In Situ Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage

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International Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar



Zadar 2011.

This Manual is intended for use at Advanced Course on the Restoration and Conservation of Underwater
Archaeological Finds

I. edition, Zadar, 2011.

Beki Luka

Beki Luka
urkovi Martina
Jeli Anita
Jozi Antonija
Mustaek Mladen
Perin Tanja
Pei Mladen

Translation to English:
Fereni Neven

Graphic design:
Musta Marina

International Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar, Zadar

This Manual was created with the support of the UNESCO Venice Office.

Press: Futuro I.S., Zadar

Edition: 50

Katalogizacija u publikacijiCIP
Znanstvena knjinica Zadar
Conservation of Underwater Archaeological FindsManual / Authors: Beki L., urkovi M., Jeli A., Jozi A., Mustaek M.,
Perin T., Pei M., Translation to English: Fereni N., International Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar, 2011.94
str., ilustr., 31 cm
ISBN 9789535685500

1. Beki, Luka

I. Underwater Cultural Heritage and the UNESCO Convention . 7

Beki Luka

II. Guidelines, Ethics and the Methodology of Conservation-Restoration Work .. 13

Mustaek Mladen

III. Causes of the decay of Archaeological Material .... 16

Mustaek Mladen

IV. Ceramic, Stone and Glass Archaeological Material ... 24

urkovi Martina

V. The Conservation and Restoration of Archaeological Metal Finds ... 43

Jozi Antonija

VI. Organic Material .. 55

Jeli Anita

VII. The Handling, Packing, Transport and Storage of Underwater Archaeological Finds .... 67
Perin Tanja

VIII. In situ Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage ... 77

Pei Mladen


Pei M.: In Situ protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage 77

VIII. In Situ Protection of Underwater Cultural

Mladen Pei conservation and presentation with the aim of
the best possible and longest lasting solution
for the preservation of our heritage.

Introduction What affects the degradation and

In situ protection refers to the concept of changes to in situ objects
preserving underwater cultural heritage at its
The formation of individual archaeological
original site, regardless of whether it is on
sites under water is the result of the sinking of
land or underwater. There are many reasons
land sites, individual objects or artefacts.
why the in situ protection of underwater sites
Once an individual find or site is placed in this
should be given preference as the first option,
new environment it becomes subject to
above any invasive activities directed towards
various physical, chemical, biological and
the research of underwater cultural heritage.
mechanical factors: the infiltration of water
We can only underline that the process of the
(sea) into the object's structure, the effects of
conservation and restoration of underwater
oxygen and chemical reactions in water,
archaeological finds is a costly and demanding
corrosion, the effects of various marine
job and that, as a rule, the process is never
organisms, algae and bacteria, erosion, the
completed as a result of the tendency of
sedimentation of sand, hydrolysis and other
archaeological finds to continue deteriorating,
factors, depending on the actual surroundings
and a dearth of exhibition space in museums
in which the object is found.
is frequently the reason why archaeological
After a time, however, there is a relative
finds sit forgotten in depots.
stabilisation of degradation processes in an
The rules of in situ protection emphasise the
aqueous environment, and it can be said that
importance of, and respect for, the historical
the process of an individual object's
context of a cultural object, its scientific
deterioration has - owing to the agency of
significance, the importance of preserving
physical, chemical and biological factors -
underwater cultural heritage for future
attained a relative stagnation, more precisely -
generations and preventing the mistakes that
that it is signifycantly retarded. There are,
have been committed in the past to the
however, factors that may still effect changes
detriment of underwater cultural heritage as a
to the stability of a site or artefact that has
result of the improper handling and care for
attained this level of stability. This pertains
cultural objects. In situ protection also
above all to the destructive activity of people
stresses that cultural objects, under normal
whose work is tied to the sea and the seabed,
circumstances, have achieved a certain level of
and to various natural factors that constantly
stability owing to low rates of deterioration
(sea currents, tides and waves) or
and oxygen levels, and are, as such, in many
intermittently (natural catastrophes) have a
cases not threatened. If threatened, of course,
negative effect on underwater heritage.
there is a need to protect these sites, but again
in these cases, preference should be given to
various non-destructive methods and the The legal protection of
methods of in situ protection that will be underwater cultural heritage
discussed further in the text. Given the truly
Throughout history most underwater cultural
high level of diversity among the classes and
heritage was protected from human activity by
types of underwater sites, each of them
the inaccessibility of the submarine enviro-
requires an individual approach to protection, nment - sites located at greater depths, as a
Conservation of Underwater Archaeological FindsManual 78

