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JULY 2010

John 8:31-32
Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my
word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free .

John 8:36
If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
Freedom comes from truth and truth comes from the Lord Jesus Christ.
For two hundred and thirty four years America has celebrated her freedom on July
4th. We, who are born in the United States, are born into freedom and hopefully Taken from the Glory of
will never know what it is like to be in bondage to those who would rule and reign America by Peter Marshal
over us. Our government was established for our protection, so we could live our & David Manuel
lives and pursue our dreams with freedom. The laws of our land were established JULY 2
upon the Ten Commandments. The keeping of these commandments will bring On this day in 1776, the Thir-
blessings and the breaking of these commandments will bring destructions. This teen Colonies voted to separate from
generation of Americans have turned away from the God of Creation and they Great Britain. A hush fell over the
have attempted to do away with His commandments. We are now in trouble. We room. The late afternoon sun fired a
are not America the Beautiful anymore. We are not America the free today. Our brass candlestick on the green felt ta-
debts have placed us in bondage to many nations. Our homes are broken, our blecloth, a pair of spectacles, the silver
children are turning on their parents and are parents or forsaking their children. knob of a walking stick. Men gazed
Our crops are diminishing and our resources are polluted. We are seeing floods out the window, some with tears in
that have not been seen for hundreds of years. We are having earthquakes in their eyes. A few prayed. Their chair-
places we never expected. Now, our waters are polluted with oil and it does not man, John Hancock, broke the silence:
seem to be stopping anytime soon. Our workers are out of work and our families “Gentlemen, the price on my head has
are losing their homes. Our rulers are turning on one another and our people are just doubled!”
waking up to the destruction that is going on in our government. There is a war A wry chuckle followed, then
within our nation today. Our freedoms are threatened at this time. Sam Adams rose: “We have this day
The sad thing is, America does not look to the church any longer for her restored the Sovereign, to Who alone
answers. Forty years ago, people in need went to a church and asked for help. men ought to be obedient. He reigns
Today, they turn to the welfare. The church did the counseling forty years ago in Heaven and...from the rising to the
and helped the people to solve their problems through the Scriptures. Today, they setting sun, may His Kingdom come!”
go to worldly counselors and are taught to throw away their problems and start all JULY 3
over, leaving the blame for their problems on someone else. The people do not go When Independence became a
to the church to be buried anymore. They use the funeral home. They do not use reality, John Adams, who had fought so
the church anymore for weddings. They go to social settings. long and hard for his vision of a new
nation under God, was overwhelmed.
(Continued on page 2)
(Continued on page 7)
(Continued from page 1) do His people depart from something
John 8:36 so wonderful? God is our life and we
had better seek His face for ourselves,
If the Son therefore shall make you
our families, our churches and our gov-
free, ye shall be free indeed. ernment. This year, instead of buying
It is sad that the government and the social settings have taken over the firecrackers, we had better bow the
church’s place in most peoples lives, but it is even sadder that the church has sat by knee and cry out to our loving God to
and allowed it to happen! The church was relieved when the government began bring us back to the place of blessing.
feeding and clothing the people. The church was no longer burdened down with I love my country, but my coun-
the needs of the poor and they could use that money for ministries they wanted to try is changing and all of God’s people
do. Our burden was our blessing, but we didn’t know it. We are no longer work- had better stand up and be counted, or
ing ministries, we are running businesses. Pastors are no longer friends, but have there will be no freedom to celebrate in
become CEO’s. Oh, not all have departed, but those who have remained true are the future. Let’s praise Him for what
getting harder and harder to find. Not all people have left the church, but churches is left and seek Him for what is needed
are closing their doors everyday. Someone said that there are 1200 pastors leav- this July 4th. ----Editor
ing the pastorate every month. I wonder how many members are falling by the
wayside each month? What is happening to America and the American people? CALIFORNIA vs. TEXAS
Governor of California is jogging with his
When we allowed evolution to be taught as a truth in our schools and in
dog along a nature trail. A Coyote jumps
our government, we cut our life line to the God of this country. Our God is a jeal- out and attacks dog.
ous God and will share His glory with no other god!!! We have asked our God to #1. Governor starts to intervene, reflects
stand beside evolution and share His glory with an idol. God does not change. He upon the movie “Bambi” and then realizes
would not do this for the Jews and He will not do this for us. Our President has he should stop; the coyote is only doing
concluded that we are no longer a Christian nation, but are a nation of many gods. what is natural.
