Modeling of Circular Photonic Crystal Fiber Structure

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Proceedings of Intemational Conference on Emerging Rescarch is Computing, information, Communication and Applications ERCICA 2013 sen 9789951071020 Design and Analysis of Photonic Crystal Gratings as Temperature Sensor Preeta Sharan'*, M. Ashwini 3 and T. Srinivas’ "Professor, Department of ECE, The Oxford College of Engineering, Bangalore 560 068, India 2Student(M.Tech (DCN), Department of ECE, The Oxford College of Engineering, Bangalore 560 068, India. Associate Professor. Applied Photonies Lab, indian Institue of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India. e-mail: sharanpreeta@; ashwinim27@ tsrinu Abstract. Photonic Crystal Fiber is in great demas their unique geometric structure, photonic crystal fibers present special properties and capabilities that lead to an outstanding potential for sensor applications. By Finite Difference Time Domain(FDTD) method the Photonic Crystal Fiber Gratings(PCFG) are modelled and analyzed. It has been investigated that by inereas- ig temperature results in the shift in wavelength and frequency. Further by using RSoft FullWAVE tool, the relation between temperature variation with shift in wavelength and frequency has been analyzed. Simu- lated results show that there is linear relation between the shift in frequency and wavelength with temperature variatio ‘due to its reliability in sensing application. Due to Keywords: Photonic Crystal Fiber Grating(PCFG), Finite Difference Time Dom Crystal Fiber(PCF), Temperature sensor (FDTD), Photonic 1. Introduction {As telecommunication trafic increases due to the rapid growth inthe use of telephone, television, data transmission, and the Internet, the need for communication systems that can handle more and more information increases rapidly all over the world, Accordingly, more channels over wider bandwidths are required to fulfill the increased demand. \Wavelength- division multiplexing (WDM) [1] to process multiple communication channels together in an optical link has been established as a promising solution for the increased capacity. The WDM technique allows long-haul point-o- point light wave transmission systems to provide multiple channels simultaneously inthe 1.55 j:m wavelength regime. Fiber Bragg gratings (FBG) have been applied in sensors for many years. As a type of sensor, FBGs have advantages over conventional sensors such as immunity to electromagnetic interference, remote sensing, easy handling, low cost and small size In recent years, photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) have attracted great research interest due to its unique optical properties, such as endless single-mode guiding, nonlinearity tailorable chromatic dispersion and high birefringence {2-6}. Ithas been conjectured that photonic crystal fibers (PCF), also known as holey fibers (Hs) or microstruc- ture optical fibers, are promising platforms for many novel application inthe telecommunication industry, as well as in the traditional sensor industry, because they can enable light to be controlled in the fiber in ways not previously possible or even imaginable. They have attracted considerable attention in recent years (7| due to the unlimited possi- bilities in engineering their modal properties. Unlike conventional fibers—which contain atleast two different glasses, each witha differen thermal expansion coefficient, thereby giving rise toa relatively high thermal expansion coefficient—PCFs are virtually insensitive to temperature because its made of only one material (and air holes) This property can be utilized to obtain temperature insensitive PCF-based devices, as demonstrated in [8]. However, the single material property of PCFs leads to non photosensitivity to ultraviolet (UV) light; therefore FBGs and Long period gratings cannot normally be formed in PCFs by use of the conventional UV-written technique. unless a PCF with a Ge-doped photosensitive core is used {9}. Corresponding author Elsevier Publications 2013, at Design and Analysis of Photonic Crystal Gratings as Temperature Sensor Photonic crystal fiber geometry is characterized by a periodic arrangement of air holes running along the entire length of the fiber, centered on a solid or hollow core. In contrast with standard optical fibers, photonic crystal fibers can be made of a single material and have several ‘geometric parameters which can be manipulated offering large flexibility of design. In this paper, the comparative analysis of temperature sensitivity in conventional optical fiber and photonic crystal gratings are done. The Finite Difference Time Domain(FDTD) method is used to model gratings in photonic erystal fiber. 2. Theory ‘The Finite Difference Time Domain Method (FDTD) is a powerful space grid time domain technique which gives direct numerical solution of Maxwell's curl equations for EM field. In this method the computational domain is dis- cretised into fine grids and Maxwell's curl equations are discretised by approximating the time and space derivatives by first order finite differences as follows. 12. j.k) =f" 12.3.8) (id, j Ay ke) = PEE TT oi ar) o peel. joy pla, Ax, jAyskAg) = > ol Arf] @ ‘The structure is exited by a sinusoidally modulated Gaussian pulse and the fields at every point in the grid are updated in accordance with finite differences form of Maxwell's curl equations until the steady state condition is reached. The ‘output time domain samples are Fourier Transformed and normalised with respect to input signal. This gives spectral characteristics of the structure, 2.1 FDTD Equations on rectangular yee lattice Figure 1 shows 3D Yee lattice. Maxwell’s Curl equations are expanded in rectangular Coordinate system which results in six coupled Partial Differential Equations [10] ‘When these Partial Differential equations. are approximated by Centered Finite Differences the following Difference ‘equations are obtained. EPG, j 212k 41/2) ‘ > ae BIG F112) [wee 2) HMG,jpk=12) HE j=1/2.k=1)— WRG I +1 2H o i rc . C Figure 1. 