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Internshala Business Case Contest 2016

Important Instructions

1. The contest is open only to students currently pursuing two year MBA program (or other
equivalent program such as PGDM) at a recognized college/university in India. Both the 1st year
and 2nd year students may participate in the contest.

2. Please ensure your Internshala profile is complete (i.e. Personal & Education details are
filled) before you submit your entry.

3. The deadline for 1st round submission is 12th March 23:59:59 Hrs. Late submissions will be
immediately disqualified. Also, once uploaded you would not be able to edit/change your

4. You must upload your answer in PDF format only (<1MB) and your answer for part 1 and part
2 of the problem statement must not exceed 2 pages and 3 pages respectively. If you wish to be
considered for a summer internship with PolicyBazaar or TVF, please answer the additional
question also (not exceeding 1 page)

5. Your answer to Business Case problem statement would be evaluated on following

parameters -

I. Business acumen (10%)

II. Creative solutions to business problem (10%)

III. Structured Thinking (30%)

IV. Numerical capabilities (20%)

V. Communications (30%)

6. Please work with the data provided to solve the case. If you feel a particular data is missing,
make reasonable assumption & state them clearly in your working.

6. Your answer to the additional question would be considered at the time of interview and
would play a role in your final selection for the internship.

7. Good luck!


Corporate Address A-1111, Unitech Arcadia, South City2, Gurgaon 122 018
W: Email: M: +91 124 400 4123

Business Case Context

One of the common problems faced by Internshala student users is lack of a good resume.
Since for many, this is the first time they are making a resume; they often struggle with the
right format and the right content to be used in the resume. On one hand, it has direct adverse
impact on students applications and hampers their chances of landing an internship; it is also
poor User Experience for the corporate users to go through a series of poorly made resumes
while going through the applications.

To solve this problem, Internshala plans to come up with a premium service called EDGE which
would be a professional resume review/making offering from Internshala that a student can
subscribe to after paying a fee.

Imagine you have been hired as Internshala EDGE Business Manager with a mandate to grow
this into an INR 10 Crs of Annual Revenue business line over next 3 years.

Problem statement (part 1)

You are 1 week away from joining and have no access to the data. What are the ideas you
would have that you would like to implement when you join the team to achieve the above
target? (Your answer to this question must not exceed 2 pages also you are likely to answer
this question better without reading rest of the case first)

Business Case Continued

A week later, you have joined the team and it has been decided to start the offering as a
manual review service that works as below.

EDGE Process

Upon subscription on Internshala EDGE page a student receives an email asking him/her to
send his/her CV over email for review to there are two reminders (day
1 and day 3) sent in case a CV is not received with in 24 hours of subscription. Once the CV is
received for review, student gets another email with payment instructions (the instructions
vary depending on whether or not student has net Banking account or not). Once the student
confirms the payment (again 2 email reminders are sent) and the same is realized at our end, a
professional reviewer starts the review process and sends the reviewed resume to the student
with suggested changes and improvements.
Corporate Address A-1111, Unitech Arcadia, South City2, Gurgaon 122 018
W: Email: M: +91 124 400 4123

About 1/3rd of the students make the suggested changes in the CV and send it to us again for
review (the fee charged is valid for as many iterations as it takes for resume to be perfect).

The review is an entire manual process where someone does a line by line review of the CV and
suggests changes in Track Changes mode in a word file.

There are special softwares that we have procured which help speed up the process of review
by putting some of the most common feedback points on keyboard shortcuts (saves about 50%
of the time) but the process is still quite manpower intensive.

Also many times we receive the student CVs in PDF format which are not comment friendly and
we have subscription to another software which converts PDFs into Word documents

Problem statement (part 2)

To market this service, advertising on Internshala website has been identified a good way to
market EDGE to prospective customers.

There are 2 slots on the website (on the right hand sidebar, please see that are available for advertising (top slot and bottom
slot). Currently assume that we run Google Ad banner in top slot and EDGE banner in the lower

As EDGE business manager, you have to make a recommendation to business whether we

should flip the slot (i.e. run Google Ads in lower slot and EDGE banner in top slot). What would
your recommendation be and why? Further, based on your analysis, share any additional
thoughts you have regarding future strategy for EDGE to achieve the revenue goal (Your answer
to this question must not exceed 3 pages).

The data available that you could use in the analysis is given in Annexure A.

Additional Question

You must answer this question (not exceeding 1 page) if you would like to be considered for a
summer internship with PolicyBazaar or TVF.

Which organization would be your first preference for the summer internship and why should
you be hired for an internship with it?


Corporate Address A-1111, Unitech Arcadia, South City2, Gurgaon 122 018
W: Email: M: +91 124 400 4123

Annexure A


1. Monthly unique visitors1 on Internshala website 500,000

2. Monthly pageviews2 5Mn/month

3. Click rate3 on top banner 2%

4. Click rate on lower banner 1%

5. Revenue per click for Google Ad4 Rs. 5 / click

6. For EDGE Click rate to sign up5 rate 8%

7. Sign up to payment rate6 25%

8. Fee per review Rs. 399/-

9. Salary of a reviewer Rs. 30,000/- per month (25 working days, 8 Hours a day)

10. Time taken for 1 review 30 minutes

11. Time taken for 1 re-review 15 minutes

12. Seat Cost7 Rs. 10,000/- per month

13. Software cost / review = Rs. 15

14. Additional cost 5% of revenue

Unique visitors is total number of unique students who visit the website in a month.
Pageviews is total number of pages (every unique URL is a different page) visited by visitors in a month.
On an average a unique visitor visits 10 pages on the website.
Click rate = total number of clicks on a banner / total pageviews
Google Ad is driven by Google Adsense where Google automatically shows ads to visitors of Internshala
and pays Internshala every time a visitor clicks on an ad displayed by it.
Sign up rate = # of students who enroll for the service / # of students who clicked on the banner


Corporate Address A-1111, Unitech Arcadia, South City2, Gurgaon 122 018
W: Email: M: +91 124 400 4123

Payment rate = # of students who pay for the service / # of students who enroll
Seat cost refers to infrastructure cost (such as office rent, electricity, phone, water etc.) of running an
office divided by total number of employees

--------------------------------------------------------The End------------------------------------------------------------


Corporate Address A-1111, Unitech Arcadia, South City2, Gurgaon 122 018
W: Email: M: +91 124 400 4123

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