WAKE UP! We no longer have the hand of blessing upon our country. How far #2. He calls animal control. Animal con-
do we think we can go without God’s presence? trol captures coyote and spends $200 test-
Read about Israel before they went into captivity. They did not know that ing it for diseases and $500 upon relocat-
God had departed! They didn’t even ask where He was. It never dawned on them ing it.
#3. He calls veterinarian. Vet collects
that the Lord had sold them to the enemy. What about America? Are we asleep?
dead dog and spends $200 testing it for
Have we not noticed that the blessings are departing and the cursing is coming diseases.
upon us? Have we really faced where we are in America? Have we really faced #4. Governor goes to hospital and spends
where we are in the church? Have we really faced where we are in our homes? $3,500 getting checked for diseases from
What is your home like? Does it bring glory to God? Is your home a shelter from the coyote and on getting bite wound ban-
the storms, or is the storm inside of your home? What has our personal life done daged.
to show truth to the world around us. Do we know truth? Do we live truth? Do #5. Running trail gets shut down for 6
we proclaim truth? God said if we continue in His Word we will know truth and months while wildlife services conduct a
the truth shall set us free! Are we free, or have we been taken in the bondage of $100,000 survey to make sure the area is
this generation, because we have failed to continue in His Word? clear of dangerous animals.
#6. Governor spends $50,000 of state
What can we do about our America?
funds implementing a “coyote awareness”
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and
program for residents of the area.
pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from
#7. State legislature spends $2 million in-
heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chron 7:14
vestigating how to better handle rabies and
God is not calling for the heathen to turn around, He is calling His people, how to possibly eradicate the disease.
those who are called by His name (Christians). We had better put away our pride #8. Governor’s security agent is fired for
and bow our knees to the Almighty God and cry out for His aid. We are to make not stopping the attack and for letting the
our request to God and stop looking to man to meet our needs. We are to seek Governor intervene.
God’s face, not only for His provisions, but also His person. We are to turn around #9. Cost: $75,000 to train new security
and go back to where we put God and His Word in the proper place of our lives. If agent.
we Christians will do this, then our land will enjoy healing and forgiveness. God #10. PETA protests the coyote relocation
is not waiting upon the heathen, He is waiting upon His people, which are called and files suit against the state, resulting in
$126,000 in legal costs.
by His name, to get back to serving Him and not themselves.
We, God’s people, are running to and fro, trying to find happiness and #1. Governor shoots coyote and keeps
fulfillment, when only God can produce these things in our lives. We need to get jogging. Governor has spent $0.50 on a
back to seeking God’s kingdom and let God be busy about seeking the desires of .45 ACP hollow point cartridge. Buzzards
our hearts. How have we allowed ourselves to be drawn away from our God? He eat dead coyote. Any wonder why Cali-
is everything He says He is and He has never failed to keep His Word. Why fornia is broke????

Thanksgiving and we had no way to
GOD’S PROVISIONS cook and no one to share with. I had
complained about having to go to fami-
But my God shall supply all your need according lies’ houses at Thanksgiving and not
to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Phil 4:19 being able to stay home! I wouldn’t
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me make that mistake again. I really did
ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation : miss my family. The next year we
but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16:33 found a family in need and shared
Thanksgiving with them.