rule, enjoyed a greater chance of being emphasises the qualifications researchers

preserved. The development of professional should have to undertake activities related to
diving equipment opened access to these the preservation and management of
locations to the wider public, which increased underwater cultural heritage.
the danger of their devastation. This Another key factor alongside the legislation
development demanded of the professional provided by individual countries in preserving
community that it develop legal measures and underwater cultural heritage is the
regulations that will help preserve underwater cooperation of competent authorities charged
cultural heritage. Countries adopted with its care. In Croatia, for example, this
legislation that encompasses the legal pertains to the principal cultural institution
protection of underwater cultural heritage the Ministry of Cultureand to conservation
with more or less success. A few of the departments, museums, institutes and other
noteworthy acts in effect are the Historic competent institutions whose cooperation
Shipwreck Act in Australia, The Protection of with the police and port authorities aims to
Wrecks Act in Great Britain, Portugal's create favourable conditions for the best
legislation on marine and underwater possible organisation of the protection of
archaeological heritage or Croatia's Cultural underwater cultural heritage. Furthermore,
Property Protection and Preservation Act and one should not disregard the potential of
its Ordinance on Archaeological Research. The diving clubs and local populations, whose
lack of harmony among these laws prompted interest should be that underwater cultural
professionals to draft and adopt a single heritage is protected, all with the aim of
regulation to treat the protection of preserving it for future generations, and for
underwater cultural heritage. The 1996 the development of the economic and tourism
ICOMOS Charter for the Protection and potential that may arise from the proper care
Management of the Archaeological Heritage of underwater cultural heritage.
was a key step in formulating an international
legal framework. This was followed by a 2001
The physical protection of
session of UNESCO when the body adopted its
Convention on the Protection of the underwater cultural heritage
Underwater Cultural Heritage and the Annex Various methods of physical protection
to that document. The Convention laid out the safeguard sites from physical damage and to a
fundamental principles for the protection of certain degree may limit the damage caused
underwater cultural heritage, provided a by natural factors. When selecting a method of
framework for cooperation between countries protection we must take various parameters
and expounded the rules that relate to into consideration, unique to each site. The
activities directed at underwater cultural first parameter pertains to the general
heritage. The Convention also established characteristics of the site itself: the type of site
some basic principles such as the obligation to (harbour, shipwreck, structures, buildings,
preserve underwater cultural heritage, artefacts and human remains, objects of
encouraging in situ protection as the primary prehistoric character, aircrafts and vessels),
method of preservation, opposing commercial the predominant type of material at the site
exploitation, and promoting information (wood, ceramics, metal, glass), the depth at
sharing and professional training with the aim which it is situated, the level of threat to the
of raising public awareness of cultural heritage site, its state of preservation, its accessibility
preservation. The Annex to the Convention to the general population and the historical
sets out the rules that pertain to activities and archaeological value of the site. The
directed towards underwater cultural heritage. second parameter pertains to the conditions
It includes practical and applied regulations affecting the site and influencing its survival
that should be adhered to when undertaking or degradation, among which we may number
excavations, provides guidelines on how to physical, biological and chemical factors. The
design research and preservation projects and third parameter pertains to the possibilities
Pei M.: In Situ protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage 79

