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1. What is the area in sq.

cm of the circle circumscribed about an

equilateral triangle with a side 10 cm long?
a. 104.7
b. 105.7
c. 106.7
d. 107.7
Answer: a

2. The area of a triangle inscribed in a circle is 39.19 cm 2 and the radius

of the circumscribed circle is 7.14 cm. If the two sides of the inscribed
triangle are 8 cm and 10 cm, respectively, find the third side.
a. 11 cm
b. 12 cm
c. 13 cm
d. 14 cm
Answer: d
3. The area of a triangle is 8346 sq. m and two of its interior angles are
37o25 and 56o17. What is the length of the longest side?
a. 171.5 m
b. 181.5 m
c. 191.5 m
d. 200.5 m
Answer: b

4. Two perpendicular chords both 5 cm from the center of a circle divide

the circle into four parts. If the radius of the circle is 13 cm, find the
area of the smallest part.
a. 30 cm2
b. 31 cm2
c. 32 cm2
d. 33 cm2
Answer: b

5. The angle of a sector is 30o and the radius is 15 cm. What is the area of
the sector in cm2?
a. 59.8
b. 89.5
c. 58.9
d. 85.9
Answer: c
6. The distance between the centers of the three circles which are
mutually tangent to each other externally are 10, 12, and 14 units. The
area of the largest circle is?
a. 72
b. 23
c. 64
d. 16
Answer: c

7. The arc of a sector is 9 unites and its radius is 3 units. What is the area
of the sector in square units?
a. 12.5
b. 13.5
c. 14.5
d. 15.5
Answer: b
8. A circle having an area of 452 sq. m is cut into two segments by a
chord which is 6 m from the center of the circle. Compute the area of
the bigger segment.
a. 354. 89 sq. m
b. 363. 68 sq. m
c. 378. 42 sq. m
d. 383. 64 sq. m
Answer: b

Multiply the three equations: ( xy )( yz ) ( zx )=( 15 ) ( 35 ) ( 21 ) ( xyz )2=11025

xyz=105 Eq .4

Substitute xy=15 to Eq. 4: 15 z=105 ; z =7

Substitute yz=35 to Eq. 4: 35 x=105 ; x =3

Substitute zx=21 to Eq. 4: 21 y=105 ; z=5

x+ y+ z=3+5+7=15

x y z
9. Solve for y: = =
bc ac ab

a. xz

b. x+ z

c. a+b

d. ab

Answer: b
( bc ) bycy ( ab ) ay by
x= y = z= y =
ac ac ac ac

by cy ay by aycy y ( ac )
x+ z = + x+z = = x+ z = y
ac ac ac ac

10. Find the value of x which will satisfy the following expression:
x2= x+ 2
a. 3/2
b. 9/4
c. 18/6
d. None of these
Answer: d
Solution: Squaring both sides

2 2 3
( x2 ) =( x +2 ) x2=x + 4 x + 4 4 x=6 x=

of the choices
x= , but will not staisfy the given equation

11. If a two digit number has x for its units digit and y for its tens
digit, represent that number.
a. 10x+y
b. 10y+x
c. yx
d. xy
Answer: b
Solution: y=tens digit, x=units digit
12. Tens less than four times a certain number is 14. Determine the
a. 6
b. 7
c. 8
d. 9
Answer: a
Solution: x=unknown, 4x-10=14; x=6
13. Pedro can paint a fence 50% faster than Juan and 20% faster
than Pilar, and together they can paint a given fence in four hours.
How long will it take Pedro to paint the same fence if he had to work
a. 6
b. 8
c. 10
d. 12
Answer: c
Solution: Let A=no. of hrs. Pedro can paint the fence
B= no. of hrs. Juan can paint the fence
C= no. of hrs. Pilar can paint the fence

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
+ + = ( Eq .1 )
A B C 4 A
B( )
( Eq .2 )
=1.2( )
( Eq.3 )

Solving the three equations, A=10

14. Ten liters of 25% salt solution and 15 liters of 35% salt solution
are poured into a drum originally containing 30 liters of 10% salt
solution. What is the percent concentration of salt in the mixture?
a. 19.55%
b. 22.15%
c. 27.05%
d. 25.72%
Answer: a

Solution: 0.25 ( 10 ) +0.35 ( 15 ) +0.10 ( 30 )=x ( 10+ 15+30 ) x=19.55

15. An equation in which only integer solutions are allowed.

a. Lagrangian equation
b. Callan-Symanzik equation
c. Diophantine equation
d. Euler equation
Answer: c

16. A mathematical relationship equating one quantity to another

which may initially appear to be different.
a. Identity
b. Axiom
c. Postulate
d. Inequality
Answer: a
Solution: Weisstein, Eric W. "Identity." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web
17. The formal term used for a collection of objects.
a. Family
b. Class
c. Group
d. None of these
Answer: a
Solution: Barile, Margherita. "Family." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web
Resource, created by Eric W. Weisstein.
18. A statement that is taken to be true without proof.
a. Lemma
b. Theorem
c. Postulate
d. None of these
Answer: c
Solution: Weisstein, Eric W. "Postulate." From MathWorld--A Wolfram
Web Resource.
19. An immediate consequence of a result already proved.
a. Lemma
b. Porism
c. Theorem
d. Corollary
Answer: d
Solution: Weisstein, Eric W. "Corollary." From MathWorld--A Wolfram
Web Resource.

