheduled show and Bhau Rangari Ganpati trust charitable dispensary at his With Ganapati pandals ment against the British Raj
that the rest of the singers upcoming tour is striving to turn the focus two-storey home behind mushrooming in the city , the gained momentum in the late
dates are expected to proceed as per back on the historic impor- Shaniwarwada fort. ones seen in Punes old quar- 1870s with the Ramoshi
schedule. The Lemonade hitmaker also tance of the festival. As the family vocation was ter, under siege from the movement, spearheaded and
celebrated her 35th birthday over the It was the brainchild of dyeing ethnic Maharashtrian pomp and gaudy splendour galvanised by Vasudev Bal-
weekend with husband Jay Z. PTI Bhau Lakshman Javale, the sarees, the moniker Bhau of new pandals, attempt to want Phadke in and around
royal physician who ran a Rangari caught on. salvage tradition and history. Pune district.

Perfumes may pollute environment

LONDON: Love to wear design- and may also impact our eco- Venice, the researchers
er perfumes? Be careful, as system in the long run, said a looked for traces of mole-
certain molecules produced study conducted in the ca- cules referred to as per-
in these man-made fragranc- nals of Venice, also known as fumes in the ingredients of
es act as potential contami- the city without sewers. products such as soaps, de-
nants of the environment, Investigating the canals of tergents etc. IANS


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