for and feasibility of in situ protection, and the purpose of improving and increasing the
financial framework on which a final decision duration of the depositing of marine
concerning the protection of a given site often sediments, thereby expediting the process.
depends. It is on the basis of the study of these These may be low bulwarks set perpendicular
parameters that we can determine the to the direction of the movement of
methods and strategies that will be underwater currents that serve as barriers
implemented to protect and conserve the site along which broken off algae and seaweed is
or, perhaps, to present it in situ in the form of deposited, facilitating the deposition of
museum. sediments (STANIFORTH 2006: 53). Methods
When dealing, for example, with the remains of implanting artificial sea grass at a site are
of a wooden ship structure on the seabed one being perfected of late with the purpose of
of the methods of burying with sand would be exploiting the sediment that moves with water
ideal. For a Roman period shipwreck with the currents. Since natural sea grass does not take
remains of a large number of amphorae well to replanting on the sandy bottom once
implementing protection by the use of a cage disturbed, artificial grass is used in its place to
would be an appropriate solution, while for a encourage the deposition of sediment. Certain
large modern sunken vessel legal protection
conditions have to exist at the site for this kind
and presentation in the form of an
of protection to be effective, notably an
archaeological park would be the suitable
optimal depth, a relatively flat bottom and
method of protection. Further in this section
regular and optimal currents. Without a
we shall elaborate the most frequent methods
relatively strong sea current there is not
of physical protection with examples of sites at
enough moving sediment to be deposited, and
which they have been implemented.
accumulations form on the artificial grass that
prevent its movement and sediment gathering,
Covering the site with a layer of sand whereby it loses its purpose. An example of
and stone the ineffective use of this method is at the
As a result of the natural processes present on Legare Anchorage shipwreck site in Florida
the seabed underwater sites are often covered (SKOWRONEK et al. 1987: 316-317), while a
in sand during their formation, which creates positive example is the protection of the wreck
a physical protection barrier above them. of the William Salthouse in Australia
Exceptional situations may, however, uncover (STANIFORTH 2006: 54). There are also
and expose a site. The phenomena that create examples of when, as a result of the natural
a threat to these sites are most often natural conditions and strong sea currents, this kind
changes such as strong waves, currents and of protection has not proven effective enough
natural catastrophes and only sometimes are to create a stable environment for the site, and
they related to human activity. The principle other methods also had to be implemented for
of repeated protection is very straightforward effective protection, as was the case at the
- exposed finds are covered in a layer of sand Hrbllebro site in Denmark (GREGORY et al.
that has the purpose of securing the site from 2008: 17-18).
visual and physical contact with external Another application of the sand burial method
factors. The effectiveness of this method may is a customary practice in underwater
be limited because of the possibility of a archaeological research. Upon the completion
repetition of the process that was the initial of every archaeological research campaign
cause of the destabilisation of the site. There is there is a need to protect excavated areas.
also the problem that when building up fine Covering already excavated trenches with sand
sediment such as sand, it may happen that it ensures the protection of this part of the site,
does not manage to stabilise at the site before and also provides us with reference positions
being carried away by sea currents. Various for the continuation of research during the
kinds of barriers may be used with the next archaeological campaign. Covering parts
Conservation of Underwater Archaeological FindsManual 80

