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Pearson BTEC Level 3 Nationals

Creative Digital Media


Unit 8: Responding to a Commission

Extended Certificate/Foundation Diploma/Diploma/
Extended Diploma A

Sample assessment material for first teaching

September 2016


 nit 8 assessment task contains three parts, Part A, Part B and Part B Answer
and Template Booklet.
 art A contains material for the completion of the preparatory work for
the set task.
Part A will be released 2 weeks before the supervised assessment session

(Part B) as timetabled by Pearson.
Part A is specific to each series and this material must only be issued to learners

who have been entered to undertake the task in the relevant series.
Part B contains materials for the set task.

Part B should be completed using the workbook that is available in electronic

format or hard copy (word document).
Part B will be completed in 5 hours under supervised conditions specified

byPearson to respond to the task.


Paper reference

2016 Pearson Education Ltd.
1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/1

Turn over
Instructions to Teachers/Tutors
This paper must be read in conjunction with the unit information in the
specification and the BTEC Nationals Instructions for Conducting External
Assessments (ICEA) document. See Pearson website for details.
Part A will be issued to learners 2 weeks prior to undertaking Part B of
Part A
Learners are expected to use the preparatory 2 week period to generate and
plan ideas in response to the commission in Part A.
Up to 4 sides of A4 notes containing visualisations can be taken into the
supervised assessment (Part B).
Teachers/tutors cannot give any support to learners during the preparatory
period and the work must be completed independently by the learner.
Part B
Centres can schedule the supervised assessment period as appropriate
for their learners, provided the 5 hours for producing final outcomes
are under the level of supervision specified in accordance with the
Part B will be a supervised assessment of 5 hours to be held during a
two-day window set by Pearson.
Refer carefully to the instructions in the task booklet and the Instructions
for Conducting External Assessments (ICEA)document to ensure that
the preparatory period is conducted correctly and the learners have the
opportunity to carry out the required activities independently.

2 S52588A
Guidance for Learners
Read Part A information carefully as this contains the information you will
need to prepare for Part B.
Part A. You will receive the commission and carry out your own preparatory
work over the next 2 weeks.
Part B. You will complete this task under supervised conditions over 5 hours.
You must work independently and should not share your work with
Your teacher/tutor cannot give you feedback during the completion of
PartA and Part B. If there is anything in the task instructions you are
unclear about, you should ask your tutor before starting your preparation.

Part A Instructions
1. Read the commission and the task instructions carefully.
2. Analyse the information provided.
3. Choose one commission only for your response
Commission 1 Promotional video
Commission 2 Website
Commission 3 Audio podcast
Commission 4 Leaflet
Commission 5 Digital game
4. Generate and plan ideas in response to your chosen commission and
medium using the information provided.
Conduct your preparatory work in the following areas:
your rationale
your pitch
your proposal
your treatment

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Part B Instructions
After the 2 week preparation period, you will be given Part B to complete
over 5 hours under supervised conditions.
During the supervised assessment Part B you are not permitted to:
work with others

During the supervised assessment Part B you will be permitted access to:
Part A (the commission)
Part B
answer booklet (electronic or hard copy)
pens and drawing materials
storyboarding software
up to 4 sides of notes on A4 including your own prepared imagery

Outcomes for submission

Completed Part B workbook (printout of the completed electronic
workbook or handwritten paper copy).
Work for Activity 4 to be completed within the treatment templates or
any appropriate template (a maximum of three sides of visual material
and three sides of justifications/explanations).
An authentication sheet is required confirming that learner work has
been completed as directed.

4 S52588A
Part A Set Task Information
Action On Self-Harm is a charity that supports young people who are
affected by intentional self-harm. The charity raises awareness about the
issue and is commissioning media products for its new campaign.
Read through the information provided.
Choose ONE of the five commissions offered to plan your response.
In responding to the commission, you must incorporate your research
completed during Part A into your final response.


Action On Self-Harm is an independent charity set up to provide help and
support to young people across the UK who are affected by intentional
selfharm and to raise awareness of the issue.
There has been a big increase in the number of young people being admitted
to hospital as a result of intentional self-harm (the figure increased by 68%
between 200211). The latest research shows that more than half of adults
with mental health problems developed these, and were diagnosed, during
their childhood. Most of them did not receive appropriate treatment at
the time. Over 250,000 UK children suffer with anxiety and 80,000 suffer
Action On Self-Harm has a focus on raising awareness of young people with
mental health issues. Our mission is to recognise, act and support young
people who might self-harm to help minimise the damage that it can
cause. We want to assist young people to access the appropriate support
Action On Self-Harm offers training and development to organisations
working with young people. We run workshops and talks for young
people around the UK and offer confidential advice, individual case studies
andappropriate support through our website. We are an independent charity
and rely on donations from individuals and businesses to support our activity.
We are currently commissioning a set of products for a media campaign to
raise awareness of the problem of self-harm.

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6 S52588A
Action On Self-Harm needs a short (maximum six minutes) video aimed at
young people that raises awareness of self-harm.
We expect this resource to be available in schools and colleges for the start
of the next academic year so you will need to consider the timescales and
logistics involved.
It is worth pointing out that we have sent this request to a number of
media producers so we will need you to persuade us that your idea is worth
We look forward to working with you.

Action On Self-Harm needs a new website that raises awareness (of at least
four pages) aimed at young people that includes links to our services.
We expect this resource to be available in schools and colleges for the start
of the next academic year so you will need to consider the timescales and
logistics involved.
It is worth pointing out that we have sent this request to a number of
media producers so we will need you to persuade us that your idea is worth
We look forward to working with you.


Action On Self-Harm needs a short (maximum 10 minutes) audio podcast
aimed at young people that raises awareness of self-harm.
We expect this resource to be available in schools and colleges for the start
of the next academic year so you will need to consider the timescales and
logistics involved.
It is worth pointing out that we have sent this request to a number of
media producers so we will need you to persuade us that your idea is worth
We look forward to working with you.

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Turn over
Action On Self-Harm needs a colour tri-fold leaflet (to be printed on two
sides of A4) aimed at young people that raises awareness of self-harm.
We expect this resource to be available in schools and colleges for the start
of the next academic year so you will need to consider the timescales and
logistics involved.
It is worth pointing out that we have sent this request to a number of
media producers so we will need you to persuade us that your idea is worth
We look forward to working with you.producers so we will need you to
persuade us that your idea is worth taking forward.
We look forward to working with you.


Action On Self-Harm needs an interactive game (for web and mobile
platforms) aimed at young people that raises awareness of self-harm.
We expect this resource to be available in schools and colleges for the start
of the next academic year so you will need to consider the timescales and
logistics involved.
It is worth pointing out that we have sent this request to a number of
media producers so we will need you to persuade us that your idea is worth
We look forward to working with you.

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