3D Yee lattice hsevier Publications 201 403 Preeta Sharan, M. Ashwini and T. Srinivas HG 125 4D At SHG 12.) +1,k=1)-— HW V2 9+ VAD 42, Ett 2g +32)- 8-1 “ We a125 2400) ‘The other four equations for Ey, E:, Hy, H: are considered as similar as above. ‘The FDTD method is a rigorous solution to Maxwell's equations and does not have any approximations or theoretical restrictions. This method is widely used as a propagation solution technique in integrated optics, especially in situations where solutions obtained via other methods cannot cope with the structure geometry or are not adequate solutions. Since FDTD is a direct solution of Maxwell’s curl equations, it therefore includes many more effects than other approximate methods, 2.2 Water refractive index formula Water is the most important biological liquid. On the basis of literature data presenting a simple approximation of water refractive index in dependence on temperature and wavelength, Water is the most important liquid of human organism. It is the main component of interstitial fluid, plasma of blood, intercellular fluid, etc. Knowledge of optical properties of water is very important. Furthermore, water refractive index depends on temperature [11 For approximation of the presented data, we have used Cauchy formula with temperature-dependent coetfi- cients(equation 5). Approximation procedure has been performed with a curve fitting system for Windows. The Cauchy coefficients have been approximated by polynomial dependence 3-rd degree. They are presented below (equations 6 t0 9) net) =A) 3) where, is wavelength, nm; and A(r), Bir), C(t), D(c) are the Cauchy coefficients presented as a function of tempera- ture; 1 is temperature, °C. A(t) = 1.3208 = 1.2325. 10751 — 1.8674. 107612 — 5.0233. 107815 o Bit) = $208.2413 — 0.51791 — 2.284 - 10771? — 6.9608 - 107%? o C(t) = ~2.5551 - 108 — 18341336" — 917.2319 2.772009 ®) Dit) = 9.3495 = 1.7855. 107% = 3.6733. 1075? — 1.2932. 1077 o 3. Simulation Results This section presents the results of simulation of photonic crystal fiber for sensors to arrive at optimal dimensions for a given interrogating wavelength. The RSoft CAD used to define the most important input required by these simulation ‘modules: the material properties and structural geometry of a photonic device. Consider the modeling of photonic crystal fiber. RSoft CAD tool software contains FullWAVE tool in which the following specifications are set. Figure2. The design structure of phonic crystal fiber in RSoft CAD layout. 404 2 hover Publications 2013, Design and Analysis of Photonic Crystal Gratings as Temperature Sensor Contour Map of I Protie Zum Figure 3. The contour map of index profile. ‘Table 1. Frequency and wavelength sift observed at different temperature of water eager St Wag Sn Po bat v ‘ 013s rea o7357 > Laos tos on 3 113s 3 nd © ism 130888 38 ons 313i L308 13s one @ bs 13m ter ont iiss ass ts onan ane a tor onis6 ater 18 tat oss soo 13mg tava) as 00319 apr e hel =o i= mot (eet ana ana jeeisEs iL jap es yaa ae oe Te “oer as as 8s | SEECREMEGE 9 SSSS85750 teal! | Figure 4, Frequency spectrum obtained by varying temperature. Free space wavelength ~ 1.55 jrm, Radius of holes — 0,13 som, Refractive index of silica holes(Nhole) = 1.44, Refractive index of water slab(Nslab) = 1.33, Background Index = Nslab, Index Difference = Nhole-Background Index Figure 3 above shows the contour map of index profile which will provide the effective index value aftr simulation By taking the refractive index of water at different temperature the frequency spectrum are analyzed after simulation © EXsevier Publications 2013, 408 Preeta Sharan, M. Ashwini and T. Srinivas Figure S. Plot of temperature vs effective index. SSSSRSRSS=S = Si ‘eas |e e / SSS Sereoe| ei nd ee ee! SEE oe on Hy +. —— |e! a wwe, Der atloteest terror iL, ‘=e Figure 7. Wavelength spectrum obtained by varying temperature In table 1, using Cauchy formula we find the refractive index of water i.e Nslab from temperature 10°C-100°C. We observe that as temperature increases the refractive index of water i.e Nslab decreases and the corresponding effective index also decreases. After simulation, the corresponding frequency shift are observed. ‘The figure 4 shows the frequency spectrum obtained by varying temperature from 10°C to 100°C. From the spectrum, ‘we observe that there is decrease in wavelength shift as temperature increases. ‘The figure 5 shows that as temperature increases the effective index of water slab decreases. ‘The figure 6 above shows that as the temperature of water increases, the corresponding frequency shift also increases. Linear change in temperature shows the linear shift in frequency. ‘The figure 7 above shows the wavelength spectrum and figure 8 shows that as the effective index of water decreases, the corresponding wavelength shift decreases. Linear change in effective index shows linear shift in wavelength due to temperature. 406 2 hover Publications 2013, Design and Analysis of Photonic Crystal Gratings as Temperature Sensor Janbon 4 B orf ent ‘ Forfa 4 EB ortpende 4 rf toe 4 Figure 8, Plot of effective index vs wavelength sift. 4. Conclusion Photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) have attracted great research interest due to its unique optical properties, such as endless single-mode guiding, nonlinearity, tailorable chromatic dispersion and high birefringence. They have rich topology in the refractive index of cladding structure. In Photonic Crystal Fiber Grating (PCFG), the impact of temperature variation is uniform with respect to frequency shift and effective index. Thus it is clear that by varying temperature there is distinct shift in frequency and wavelength. This behavior shows that it is acting as temperature sensor. 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