of a site is often associated with the use of have a shorter life span). The bags are
geotextiles; textiles made of polypropylene or arranged at the site with the aim of entirely
polyester fibres. Geotextile needs to be covering it up, providing physical protection
installed at the site prior to burial in sand to (Figure 2). The sandbags are able to resist the
isolate the researched area of a site from the water current and may mitigate the effects of
deposited sand. This is very important to wave action on the site. They are most
avoid the contamination of the site by the effective when installed in greater numbers,
secondary deposit whereby the geotextile is densely packed so that their edges overlap.
stabilised above the finds, and to avoid the They should be placed on the seabed in as low
unwanted disturbance of archaeological strata. a profile as possible to allow the water current
This method of temporary protection has been to flow gently over them, since arranging them
proven inexpensive and beneficial in in the form of a hillock could have the effect of
archaeological practice (DAVIDDE 2004: destroying fringe areas of the site by the action
142). of sea currents (BOWENS 2009: 168).
Covering a site in sandbags cannot be
considered a lasting solution, since the bags in
which the sand is packed will deteriorate over
timesites protected in this fashion should be
subject to monitoring and regular supervision.
The method of covering a site with sandbags
has been implemented successfully at a
1. A complex method for the burial of a site using natural
number of sites such as at the Solway wreck in
and artificial materials (Photo: Negueruela 2000., p.112)
South Australia (CORONEOS 2006: 55-57),
If there is a need the site may also be covered, Duart Point in Scotland (MARTIN 1955: 19)
besides with sand, with a heavier aggregate and at several sites in Italy (DAVIDE 2004:
(gravel, rock), taking care not to damage 143).
archaeological finds in the process (BOWENS
2009: 167). There are a number of variations
to this method of protection. The most
complex method involves burying the site with
a layer of sand, followed by a polypropylene
netting, a layer of gravel and sand, metal
netting fastened to the bottom with spikes,
followed by heavier stones and the
camouflaging of the entire area with seagrass
(Figure 1) (NEGUERUELA 2000: 112). This
2. Protecting site Orud with sandbags and geotextile
creates an artificial hummock, incorporated
(Photo: R. Moskovi / HRZ archives)
into the natural surroundings and protected
from looting and unwanted visitors.
Covering the site with canvas or
Covering the site with sandbags polypropylene netting
This is a method of protection used at sites This method involves installing fine mesh
where there is strong erosion, mostly as a canvas or polypropylene netting over a
result of various natural processes, and where threatened site with visible surface finds on
the simpler method of depositing a layer of the seabed so that the netting is not taut, but
sand would not provide long-term protection. rather gently moves with maritime currents
This method of physically protecting a find or (Figure 3). Polypropylene netting has been
site involves the use of polypropylene bags demonstrated as superior in this application
filled with sand (bags of organic materials because of its greater strength and longevity.
Pei M.: In Situ protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage 81

To keep it in place this netting needs to be 72) and at the site of the Hrbllebro wreck in
weighed down or affixed to the bottom, Denmark (GREGORY et al. 2008: 19-22).
usually with sandbags or spikes along the
edges. Over a short period of time (one to a Covering the site with a closed box
few weeks), as a result of the activity of sea
This is a very interesting protection solution
currents and waves, fine sand enters the eyes
that may also be used during archaeological
of the netting and accumulates over the site.
research, and upon its completion is a basis
Over time this creates an artificial
for long term in situ protection. The system of
embankment over the site.
covering a site with a closed box is an in situ
site protection principle that consists of
several steps. A permanent metal frame that
surrounds the area we wish to protect is first
installed on the bottom. Metal plates are then
affixed to the frame on its vertical and
horizontal sides. These plates are moveable,
and may be removed during research allowing
archaeologists to study the area under them.
This structure is useful during research as it
3. Protecting a site using polypropylene netting (Sketch: also provides a working surface on which hand
Manders 2008, p.36) tools may be placed, divers are able to
navigate it safely and it also prevents damage
This buries the site in a layer of sand, to those parts of the site still covered by other
protecting it from the actions of waves, sea parts of the structure. At the end of research
currents and marine organisms (shipworms, and documentation the space between the
mussels, fish) and human factors. This system finds and the metal structure is filled with
shields the site from the view of potential sand to stabilise the finds, and the plates are
looters and also keeps the finds in an fixed to the metal frame to completely close
anaerobic environment, which contributes to the site and finds, which are left in situ. The
stabilising archaeological material. This box is then covered in successive layers of
method, of course, is not appropriate to every sand, protective netting and stones. A grassy
site and a set of conditions have to be present covering may also be installed, which protects
to warrant its implementation. This pertains, the site and blends into the site's natural
above all, to the strength of the sea current surroundings.
and the quantity of sediment available.
Because the eyes of the netting through which
sand is to pass may be blocked by the growth
of algae and other marine organisms that tend
to colonise the netting, this method is limited
in its application to appropriate sites.
Nevertheless, regular monitoring of the
processes at a given site and timely
4. A site is protected with a closed box (Sketch:
intervention can address most of the problems
Negueruela 2000., p. 115)
that arise during the sedimentation process.
This very effective and inexpensive method of
Covering a site in this fashion is most effective
protecting sites has been used in places like
for shipwreck finds and ship structures that
Sri Lanka on the wreck of the Avondster
form a smaller, closed context, and that
(MANDERS 2006a: 58-59), in the
require longer, systematic and precise
Netherlands at the Burgzand Noord 10 wreck
documentation. The closed box protection
(MANDERS 2003: 18-20, MANDERS 2006b:
system has been successfully implemented on
Conservation of Underwater Archaeological FindsManual 82