Jerry and I were recalling some of our testings of yesteryears and thought I told Jerry I wanted to go to a
we might share with you how God worked in our lives to show us He would pro- used furniture store to look for furni-
vide our needs. ture. He said, “Why, we don’t have any
It was in the early 60’s and we were very young, with much to learn about money!” I said, “The Bible says you
trusting the Lord for our needs. We had not been very good at tithing, but we were have not because you ask not. I am go-
convicted about it and promised the Lord that when we got moved to California ing to ask for mercy and see if I can find
(we were moving from Texas to the foreign country of California) and got our first someone who will trust us.” Well, we
check, we would start tithing ALL the time. went and I told the man our story and
We had a relative that had written us for about two years telling us how told him Jerry had a job and we would
wonderful California was and how much more money we could make there. pay as soon as Jerry got his check. The
They said we could stay with them until we found a place to live. Well, there man looked at me and said, “Little lady,
was never enough money to go around in Texas, so we decided we would move to you look around my store and pick out
California and get rich!!! We called a used furniture dealer and sold our houseful anything you want. I will put it on my
of furniture for $75. It makes me sick to think about that now. We had a little truck tonight and will bring it to you in
1954 Volkswagon, with a sun roof, for the four of us (Tom, 3 1/2, Steve 16 mos. the morning.” God had heard my cry
and Jerry and I) to travel in. We packed all of our necessities and shipped them and had answered my prayer. It was a
by train. It cost us $15 for gas and oil to go 1500 miles. Those where the good miracle! I laid on my pallet that night
old days (gas was 17 to 19 cents a gallon). It was a beautiful (lonnnnng) trip. We rejoicing in how great my God was.
arrived in Los Angeles at about 2:00 am. We were tried and weary. Our family I sat in the floor waiting for the
came to the door and let us in and asked us where we planned to stay. We knew furniture to come, but it never came.
they were not prepared for us to stay with them. We spent the night with them and Jerry came in from work with a very
the next morning we began looking for an apartment. discouraged look and a newspaper in
We tried very hard to find a furnished apartment, but no one offered fur- his hand. On the front page of the pa-
nished apartments anymore. Seeing we only had one day, we rented a two bed- per was a picture of the furniture store
room apartment up stars, about two miles from our family. We had blankets to and the truck that my furniture had been
lay on the floor and an alarm clock to plug into the wall and that was it! We had loaded on. The store had burned to the
an ice chest, in which we kept milk and sandwich meat in and hoped we could get ground during the night. My furniture
furniture in a few days. was ashes! As Job said, “The Lord giv-
We found California to be different than Texas. You could only make eth and the Lord taketh away.” Why
your application for work on Fridays. The rest of the week you just had to sit and would God do this to us? Why would
wait. We had brought very little money with us, but we had enough to put a down He give us hope and then take it away?
payment on some used furniture. They told us that our down payment would be We didn’t understand, but we accepted
used to check our credit. That would take a couple of days, but that was not a it because God is God.
problem, we had good credit and we could sleep on the floor a few days more. The next morning my land-
The day they were to deliver our furniture, they never came (we didn’t have a lady knocked on my front door. She
phone). When Jerry got home we went to find out what happened. They said that was coming to give me a phone mes-
Jerry had borrowed $6,000 on a GI loan (for a sports car) and had never repaid sage. I was asleep when she knocked
it! Jerry had never been in the service and couldn’t get a GI loan if he wanted to. and I jumped up off the floor to quickly
They had gotten our credit mixed up with another Jerry Brewster and they would and as I went to the door (holding it so
not let us have the furniture. I was heart sick. They kept our money and now we she could not see that we didn’t have
had no furniture. By this time we had eaten sandwiches and cereal for every meal furniture) I passed out. The next thing
and we were getting sick of them. We were a long way from home and we were I knew, I was laying on the pallet and
too proud to call and ask for help. We had made that move to prove to ourselves my landlady was standing over me say-
and to our family that we could handle our own problems. ing, “Why didn’t you tell me you didn’t
Jerry did get a job two weeks after arriving, but it was going to be three have any furniture?”
weeks before he would get his first paycheck. We were desperate! It was
(Continued on page 7)
M by
Gloria Brewster

HOW DOES A WISE WOMAN BUILD look at the fruit hanging from your life.
