Free Wing Uav: Akram September 7, 2015

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free wing uav


September 7, 2015
1 Weight Estimation
1.1 Introduction
After selecting an initial concept, the aircraft must meet the desired performance ca-
pabilities specified by the concept of operations. Clearly, many variables and factors
influence the performance of the aircraft, so a constraint analysis is use to narrow down
the choices to a specific region where further decisions can be made

1.2 Estimation of Takeoff Weight

The method used to determine the initial sizing of the design concept was calculated
using the General equation:

WT O = W E + WP L + WF (1.1)
The fuel weight (WF) equal to zero because the Propulsion system consists of three
sections they are electric motor, propeller, battery therefore no loss of takeoff weight.

WT O = WE + WP L (1.2)

The weight estimation in the free wing UAV aircraft can be estimated by the following
Assuming Takeoff weight 1.5 kg

WT O = WF ixed + WP ropulsion + WStructure (1.3)

Data of similar UAVs as shown in table (1.1).


Table 1.1: Takeoff Weight, Payload Weight and Empty Weight for FWUAV
NO Name of uav WT O (kg) WP L (kg) WP L (kg)
1 K120 1.2 0.25 0.95
2 Bird Eye 100 1.3 0.3 1
3 V-TOL Aerospace 0.9 0.3 0.6
4 Aerospy 1 0.15 0.85
5 Maveric 1.15 0.2 0.95
6 GT Aeronautics 0.84 0.02 0.82
7 Victor Mk II 1.1 0.21 0.89
8 dragon eye 2.5 0.4536 2.0464
9 Micro B 1 0.24 0.76

1.3 Parametric Analysis

The parametric analysis was the second stage of the conceptual design work. It was
done using the method presented by loft in the NASA report 1060 [3]. He explains the
way of calculating the general properties of a propeller-driven aircraft using the features
of existing aircraft. So it was necessary to collect a sufficient number of aircraft having
roughly the same characteristics as the ones wanted (empty weight around 4 kg, stall
and maximum speeds 7-20 m/sec) The aircraft must be design to meet performance

- Cruise speed

- Stall speed

- Rate of climb

- Time to climb

- Takeoff field length

The method will result in determination of a range of values of wing loading ( W S )

and power loading ( WP ) and maximum lift coefficient clmax within which certain perfor-
mance requirement are met. Form those data it usually follows that the combination of
the highest possible wing loading and power loading which still meets all performance

1.3.1 Sizing to Stall Requirement

A according JAR-VLA-49 Ref [x] the stalling speed may not exceed 45 knots (CAS) the
stall speed specified in Request for Proposal is 7m/s. the wing loading ( W
P )for given
value of clmax

W 1
( )T O = VST CLM AX (1.4)
S 2
where :
= 1.225 m3

VST = 7 sec

The result from equation (1.4) presented in table (1.2)

Table 1.2: Wing Loading for Stall Requirements

1.1 100.281
1.2 109.3974
1.3 118.5139

1.3.2 Sizing to Takeoff Requirement

Equation (1.5) has been used to calculate the takeoff parameter, which is an indication
of takeoff performance for an airplane such as UAVs takeoff.

(W W
S ).( P )
T OPU AV = (1.5)

The take off parameter can be calculation using statistical data of similar UAVs as
showing in following table [1.3]

Table 1.3: Stall Speed and Take off Parameter for Different Mini UAV
Name of UAV Stallingspeed m s Take off parameter
Dragon Eye 18.1 23.9
Raven 12.5 10.7
Casper 200 7.711 4.1

After drawing the relationship betweenVST and TOP xxxxxxxxx, as showing in figure
We can be find the curve fitting by equation (1.6)

(VST ) = 0.5104(T OPM inU AV ) + 6.186 (1.6)

VST 6.186
T OPM inU AV = (1.7)

assuming the stall speed equal (8 m


T OPM inU AV = 3.55 m


Rearrange equation (1.6) as follows to calculate the power loading ( W

P )T O

W ( W )T O (CLmax )
( )T O = S (1.8)
CLmax =1.2

(WS )T O 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
( P )T O 0.1447 0.1085 0.0868 0.07235 0.0620 0.0542 0.0482 0.0434

CLmax =1.4

S )T O 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
P )T O 0.1688 0.1266 0.1013 0.0844 0.0723 0.0633 0.0562 0.0506

CLmax =1.6

(WS )T O 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
( P )T O 0.1929 0.1447 0.1157 0.0964 0.0826 0.0723 0.0643 0.0578

1.3.3 Cruise Requirement

The cruise speeds turns out to be proportional to following factor
u W
3 t ( S ) P
( )1 (1.9)
( P ) CD

S )
IP = (1.10)
( W
P )
The parameter IP is called power index
Where :

Table below shows that the power index value for different Mini UAV

Table 1.4: Cruise Speed and Power Index for Different Mini UAV

name of UAV VCr IP

emt aladdin 18.6 10.4
raven 17.80 8.61
dragon eye 10 8.70
pointer 9.71 8.13
casper 23.14 8.56

From the statistical data it shown in above table can be find mathematical relation
by using trend line as shown in figure (XX)

IP = 0.5013(VCr ) (1.11)

where: VCr = 16 m
s Substituting these values into equation(1.11)

IP =8.1648 By dividing, the equation(1.10) through by weight (W) gives the equation
W (W )
( )= S (1.12)
p IP

From equation (1.11) for cruise speed with clean configuration, and by assuming different
values in to regions of wing loading at take off ( W
S )T O to determine the required take off
power loading ( WP )T O so that the cruise speed is satisfied. The resulting is presented in
table (1.5)

Table 1.5: Wing Loading and Weight Power Ratio for Cruise Requirements
20 0.0368
30 0.0552
40 0.0736
50 0.0920
60 0.1104
70 0.1288
80 0.1472
90 0.1656
100 0.1840
110 0.2024

1.3.4 Matching for Sizing Requirements

It is now possible to determine the best combination of these quantities, which defined the
design point; base on the methods mentioned [**] a set of wing loading, power loading,
maximum lift coefficients and aspect ratio. The design point has been selected at lower
possible power loading and wing Loading, which are consistent with all requirements.
This process is also known as the matching process. The matching diagrams resulting
from the matching process are presented in figure (***). The parameters were selected
for CLmax = 1.4

1.3.5 Design point guessing

(W N
S ) = 49 m2 .

(W N
P ) = 0.085 watt

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