a Phoenician vessel from the 7th century BC in Protective cages

Spain's Mazarron (NEGUERUELA 2000: 112- This method has as its purpose the physical
116). protection of a site achieved by covering the
entire site with protective cages. A cage consists
Protection using metal netting of a sturdy metal structure onto which steel
Protective metal nets are usually used as netting of various sizes is affixed and joined.
physical protection from an immediate threat This method of fabrication allows us to create a
to an archaeological site by impeding cage of the desired size, depending on the size of
undesirable access to archaeological finds. the area we wish to protect. The cage is attached
Galvanised iron nets, additionally coated in to the seabed and additionally weighed down
corrosion inhibitors, are installed over a site to with concrete blocks to ensure its stability
provide protection. (Figure 6). The top of the cage has locked
openings for authorised persons providing them
with direct access to finds with the purpose of
further documentation or find maintenance.
Protective coating is applied to the nets to
retard corrosion, as are zinc protectors in the
role of sacrificial anodes to provide cathodic
protection of the cage (MESI 2008: 96). Their
purpose is to corrode before the steel cage,
increasing its life span. An info plate is affixed
to the cage providing basic data on the site and
5. The Mijoka Shallows site off Murter protected with providing a further aspect of legal protection as
metal netting (Photo; I. Miholjek / HRZ archives) it indicates that the site constitutes protected
cultural property. The examples of protection
The netting has to be affixed to the bottom
cited so far have aimed to conceal sites from the
with spikes, or weighed down with concrete
public and thereby protect them from external
blocks to ensure they remain fixed in the
influence. Protective cages, however, have a
desired place. Marine organisms will quickly
different role in that they serve to present the
colonise the netting and they will be
site. A site thus protected offers the broader
completely overgrown in a relatively short
diving community the possibility of accessing
period of time, creating visual protection of
underwater heritage without posing a threat to
the finds we want to safeguard. And while this
its safety. There are legal regulations in place to
kind of in situ protection is inexpensive and
govern protected sites in Croatia. The
ideal for very shallow sites, it should not,
competent ministry issues a multi - year
because of certain shortcomings, be
concession to interested diving clubs who lead
considered a final solution. The greatest of
groups of tourists to a site. The club in question
these is the fact that the netting corrodes quite
undertakes the obligation to carry out frequent
quickly, and requires systematic monitoring
monitoring of the cage to prevent undesired
and replacement when the necessity arises.
visitors and to see to the upkeep of the cage,
Another problem is that, since the netting is
which is, besides, in the club's best interest. This
usually installed directly above it, potential
approach has achieved a level of site self-
looters can quite easily cut the protective
sustainability, as it provides benefit not only to
netting and devastate a site. This method of
the responsible diving club but also to the local
protection is most effective if combined with
community. The shortcoming of this method is
some other method such as burial in sand or
the limited lifetime of the netting, estimated as
sandbags. This method of protection is
some twenty yearscontinued materials and
frequently implemented in Italy (DAVIDDE
degradation inhibitor development may extend
2002: 83-84, DAVIDDE 2004: 143-144) and
their useful lifetime (JURII 2006: 155-156).
in Croatia (JURII 2006: 154-155).
Pei M.: In Situ protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage 83