HER HOUSE? Would you want to eat it? If you need-
HOW DOES A FOOLISH WOMAN TEAR ed to be served, would you want some-
DOWN HER HOUSE? one like yourself to serve you? Your
In Proverbs 14:1 the Scripture tells us that a wise woman builds her spiritual life determines your fruit’s ef-
house. What house is this talking about? The word house is used 2026 times in fect on others.
the Scriptures. Here is the Strong’s definition. YOUR HEART!
House: probably from OT:1129 abbreviated; a house (in the greatest variation of ap- To have good fruit we must
plications, especially family, etc.):
have a good heart!
KJV - court, daughter, door, dungeon, family, forth of, great as would contain, hang-
Keep thy heart with all dili-
ings, home [born], [winter] house (-hold), inside (-ward), palace, place, prison, stew-
gence; for out of it are the issues of life.
ard, tablet, temple, web, within (-out). Prov 4:23
There is a wide variety of definitions. I am sure the Lord did not mean for Our issues in life are our com-
woman to pick up a hammer and nails and physically build the house. As impor- ing in and going out. It’s our daily
tant as it may be to keep a neat and clean house, I do not believe that this is what responses to life. With our hearts, we
the Scripture is referring too. I believe this is talking about the family. Woman heal or wound those we meet daily. We
was made to be a “help meet” and her job is to help those she serves. If she lives are responsible for every life that God
a wise life, she will build her family. If she is a foolish woman, she will tear down allows to cross our paths. We are not
and destroy her loved ones. It is possible to live in a house with a foolish woman responsible for their outcome, but we
and still survive (although most do not), but the home in which the foolish woman are responsible for our input.
lives, will not survive. The woman is the HUB and without the hub the wheel Our tools for building our house
does not roll. Remember what the Lord said in the New Testament? are kept in our hearts. The materials
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
that we use to build our house are the
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom
of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. issues that God allows to touch us. Do
Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy you wake up praising the Lord for His
name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful goodness, or complaining and murmur-
works? ing about the works He has given you
And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye to do? Do you work with a joyful spirit
that work iniquity. or an unhappy spirit? Are you quick
Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will to forgive and show mercy or do you
liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: show a vindictive spirit and have no
And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat mercy? Are you honest with others or
upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.
do you give false reports and lies? Are
And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall
be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: you ready to help or hurt? Do you live
And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat with confidence or insecurity? Do you
upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it. Matt 7:20-27 encourage others or discourage others?
Now this is speaking of a wise man, but that is still speaking to us women. Do you trust the Lord or doubt Him?
Remember, we are man. God created ONE man, male and female created He Do you have hope or despair about
them! We are the female portion of man. But the truth is that both the male the things in your life? Do you have a
and the female are building or destroying their homes. But let’s just look at the sweet spirit or a bitter spirit? Are you
woman’s work for a moment. offensive or blameless? Whose tools
Jesus said by our fruits we shall be known! The fruit that comes from our do you keep in your heart? God’s tools
lives brings either life (good fruit) or death (evil fruit) to those we serve. People, build and Satan’s tools tear down. If
4 especially family, live from the fruit that hangs from our lives. Take a good (Continued on page 6)





by J.E.W.
(taken from an old
book named “God
from Ophir)
1 Pet. 1:18,19. See also
Lev. 17:11; Ex. 12:14; and
The way to slay the Goliaths of sin and unbelief is simply to take the for many other passages on
Word of the Lord and hurl it at them. In these days of light regard for God’s this theme trace out the
testimony, when many who even wear ecclesiastical livery are seeking to destroy references.
faith in the plenary inspiration of the Scriptures it behoves us to stand like heroes III. Man’s Regeneration.
in defence of “the faith once for all delivered to the saints.” Goliath of old defi- “Verily, verily, I say unto
antly sneered at the youth who came out to do battle with him, but God was with thee, except a man be born
David, and soon demonstrated to the waiting expectant hosts that He could use again, he cannot see the kingdom
the “weak things of this world” to accomplish His divine purposes. He inspired of God,” Jno. 3:3. Also 1 Pet.1:23;
David to take “five smooth stones from the brook.” These, with the shepherd’s Jas. 1:18; Jno. 1:13; Jno. 10:28;
sling, constituted David’s entire armament; but with these he slew the giant, and 1 Cor. 3:6,7.