20. It is an archaic type of mathematical proposition whose historical

purpose is not entirely known.
a. Lemma
b. Porism
c. Postulate
d. Corollary
Answer: b
Solution: Barnett, J. K. R. and Weisstein, Eric W. "Porism." From
MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.
21. It is an assumed form for a mathematical statement that is not
based on any underlying theory or principle.
a. Ansatz
b. Hypothesis
c. Conjecture
d. Implication
Answer: a
Solution: Carrara, Mark D. "Ansatz." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web
Resource, created by Eric W. Weisstein.
22. A function which is not an algebraic function.
a. Elementary function
b. Transcendental function
c. Both a and b
d. None of these
Answer: b
Solution: Weisstein, Eric W. "Transcendental Function." From
MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.
23. Inference of the truth of an unknown result obtained by noting its
similarity to a result already known to be true.
a. Intuition
b. Induction
c. Analogy
d. None of these
Answer: c
Solution: Weisstein, Eric W. "Induction." From MathWorld--A Wolfram
Web Resource.
24. A series in which the difference between any two consecutive
terms is a constant.
a. Arithmetic series
b. Geometric series
c. Power series
d. Taylor series
Answer: a
25. An Abelian group together with a rule for multiplying its
a. Group
b. Field
c. Ring
d. None of these
Answer: c
26. An abstract group generated by a single element.
a. Dihedral Group
b. Cyclic Group
c. Finite Group
d. None of these
Answer: b
27. A member of a four-dimensional noncommutative division
algebra over the real numbers.
a. Ring
b. Field
c. Group
d. None of these
Answer: d
Solution: Quarterion.
28. A quantity that describes the length, size, or extent of a
mathematical object.
a. Norm
b. Vector
c. Tensor
d. None of these
Answer: a
29. Jojo bought a second hand Betamax VCR and then sold it to Rudy
at a profit of 40%. Rudy then sold the VCR to Noel at a profit of 20%. If
Noel paid P 2,856 more than it cost to Jojo, how much did Jojo paid for
the unit?
a. P 4,000
b. P 4,100
c. P 4,200
d. P 4,300
Answer: c
x = price Jojo paid for the VCR
1.4x = price Rudy paid for the VCR
1.2(1.4x) = price Noel paid for the VCR
1.2(1.4x) = x+2856
30. How many terms of the progression 3, 5, 7, must be taken in
order that their sum will be 2600?
a. 48
b. 49
c. 50
d. 51
Answer: c
a1=3; a2=5 ; a3 =7 By inspection, d=2 S=
[ 2a 1+ ( n1 ) d ]
[ 2(3)+ ( n1 ) 2 ] n=50

31. Determine x so that: x, 2x+7, 10x-7 will be a geometric

a. 7, -7/12
b. 7, -5/6
c. 7, -14/5
d. 7, -7/6
Answer: d

a 2 a3 2 x +7 10 x 7
a1=x ; a2=2 x +7 ; a3 =10 x 7 r= = =
a 1 a2 x 2 x+7

( 2 x +7 )2 =x ( 10 x7 ) 6 x 235 x49=0 x=7,

32. If equal spheres are piled in the form of a complete pyramid with
an equilateral triangle as base, find the total number of spheres in the
pile if each side of the base contains 4 spheres.
a. 15
b. 20
c. 18
d. 21
Answer: b

33. It takes Myline twice as long as Jeana to do a certain piece of

work. Working together, they can finish the work in 6 hours. How long
would it take Jeana to do it alone?
a. 9 hours
b. 18 hours
c. 12 hours
d. 14 hours
Answer: b

x=time for Myline finishthe job y=time for Jeana finish the job

1 1 1 1 1
+ = ( Eq .1 )
x y 6 x
( Eq.2 ) Solving for y , y=18 hours
34. A father tells his son, I was your age now when you were born.
If the father is now 38 year old, how old was his son 2 years ago?
a. 15
b. 17
c. 19
d. 21
Answer: b

35. What is the numerical coefficient of the term next to 495 x 8 y 4 ?

a. 660
b. 792
c. 990
d. 1100
Answer: b

Coefficient of PT ( Exponent of x ) 495(8)

Coefficient of NT = Coefficient of NT =
( Exponent of y )+ 1 ( 4 )+1

Coefficient of NT =792

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