This model of protection has been implemented process of conservation if a need arises to
in the Croatian Adriatic since 1990eight sites extract the object from the site (MACLEOD
with the remains of shipwrecks have been 1995: 58-59). The shortcomings of this
protected to date. These are Roman period method are that it is applicable only to metal
shipwrecks with a large number of integrally finds, that the sacrificial anode has a limited
preserved amphorae. lifetime and needs to be regularly monitored
Their significance and level of preservation and replaced, and that the method is suitable
make them ideal examples for this type of only for smaller objects (cannons, anchors)
physical protection (ZMAI 2009: 18-19). since human and financial potential may be a
limiting factor when dealing with larger
objects. This method of protection has been
applied for many years in Australia, at the
Duart Point shipwreck for example
(MACLEOD 1995, GREGORY 1999). There is
also the recent example from Sicily, where
iron cannons have been protected in this
fashion at the Cala Spalmatore site with the
purpose of presenting the site as an
underwater archaeological park (BARTULI et
al.: 2008).

6. A protective cage over a Roman period shipwreck at rt

Reburial of archaeological material
Makarac (Photo; I. Miholjek / HRZ archives)
While it cannot in essence be considered a
In situ conservation and stabilisation method of in situ protection since the
With the development of the conservation- archaeological finds are researched and their
restoration profession and the application of original position altered, this is one of the
knowledge from other branches of science, methods that ensures the stability of
some methods that have been applied underwater archaeological material in its
primarily in other fields have made their way natural environment, and we will treat it in
into the practical in situ protection of the context of protecting finds under water. A
archaeological sites. Their goal is to act scarcity of financial resources, modest
directly upon the stabilisation and retarding of prospects for the restoration and presentation
degradation processes in targeted of archaeological material, and the low
archaeological objects. One of these is historical significance of certain artefacts has
cathodic protection, applied only on metal made burial in sand one of the frequently
finds. The principle upon which the method is applied methods of protecting already
based is that the object we wish to protect (the research ed arch aeo lo gical mat erial
cathode) is placed into electrical contact with a (BERGSTRAND et al. 2005: 9). The purpose
sacrificial anode. The sacrificial anode is a of this method is to store archaeological
metal that corrodes more readilymore material in a stable environment to retard
precisely has a higher negative potential physical, biological and chemical deterio-
usually this is zinc, magnesium or aluminium. ration. Once research and documentation has
The two metals create an electrochemical cell been completed, archaeological materials are
as a result of which the anode corrodes in arranged in a trench prepared in the seabed
favour of the protected cathode, whereby the and buried in sandalternatively, a special
degradation of the metal find we wish to structure is fabricated for the same purpose
protect is significantly retarded (MACLEOD (Figure 7). Certain standards must be
1987, ORTMAN 2009: 17). The stabilisation of observed in the process, the most important of
objects in situ also significantly shortens the which are that the objects must constantly be
Conservation of Underwater Archaeological FindsManual 84