Israel’s host reaped a mighty victory, while God got the glory. So, if the servant IV. Man’s Sanctification.
of God will only heed His instruction, and seek to become thoroughly furnished “I beseech you therefore, brethren,
by diligent study of His Word, rightly dividing the same, he will “become mighty by the mercies of God,” etc., Rom.
to the pulling down of strongholds.” 12;1,2.
There are five fundamental facts in the Bible, arranged in very beautiful 1. The God, or judicial, side
order by the Holy Spirit, namely: Man’s Ruin, Man’s Redemption, Man’s Re- of the question, 1 Cor. 1:30; Col.
generation, Man’s Sanctification, and Man’s Glorification. They are Five Smooth 3:3; Col. 2:10; Heb. 5:9.
Stones from the Brook of God. 2. The man, or experimental, side
of the question, 1 Cor. 6:15,16; 1
I. Man’s Ruin. Jno. 2:15-17; Col. 3:1,2.
“If one died for all, then were all dead,” V. Man’s Glorification.
2 Cor. 5:14; see also Eph. 2:1-3; Gen. 6:5; “Beloved, now are we the sons of
Isa. 1:4-6 God; and it doth not yet appear
II. Man’s Redemption. what we shall be; but we know
“For as much as ye know that ye were not that when He shall appear, we
redeemed with corruptible things.... shall be like Him; for we shall
but with the precious blood of Christ, as of see Him as He is,” 1 Jno. 3:2; Jno.
a lamb without blemish and without spot,” 14:1-3. ----J.E.W.

(Continued from page 4) hands find to do. This is the freedom
HOW DOES A WISE WOMAN BUILD we have if our “hearts” have the right
HER HOUSE? tools and our eyes have the right focus.
HOW DOES A FOOLISH WOMAN TEAR If the Lord is truly leading our lives, we
DOWN HER HOUSE? will be busy about loving our neigh-
your life is coming apart, you are using the wrong tools. You need to let the
bours and building our houses. The
Lord clean out your heart and place His tools there to help you build your house.
right focus is loving the Lord God with
all our hearts and the right tools are lov-
I find that the downfall of most everyone is due to putting the Lord some-
ing our neighbour as ourselves.
where besides first place. Our house will not stand unless the Lord is FIRST For all the law is fulfilled in one
PLACE in our lives. How can we do that? By putting the Word of God above our word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy
own reasoning. We must determine to obey at any cost. I would rather die,obeying neighbour as thyself . Gal 5:14
God’s Word, than to live knowing that I had disobeyed and doubted His Word. How about it? Are you stand-
There is no way to live in fullness of life unless the Lord’s good hand is upon us. ing on the rock, or the sand. Are you
To live in disobedience is to live in destruction (death). Remember our promise building your house or tearing it down.
at the altar to our husbands? Till death do us part! Most did not mean what they What kind of tools are in your tool box
said at the altar and divorce is an epidemic in our country. Most Christians did not (heart)? Where is your focus (eyes)?
mean what they said when they promised to take the Lord Jesus Christ as their Are you hands busy about doing righ-
master until death. We only go as far as we choose to go. When it looks like teous works for the Lord?
death, too often we choose to do it our way!!!! To build a house the Lord must be The winds, the storms and the
first, not the church, not our ministries, but the person and the Word of the Lord rains come to all houses!!! They can-
Jesus Christ. If Christ is not first we are not building on a firm foundation, we are not be avoided. Only the houses that
building on the sand. We can have the best intentions, but until we do the will of are built on the rock will stand the test
God we are not standing upon the rock. Is He first in your life? Are you experi- of life. It is never to late too leave the
encing a building going up, or a building coming down? sand and begin building upon the rock.
The next thing we must focus on is the beam that is in our eye. As long as we have life, we have an op-
And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but consider- portunity to build a house. Do not let
est not the beam that is in thine own eye?