kept in a wet environment during logical materials based on the monitoring of a

documentation to prevent their deterioration, broad range of parameters. This kind of
that each object must be properly tagged prior research wishes to comprehend the causative
to burial to facilitate the work of those who agents of the degradation of archaeological
will one day access the material again. materials for their more effective future
The purpose of this procedure is that the protection and preservation (BERGSTRAND
reburied material achieves a stable condition et al. 2005).
providing for many years of storage, until the
need arises for its extraction and restoration Museums and parks in situ
(DAVIDDE 2004: 139, ORTMANN 2009: 11-
Once archaeological material is extracted from
13). This method is applied for the most part
the water and undergoes conservation-
restoration treatment it is exhibited in
museums and collections specialised in caring
for this kind of material. Of late there is a
growing tendency towards presenting
underwater cultural heritage in situ in the
frame of underwater archaeological parks or
underwater museums. The presentation of
cultural heritage is closely linked to, and an
inseparable component of, archaeological
finds, and it is important that a person
involved in the protection of heritage is
knowledgeable in the basics of presentation.
Furthermore, because of the constant
7. Sketch of a hummock with buried wooden elements tendency for archaeological material to
from the Red Bay site in Canada (Sketch: Waddell 2007., continue deteriorating, the conservator-
p.149) restorer must be familiar with the conditions
and methods of preserving objects and to be in
on wooden ship structures the conservation
a position to act in a timely fashion towards
and restoration of which is a lengthy and
their preservation. We shall look here in brief
demanding undertakingmeaningless
at a few of the methods of presenting
without proper presentation. One of the more
archaeological finds related to underwater
complex examples of this kind of protection of
archaeological heritage. Underwater archaeo-
researched archaeological material, wood in
logical parks are one of the most popular
this case, was implemented at the Red Bay site
methods of in situ presentation and can be
in Canada where over 3,000 pieces of wood
found around the world. Among these we can
were reburied in the seabed (WADDELL
number all underwater sites or objects that
2007:149-151, ORTMANN 2009: 12-13).
enjoy legal protection and have been
Another example of this method of protection
developed for visitor access. These may be
is in Marstrand harbour in Sweden where,
independent archaeological sites, several
after several research campaigns, about 85%
archaeological sites in close proximity that
of various archaeological finds of metal,
together form one large underwater park or
ceramics, glass, wood and other organic
archaeological sites in the frame of nature
material were reburied. Here protection is
parks and reserves. What is common to them
carried out in the frame of a 50-year RAAR
is that they have been researched and
(Reburial and Analyses of Archaeological
documented by experts and that visitor access
Remains) project the aim of which is to collect
to these sites, with constant supervision, does
data on the processes and intensity of
not constitute a threat of damage or the
deterioration of various kinds of archaeo-
destruction of the archaeological finds that are
Pei M.: In Situ protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage 85

a constituent part of an underwater park the Bodrum Museum of Underwater

(DAVIDDE 2002: 84). Archaeology in Turkey.
Individual cases that may be characterised as
underwater parks have already been cited, Site supervision
including sites protected by steel cages in
The supervision of underwater archaeological
Croatian watersbut we can also number
sites is a key step towards preserving
various shipwrecks, harbour complexes or
underwater cultural heritage. As has been
sunken architecture among the archaeological
emphasised several times, the greatest threats
parks. There are a great number of underwater
to the preservation of archaeological sites are
archaeological parks around the world and as
those coming from human or natural factors.
examples we can cite the underwater
We have already described in some detail the
archaeological park off the island of Ustica in
legal and physical protection of sites, and we
Sicily and Baia to the west of Naples in Italy,
shall now briefly touch upon the methods of
the Legare Ancorage and other shipwreck sites
supervising them. There are several methods
within Biscayne National Park in Florida
whereby sites can be monitored and protected.
(SKONWRONEK et al. 1987), the sunken
We should above all emphasise the role of
harbour of Caesarea Maritima in Israel
experts whose regular observation, inspection
(RABAN 1992). In these parks visitors are
and collections of samples from a site will
guided to small finds and features by signs,
enable them to notice changes on time and
and the finds themselves are accompanied by
properly respond to them. Sometimes the
information boards that describe them and
wider population is not aware of the location
provide information concerning their origin
of underwater archaeological heritage, and
and function, and offer visitors other
these places should, therefore, be properly
interesting information related to a given site
indicated to reduce the negative effects on
(DAVIDDE 2002: 85).
heritage. Indicating protected zones, which
Underwater museums are structures in which can be visibly identified with buoys, is the
underwater cultural heritage is presented in basic method of marking off zones in which
situ and that are accessible to the broader
activity that could damage cultural property is
public and not only to divers. Currently the not permitted. These areas can have info
largest underwater museum in situ is the signboards that indicate the reasons for
Baiheliang Museum in China - built on dry protecting the site and the sanctions foreseen
land prior to the Three Gorges Dam going for those who do not abide by the stipulated
operational and now lying underwater at a restrictions. Of course it is the competent legal
depth of 43 metres. It features inscriptions up authorities that play a key role in this system
to 1,200 years old recording the movement of and who need to conduct periodic monitoring
the Yangtze River (XIURUN: 2). Another of the site. The deployment of sonar buoys is
major project is an underwater museum in also one of the methods that can be used to
Alexandria, Egypt that aims to present monitor the site. Installed at the site they can
submerged Egyptian culture, including small warn approaching vessels that they are
finds and features, the remains of the approaching a protected zone and send the
Alexandrian harbour and the famed competent authorities notifications of
lighthouse on Pharos (MORCOS 2000: 33, 40- unwanted entry to the site. The movement of
41). vessels in protected archaeological zones may
There are also a great number of museums also be monitored by satellite, based on which
that directly link their content to underwater maps of the movements of ships in protected
cultural heritage. Noteworthy are the Mary zones can be drafted, which may later be used
Rose Museum in Portsmouth, Great Britain as evidence if a site is looted. Monitoring of
with its presentation of a 16th century warship, sites may also be undertaken using various
the Vasa Museum in Sweden's Stockholm or geophysical methods that monitor the
Conservation of Underwater Archaeological FindsManual 86

appearance and changes to the natural which is studying the degradation of

surroundings such as erosion of the seabed, archaeological wood, and the research
and that may also be beneficial in conducted on the wreck of the James
documenting changes to archaeological finds Matthews (RICHARDS 2001, ORTMANN
and sites. It is, of course, impossible to protect 2009: 28-32).
and monitor the situation at all underwater
archaeological sites, and this kind of
monitoring can only be deployed to a limited
Protecting cultural heritage is the primary task
number of key areas. This is why educating the
of every archaeologist, historian, conservator-
local community and interested groups is yet
restorer and every other person who comes
another crucial element of the principles of
into contact with the historical context of finds
protection and monitoring. Presentations,
and sites and the underlying premise that
lectures, publications, courses and workshops
should guide any research effort and the care
are only a few of the aspects of education that
of archaeological material. The protection of
can bring underwater heritage closer to the
underwater cultural heritage in situ is one of
broader public with the aim of raising
the chief guidelines set out in the UNESCO
awareness and care for its protection.
Convention on the Protection of the
Supervision of the state of underwater
Underwater Cultural Heritage and its Annex,
archaeological finds in situ is yet another key
and it should, as such, also be the first choice
determinant in which experts from the
when engaging in research. This section has
conservation-restoration profession should
outlined the various methods of legal and
take an active role. Monitoring the processes
physical protection of underwater sites in situ,
of degradation and decomposition, changes to
and the methods of their presentation and
the surrounding environment and to the
supervision. Archaeological research is,
natural conditions that influence the state of
however, often undertaken because of a threat
archaeological finds, and analyses of all
to a site, because of its historical significance
influences on them, help us understand and
or simply because of a need to fill in gaps in
take timely action against the causative
historical knowledge. The result of these
agents. Different causative agents affect every
research efforts is material extracted from an
kind of archaeological materialmetal,
aqueous environment, which, at the moment
ceramics, stone, woodin varying intensity,
of extraction, is in an exceedingly sensitive
and each requires a specific approach to
state and requires the immediate attention of
monitoring these parameters. Given that these
an expert. In the past it has often been the
causative agents are described elsewhere in
case that material yielded by archaeological
the text, we will only cite a few of the major
research, and upon its extraction from an
projects here that are engaged in studying and
underwater environment was often not
monitoring the causes of the deterioration of
afforded proper care, conservation, storage
archaeological material in situ. Besides the
and preservation. It is, therefore, vital that
already cited and broad-reaching RAAR
before undertaking any underwater research
project that includes particular study of all
we secure the prerequisite conditions to
subgroups of materials most frequently found
ensure the long-term preservation of
at archaeological sites, also noteworthy are the
underwater cultural heritage in a state as
Moss Project (Monitoring, Safeguarding and
similar as possible to that in which it was
Visualising North-European Shipwreck Sites)
found, The in situ method of protection is
the aim of which it is to better understand the
certain to see further development in the
processes of shipwreck deterioration (PALMA
future, as will the methods that both preserve
2005), BACPOLES (Preserving cultural
and present underwater cultural heritage in its
heritage by preventing bacterial decay of wood
original form.
in foundation piles and archaeological sites)
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