Satan divert you from this great work
Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine
that the Lord has given you to do.
eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt ----Gloria Brewster
thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye. Matt 7:3-5
Women are really bad about being quick to try and get the mote out of
everyone else’s eyes, but forgetting to tend to the beam that is in their own eyes. MAKE IT SNAPPY
It’s because we were created ‘help meets’ and we want to help, but we cannot help
others until we clear up the beam in our own eyes. No one appreciates having A farmer objected to his
someone trying to work on their eyes when that person is blinded by their own pastor getting $50.00 per week for
beam. The mote and the beam are the same size! It is the focus that makes preaching two sermons. He argued,
them appear to be different sizes. The mote in your neighbour’s eye will not have “that’s $25.00 per hour.”
a major effect on your life, but the beam in your eye can and will destroy you The next week the farmer
unless it is removed. If we were as busy about cleaning up our lives as we are brought a load of wheat to the mill.
worried about everybody else’s problems, we could build some beautiful houses. The minister happened to be there
Our focus should be on serving others and fixing ourselves! and watched him unload, then go into
One other thing is a must. We must have a single eye! We must have one the office and get a check for $250.00
motivation and one purpose for our responses and actions. That motive must be to for the wheat. “See here,” said the
please God and that purpose must be to do the will of God and not man. A double minister,” you objected to me getting
minded man is unstable in all his ways and will not receive of the Lord until he $25.00 per hour and you are mak-
becomes single minded (James 1). ing ten times that.” “Oh, no,” said
OUR HANDS! the farmer, “I just come to the mill
Once our hearts and our focus are right, then we can put our hands to to unload.” “I just go to the pulpit
work at building our houses. Where do we put our hands? to unload also,” said the minister. “I
Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no see the point,” said the farmer, “and
work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest. I’m going to pay more toward your
Ecc. 9:10 salary, but hereafter, pastor, please
If we are right with the Lord, we can reach out and do whatever our don’t take so long to unload.”

(Continued from page 1)
As always, the person he most wanted
to share his feelings with was his wife Summer is moving along very swiftly. I know there always has been and
Abigail. On this day in 1776, with the always will be 24 hours in a day, but it seems to be going so much faster than it
first post rider leaving for Massachu- did in our youth. We kind of feel like we are on a merry-go-round (if you are
setts, he dispatched a prophetic letter. very young you might not know what that is). We never seem to finish a day, we
That day, he said, just stop until the next day and then start all over. This must be so much better
“Ought to be commemorated, than being bored! What is it Job said? Job 14:1 “Man that is born of a woman
as the Day of Deliverance, by solemn is of few days, and full of trouble.” So true, but we must also remember what
acts of devotion to God Almighty. It Solomon said. Ecc 9:10 “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy
ought to be solemnized with pomp and might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the
parade, shows, games, sports, guns, grave, whither thou goest.”
bells, bonfires and illuminations, from This life is not forever. We have an appointed time in which we can work
one end of this continent to the other, for the Lord and His kingdom. We get so busy with our own personal agendas
from this time forward forevermore.” that often we forget that we are here to serve the Lord. What are we doing for
JULY 4 the kingdom of God? This paper is a very small step at attempting to serve God’s
Signed by the delegates to the people, but it is a step. We have had many testimonies of God using this little
Continental Congress in 1776, The paper at just the right moment, with just the right message, for someone with a
Declaration of Independence of the great need. We desire to encourage the hearts of God’s people to keep going on
United States contains these phrases: for the Lord. Don’t stop! Don’t quit! Don’t despair! Don’t turn around! Don’t
“We hold these truths to be lose hope and whatever you do, don’t lose you joy, for that is your strength.
self-evident, that all men are created If this little paper could encourage your heart, when you need encour-
equal, that they are endowed by their agement, then it will be worth it all. Not everyone can or should stop and write
Creator with certain unalienable rights, a paper each month, but if you are not busy about reaching out to others at this
that among these are life, liberty, and time, why don’t you join hands with us and support us as we reach out to others.
the pursuit of happiness....” This little paper goes to over 1100 people each month. We have not worked at
“With a firm reliance on the increasing our output, but have added names as the Lord brings them to us. We
protection of Divine Providence....” hope to add many this fall. Gloria and I will be celebrating our 50th anniversary
this September 1 and we hope to take the month of August and travel north. We
(Continued from page 3) would like to visit some of Wonderful Word’s supporting churches, if at all pos-
sible. Maybe we will be able to meet you. We would like to get to know more
God’s Provisions
about the people on our mailing list. We love to hear how the good hand of the
I said, “We asked you if you had fur-
Lord is working in other’s lives.
nished apartments and you said no.”
Again, we say thank you to all who have faithfully supported this work
She said, “I don’t, but I used to and
and for the new ones who have joined us lately. As you give, please do not forget
the furniture is stored in under your
to pray for God’s hand to be upon this work and for His leading, concerning the
apartment.” She told me when Jerry
articles each month. If you see God doing a great work, write to us and share it
came home to go and get everything
with us.
we needed. She gave us the furniture.
Please pray for our country. As we celebrate our freedom, we must re-
It was wonderful and just what we
member that it will not always be here if we do not return to the God of our fa-
needed. We had been on top of it for
thers. America has a great disease and needs the healing hand of God upon her.
almost two months. So close and so
He is her only hope.
far away. God knew that we did not
Write to us at, Tid Bits of Wisdom, 1801 Old Hickory Trail, DeSoto,
need to owe for furniture. He wants us
Texas, 75115, or e-mail us at
to wait upon Him and He will supply
our every need.
NEXT time we would tithe! I went into the grocery store and bought a couple of
You would think when the
things and was going to wait until the next day to buy groceries. I lost my wallet
Lord makes Himself so obvious, that
in the store. God got His tithe. The next day, one of the men at Jerry’s work heard
you would always trust Him and you
what had happened and loaned Jerry $40 until his next paycheck. Our groceries
wouldn’t do anything wrong again.
cost us $80 that week. I don’t believe we have ever missed paying our tithe since
WRONG! Jerry got his first check and
then. I have been very attentive to the needs of others around me since that expe-
our tithe was $40, but we needed food
rience and I’m grateful for the lessons I learned. --Editor
so we decided we would buy food and
TID BIT’S of WISDOM from the Non-Profit Organ.
Publishers, Inc. Permit 697
1801 Old Hickory Trail DeSoto, Texas 75115
DeSoto, Texas 75115

My Country 'Tis of Thee

My country, 'tis of thee, &
Sweet land of liberty, If my peo- Tid Bit’s of Wisdom
--Psalms 68:11--
Of thee I sing;
Land where my fathers died,
ple , which Founded December, 1966
Land of the pilgrims' pride, are called the official voice of WONDERFUL
WORD PUBLISHERS, a non-profit,
From every mountainside, by my name, religious organization, endeavoring
Let freedom ring! shall humble to publish Gospel Literature in the
Spanish Language for world-wide

My native country, thee, themselves, distribution, through Bible believing

Missionaries at no cost to them. It is
Land of the noble free, and pray, published as the Lord enables. It is
dedicated to Missionary activity on the
Thy name I love; and seek my fields already white unto harvest, and
I love thy rocks and rills,
face, and contending for the verbally inspired
Thy woods and templed hills; Word, exalting the LIVING WORD.
My heart with rapture thrills, turn from SPANISH TRACTS
Like that above. their wicked Mrs. Rose & Connie Cimino
110 West Lincoln
ways; then P.O. Box 2583
Our fathers' God, to Thee, Harlingen, Texas 78551-2583
Author of liberty,
will I hear
To Thee we sing; from heaven, ‘TID BIT’S OF WISDOM’
Long may our land be bright and will for- Bro. Jerry & Gloria Brewster
With freedom's holy light; give their sin,
1801 Old Hickory Trail
DeSoto, Texas 75115
Protect us by Thy might,
Great God, our King. and will heal E-mail
their land.

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